#Unified Endpoint Management Market
rjshitalbakch · 4 months
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avikabohra6 · 1 year
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tbrcresearchreport · 1 year
The Business Research Company offers unified endpoint management market research report 2023 with industry size, share, segments and market growth
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pressreleasestrends · 2 years
Unified Endpoint Management Market
The Global market for Unified Endpoint management is forecast to reach $18.9 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% from 2021 to 2026. High dominance of cloud based applications along with rising rate of cybercrimes has been causing a positive impact on the Unified Endpoint management market.
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dimerse123 · 11 hours
The Role of IT Solutions in Digital Transformation
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Navigating the Digital Landscape: Digital transformation companies act as guides, helping businesses navigate the complex terrain of the digital landscape. They offer a suite of services, from cloud computing to data analytics, tailored to each business’s unique needs.
Empowering Adaptability: It empowers businesses to adapt to changing market conditions, customer demands, and technological advancements. This agility allows companies to seize new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.
Driving Innovation: Innovation is at the heart of digital transformation. IT solutions provide the tools and platforms necessary for innovation to flourish. Whether it’s developing new products, streamlining processes, or enhancing customer experiences,
Enhancing Collaboration and communication: Collaboration is essential for driving digital transformation. It facilitates collaboration by breaking down silos, enabling seamless communication and information sharing across departments and teams.
Leveraging IT Solutions for Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
Automation of Repetitive Tasks: IT solutions automate routine tasks, giving employees more time to concentrate on strategic activities.
Streamlining Workflows: it enables smoother and more efficient operations by digitizing workflows and eliminating paper-based processes.
Real-Time Data Insights:  it uses data analytics tools to provide real-time insights into business performance, allowing for informed decision-making.
Integration of Business Functions: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems consolidate different business functions, such as finance, HR, and supply chain management, into one unified platform.
Enhancing Customer Experience through IT Solutions
Personalized Interactions: IT solutions enable businesses to personalize customer interactions based on preferences, purchase history, and behaviour.
Streamlined Communication Channels: Omnichannel communication platforms allow businesses to communicate with customers seamlessly across multiple channels, including email, social media, and live chat.
Centralized Customer Data: Customer relationship management (CRM) systems centralize customer data, offering a comprehensive view of each customer’s interactions and history.
Tailored Services: With insights from data analytics tools, businesses can offer tailored services and recommendations to meet individual customer needs.
Securing Business Data and Assets with IT Solutions
Cybersecurity Solutions: IT solution providers offer a range of cybersecurity solutions, including network security, endpoint protection, and threat intelligence, to protect against cyber threats.
Data Encryption Technologies: Data encryption technologies safeguard data during transmission and storage, thwarting unauthorized access and preserving confidentiality.
Mitigating Risks: By deploying robust IT security measures, businesses can mitigate the risks linked with cyber threats, preserving their reputation, customer trust, and competitive edge.
Future Trends and Opportunities in IT Solutions
As technology progresses, IT solutions are evolving rapidly, opening up new avenues for business growth and innovation. Cloud computing offers scalable data storage, while AI and machine learning streamline automation and data analysis. The Internet of Things facilitates real-time data collection by connecting devices. In this digital landscape, partnering with IT infrastructure solutions providers becomes vital for businesses to adapt and capitalize on these trends, ensuring their competitiveness in the digital realm.
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perceptiqdata · 15 days
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priyanshisingh · 1 month
Mobile Threat Defence Market Landscape: Trends, Drivers, and Forecast (2023-2032)
It is anticipated that between 2023 and 2030, the worldwide Mobile Threat Defence Market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.50%. From USD 2154.8 million in 2022, the market is projected to be worth USD 14129.6 million by 2030.
Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) market refers to the industry and technologies focused on protecting mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other endpoints from security threats and vulnerabilities. This market has grown significantly due to the increasing use of mobile devices in corporate environments and the rising sophistication of cyber threats targeting these devices. Mobile Threat Defense solutions typically include software that offers protection against a variety of threats, such as malware, phishing attacks, network exploits, and application vulnerabilities. These solutions may also provide features such as risk assessment, incident response, and compliance enforcement. The demand for MTD solutions is driven by the need for businesses to secure their mobile workforce, enforce security policies, and protect sensitive corporate data accessible from mobile devices. As mobile technology evolves and integrates more deeply into business operations, the MTD market continues to expand, adapting to new threats and compliance requirements.
These threats include malware, phishing attacks, network attacks, and malicious apps. MTD technologies often incorporate machine learning algorithms to analyze and predict threat patterns, provide real-time defense, and ensure secure access to corporate resources. Additionally, these solutions may offer features like vulnerability assessment, data protection, and compliance management. The growth of the MTD market is propelled by the widespread adoption of mobile technology, the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, and the need for robust regulatory compliance across various industries.
Mobile Threat Defence Market Trends-
Integration with Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Unified Endpoint Management (UEM): There is a growing trend towards the integration of MTD solutions with broader enterprise mobility management and unified endpoint management platforms. This integration allows organizations to have a more comprehensive approach to endpoint security, encompassing not only mobile devices but also other endpoints within the network.
AI and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly being used to enhance MTD solutions. These technologies help in the automation of threat detection and response processes, making them more efficient and effective at identifying and mitigating novel and sophisticated attacks.
Focus on Zero Trust Security Models: As the traditional network perimeter dissolves with the rise of remote work and cloud-based resources, there is a shift towards Zero Trust security models, which assume that no user or device is trusted by default. MTD solutions are evolving to support Zero Trust architectures by continuously validating every stage of digital interaction.
Regulatory Compliance: With stringent regulations like GDPR and CCPA, organizations are under pressure to ensure that their mobile security practices comply with legal standards. MTD solutions are increasingly including features that help organizations meet these regulatory requirements, particularly concerning data protection and privacy.
Rise of Phishing Attacks on Mobile: Mobile phishing attacks are becoming more common and sophisticated, prompting MTD solutions to focus more on detecting and preventing such threats, which often bypass traditional email filters and are delivered via messaging apps and social media platforms.
5G and IoT Security Concerns: The rollout of 5G networks and the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) create new security challenges, particularly in terms of larger attack surfaces and the potential for increased attack speeds. MTD providers are adapting their solutions to better protect devices connected to these faster, more complex networks.
User Education and Awareness: Alongside technological solutions, there is a trend towards enhancing user education and awareness about mobile threats. By educating users on best practices for mobile security, organizations can reduce the risk posed by human error and insider threats.
Key Players-
Cisco Systems
Broadcom, Inc.
Citrix Systems
Kaspersky Labs
Micro Focus
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mobile-threat-defence-market
By Security Threat Type:
Malware Protection
Phishing Protection
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Network Security
App Security
Device Security
By Deployment Model:
Mobile Threat Defence Market Competitive Analysis-
Competitive Strategies
Integration and Ecosystem Expansion: Many MTD vendors are focusing on integrating their solutions with broader security and IT management ecosystems. This includes partnerships with UEM, cloud security, and identity management providers to offer a more holistic security approach.
Advanced Technology Utilization: Leading players are increasingly leveraging AI and machine learning to enhance their threat detection and response capabilities. This technology helps in predicting and mitigating threats more efficiently.
Focus on Regulatory Compliance: Vendors are tailoring their offerings to help enterprises meet specific regulatory requirements, which is a key selling point for industries such as finance and healthcare.
Customer and Industry Specific Solutions: Providers often develop specialized solutions tailored to the needs of specific industries or customer segments, offering customized security protocols and compliance assistance.
Market Dynamics
Rising Threat Levels: As the level of threats increases, particularly with sophisticated phishing and zero-day attacks, MTD solutions need to continuously evolve, driving competition based on technological innovation.
Adoption of Remote Work: The shift to remote work has expanded the use of mobile devices in business operations, necessitating robust MTD solutions and driving market growth.
5G Deployment: The deployment of 5G technology is anticipated to increase the attack surface for mobile devices due to higher connectivity and device density, pushing MTD providers to innovate further.
Consumer Awareness: As awareness of mobile threats grows, businesses are more inclined to invest in comprehensive solutions, influencing MTD vendors to differentiate their offerings through better user experience and enhanced security features.
Browse the full report – https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/mobile-threat-defence-market
Browse Our Blog : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mobile-threat-defence-market-key-industry-dynamics-analysis-singh-v1czf
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Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Say goodbye to standard security for smartphones (you need this instead) - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/say-goodbye-to-standard-security-for-smartphones-you-need-this-instead-cybertalk/
Say goodbye to standard security for smartphones (you need this instead) - CyberTalk
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By Zahier Madhar, Lead Security Engineer and Office of the CTO, Check Point.
Smartphones play a pivotal role in all of our lives. In a way, smartphones today are a sort of a diary, storing pictures, organizing them and displaying them in a story telling modality. Smartphones are much more than a piece of technology that allows you to make phone calls and send text messages.
Many people, before they go to bed, they have their smartphones in their hands; they are getting the latest updates, finishing some work, or watching a movie or video shorts. And once they wake up, the first activity of the day consists of picking up the smartphone, checking the time and seeing about whether or not they have missed any updates.
Smartphones: dual uses
That very same smartphone is often used for business purposes as well; such attending or hosting meetings, emails and managing an agenda. The dual-purpose dimension is also the case with a laptop (used for both private and business purposes). The biggest different between a laptop and a smartphone is that a smartphone is always turned on and connected to the internet, while a laptop, not-so-much.
A second difference is that a laptop is managed and has a threat prevention application on it. In contrast, smartphones are, in many cases, managed by the organization but not secured by a threat prevention application.  However, the smartphone contains the same mix of private data and business related data as the laptop. See the problem?
The bakery next door
In a previous Cyber Talk thought leadership article, I talked about the bakery next door. The bakery next door can use a smartphone to get the status of the ovens, but also to control the ovens. Imagine if the baker’s smartphone were hacked and hackers took control over the most important ovens. This would impact the bakery’s output immediately. This is not just a theory; this could happen. Although this example is small-scale, the implications are immense; lack of smartphone security can jeopardize a business.
History of mobile threats
Malware targeting smartphones is not new. The difference today compared with 20 years ago is that the smartphone holds sensitive data; sensitive data on private and business level.
The question is why do organization fail to install mobile anti-malware on the smartphones? I believe it has to do with awareness, costs, and user experience or they think it is not needed (especially for iOS users).
iOS cyber security
Despite popular belief, it is possible to install malware on iOS devices and since the EU’s Digital Markets Act of 2022 came about, Apple has been forced to allow also apps outside the App store on its phones.
But regulating smartphones based on unified endpoint management and mobile device management is not enough. The reason why is simple: These security tools do not contain security controls for inspecting apps, network connections and interfaces in regards to malicious behavior.
Malware prevention
Let’s get back to the bakery next door. The baker uses his smartphone for daily business (baking bread-related tasks) and also for personal use. To avoid getting infected by malware, the baker does not install apps outside of the App store, does not scan QR codes and does not connect to public wifi.
As with his laptop, he makes sure that the smartphone and his apps are always updated with the latest software releases. Still, this is not enough. The baker won’t successfully avoid SMS phishing, malicious websites and network related attacks by taking those steps. To truly advance his security, the baker needs to install a mobile security solution that protects the smartphone from mobile security risks.
The baker is lucky because he relies on a cyber security vendor partner to deliver a platform and he can simply apply mobile security, in addition to the other security controls that have been delivered, through the platform.
In other words, what the baker has is a consolidated cyber security platform with threat prevention, ensuring that his business won’t be disrupted by opportunistic hackers.
Key takeaways
As I mentioned earlier, smartphones have become day-to-day essentials, shaping our social interactions and business operations. However, they also present security risks, as they contain sensitive personal and business information. Here are some tips to enhance smartphone security:
1. Stick to official app stores for downloading apps.
2. Avoid connecting to public wifi networks.
3. Consider installing a mobile threat prevention application.
As a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), it’s crucial to treat smartphones with the same level of security awareness as laptops. Incorporate them into your awareness campaigns and ensure they are regularly updated with the latest patches.
Implement mobile threat prevention solutions like Harmony Mobile from Check Point to serve as a security enforcement point for your Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) or Mobile Device Management (MDM) system.
These measures will enhance security maturity and provide visibility into potential malicious activities on mobile devices within your organization.
For more insights from Zahier Madhar, please click here. To receive compelling cyber insights, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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kirnakumar155 · 2 months
Dell Boomi API Management
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Dell Boomi API Management: Streamlining Integration and API Governance
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the backbone of the digital age, allowing applications and systems to communicate seamlessly. As businesses grow and systems become complex, managing these APIs becomes crucial. This is where Dell Boomi API Management excels.
What is Dell Boomi API Management?
Boomi API Management provides a centralized platform for developing, securing, publishing, and monitoring APIs within the Dell Boomi integration landscape. Key features include:
API Design & Development: Intuitive tools to create and define API endpoints (REST, SOAP, OData, or a combination).
API Gateway: Provides a secure access point for external applications or partners to consume your APIs.
Security & Authentication: Robust options include Basic Auth, OAuth, OpenID, and SAML to enforce strict API access control.
Traffic Management: Policies to enforce rate limits, quotas, and other controls for optimal API performance and availability.
Monitoring & Analytics: Dashboards for real-time insights into API usage, performance metrics, and potential errors.
Developer Portal: A self-service platform for developers to find, subscribe to, and test your APIs, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Why Choose Dell Boomi API Management?
Unified Platform: Seamless integration with the Dell Boomi AtomSphere platform makes leveraging existing integration processes and data easy while building APIs.
Ease of Use: Boomi’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies API design and management, even for less technical users.
Governance: Ensures consistency, security, and compliance across your API landscape.
Agility: Speeds up your time-to-market by streamlining API development and access for internal and external stakeholders.
Scalability: The multi-cloud runtime supports flexible scaling to accommodate fluctuating API demands.
Common Use Cases
B2B Integration: Exposing internal data and processes securely to partners for smoother supply chain and order management.
Mobile App Development: Providing streamlined backends for mobile apps to access data and functionality from core business systems.
Microservices Architecture: Enabling granular communication between microservices to support agility and scalability in your applications.
Open API Initiatives: Creating public-facing APIs to foster innovation and potential business partnerships.
Getting Started with Boomi API Management
You can easily enable API Management for your environments if you’re a Boomi user.
API Design: Design your API endpoints in an API Service or API Proxy component.
Authentication: Configure API Gateway authentication to match your desired security level.
Policy Configuration: Apply policies for traffic shaping, security enforcement, and mediation.
API Publication: Deploy your finished API components.
Developer Portal: Set up an informative portal for developers to learn about and use your published APIs.
Dell Boomi API Management sets you up for successful API-powered initiatives. Providing a comprehensive toolset and seamless integration with your existing Boomi infrastructure simplifies how you create, manage, and benefit from APIs throughout your enterprise.
You can find more information about Dell Boomi in this  Dell Boomi Link
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Managed Security Services (MSS) Market To Deliver Prominent Growth & Striking Opportunities During 2033
Market Definition
Managed security services (MSS) are a type of security service that helps organizations manage and monitor their security systems and infrastructure. The services are typically provided by a third-party security service provider and can include things like security monitoring, incident response, and vulnerability management.
Market Outlook
In the managed security services (MSS) market, the service providers are constantly innovating and introducing new services and technologies to address the changing security needs of their clients. Some of the key trends in this market are:
The increasing adoption of cloud-based MSS: With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, more and more MSS providers are offering their services via the cloud. This enables organizations to benefit from the scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness of the cloud.
The growing popularity of managed detection and response (MDR) services: MDR services are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a more comprehensive and proactive approach to security. MSS providers are investing in MDR services to meet the growing demand from their clients.
The increasing focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: AI and machine learning are being used by MSS providers to improve the accuracy of threat detection and response. These technologies are also being used to automate various tasks, such as security monitoring and incident response.
Lack of skilled workforce: There is a lack of skilled workforce in the field of cyber security, which is a key requirement for providing MSS. This is a major challenge for vendors in this market.
High cost of MSS: MSS can be quite costly, especially for small and medium businesses. This is a key restraint for the growth of this market.
Lack of awareness: There is a lack of awareness about MSS among small and medium businesses. This is a key challenge for vendors in this market.
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Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
Market Segmentation
The Managed Security Services (MSS) Market is segmented into deployment mode, enterprise size, application, vertical, and region. By deployment mode, the market is divided into On-premise and Cloud. Based on enterprise size, the market is bifurcated into large enterprises, small & medium-sized enterprises. By application, it is categorized as a Managed IPS and IDS, Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS), Unified Threat Management (UTM), Secured Information & Event Management (SIEM), Firewall Management, Endpoint Security, and Others. Whereas on the basis of the vertical, it is segmented into BFSI, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Telecom & IT, and Others. Region-Wise the market is segmented by North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world.
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Major Players
The Managed Security Services (MSS) Market report includes players such as AT&T (US), Broadcom (US), BT Group (UK), Check Point Software (Israel), Cisco System Inc. (US), DXC Technology (US), Fortinet Inc. (US), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (US), IBM Corporation (US), and SecureWorks Inc. (US), among others.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis
Buy your copy here:  https://www.globalinsightservices.com/checkout/single_user/GIS20064/
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Global Insight Services LLC 16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes DE 19958 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1-833-761-1700 Website: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/
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david843346 · 3 months
Hardware Asset Management Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Hardware Asset Management Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036” delivers a detailed competitors analysis and a detailed overview of the global hardware asset management market in terms of market segmentation by type, end user, enterprise size, deployment model and by region.
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Surge in Remote Work and Endpoint Devices to Promote Global Market Share of Hardware Asset Management Market
The global hardware asset management market is estimated to grow majorly on account of the rise of remote work globally has accelerated the deployment of endpoint devices which includes laptop, tablets and mobile devices. To manage these hardware assets is a complex challenge for organizations. Moreover, the role of asset management solution is important as it helps in tracking and securing endpoint devices which further ensures compliance and optimizing asset usage. The surge in remote work has highlighted the importance of need for robust hardware asset management solutions to maintain visibility and control over dispersed hardware assets. According to recent information, in 2021, it was found that nearly three times more people working in remote positions than in 2019.
Some of the major growth factors and challenges that are associated with the growth of the global hardware asset management market are:
Growth Drivers:
The integration of IT service management with hardware asset management becomes imperative for organizations seeking a holistic approach to IT management.
The increasing adoption of cloud computing in the businesses or organizations.  
Dynamic IT environments, software-hardware dependencies, compliance complexity are the major factors anticipated to hamper the global market size of hardware asset management. The increasing technological advancements leads to growth of dynamic IT environments with constant IT updates , new hardware introductions, and evolving infrastructure. Organizations face challenge in maintaining an accurate and updated inventory of hardware assets in the dynamic IT environment. Moreover, devices may be overlooked which leads to incomplete assets inventories and ultimately it hampers the effective management and decision making.
By type segment in the global hardware asset management market is segmented into software and services. The software segment is to garner a significant revenue by the end of 2036 by growing at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. The segment growth can be attributed to factor that integration of hardware asset management software with IT service management platforms. The integration includes processes, efficiency and provide organization with a unified view of hardware and software assets. Moreover, the demand for solutions offering interoperability between HAM and ITSM continues to grow as businesses prioritize seamless IT operations. In addition, cloud based HAM solutions offer accessibility which align with evolving need of modern enterprise. According to recent report, public cloud services grew by 18.4% year-over-year in 2021.
By region, the Europe in hardware asset management market is to generate the significant revenue of by the end of 2036. This growth is anticipated by the growing security concerns and emphasis on cyber security has led the organization to focus on securing their hardware assets effectively. The role of hardware asset management is important in ensuring the security of IT infrastructure which boost the market in the region. According to recent information, in 2020, there were 304,788 reported incidents of cyber threats in Europe.  In addition, companies are becoming aware of optimizing their hardware assets to improve productivity and mitigate unnecessary expenditures.
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systemtek · 3 months
Keeper Security Joins the AWS Partner Network
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 Keeper Security, a leading provider of cloud-based zero-trust and zero-knowledge cybersecurity software protecting passwords, passkeys, secrets, connections and privileged access, announces today it has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). The APN is a global community of AWS Partners that leverage programs, expertise and resources to build, market and sell customer offerings. As an APN member, Keeper joins a global network of 130,000 partners from more than 200 countries working with AWS to provide innovative solutions, solve technical challenges, win deals and deliver value to customers. Keeper joined the APN to address the growing demand for robust account security and enhance the digital protections available to businesses around the world faced with the growing threat of cyberattacks. "AWS has long been recognized as the leading cloud services provider and we're proud to meet their rigid standards and bring their technical advantages to public and private-sector business and enterprise customers," said Darren Guccione, CEO and Co-founder, Keeper Security. "This relationship marks a significant achievement for Keeper, as it furthers our steadfast commitment to deliver cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions."  Keeper provides a full suite of award-winning consumer and business offerings in password, secrets and privileged connection management, as well as differentiators that set Keeper apart from its competitors including dark web monitoring, secure file storage, encrypted messaging, seamless Single-Sign On (SSO) integration, compliance reporting and comprehensive event logging. Keeper's solutions scale to organizations of all sizes, from small home offices to multinational enterprises and the largest public sector organizations. Keeper also offers a solution for managed service providers, KeeperMSP. Keeper's Enterprise Password Manager is designed to provide organizations with complete visibility into employee password practices, allowing IT administrators to enforce company password policies, monitor employee compliance and generate audit trails and reports. Keeper securely manages the lifecycle of privileged account credentials with Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) and controlled credential sharing. Keeper supports the storage and use of passkeys in the vault and enables organizations to embrace a fully passwordless experience by integrating with SSO, enabling users to access their vaults without the use of a master password. Keeper's latest offering, KeeperPAM™, provides a next-generation Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution that is disrupting the traditional PAM market. KeeperPAM delivers enterprise-grade password, secrets and privileged connection management within a unified SaaS platform that is cost-effective, easy-to-use and simple-to-deploy. The patented cybersecurity solution enables organizations to achieve complete visibility, security, control and reporting across every privileged user on every device within an organization. Customers prefer Keeper for: - Enterprise Security - Keeper mitigates the risk of breaches by providing real-time protection and access to applications, systems, secrets and IT resources. - Robust Compliance and Reporting - Keeper simplifies and strengthens auditing and compliance including support for RBAC, 2FA, FIPS 140-2 encryption, HIPAA, FINRA, SOC, ITAR and more. - Powerful Security Insights - Keeper provides analytics into credential security and hygiene across all endpoints and systems with native SIEM integration. Through its relationship with AWS, Keeper extends its market reach and enhances its ability to serve customers across various industries all over the world, in addition to offering Consulting Partner Private Offers (CPPO) to Keeper's Reseller Community of over 2,000 partners, allowing them to facilitate customer purchases in AWS Marketplace. For more information, please visit APN.  Read the full article
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chloedecker0 · 4 months
Unlocking Security: The Essentials of Network Access Control (NAC)
In the era of digital transformation, securing network access has become paramount for organizations of all sizes. With the increasing complexity of networks and the surge in cyber threats, Network Access Control (NAC) software has emerged as a critical component of a robust cybersecurity strategy. NAC solutions enable organizations to prevent unauthorized access, enforce security policies, and ensure compliance across their networks. But with a plethora of options available, how do you choose the best NAC software for your organization? Let's dive in to understand the key features to look for and how market intelligence reports, such as those from Quadrant Knowledge Solutions, can guide your decision-making process.
Download the sample report of Market Share: https://quadrant-solutions.com/download-form/market-research/market-share-network-access-control-2022-2027-worldwide-2770 
Understanding Network Access Control (NAC)
At its core, NAC solutions provide visibility into and control over who and what is accessing your network. They identify devices and users, assess device compliance with security policies, and enforce policies by granting or denying access to the network. Key features of top-tier NAC software include: 
Device Visibility and Profiling: The ability to identify and classify devices connecting to your network. 
Compliance Enforcement: Ensuring that only devices compliant with your security policies can access the network. 
Guest Access Management: Securely managing access for guests, contractors, and other non-employee users. 
Policy Lifecycle Management: The ability to create, manage, and retire access policies in an efficient manner. 
Top Network Access Control Software Options
Here are the top 5 Network Access Control software options that stand out for their performance, feature sets, and customer satisfaction. 
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
Cisco ISE is a comprehensive solution that offers deep visibility into your network, automating and enforcing security and compliance across wired, wireless, and VPN connections. It excels in providing detailed device access control, identity management, and policy enforcement. Cisco ISE integrates seamlessly with other Cisco security products, making it an ideal choice for organizations heavily invested in the Cisco ecosystem. 
Fortinet FortiNAC
Fortinet FortiNAC delivers powerful network visibility capabilities, control over IoT security, and automated threat response. It is designed to provide granular control over network access and to work seamlessly with Fortinet’s Security Fabric for an integrated security posture. FortiNAC is known for its scalability, making it suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises. 
Aruba ClearPass
Aruba ClearPass offers a versatile NAC solution that excels in multi-vendor environments. It provides advanced policy management, guest access options, and IoT security, ensuring that only compliant devices can connect to your network. ClearPass is celebrated for its ease of use, robust reporting, and analytics capabilities, making it a great choice for organizations looking for detailed insights into their network activity. 
Forescout CounterACT
Forescout CounterACT is renowned for its agentless approach to network access control, allowing it to discover, classify, and control devices the moment they connect to the network—without requiring agents to be installed on endpoints. This capability is particularly beneficial in environments with a diverse array of devices and IoT. CounterACT offers comprehensive visibility, policy-based controls, and automated responses to security incidents. 
Sophos NAC
Sophos NAC is designed to integrate seamlessly with Sophos' endpoint and network security solutions, providing a unified approach to security policy enforcement. It offers straightforward management, visibility into guest and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) access, and compliance checks. Sophos NAC is appreciated for its ease of deployment and management, making it a solid choice for organizations looking for an effective yet manageable NAC solution. 
Download the sample report of Market Forecast: https://quadrant-solutions.com/download-form/market-research/market-share-network-access-control-2022-2027-worldwide-2770 
Importance of Market Intelligence in Decision Making 
When it comes to choosing the right NAC software, leveraging market intelligence can significantly streamline the decision-making process. Reports from reputable market intelligence firms, such as Quadrant Knowledge Solutions, offer invaluable insights that can help organizations navigate the complex NAC market. 
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions' Market Intelligence report on Network Access Control provides an in-depth analysis of market dynamics, key trends, and competitive landscapes. The report includes: 
Market Share: Network Access Control, 2022, Worldwide: This offers a snapshot of the current market scenario, highlighting the leading vendors and their market positions. Understanding market share gives an insight into which vendors are the most popular and why, helping you to narrow down your options. 
Market Forecast: Network Access Control, 2022-2027, Worldwide: This projection helps organizations understand how the NAC market is expected to evolve, which is crucial for making informed, future-proof decisions. The forecast can guide your investment by indicating which technologies and vendors are on an upward trajectory. 
Talk To Analyst: https://quadrant-solutions.com/talk-to-analyst 
How Quadrant Knowledge Solutions' Report Benefits Your Growth
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions' Market Intelligence report is not just about numbers; it's a strategic tool that can fuel your organization's growth. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the NAC market, it helps identify the key players and their strengths, enabling you to choose a platform that not only meets your current needs but also aligns with your long-term growth strategies. Furthermore, the report's insights into market trends and forecasts empower you to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your NAC solution remains effective against evolving cyber threats.
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shanmug · 4 months
The Art of Integration: IT Services Providers in a Connected World
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, businesses find themselves navigating an intricate web of interconnected systems, applications, and devices. The seamless integration of these elements is not just a technical necessity but an art form mastered by IT services and solutions providers. This article explores how these providers play a pivotal role in creating cohesion in the digital realm and ensuring businesses thrive in a connected world.
The Crucial Role of IT Services Providers
In a world where every aspect of business is becoming increasingly digital, the role of IT services and solutions providers goes beyond mere troubleshooting. These providers are the architects of connectivity, weaving a tapestry of integrated solutions that enable businesses to operate smoothly, make data-driven decisions, and respond swiftly to market changes.
Creating a Unified Ecosystem
One of the key aspects of the art of integration lies in creating a unified ecosystem where different technologies seamlessly work together. IT services providers excel in designing and implementing systems that break down silos, allowing data to flow seamlessly across departments. This integration not only enhances operational efficiency but also empowers businesses to extract meaningful insights from their data.
The Power of API Integration
Application Programming Interface (API) integration is at the core of the artistry demonstrated by IT services providers. APIs serve as bridges between diverse software applications, enabling them to communicate and share data. Whether it's connecting a customer relationship management (CRM) system with an e-commerce platform or integrating communication tools with project management software, IT providers skillfully leverage APIs to create a harmonious digital environment.
Navigating Cloud Integration Challenges
As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud-based solutions, the challenge of cloud integration becomes paramount. IT services providers specialize in navigating these challenges, ensuring that on-premises and cloud-based systems seamlessly coexist. This not only optimizes performance but also enhances scalability, allowing businesses to adapt to changing demands with agility.
Enhancing Collaboration through Integrated Communication
Communication is the lifeblood of any organization, and IT service providers play a pivotal role in integrating communication tools. From unified communication platforms to integrating collaboration suites, providers ensure that teams can communicate effortlessly, fostering a collaborative environment regardless of geographical boundaries.
Cybersecurity Integration for Robust Protection
The interconnected nature of modern business also brings forth increased cybersecurity risks. IT services and solutions providers excel in integrating robust cybersecurity measures into every layer of the digital infrastructure. From endpoint protection to network security and data encryption, these providers ensure that businesses can operate securely in an interconnected world.
Scalable Solutions for Business Growth
The art of integration extends beyond the immediate needs of businesses. IT services providers design solutions with scalability in mind, ensuring that integrated systems can grow alongside the business. This scalability is crucial in an era where adaptability and responsiveness to changing market dynamics are key drivers of success.
Conclusion: The Masterpiece of Connected Business
In a connected world, where the success of businesses relies on the seamless integration of technologies, IT services and solutions providers emerge as the true artists. Their ability to orchestrate a harmonious symphony of interconnected systems defines the art of integration. As businesses continue to evolve, the role of these providers becomes increasingly critical in shaping a digital landscape where integration is not just a technical requirement but a masterpiece that propels businesses toward unprecedented heights of success.
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nayan03 · 6 months
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enterprise-mobility · 6 months
Navigating Enterprise Productivity: 2024's Essential Tools and EMM Integration
In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise productivity, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As we step into 2024, the demand for tools that enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and boost efficiency has never been higher. Let's delve into five standout productivity tools for enterprises in 2024, accompanied by a closer look at the integration of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions.
Microsoft 365:
A stalwart in the productivity tools arena, Microsoft 365 continues to shine. With its blend of familiar applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint coupled with cloud services such as OneDrive and Teams, Microsoft 365 offers a comprehensive suite for collaboration and document management. The real-time co-authoring and robust security features contribute to enhanced communication and streamlined workflows, making it a go-to solution for enterprises in 2024.
Revolutionizing team communication, Slack remains a linchpin for real-time messaging and collaboration. Its intuitive interface and diverse integrations create a centralized hub for communication, file sharing, and seamless collaboration. Slack's channels keep conversations organized, and its adaptability to various workflows makes it an invaluable asset, particularly in the growing landscape of remote and hybrid work environments.
Project management lies at the heart of enterprise success, and Asana excels in this realm. Offering an intuitive platform for organizing and tracking work, Asana facilitates task assignments, due dates, and project timelines. Its flexibility accommodates different project management methodologies, ensuring that enterprises can efficiently manage projects, leading to improved productivity and project outcomes in 2024.
For enterprises focusing on CRM and sales, Salesforce stands tall. Its suite of applications manages customer interactions, sales leads, and marketing campaigns. The cloud-based infrastructure ensures accessibility from anywhere, fostering collaboration among teams. With features like automation, analytics, and customizable dashboards, Salesforce enables enterprises to streamline sales processes, optimize customer engagement, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.
In the era of remote and hybrid work, effective communication through video conferencing tools is essential. Zoom has emerged as a leader in this space, providing a reliable platform for virtual meetings, webinars, and collaborative sessions. Its features such as screen sharing, breakout rooms, and webinar hosting capabilities facilitate seamless communication and collaboration across geographically dispersed teams. The integration with calendar apps and third-party tools further enhances its versatility, making Zoom a vital productivity tool for enterprises in 2024.
The Need for an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Solution:
Complementing individual productivity tools is the integration of an EMM solution, an imperative for managing a mobile workforce. One noteworthy EMM solution is CubiLock
Manage Devices with CubiLock EMM:
A comprehensive EMM solution, CubiLock integrates unified device management, identity management, and mobile application management. It allows enterprises to securely manage various devices from a centralized console, ensuring a secure and productive mobile work environment and to lock down devices for dedicated purpose.
CubiLock's key features include unified endpoint management, identity management, mobile application management, adaptive management, and real-time tracking of devices.
As enterprises maneuver through the dynamic landscape of business operations in 2024, the right productivity tools and EMM solutions can significantly impact efficiency, collaboration, and overall success. Microsoft 365, Slack, Asana, Salesforce, and Zoom continue to lead the way, enhancing productivity across various facets of enterprise operations. Simultaneously, the integration of an EMM solution, exemplified by CubiLock, addresses the challenges posed by the increasing prevalence of mobile devices in the workplace. By leveraging these tools and solutions, enterprises can navigate the challenges ahead with agility, competitiveness, and readiness for the future.
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