#Unleash the bats…? Bat buckle…? Anyone following me?
iero · 2 years
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Joined the Cool Kids Club (Permanent love and dedication to Edd*e Muns*n) today!
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Fic prompt: Magnus being a BAMF and defending youngster downworlders. (aka i just wanna see more magnus and magic)
Magnus’ wards go off like a vibration down a plucked guitar string. His head comes up, like a cat hearing a noise in the next room and he waits, curious, to see what’s testing his barriers. He feels it again, a vibrato traveling down his bones. He waits, frowning. Then the ward shatters and its destruction snaps through him like piano wire wound too tight to take the pressure and it lays a gash open in his mind. Something’s inside. Something’s inside the wards.
“Oh god,” Magnus says.
And the entire room immediately falls silent. Which is impressive considering the other people in the room are ten children in variable stages of eating an evening snack. Ten small terrified faces are suddenly all turned to Magnus, waiting for his signal that all their worst fears have come to pass… or not.
Magnus holds up a single reassuring palm: Wait.
Magnus lair has been settled in this section of Dublin for a little over two years now and, really, it’s his fault. He got complacent. He casts a silence spell and sheets the walls of the common room in a layer of shimmering muffling magic. Through the one-way suppression he can hear the nephilim talking, moving through his house in quick, military precise procession. Hunting for them through his security labyrinth. If they are worth their salt (and the warlock death squads always are) they will know how to break through. But maybe, just maybe, he’s stronger than they are ready. Maybe…
He feels another ward break, snap like cord on a violin.
Magnus immediately grabs Mei, the smallest of the warlock children, and hoists her up into his arms and the rest of the kids instantly lunge up from their places to follow him. He ushers everyone toward the back door which clicks and swings open without his touching it. He herds the small group into the corridor and when they’re all through, he seals the door behind them, hides it in glamore. Not a single one of them scream or speak. He can hear a few of them sniffling. One of them has his little hands clamped over his nose and mouth.
This is not the first time they have done this.
Their fear is knife in his gut, but Magnus keeps them moving. Gently says, “Stay together. Follow Patrick okay? If anything happens to me, you all go with Patrick.” Because thirteen-year-old Patrick has no real control over any aspect of his magic except one: he can teleport and take anyone with him that he’s touching. That said…. he’s never been able to take more than five people at time but Magnus can’t think about that. “It’s okay. Just keep–”
There’s a slam behind them.
Magnus pivots, a cold fist seizing his heart. The door at the end of the corridor shudders, battered by a beast that’s found his glamore work and torn it off like wallpaper. Mei whimpers in his arms. She covers a pair of large bat-like ears that take up massive real estate on her skull and Magnus instinctively fits his hand to the back of her small, fluffy skull. Again, a thunderous bang and the door heaves on its hinges, the stone around the frame coughing dust. Another bang and the stone work cracks.
Magnus spins around.
“Run!” he hisses. “Go! Go!”
Something explodes. Every single security spell Magnus has laid down immediately shatters, shredded so violently the kickback snaps through him and he screams, once, surprised and hits the ground on his knees in the narrow hallway. The kids break their silence then, crying out and bursting into clumsy sprints for the door. Magnus masls the retreat in a glamore, hiding them. Then he spins around, blue fire igniting from his skin and wreathing his entire body, filling the hallways until it’s an inferno filled with flame and there, coming down the hall, are three jack-booted nephilim dressed all in black. Their seraph blades burn white hot in their fingers, bright as shards of starlight.
Mei screams in Magnus’ arms, grabbing his neck so tight he can’t breathe.
The angels don’t even hesitate. Both of the men snap forward, fast, almost vampire-fast and hurl shining seraph-stone daggers. Magnus ducks both and for a split second lets go of Mei (she’s gripping him so hard she doesn’t fall) and with a two-handed ripping motion he seizes on of them in a kinetic lasso and slams him into his partner. But its slippery. He can feel his magic sliding off them and he must abandon the spell, falling back instead on a defensive barrier, one hand held up like a shield before him.
He can feel the magic in their weaponry, that they are so equipped to fight a warlock – a hundred magic nullifying wards in the armor pieces strapped to them, ancient and powerful relics brought from angelic vaults specifically for this dark work.
One of the men starts forward again and Magnus flashes the barrier at him, a shimmer of diamond-dust magic between them, flaring in time to the gold in Magnus’ eyes. Mei whimpers and his fingers tighten gently in her hair, hugging her more tightly. Her tiny heart is a rabbit pulse against his sternum. Her hair smells faintly of vanilla and jam preserves. Her tears are soaking his shirt collar.
The nephlim keep closing in on him.
“This this an orphanage,” Magnus says. His voice crackles in his throat. His heart his pounding. Fear so strong in him it’s a razor blade sliding through the web of nerve beneath his skin. He backs away slowly but the angels follow. “Please!” Magnus hugs Mei tighter to his chest, feels her hook her ankles together at the small of his back, her pink shoes digging into his spine. “Don’t do this. They’re children. Orphans. They don’t have anyone else. They won’t hurt anyone. I sw—”
“Beg all you want, warlock,” says the leader, a blonde and blue-eyed woman gripping an electrum bullwhip in her fist. “We know what you are.”
“This is psychotic. You’re killing children!”
“You should have kept to yourself, Bane. Gathering up strays like this…” She shakes her head. “We’re not going to let them grow up to be like you. You did this. You killed them the moment you brought them together.”
“Touch them and I’ll rip you apart!”
“You can try, demon.”
Then she too lunges forward. She cracks the whip across Magnus’ shield and it tears through Magnus’ magic, eating it. She cracks the whip again and it sucks another chunk of his magic, devouring any rogue spellwork for its own vile purpose. Then she reverses her attack, the length of the weapon blazing white with holy power and this time when she cracks the whip, it ignites and the sonic boom unleashed goes off like a bomb. Magnus barely balls his body and Mei in a sheet of adamantine magic before they’re thrown down the hall with such force, the wood floor boards buckle and shred on impact. They hit the ground like a wrecking ball, rolling until Magnus can come  to his feet.
But the nephlim are on him.
The two men move together with vicious simultaneous sync, instantly. The first one drives a blade straight at Magnus’ heart only to have it slam into a chunk of wood as Magnus liquifies the floor and yanks it up between them in a geyser of repurposed matter. But the second one is around the obstacle, flash-step fast, grabbing his outstretched arm and driving the dagger down at his –
Mei screams and her voice, a sonic boom loosed from demonic vocal chords, shatters every bone in the angel’s hand and rips the blade from his fist. Magnus lights him on fire. It doesn’t stick to him, but it’s distracting enough the doesn’t see it when Magnus grabs the seraph blade in his fist, the weapon blazing hell-red for a split second before he nails it home through the angel’s ribcage, just south of his lungs.
The other male shadowhunter howls like Magnus put the blade in him too… then he goes berserk.
He hacks the liquid floorboards apart like a sapling, the whole thing exploding, his seraph blade blazing hotter than ever. Magnus can’t even follow his speed. He hits Magnus with a baseball swing from the blade and it hits Magnus’ shield like a truck, smashing Magnus sideways through the wall paneling, burying him in a splintered crater. Magnus can’t even blink and the nephlim is slamming a boot down over and over again against Magnus’ thigh, his knee, keeping him down while he brings that seraph blade down over and over and over against Magnus’ kinetic barrier. Mei is shrieking, but too scared to use her Voice again. Every blow is like a thousand pound piston coming down on him and it’s everything Magnus can do in close quarters to maintain his shield. He doesn’t have time to cast. He can’t –
Magnus can feel his barriers starting to shatter. He can’t get up. The force of a parabatai’s rage fueling the nephlim’s attack. He’s got both hands up, magic burning in his palms, shimmering and flaring between them. The only thing between him and the monster trying to rip him apart: a thin window of enchantment fueled by fear and desperation.
“Stop!” Magnus can taste blood in the back of his throat. “Stop! Please!” Mei is crying, clinging to him. This beast is going to hack straight through the both of them. “Don’t hurt her!”
But the shadowhunter rears back, grabs the blade in a two-hands overhead and this time he drives it straight down with an inhuman, truly monsterous amount of force and –
It’s just enough time for Magnus to slam his palms together and rip them apart and every single shattered piece of floorboard lying on the ground behind the man suddenly tears off the floor like shrapnel in reverse and two dozen shunts of wood slam home in the hunter’s back and ribs one punching through the back of his neck through his throat and he chokes blood. He staggers, staring wildly at Magnus… and even as he is standing there, bleeding, body perforated in a dozen places, he still tries to bring the blade down.
Magnus hits him with a fireball the size of an apple and it smashes him into the far wall, driving every piece of shrapnel deeper into the body cavity, rupturing violent from ribs and belly. This time the nephlim does not get up. He lies slumped with his still dying parabatai and Magnus, breathing hard through his teeth, extracts himself from the wall. By the time he stands up, his skin is sheathed again in blue flame, so hot the room it catching fire around him, the walls burning like they’re drenched in gasoline and the third shadowhunter only barely manages to grab her teammates by the arms, dragging them out of the inferno before it eats them.
“Fucking demon! You won’t escape! You think we came alone?”
“Then I’ll kill you all!” Magnus hisses, his throat full of fire.
“You’ll beg to die before we do it, warlock!”
Magnus spits on the floor on front of her and runs.
Mei is tucked against his chest, cradled in protective flame. He races down the hall, leaving the house to burn. He comes out into yard behind the mansion and finds five of the young warlocks still hiding in a thin sheet of invisibility. He grabs the youngest by the hand, tells the others to also take his hand and they run. Straight into the forest behind the house and as he runs Magnus says, in language 1000 years older than any other he knows, “Children of the hill, you know my voice. You know my name.” He can hear the house burning, collapsing behind him. “There is a debt owed me. Tonight I ask it collected.”
Magnus conjures a gold medallion. He holds it up.
“Protect us!”
And suddenly a tall red-haired man steps from behind a tree. Magnus skids to a stop, Mei held in one arm, the medallion in his hand. The man regards Magnus from nearly seven feet of height, a giant, bearded and massive but beautiful. His eyes shine green and gold. Magnus knows his face from three hundred years ago and he offers the coin.
Because you can’t ask anything of leprechauns without a token of gold.
“This is yours,” Magnus says, breathing hard, sweat dripping from his chin.“I’m giving it back but only if you protect us. Take us away from here and across the moors. I can manage from there.”
The leprechaun huffs and takes the coin from Magnus’ fire-slick fingers. Unafraid of his burning. “Oh. Yur gonna be trouble fer th’ world,” he says in a voice that creaks with the trees. “I’ll save ya, Bane. Not that I think ya need it.”
And suddenly they’re standing in a field and Magnus’ hand is empty, outstretched to no one. The cool wind across the empty moors ruffles his hair and the stink of smoke and fire still clings to his skin and clothes. He blinks… then kneels down immediately turns to the children huddled behind them, managing the biggest, most agonizing smile he’s ever had to fake.
“There we go! Safe at last. You were all so brave. Good j—!” He’s immediately swarmed by crying warlock children, nearly a dozen tiny fists closing in his clothes. A great noise of sobbing and yelling goes up. “Oh. Yes. It’s okay. I promise. They can’t follow us out here. Maria, Yuki, Lan? I need you to stop crying, okay?  Bo? Can you help me? We need to find Patrick and the others. Okay? We’re all okay. It’s okay.”
None of them do anything remotely like calm down, so Magnus gives up for the moment and kneels in the mud, rather ineffectively trying to hug all six weeping children as they burrow desperately against his ribs and back, like proximity will undo anything of the horror that nearly caught them. He wraps them all in a warm cloud of magic, a mirage of sunshine and pressure that hums in time to his heartbeat, pressing all of them together like small animals in a huddle.
“It’s okay,” he whispers. “I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you. To any of you. Okay? I won’t leave you. I’ll be here whenever you need me. C’mon.” He stands up. “I’ll keep you safe. Okay? You believe me? Okay then. Let’s go. Together now. Stay together.”
And Magnus Bane, with six small warlocks in tow, hikes across the moors of Ireland to find the rest of his small family.
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warr2014 · 7 years
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“A Seminar to Remember ”
Dreading another boring seminar, I begrudgingly entered the conference room looking for an available seat. The room was packed and all the seats appeared occupied.
It was a gentle reminder of my struggle and rebellion against time and punctuality.
As I scanned the room, I noticed an empty chair next to a beautiful Texan. I smiled and realized the silver lining.
I walked up to the young lady, and asked whether she was saving the seat for anyone. She smiled and shook her head, no.
I was captivated by her beauty. She had an angelic face, sultry eyes, and a brilliant smile. She left me speechless.
Her beauty robbed me of my words leaving me with a naked vocabulary … more like grunts. I was embarrassed.
I sat down. However, sitting next to her triggered my inner wolf.
As the seminar progressed, I realized I missed ten minutes of the speaker’s lecture. I was busy musing over her beauty. All I needed was a name for the woman in my carnal day dream.
I would glance over and with a larcenous intent, steal glances of her angelic face to feed my lewd thoughts.
I noticed her bitting her lower lip.
Perhaps, it was a non-verbal expression of an interesting point made by the speaker; however, the lip bitting triggered a lascivious interpretation, on my part.
I grew restless in my chair as her image enveloped my thoughts.
While she took notes on the lecture, I took mental notes of her beauty.
My mind fell victim to a swarm of scenarios between myself and the beauty next to me.
Scenes of her and I played in my mind like a reel of x-rated film, depicting us both locked in deep passionate kisses … and … Well, the images led to an erection.
It was difficult to concentrate with a hard dick and the cause of my redirected blood flow sitting next to me.
Suddenly, I heard a whisper. The gorgeous stranger leaned in and whispered in a Texan accent, “sweetie, you need a pen in order to fill those pages up.“
She noticed my notebook was open but no pen in sight. The warmth of her breath and sensual voice sent chills through out my body.
I smiled in an attempt to camouflage my embarrassment as I retrieved a pen from my book bag.
“Touché,” I responded. “Beautiful and witty, a rare and one of my favorite combinations.”
She coyishly smiled, and turned back to her notepad. I noticed a slight blush.
I leaned over towards her and in a whisper asked for her name.
“Natalia,” she whispered back with a coquettish smile.
“It’s a beautiful name and suits you well, Natalia.”
She smiled. This time her blush was more evident.
Through out the lecture, I caught her discreetly looking in my direction. She looked over her shoulder and smiled when our eyes met.
I would wink at her and smile.
I vacillated between writing notes and doodling. I was physically present but lost in lecherous thoughts.
During my day-dream hiatus, I wrote “Natalia”, with a heart next to her name.
I felt a soft hand tap on my hand, which quickly snapped me out of my day dream.
Natalia whispered, “shouldn’t I know the name of the man who is drawing hearts next to my name?”
“My name is Chase. I should have introduced myself earlier. I would apologize but I believe you’re to blame. I was distracted by your beauty and smile.”
Natalia smiled then put me on the spot. “What does the heart mean next to my name?”
I motioned for her to come closer then whispered in her ear, “it means you captured my heart.”
She quickly turned away but continued to smile for a minute or two. She then turned in my direction and we locked eyes. I felt a surge of electricity through my body.
We both struggled to break our gaze.
“I can’t concentrate Natalia. I hope I’m not distracting you too much.”
“You’re not,” she replied.
I looked around the room, and everyone was so focused on the speaker. I tried to listen and pay attention to no avail.
I told Natalia I would buy her lunch if she allowed me to copy her notes.
She placed her hand over mine and asked me not to leave. We smiled at each other and I remained seated.
My thoughts were uncontrollable. Running freely and powerfully like a stampede of wild horses. It would be futile to even attempt to stop my racing thoughts.
Moments later Natalia whispered, “these notes are special. They are intertwined with my mental impressions and merit more than lunch.”
“I agree, Natalia. May I set the value?”
My devilish smile and tone made her smile. “What’s behind that smile and look, Chase?”
“It’s a surprise. How about I show you, rather than attempt to describe?”
She smiled. Again, she began to bit her lower lip.
Unable to resist, I finally spoke up.
Natalia, “you trigger me when you bit your lower lip.”
With a naughty grin, she asked, “what am I triggering? Is it something I would like?”
“It depends on your taste and tolerance,” I responded.
“There goes that look again! She exclaimed.
I smiled, “my thoughts drive the look,” I whispered back, punctuated by a wink.
Natalia asked me to disclose my hidden thoughts, as she batted her beautiful eyes.
Little did she know about the lewd nature of my thoughts. Or did she?
I scooted my chair close to her, then pulled her chair closer to mine.
I then cautioned her about my thoughts.
“If you could read my thoughts, you’d blush or slap me.”
She chuckled out loud.
“I don’t blush easily and if the thoughts are pleasurable, then I’ll add spanking. Just make sure you rub and kiss the area after.“
She ended with a giggle.
Natalia’s sex appeal encompassed more then her physical appearance. Her demonstrated wit undressed her intelligence and exposed me to her beautiful mind.
The combination of her beauty, mind and inner naughtiness had me hooked.
I leaned over and whispered, “Meet me outside.”
She slightly lifted her eyebrow, while intentionally bitting her lower lip.
Natalia stood up then sashayed out of the room as she looked back at me with her seductive eyes.
I followed 
her out.
We met in the hallway and stood within kissing distance from each other.
I stared into her beautiful eyes. Meanwhile, she continued to gently bite her lower lip.
“You are triggering me when you bite your lip, Natalia.”
“What happens if I do?”
I grabbed her tightly, turned her around, and spanked her several times.
Then grabbed her hand and walked down the hall checking for an unlocked door. I found an open door leading into an empty conference room where I pulled her in.
I closed the door, pushed Nathalia against the wall and kissed her deeply.
My hands groped her body feeling every sexy curve.
Unable to resist, I spanked her firm ass several more times. She winced in pleasure as she stared at me with her sultry eyes.
I dropped to one knee, as she remained standing, pulled her panties off, then placed one of her legs on my shoulder. As she looked down, I began giving her special kisses.
I tasted her sweet nectar with every lick. Her pussy was pretty and tight. I could not wait to stretch her open.
She placed her hands over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her moans. Her attempt to mute her vocal pleasure made me smile.
I inserted two fingers whilst using my tongue as a paint brush on her wet little pussy.
After several minutes, I heard her gasp followed by an … “oh, fuck.”
I felt her hands grab my head as I continued to lick, suck and finger her. Natalia’s moans grew louder as she pushed my head against her groin and began to thrust.
“I’m going to cum … oh, fuck… Chase, I’m cumming.”
I felt her warm juices leaking as I quickly swallowed each drop.
Her legs buckled. She removed her leg from my shoulder, stared and smiled at me as I stood up.
I whispered, “I want you to taste what I just feasted on.”
She smiled and we began to kiss passionately. I touched her little pussy and she was still wet.
She felt my arousal and started to rub on my hard dick. I grew harder with each rub. Natalia began to unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants. She dropped to her knees and slowly pulled down my boxers as she bit her lower lip and starring up at me.
“Well he’s completely awake,” she teased.
She wrapped her hand around my dick. “Ummm, he’s hard and juicy.“
Then she began to lick the head and take him into her mouth.
The warmth of her mouth made me sink into an euphoric state.
I could hear her moans and sighs.
“You taste delicious,” she whispered.
I was so turned on, I felt myself leaking.
She wrapped her warm mouth around my engorged head and sucked every drop of my precum. I felt my knees weakening as her mouth went further down my shaft. I slowly pushed myself into her mouth until she could take no more.
The intensity of my arousal sparked the urge to be deep inside of her.
I picked her up, pushed her against the wall, ass facing me, spanked her a couple of times, lifted her dress and slid right in.
I enjoyed her loud gasps at my initial few thrusts.
Lost in the moment, I pulled her hair back and whispered naughty words in her ear. I felt her body temperature rise and her wet pussy clenching my dick.
Her creamy juices covered my manhood.
I teased her with slow shallow thrusts before fucking her deep and hard.
I continually spanked her leaving a nice hand print on the soft skin of her plump ass.
I sensed her reaching her peak. I gently placed one hand around her neck and the other hand on the small of her back. Her continuous moans telegraphed her impending orgasm.
"Beg me to let you cum,” I said in between my deep, hard thrusts.
When she failed to respond, I would slow down. Immediately she would complain.
“No, no, please don’t stop. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”
I did exactly as she requested. As she neared her climax, I repeated, “beg me to let you cum.”
In between the heavy breathing and moaning, Natalia begged, “please let me cum, baby, please.“
I unleashed with hard furious thrusts until I felt her on the tips of her toes… a long moan, followed by utterances of four letter words echoed in the empty room. Soon after, she collapsed onto the wall.
I held onto her while my dick was deep inside.
“Good girl,” I whispered in her ear.
I kissed the back of her neck and shoulders as she caught her second wind. I continued slowing thrusting, feeling her warmth and wetness on my stiff dick.
I pulled up a chair, sat down and instructed Natalia to sit on top of me. I removed her dress and panties. She mounted me and let out a moan as she took me in completely. I began to suck on her nipples as she began to grind.
Her tight little pussy felt amazing bouncing and grinding on my hard dick.
I pulled her towards me, sucked on her neck and whispered my lewd thoughts in her ear. Initially she resisted my attempts to leave her marked up.
I held her neck while whispering “you are mine and I will do as as I please. Relax and enjoy your orgasms. ”
I spanked her nice ass as she grinned on my cock.
I pulled her towards me and began to leave my marks on her lower neck and breasts. Her moans grew louder.
She raised herself up and took control of her pleasure.
She bounced, slowly slid up and down my shaft and grinned rapidly. I knew she was approaching another peak.
“Don’t you dare cum without my permission, Natalia.”
“May I cum, baby. Fuck baby, let me cum, please.”
Our eyes were locked as she asked for permission.
I spanked her ass, nodded in approval and began sucking on her hard nipples.
Within seconds, she let out a loud moan, followed by unintelligible words.
She collapsed on top of me and began kissing and biting my neck. She slowly began sliding up and down on the tip of my head. She naturally knew how to read my pleasure.
While staring into my eyes and smiling, she whispered, "I want you to cum deep inside of me, baby. I want to feel your dick contracting deep inside of me.”
She continued sliding up and down my shaft, although now at a faster pace. She read my pleasure like a neon sign and knew exactly how to get me to my peak.
My moans grew rapid as she sucked on my neck.
I picked her up, walked over to a table and sat her at the edge. I spread her legs open, placing her legs on my shoulders. I watched her wet pussy lips stretch and wrap around my dick as I began to fuck her hard and fast.
I held her neck as I plunged deep into her. Natalia’s eyes began to roll back, we were both peaking.
Within minutes we both exploded simultaneously, gripping each other as we contracted in sync.
Our moans and heavy breathing echoed throughout the empty room.
I fell forward, and began to kiss her neck. We remained locked in this position for a few minutes while we kissed.
We both put our clothes on and returned to the seminar.
We sat closer to each other with our legs wrapped around one another’s. We were both in a post coitus bliss.
After several minutes of trying to listen to the lecture, we glanced at each other.
I mouthed “I want more.”
She giggled out loud and frantically covered her mouth.
Several minutes before we broke for lunch, Nathalia leaned over and whispered: “you are dripping out of me, sweetie.”
I winked at her and whispered back, “Good. This will be a seminar to remember”
By Eros
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