#Unicorn theriomythic
fae-born · 18 hours
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Self-indulgent unicorn moodboard
x x x // x x x // x x x
Edit: reblogs are welcome :)
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little-basilsprout · 5 months
I’m a unicorn, but a liminal unicorn.
Something is off. Limbs too long. Neck bends too far. Eyes see too much.
Your eyes lock onto me and there’s an itch in the back of your skull that warns you to walk away. To lower your head and pretend you didn’t see.
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frameacloud · 2 years
“Some weres in the recent past have made some ‘rules’ for therianthropy.  Ignore these.  There are no rules that any of these people can place over YOU and your spiritual beliefs.  Some will claim that you must be a predatory animal, or you cannot be a mythical beast.  Please do not fall for this.  These rules may be true for their small groups, or their friends, but they do not govern therianthropy.  Most of these people create rules to limit the number of members in their group, or to exclude people from therianthropy altogether.  These people have no right, and you shouldn’t listen to them.  Once again, find the truth for yourself.  The werecommunity has many members who believe they are mice, deer, rabbits, snakes, dragons, unicorns, and gryphons.  You find out what’s true for yourself, and nothing else matters.”
- Excerpt from “Introduction to the Newbie’s Guide,” by Jakkal, in 2001. You can read the full article here.
Some present-day context: Jakkal is one of the most respected and influential writers of the therianthrope community of the 1990s. She ran one of the main therian sites, which is where this article was. At the time, it was common to call therians “weres,” from the word “werewolf.” Today you can still find some therian groups who have made themselves echo chambers where they try to push misinformation of the very kind that Jakkal warns against in this piece from over two decades ago. Sharing and reading widely from different times and places in our communities-- especially about harmless opinions and experiences that differ from our own-- are important methods for preventing such echo chambers of misinformation.
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petwyvern · 3 months
i’m a dragon in a way that i’m bonded to unicorns, faeries, angels, and flowers
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woahsomanykins · 4 months
//W00 p1n17ed p0st
//Hi! 1 am 4n 4nd12o1dic w0lf , b1rd, c4t, d3312, d01ph1n, 4nd u17ic0r17 po1ythe12i4n 4s we1l 4s a v4mpi12ek1n, c0sm1ck117, 12iv3r f3yki17, f411317 a17ge1ki17, d3m017k117 (y3s th4t 1s s3p3r4t3 f120m f411317 4ng31k117 h3123), k412m4k117 (4s 4 f012m 0f c017c3ptk117), 4nd 12o8otk1n! P1e4se us3 she/th3y/it pr0n0uns f0r m3 a17d ca1l m3 E1iss4b3l1a 8ec4use th4t was my 17am3 whe17 I w4s a r1ve12 fa1ry! 0h! A1so 1'm a m1n0r!
Translation: Hi! I am an androidic wolf, bird, cat, deer, dolphin, and unicorn polytherian as well as a vampirekin, cosmickin, river feykin, fallen angelkin, demonkin (yes that is seperate from fallen angelkin here), karmakin (as a form of conceptkin), and robotkin! Please use she/they/it for me and call me Elissabella because that was my name when I was a river fairy! Oh! Also I'm a minor!
//4nyw4ys o17to us3r 8ox3s/st4mps cus idk wh4t e1se t0 do
Translation: Anyways onto user boxes/stamps cus idk what else to do
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//4nyw4ys ye4h I 1ik3 jok1ng 4b0ut stuff a17d if y0u ask 1'l1 mak3 you 4 mo0d8o4rd
Translation: Anyways yeah I like joking about stuff and if you ask I'll make you a moodboard
//0h! A17d you c0uld 4ls0 ca1l m3 Scar13tt (v4mp1r3 n4me), EGC-563 (robot name) 0r C3l3st1a (4ng3l 17am3
Translation: Oh! And you could also call me Scarlett (name when I was a vampire), EGC-563 (name when I was a robot) or Celestia (name when I was a fallen angel)
//PS: captch4s suck /j
Translation: PS: captchas suck /j
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arethinn · 2 years
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Wild Waves by Himmis on DeviantArt
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iridescent-moon · 2 years
Hey, silly question, do you have any personal recommendations for gear for unicorn therian? There aren't a lot of equines in general so the resources aren't quite there
Not silly at all! I'm happy to recommend some gear
Starting off with some more subtle/casual ones,
Big shoes! Doesn't necessarily have to be very tall like platform shoes but things like high top sneakers are great for that hoof-like feeling. I haven't been able to find any brands or places that sell shoes like these, but you could also try to find a pair that have hoof shaped soles. The closest I could find were these Hoofitz boots but they're mainly marketed towards children and they are currently out of stock.
Gloves. I have a pair of long wool fingerless gloves and while they're not the same as hooves, it can give one a similar feeling.
Headbands for your horn. Ordinary headbands like these work nicely imo. I usually have headphones on so I don't tend to wear them very often but it's good just for that sensation of something on your head. You can also do some DIY and make a horn and ears that you can glue onto it. You can also find premade ones online
Cosplay tails. You can try searching for ordinary costume tails, buy custom ones from artists, or make one yourself. For those with ordinary horse tails, you can try either getting a tail that's made with faux hair or you can try a yarn tail or more of a fursuit type of tail that's sewn together and stuffed. For those with lion tails: costume tail, fursuit tail.
Fursuit hooves (and fullsuits/partial suits!). These are definitely more on the expensive side but well worth it especially since they are custom made!
Face masks are also really good! Gives a slight sensation of having a snout. I personally really love SidianArts mask designs!
Necklaces or chokers. Whether your kintype is domestic or not, you might like having accessories like these. I especially like ones that make noise as I walk, it makes me feel like I'm wearing tack
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funlovingfuzzball · 3 months
Draconity is Getting Harder: an essay by an exhausted dragon fictive
Hey there. I’m Raie, short for Temeraire, she/they. I don’t have the energy to find sources for any of right now, sorry. I am an introject of a dragon who is physically a dragon, but I personally identify as a dragon therian(/theriomythic) due to it most closely matching how my draconity manifests when fronting. As such, I will be approaching this as a non-plural theriomythic, as I originally believed myself to be. Also note that I am not dealing with fictionkin or causes of alterhumanity in this essay as I do not know enough to properly discuss them. Generally assume I include everyone where applicable. To anyone who wants to reply that dragons can’t be therians, that’s exactly why I wrote this, so please do click the read more to see my reasoning before responding.
Definitions seem to be purposely complicated in the wider alterhuman community, which becomes a challenge for many who fall on the borders of these groups. As such, I’ll give general definition first, and then add other definitions in parentheses if needed.
Alterhuman: Someone who identifies as non-human in some way.
Type: Someone’s specific non-human identity, usually a different species but not always. Generally given a prefix by what alterhuman community a person is in, like theriotype for therians and kintype for otherkin. Individual types are usually written in front of a community suffix, such as ___kin, ___ therian, or ___hearted/___kith.
Therian: Someone with a non-human identity, usually animalistic, who experiences shifts between feeling more human or more like their type (sometimes defined as only animals that currently live on Earth).
Theriomythic: A therian whose theriotype is a mythical creature (legitimacy is sometimes debated by users of the narrower definition of therianthropy).
Otherkin: Someone whose non-human identity is not necessarily animalistic, but does identify as their type (sometimes said to not have shifts or used as a synonym for alterhuman, both widely disputed).
Otherhearted (sometimes otherkith): Someone who does not identify as, but rather with, their type.
Draconity: How much someone identifies with dragons. Someone with no link to dragons whatsoever has no draconity, but otherkin, otherhearted, etc. all have varying degrees of draconity and are thus all accepted as dragons by the draconic community.
Draconic community (or dragon community): The community of anyone with some degree of draconity, split off from the wider alterhuman community early on due to the complicated relationship between draconity and the other alterhuman community labels being laid out in this essay.
The parenthetical definitions of therian and otherkin, by default, leave a large gap where alterhumans can belong to neither community. As a dragon, I do experience major animalistic shifts, so I’m not a classic otherkin, but I also am not a species that is currently alive on Earth, so I’m not a classic therian. My experiences with shifts mean I feel closer to therians than otherkin due to the inherent similarities we have, but many therians would tell me I can’t be part of the community due to being a mythical creature. As such, I fall into a strange loophole of almost being neither. Weirdly the same is true for extinct animal therians, like a dodo or a pterodactyl, but generally that comes up less frequently.
Mythical creatures that can be animalistic end up with major division within their type. For example, as a more animalistic dragon with shifts who ends up associated with the therian community, dragons with higher-level intelligence and without shifts who end up in the otherkin community end up not crossing paths with me much if ever. This can be extrapolated to nearly any mythical creature, though dragons and unicorns are the most common types to encounter this problem due to each of their wildly varying depictions, and thus each having made separate communities for this purpose in the past. Non-mythical therians or non-animal otherkin usually avoid this problem easily, as their types are basically always one or the other. Basically all wolves call themselves wolf therians, basically all dolls call themselves dollkin, and so forth.
Theriomythics, despite being a group with common experiences, are still stuck in validity debates. Quite frankly I think the time to debate the naming has long since passed on this one. If the name “theriomythic” is what stuck, that’s what we need to work with, because we in no way devalue the existence of therians and thus don’t have enough reason to change it. But since we spend so much time refuting the idea that we’re faking it, it’s near impossible to just make a friendly community space.
Intra-community solidarity. Therians and otherkin have different experiences, yes, but we also have a shared alterhumanity. There’s no reason to avoid each other the way we do. Getting closer would make all the rest of the solutions vastly more achievable as well
More type-centric subcommunities. Theriomythics, and anyone else whose type spans both major communities, deserve to be able to talk with others of our type. This is why the draconic community existed in the first place. It also would allow otherhearted or copinglink individuals access to others of their type without judgement.
No more inter-community type policing. Ideally, therians are those with shifts and otherkin are those without shifts, or otherkin is solidified as an umbrella term. Pair with point 1 to allow people to identify as somewhere in between. Make it a spectrum, not two completely separate buckets.
Theriomythic spaces need to exist. We’re fairly unique in being rather evenly distributed across the therian and otherkin communities, with wildly varying levels of species sapience, and having a space for us specifically needs to happen. Yes, others have tried this, but given the current weirdness about theriomythic validity, nothing particularly large has actually caught on. Again, preferably this is a subcommunity within the larger community.
Quite frankly, this ends up in about the same spot gender does. In short: this question is too complicated for strict divisions to ever actually work. I’d love the communities to eventually integrate fully with subcommunities for different groups, but that may still be a long way off. Either way, we really need to treat our alterhuman siblings better than this, and celebrate what makes us unique rather than drawing lines in the sand of who can and can’t join. No one needs to be left out just because their type is too confusing to categorize.
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theriancultureis · 7 months
Theriomythic unicorn culture is feeling lonely online because other unicorns tend to keep to themselves or gather on sites you refuse to use (like f*cebook).
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fae-scientist · 10 months
I'll be honest and say that I feel somewhat of a connection to the therian community, but I'm not really a therian in the traditional sense. I'm a theriomythic fairy and unicorn and my extinct hominid othertype feels like it would fit in more with therian than otherkin. I know a lot of therians (and nonhumans in general tbh) can be kinda gatekeepy about the definition, but some of my nonhuman identities tend to be more on the wild side and I get similar wild animal urges that a lot of therians do.
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fae-born · 6 months
In a Unicorn shift but too tired to run through the fields :(
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little-basilsprout · 5 months
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Kinself WIP!
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skullsp1r1ts · 1 year
Yeah, i know, again. Please don't kill me.
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Hello? Yeah, you? What are you doing here, on my pumpkin patch field? It's almost night. Why don't you come in, and i will make some tea while you get to know me?
🍄: Cherie/Onix, also knowned as The friendly fox. ‧₊˚.
🐿️: Unlabled,, Non-binary transmasc. (He/they/it pronouns please!)
🦇: Polytherian . 🗝⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ( Red Fox, borzoi and small-clawed otter theriotypes )
🐞: Theriomythic, Unicorn spirit
🦌: I am a (traditional) artist which means i only draw on paper. I'm an unprofessional writer, but I hope to make writing my full-time job in the future.
🍂: I am a really shy and introvert person, mostly even online. For example, you try to start a conversation with me and i just stop responding, not because i hate you or something, i just have a hard time saying something back. I don't do this to hurt your feelings! When you get to know me better i can be a super silly goofy goober.
☕️: If you are disrespectful to me, or any of my moots i will block you instantly.
🕯️: I am a therian, yes, but i don't do quadrobics and also don't have gear. I dont feel like needing that to connect with my theriotypes.
🏹: I really love baking, Walking, Making art, writing stories and watching comfort movies or series. I also have a lot of crystals Stones, feathers, and plants.
DNI: Zo0philes, Homophobes, Transphobes, people with a nsfw blog, let's make it simple, if you are disrespectful, i will block you like i already said.
Other blogs of mine: @am3thystclan , Clangen/warrior cats blog
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๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭༄🕷˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚🐾
Did you finish the tea, stranger? Are you ready to wander through my forest? Have a great time, and don't be scared to knock on my door when you need help. Bye!
-The friendly fox.
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artbyadog · 4 years
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Alterhuman is a term that refers to someone who does not fit the traditional standard of what is considered human, and/or does not identify as human. This can include non-human system members and introjects, however it also includes singlets who don't quite fit the term human, or identify as non-human to an extent.
Otherkin refers to someone who identifies partially or wholly as something non-human, usually involuntarily.
Mythkin: identifying as something found in mythology, such as a unicorn, merperson, dragon, etc.
Divinekin: identifying as something with divine origin, such as an angel, demon, or other deity.
Faekin: identifying as any type of fae, such as fairies or elves.
Alienkin: identifying as an alien, or any non-earth being.
Robotkin: identifying as a robot, AI, or similar technology.
Objectkin: identifying as an object of some kind.
Conceptkin: identifying as a concept of some kind. This may overlap with fictionkin and musickin.
Musickin: identifying as a song, album, tune, or similar.
Plantkin: identifying as a tree, flower, or other plant.
Foodkin: identifying as a food of some kind.
Polykin: having multiple kintypes; identifying as multiple beings.
Halfkin or demikin: Those who identify partially as another species/a fictional being, rather than fully. A kin identity such as a Werewolfkin could be considered a halfkin under certain circumstances.
Therians or animalkin are people who feel their spirit is non-human, typically being an earthly animal. They are included under otherkin, though they describe those with more earthly-based spirits, and do not include creatures that are mythical, fictional, deities, magical, etc.
Therians may have animalistic impulses and instincts such as biting, hissing, scratching and panting, and they also may 'shift' and feel more animalistic at times, though not all therians shift. Some may engage in quadrobics (depending on the theriotype), wear faux tails, ears, and wings, and join therian packs to meet other members of the community.
Fictionkin (formerly known as mediakin) are those who identify as something found in fiction, including characters, species, glitches, etc. This may or may not be considered otherkin, since fictionkin includes human fictotypes, however it is typically included under the otherkin umbrella.
Some fictionkin believe they are reincarnated, some follow psychological beliefs for their identity, while some follow metaphysical beliefs (such as soul collecting.)
For the therian, otherkin and fictionkin community respectively, being ‘hearted is having a strong feeling of connection and kinship with a being. This differs from kin due to the fact that ‘hearted individuals identify with the creature, not as it.
Astral Shift
When someone’s astral body takes on the form of their kintypes during astral projection.
Aura Shift
When one’s aura takes on the shape of their kintypes.
When Someone comes to the realization that they identify as nonhuman. This is not “becoming” or choosing to be a therian or kin, it is realizing what they were all along.
Berserker Shift
A type of deep mental shift where all human awareness is lost and the individual becomes their kintype completely (mentally, not physically.)
Bi-location Shift
A shift in which the shifter leaves their physical body and materializes elsewhere in the form of their kintype. Some people claim that the form is physical and can interact with objects, while others say it can not. This shift is a very controversial concept in the community.
Someone who identifies as a whole clade of animals, rather than a specific species. For example, a feline cladotherian would identify as all species of felines, (tigers and bobcats and house cats etc...) or could be described as having a feline “essence,” without being able to narrow it down to a specific theriotype. They may have a few main forms, such as being a feline cladotherian that often has tiger and house cat shifts.
A person who’s humanside and animalside are fully integrated, so they are in a consistent state of both human and animal at all times. They do not experience shifts because there is nothing to shift into.
Describing the community of people who identify themselves as dragons spiritually or psychologically. Most of the old draconic community has merged with the ever-growing otherkin community.
Dream Shift
A dream Shift is when one is, or transforms into their theriotype in their dreams. When still searching for your kintype, dreams should be taken with a grain of salt, as they can often have other, non-literal meaning that’s not so obvious, and animal dreams do not always point to a kintype.
Emotional Shift
A shift that is triggered during certain emotions.
Someone who has been in the therian, otherkin or furry community for a long time and has a lot of wisdom and experience. This is not a self-given
Involuntary Shift
A shift that happens without conscious effort
The word used to describe the species or character one identifies as. Used mostly by otherkin and fictionkin.
Mental Shift
When one’s thoughts and behaviours change to resemble ones kintype. This can be anything from a mild animalistic urge, to a very strong shift in perception.
A therianthrope that identifies as a creature that is extinct. Also can be called paleokin.
Phantom/Astral Limb
A phantom limb when one feels and receives sensory info from what feels like a limb when no such thing exists physically. This is experienced by amputees who have their limb, as well as therians and otherkin. The type that therians and otherkin feel specifically, are called supernumerary phantom limbs, because they feel limbs such as tails and wings that were never there in the first place, at least not in ones human life.
Phantom/Astral Limb Shift
A Phantom/Astral Limb shift is a Shift in which the kin feels the sensation of the body parts of their kintype, such as a cat therian feeling a tail, although there isn’t one there.
Not to be confused with polykin, a polymorph is someone who’s kintype shapeshifts into a vast array of forms, though they usually have a base form.
A polytherian, or, polykin is an individual who has more than one therio and/or kintype.
Psychological Therian/Kin
Someone who believes that their therianthropy/kinity stems from a psychological cause, such as abnormal brain wiring or imprinting.
Sensory Shift
A sensory shift is when a kins senses become heightened and more like that of their kintype. This is not a physical heightening of the senses (Senses can not be heightened beyond the limits of the human body,) but rather a heightened awareness of those senses, resulting in the person noticing them more.
Someone who has a kintype that is able to shift into other beings. This is not the same as actually claiming to be able to physically shift.
A change in state that causes one to become more like their kintype. There are many different kinds of shifts.
Species Dysphoria
A feeling of great discontentment/discomfort about ones human body. Feeling as if one was born the wrong species.
Spiritual Shift
When someone’s aura or astral body shifts into their kintype
Spiritual Therian/Otherkin
Someone who believes their therianthropy or kinity stems from spiritual causes.
Standard Therian/Otherkin
A therian or otherkin that only has one kintype.
A suntherian is someone who’s theriotype is integrated in their personality. However, unlike contherians, they can have changes in mood that cause them to feel more or less non-human.
Someone dwho identifies strongly with and has a deep connection to a creature. This is sometimes used interchangeably with otherhearted.
Therian Gear
Therian Gear are articles of clothing or accessories that some therians like to wear as a way of feeling more like their theriotype. They can be good relievers of dysphoria, but can also just be worn for fun. Some examples of Therian Gear would be a tail, an animal shirt, a therian necklace or a headband with animal ears attached. 
An Uncommon term used to describe someone who identifies as a mythical creature such as a dragon or gryphon, but feels more wild and instinctual, and often finds it easier to relate to the therian than the otherkin community.
Vacillant Therian
A therian whose therioside is integrated so that shifts occur fluidly as if on a sliding scale.
Voluntary Shift
A shift that is induced through conscious effort.
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arethinn · 4 years
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Unicorn by Azraelangelo on Deviantart
(not in artist’s Tumblr azraelangelo)
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