mr-jack-letterman · 7 months
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Coffee or Tea?
I honestly didn't know Fluffytale was a thing until like last week NSNSNSNND.
Since Ccino and Hibiscus both run drink shops I feel like they'd have a lot to bond over. Hibiscus is a bit older than most Sanses so maybe he has some pointers to give him lol. Of course Matcha is happy to have a new friend NSNDN.
Fluffytale/Ccino by @black-nyanko
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intercal · 1 year
Oversteeped tea is better than understeeped tea (aka water). When in doubt, steep it out
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eyfey · 1 year
So in a moment of streaming induced madness a few weeks ago I ordered some uhhhh "Homestuck Teas" and now I am trying them.
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Second tea is Kanaya Maryam: I actually ended up brewing it multiple times because I thought I was understeeping it.
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Smells very nice, as most tea do: this one is a coconut chocolate and vanilla chai so I figured it go great with cream n sugar.
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The first time I brewed it the flavors were very light (still good tho!) so the second time I doubled the amount of tea and the steeping time but still very light!
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I even tried it a third time without any additions thinking maybe the cream overpowered it, but no: it's just a very light tea. You can def taste the coconut but the spices and the chocolate are very very subtle. (I think I liked it best plain)
It's not a bad tea but I probably won't buy it again.
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Had it with the last piece of my earl grey tea 'cause that felt like a Kanaya appropriate dessert (rip cake u will be missed)
Link to the blend is in the replies if anyone is interested.
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In other news, I have enough taste back that the current lacking amount is just annoying. I would like all my tea to stop tasting understeeped or expired when I know it isn't
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dollsworks6374 · 14 days
Sourcing and Sustainability: The Heart of Gorilla Brew Co.
Crafting the perfect cup of coffee or tea is an art form that enhances your daily routine and maximizes the flavors of Gorilla Brew’s premium products. Whether tea you’re a coffee aficionado or a tea enthusiast, mastering the right brewing techniques is essential. Here are some expert tips and tricks to help you enjoy the full potential of Gorilla Brew coffee and tea.
The Perfect Coffee Brew
Creating a great cup of coffee begins with choosing the right equipment and understanding the basics of the brewing process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your Gorilla Brew coffee is always top-notch.
1. Selecting the Right Coffee Beans
The foundation of a perfect cup starts with high-quality beans. Gorilla Brew offers a range of beans from robust dark roasts to smooth medium blends. Choose a blend that matches your taste preference and ensure the beans are fresh.
2. Grinding Your Coffee
Freshly ground coffee makes a significant difference in flavor. Use a burr grinder to achieve a consistent grind size, tailored to your brewing method:
Coarse for French press
Medium for drip coffee makers
Fine for espresso machines
3. Measuring Your Coffee and Water
Precision is key. Use a digital scale to measure your coffee and water. A common ratio is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water. Adjust according to your strength preference.
4. Optimal Water Temperature
The ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is between 195°F and 205°F. Too hot or too cold water can affect extraction and flavor. Use a thermometer to ensure accuracy.
5. Blooming Your Coffee
For pour-over methods, start by pouring a small amount of water over the grounds to let them bloom. This releases carbon dioxide and enhances flavor extraction. Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds before continuing to pour.
6. Brewing Time
Brewing time varies by method:
French press: 4 minutes
Drip coffee maker: 5-6 minutes
Espresso: 25-30 seconds Follow these guidelines to achieve optimal extraction and flavor.
The Perfect Tea Brew
Brewing tea is a delicate process that highlights the subtle nuances of each blend. Gorilla Brew’s selection of teas requires specific techniques to bring out their best flavors.
1. Choosing the Right Tea
Gorilla Brew offers a variety of teas, from green and black to herbal blends. Select a tea that suits your mood and desired health benefits.
2. Measuring Your Tea
For loose-leaf tea, use a tea infuser or a teapot with a built-in strainer. Measure approximately 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per cup (8 ounces) of water. Adjust the quantity for stronger or milder tea.
3. Water Temperature
Different teas require different water temperatures:
Green tea: 160°F to 180°F
Black tea: 200°F to 212°F
Herbal tea: 212°F (boiling) Use a thermometer or a kettle with temperature settings to achieve the perfect temperature.
4. Steeping Time
Proper steeping time is crucial:
Green tea: 2-3 minutes
Black tea: 3-5 minutes
Herbal tea: 5-7 minutes Oversteeping can lead to bitterness, while understeeping can result in a weak flavor.
5. Enhancing Your Tea Experience
Experiment with additions like lemon, honey, or milk to complement the flavors of your tea. Gorilla Brew teas are crafted to be enjoyed both plain and with added flavors.
Mastering the art of brewing coffee and tea is all about paying attention to the details. By selecting the right Gorilla Brew products, using precise measurements, and following optimal brewing techniques, you can enjoy a perfect cup every time. Elevate your daily routine with Gorilla Brew’s premium coffee and tea, and savor the robust flavors and health benefits they offer.
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cornedbeefdash · 6 months
The Friendly Toast, Boston MA
(actually december 1st 2023)
two eggs over easy, corned beef hash, home fries. they had cholula on the table (major plus). eggs were cooked perfectly, gooey, golden, good. mixed it in with the hash. wish the hash was crispier, but it had a good flavor to it. the home fries were good, if a bit underseasoned -- nothing salt and pepper and cholula can't fix. was very happy.
coffee not great, even for diner coffee. watery, understeeped.
river got avocado toast that looked really good (but i can't really eat avocado woof!)
we talked a lot about how the decor misses the mark. it tries to be kitschy like a rural diner, but is lacking unity (and the ceiling is industrial as fuck). diners that have a weird theme normally have that theme because the owner just so happens to have a lot of tchotchkes with a particular theme they don't want in their house anymore. friendly toast is like... cowboy, gambling, 50s nostalgia, pop art... all together? very clearly second hand, but from a bunch of different first hands. near miss.
good food.
immediate edit: oh yea also river got a hot cocoa that was SOOOOOO good it had the thickest whipped cream ever, definitely the highlight of the meal, can't believe i forgot
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kravitzzzzz · 7 months
Five Strategies For Making The Perfect Alvita Licorice Root Tea
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Alvita Tea is actually understood for its own top quality plant based as well as medical teas. Whether you're drinking on lavender for leisure or ginger root for a spicy zing, Alvita Tea uses a wide variety of tastes as well as health benefits. To ensure you receive one of the most out of your alvita ginger root tea bags expertise, below are five tips for creating the perfect mug of Alvita Tea
Five Tips For Making The Ideal Alvita Ginger Peppermint Tea
Alvita tea is actually recognized for its own exciting tastes and many health perks. If you intend to bring in the best mug of Alvita tea, listed below are five pointers to aid you attain simply that:
Start along with Fresh, Cold Water
The foundation of a terrific cup of tea, Alvita or otherwise, is actually making use of clean, cool water. Essentially, you need to use filtered or even spring water. Stay away from using faucet water if it possesses a solid bleach taste or scent, as it may negatively affect the tea's taste. The top quality of the water you utilize will dramatically affect the last taste of your tea.
Before warming the water, make certain to clear out any sort of zestless water that may possess been actually partaking your kettle or even flowerpot. This will ensure your tea isn't polluted through any sort of off-flavors coming from the water. Bring the water to a blister, and at that point enable it to cool down somewhat before pouring it over your tea bag or even loosened tea leaves. Different Alvita teas may demand specific water temps, therefore ensure to comply with the highly recommended temp on the product packaging for optimum outcomes.
Make Use Of the Right Amount of Tea
The amount of tea you use is crucial in accomplishing the excellent taste. Inadequate tea can easily lead to a weak, insipid mixture, while a lot of tea can lead to a frustrating as well as harsh taste. The excellent amount of tea varies relying on the type of tea as well as private inclination, yet a basic standard is to use one tea bag or even one teaspoon of loosened tea per 8-ounce cup of water.
Alvita Tea offers crystal clear instructions on its product packaging regarding the suggested volume of tea to make use of for each and every particular flavor. Follow these tips for the best outcomes. Explore the amount of tea can be actually an exciting way to tailor your cup, yet begin along with the proposed amount, and also change from there to find your best harmony.
Steep for the Right Amount of Time
Immersing time participates in a crucial function in establishing the flavor of your Alvita Tea. Oversteeping may result in resentment, while understeeping might leave behind the tea underdeveloped. The highly recommended steeping time can differ coming from tea to tea, as well as it is typically given on the packing.
Herbal teas like Alvita Tea typically need a longer steeping time than traditional dark or environment-friendly teas. Usually, plant based teas need to be saturated for 5 to 7 minutes. Nevertheless, it is actually vital to read the details directions for the organic tea you're readying to ensure you obtain the very best flavor. Set a cooking timer to attain regular end results, and also stay away from the temptation to press the tea bag, as it may discharge anger right into the mug.
Mind The Temperature
The optimal water temp for developing tea differs located on the sort of tea you're creating. Natural teas, including those supplied by Alvita, usually need boiling water, but there are actually exceptions. As an example, some organic teas like lavender are most ideal made along with water that has cooled a little after boiling to avoid any sort of brutal notes.
Regularly adhere to the temperature suggestions supplied on the alvita fenugreek tea packing. Utilizing a cooking area thermometer may help make sure the water goes to the appropriate temperature, especially if you're particular regarding the quality and consistency of your tea. Bear in mind that water that is actually extremely scorching may scorch delicate plant based tastes, so it's worth putting in the time to receive the temperature right.
Retail Store Your Tea Properly
To preserve the freshness and flavor of your sage tea at walmart, correct storage space is vital. Outlet your tea bags or loose fallen leaves in an impermeable container, off of direct sun light as well as powerful odors. Visibility to air, illumination, as well as odors may risk the preference and smell of the tea.
Whether you possess loose tea leaves behind, think about making use of a tea basket or an impermeable compartment primarily made for keeping tea. When handling tea bags, keep them in their authentic packing or transfer all of them to an airtight container if you prefer. Ensure to seal off the compartment securely after each use to stop wetness as well as air coming from getting into.
Lastly, making the best mug of Alvita Tea is actually a delightful knowledge that begins with the essentials of utilization clean, cold water, the ideal quantity of tea, and the suitable water temperature. Comply with the highly recommended steeping time for your particular tea and keep in mind to stash your tea appropriately to protect its own quality as well as flavor. Through taking notice of these pointers, you'll be properly on your means to taking pleasure in the total benefits and also flavors of Alvita Tea along with each and also every mug.
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calebshope · 7 months
5 Advice For Making The Best Alvita Licorice Root Tea
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Alvita Tea is actually recognized for its own premium organic and medicinal teas. If you're drinking on chamomile for relaxation or even ginger root for a spicy zing, Alvita Tea offers a wide variety of tastes and health benefits. To guarantee you acquire the best away from your sage tea at walmart expertise, listed here are five ideas for making the excellent mug of Alvita Tea
5 Strategies For Making The Best Respitory Tea
Alvita tea is recognized for its delightful tastes and numerous health and wellness perks. If you would like to bring in the best mug of Alvita tea, below are actually 5 tips to help you attain simply that:
Start with Fresh, Cold Water
The groundwork of a great favorite, Alvita or typically, is utilizing new, chilly water. Essentially, you must utilize filteringed system or even spring season water. Steer clear of using faucet water if it possesses a sturdy chlorine flavor or even odor, as it may negatively impact the tea's flavor. The high quality of the water you make use of will substantially have an effect on the ultimate taste of your tea. If you should need to have additional information all about alvita sage tea, you may visit myorganicherbaltea.com web site.
Before heating the water, are sure to flush out any sort of zestless water that might possess been being in your teakettle or flowerpot. This will certainly guarantee your tea isn't spoiled by any off-flavors coming from the water. Bring the water to a boil, and afterwards allow it to cool slightly just before putting it over your tea bag or even loosened tea leaves behind. Various Alvita teas may need specific water temps, so be actually sure to observe the recommended temperature level on the product packaging for ideal results.
Use the Right Amount of Tea
The amount of tea you utilize is actually critical in accomplishing the ideal taste. Very little tea may lead to a thin, subdued mixture, while excessive tea can easily trigger an overwhelming and also bitter preference. The optimal volume of tea varies relying on the type of tea as well as individual taste, yet a standard standard is to make use of one tea bag or one teaspoon of loosened tea every 8-ounce cup of water.
Alvita Tea gives very clear directions on its own packaging concerning the recommended volume of tea to utilize for each details flavor. Adhere to these tips advantageous end results. Trying out the amount of tea may be an enjoyable method to customize your mug, yet start along with the proposed quantity, as well as adjust coming from there to locate your ideal harmony.
Steep for the Right Amount of Time
Immersing opportunity plays an important role in building the taste of your Alvita Tea. Oversteeping may lead in bitterness, while understeeping may leave behind the tea immature. The encouraged steeping opportunity can differ coming from tea to tea, as well as it is usually offered on the product packaging.
Natural teas like Alvita Tea frequently call for a longer steeping time than traditional dark or even eco-friendly teas. Generally, plant based teas must be actually immersed for 5 to 7 moments. Nonetheless, it is actually vital to read the particular guidelines for the tea you're readying to guarantee you acquire the very best taste. Set a cooking timer to accomplish consistent outcomes, as well as stay away from the temptation to press the tea bag, as it can discharge resentment in to the mug.
Temperatures Should Be Kept In Mind
The suitable water temp for making tea varies based on the sort of tea you're helping make. Herbal teas, like those provided through Alvita, normally need boiling water, however there are exemptions. For example, some natural teas like lavender are better made with water that has cooled down slightly after steaming to steer clear of any sort of harsh keep in minds.
Constantly comply with the temperature referrals offered on the alvita ginger root tea bags product packaging. Utilizing a home kitchen thermometer can easily help make sure the water goes to the best temperature, especially if you're specific regarding the high quality and also uniformity of your tea. Keep in mind that water that's too warm can easily burn delicate organic tastes, so it's worth taking the time to obtain the temperature right.
Store Your Tea Properly
To maintain the quality and also taste of your sage tea at walmart, appropriate storage space is crucial. Store your tea bags or even loose fallen leaves in an airtight container, far from straight sunlight as well as strong stenches. Exposure to air, light, as well as odors may jeopardize the preference and also fragrance of the tea.
Whether you possess loosened tea leaves behind, look at utilizing a tea basket or a closed container exclusively developed for keeping tea. When taking care of tea bags, keep all of them in their authentic packing or transfer all of them to an airtight container if you choose. Ensure to seal off the container tightly after each make use of to avoid dampness and also air coming from entering.
To conclude, producing the best cup of Alvita Tea is a wonderful adventure that begins along with the fundamentals of utilization clean, cold water, the best quantity of tea, and also the appropriate water temperature level. Adhere to the encouraged steeping time for your specific tea and also don't forget to save your tea adequately to protect its quality and also taste. By observing these suggestions, you'll be actually properly on your method to delighting in the total advantages and tastes of Alvita Tea along with each and also every mug.
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mr-jack-letterman · 8 months
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Understeep! (Click on pick for better quality cause Tumblr crushed it :'] )
Understeep is an Undertale au I made where the skelebros run a tea shop called "Bones and Brews" in Snowdin :].
Understeep links
Papyrus "Matcha"
W.D. Gaster "Chai"
Extra info about Sans and the Au below 👇
• This Au mostly centers around the skelebros. Not much else changes in the surrounding world.
• Sans essentially has the personality of maple syrup. A very slow, warm, and easygoing guy. Even if he's secretly stressed 24/7, he hides it under his chill attitude to not worry his brother.
• Sans is a lot more responsible in this Au. He's still relaxed and sleepy, but due to his job being more demanding, he rarely ever takes naps.
• Despite this, due to Sans's naturally low HP and stamina, he frequently passes out in the shop once it's closed, and Papyrus carries him back home.
• instead of selling Frisk hotdogs, Sans will sell Frisk teacups of just hotdog water, and stack the tea cups on top of Frisk's head.
• Sans's magic now takes on a pinkish/red hue instead of cyan. His left eye glows with his pink base magic as well as Patience.
• Sans has grown accustomed to working long hours, so his genocide fight is much longer.
• Gaster ran the shop before Sans took over. Before he died, he taught Sans fire magic so he could help out more with making tea.
• Sans still prefers using his own fire magic to make the tea instead of the kettle.
• Sans also uses his fire magic in the fight against him.
• Whenever Sans "shortcuts", his fire magic tends to melt the snow around his feet or leave a scorch mark.
• Sans used to study with the royal scientists before his father's death. After he died, Sans abandoned the science track and started working in the shop full time to keep his dad's business alive.
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tea pt 2
just learned i likely understeeped my peach (herbal) tea. fuck
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vythanis · 1 year
☕ - Tea or Coffee?  How do they take theirs?
Between the two, Vyth prefers coffee, but he will drink either. He likes his coffee with a healthy dose of cream, but no added sugar. His tea is usually hot, slightly understeeped, and served with a dollop of honey.
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eyfey · 1 year
So in a moment of streaming induced madness a few weeks ago I ordered some uhhhh "Homestuck Teas" and now I am trying them.
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Todays Tea (#5) is Toreador (or u may know him as Tavros) and actually I drank this a few days ago but forgot to make the post.
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This one's it's got Chocolate. Smell SO good and I could swear there was cinnamon in there too but no apparently just chocolate caramel almond and vanilla.
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Since it was a chocolate tea I went with creamer for the sweetener (it's the right decision). After the uh, "delicate" Kanaya tea I was worried about understeeping this one but WRONG I was WRONG this one is a normal-ass tea steep it the normal amount or it WILL be way too strong.
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I ended up having to add more cream to balance it out (and later on I tried it again steeping it a normal amount) and all and all I'd say it's pretty good. Just a standard tasty chocolate tea. I probably won't buy it again only because I already have plany off other good chocolate teas in my cupboard.
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Had it with a cinnamon roll because something something precious cinnamon roll too good for this world
(i mean Tavros was as insufferable a person as all the other trolls but cinnamon roll seemed to be the fandom interpretation at least)
Good pairing but would've gone better with a chocolate and/or nutty dessert.
Link to the blend in the replies if anyone is interested.
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steadfastcommerce · 3 years
making tea does not take 6 hours, i repeat, 2 minutes tea are better.
Does this qualify as harassment
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
For the DADWC, A perfectly brewed cup of tea.
Thank you! Have some Dorian x Varric as I imagine them hanging out in DA4 @dadrunkwriting
Dorian had missed good tea. Those long days in the Ferelden mountains drinking whatever those kitchen ladies saw fit to send out had had him aching for home. Strangely, they were never thankful when he offered to explain to them how to brew a proper cup of tea, and it didn’t matter, really, since his method involved magic. Heating up the water just so for the amount of time it took to quietly recite his favorite poem by Rufinus, removing the tea leaves, stirring in the honey—and the honey in Tevinter just tasted better, happier bees perhaps—then cooling it down with a flick of his wrist and inhaling the perfectly distilled aroma of the leaves.  
And that wasn’t even touching on the difference in quality of tea leaves available in the middle of southern nowhere.
Since returning to Tevinter, he had spent a portion of each day perfecting an already excellent procedure. Today his parlor smelled of roses and mint, an interesting flavor combination that called for just the tiniest portion of sugar. He dropped it in, stirred quickly with his spoon which made a pleasant tinkling sound against the delicate porcelain, and took a sip.
Just as he’d suspected: perfection.
Varric ambled in just after he’d set the tea cup in its saucer. That poor man had no taste for tea at all, his tastebuds presumably having all been burnt away after years of tavern food served piping hot to make up for the lack of flavor. Cheap tea leaves, over-boiled and steeped for too long served Varric just fine during their trips across the South together. On one memorable evening, Dorian even saw him dump some of his flask into it. And while Dorian did love a cup of tea and alcohol of almost all varieties, not to mention skirting around convention, that was a sin he could never reproduce for himself.
In a strange way, he’d been impressed.
But the thing about a perfectly brewed cup of tea, Dorian reflected as Varric reported on the news of the day, was that it would never match even the worst swill when that swill was shared with a friend.
“Well,” Varric said, bouncing on the balls of his feet and eyeing the teapot, “I was going to see if you wanted to get a drink with me over at the tavern, but I see you already have—"
“This?” Dorian asked with a gesture toward his teacup. “Pure rubbish. Understeeped and over-sugared. Practically undrinkable.”
“Oh. The smell is—”
“Perfectly awful, isn’t it?” he interrupted with a smile, “Come, a mug of wine at that dreary dive you prefer would be far preferable. Wipe the memory of this refuse right out of my mind.”
Varric grinned as Dorian swept out the door with him. The thing about knowing how to brew a perfect cup of tea was that he could always do it again later. A Varric—well, perhaps one day he’d even teach him how to appreciate it.
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thoughts on tea 🏃🏽‍♀️☕️💐
personally, i like taking honey in my tea instead of sugar. my favorite is wildflower honey, because it’s sweet but not the darkest honey out there, which is good because darker honeys can be somewhat overpowering when stirred into tea. special honeys like orange blossom honey are also not preferred because they have pretty distinguishable flavors of their own, & tend to clash with the flavor of the tea, especially if it’s a lighter one
that being said, although i like honey in my black + green + herbal teas, i take sugar in my especially floral teas because i don’t want the floral taste to be smothered by honey. it’s best to just highlight floral teas with sugar, which is sweet but doesn’t have much of a notable taste otherwise
peppermint in the morning + afternoon, linden or chamomile later in the evening + night
be wary of chai lattes from coffeeshops... stick with ones you’ve tried and already enjoy, because sometimes you’ll try a different kind only to take a sip of a drink that tastes like frothy, sugary soap water. yes i am speaking from personal experience :-(
steep black tea for longer than u normally would if you plan on adding milk ☕️ it is SO easy to make your tea extremely light when u add your milk, and if your tea is already understeeped, it’ll be made even weaker when milk is added and will taste downright unpleasant. in contrast, black teas that have been steeped well or even oversteeped will always taste warm and rich with milk. so make sure u steep it for longer than u might think is necessary
seasonal teas are SO fun and so good. u may not need pumpkin cinnamon tea in your house at all times but when autumn rolls around by GOD u need to have a box or tin of it. same with special winter blends ❄️
finishing random household tasks (doing the dishes, folding laundry) is made much more enjoyable w/ a cup of tea to sip from incrementally. HOWEVER, it is very easy to forget the existence of that cup and let it go cold as you’re focused on your task so like. keep an eye out for it. i’ve lost countless cups of tea in this manner
rose tea feels SO luxurious 🌹 it doesn’t even cost THAT much but it makes u feel very fancy and fine. same with tea w/ lavender
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apocellipse · 6 years
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The Brothers Cameron — By The Wayside
Juice so often looks transparent, with skin so pale you could pass through it, hair dyed white and thin enough to snap under the smallest bit of pressure, eyes watery hazel like understeeped tea. 
He isn’t a deer in the headlights; he’s a deer shot and wounded in the safety of a forest home he’d never expected to betray him. He stands between you and Jimmy, and you know he won’t budge, and you know nothing you can say will make him. Nothing is going to make him leave his brother behind. 
“You know what he did,” you say. He stares at you, clear eyes muddied, and doesn’t say anything. His grip tightens around Jimmy’s pocketknife. 
“Juice, you know what he did. What happened to Pixel was because of him. What happened to me was because of him. And you still can’t leave him behind?” 
Juice, who lets you cheat off him in class, who laughs nervously and shuffles his feet when people call him a girl, who makes himself a doormat because he doesn’t know how to say no. 
Juice stands in your way, grips his brother’s knife in two shaking hands, points the blade at you, and says no. 
WIP page | playlist page
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