#Unfiltered with Renee Young
prettyfunny-blonde · 5 years
What an incredible story we had on our second episode of Unfiltered. We don’t get to know our AEW Superstars too well on screen because they are playing a character but we got to know Amber May on a personal level. We met Kennedy the person behind the screen which is what I love because I want to get to know everyone I’m working with. I hope every enjoyed the episode as much as I did.
Thank you @kissingkennedymay, for opening up about everything you have gone through. I hope for nothing but the best for you!
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Next week, for the third episode, I will be sitting down with Scarlett and like Amber, has a similar unbringing but an incredibly different path and journey. I hope everyone is excited for Scarlett’s Unfiltered Story. I know I am!
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the--last--me · 7 years
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aeternuslibero · 7 years
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50 Days of Charlotte Flair  ◇ Day 36
↳ Unfiltered With Renee Young.
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paigekniight · 6 years
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365 days of paige: day 115.
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ambreignssmemories · 7 years
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Roman defends his Bro from Renee, and I love it 💕 Only a best friend can say certain things 😜
(credits to owner)
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arilkang · 7 years
“Woofs” vs “Nuclear” I’m sorry, I didn’t find another video with good audio and quality… But it’s still adorable ❤️
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paquettesdownfall · 3 years
Remember when Renee made fun of DA on Unfiltered for calling wolves "woofs"? And then Titus O'Neal defended DA when Renee called him over... Soon after that Titus and Darren Young's tag team title push was over. That popped up in my head this morning.
I don't think this unimportant talking head has such power that she is the cause of losing titles.
But this unfiltered interview was just as awkward as the SCSA interview. Mox tries to smile in those situations he is uncomfortable in, but that smile always looks like he's just getting an enema.
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queenofgone · 4 years
                   🖤┊ ❝ @unfiltered-renee-young ❞┊ [ continued from HERE ]  🖤
     Nattie would have never known that Lana and Renee hung out if it was for their        In/stagram posts. She was friends with both of the women for some years now     but Renee said a couple days ago that she and Nattie would go out today. It was     evident that she and Lana would butt heads but what friends didn’t? “It’s not that,      I believe you. It’s just...we don’t really hang out with each other like we used to     and I missed that. Sorry that I sound like a jealous brat.” She took Renee’s hands,             giving them a squeeze. “’Course I forgive you. I just wish you told me.”
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missbriebellarp · 4 years
Hey guys @unfiltered-renee-young and I are looking for active Roman Reigns account  to do a roleplay with. If you know anyone please send either of us a message
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xthelanawwe · 4 years
Been trying to log in here for two days but I can't remember my mail and now I just took my tablet, opened tumblr and here we are again. Well, I guess that means I'm baaaaack. And I also have a new wwe rp account, which is @unfiltered-renee-young if you want to follow me even there, where I guess I'll be more active in these first comeback days.
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prettyfunny-blonde · 5 years
Episode 2: Amber May Unfiltered
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After being abandoned by her birth parents when she was born, Kennedy Taylor Carmichael born in West Palm Beach, Florida better known as her ring name Amber May was a foster child. Spending most of her life in foster care until she was adopted at the age of 17. Kennedy went to the University of Miami and has her bachelors in theater and dance. At the age of 19, she met her her fiancé in college and they got engaged by that next year. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with stage four bone cancer two weeks after they got engaged and passed away six months later before they could get married. Kennedy got into wrestling as an outlet for her grief and trained in Orlando. She hasn’t won any championships because she’s only ever worked for AEW but this 23 year old has been making her name known in the company and her journey will only become better. We are about to Unfilter, the life of AEW Superstar, this is her story; Amber May!
“First and foremost, thank you for sitting with me and being my first guest on the podcast. How are you?”
Renee said.
“I’m alright Renee. Dead tired from all the signings this week piled on top of my training schedule. How are you?”
Kennedy responded as she crossed her legs under the table with a smile.
“I’m great, you all go through so much. You need to take some relax time. I try to do that but I’m the type of person who needs to be moving and doing things. Are you like that too?”
Renee sat back getting more relaxed.
“I could definitely use more relaxation in my life, but ever since Austin and I started dating he makes sure I actually take the time to relax, which is nice.”
Kennedy said. Renee sat forward as she crossed her legs over switching her sitting position as she listened.
“Aw, I’ve seen you two together. Such an adorable couple. How long have you both been dating and how did you meet? Did you both start dating before or after working together on screen?”
“Thank you. I like to think we’re cute together. We’ve been official for just over two months now. He asked me when they sent us on that couple’s trip. But we’ve been talking for much longer. We were talking before we worked together on screen, but I think being together on screen brought us even closer.”
Kennedy smiled.
“That’s amazing, so I want to just get to know every individual who is on this podcast and I wanted to know more about you, how you were brought up as a child and what your life was like before coming into AEW. Who was Amber May, well I guess who is Kennedy Carmichael.”
Renee laughed.
“Kennedy and Amber are definitely very different people.”
Kennedy said, as she continued speaking.
“Well I didn’t really have a stable childhood since I spent most of it in foster care. My biological parents abandoned me when I was born, I’ve never met them. Bouncing around to different houses was very stressful, and it made it very hard for me to trust people. I spent most of my life thinking I’d never have a real family. But that changed when I was adopted at 17, which is very abnormal. Most people don’t want to adopt teenagers, especially ones who are about to age out of the system. But the Carmichael’s took me in and treated me like I was their own. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.”
“Wow, I cant imagine being through that as a child. It must have been so hard. You were abandoned? Do you know like what happened? Have you were been told, like did they just drop you off somewhere? Do you know any info about how all that happening?”
Renee said.
“I don’t know anything about my birth parents. They left me on the steps of the fire department in West Palm Beach. No one saw them and it was before security cameras. It used to really get under my skin, but I’ve accepted it and I don’t really want to know who they are. I’m afraid that if I do it will bring up a lot of things I don’t want to have to deal with.”
Kennedy said.
“Wow, yeah I can understand that. So you really answered my question about ever wanting to meet them. Were you close to anyone as a child before getting adopted by your now parents?”
“Not really. I kept to myself in most of my foster homes. It’s why I don’t have a whole lot of friends even to this day. I don’t know how to make friends”
“Are you close to your family now? Was it hard to adjust and gain that trust with them?”
Renee asked as she took a sip of her water next to her.
“We are very close. It took me a while to get comfortable because I just expected to be passed off again but they’ve been really understanding and helpful.”
“How was school for you?”
“It was hard for a while. Changing schools every year or so I always seemed to be behind, but I managed to figure it out by high school. Well enough to get a full ride to the University of Miami.”
“Were you always the new girl? Were you bullied at all?”
“Pretty much. It came with it’s fair share of bullying but I didn’t have it as bad as some people, that’s for sure.”
“In college, you got your bachelors in theater and is it dancing?”
Renee asked trying to remember what she had saw in her research on Kennedy.
“Yeah I thought I’d be an actress but alas wrestling was my true calling.”
“Let me tell you, you have an amazing career ahead of you. I watch your matches and I love them! You have a natural talent I guess for it. What got you into wrestling. Were you always a fan?”
Renee smiled.
“I appreciate that, Renee. I actually had never watched wrestling before I started training. A lot of people didn’t like that when I was training. But I found it as an outlet for my grief after losing my fiancé.”
Kennedy bit down on her lip as she looked down at her hands.
“I can relate to that. I wasn’t the biggest fan of wrestling coming in. My dad was a promoter and I got to meet the superstars and when I got into journalism, I got offered this opportunity. I can definitely understand what you mean there. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your fiancé, that must have been such a hard time. If you don’t mind me asking how did wrestling become a way of grief for you when he passed?”
“I was just able to get all my anger out in the ring, and do it safely. It also made me feel things again when I had gone numb. The pain made me remember that I was still alive and that he wouldn’t want me to spend the rest of my life moping.”
Renee nodded her head.
Are you comfortable with talking about your fiancé? If not, we don’t have to go there
Renee said with caution.
“I am. Though I may cry. Just a fair warning”
“Aw, no need to apologizing if you do cry. So tell me how you met?”
Kennedy nodded as she continued to look down as she spoke
“I was actually dating his best friend at the time. He and I got close as just friends, and my boyfriend got incredibly jealous. In hindsight probably rightfully so, but at the time I thought I was ridiculous because I just liked having a best friend and I wasn’t looking for him to be anything else. He definitely caught me by surprise. Any time I’d have relationship issues, he was there to listen and try and help me, and one day I just decided that I wasn’t going to spend my life fighting with a man, which is what I was doing with his best friend, so I ended it. And then Tyler and I continued to get even closer until we realized we wanted to be together. He picked up on it long before me, but he was patient. Needless to say he and the other guy weren’t friends anymore.”
“As crazy as it sounds, sometimes things like that happen. Your best friend becomes something more and it takes you by surprise. I can definitely relate to that with you. Now, how long were you with the previous boyfriend, when did Tyler become your best friend as well?”
I only dated the guy before Tyler for 3 months. Tyler and I became friends almost as soon as the other guy and I started dating. He actually came on our first date with us. It was kind of weird. But once we became friends we were inseparable
That’s adorable, so you guys dated. You got engaged? What happened? He got sick?
Kennedy nodded, as she choked up a little.
“Yeah...stage four bone cancer. It wasn’t pretty.”
“And how long after did he pass?”
Kennedy had tears in her eyes.
“Six months. He got diagnosed two weeks after we got engaged and six months later he was gone. I tried to have our wedding before he passed, but he kept saying he wanted to wait until he was better and could stand at the end of the aisle and wait for me. Needless to say, he never got better.”
Renee reaches over with her hand on top of Kennedy’s with tears in her own eyes for the girl
“Honey, I’m so sorry. That had to of been so tough for you. I can just see in your eyes how dearly you loved him and how much he meant to you. I want you to know while it’s hard because he’s not with you, he is always, always with you! He’s in your heart and that’s where all the amazing memories you shared are. Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.”
Kennedy started crying, trying to gather her thoughts. She paused and took a breath.
“I was so lucky to be able to experience the love we had for each other. I feel like a lot of people never experience it, and while I only experienced it for two years total, it’s something that completely changed me. And I’m so lucky to be with someone now who doesn’t expect me to just forget about Tyler. Austin is so understanding of the whole situation, and he’s just amazing.”
“And that’s what makes everything worth it. Considering everything you have been through and gone through. It will be hard for you to open up and you need people who are understanding of you and what you have endured in life. Austin being the way he is, it’s amazing to know how good he is to you. I see the chemistry with you and I just want you to know it’s okay, it’s okay to move on. I understand how hard it could be. I think someone who can relate to you in many ways is Kelly Kelly. While always being around some of the females backstage, I got to know her a little through Maryse. She had been through a similar situation. Also Brie Bella, losing her boyfriend in high school, Bear. I have spoken to her about losing him multiple times. So just don’t be afraid to talk to people because you can inspire people who have been through similar things and pain. You are liked and loved by many of the fans and I’m sure, this can help many with coping of a loss of a loved one.”
Both girls smiled, both with tears in their eyes.
“I appreciate that Renee. There are definitely days I need someone who understands exactly what I’ve been through. And it is my hope that my pain can help someone else get through theirs. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Kennedy took a sip of the water next to her.
“Many have been through the heart breaking but losing the people completely. Heart break, there’s chances to get back that person. But I can’t imagine losing them like that completely. I do encourage reaching out to one of those girls, because I’m sure they can relate, understand and help cope with that pain.”
Renee said as she then followed up with her next question.
“Do you ever think about what he’s thinking watching over you coming into the ring and how amazing your career is going? Does anything you had with him inspire you?”
Renee said.
“I like to think he’s proud. He always believed in me. Anything i said I wanted to do, he believed I could do. Plus he watched wrestling. Loved it actually. That’s why I turned to that to help me grieve, because it was something he loved. I’d like to think I’m his favorite female superstar, but he always has a thing for Lexi.”
Kennedy said as she laughed a bit.
Alexa Bliss? That’s funny. Have you ever told her or spoken to her about that? Do you know who his favorite male superstar was?
Renee said as she laughed also.
“I haven’t. I probably should. I bet she’d get a kick out of it. But he loved Fergal. He used to get so excited whenever they were on.”
“You should totally tell them and how cool do you think it would be if you were friends with them. I bet, he would look down and smile.”
Kennedy said as she smiled.
“What do you want to accomplish here, like what is next on your journey?”
“Honestly, I just want to make people happy. I want them to enjoy watching me do what I love. Sure, I’d love to be a champion at some point, but I don’t mind being someone who’s just in story lines that make people want to watch the show. I’d really like to change my character up a bit, but I’m not sure what I want to change to.”
“I’m definitely a fan, when I first thought about doing something like this. I was hoping you could be the first guest because your just such a delight to work with and you just have such a genuine personality. I would love to see you as champion one day, and I’m sure whatever you do character wise, you will be honestly amazing. Since you have an bachelors degree in acting. I’m sure it helps with character building.”
“I may be a delight to work with off screen, but Amber has been a bit mean to you in the past. But you’re really good at rolling with it. The acting does help. I’ve thought about taking the crazy to a new level and just acting like a specific fairy tale character. Just not sure how it would go over”
Kennedy said as she crossed her legs over the other.
I think working on screen with Dean while dating. I had to control myself from laughing. Rollins and Reigns, they all were close to me as well, so I had to control myself from laughing so much whenever they did things together as The Shield. After the cameras were off. I would laugh and laugh. Dean says the most ridiculous things sometimes, then you get Seth and Roman in there. I’m amazed by everyone and how they develop their characters. I’m just a journalist, and interviewer. You all are so talented. I have to wrap this up though, which I hate because I’m really enjoying myself but I have to ask. As a child, did you see your future turning out the way it did?
Renee said taking a sip of her water next to her.
“Honestly, no. I didn’t see myself making anything of myself. But I’m glad I was wrong.”
“I love that, that is what I think could inspire fans. Where can we find you on social media?”
“@kissingkennedymay on Twitter and Instagram. Amber May - AEW on Facebook.”
“Thank you so much for being my first guest, we have to get together sometime okay?”
Renee said as she smiled at Kennedy.
“You tell me when and I’m there”
Kennedy said as she smiled back at Renee.
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g4zdtechtv · 7 years
Unfiltered got the axe, too.
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the--last--me · 7 years
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lesbianuravity · 6 years
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this is the most unsubtle way of saying ‘so we literally just remade unfiltered with renee young a few years later but with food!!’
which makes me wonder...
why cancel something that was already good?
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ambreignssmemories · 7 years
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Dean has some talents that not even his girlfriend (now wife 💍) can see 😝 Only his best friend can 😜💕
(credits to owner)
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arilkang · 7 years
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Hilarious 😂 (Photo not mine. Found it on Google, credit to owners.)
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