#Umineko pachinko
the-tobis · 1 year
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(the fusion between arale and alpha! jevil)
And a draw in umineko pachinko style
Original concept by : @vibeless15
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ushiromiyacestcentral · 11 months
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Taken from: Umineko pachinko Ange vs Bernkastel
Maria Ushiromiya and her girlfriend Ange Ushiromiya getting ready to defeat Bernkastel! ( they might kiss after the fact)
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bigmart96 · 20 days
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actual-haise · 1 year
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goldenlandfiascos · 6 months
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she's just a little creature
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dancers-7 · 1 year
Because of the one Beatrice post getting 250+ notes in one day I have to bring up my biggest fascination with the art done for the Umineko manga. 3 arcs of the manga are done by the artist Kei Natsumi, and they look great throughout and I assume most fans would agree. But Kei Natsumi has also done other work for Umineko adaptations through the artwork for the Pachinko Sprites, which are widely disliked.
So my question is, what one earth was happening in the pachinko design pipeline that caused a look that's widely seen to be inferior or ugly compared to the other game sprites? Does Kei Natsumi's style not adapt to the limitations of mimicking preexisting sprites? The questions keep me up at night.
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ushirominya · 1 year
It’s kinda obvious which ones gonna win but I still want to see
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c-orgiis · 5 months
was already interested vaguely in umineko but presence of a stageplay sort of makes me want to get into it more.. ehem. stageplay guy. i know theres like diff versions of the game w old or new sprites n i def want to play w the old ones from what i’ve seen but i was wondering where/how you played/read it? ik its on steam but like split up or something ? also all the yuri posting makes me v interested thanks for your hard work o7
HII ok so technically the different sprite styles arent different games per se its just that the steam release gives you the option to switch between two different sprite art styles (original ryukishi art vs art inspired by the. pachinko). theres also the console port of the game which is the third art style but in my humble opinion they lose a lot of the charm that the original sprites have so LOL
theres two games in the 'series' (the question arcs and the answer arcs) but they both count as a single linear thing its just that theyre split up into two games. so what youd want to do is play the question arcs first before getting to the answer arcs 🫡 i would also highly recommend playing with the voice mod which adds in the voice acting from the ps3 port of the game! even if youre a fast reader (like me lol) and are worried about reading too fast for them to finish speaking i still found that the voices really enhanced a lot of the scenes
in terms of how youd play the actual game its pretty much 99.99% reading with 0 gameplay but youd want to basically read the episodes and then the subsequent bonus chapters that unlock after you finish each episode (for some reason this isnt really something they tell you to do but the story does continue through the bonus chapters later on so itd be kind of bad if you skipped them or went out of order LOL)
i will also say this game does deal with a lot of heavy subjects so if you need a tw list id be happy to make one for you o7
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rainydayscore · 3 months
whhhyyyy does steam umineko use the PACHINKO SPRITES BY DEFAULT
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nadekofannumber1 · 10 months
I think I found a good path with the reverse engineering, essentially it seems the most effective path for me is to just go to 777town.net then get access via something probably most likely a burner email because I don’t really wish to use my real one for this, but basically, there is a computer version of the pachinko visuals and so I can definitely get access to the pachinko videos in one way or another as it would be dumb to just bake the layering into the video as it would take way less space to just put an animated layer of this or that over the video. I think it can be done as i believe this is likely how they got the visuals for the umineko pachinko game (unless someone legit bought a machine and then just, decided they wanted to just, take it apart for that)
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morbid-dreamzz · 6 months
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ideal woman
(u reading umineko? :3)
Unfortunately nope I just like watching random scenes of the anime and the VNs (oh, and the pachinko game's cutscenes too, they're pretty cool)
She looks insane. I love her.
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kob131 · 10 months
Hey remember that Umineko Pachinko I mentioned? The one with an alternate version of the Erika vs Maria fight where Maria makes her eat shit?
Want the link for that now?
Sure, I could use a breather.
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when-they-meow · 2 years
i know ppl like the make fun of the pachinko umineko sprites and with good reason some of them really suck but....
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doesn't pachinko sprite beatrice have so much tgirl swag??
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4thmagicwielder · 1 year
Battler keeps his dark skintone in the Pachinko sprites but. almost nobody uses those because they have...other issues
Yeah, that is true. I remember very briefly using the pachinko sprites for maybe less than an hour or even less than 30 minutes into Umineko in Ep 1, only to notice that there are different original sprites that you can use and that those looked better lol.
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ryo-maybe · 2 years
steam umineko comes packaged with both the pachinko sprites and original sprites, but 07th-mod has both the console sprites w/ voices as well as a voices only patch
Oh thank goodness. I couldn't imagine experiencing it with Battler looking like the kind of scummy nukige protagonist that would give Makoto Itou a run for his money.
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the-bus-came-back · 16 days
"About Me" from a Fandom Perspective
In General:
OTP to Multishipper Scale: Very far towards the multishipper side. I'm a big fan of concepts like the butterfly effect, AUs and the like, so my approach to a given character or relationship tends to be quite fluid.
Modern to Fantasy Scale: Quite far towards fantasy, but not all the way. I'm not very interested in modern/mundane AUs, but if a setting leans far enough to the fantastic I might nudge it back towards mundanity just to see what the characters do.
Why Are the Curtains Blue: Well, the curtains are blue here because I wanted the writing to take on a stream-of-consciousness feel and to provide sufficient sensory imagery. The curtains are blue over there for weird motif reasons, but you don't need to worry about that yet.
Do you use a beta reader: Half the time I don't even proofread my own work. So no.
For MHA:
Favourite teenagers: Character-wise, Iida, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu. Dynamic-wise, Todoroki (Smallest) and Shinso. AU-wise, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Bakugo.
Favourite heroes: Character-wise, Aizawa and Usagiyama. Dynamic-wise, Yagi and Todoroki (Largest). AU-wise, Aizawa (again) and Nedzu.
Favourite villains: Character-wise, Toga and Bubaigawara. Dynamic-wise, Todoroki (Smallish) and Toga (again). AU-wise, Shigaraki, Danjuro and Aiba.
Characters Who I Could Make Better: All the women and girls tbh.
What impact did MHA leave on you: Learning to find a comfy hole in a fandom and just ignore everyone else. All my best crackfics were from MHA, too.
For MLB:
Favourite characters: Characterwise, the Couffaines, Kagami, and Alix. Dynamic-wise, Kagami (again), the protags, and Nathaniel. AU-wise, Chloé (everyone else can tie for second place, I guess).
Where are you caught up to: I don't know season numbers but when I dipped Zoe didn't exist yet.
What impact did MLB leave on you: It's an excellent place to learn about fun things like "flanderisation" and "viewer bias" and "I don't think the author knows what they're doing". It was always fun for worldbuilding/AUcrafting, though.
For Touhou:
Favourite characters: Character-wise, Reimu, Patchouli, Yuuka, and Mokou. Design-wise, Luna, Hecatia, and Mokou (again). Meme-wise: Cirno :)
Favourite incident: Perfect Cherry Blossom
Favourite songs: Faith is for the Transient People, Strawberry Crisis!!, Doll Judgement, Fate of 60 Years
What impact did Touhou leave on you: Pretty dress :)
For Umineko:
Favourite elder Ushiromiyas: Natsuhi, Eva
Favourite members of staff: Nanjo, Genji
Other favourite characters: Tbh I like most of the blondes and redheads in general...
Favourite Sprite Set: Console, but the original ones have a lot of charm. I will not touch the Pachinko ones with a ten foot pole
What impact did Umineko leave on you: Sometimes I see Beatrice's portrait in my dreams. It also had a massive impact on the way I think of media in general, but mostly I notice the dream bit.
There are two other pieces of media that might eventually make an appearance here, but both are under boycott at the moment (one via BDS and one due to a legal situation) and as such I won't be mentioning them.
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