#Undertale Cyan
mousebone-s · 3 months
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Redesigns of my patience soul design (her name is Wynn). Headcanons / info under the cut:
- 9 yrs old
- LV 3 (was occasionally manipulated into harming monsters by Flowey)
- she/her
- likes: toys, playing pretend, animals, puzzles, mysteries
- dislikes: bullies, being alone, spiders
- has juvenile arthritis, Chron’s disease, and generalized anxiety disorder
- bullied heavily for her timidness and perceived weakness before falling
- extremely shy, had very few friends aside from some teachers and Hero (bravery soul)
- parents were strict and overprotective, partly because of her chronic illnesses. Father was always working and rarely interacted w/ Wynn. Mother was sometimes smothering and emotionally manipulative, sometimes cold and distant.
- often went to Mt Ebott to play. One day, bullies saw her heading to the mountain and followed her. They pretended they were going to throw her in, and one of the bullies dangled her over the edge. The ground beneath chipped, and the bully stumbled to keep their footing, accidentally dropping Wynn into the hole.
- after falling, felt apprehensive about returning home because of how kind Toriel was, but ultimately didn’t want to hurt her best friend and parents.
- Wynn discovered her soul power (she would not take damage as long as she stayed still) and used it to avoid harm long enough to spare monsters. When she got to Asgore, though, she was so afraid upon realizing he would not accept mercy that she tried to run, allowing Asgore to deal one fatal blow.
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"Cant wait to play in this in 7 years!"
I have heard this phrase and others like it on multiple undertale soul fangames. And I would to give small reminder to everyone that different fangames may have different development paths. Just because UTY took 7 years doesnt automatically apply to every fangame. Some might take 1 or 2 years, others might take 10 or even more than that.
Look at Undertale:kindred spirits, it still in development 8 years later. I know I am probably overdramatically with this but I felt like this needed to be said.
Especially since everyone seem to assume UTY team had been working the game none stop through those 7 years ,which is not the case. Feel to correct me since I haven't following closely to development through out the years, but there were probably problems that they ran into that caused them to slow down or stop development for bit.
Like I said, different fangames will run into different obstacles and handle it different. Not everyone will follow UTY path and that's okay.
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anamdreams69 · 3 months
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little doodle of Cyan so i could test some brush on krita bleh bleh
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holidayking102 · 2 months
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Make sure to check out Undertale Cyan by @c0ster!
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lazypiechi · 1 month
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Может потом по приколу нарисую другие души uwu Не уверена, можно ли это считать осом??? Типа, концепция души взята от Тоби Фокса, но сам персонаж мой... Странно в общем х))))
Если бы я делал игру, то голубая душа имела бы диалоговое окно и спрайты х))) Так же для концовок были бы нарисованы арты 🤔🤔 Ещё там было бы несколько концовок. К примеру, беря идею аллергии на корицу и ириски - душа специально бы съела ириски или корицу, чтобы умереть, так как устала терпеть заточение в Руинах. Вообще хотелось прописать эту девочку и дать ей личность и характер. У неё тоже есть свои загоны и переживания, которые могут не понять люди, не имеющие ментальных проблем. Однако эти ментальные болячки выделялись бы благодаря действиям игрока. Если игрок выберет не уходить от Ториэль, то голубая душа не сможет терпеть этого длительного заточения, ибо банально не будет уходить от Ториэль лишь из жалости, так как узнает историю о её детях. В итоге она не сможет найти выхода, кроме как убить себя последствиями аллергии.
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datssokoolwhat · 19 days
Since there’s was Undertale yellow
I went ahead and made Undertale CYAN.
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I’m planning to made more characters. But you can tell that she went to a bratty, anger issues kid to a calm, scary, patient lil girl.
She change because the more she spend time in the Underground.
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Yes she cut her hair.
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animated-finn · 5 months
Undertake Cyan
This is just a mini comic thing, but part of my take for the cyan soul in Undertale!
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doodlez-does-stuff · 4 months
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The main characters of Undertale: Story of Cyan
Hope - A 16 year old who fell down into the Underground in year 202X. Very shy and anxious, her entire arc is based around her becoming more confident.
Ratney - A street rat who lives HOME who befriends Hope, becoming her party member. Ratney starts off a bit of a jerk but Hope's kindness eventually shapes him into being a better person.
Lil Miss Itsy Bitsy - A spider monster who is in charge of the Ruins Spiderclan. A ruthless monster who is willing to do anything to get her hands on some cash.
Elvin - A disgraced Christmas Elf who lives within the cavans of Snowdin. He is disliked by his community as he chooses to build weapons rather than toys for children.
Ed and Vic - A pair of eccentric robotic brothers who run an inventing facility in Hotland. They love building all sorts of strange machines to try and make the Underground a better place. Unfortunately most of their machines are rather faulty...
Warden - A royal guard who patrols New Home Jail. A ruthless bully to all the inmates, he'll stop at nothing to keep everything in order.
Toriel and Asgore - The deaths of the children and the pain of their separation is still fresh. At this point in the timeline, they are basically the worst versions of themselves. Toriel is depressed and emotionally distant, while Asgore is just super angry 50% of the time. If only a young human could help them...
I really love these guys, they be my children fr fr
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fantasticalbiology · 4 months
Undertale Cyan and Orange weapons
First context is important UT Cyan & Orange or to put this simply the first and second human were cyan and orange soul who fell at the same time. Here are their hypothetical weapons
Tough gloves: Worn pink leather gloves. For five fingered gloves
Fingerless gloves: You don’t feel tougher but you feel cooler
Bear mittens: Best for keeping warm and being unbearably cute
Fist wrap: Even if their just bandages its important to keep safe
Gauntlets: Heavy are the hands that wears these, also the amount of sweats
Knuckle duster: Your not a kind soul that’s why their not green. Your the one to be feared though
Toy knife: Made of plastic a rarity these days
Kitchen knife: The smell of a freshly baked pie wafts from it.
Rusty chisel: a little worn but still good for making sculptures 
Sharp stick: It feel like your going to be stepping on someone else's toes, but whatever
Syringe: You can help someone with this, but your other half might be afraid of it
Dagger: Not for child's play. You waited long enough for this
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ut-cyan-kingdominruin · 3 months
Introducing Guntiver, the deuteragonist of Kingdom In Ruin!
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Guntiver is just a simple looking monster who carries around and delivers stuff for other people. AKA he's a delivery boy for basically anything people give to him. He enjoys it! And he thinks it'll look good on his resume whenever more actual jobs get established in the Underground.
He was used to more...royal delivery work, back in the day. But Toriel, the one who gave him the Royal Delivery job in the first place, left the throne, so Guntiver followed as a self appointed escort of sorts.
Then Mahogany falls down, and sets up her own little detective stop in Toriel's house. Guntiver follows them around a few times because Toriel asks him to, and eventually Mahogany has a new sidekick that can store more things than they can, along with having the miner hat to light up the way in dark areas. It can also reveal invisible ink or otherwise hidden writings! Very useful things for a detective.
Despite everything I've just said about him, he's actually a very skittish person.
I drew this in paint.net and I'm not the best with drawing on computers exclusively, so I will draw more doodles of this guy tomorrow. Also, since I hate not giving exact ages for my main characters, he's 18.
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Lastly, he is NOT small, reaching up to Mahogany's shoulder (I don't have exact heights but Mahogany is tall enough for their age); hell he could probably carry them around on his head.
Also he can only speak in higher pitched Shy Guy noises https://youtu.be/Uh7oR1XRHlY?si=2JyKy6Cfr0js1bQo
Minor Q/A
"Wait, he was Toriel's escort??? Where is he in Undertale??? Where's the Delta Rune symbol???"
Guntiver is not a boss monster and will be dead of old age long before Undertale or even hypothetically Undertale Yellow start- for this story at least, Undertale is over 100 years after the events of this story. Since Guntiver also technically doesn't have a royalty-related job anymore, he scrubbed the Delta Rune off of his hat.
"What happens with him in the Genocide route?"
Honestly I've been starting to conceptualize this story as a visual novel, which I will probably make at some point in the future, so as far as I'm concerned, there is no Genocide route. ...The VN would have multiple endings, though. I know there are people out there who really dislike AUs without Genocide routes, and....good for you, I guess? The story I want to tell doesn't have room for a Genocide route and I would be more limited with what I want to do in trying to make space for one. Make your own Patience story if that bothers you so much. The genocide route wouldn't be 'canon to Undertale' in a similar fashion to UTY's Genocide route, anyway.
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squidpedia · 2 months
I don’t think any of you are ready for the power of my friend’s raw headcannon
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Full miku drawing
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forgettable-au · 4 months
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What do we think? I think he's like the coolest scientist to ever science
I'm genuinely so shocked about that I'm so so glad you're all enjoying this AU so far hehehe:D
Also I just made the 1000 followers celebration post like a month ago or something??wow
Here's the guy ‼️‼️ I wanted to practice drawing him quickly and in different poses. I think I achieved that, all this was made with just the lasso fill tool it was soooo fun and I loved not being worried about details just SHAPE
ALL SHAPE (and colors)
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safwunnz · 9 months
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I like the colors in this drawing :)
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magnetic-dogz · 4 months
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[ IDs in alt text ]
Got inspired and wanted to try my hand at some designs for the Cyan and Green souls
(Dove and Sunny both use they/them pronouns ✌���)
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bogos-bint3d · 1 month
Chat I'm gonna be completely honest with you I don't really have an explanation for this one
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My beautiful inspirations for this <3
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darkcandy-starfait · 8 months
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ut month 2023 ❤ - 12. echo flowers
waterfall is my favorite area in the game and the echo flowers are such an eerie and beautiful visual to it all. This dialogue is one of my favourites.
info on UT month 2023 here!
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