#Nidra Shakti
maashaktiyogbali · 2 months
How Yoga Can Help in Stress Relief: A Guide—Maa Shakti Yog Bali
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Life can sometimes feel overwhelming, can't it? Sometimes, it's work, family, or just never-ending to-do lists. From all directions, stress finds its way in. We get it—stress comes as part and parcel with life. It doesn't have to define your life. Firsthand at Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we've seen how yoga can help you deal with stress and give yourself a feeling of serenity and balance in the midst of chaos.
Understand Stress and Its Effects.
Having a surge of stress whenever we are challenged is quite understandable, yet the extreme ones could be dangerous for both our mental and physical health. Chronic stress might result in anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness, and eventually, even somatic diseases like headaches or cardiovascular disorders. This is the reason: finding ways to effectively deal with stress is central to human existence, and yoga presents a great holistic approach toward that very end.
How Yoga Helps You Manage Stress
Yoga is more than just a physical workout; it's a practice that brings the mind, body, and spirit in unison. Following is how it works to melt away stress:
Connecting the Mind and Body:
Yoga makes us present in the moment. In case you are focusing on your breath and moving your body, that alone will help calm your nervous system right away. Just this act of focusing on your breath can trigger your body's relaxation response, allowing you to become more at ease. 
Deep Relaxation—Encouraging
Styles like Hatha and Yin Yoga are great for reducing stress. These more gentle practices allow you to slow down, holding a bit longer in the pose and really tuning into your body. It is as if to press the 'pause' button of life, allowing your body and mind to take a break from all chaos.
Incorporating mindfulness, meditation:
Mindfulness is being present, so the majority of yoga practice is involved with mindfulness. Through this mindfulness practice in yoga, you will begin to train your mind for peace and concentration to be applied in life whenever the situation becomes overwhelming. The meditation is done post-exercise, where one can work through the thoughts at large, thus quieting the mind and subsequently reducing stress.
Physical movement for the release of tension:
Practice yoga postures to alleviate physical tension and stress. This will increase the production of endorphins, which are those natural chemicals in the body that lighten your mood. Besides, the gentle stretching and toning in yoga will leave one with better circulation, so you will feel more energized and light, not weighed down by stress.
Improved Sleep:
If the stress remains awake, so are you; hence, yoga can help. These practices, like Yoga Nidra or restorative yoga, are particularly aimed at soothing your mind and body, which will therefore support falling asleep effortlessly. And we all know how a good night's sleep works on our stress levels.
Creating a Support System:
Yoga classes can be a beautiful way to connect with others on the same journey. When you connect with a supportive community, you may feel less alone and empowered to face life's challenges.
How to Get Started Using Yoga for Stress Relief
You don't have to be a yoga guru to begin enjoying its benefits. Here are some super-simple, no-fuss ways to bring yoga into your life:
Start Slow: If you are a complete beginner to yoga, start with more gentle styles, such as Hatha or Yin Yoga. Those are really good for beginners and truly work well for stress relief. Make It a Habit: The bottom line is that it needs to be regular. Even if you have time only for 10-15 minutes a day, regular yoga practice can make a big difference in how you deal with stress.
Bring Mindfulness into Everyday Life: Bring mindfulness into your everyday life—not just during a yoga practice. Even a few breaths can help ease stress.
Try Different Styles: You won't be afraid to try different yoga styles. Perhaps in some dynamic Vinyasa flow, you get energy, or maybe restorative yoga is what you need to relax.
Join a Community: The incentive and motivation to practice with others can be huge. Join either a local class or a group of yogis online and keep moving while staying connected and inspired.
Final Thoughts: Finding Peace Through Yoga
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we have witnessed how yoga works magic upon lives by stress management and balance within, a step ahead toward creating well-being. We believe that everybody deserves to feel at peace, no matter what life throws their way.
If you're ready to take the next step on that journey, go ahead and review our classes at Maa Shakti Yog Bali. Our serene environment and supportive community can help further your practice, find relief from stress, and live more harmoniously. Remember, stress is a part of life; however, with yoga, you hold that force within yourself to be able to manage it graciously and easily.
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melissaabbottyoga · 6 months
Settling the Prana Shakti Yoga Nidra Immersion
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Settling the Prana Shakti Yoga Nidra Immersion
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shubhameditations · 6 months
Settling the Prana Shakti Yoga Nidra Immersion
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Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course by Yog Power International
The goal of Kundalini yoga is to awaken Kundalini and work on the chakras, nadis, and body systems. By engaging in traditional yoga practices, you will be able to integrate Kundalini yoga into your life, master various techniques, and improve and hone your practice. Learning about inner strength and Kundalini awakening will be beneficial.
The ability to analyze your inner physical, mental, and spiritual self more deeply is strengthened by kundalini force. Additionally, you will learn how to create a harmonious bond between the Pingala, Sushumna, and Ida nadis. How to harness your inner strength and gain a profound understanding of how to direct your prana Shakti into each of the seven main Chakras.
Yoga sutras' eight limbs of yoga serve as the foundation for kundalini yoga courses. comprising Dhyana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, and Asanas. Bandhas, kriyas, mudras, and mantras.
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Course content:
Kundalini Yoga asanas
Understands of 72000 nadis
Three important energy channels.
Asanas practice with the help of purak rechak kumbhak
Breathing techniques (pranayamas).
Mudras, Kriyas.
kundalini tantra philosophy.
Healing process.
Understands the fundamentals about aura and chakras.
Chakras beej mantras with colour therapy.
Chakra Meditation.
Yog nidra.
Kundalini awakening meditation.
Kundalini diet.
Swadhan, Self-study and cleansing practices.
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idea-multilateral · 1 year
💡!dea Multilateral Interviste.
💡!dea Multilateral Interviste.
Intervistiamo Roberta Contini insegnante di yoga e Operatore Olistico Disciplina Craniosacrale. Chi è Roberta Contini?
Laureata in lettere e filosofia presso l'Università Tor Vergata (Roma), pratica lo yoga dal 1999. Diplomata presso l' "Accademia Yoga di Roma 1969", con i Maestri Giorgio ed Elisabetta Furlan, accreditata presso il Coni con la qualifica di "insegnante esperto" di yoga e Operatore Olistico Disciplina Craniosacrale. Lavora con l'Associazione Anemos Onlus presso il Centro Yoga Shiva Shakti da lei fondato, la prima scuola di yoga a Guidonia, insegnando Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra ed altre discipline annesse. Svolge seminari e conferenze presso il suddetto centro, con lo scopo di diffondere questa antica disciplina.
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D - Roberta come hai conosciuto il progetto !deaMultilateral?
Sono venuta a conoscenza del progetto grazie a degli imprenditori amici presenti all’area di Villanova. L’aspetto che più mi ha colpito è quello etico. Tutti i possessori di partita IVA che possano condividere beni e servizi possono farne parte: nessuno escluso.
D - Sei insegnate di Yoga, nel progetto !deaMultilateral dove si percepisce molto il valore dell’unione. Cosa ne pensi in proposito?
Questo progetto che si fonda sull’unione degli imprenditori e dei liberi professionisti, mi è piaciuto fin da subito. Anche la parola “Yoga” significa “unione”, unione con il tutto. Si lavora per il benessere proprio, ma anche degli altri, un po’ come nel progetto !dea.
Grazie Roberta! Ci vediamo mercoledì prossimo per la seconda parte dell’Intervista!
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janisleinemara · 2 years
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Tradição e transmissão (darsanas do hinduísmo)
História do Yoga
Filosofias da Índia relacionadas
Filosofia Vedanta (Introdução com curso online, aulas gravadas)
Yogas Sutras de Patanjali
Bhagavad Gita
Raja Yoga (com técnicas de aulas em sete séries)
Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Alfabetização em Sânscrito
Mitologia: As várias concepções de Deus no hinduísmo
Sat Sanga: Como montar um altar, Mantras, Símbolos, Rituais, Puja, Arati.
Corpo sutil: Prana, Koshas, Kundalini, Chakras e Nadis.
Asanas(anatomia, fisiologia, fundamentos, execução, treinamento, benefícios, aplicações terapêuticas), Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayamas, Kriyas.
Diário espiritual
Yoga Nidra
Dieta Alimentar e Nutrição (Vegetariana, com receitas e preparação).
Aulas especiais (Yoga Infantil, Yoga para Gestantes, Yoga para Idosos, Yoga com abordagem terapêutica). Nestas aulas não há nenhuma modificação ou adaptação dos Asanas, há apenas uma escolha de asanas que se adaptam melhor ao momento de vida do aluno.
Séries práticas importantes:
Shakti Bandha
Surya Namaskar
Chandra Namaskar
Sequência do Guerreiro
Obs. Material didático em PDF liberado módulo à modulo.  
Se isto agregou valor para você curta e compartilhe. Que todos cuidem dos demais!
PS. Não pratique sozinho! Busque um professor. Você protege a Tradição, a Tradição protege você!
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innervoiceartblog · 5 years
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Decolonising Sleep Or the reparative power of rest as a radical act to restore rhythmic cycles Our online series Becoming Human explores the physical, psychological and experiential aspects of our current predicament and how we might realign our bodies and minds with the living systems. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli makes a case for the reclamation of sleep in an insomniac culture.
(via Decolonising Sleep - Dark Mountain)
IMAGE: Feeding from the Fire Below by Kate Walters  ~ Watercolour and conte on gesso-prepared canvas
“A dream of the Mother, a sense of being supported by the fruitfulness of an intense relationship with Nature, here embodied by a deer and an acacia tree; and the increasing and yet-to-be-born which gives Mothering life. The support is implied by the connection with a spirit animal –in this case the Horse, which according to Marie-Louise von Franz is the authentic ‘voice of the cells’  – in touch with the Fire which lights all life and is found in the earth.”
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girishusblog-blog · 5 years
The Existence Is Inviting Us At All The Time For Awakening
Retrain the brain- release stress & discover Inner peace. Module-1 Discipline, educate and empower the mind As you uninstall the old software, reinstall upgrade and latest software for the smooth functioning of PC, the program evolves the mind and the brain that awakens to inner peace and happiness. The program includes an understanding of Kundalini, Nada, Mantra, Mudra, Yoga-Nidra, Pranayama, Chakra, Vayu, Granthi, Yantra, Tray Sarira, five Koshas, Shiva-Shakti as taught by great masters of Eastern Wisdom.  The Module -1 has 10 sessions for 10 hours
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The essence of teaching, practices and personalized sessions for individual and groups is based on revelations of great masters Dattatreya, Kapila, and Complete books of Upanishads, Gita and Sutra. The integral teaching from Eastern Wisdom drops all the obstacles one after one and opens the gateway to freedom, peace, happiness, love, wisdom to live life with our true nature.
The module -1 gives you knowledge, practices, power, and experience to start working on the mind that changes the brain. The brain changes your attitudes that bring about change in personality and life. When mind works on us, it makes us lazy, crazy, reactive, stressed, negative and suffer.
It is all about replication and originality We can buy the same ford car in any country. It is a miracle of science that creates the same car all around the world. What about the existence that creates humans, everyone is unique? We are unique and one in approx. seven billion people on the earth. There is a difference between originality and duplication.  Humans are very good at duplication, and their existence is excellent in originality.
We recognize, praise and pride our creation because we are the creators, which is nothing but duplication. We hardly see the beauty, love, and wisdom of the existence which creates everything original. Our contribution is very little which is simply supporting this uniqueness and originality in creation. The replication in modern technology overshadows this originality.
Self-discovery is in reality discovery of this existence This invention, discovery, and research outside the human frame are insignificant as compared to self-discovery. No doubt, modern technology, and its applications have made our life comfortable but not peaceful, full of pleasure but devoid of inner happiness. Even a scientist has to discover – the self within to be happy and in peace. What is original has some different substance in it that cannot be compared with what we replicate every day in technology and its applications. An Ancient Greek mathematician, Archimedes ran out of the bathroom, naked crying ‘Eureka’ – I found it. Wikipedia writes – ‘He was asked to determine whether the dishonest goldsmith had substituted some silver, in the crown of a king. Archimedes had to solve the problem without damaging the crown, so he could not melt it down into a regularly shaped body to calculate its density. While taking a bath, he noticed that the level of the water in the tub rose as he got in and realized that this effect could be used to determine the volume of the crown’.
Eastern Wisdom shows Kundalini meditation free from dangers and mixing We need to solve the puzzle of how this existence creates all of us. The masters guide us to work on four questions:
Who am I?
What is this world and why?
What is existence?
How to live and work in peace, happiness, love, and wisdom in daily life?
The answers to the above questions bring us near to the existence. Many people it as spiritual development, awakening or Kundalini. And if ancient seers called it, spiritual, that means another dimension of consciousness. Spirituality is nothing but knowing the existence that transcends the mind and body. It is the self or real-self or higher consciousness. When we approach this existence through its force is known as Kundalini-yoga/ meditation.
Kundalini is an integral approach to inner peace, happiness, and wisdom The tantra is agama which means, revelations from Shiva, the first master. There are over 500 ancient texts that explain in detail about Kundalini. If we want a journey free from dangers, fears, and confusions, we should follow the teachings of the ancient masters.
The journey to kundalini does not divide us as seen in modern teachings. It discovers the unity and oneness within.  The division in material and spiritual lives causes ignorance, says, masters. And ignorance causes suffering that includes fears, confusions, wrong notions, and strong likes and dislikes.
One can start the journey by self-assessment as taught by the masters because it makes a transition in life and makes a seeker. A seeker who does initial practices of Viveka (discernment of what I am and what I am not) clears his mind. The second principle  Vairagya (dispassion and not delusion) , awakens to six inner treasures ( while dissolving six enemies of cravings, obsessions, agitation etc. ) of conscious relaxation, refining the sense perception to see what is right and good in life, working on the mind to express calm, discipline and educating the mind etc.
Mentor and Guide:  Girish Jha, MS. BS has been teaching wellness for the last 40+ years to patients seeking proven results without relying on pharmaceuticals. He has helped to improve the quality of life of persons who have psychological disorders (ADHD, PTSD & anxiety) and physical illnesses (muscular dystrophy, various forms of cancer and debilitating pain.  Girish Jha has studied Eastern psychology and hundreds of traditional practices under 50 Himalayan Masters in addition to his formal training in modern sciences. He directly delivers the program. Great Himalayan masters mentor him. He learned from more than 50 masters based on the authentic texts. The Eastern wisdom that is more than 6000 years old, with 3000 teachers and texts.
Ref Link - http://tiny.cc/hec45y
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How Shirodhara can enhance an Abhyangam Experience
Abhyangam Massage, as you know, induces muscle relaxation and has a calming effect. Shirodhara, the pouring of a liquid over the forehead, induces a deep relaxation on the level of the mind. When shirodhara is done after Ayurvedic massage or abhyangam there is a deep enhancement of the relaxing effects which occurs due to the sequential use of both these body therapies ayurvedic massage in coimbatore.
 Shirodhara Therapy Relaxes + Strengthens The Mind
 The head is the substratum for life (Prana). All the sense organs (Indriyas) are situated on the head. The head occupies the first place amongst the vital organs of the body.
 The process of shirodhara provides strength to one’s vitality (Prana) and all the sense organs (Indriyas). The sense organs are in close contact with the mind so when they remain healthy, the mind automatically remains healthy. In this way shirodhara keeps the body and mind healthy.
 Shirodhara Massage Purifies The Mind
 Shirodhara mainly works on the mental sheath (manomaya kosha). It effectively purifies the mental sheath, where patterns of behavior (vasanas) and emotional traumas can distract the mind from its role in supporting good health and spiritual growth.
 Once the mental sheath is cleared, the individual mind can choose, without distraction, to move into the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha). Once the bliss sheath is activated, the flow of energy (Shakti) and consciousness can freely move through each and every sheath (kosha) creating better health, peace of mind, and spiritual progress through one’s life.
 If the subtle bodies, doshas, Vata, energy channels (nadis), center of activity (chakras), and channels (srotas) are blocked, then there is physical imbalance, emotional disturbance, and mental unrest which is very prevalent in our current society.
Shirodhara Massage Encourages Bliss
 During the shirodhara procedure, after the Ayurvedic massage, the goal is to have a pure experience of consciousness in every cell of the body, from the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha) to the physical sheath (annamaya kosha). When this happens, the center of activity receives, assimilates and expresses prana or life force energy (chakras).
 The subtle energy channels of the body (nadis) then carry the cosmic life force that keeps us alive (kundalini shakti) up to the spine to its goal, the seventh chakra. Sahaswara which is the highest point on the body, located at the crown of the head, is your source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to your higher self.
 Shirodhara Massage Regulates All The Chakras
 Between both eyebrows is one of the seven chakras, the third eye chakra or Anja chakra. It controls the function of the other chakras. When the client receives shirodhara and meditates on the Dhara, the point where the oil meets the forehead, it enhances the power of the Ajna chakra and thereby regulates the function of the other chakras.
 The brain is considered the seat of consciousness (Chetana) which is vitiated by the Raja Tama Guna, the qualities of rajas and tamas. Shirodhara restores consciousness (Chetana) by giving strength to the brain.
 Shirodhara Induces Rest + Sleep
 Shirodhara brings the sense organs into a peaceful state of rest which helps in inducing sleep. It produces almost similar effects as that of Yoga Nidra.
 How Shirodhara Works
 Shirodhara is administered by gently and methodically pouring warm herbal oil over the forehead. Focusing on Ajna chakra with closed eyes during meditation leads to psychosomatic harmony. As the oil drips onto the Ajna chakra, it is proposed that the meditation-like effect is a consequence of stilling the mind leading to adaptive response to basal stress.
 During shirodhara the metabolic rate drops, and the brain waves become slow and coherent. The process brings the nervous system into the depths of inner silence and calms the mind, body, and spirit.
 The neurophysiological mechanism of the effects of shirodhara on the psycho-physiological changes may be related to the tactile stimulation of the skin or hair follicles innervated by the first branch of the trigeminal nerves (ophthalmic nerve). The impulses are being transmitted to the thalamus through the principal nucleus and forward to the cerebral cortex (somatosensory field) or limbic system.
 Shirodhara Has Amazing, Unique Benefits
 The effects of Shirodhara in reducing anxiety could be attributed to the somato-autonomic reflex through thermo sensors or pressure sensors in the skin or hair follicles via the trigeminal cranial nerve ayurvedic massage in race course coimbatore.
 In this procedure, pressure and vibration is created on the forehead. The vibration is amplified by the hollow sinus present in the frontal bone. The vibration is then transmitted inwards through the fluid medium of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This vibration along with little temperature may activate the functions of thalamus and the basal fore brain which then brings the amount of serotonin and catecholamine to the normal stage inducing sleep.
 Shirodhara stimulates the pineal gland which produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin regulates the wake sleep cycles of the body.
 Shirodhara is becoming increasingly popular in day spas where it is used to relieve fatigue and promote relaxation.  As oil is poured onto the forehead, the nervous system is deeply stilled. The brain waves slow down and become coherent. Once the brain is free, the channels of life (pranavaha and manovaha srotas) begin to transport life (prana), oxygen, and other necessary nutrients to the brain ayurvedic massage in coimbatore.
 When the brain is free and the channels (srotas) are activated, the cerebral circulation is greatly improved, and access to these mood stabilizing receptors is enhanced. Furthermore, it may open new paradigms for exploring what we refer to as spiritual biotechnology.
 In India, Shirodhara is a common and age-old Ayurvedic practice, and the clinical benefits are being observed by Ayurvedic practitioners in thousands of clients.
 The Effects Of Shirodhara
 During Shirodhara, amplification of vibrations on the intracranial sinus has several results.
 a. Constant soothing pressure on the forehead.
b. Activation of certain areas… the frontal lobe, limbic system, brain stem, and autonomic nervous system.
c. Stimulation of tactile and thermoreceptors.
 It lowers sympathetic tone and releases endorphins and serotonin. As a result, there is a reduction in heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, rate of breathing and in the level of plasma noradrenaline and urinary serotonin excretion. Alpha rhythm in EEG is increased. It has an anxiolytic effect.
 In Shirodhara therapy, prolonged and intermittent stimulation by the dripping oil provides afferent inputs to the cerebral cortex, leading to a tranquilizing effect. By having an effect on the hypothalamus, Shirodhara results in improvement of most of the psychic and somatic disorders.
Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body therapy from the ancient natural medical system Ayurveda. It enhances the quality and benefits of massage (Abhyangam) as it directly and immediately calms, relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind, nerves and body.
 Find out how Ayurveda is beneficial for your body type. Call us today for a FREE  consultation at 0422-4212142 (Dr.Sajitha, Ayurveda Doctor in Coimbatore) or 04259-229418 (Dr.Ranjith David, Ayurveda Doctor in Pollachi)
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Best Tantric Massage London
Tantric Initiation
Enjoy and understand erotic massages has several levels. Erotic massages introduce us to a very specific physical and spiritual truth. They open up a new dimension of previously unknown pleasure and sensuality, and awaken very powerful forces and energies, such as kundalini. We can enjoy them on a conscious level or on an intuitive level. However, to delve into the depth of the best tantric massage London you have to adapt to a series of techniques To know more techniques visit The Lesbian Spa site.
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Reaching the great Tantric initiation  involves several stages that we must accomplish and practice.
Introduction: Body warm-up, deep breaths, vibrations, chaotic movements, do-in, greetings in the sun.
First stage: Kirtan or mantras sung to vibrate certain areas of the body and develop peace and love in Anatha.
Second stage: Kikai meditation. It allows the accumulation of energy in Hara. Then there are several possibilities. Among them, the awareness of mental movement through breathing (anapana).
Third stage: Asanas or postures. After a dynamic preparation, we have to practice the general series of asanas that corresponds. We include the variants that we need. We have to continually maintain the attention in the body, and give great importance to the pectoral opening.
Fourth stage: Pranayama. First, we must perform active and energizing breaths. Later the prolonged retention or Kumbhaka is introduced, which allows the control and direction of the prana. You can also add some kriyas.
Fifth stage: Mudras, circuits of prana, sensitization of Chakras. Muscle contractions and exercises to prepare the action e, os kriyas.
Sixth stage: Visualization, concentration and meditation in the Chakras
Seventh stage: Kriyas of the central channel, especially KUndalini and Brahmari Kriya. Awakening of chakras and a series of variants related to sushumna, Ida and PIngala.
Eighth stage: Meditation in the central channel.
Ninth stage: Mudras to awaken the internal senses. In each human being we can distinguish eighteen senses. The five known, their corresponding subtle senses (clairvoyance, internal smell, internal taste, etc.).
Tenth stage: Nidra-yoga, conscious sleep, relaxation and unfolding.
Eleventh stage: The meditation of the great awakening or cranial meditation. Remove the prana from the whole body to direct it to the sensitization and opening of the higher centers.
Twelfth stage: Maitri, or meditation on love.
Wellness And Yoga
Tantra offers us a way to enhance sexual pleasure, but we must understand this only as a means. It is not a pure physical enjoyment, but this pleasure is what moves us to a state of absolute meditation. The word tantra refers to its Sanskrit meaning, as something secret, a dense underground network. It is about using the kundalini energy to prolong sexual pleasure, which will take us to the state of absolute consciousness.
The awakening of energy is a symbol of the creation of the universe, since this energy is part of it. The state of joy is total, because we managed to unite two broken realities, the masculine and feminine part. The sacred union of Shakti - feminine - and Shiva - masculine - that brings us to the state of pleinutd and absolute consciousness.
Due to many centuries of repression, where the sexual was seen as something evil, we have lived with a reduced and distorted image of sex. The sexual energy that liberates the kundalini is a spiritual and corporal benefit that we must venerate as something sacred.
Mental Opening
The tantric initiation involves cleaned of certain erroneous aspects of our sex. It is not just about reaching an orgamum. We look for realities much deeper than all that. First, we must put aside our self. The search for a selfish pleasure is, paradoxically, a wall to achieve absolute pleasure. That is, it is throwing stones at our own roof. Living the experience as a communication, as a meditation, with a sacred and deep purpose of union, will give us a dimension of pleasure and well-being that we suspected.
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Fortunately, the Tantric initiation in which we live today - and we are more and more numerous - is freeing us from ties, and allows us to get closer to these old knowledge that contain so much secrecy and power. Tatra has no dogmas, it is not based on beliefs. It does not demand fidelity, nor obedience to any rule. Tantra are techniques that men and women use to get closer to their own body and spirituality. Therefore, it is not about religions. There is no god except the divinity itself that resides in each and every one of us, as long as we are part of this universe. Like stars and planets, we live in a cosmic dance of which we are not even remotely aware. Neither of the energies that we have inside. Thanks to Tantric initiation We find ways and techniques to achieve that well-being and that state of enlightenment.
The best tantric massage London entail an elevation of our sexuality. We can reach them guided by teachers initiated in their knowledge. We encourage you to launch yourself to your Tantric initiation.
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deviyogadance · 3 years
Hold on to your Sadhana..
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May all beings be well May all beings be Happy May all beings be free from suffering
Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu  This is one of the Prayers of the Yogin. To dedicate our practice to the alleviation of all suffering, starting with ourselves.  As Yoga practitioners we are blessed to have our practice to support us in staying aligned with wisdom and compassion. We need these tools more than ever, as we move out of covid into conflict . We are continually being asked to dig deep within to see how we can truly show up for life in the best way. It is not easy, and a friend reminded me recently that we can take time out when we need to, rest our nervous systems- it does not mean that we do not care. Then when we are rested and home within ourselves we can do what is needed.  Hold on to your Sadhana. When the world feels out of control.. When the night feels too dark.. When the fears come with sharp teeth. When you are confused, lost, bewildered, angry, fearful, sad, grieving, irritated. When the light doesn't seem to be able to shine. When the intensity of the maya is too much. Hold on to your Sadhana. It is your refuge, your rock, your saddle to ride the horse. It is the sanctuary where you get to be with whatever is moving you. Trust that. We are all in it and bound to be stirred. Your Sadhana reminds you of your true nature, which is Love. Your Sadhana holds the Shakti of your teachers, your community, those that love you fully. Your Sadhana is God/Goddess in action. Let it hold you.
International Women's day Fundraiser for Ukraine 
Tuesday March 8th 
11am-12.30 in person 7pm-8.30pm Online  As we all navigate uncertainty, the Heart of the Feminine team want to honour Yoga and support Mothers and Children caught in the crisis in Ukraine. Yoga is a refuge, a place that brings us home to the body, heart and clear mind. Yoga is also about community, unity, and inclusion. As one of my teachers always says, "no one must be left behind" . Supporting others is karma Yoga in action. we are offering two donation based sessions, one in-person and one online, next Tuesday March 8th to celebrate International Women's day and also to raise funds to support women and children caught in the Ukraine crisis. IN PERSON session in Ballydehob, West Cork. (numbers limited so pre booking essential! just send an email  or text Saraswati on  086 8910099) Tuesday 8th March 11am-12.30 Womb Yoga, Chanting mantra for peace, Yoga Nidra and tea Tara will make some essential oil blends for sale also. ONLINE evening session  global Tuesday 8th March 7pm Womb Yoga, chanting Mantra for peace, Sharing circle, Nidra of safety and connection. send us  your email and we will send you the zoom info
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deltawave · 3 years
Most of the principles of Yoga Nidra are also present in Fascia Yoga. With one main difference: Yoga Nidra is meditation in-yogic-sleep, while Fascia Yoga is meditation-in-motion. The in-motion element separates Nidra and Fascia, as the wave between the Yin and the Yang. Or as the forces united in Shakti and Shiva. Both practices are deep meditative with a focus on breath awareness, both use body scan methods and both engage processes of deep relaxation, inner connection and rejuvenation. My name is Alex Mero, I am a Fascia Coach with a vast experience of various holistic relaxation methods, as well in Europe as in the U.S. My areas of specialization are myofascial release methods through deep relaxing movements with a focus on breathwork. For a personal coaching plan and on site guidance, let me know what your objectives and expectations are and I'll get back to you: [email protected] Are you a professional, instructor or a therapist in any holistic practice and would you like to co-organize a workshop or a retreat in your area, please contact me. I speak fluently French, English, Spanish and Dutch. Alex Mero Fascia Yoga Coach Myofascial Relaxation #myofascialist #myofascialists https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdcbK9DS4n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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avani008 · 7 years
Tumblr-Exclusive Fic Index
Hitopadesa, 6 years later
Hitopadesa, 1 year later
Snippets from the future of “Amukha” and “Nidhana”
Amarendra and Devasena watching a teenage Mahendra flirt (badly)
Nidhana! Mahendra’s first steps
Four years before and eighteen years after Nidhana
A reformed Bhalla reflects in the future of a Nidhana AU
Sivagami POV, after the end of Chapter 2 of Nidhana
Two more things that never happened to Amarendra Baahubali
Dhivara, one year later
Nidhana-verse, four years before Chapter 1
Nidhana-verse, Bhalla, two years before Chapter 1
Nimaya, one year later
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the darkest future
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the brightest future
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena courtship x 2
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena happily ever after x 4
Bidaai, one month later
Amarendra/Devasena in Marsa
Five Times Amarendra Tried to Kiss Devasena in the Nidhana Verse
Five Things Amarendra Never Told His Mother
Five Things Avantika Wished She Could Be
Five Times Nidhana-verse Mahendra Sneaks Away
Five Decision Sivagami Regrets
Five Things We Never Learned About Bhallaladeva
Fic and Graphic, Grandmama Baahu backstory
Sumitra, Poetry Fic Meme
Devasena, Poetry Fic Meme
Amarendra, Poetry Fic Meme
Kumar Varma, Poetry Fic Meme
Bhallaladeva, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami and Baahu Canon Divergence AU
Sivagami & (Grand)mama Baahu Drabble x 2
Amarendra/Devasena, Mamihlapinatapei
Devasena & Sivagami, Strikhedonia
Sivagami & Mama Baahu, Capernoited
Five Things About Varuni (Nidhana-verse)
Shakti & Mahendra, Vanmost, (Asi-Verse)
Bhalla, Storms
Mama and Papa Deva, Latibule
Devasena & Jayasena, reunion in the rebel camp
Devasena, Five Kisses That Never Were
Sivvu, Five Things She Learned
Five Things Kattappa Left Out of His Story
Amarendra/Devasena, Happiness
Sivagami & Bhalla, Gamble
Gopu & Mahendra, post-Nidhana
Bhalla, Nimaya-verse drabbles x 4
Three Promises Devasena Broke and One She Did Not
Three Ornaments Mama Deva Valued, And One Weapon She Had
Three Ways Sumitra Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Lives Sivagami Saved, and One She Destroyed
Three Letters Grandmama Baahu Sent, and One She Never Did
Three Names Mama Baahu Considered Giving Her Children, and One She DId
Three Ornaments Devasena Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Three Ways Sivagami Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Ways Avantika Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Sivagami Broke, and One She Kept
Three Secrets Sivagami Kept, and One She Revealed
Three Conversations Sivagami and Devasena Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Times Baahu and Bhalla Laughed Together and Once They Wept
Baahubali/Devasena, missing scene discussing the three-arrow trick
Multiple 3+1 fills, Devasena
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Baahu
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Deva
Mama Deva, Fairy Tale Fusion
Mama Baahu, Fairy Tale Fusion
Devasena, Fairy Tale Fusion
Fic and Graphic: Amarendra/Devasena, Remington Steele fusion 
Fic and Graphic, Devasena, modern AU/Abhinav prequel
One Sentence Fic Index Post - various fics, often AU, for most of the main characters (Now expanded to include non-BB fics/characters, too!)
Headcanon Meme - Not an official fic, but collections of head canons each on various characters, mostly in the Baahubali Universe.
* Also check out the Pongal Prompt-a-thon Index Post, which lists even more of my Tumblr-only fic, as well as the amazing things my friends wrote which should not be missed!
Brooklyn 99
Ensemble, 10 sentence fic meme
Jodhaa Akbar
Bakshi Banu Begum, 10 sentence fic meme
5 Times Jalal and Adham were Brothers, and One Times They Were Not
Graphic: Movie Star AU: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Five Things That Never Happened to Ataga Khan
Bakshi & Jalal & Adham, childhood
Five People Bakshi Banu Begum Never Loved
10 Sentences, Jalal, Jodhaa, and Sujamal
Jaidev/Jalal  x2   x3   x4   x5  x6   x7  x8   x9  
Bakshi & Sujamal, Hogwarts AU
Sujamal & Bharmal, Oneirataxia 
Salima & Neelakshi, Psithurism
Bakshi/Sujamal, Post-Canon AU
Five Gifts Jalal Gave Jodhaa
Three Promises Hamida Broke and One She Did Not
Five People Who Taught Bakshi Banu Begum Something
Three Places Rani Padmavati Wanted To Visit, and One She Did
Jalal and Jodhaa, the swordfight scene
Salima, backstory
Jodhaa, just pre-Azeem-O-Shaan-Shahenshah
Fic and Graphic, History AU, Akbar and Elizabeth Tudor Form an Alliance
Arjuna, Poetry Fic Meme
Subhadra & Draupadi
Kunti & Others
Brihannala & Uttara
Five Scars on Draupadi’s Body
The Mythology Alphabet Fic Challenge Index Post
Bhanumati, Amorevolous
Devaki/Vasudev, Tenderness
Uttar & Uttara, pre-Kurukshetra
Five Things We Never Learned About Sudheshna
Savitri: Five Sentences
Lakshmanaa: Five Sentences
Devaki/Vasudev, Trembling Hands
Rukmini & Draupadi, Friendship
Balarama and Krishna, Good Cop/Bad Cop
Five Things the Pandavas Took With Them Into Exile
Sudeshna & Her Children, Happiness
Bhishmuka & Krishna
Rukmini & Her Mother
Five People Who Visited Bhishma
Five Kisses That Never Were- Karna/ His Wife
Krishna/ Rukmini
Krishna/Rukmini, Celeberrimous
Krishna & Balarama
Five Times Draupadi Trusted Yudhisthira
Flower Meme, Multiple Couples
Three Things Draupadi Learned From Her Mother, and One She Taught Her Children
Three Secrets Kunti Kept, and One She Revealed
Five Times Arjuna Surprised Subhadra
Parikshit’s Favorite Family Member
Three Lives Kunti Destroyed, and One She Created
Three Gifts Radha Gave, and One She Received
Three Letters Rukmini Never Wrote, and One She Did
Three Names Draupadi Wanted to Give Her Children and One She Did
Three Ways Draupadi Did Not Die and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Bhanumati Broke and One She Kept
Three Conversations Krishna and Arjuna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Ways Karna and Arjuna Never Met and One Way They Parted
Three Times Arjuna and Draupadi Dreamed of Each Other, and Wish They Made
Three Conversations Draupadi and Krishna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Remained Silent
Devaki and Ugrasena, after their release from prison
Vaivasvati (Savitri & her siblings, gen)
Miscellaneous Movies
Om Shanti Om: Shanti, Five Sentences
K3G: Pooja, Five Sentences
Sholay, Radha, Pillar
Sholay, Basanti, Unclaimed
Untitled and unfinished Padmavati & Mehrunissa fic
Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa, cultural differences
Untitled Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa & Nagmati follow-up 
Untitled Nagmati & Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa follow-up
Another Padmavati & / Mehrunissa followup, after the Compass Rose entry (see link below)
Canon-verse, Soulmark AU
Mehrunissa and Malik Kafur
Five Names Mehrunissa’s mother could have had
Five People who Noticed Padmavati/Mehrunissa Before They Did
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Hunger Games AU
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Mahabharata fusion
Pride and Prejudice
The Bennet girls turn into their parents as they age—but not as they expect
Five Sentences: Urmila
Sita and Her Sisters, Nightfall (Now with beautiful art by @allegoriesinmediasres)
Rama and His Brothers, Accost
Sita & Rambha
Five Scars Sita Has
Five People Who Taught Lakshmana Something
Kala & Indrajit
Indrajit & Sita
Lakshmana & Angad
Angad & Ruma
Three Ornaments Sita Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Kaushalya & Dasharata & Kaikeyi & Sumitra, Soulmark AU
Kaikeyi and Sita’s exile
Star Wars
Han/Leia, epistolary 
Five Times Rey Felt Lonely
Rose & Rey, TLJ AU
Multiple Fandoms
Five Headcanons About an AU Index
Platonic Relationship Headcanons Meme Index
An Alphabet of Legendary Ladies
Four Seasons Meme Index
Compass Rose Index
Mythological Character Headcanon Meme Index
3+1 Fics Index 
Trading Places Meme Index
Six Squared Meme Index
Another, Multi-Fandom Headcanon Meme
Baahubali/Jodhaa Akbar Crack Crossover
Baahubali/Hogwarts Crossover, McGonagall and Sivagami  x2
Fake Movie Meme Index Post
Shakespeare, South Indian Style: x1  x2
Racebent Arthuriana: x1  x2     x3
Devil’s Cub by Georgette Heyer
Women of the Ramayan x1  x2   x3
Baahubali Photosets   x1     x2    x3  
Fancasting Meme: Mary Rose Tudor Bala and Ambika Baahubali
Star Wars: The (Racebent) Skywalker Family
Female! Krishna AU
Ramayana Cafe AU
bhaginī       x2
Vaidharbi    Kaushalya     Kashi-yatra
The House of Panchal, daemon AU
Kishkindha Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Sita, Urmila, Ruma, Mandodari, daemon AU
Lanka Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Harry Potter AU:      Abhimanyu & Pradhyumna     Arjuna        Subhadra 
                                 Mohini            Krishna              Rukmini      Panchal Siblings
Draupadi (& Arjuna), after the war
Rukmini/Krishna, the shadow of her beloved
Rukmini/Krishna, Bollywood AU
Devaki/Vasudev, half sick of shadows
Sarama, Katiya Karun
Yudhisthira/Draupadi, the rubble or our sins?
Shakuntala & Pramadvara
Female! Pandavas
Urmila & Nidra Devi, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar, Daemon AU
Bhanumati, Soulmark AU
Subhadra, Soulmark AU
Satyabhama, Soulmark AU
Golden Girls AU, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar,  Jodhaa & Jalal Soulmark AU      
The Mothers of “Jodhaa Akbar”, Soulmark AU
Savitri, Daemon AU
Rama/Sita, Space AU
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