#still have no idea what those cyan bands are on his design :
safwunnz · 1 year
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I like the colors in this drawing :)
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cyberaxolotl · 2 years
good afternoon! it’s capcakes time (and they love sweet too)
cap’n and k_k go on a boba date: Modern + Human
notes before you read: this contains catcalling and talk about misogyny. for some reason. i don’t know either. i do not promote catcalling and also i don’t promote crime please and thank you see you later
(fic under the cut ❤️, will be cross posted to ao3 soon)
It was a sunny afternoon in the city, and most people were out and about, walking around alongside their friends and talking about what was subjectively interesting to them.
Inside of one of the many buildings, casual music played, relaxing the inhabitants of the cafe. It was a good place to stop and have coffee and a croissant or two, such ideas also being those of a group of cyborg-like darkners.
K_K was a cyborg by definition, having only the flesh of their face and the coils on their head remaining of their original body and the rest of it being metal and silicone replacements. They were dressed very casually, a long beige jacket with wide sleeves falling around the chair they sat on. It would seem they were rambling about something that might’ve only been important to them and that group. “Aaand I swear, I had never been told that before! I mean, I get it, pretty looking darkner is actually a goof, but come on!”
Across the table, two other darkners were there. Queen could be less classified as a cyborg and more as just a robot, though she was customized to look perfectly like a human. She even had a navy blue afro, made artificially of course. “Oh My God. The Disrespect Of Some People, I Swear If I Was Still Ruler I Would Make A Law Against That.” She spoke monotonously, but somehow, her friends could still feel the tone in her voice. Mild concern, melodramatic and sarcastic, but still a bit concerned.
Next to her was Tasque Manager, who wasn’t by any means not a human, but her holographic cat-like ears and tail were certainly convincing of otherwise. It was also weirding out to some that she seemed to have mastered using prosthetic arms that looked completely opaque in the light. “Queen’s right, y’know! In fact, I think there already is a law against that in this city.”
“Yes, it’s called laws against harassment. Unfortunately, this is a city.” The fourth of their group, who sat next to K_K, chimed in. He was a pink addison, long hair tied back into a ponytail, peppy fake nails on his fingers. Bubblegum was his name, and the group often jokingly called him a ‘material girl.’ He didn’t quite get it, but he did like it. “I could be walking around with one of my most MASCULINE looks, and still some people will see pink and think ooh! Woman! Like- no.” He finished his exaggerated mini rant, folding his arms and scoffing.
“Literally None Of Us Are Pink But You. And You’re Only A Girl Approximately Half Of The Time.” Queen stated, her eyebrows furrowing over her visor. “K_K’s Green. Tassi And I Are Blue. Why Do We Not Get Treated Like Men?” She asked sarcastically, getting a chuckle out of the group.
“Ooooh, color theory! As the designer of most of my band’s stuff, I gotta say, color is the reason you don’t put red in a children’s hospital, and the reason pink makes you a girl! I guess?” K_K said, starting out excited but cooling down at the end. While they were the artist for the band, they didn't actually have a huge understanding of art. They were self taught.
“Who The Fuck Would Put Red In A Children’s Hospital?” The robot asked, giggling a little.
“It’d look like blood, wouldn’t it? Eugh.” Bubblegum groaned a little at the thought. “Dark red’s barely even an attractive color to begin with.”
“I much prefer cool cyan’s like the Tasque’s and I are. It doesn’t look like blood.” Tasque Manager said, looking away and smiling.
“I like greens and yellows! Oh, and purples!” K_K said happily.
“My Favorite Color Is- Wait.” Queen suddenly looked confused. “What The Fuck Were We Talking About And Why Are We Talking About Color Now???” She asked, looking around the group.
“Misogyny, darling, and we’re talking about color because it’s prettier than bigotry is.” The addison stirred his coffee and glanced out of the window, looking apprehensive.
“You’d never believe how I’ve been treated, honestly, some people.” Tasque Manager said, then looked at the metaphorical camera. “The gall of some people.”
“The Gall Of Some People. I’m Lucky, Swatch Is Very Respectful.” Queen repeated back, and then smiled.
“I couldn’t imagine them NOT being respectful. Swatch is one of the most respectful and respected people around.” The tasque girl replied back, looking back at the robot. Tassi and Queen both worked at the same place, with Swatch as their coworker.
“Ugh, you girls are lucky with that. I have to work with the other addisons at Seldom Silvers, and goodness it could not be worse.” Bubblegum snapped his fingers, still glaring outside. “I’m lucky Citrus is cool, but Navy is SUCH a pushover and Bolt could not be more annoying. I can’t complain about Bonbon.”
“Citrus Is The One You Get Along With? Damn.” Queen got a glare for that.
“He’s a prick, but so am I. We just work. What about you, K_K?” The addison looked over at the person next to him, only to realize they weren’t paying any attention at all.
“Huh? Oh, uh… Yeah, the band is going great! Cap’n just texted me that he’s gonna be home soon!” The cyborg said happily, looking back down at their phone.
“Back home? Where was he?” Tasque Manager asked, her head tilting and her hologram ears falling to the side.
“Out on a business trip, y’know, finding our next show opportunity! Or whatever he does while he’s out in the other cities.” They looked back down at their phone. “He’s gonna be back tomorrow afternoon!” They smiled, tilting their phone down to give the group their attention again.
“Pfff, you sure are attached to him, huh? You’re getting giddy like a dog now that he’s coming home.” Bubblegum smirked at them, sticking his tongue out playfully.
“He’s… my boyfriend? And I’m attached to Sweet too y’know! It’s just, they’re being a workaholic in their office right now.” They explained, and then their phone dinged. They checked it quickly, already smiling again. “Oh! He’s asking me if I’d like to meet him for some boba tomorrow so I can drive him home!”
“Ooh, How Exciting For You.” Queen smiled, putting her head on her hand.
“You better say yes and then tell us how it goes.” Bubblegum said, leaning over towards them.
“I will! It’ll be like our first official date together!” K_K smiled widely, texting quickly. Their face dropped suddenly, and they reeled back in a bit of confusion. “…Queen, did you just airdrop me a picture of Sweet but as a speaker and… as a treadmill..?” They slowly sounded more confused.
“What?!” Tassi snapped her head towards the robot.
“Lmao.” Was her only response.
That was when a worker at the cafe walked up to their table. “Here’s your check. I hope you enjoyed your food.”
“Thank you!” K_K said, and watched them walk away. “So, are we splitting the bill four ways?”
“You Three Can Go Home Now. I’ll Pay For All Of Us.” Queen waved them off, smiling sincerely.
“God, Queen, you’re always treating us. You’re a wonderful best friend!” Tasque Manager said, standing up.
“I Know. You Three Are Welcome.” Her sarcastic response lost a little sincerity, making Bubblegum roll his eyes as he stood up.
“Thank you for paying though. I must get back to Seldom Silvers now.” He checked his watch, throwing a purse over his shoulder.
“I’ll tell you three how my date with Cappy goes!” Cakes said happily, picking up a tote bag that was by their feet.
“You Owe It To Me!” Queen yelled out to them as they headed out of the cafe.
K_K busted through the door into her apartment, putting her bag down next to the couch. “Sweet, I’m home!” She called out, pulling her coat off.
“Welcome home, I’m in the office right now.” They called back, and she could hear their tired tone. Rolling her eyes at them, she walked over to the office, looking through the doorway.
“Heeeey! Did you get the news?” She asked, walking up behind them to their desk. “Cappy’s coming home tomorrow!”
“Yes, he texted me while you were with your friends. I wonder if he got us a new gig.” They responded, looking up from their work. K_K took the opportunity to lean down and kiss them on their cheek, pushing some loose hair out of their face in order to do so. As she leaned up, it became apparent that doing such only messed up her own hair. Sweet chuckled as they reached and pushed some hair behind her ear.
She started talking again as they did so. “I hope so! It’s been a while since we’ve played publicly, and I really wanna! My friends wanna see us play too!”
“I can tell. I’ve been a bit tired of not playing my drums, all of this work has been exhausting.” They groaned, looking back down at their desk. The other cyborg moved to stand behind them, throwing her arms over their shoulders.
“Mmh. Cap and I are gonna get boba tomorrow afternoon, I know you don’t like eating out, do you want me to bring you something back?” She asked, leaning against their head.
“Hm… just get me a milk tea, thanks.” Sweet answered, picking up their pen and starting to work again. K_K wasn’t quite sure what they were doing, but figured they were doing some last research for their university classes. She wouldn’t know, she was a drop out, but they were pursuing a STEM degree.
The two stayed like that for a while, K_K comfortable in that position, and Sweet comfortable in her presence. A few times she tried to glance over at their work, only to not understand what she was looking at. She didn’t know anything about a lot of things, and that was the dropout life. She liked it.
“…Awful empty ‘round’ere without Cap, huh?” The speaker cyborg suddenly said, getting their attention.
“You said it.” They sighed, holding him a little tighter. “I know we’re usually the loud ones, but come on! We’re a trio, and a trio means three!”
“I didn’t know a loud and a loud made for a quiet.” Sweet said matter of factly, quickly scrawling something onto a notepad. “I guess I should be lucky I have this to do.”
“Really? University work is stressful though, I’d rather be bored than be stressed.” K_K said curiously, tapping a finger to their cheek.
“That’s the thing-“ He turned around to face them. “I get to be bored AND be stressed.” He sighed, and then turned back to his work.
“Dah, honeeeey!” They flicked at him, squishing closer into the side of his face. He just chuckled softly at that, but the tiredness was evident.
“It’ll be worth it to brag about how I have a degree and you two don’t.” He said, and they felt that he’d be smirking if he could.
“But Cap’n DOES have a degree! He has a bachelors in music!” K_K whined, standing up. “You’re just excluding me in that case!”
“I’m talking about full degrees, not bachelors- don’t you have a bachelors in communication?” He looked up at them and asked, and then watched their face contort.
“No, I don’t. You’re thinking about my brother.” They explained, and then turned around. “I’m gonna go take a nap, wake me up when it’s dinner time.”
“A nap? At two in the afternoon?” Sweet watched as they went to the door.
K_K put her hand up happily, looking over her shoulder with a smile on her face. “I love hypersomnia!” She sang, and then left the room.
They looked back at their work and sighed. “I REALLY need to get her to start taking sleep therapy… and I need to get myself to do it too.” They also weren’t the best sleeper. They were an insomniac and a workaholic, she was a hypersomniac with not enough to do- what more can I say?
The next afternoon, K_K was rushing out of the apartment complex door, shoving their coat on as they ran. They had overslept, as expected of them, only to get stunned by their plans. They loved making plans, and hated needing to go to them. But hey- they were going on a date with Cap’n! He wouldn’t care. Hell, he’d probably be in a worse state than they were. Nonetheless, they hurriedly refined their curls, running down the sidewalk.
And just like any person who looked like her in a city, on a sidewalk, there were catcallers. “Hey girl, what you rushin’ for?” Some random person called out to her.
“I’m rushing to go fuck your mom!” She yelled back, not looking to see who it was. She didn’t care who it was, she cared to get to her date on time. At least she knew the way to the boba shop.
She wondered briefly what she looked like while careening down the street like that, an uncontrolled 24 year old who probably looked like a disaster. She dismissed the thought in favor of thinking about what the future may hold- a date! A hopefully lovely little date between her and her boyfriend. Maybe she’d even get a kiss afterward- actually, she’d definitely get a kiss afterward.
And they were curious too. Cap’n didn’t tell them the details of his trip, just that it was a business opportunity for their band. That’s what they got for letting him be the leader they suppose, him being cryptic since they know he likes being secretive. Or maybe he struggled with his words. K_K couldn’t tell, and they also didn’t care. If they had a gig coming up soon, they’d be all for it, and they’d also be for it if they didn’t.
Soon enough, the boba shop came into view, with a few people on the outdoor seats around it. They were far enough away that the cyborg couldn’t quite tell who anyone was, so she couldn’t pick Cap’n out of the crowd, and wasn’t willing to risk the embarrassment of mistaking someone else for someone they weren’t.
As they were about halfway down the street to the shop, they got a text. Pulling their phone out, a smile was put on their face as they read it.
<3Cappy: i’m here, where are you?
Me!!!: im coming!!! i’ll be there in a moment
They slowed to a stop to reply, and then started to walk forward, the exhaustion of running catching up to them.
<3Cappy: don’t tell me you overslept again .
Me!!!: i didn’t i swear :(
They started catching up to the boba shop, looking into the glass doors. They saw a man with blue-dyed dreads staring down at his phone, a cap placed on his head, and immediately knew that was him, their very special man.
As she opened the doors, he didn’t look up, typing something.
<3Cappy: yeah , yeah i know. you wouldn’t miss something like this, i know dates are important to you
She put a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped. “Boo!” She said in a slightly raised voice, watching his expression go from chill, to terror, to relived.
“God, don’t scare me like that, Cakes!” He exclaimed, hitting her lightly against the speakers and chuckling. “I guess you didn’t sleep in, huh?”
“No, I actually did.” She said shyly, glancing away. “I slept way more than usual yesterday and I guess it rubbed off because I had to get ready in like, ten minutes!” She grabbed a curl and tucked in behind her ear, getting it out of her face.
Cap’n smiled, finding their rambling amusing. “So you ALMOST missed our date!” He pointed and said, smirking playfully.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You know I have oversleeping issues!” They apologized as they leaned down, a kiss being planted on their cheek, which they quickly forwarded into a kiss on his forehead.
“I’m not mad darling, I expected it. I wasn’t even sure you’d get here on time.” He admitted, but then pushed his glasses up, revealing his different color eyes. “I gotta be proud of you for this.”
“D’aw, Cappy!” Another kiss was planted on his forehead, and he laughed, waving them off.
“Come on, let’s get our drinks and sit down.” He said, turning to walk over to the counter. Surprisingly for a Sunday afternoon, there was no line.
“Oh, right, we’re here for boba! Sweet asked me to get him a milk tea to bring home.” They quickly remembered where they were, staying close by Cap’n.
“So that’s what Sweet wants us to bring him, what do you want?” He looked up at them and asked.
“Oh, uh…” K_K hadn’t actually thought about that. Quickly, they glanced at the menu board, then back at their boyfriend. “I’ll have a brown sugar bubble tea!” They said excitedly. They had… actually never had boba before.
Cap’n nodded, and then walked up to the counter. “Hey, can we get a brown sugar bubble tea, a milk tea boba, and a taro milk tea
boba?” He asked politely, a smile on his face.
The girl at the counter appeared to be a teenager, and she nodded quickly. “That- that’ll be- that will be-“ She stuttered, clearing her throat, clearly nervous. It seemed to be her first day. “That’ll be twelve dollars.” She finished, looking down at an electronic tablet.
Cap’n paid quickly, while K_K slipped a few dollars into the tip jar. Something about workers being nervous always made them feel obligated to do so, just a small sign of hey! You’re doing good!
The girl disappeared into the back and the two turned to each other, giddy to be starting their date. “Is this your first time having boba?” Cap’n asked, putting his phone into his jacket pocket.
“Yeah, it is! Have you had it before?” K_K questioned back, smiling.
“I have while out on business trips, it’s an easy way to sit down with an associate. I guess I see it as the taste of being away.” He explained, looking around the shop. “But- I am glad to have it with you now.” He said, holding their hands.
“Heh, Cappy!” They beamed, their cheeks flushing. They couldn’t have been happier.
“H-here’s your drinks, please have a nice day.” The barista came back, placing three boba cups on the counter.
“Thanks, you too!” The cyborg sang, grabbing her cup as well as Sweet’s. “Are we sitting inside or outside?” She turned to her partner and asked.
“Outside, please- I’ve done too much sitting indoors this past week.” Cap’n put his hand beside his head, laughing it off and taking his own cup.
K_K turned around with him, twirling around a lot faster than she meant to, her hair falling into her face. “God, tell me about it! I went to the cafe with my friends yesterday but we sat inside, and other than that I’ve been spending a lot of time in the apartment, ‘cause all Sweet’s been doing this week is work for his university classes. I mean, I get it! It has to be hard studying for a whole STEM degree, but come on, I barely see them sleeping!” She rambled on as they stepped outside, sitting down at the nearest empty table.
“So Sweet’s been doing all work and getting no sleep, what have you been doing?” The radio cyborg put his elbow on the table and leaned against his hand, raising an eyebrow.
“…” He had caught her red-handed, and he knew it. “…Sleeping.” She admitted, stabbing her straw out of the wrapper and then stabbing the top of her drink.
“I figured. I guess we don’t really do much if we’re not doing it all together.” He shrugged, getting his own drink ready. “I did a lot of talking and a lot of driving this week, I got REALLY homesick REALLY fast.” He explained, and then took a drink of his boba.
“Ough, man! Did you get us any gigs?” She tried to turn onto a lighter note, tilting her head.
“That’s what I was ‘boutta tell you!” Cap’n suddenly leaned forward, smirking. “We do! We’ve got a new performance scheduled for next month, and it’s not that far from town!”
K_K gasped overdramatically, their smile getting wider. “¡¿En serio?! Sweet y yo estuvimos hablando de cantar ayer, ¡esperábamos tener un nuevo concierto!“ They exclaimed, and then took the first sip of their own drink. “Mmh- oh! This is good!”
He chuckled at their excitement, a dreamy look entering his eyes as he leaned against his hand again, staring admirably at them. “Heh, you really do revert to factory settings when you get excited.”
“I really- what?” They were confused, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Oh- a friend of a friend joked with me about how some people start speaking their native language when they’re excited, called it ‘returning to their factory settings,’ and I gotta say, you do it.”
“…” They stared at him for a moment, their expression blank, mostly confused. After a few moments though, a smile cracked onto their face. “Pffft-! You’re right! I really can’t stop myself from speaking like that when I get all excited!” They laughed, putting a hand on their cheek.
“And yet, that’s something I love about you.” Cap’n looked down at his drink and said, smiling to himself. “You can’t control your excitement. It’s… cute.” He admitted, and then hurriedly took another sip of his drink.
“Oh! Heh-“ K_K flustered easily, holding their drink up to their speakers. “Thanks, sugarcane!” They pushed their curls back behind their ears again. They realized that they were gonna be doing that a lot, but they felt that that time, it fit the mood.
“Sugarcane? Is that my pet name now?” He questioned, chuckling.
“I’ve always called you sugar-names! I called you sugarplum before and you never complained.” She said, drinking more of her boba.
“Hey, I’m not complaining. You always give us cute pet names, darling.” He shrugged.
“Heh, darling-“ She chuckled at that, getting a confused look. “Sorry, it’s just, Bubblegum calls everyone darling to the point that I hardly realize it’s usually romantic!” She explained, tapping her cheek.
“Hm. Then what should I call you?” He leaned forward and asked, putting his chin in his hand. “…Hotcakes~?” He tilted his head and proposed.
“Mmhf- keh!” K_K jumped at being called that, getting flustered and surprised at the same time- and unintentionally shoving the straw into the back of her throat, coughing up a storm after pulling away.
“Holy shit- are you okay?!” Cap’n went from being flirty to being concerned, holding his hand out to her.
She took it quickly, hitting her throat a couple times. “Yup- yup, I’m fine-!” She sputtered, smiling nonetheless. Then, she laughed. “Hah! I wasn’t ready for you to just say that-!”
“I’m sorry Cakes, I didn’t realize it’d catch you so off guard.” He continued apologizing, but she shook her head at him.
“No, no, it’s okay, it was funny!” She said, still laughing. Then, her phone rang. “Oh! Hold on.” She said, and then checked her phone.
It was in the group chat she spoke to her friends with, and the person messaging was Bubblegum.
LocalMaterialGirl: Hey k_k, how’s the date going?
They smiled at their phone, knowing exactly what they wanted to write.
K_Kakes: i just deepthroated a straw!
They held their phone away, giving Cap’n their attention again. “Sorry, my friends are texting me! I was with them yesterday y’know, right when you asked me out!” They explained, chuckling under their breath.
“Oh really? When I was in high school and I told my friends I was going on a date, I knew damn well that meant I was gonna be getting watched and awkwardly texted.” Cap’n thought back to his teenage years, slouching.
That made K_K look around the people around them, and as they had thought, nobody was around them. “Mmm- nope! Not my friends!” They said, and then checked their phone again. Some texts had came in without them realizing.
LocalMaterialGirl: Girl what
OrderlyManager: Excuse me??? What???
TheQueenBee: K_K You Cannot Just Say That And Not Explain
They just laughed it off and put their phone away, deciding they’d explain to their friends later. “Anyway, I didn’t know you had friends in high school.” They said, not realizing how they sounded.
Cap’n gasped dramatically, putting his hand over his chest. “WOOOW, I see how it is!” He started laughing at his own drama.
“That’s not what I meant! I just meant- you never told me about any friends you have!” They started trying to defend themself, getting embarrassed.
He just laughed though. “Yeah- cause they’re not my friends anymore! I hung out with assholes in high school and then I had you two when I was in university!” He explained, laughing. “‘I didn’t have any friends in high school-‘ K_K, we met at a damned party!” He took a sip of his drink to try and ease himself.
“Oh- right, we did!” She remembered quickly, her embarrassment fading. “Well, actually- it was more that Sweet had found you passed out drunk on a balcony and I was following Sweet.” She giggled as she remembered.
“Christ, I don’t remember a thing of it- I just remember waking up to you two staring at me, giving you two my number, and then hangover-ing my way back to my apartment.” He tried to remember, but his memory was hazy. “…I DO remember thinking you two were cute as hell.” He quickly added.
“Ooh- Cappy!” K_K pulled their hands up and slapped their cheeks a couple times, smiling like hell. “And to think you didn’t date us cause you thought you were straight for so long!” They said sarcastically, calming themself down and drinking their boba.
Cap’n muttered something under his breath, but they didn’t quite catch it.
“Huh? I didn’t hear that?” They noted, leaning forward.
He had a stupid, embarrassed smile on his face. “I, uh… I thought you two were both girls when we met.” He said, looking away bashfully.
They stifled a chuckle at that, but luckily didn’t send a straw down their throat, instead pulling their cup away and putting a hand over their mouth. “Are you- are you kidding me, Cap’n-?!” They giggled.
“I was sixteen, damnit!” He tried to defend himself, putting his hand down on the table. “I was sixteen and had the hangover of a lifetime, and somehow didn’t realize once I was sober! It took you and Sweet calling each other ‘he’ for me to damn realize!”
K_K just chuckled. “Heh- I still remember watching you do community service for that. You were wild back then.”
“Listen, every teenager has done some form of criminal offense in their time. Whether it’s vandalism, underage drinking, or some minor destruction of property- we got up to shit back then. Don’t act like you haven’t.” Cap’n said, drinking his boba. “It just so happened that I was being stupid.”
“I’ve never been arrested actually.” She started, getting a curious look from him. “I got detained by school security once for beating the daylights out of someone who was harassing my friend but they let me go.”
“…Wow.” He said, a little wide eyed. “You never told me that.”
“I figured I didn’t have to! I mean, one of the first things the three of us ended up doing after getting together was smoke pot, I figured you wouldn’t care!” She explained, shrugging and drinking her boba. “You’re… not mad that I did that, are you?” She suddenly got more solemn.
“No- no, I’m not mad. Just surprised.” To her own surprise, he covered his mouth with his hand, a bit more intense of blush covering his face. “…So you’re, like… strong?” He asked.
“Uh, yes! Yes, I am!” She smiled at him, tilting her head. “What about it?”
“Oh, nothing.” He said, still blushing. “Anyway, back to high school- is the detainment thing why you dropped out?” He shook the fluster off his face and asked, trying to feel casual again.
“I always tell people it is but it’s not.” She started, “I dropped out because of my brother. He’s older than me and so obviously he was in college first, and got his degree first- I wasn’t having it! He always told me I’d need a degree to do anything but I was already flunking most of my classes, so I just dropped out and moved out too, because I knew there had to be something I could do without a damn degree!” She ranted, not realizing she was working herself up a little.
“Well, you’re right about that.” Cap’n said, getting her attention and easily calming her down. “I know I have a degree in music, but it’s just a bachelors in music. I really only got it so that my parents wouldn’t nag me about actually getting a degree.” He then looked around sneakily, and then leaned over the table and whispered, “They wanted me to get a degree in engineering so I always tell them I got a degree in engineering. They’ve never actually seen my degree.” He said, and then sat back down.
“Pffft-! Oh, wow, we both just flunked our families, huh?” K_K laughed, but then looked a little tired, drinking some more of their boba. She was almost done. “Ugh- god- how does Sweet do it?”
“Their own self satisfaction? I don’t know.” Cap’n shrugged. “I’m perfectly satisfied with one bachelor's degree, but to think they’re getting four damn masters? While also pursuing being in the band with us?“ He questioned, and a look crossed over the other’s face.
“They’re overworking themself. Like they always have.” She said, a little sadly. Then, she piped up. “Hey- how about when we get home, we give them their boba, and some kisses?” She proposed, a smile crossing her face.
“Hmh- you’ve always got the cutest ideas, Cakes.” Cap’n said, and then taking the last drink of his boba. “Sure, let’s do it.” He said as he placed his empty cup in the nearby recycling bin.
K_K quickly got the last of her drink out of her cup, and then threw it off, getting up. “I, uh… I know you said we should do this so that I can drive you home, but… I forgot to drive here in the first place.”
He scoffed. “Of course you did, you told me that you had just woken up. It’s okay, we can walk.” He smiled, and then threw his bag over his shoulder.
“Great!” The CD-player cyborg said, turning around. She didn’t include it, but she was also happy to walk with him, under the hopes that she wouldn’t get catcalled that time around.
The two started walking down the street, going a good part of the way without any interruptions. Cap’n seemed oblivious to how K_K was glancing around nervously, so she just smiled and talked on, hoping that the walk would go smoothly.
“And it was around that part of my teenage years that I realized I didn’t want to live with my brother, y’know? It just wasn’t-“ She was talking, only to be rudely interrupted.
“Hey girl, nice hips!” Was yelled out from beside them, which she immediately knew was at her.
“I’m a guy! Anyway, it just wasn’t what I wanted to do. It probably wouldn’t be good for me to live with him any longer, which is why I gotta be glad I met you two!” She yelled back and then explained, which shut the person up right away.
Cap’n looked… confused, for just a moment. Then, he shook himself off. “Um- yeah, I'm glad for that too. Uh… what just happened, by the way?” He leaned over and asked, and K_K just shrugged.
“It happens a lot, don’t worry about it.” She said quickly, tightening her grip on her tote bag.
“Well I’m gonna damn worry about it, do people really talk to you like that around here?” He asked further, looking up at her.
“Yeah, but I’ve learned my ways. Ignore them or make them more uncomfortable than they’re making me!” She smiled, feeling satisfied with herself.
“Gh. At least it’s easy to deal with.” He shook his head. “I’ve never seen that happen before.” He said, and they both stopped.
“Cap. I’m 6’6”, fit, and present myself like a girl because I feel like it. You’re 5’4”, look like a man, and are plus size. I think we know why.” She tilted her head at him, raising an eyebrow. “But, you’ve never seen it happen to someone else?”
“No? Not that I’ve noticed, but, I don’t really… pay much attention.” He started to feel a bit of guilt prick at him.
K_K frowned. “Heeey, don’t feel bad! They’re schmucks being shitty, so what?” She patted him on the back, almost knocking his glasses off.
“…Yeah, fuck them. Let’s just hurry home.” He said, and the two started walking again. They quickly started talking about other things, like the band, and again about how they’d first met- and of course, they had to be rudely interrupted again.
K_K was walking a little ahead of Cap’n when it happened, and he was the one talking, so it didn’t quite look like she was with anyone. “And what’s a pretty lady like you doing alone on a day like this, eh?” A person yelled from the sideline, stopping Cap’n mid sentence.
“Why don’t you mind your own fuckin’ business, guëy?” He hopped up to be by his partner’s side, glaring, and still walking. They were a little bit away when it seemed that interaction wouldn’t be so short.
“Aaah, and what’s the little short stack gonna do about it?” They both heard, and they both turned around. K_K wasn’t aggravated at the comments about themself, but hearing their partner get talked to like that was what upset them.
“Excuse me-?” Cap’n looked and asked as the other stood and stared. The offending darkner was relatively tall, lighter skin, and wasn’t anyone they recognized.
“Yeah, you heard me.” The man walked up and said. “What’s a short stack doing with someone way outta of his league?” He had an obnoxiously thick texan accent.
“Having a better love life than you have, clearly.” The cyborg retaliated, clearly getting pissed off.
“Oh yeah? I bet I could change that easily, shitknot.” The man then stepped forward, putting his hand on Cap’ns face and shoving him away to talk to K_K. “I’m way closer to someone you SHOULD be with-“
“Cappy!” She did not pay a bit of attention to him. The other cyborg hadn’t fallen over, just gotten startled from being shoved away. She was quickly at his side, grabbing his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, cupcake.” He said, shaking them off, and then glaring at the man. “What the FUCK did you do that for?!” He yelled.
“Oh, bless your heart, little fat man’s mad at me for pushin’ ‘im? I don’t give a damn.” He walked up to them and cursed, “You picked this fight you’re gonna god darn get it, winner gets the la-“
“Nope!” K_K interrupted. “I’m not letting some lame botas make a bet on me, you can get fucked!” She chimed happily, promptly grabbing her bag and swinging it at his head. He didn’t dodge it for shit, getting thrown aside, and the cyborg spun back around. “Let’s get out of here, sí?”
“Holy shit, K_K-“ Cap’n started, only for a hand to be put on his shoulder.
“He was upsetting us both. Let’s just go home and not talk about this.” They said solemnly, and then held his hand. He sighed, glaring bitterly at the now knocked out man, and then starting walking alongside them.
Sweet was at their desk, writing papers and taking notes, determined to work until they were “satisfied” with what they had done. While their hand cramped and their eyes got heavy, they didn’t turn away, but they did have a few thoughts at the back of their mind. Mostly hoping K_K would get home soon and give them their damn tea.
They took a break for a moment after finishing a page, putting it onto a stack and leaning back into their chair, letting their hair fall over their shoulders. They took a tired sigh, stretching, and resisting a yawn. They weren’t gonna let themself get tired.
Then, they heard footsteps coming up the hallway outside the apartment. ‘Please be K_K, please be K_K, please be K_K,’ They started thinking, hoping to hear that quiet click of the front door opening.
To their luck, it did. “We’re home, honeybunch!” K_K called out, running into the apartment as Cap’n took his coat off. Sweet kicked at the floor, rolling their chair out of the office doorway and smiling with their eye.
“Welcome home, Cakes- and Cap’n.” They said, welcoming the kiss they were given. “Did you get my tea?”
“I’d never forget!” She sang, reaching into her bag and pulling out an unopened boba cup and a straw.
They sighed happily at the sight, taking it quickly. “Thank you sweetheart, this’ll help me get focused again.” They said, and then kicked back into the study.
K_K looked back at Cap’n, who had watched their interaction, and then motioned for him to come up. It was time.
Sweet already had a new paper on their desk, reading over it, not paying attention to what the two were doing now. That gave them the opportunity to both come up behind them, and only then did they notice their presences. They looked up at the two of them. “Do you… need something?” They asked.
Neither of them answered, instead leaning down by the sides of their head, smiling. “What are you two- !” They both leaned in and kissed them on their cheeks before they could finish, making their grip on the paper they were holding tighten. They took a deep breath, shutting their eyes, just letting themself be pampered for a few moments as a few more kisses were given to them. “Mmh- thanks…” They sighed.
“You’ve been doing an awful lot of work, you sure you don’t wanna take a nap with me? Cap’n’s tired and said he’d be joining me too.” K_K offered, smiling at them.
“Haven’t you been doing a lot of sleeping? I thought that was gonna stop once he got home.” Sweet glared at her, and she smiled awkwardly.
“It will! Just, Cappy’s tired too! We can all have a nap together!” She explained.
“She’s right, I did tell her I wanted a nap now that I’m home.” Cap’n reiterated, and the speaker-cyborg was partially convinced.
“Mmh… you two go ahead, just let me finish one more paper and drink my tea.” They said, looking back down at their work.
“Alright, but you better be with us when I wake up!” K_K said, and then turned around. Cap’n smiled, chuckling softly, following them out of the room. Sweet watched them leave, a happy look in his eye.
“Pffft, god… I love those two so damn much.” They muttered, and then opened up a book about engineering.
End Of Oneshot
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Everyone Secretly Wants You
Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 3,528
Warnings: None
Summary: The Doctor takes her fam to an art gallery, showcasing the work of Ava Centuria, her favourite artist of the 42nd century. However, she gets more than she bargained for when said artist takes a keen liking to you.
A/N: I know today has been... a lot. So here's something short and fluffy I wrote to take my mind off of things. Keep yourselves safe and surrounded by love my friends. All the best everyone and lots of love ❤️
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“Well then,” Graham said. “Art galleries have certainly changed.”
You had to agree. It didn’t really look like any sort of art gallery you had ever seen before. There were people performing on stages, gallery goers were dressed in multi coloured neon robes, and food that changed shape on on the trays the waiters carried around. It looked like some sort of fancy festival, and you felt like any second you would see Billie Eilish casually stroll around beside you.
You loved it.
“It’s the 42nd century Graham!” The Doctor cried. She was hard to miss, she had replaced her coat with one that was a bright neon blue. “No one cares about stuffy rich people etiquette at these sort of things, it’s why Ava Centuria is so amazing! She completely reshaped societal norms, she made kooky mainstream.”
“Sounds like fun,” Yaz said encouragingly, and she was giving the Doctor a pair of thumbs up. It looked comical, her finger nails were each a different neon colour, and she wore a black suit with neon coloured stripes, reminding you of the kind of thing a school principal would wear to a carnival, except, well, neon.
As the five of you entered, you passed a towering banner that had a woman’s face plastered across and the word ‘Welcome’ written beside her. She was quite beautiful, with sharp cheekbones, long curly black hair, and painted red lips.
“Woah,” Ryan said, as the whole lot of you craned your heads so you could see it more clearly. Ryan had gone all out for the gallery, and had neon green wings painted under his eyes, which matched the neon green blazer he was wearing over a white shirt. “Is that her? This Ava chick.”
“Yup,” The Doctor said proudly. “Oh I can’t wait to meet her, I bet she’s a riot.”
Then a pair of bells rang and you jumped, clutching onto the Doctor with a yelp. Your heart sat in your throat and the Doctor placed her hand onto yours. You soon found your gaze met with hers, and your heart continued beating rapidly, but this time, for an entirely different reason. In this light her eyes almost looked like they were bright green. They sparkled under the light, and for a moment, you were mesmerised.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, tearing yourself off of her. “Just startled.”
A small marching band began walking past, wearing bright red uniforms. One of them blew something that looked like a kazoo, and it let out the shrilling bell sound that had just startled you. The Doctor gasped, her eyes shining in delight. “Oh I am following that,” and without another word, she had zoomed off.
The rest of you looked at each other, exasperated. After one moment, then another Yaz rolled her eyes. “Alright, okay, I’ll follow her. If we get into trouble I’ll ring.”
“Not too loud I hope,” Ryan said with a smirk. “Wouldn’t want to startle Y/N.”
You gave him a glare, that was only half fake.
“Oh nah,” Yaz said, and met Ryan’s smirk. “Without the Doc around, there’s no one for Y/N to cling on to!”
You began to splutter out a protest but the other’s laughed, and before you knew it, Yaz jogged off with a wave.
You sighed dejectedly. “I really was freaked out.”
“We know,” Graham said. “Just teasin’ is all.”
You, Ryan, and Graham began exploring the art gallery. Ryan nudged you on the shoulder. “When’re you gonna tell her anyway?”
“Tell who what?”
“You can play confused around her,” Graham said, by your other side. “But we know better.”
You rolled your eyes, and a waitress appeared in front of you, offering you a platter. You watched for a moment as the collection of little cakes changed from neon orange to neon cyan, and they looked almost as if they were glowing. It was so cool. You plucked one off the tray and shoved it into your mouth, nodded your thanks and then grinned ruefully at your friends as you sidestepped away from them.
The cake was nice. it wasn’t a flavour you could identify, but it was sweet and fluffy, like a cloud.
Graham took three.
“C’mon Y/N,” Ryan said, skirting around the waitress so he could catch up to you. “You know she likes you back.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” you lied. “I just want to eat some cake and look at some funky art.”
Also a lie.
Graham held out one of the cakes to Ryan, and, in doing so, essentially barred you in between them. Ryan took off a chunk and popped it into his mouth. “What’s got you so worked up about it anyway, it’s not as if you’re as emotionally awkward as she is,” he sounded like he was speaking from experience.”
“You too,” you said. “Are the worst wingmen in the history of wingmen ever. Now I’m going to go over…” You glanced around the room, trying to find an area that was relatively crowded. “There,” you said, pointing at a crowd of people gathered around a stage where a man was eating… was that fire? Wow. “So,” you continued. “If you’re going to butt your noses into my love life, I suggest you keep up.”
You dove under Graham’s arm and ran. Look, it wasn’t as though you didn’t like them – of course you did, they were some of your best friends. But it was awkward talking about the Doctor. It was so confusing, she, was so confusing, and you didn’t have the energy to think about it right now.
You slipped into the crowd and scurried to the front, dogding and weaving through neon coloured bodies. When you made it you ducked, turning around so you could try and find Graham and Ryan through the gaps in the people.
There, in the back, towards the right. They were standing around like lost puppies. Good, you had definitely lost them.
Slowly, you navigated your way through the crowd until you were by the other side. This area was far quieter, and you ducked into a narrow hallway.
You’d lost them, and with it, you had lost those annoying questions.
You’d find them soon enough, you just needed ten minutes where a ‘will they, won’t they’ conversation wasn’t the focal point of anything and everything your friends wanted to talk about. Ten minutes without knowing smiles and staring at each other like they were in on some secret, or like they were characters on The Office.  
You found yourself in a relatively empty room, save a few individuals. There was clothing propped up everywhere, and you quickly realised it was on display like a stagnate fashion show. Slowly, you began walking around the room, taking it all in.
And then you saw it.
Completely and utterly confused, you stood in front of a dress. You caught snatches of conversation from the people next to you, who were praising the piece for its creativity and out-of-the-box presentation, but to you... well, it was ugly.
It held a clattering of different patterns; the skirt was made with stripes of cheetah print, rainbow polka dots, red gingham, and acid washed denim. The top clashed even more, and was made of a sequinned fabric, one that, when you moved it, you assumed would change colour.
You weren't sure if it was supposed to be an open smock or a cape, but a sheer, neon orange fabric was drapped around behind the dress and over the arms of the mannequin. It ended in huge black ruffled lace, lining the mannequins wrists and the kissing the floor.
Now, this wouldn't be too bad if there were any structure to the dress, but it was cut into a t-shirt shape, so there wasn't any reason, practically or otherwise, to separate the skirt from the top.
Not to mention the Edwardian style ruff collar that sat around the neck, was made out of, of all things, CD’s – which apparently still existed. You wondered if it was a commentary on something, though you couldn't think of what.
You screwed your face up, concentrating, trying to find something, just a single element about the dress that you liked. It was just... awful, you were sure you could even argue that as an objective fact. Surely the thing broke some sort of laws about fashion and style.
"It's a social experiment," a warm voice said beside you, and you jumped. You hadn't heard anyone coming.
You turned to face the person who owned the voice, and assessed her thoughtfully. You recognised her, but you weren't sure from where.
"I thought I would explain it to you," she continued. "Since you were quite obvious on your distaste for the piece."
The realisation dawned on you like a wave of ice water, running through your mind and down into your bones. Her high cheekbones, her wry cherry red smirk,  her unruly, uncontrolled black curls dancing under the light as she cocked her head to the side, it couldn't be.
But it was. Standing beside you was Ava Centuria, the artist whose work was on display.
The artist who had designed this dress.
The artist who had just called you out on not liking her dress.
Your realisation must have shown on your face, because she broke out in a pearly laugh. "I do appreciate constructive criticism though. So, tell me, what don't you like about it?"
You gauged her thoughtful. Part of you was about to splutter out an apology, tell her that you actually really did like her work. But that would be a lie, and somehow, under Ava Centuria's warm gaze, lying to her just didn’t feel right.
You looked back to the dress, then to her. “Honestly. I… I just think it’s ugly.”
She let out a delighted laugh again, and you realised it was actually quite a lovely sound. “You’re the first to say that.
”“Is that a bad thing?” You asked, because really, you had just insulted her work, and she seemed happy about it.
“It’s refreshing,” she said, and she regarded the dress. “And you’re right. It is ugly. I made it so on purpose.”
This just made you more confused. “I’m sorry? Why would you do that?”
She gave you a kind smile, and you felt yourself warm in response. Ava Centuria really was striking, it looked like she had been moulded by the gods. She was the kind of beautiful that poets wrote about. “Like I said, it’s a social experiment.”
You smiled at that, thinking of the Doctor. You would have to show her this, she loves a good experiment. “What are you experimenting?”
“People,” she said, and she brushed her arm over your elbow, guiding you with her to look around the room. Her touch was warm, and you found that you didn’t mind her touching you at all.
“I find it terribly interesting,” she said, her voice low and soft in your ear. She was so completely close – you could smell her perfume, which was sweet, like a warm Spring breeze. “That something could be completely mundane, or even downright awful, but, if you give it prestige, suddenly everyone completely and utterly adores it,” when she turned to look at you again, her eyes sparkled. “It is why I appreciate you, you are honest. It is not something I am accustomed to.”
It was a sobering statement. “That seems like a lonely way to live.”
Her expression faltered, her wry grin falling into a small, sad, smile. “It can be” she gave you a knowing look. “Sometimes, though, I am lucky enough to find someone who can make the days just a little bit brighter.”
You thought about the Doctor, who lied so often, and kept so many secrets. Was she lonely too? Even with the fam, even with you with her? Did you help make her days brighter?
“I’m terribly sorry,” she said after a moment, recatching your attention.  “But I didn’t seem to catch your name.”
You noticed she had still not let go of your arm, and was caressing you slightly with her thumb.
You chuckled. “I never gave it.”
“Surely then you must share it.”
You told her your name and she smiled. “Ah. Y/N. It is fitting. It is a beautiful name for an equally beautiful person.”
You felt your eyes widen and your ears tense. Had she just-
“I am an artist,” she continued. “I know these things.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot. It wasn’t often people as gorgeous as Ava Centuria just casually flirted with you.
She stuck out her other hand. “I am Ava, by the way.”
It was such a bizarre turn of events that it startled a laugh out of you. You took her hand. “I know who you are, Ms Centuria.”
“Ava,” she repeated. “And, I know. But I felt it was important for a formal introduction, especially when one considers what I am about to ask you.”
You paused at that. Ask what?
“I would like to give you a tour,” she said. “A personal one, just for you. I would very much like to hear your thoughts on my collection and…” her movement on your arm faltered. “I would very much like to get to know you better, if you would let me.”
Under the lighting, Ava’s hair seemed to glow, like a halo of light was wrapped around it. She looked ethereal, and you couldn’t believ that she had just –
Oh gosh, Ava Centuria had just asked you on a date. Now. As in, immediately.
“Oh Y/N,” a familiar voice called out. “There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
You turned to see the Doctor strolling up, her neon blue coat billowing behind her. She… there was no other word for it, she looked awkward. Her hands were balled into fists, and she was giving you a strained smile. Behind her, across the other side of the room, stood Yaz and Ryan. Yaz was giving you an incredulous look, as if you had just taken the last cake from a tray, and Ryan, Ryan looked like he was about to whoop into the air, or shake you.
You had no idea how to interpret either of those looks.
“Doctor,’ you said and her smile softened as she met your gaze.
You turned back to Ava, sure that you had flushed, and untangled yourself from her grasp. The Doctor was beside you - and when had she appeared? She wrapped her arm around your frame, pulling you in to your side. "You must be Ava Centuri?" She said, but her smile seemed too wide, too forced. "Oh I'm a big fan!"
Ava stiffened. “Well,” she said, and her voice was distant. “It appears I am at  a disadvantage, Y/N has not told me about you.”
“Oh! Well that’s surprising, I’m Y/N’s number one. We’re very, very close, Y/N and I,” her other hand fell across your arm, the spot where Ava had just been holding you. “We’re two peas in a pod, birds of a feather, made from the same cloth, you could say. Oh, a match made in heaven! Like Bonnie and Clyde,” she scrunched up her face. “No wait, not them, They died.”
“They also killed a lot of people,” you added. “Which wasn’t great.”
“That to,” The Doctor said, nodding to you like it was the most serious conversation you had ever had. She turned back towards Ava. “I’m the Doctor.”
“Well met Doctor,” Ava said, and she seemed to genuinely mean it. “I’m quite sorry though, you see, Y/N and I were-”
“Oh yeah!” The Doctor said. “I’m terribly sorry,” She squeezed your shoulder again, and it looked like the Doctor wasn’t sorry at all. “But we have to be off. We’ve got loads of things to meet, people to see, and places to do,” she scrunched up her face again. “No, wait, that’s the wrong order.”
“Things to do, people to meet, and places to see,” you supplied.
The Doctor grinned at you, utterly delighted. You felt a swell of pride in your stomach, you loved that you were the cause of that smile.
“Ah,” something seemed to dawn on Ava, and she looked in between you and The Doctor. Her eyes lingered on the Doctor’s arm, which was still securely wrapped around your waist. That small, sad smile from earlier returned. “I, I do believe I understand,” she turned to the Doctor. “You have found an angel among mortals, be sure you remember that.”
The Doctor audibly swallowed, and her grip on you faltered, for a moment. “I – uh, yeah. You’re right. Completely right, actually. Always knew you were clever.”
She nodded. “Good,” she turned to you. “And dear Y/N, if you ever find yourself wanting to entertain the whims of a lonely artist, I really would consider myself so very lucky.”
You didn’t know what to say.
She took your hand, and placed a delicate kiss on your knuckles, a part of you felt your arm tingle at the contact. “I best not keep you then. It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N. Doctor.” She gave the Doctor a consolatory nod, and left.
“Huh,” The Doctor said. “She was… I’m not sure I liked her as much as I thought I would.”
You hummed, not necessarily agreeing, but not really knowing what to say. You watched Ava walk away with a small frown. You hoped she was okay, she had been kind. She deserved kindness.
She wasn’t someone who your heart could belong to.
You turned to the Doctor. “So, what’s up? Is everything okay?”
The Doctor paused, her face falling. It was almost as if you could see the cogs turning in her brain, but you couldn’t work out why she was thinking so hard. “I think Graham’s gotten lost,” The Doctor said suddenly. “So I think it’s high time we find him and get out of here, what’d you say?”
You nodded, and, still holding you, The Doctor and you began walking out the room. You found your friends gathered outside the TARDIS, in fact, neither you or the Doctor had even paused to find Graham. You assumed Yaz and Ryan had done so, when you and the Doctor were talking to Ava.
On the way in, you noticed how the neon everyone was wearing glowed under the crystals. The Doctor was gorgeous in a way you couldn’t describe. She was here, present, by your side. It was so tangible, suddenly.
You had never noticed before, the way her hair softly fell around her face. She had bright neon stripes of green in it, and you wondered, absentmindedly, when she had had them done. The chain from her earring glinted in the soft light, the stars along the chain glittering.
In a soft voice, you asked. “Why the neon, do you think?”
“I dunno,” she said, and she shut the door behind Ryan, the last to enter the TARDIS. He was giving you a funny look, and you chose to ignore him. You chose to ignore Graham and Yaz too, for good measure. You would get embarrassed and fluder, you could already feel it.
“Sometimes,” the Doctor said, after a moment, and she looked around the room. “When you can’t find any brightness, you wonderful humans chose to create it instead. Even in the darkest of times.”
“Us humans?” You smiled, and you took a chance, maybe this time, just once, the Doctor could be honest. “What do you do then, Doc?”
“I don’t need to create it,” she said, her gaze wholly focused on you. “I’ve found it.”
You swallowed, your mouth suddenly dry. That… The Doctor couldn’t possibly mean what you thought she meant. But she looked at you so intently, as if you were her entire universe. Her gaze flickered across your face, across the neon yellow flowers Yaz had painted on your cheeks, across your nose, and on your lips.
She leaned in, or maybe it was you, and she as so close now.
The sound of a loud cheer shattered the spell. You jumped back in shock.
“Finally!” Ryan cried, all the way from across the console.
You looked up to see Ryan, Graham, and Yaz standing off to the side, watching you like a collection of hawks. Graham and Yaz turned to Ryan in astonishment. Yaz elbowed Ryan and he doubled over. She tugged on his ear and whispered harshly.
The Doctor grinned when she spoke. “I can hear you, y’know.”
You, however, could not.
“Is it true?” She asked them, and you desperately wished you could have heard.
Graham gave you both a look, one which said ‘sort it out yourselves’.
The Doctor turned back to you. “I think you and I need to have a talk, later, when there’s no one else around?”
She looked vulnerable, her eyes wide and pleading, as if you hadn’t been just about to kiss her.
You nodded, giving her a small, warm smile. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
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1, 2, 3, 4, and Jaaaam~!
As time of writing, I’ve faced off and beaten 1010 on Normal. Wooo~!
So, more 1010 stuffz!
Either through updates or I've merely been watching play throughs with turned down graphics; Having now played the section, the 1010 battle and cutscene sprites now have their eyes the proper matching color. However, at this point, I ain't gonna discount or discourage the "White Eyes Synch" HC.
   Turns out, according to Kliff’s brief, Neon J had been a Captain of the Cruiser. Now I don’t know about the time frames of the Royal Malaysian Navy, but for US Navy, it takes a collective of 21-23 years (at an estimate) to get to rank of Captain [No idea if this means starting at the rank of Seaman Recruit or starting as an O1; either way this dude was a full eagle].    Means, Neon J was in the military for a loooong time.
   So, when you destroy a member of 1010, they leave remains behind that can be transformed to face off against other members of 1010 or as something benefitial for the PCs.    Fanfic Writers, do with this as you may.
So only White (Rin) and Red (Zimelu) have parry attacks. Meaning they're the guys our PCs are more likely to go after first (The designated Leader; and the persumed more combative or warlike 1010 member / Bad Boy).
   Barraca Mansion also has those five colored portraits.
   The section of Metro Division leading up to the Boss Fight is just covered in dance-dance games.
According to the NSR-Post, type 4 Battledroids are still in service, and do in fact have background memories to hold in combat. In a previous post, I've already speculated that 1010 may have Neon J's memories...
Consider what it took to actually get to the boss fight. That's not just one limo, that's an entire floating fuckin escort with god damn canons. And not all of them were cars, half of em were akin to the Battleship Limo. Basically, Neon J didn't just command one ship, he had an entire fuckin Fleet.
   Part of Neon J’s voicelines do call 1010 “robots”.
I know the section was mean to play for laughs, as a break from the character driven plot, but really reeeeally look at this level: - When you defeat a body of 1010, you can transform the remains to go against the other members. - You are actively being photographed / recorded fighting and doing all this damage to 1010. - The fact that Neon J acknowledge Yinu and had an entire escort, means he already knew you were coming and was actively preparing to face you - Which is probably why he had his factory out. Let's face it, 1010 are Battledroids with weapons included, and most folks don't even come to their stomachs in height. Unless a fan is wearing full Halo MJOLNIR power armor and wielding a Fallout Fatman, you don't need to break out an entire robot factory if anything happens. Plus, shields. Neon J knew that BBJ were coming, and prepared accordingly, hell, 1010 was actively waiting on you (even though none of it was enough) - Consider everything. Neon J was a captain who faced what might've been some pretty historically bloody and brutal wars, and while he did break out weapons... ... None of these weapons do ANY personal or permanent harm to you / BBJ. Not even the sawblades or the missiles. ... Hell, consider the jump over. Nearly none of the other boss security levels have flash when you fall off edges, you just sorta pop back up, but 1010's? There's a red flash that pops up when you fall off, as if something was actively teleporting you back on to the car platforms. ... Think there might be a chance that, while Neon J knew you were arriving, he might have had more sympathies for BBJ than previously considered? ... Consider 1010. A Mohawk (Red) is, after all, a very Rock based Hairstyle. And Yellow? Its a pompadour, a "Rockabilly" hairstyle. How bout Blue's Lennon Specs (The Beatles were a Rock Band)... And the biggest boy bands of the 60s were Rock Band. ... Neon J goes over the top with his loyalties to NSR, like, uber over the top. And even the game acknowledges that he's paranoid. Its almost like he's playing a Role...
Time.    According to descriptions found by playing Zuke, NSR (at least) takes place after the 90s.    While for Neon J, he has fought since the 60s (68; It sounds like he might’ve just gotten out of basic training, the way he talks).    This leaves a 30-40 year time frame to consider.    Take into consideration, however, that this world has flying battleship cars, robots, a virtual idol that isn’t holographic glass, and folks have duper supernatural powers.    This could be in the 2100s or more for all we know.
A Change of Pace, HEADCANON TIME!
White is the Default Droid. Not so much in 1010, but in battledroid standards. You program in what you want the bot to be or do after the fact, and the color will indicate such. All battledroids have combative abilities, but their out of combat jobs are: - Red    - Maintenance. (Believe it or not, a saw is pretty useful on a ship) - Blue   - Parade (?). I mean, batons? - Green  - Grenadier is kinda hard to find outside of the niche combat, but consider Fallout GOAT. Probably does a lot of background jobs, like laundry. - Yellow - Missiles. Probably a Bridge stationed bot, and does a lot of calculations. Missiles are a calculated effort to aim and launch. They're not Grenades where you pull the pin, and hope that it only goes off at the designated 5 seconds (and not sooner). - White  - Default, and as we've seen with Rin, probably the kind that commands or acts as VIs (Virtual Intelligence, basically a smart interface).
1010 = Superhero fighting squad Oh please, a bunch of "young men" with color coded appearances and color coded weaponry, lead by a Captain with a Factory that actively replaces their bodies? And you're telling me they're ONLY a boy band? These dudes are fighting crimes like the god damn Power Rangers with all that equipment.
Neon J supported BBJ Consider all the above suggested. The Dude knew full feckin well that NSR wasn't the greatest of the great, and half the 1010 level proved that he was pretty much prepared for your arrival, and possible his own defeat. Let's face it, the dude was a Captain for a long damn time, and like commanded a small fleet in that time (not unlike the 1010 Level). You don't do stuff like that without some major strategy and awareness, ESPECIALLY, if you've survived entire wars and terrifying / inhuman conditions.  Plus consider his over exaggerated speech. With all the evidence in mind, and all the visuals, the dude was definitely playing up his NSR schtick. There was nothing stopping him from just unleashing an entire army of invulnerable and shielded 1010 bots to root you out and stomp on you mercilessly. Believe me, this dude had the resources, the weapons, and the experience, to put out two brat indie bandmates.
He threw the fuckin fight.
... Though I'm pretty sure he didn't like the Breaking Yinu's Piano Part. At least for everyone else it was either a justified humiliation or just... unplugging stuff, not outright destroying priceless heirlooms. Notice how that's the only thing he mentions, and he's the only Megastar to take into account another Megastar (and that's excluding Tatiana).
1010 Memories The dance, the shared voice, the synchronization; oh yeah, 1010 probably had a share of Neon J's memories (though likely not all of them).
This goes hand in hand with the popular Fanon that 1010 were based on former Squadmates of Neon J's.
ITS CYAN Sorry, but we've seen the direct difference in Sayu's fight with the Glowsticks and we see Purl-Hew's bright cyan blue next to an actual neon Blue. Purl-Hew is Bright Cyan Blue, he's not Regular Blue. ... So you see, I like color theory and have a set and unbreakable idea of color patterns.
Rin's weapons I believe Rin's capabilities is Synchronization with his bandmates, and the capacity to use Shields. Remember that there is no Rin phase for the Factory, and the shields fall out of the fight immediately after Rin is perma-defeated. Plus, the quasi-Purple-Magenta color matches Rin's poster seen in both the fight and on Barraca Mansion.
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