#Umineko oc
misamxsa · 2 months
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i made umineko ocs
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torrentialstardust · 3 months
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Hey folks. Consider: gay.
This is another piece with NezumiVA's "Barbatos" OC. Her Lore(tm) document mentioned Barbatos having "a passing fondness for Chiester 556" and Marcie mentioned her "need to sell people on my stupid OC/Canon yuri lmfao" so we're doing this.
The idea for this piece is that 556 was resurrected in a similar fashion to Sakutarou in the canon story. I'm representing this with the "kintsugi" repair style being done on the "real life" figure of the Rabbit Band member Rosa broke (I'm using the manga for reference). I don't know who did it but you can fill in the blanks. I wanted the energy of this piece to be "what if we were damaged in ways that could never truly be healed from 😳😳😳 but still found safety and comfort in one another 😳😳😳 and we were both girls?"
This has a few unusual aspects to it, the more doodly front image, the faded image of the two behind them, and the background being just a colour, but I think it turned out quite well! Coming up with a design for the "real life" Barbatos was incredibly fun too. Lil birb that needs stitches.
Comms open as always, and happy birthday chat! Also happy birthday me on Sunday! I'd better see everyone giving me lots of compliments that day.
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lifelesslilium · 11 days
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Watching these streams in the background have brought back my Umineko fixation, Bazingagirlmoment being my youtube alt. They have inspired me to try drawing again and start writing a forgery, especially with seeing all the wonderful OCs in the art corner. This is my Witch, Venus, although I wouldn't necessarily call her original since she is a fantasy counterpart of someone on the gameboard and who she is the main mystery of the game. I have created a few sprites for her as well as some mock ups of how it would look in-game. Here's some lore in the style of the Umineko character tips. Venus:
The Witch of Tragedy, considered to be extremely young compared to her fellow witches. 
It is technically a self-proclaimed title with no verification from any other Witch and as she is a notorious liar, many do not trust her claim. However, she is undoubtedly a Witch, which makes her peers speculate if her true domain relates to Lies or Deception. 
For how she became a witch is unknown. She alleges that she has served as a miko and reader to many powerful witches, gaining their titles through their recognition or by solving their game boards. However, her titles became distorted when she began to stray off the teachings she once followed, their original magic becoming unrecognisable in the process. As a result, she keeps all but one of her titles secret, only being known as the Witch of Tragedy. This story is again, unverifiable and many witches scoff at it as another lie of hers. 
Her supposed magical power apparently gives her the ability to make any event end in tragedy, guaranteeing it does not have a happy ending. She is apparently responsible for the sinking of Atlantis, the love between Romeo and Juliet, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the Sphinx’s arrival in Thebes, and the death of Featherine Augustus Aurora. As the last event has not happened and will never happen, her so-called power has lost all credibility, especially since she has never shown her power in public. 
She likes reading and lying to others. 
She hates liars and happy endings. 
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oobi-oobi · 4 days
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I had to succumb to the peer pressure and make an umineko oc!
Their name is Panacea. She is one of the 72 Great Demons. As furniture, she is contracted by different masters and specializes in getting vengeance. She can cause illnesses and can only heal ailments she herself has caused. Their favorite clients to help are murderous housewives <3
They are greatly inspired by Vephar from the Lesser Key Solomon, hence the mermaid and illness design influences. Below is the stuffed animal she was inspired by and some alt versions.
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I definitely want to draw them more and draw them in my own style. I forgot how difficult style matching was 😅 starting off with a sprite in Ryukishi07's style definitely humbled me and drained all my energy.
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a-pining-tree · 2 months
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After so much thinking and effort I present my witch oc: Keziah the Immortal Witch.
Description (tw suicidal thoughts): A young witch with great potential. While never experiencing a proper apprenticeship, Keziah’s path to witch hood began early as she has been inflicted with a cruel curse for her entire life. This curse makes it so that no matter how she feels, Keziah is always burdened with the desire to die. The curse is so heavy that even her subconscious is forced to repeat it ad nauseam. As Keziah still has the desire to live, she developed powerful magic to ward off the curse until she found she was incapable of dying. As a true immortal witch, Keziah understands that an immortal life is not an endless one. Even if an immortal witch cannot die, they can still be killed, and Keziah has accepted that someday, if it’s tomorrow or thousands of years away, something will kill her. As such Keziah still holds a great deal of respect for life, even if the way she expresses it sounds more like belittlement. Keziah also holds great disgust towards endless witches. After all, an endless being is a shallow immortality. If a phoenix must die endlessly to be immortal, then it is a waste of existence. As all living beings that have yet to cease living have the potential to become immortal, Keziah’s magic does not insure someone will live. Instead, her magic allows others to tap into their own desire to live, letting them push beyond their human limits as long as they refuse to die.
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cringemoth · 4 days
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Hello again! Thank you all so much for your kindness and warm welcome to my witches of Dusk and Growth! I wanted to thank everyone for being so kind, especially @a-pining-tree who drew some wonderful art of Dusk and Growth!! So, I took some time and grabbed some colored references from the nezumivastream tag and went to work! Everyone has such delightful and wonderful designs, I’m going to have to draw even more, there are a bunch I wanted to draw and couldn’t get to in time! I know the pose is a bit silly, but I’m posting this before the stream and I have a feeling we’ll all need some heart <3.
Rose by @dappersnakes
Indigo’s witchsona and Cheraknid by @torrentialstardust
Keziah and Murmur by @a-pining-tree
Here’s hoping that next week I’ll have some canon character art as well! I *need* to draw my blorbos before Umitober starts or it’ll get real messy real quick.
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the-paisley · 13 days
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My brain has birthed an umineko oc 😭
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sharoo · 2 months
Finally made my Umineko OC
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One of the 72 demons, currently serving under the witch hunter Futaba Yoshida. He posesses the power to mire the senses and minds of mortal beings through powerful illusions, alongside an above average resistance to the anti-magic toxin of deduction, especially for a demon of a lower rank. These allow him to provide his summoner with excellent protection. However, Shax is rarely called upon, due to his widely recognised unreliable nature. As a master illusionist, he also understands, better than most, how illusions are constructed, and is just as able to reveal the puppetry at work as he is to operate it. Having long become disillusioned with weak witches who summon him to compensate for their own lack of power or ingenuity, he's taken to testing them - should his master not meet his standards of matching his intellect, be it by falling for his amiable, loyal front or by failing to maintain an illusion through their own efforts, he will his power against them to expose their fraud for the smoke and mirrors it is. Alone or under the employ of witch hunters, he's led many witches to their doom. Having now been summoned and skilfully bound by contract with Futaba, tasked with helping her uncover the mysteries of Rokkenjima, he waits to see the worth of his newest master. Finally, perhaps, he shall be entertained for a little while.
Finally finished my Umineko OC! I've been waffling about with his design, since I couldn't decide how much I wanted to portray his abilities visually (some other concepts for him involved a twinky stage magician and some variation of a guy in a gas mask/camo suit), before I settled on jovial uncle who is definitely trustworthy(tm). His colour scheme is meant to imitate a stork, since in the Ars Goecia Shax is said to possess such a form.
His powers rely on the fact that nothing is scarier or more fantastical than the human imagination. He bolsters these illusions of the mind through summoning lesser monstrosities to make noises in the dark or pose as distant silhouettes, having beforehand mired the target's senses with drowsiness or alcohol.
His greatest weakness are sealed rooms and light, for it reveals all his creations to be mere shadows.
Thanks for the streams, Nezumi, can't wait for the next one.
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vanillafalvoredcoffee · 9 months
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♡ Inspired by: @denpagano ♡
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Have some more of Asahi Ushiromiya! ( Rosa’s husband and Maria’s biological father)
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iamthevampqueen · 2 months
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Art fight dump part 1
Characters belong to in order: @rinnyriin, HaeresisTea, @nbmahoushoujo
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torrentialstardust · 18 days
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Please don't make fun of me, I'm not used to expressing desire like this. I did this as a fun witch design for myself but also as an indulgent aspirational self portrait.
The "initiative" in the title refers to the will to progress life. A year ago I knew that I probably wasn't a man and I had diagnoses for my neurodivergence but lately I've been actively seeking out ADHD meds, changing names, I got breast forms last month, and even as recently as 2 days ago I found a good place to get HRT from. By the way if you wanna help me pay for that, comms are still open, the oestrodial is like £45 per month and I currently get money by begging my conservative mum for it.
The "?????" refers to the self that is yet to be discovered. I still have a lot to do to become who I really am, but I'm glad that I've been able to get as far as I have with the aid of lots of wonderful friends, many of who are in this readthrough group. I'm not sure if this readthrough specifically sped me up, but I do know that everyone here has been very nice, it's given me a space to experiment with my identity, and part of me thought it would be cool to try and one-up my bestie Mit who came out as nonbinary after reading Homestuck.
Thank you, everyone. I think I'll try to make some furniture OCs next week, and then IDK. I do wanna try drawing everyone else's OCs, that'd be fun. We have limited time left for this particular VN, but it'll be fine.
Happy birthday chat, I love you very much!
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meowgical-berri · 1 year
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I love my witchsona
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oobi-oobi · 4 days
Hi hello I see you’ve given in to peer pressure may I draw her?
And since the 72 demons are from Ars Goetia, which Demon is Panacea? And if they are none, who did they kill to sneak in? :3
Yes, of course! I love seeing art of any of my ocs!!!
I'll try to be quick but also take this as a chance to drop some more lore :p
Panacea replaced Vepar as one of the Dukes of Hell. There was a power struggle among the 72. She was serving Crocell (another member of the Ars Goetia) at the time. She used her position to assist in the murder of the original Vepar, and she took his spot.
They still go by the name Vepar during summoning rituals and other official matters, but they prefer to be called Panacea casually. The reason why is honestly pretty petty. They've been mistaken for Zepar too many times for comfort due to their similar names. She doesn't like helping hopeless romantics start relationships and would much rather help terminate them. She is summoned often by scorned lovers who seek vengeance. They do not enjoy talking about romance or attraction.
She tends to be very opinionated as a way to compensate for her relatively new position among the 72. When it comes to power and influence, Panacea is very similar to Ronove and chooses to serve others. They're still learning the ropes. They are talented in many regards, but they struggle greatly with their newfound duties that come along with Vepar's title (especially with anything relating to the sea).
Also, since I don't know where else to add this, the killing method she is associated with is poison.
Thank you for listening :)
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a-pining-tree · 4 days
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Some art I did earlier this week in the continued sharing of universes. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it to this stream and soon I won’t be able to do digital art for a while, but hopefully this river will keep flowing
Traej by NormalGayBro
The Witch of Dusk and the Witch of Growth by @cringemoth
And Keziah by me.
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cringemoth · 18 days
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Now that I’ve finally caught up with the VODS, I can finally present what little Umineko art I’ve made so far! I started watching Nezumi’s VODs of Umineko last month and it has been STUCK IN MY BRAIN EVER SINCE!
So first, thank you to NezumiVA for making such an accessible, beautiful and impactful way of watching Umineko! I am terrified of vulnerability and being seen in media, especially by tragedies as I’ve gotten hurt by what they say about me before. However, Umineko is one of the few tragedies to get through to me the beauty of feeling something that can only be provided by the vulnerable feeling of offering your heart to be seen. Without love, it cannot be seen, after all.
Now, for the witches!! I present my partner’s and my witch OC’s, The Witch of Dusk and The Witch of Growth!
The Witch of Growth, also known as Xiota Popelarr is a girl that was a part of an incredibly lonely gameboard long ago. After figuring out she was a piece and demanding to be free, she was thrown into a logic error as punishment. She spent many years trapped in a logic error as a punishment. After a while, the girl had been trapped in the error for so long that she had changed enough to understand the error differently, and therefore find a way to escape. There are some witches that say she went insane in there and that the cracking sound of her sanity snapping was the fertilizer that allowed her magic to grow. Now, as a witch, she spends her days collecting the worst human pieces she can find and putting them on a gameboard to fight. She claims this is to make the pieces better people, but she actually does it to entertain other witches and her favorite person, The Witch of Dusk.
Similarly, the Witch of Dusk, also known as Esme Skalice was also a piece from a lonely gameboard long ago, where she died young inside of a hotel pool before she was found by the Witch of Growth. The Witch of Growth had been watching the game and liked Dusk’s “character” enough to give her a little magic boost. Not much is known about her other than she has a fondness for liminal spaces as the setting of her games and she is easily amused by her partner’s antics and genuine belief in her human pieces. While her partner has an obsession with watching things grow, the Witch of Dusk enjoys watching the fall and/or the setting of something. She spends her days gathering pieces and watching as they deal with the setting sun.
It is thanks to the Witch of Dusk that the Witch of Growth was able to find her way out of the logic error. The Witch of Dusk managed to find her in the setting of her sanity and as thanks for the little amount of power that pushed her to become a witch after death, Dusk gave Growth the strength she needed to escape. Toxic yuri with a bit of time-travel, as inspired by Lambda, Bern, Ange and Mammon.
Anyway, enjoy the witches! :D Thank you so much!
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