#Uma Dinsmore
filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Alex e Emma Online fácil
Assistir Filme Alex e Emma Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/alex-e-emma/
Alex e Emma - Filmes Online Fácil
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Alex Sheldon (Luke Wilson) é um autor em apuros. Além de estar passando por bloqueio de escritor, o que lhe impede de terminar seu romance, deve US$ 100 mil a agiotas cubanos, que lhe deram o prazo de 30 dias para que pague a dívida ou será morto. O único meio visto por Alex para conseguir esta quantia dentro do prazo é concluindo seu livro. Para tanto ele contrata Emma Dinsmore (Kate Hudson), uma tipógrafa, para ajudá-lo a concluir o romance. Após dias e noites de árduo trabalho, realidade e ficção começam a se mesclar e eles acabam se apaixonando.
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innervoiceartblog · 5 years
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Decolonising Sleep Or the reparative power of rest as a radical act to restore rhythmic cycles Our online series Becoming Human explores the physical, psychological and experiential aspects of our current predicament and how we might realign our bodies and minds with the living systems. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli makes a case for the reclamation of sleep in an insomniac culture.
(via Decolonising Sleep - Dark Mountain)
IMAGE: Feeding from the Fire Below by Kate Walters  ~ Watercolour and conte on gesso-prepared canvas
“A dream of the Mother, a sense of being supported by the fruitfulness of an intense relationship with Nature, here embodied by a deer and an acacia tree; and the increasing and yet-to-be-born which gives Mothering life. The support is implied by the connection with a spirit animal –in this case the Horse, which according to Marie-Louise von Franz is the authentic ‘voice of the cells’  – in touch with the Fire which lights all life and is found in the earth.”
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placentamom · 5 years
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"Be aware of the round, nurturing swell of the belly, and feel the thriving new life which is growing inside. With the clarity of the mind’s eye, see the shape and form of your little baby resting within the womb. See the baby in an optimal fetal position, with his or her head down... See the curled body of the baby as he or she floats inside the safety of the womb, and guide the attention now around this tiny body. Know that as the attention moves to each part of the baby in turn, it is as if every part of the little body is being caressed. Allow the movement of mental attention around the baby’s body to send a loving, gentle mother’s touch to each part of the new being growing inside the womb." From the incredible book Yoni Shakti by Uma Dinsmore Tulli 🙏 • Art by @anneliesolis 💙💚💛 • #Repost @liv_moder • #pregnant #pregnancymeditation #sacredpregnancy #expecting #mothering #baby #love #birthart #birthisbeautiful #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Sacramento, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZpMmRpULy/?igshid=s2xum3o9t2bt
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hydeparkhistorian · 6 years
The House of Many Faces - Locusts on Hudson
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The house that now sits in Staatsburg just west of the Hopeland trails has had at least a couple of facelifts and several different interesting owners. Brockholst Livingston started developing the land along the Hudson and gave the property the name Locusts. There was said to have been a brick mansion on the property in the early portion of the 19th century. It was William Dinsmore who upgraded the house in 1871 to the more stylish Italianate villa style seen above. Dinsmore had done very well and made a fortune working for Alvin Adams and the Norwich Railroad line. He was made a partner and helped form the Adams Express Company which still exists today. At his property on the Hudson, Dinsmore took great pleasure in his gardens and livestock. Both his Jersey cattle and his pigs brought top dollar at market.
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Dinsmore’s granddaughter, Helen Huntington, decided that she no longer liked the style of the old family home and in 1941, she demolished the house to make way for a new design. Architect John Churchill designed a 15 room mansion to replace the old one. Many of the original farm buildings were left and still exist today. Helen was married to William Astor though the two spent most of their marriage apart and it was said that Helen preferred to spend time with her female companions even before she divorced Astor in 1941. She enjoyed the company of musicians and artists. Poet Glenway Wescott referred to her as “a grand old lesbian.”
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After Helen’s death in 1976, the house would then change hands again, this time to the hands of a man who made a fortune, selling sex. Bob Guccione had been an artist and even attended a Catholic seminary before he got creative with his photography and created Penthouse Magazine in 1965. The magazine started in the UK before coming to America in 1969, right at the height of the sexual revolution. For over 20 years Guccione pushed the envelope on sexual images, which made him one of the country’s wealthiest men in the 1980s. He and his companion, Kathy Keeton (who he married in 1988) purchased Locusts in 1985. Keeton is actually buried on the estate after she passed in 1997. 
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By the 90s, magazines like Penthouse were no longer sustainable with the popularity of the internet and free pornography. Guccione ultimately defaulted on the estate's $14.5 million mortgage, and the property was sold by a Dutchess County auction house in 2004 to actress Uma Thurman and her boyfriend, hotel owner Andre Balazs. Guccione died in 2010. Andre Balazs, who has purchased and restored several hotels around the country, still owns the house to this day.  
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palavradigital-blog · 2 years
Um roteiro para a produção e execução de projetos
Um roteiro para a produção e execução de projetos
Gerenciamento de Projetos e o Fator Humano – conquistando resultados através das pessoas, de Paul Campbell Dinsmore  e Fernando Henrique  da Silveira Nerto  com 15 capítulos e dois anexos sobre uma visão clássica de gerenciamento de projetos e o comportamento humano visto por especialistas, pode ser definido como o complemento de um livro anterior dos mesmos autores  publicado em 1884. A obra …
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liquifactions · 3 years
Download (PDF) Yoni Shakti: A Woman’s Guide to Power and Freedom Through Yoga and Tantra - Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
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    Read/Download Visit : https://ebookbiz.info/?book=1906756600
Book Synopsis :
Revised and updated edition, includes new prologue: 'Author's Warning'In this courageous and radical book, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli explores the sexual politics of yoga from a perspective that sees women's spiritual transformation as the most revolutionary force. Packed with fascinating real life stories and vibrant testimony, as well as history and philosophy and practical guidance, Yoni Shakti is about freedom and power, encompassing yoga, sex, health and spirituality.Always refreshing, irreverent and inspiring, Yoni Shakti brings womb yoga, Goddess-focused tantra and vibrant feminism together in an astonishingly potent combination.
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mindfullofyoga · 5 years
WOMEN'S YOGA CIRCLE with Sivani Mata
Yoga Nidra, Kirtan, Asana & Mudra
Come and share in this gathering of women, to connect and embrace our Shakti ~ innate feminine power.
Women's Yoga is a way of practising yoga that honours our ever-changing moods, cycles and rhythms. Bringing to the mat who we are today, right now, and moving, exploring from a place of awareness of that knowledge of what is present for us today. 
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In our circle we will experience gentle juicy yoga asana (stretches) and mudra (hand gestures) that honours our divine Shakti, immerse in Total Yoga Nidra - profound relaxation in a lying down meditation that is the fertile soil for the flowers of our inner wisdom to blossom, and share in the practice of Kirtan: singing mantra - healing sound formulas, from the heart, the seat of love within. All women welcome. Maha Shakti ki JAI! – All Power to the Great Deep Feminine Energy! 
Wednesday 19 February 2020 | 15:00 – 17:00 and also on
Monday 24 February 2020 19.00 - 21.00 After we close the session, there will be an opportunity to socialize with the circle of sisters with some tea and chocolate for about half an hour. Investment: €20 – Prebooking advised, please contact Marieke on [email protected] to book your space. Photo thanks to Murray Ballard. About Sivani Mata: Sivani Mata is an artist who is blessed to be a student of Bhakti (the yoga of love and devotion) and began her journey with this practice through attending various Kirtan evenings in London and on her travels. She is grateful for the many teachers and traditions that have influenced her journey, and is particularly inspired by the teachings of Babaji: to live in Truth, Simplicity and Love. She began to share Kirtan in her local London community in 2009 and has continued regularly ever since, there and around the UK and Europe. During this time Sivani Mata has released four Kirtan albums, the most recent titled Jasmine Garden which blends Kirtan with her passion for mystic poetry. Sivani Mata organised the UK's first ever Bhakti Music Festival (in August 2011), and subsequent BE LOVE Bhakti Immersion days in London, which have brought devotional musical practices from various traditions together as one, in the spirit of universal love and devotion. Inspired by her Bhakti practice, Sivani Mata also shares responsive yoga practice honouring naturallly arising internal rythms, including yoga nidra, nourishing asana and dance predominantly for woman, and co-teaches on Uma Dinsmore-Tuli's "Well Woman Yoga Therapy Teacher Training". Sivani Mata is also currently working on an exploration for ancient Goddess traditions from around the world through drawing and is writing a book on this theme called "Faces of the Feminine". www.naturalmysticbhajans.co.uk
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topbooksinhealth · 5 years
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Yoni Shakti - Uma Dinsmore-Tuli & Nirlipta Tuli http://dlvr.it/RLpzzx http://dlvr.it/RLpzzx
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alvaromatias1000 · 5 years
Ford Mustang Mach-E ganha petição de entusiastas para mudança de nome
Não é somente a Tesla que andou mexendo com o mercado automotivo americano ultimamente. A Ford, igualmente em Los Angeles, apresentou seu primeiro carro elétrico desenvolvido do zero para atuar de forma global, porém, usando o nome de um dos carros mais emocionais dos EUA, o Mustang.
Com o Mach-E, a Ford quer lançar uma série de carros elétricos de performance e para isso, o nome Mustang surge como uma forte submarca em seu entendimento. No entanto, isso não agradou os entusiastas e fãs do pony car nascido nos anos 60. Jimmy Dinsmore, entusiasta e historiador, entrou com uma petição para que a marca mude o nome do produto.
© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Ford Mustang Mach-E ganha petição de entusiastas para mudança de nome é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Ford Mustang Mach-E ganha petição de entusiastas para mudança de nome publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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mulheresativas2018 · 5 years
Spray pode aumentar em seis vezes tempo de ereção tratamento ejaculação precoce site oficial 👉 https://ift.tt/2lb885j kit 3 spray promoção 👉 https://ift.tt/2mBz8va olá galera do. Gozei sem querer. neste vídeo vou falar com vocês sobre um Esprey para demorar mais a gozar. Um Esprey criado por pesquisadores do Hospital Royal Victoria de Belfast, Irlanda do Norte, pode ajudar homens que sofrem de ejaculação precoce a prolongar o tempo da relação sexual em até seis vezes. ouça este vídeo até o final para entender mais sobre isso! Os homens que usaram o medicamento em testes cinco minutos antes do sexo estenderam o tempo da relação entre 30 segundos e quatro minutos. O Esprey tem anestésicos que agem localmente, no pênis. O estudo, publicado na revista especializada British Journal of Urology, a boa notícia é que o Esprey ja chegou aqui no Brasil e ja é licenciado pela ANVISA. deixo abaixo deste vídeo o site oficial od spray. Especialistas afirmam que até 40% dos homens sofrem de ejaculação precoce em algum momento da vida, mas é difícil ter uma estatística exata, pois ainda existe constrangimento para uma discussão da vida sexual entre homens e a definição de uma ejaculação precoce varia de homem para homem. Para alguns dez minutos de relação pode ser o bastante, mas para outros, uma relação que dure menos de 20 minutos pode ser insatisfatória. Mais de um minuto No estudo os pesquisadores analisaram 300 homens que regularmente tinham dificuldades em manter uma relação de mais de um minuto. A maioria destes homens tinha tentado outros tratamentos, o mais comum sendo antidepressivos via oral. Cada vez que eles mantinham uma relação durante o período de três meses do estudo, casa casal usava um cronômetro para marcar o tempo até a ejaculação. Os homens que testaram o spray, chamado de PSD502, conseguiram durar 6,3 vezes mais em média. O Volumão ajudou 90% dos homens a ter relações sexuais de até quatro minutos, sendo que anteriormente eles mantinham relações por apenas alguns segundos. Em comparação, homens que testaram um Esprey placebo duraram apenas 1,7 vezes mais. "Ejaculação precoce pode ser um problema muito aflitivo para os homens e pode causar frustração e fazer com que eles evitem relações sexuais", afirmou o professor Wallace Dinsmore, líder da pesquisa. "Nossa pesquisa mostra que quando o Esprey Volumão foi aplicado ao pênis do homem cinco minutos antes da relação, houve melhora na relação e na satisfação sexual, que são fatores chave para o tratamento da ejaculação precoce." "Isto pode ajudar particularmente os homens que têm problemas de ejaculação precoce relacionados com ansiedade", disse Paula Hall, da organização britânica de terapia sexual Relate. "Pode ajudar a aumentar a confiança deles, mas a causa da ansiedade ainda precisa ser tratada", acrescentou. Deixei o site oficial do Esprey abaixo do vídeo, aproveite enquabnto ainda há estoques para isso. compartilhe: https://youtu.be/I_GA8miXe6Y fonte: https://ift.tt/2kDTmnr Inscreva-se 👉 http://bit.ly/inscrever-saudesexual ejaculação precoce,spray sublingual para ejaculaçao precoce,pomada para ejaculação precoce,remedio para ejaculaçao precoce,spray sublingual para ejaculaçao precoce funciona,ejaculacao precoce,tratamento da ejaculação precoce,pomadas para ejaculação precoce,pomadas para ejaculacao precoce,pomada para ejaculaçao precoce masculina,pomada lidocaina para ejaculaçao precoce #ejaculacaoprecoce #disfunçãoeretil #tratamentonatural #receitascaseiras #viagranatural Saúde sexual😎 by Saude sexual
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daisyellamcnairy · 5 years
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palavradigital-blog · 2 years
Um roteiro para a produção e execução de projetos
Um roteiro para a produção e execução de projetos
Gerenciamento de Projetos e o Fator Humano – conquistando resultados através das pessoas, de Paul Campbell Dinsmore  e Fernando Henrique  da Silveira Nerto  com 15 capítulos e dois anexos sobre uma visão clássica de gerenciamento de projetos e o comportamento humano visto por especialistas, pode ser definido como o complemento de um livro anterior dos mesmos autores  publicado em 1884. A obra …
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isubuforever-blog · 6 years
O Que É Ter Uma Ereção De Qualidade, E Quais Problemas Podem Afeta
Essa situação é bem corriqueira em muitos homens, embora não seja admitido por vários deles. Assim, power red funciona melhor é sempre consultar um urologista para identificar a possível causa da ejaculação precoce e iniciar tratamento mais adequado. "Ejaculação precoce pode ser um problema muito aflitivo para os homens e pode causar frustração e fazer com que eles evitem relações sexuais", afirmou professor Wallace Dinsmore, líder da pesquisa.
termo disfunção erétil foi sugerido durante a realização de um consenso sobre impotência sexual realizado em 1992 tendo sido definido como: a incapacidade de obter e manter ereção suficiente para uma relação sexual satisfatória”. Se você e a parceira têm problemas no relacionamento, isso poderá interferir na relação sexual.
A ansiedade é um fator essencial e uma das principais causas da ejaculação precoce. Fazendo uma dieta com os alimentos certos a médio e longo prazo você vai perceber uma melhora em todos os aspectos de sua vida inclusive na vida sexual conseguindo ereção fortes de duradouras.
Com diagnóstico fechado, depois de uma investigação médica minuciosa, diversos tratamentos poderão ser utilizados para melhorar a qualidade da vida sexual do casal, a começar pelos medicamentos via oral. A causa exata da ejaculação precoce ainda é desconhecida, mas os médicos acreditam que fatores psicológicos e biológicos estejam envolvidos nos motivos que levam à ocorrência desse problema.
Um alto nível de estresse ou nervosismo, medo de que a parceira fique grávida ou passar por ridículo”, pode ter como resultado a perda do controle durante a relação sexual. Estudos indicam que cerca de 10 milhões de homens apresentam problemas de ereção no país e muitos vão se defrontar com a condição ainda este ano.
A acupuntura trata corpo como um todo não apenas a doença em si. É usada para mais de 10.000 anos para a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de várias doenças. Denota-se ejaculação precoce a incapacidade do homem de controlar reflexo ejaculatório, com ou sem penetração, antes que sua parceira atinja prazer ou orgasmo, podendo ocorrer com ou sem que homem atinja orgasmo junto à ejaculação.
"A ereção só não ocorre se paciente erra local da aplicação", diz médico. Saber entender próprio corpo também pode ajudar a chegar a essa fase da vida com tranqüilidade bem power red como manter um bom diálogo com parceiro em relação aos desejos e fantasias. Isso pode ter motivos diferentes em cada homem mas em 90% dos casos está associado a um uníco problema que atinge homens de qualquer idade.
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susanneridley-blog · 6 years
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“Our culture’s conventional definition of female sexuality truly is an empty shell, a poor shred of tat, packaged and sold back to us as if it were the beating heart of our sexual being. What we are persuaded to believe to be sexy and pleasurable has been reduced to the creation of this outer shell: our make-up and clothes, our hair and our shoes, our underwear, the fashionably depilated absences of our pubic hair, our surgically altered labia and breasts, and the fact that, because we are on the Pill, we are sexually available at all times: all of this is what we are ked to believe will really make us desirable. To be a sexual woman in our culture now is to be a woman who looks a certain way in order to elicit sexual desire in others. It has nothing to do with the inner arising of our own feelings and experiences. With all the focus on cosmetics and depilation, on surgical remodelling, on primping and preening, and on the consumption of synthetic hormones to render us easily available without the need to recognise our own cycle of sexual responsiveness, the true source of the inner power of female sexuality has been utterly neglected. It is as though we have re-painted the front door of the house whilst inside the whole place is falling apart, derelict, neglected and cold, with no fire in the grate” ~ Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
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meditationklaus · 7 years
What My Dog Teaches Me About Pranayama
We are regularly told to live in the present moment because after all, that is all we have. As humans, we struggle with this. The chitta vritti of our mind is too often a maelstrom of thoughts that consider the past and the future, forgetting the right now.   By comparison, my dog doesn’t want to go outside when it’s cold and raining. She doesn’t think about how going for a walk will make her fitter and appreciate her dinner. She just sees the rain and decides it’s more comfortable inside. Animals can teach us a lot about living in the present moment.   I have come to realise that my dog can also teach me about pranayama. As a yoga teacher specialising in retreats, I am aware of different yogic breathing techniques. What I learn from my dog is their practical application in an organic way, without being led or taught.   I thought that it might be fun to compare doggie pranayama with our own, so here are the top three lessons I learned from my dog about pranayama.
1. ‘Purr’
This is the sound she makes when she is warm and secure, and we give her a scratch and a cuddle. It evokes that sense of comfort when you feel satisfied, snuggled up on the sofa and cosy warm. It’s a bit like the soft purr of a cat but usually only occurs for short periods of time.
I liken it to ujjayi breath. A soft sigh on both the inhalation and the exhalation, not as consistent as the rise and falling ocean waves of a yoga ujjayi, but nevertheless seemingly produced using the same throat constriction. It is a sign of contentment, slowing the breath and slowing the mind, producing a feeling of calm.
2. ‘Sigh’
My dog always lets out a big audible sigh when she’s feeling tired and settling down for a nice snooze. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli teaches the importance of sighing when practicing pregnancy yoga as it helps to relax the muscles required for birth.
Sighing is a sense of letting go, and the more audible your sigh, the greater that sense can be. Further, a deep exhalation clears the lungs of stale air, making room not only for a deep new inhalation but also clean air, rich in Oxygen.
3. Nose Between Paws
This is something that I know cats do, but I’ve seen my dog do it too. To help them fall asleep, cats restrict their breathing by putting a paw against their nose. I think my dog does this as well. For us humans, taking deep, calm breaths help us not only to calm our minds—it’s also been proven to help us fall asleep.
This reminds of the natural breath we come to in Savasana. When we lie down in Corpse pose, we learn to take natural, effortless, unimpeded breath—often shallow but completely sufficient to nourish our body and mind as it lies at rest. The parasympathetic nervous system takes over and we can rest.
Animals can enhance our lives in so many ways and teach us a lot of things about life, and this is just one of them. Does your dog do all three things too? What has your dog or pet taught you?
The post What My Dog Teaches Me About Pranayama appeared first on DOYOUYOGA.COM.
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mindfullofyoga · 5 years
Kirtan with Sivani Mata & friends
The Yogic Practice of Heart-Centred Singing
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Sivani Mata is an artist who is blessed to be a student of Bhakti (the yoga of love and devotion) and began her journey with this practice through attending various Kirtan evenings in London and on her travels. She is grateful for the many teachers and traditions that have influenced her journey, and is particularly inspired by the teachings of Babaji: to live in Truth, Simplicity and Love. She began to share Kirtan in her local London community in 2009 and has continued regularly ever since, there and around the UK and Europe. During this time Sivani Mata has released four Kirtan albums, the most recent titled Jasmine Garden which blends Kirtan with her passion for mystic poetry. Sivani Mata organised the UK's first ever Bhakti Music Festival (in August 2011), and subsequent BE LOVE Bhakti Immersion days in London, which have brought devotional musical practices from various traditions together as one, in the spirit of universal love and devotion. Inspired by her Bhakti practice, Sivani Mata also shares responsive yoga practice honouring naturallly arising internal rythms, including yoga nidra, nourishing asana and dance predominantly for woman, and co-teaches on Uma Dinsmore-Tuli's "Well Woman Yoga Therapy Teacher Training". Sivani Mata is also currently working on an exploration for ancient Goddess traditions from around the world through drawing and is writing a book on this theme called "Faces of the Feminine". www.naturalmysticbhajans.co.uk  
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