#Eddie was one of those characters I absolutely loved the first time I saw him though.
biasbuck · 2 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Less that a week to go!! Happy fraturday, and a very happy birthday to Mr Guzman. Here's another round of the fic I've been reading this week, you can find previous rec lists here.
21 September 2024
ice cream before dinner by cloudydaisies is a pitch perfect Eddie POV fic as he babysits Mara and Jee-Yun following 7x10, winning them over with icecream tuesdays, love and support. I saw so many people loving on this and then caught my eye even more with some gorgeous cover art by @walkingonawire and yes, everyone was right, it absolutely melted my heart. Just a beat for beat joy of a fic, Eddie's internal journey and the sweet bond of trust and love built between the trio, as he awaits Chris' return, and allows himself to open his heart up to Buck along the way. Beautifully written and delightful!
all you're giving me is friction by @henswilsons ahhhh such a wonderful 5+1 buddie fic in which Eddie joins the 118 and Hen is a little worried that Buck's flirting with him will cross a line...seeing as he's wearing a wedding ring. This is such a fun fic with the elephant in the room...because you know what she doesn't know you know, right? And waiting for the reveal and watching it dawn on them is so brilliantly funny in execution.
wherever you roam (you'll always want me) by @buddieism canon divergent following 7x05 in which Eddie would rather 'go to his grave repressed and miserable than ever take away from Buck’s happiness.' But in unpacking what would make Eddie himself happy, he comes to realise with some help and a look at what brought him to this point in his life that that might not be up to him. Aching and painfully cathartic and ultimately full of hope.
the cat's meow by @exhuastedpigeon GIVE. EDDIE. A CAT. (Do it for me!) When Eddie finds a box of abandoned kittens at the side of the road, he takes them to the shelter...but falls ass over teakettle for little calico Pinto (like the beans). Reluctant to let on to the existence of his new furry little friend, he keeps her close to his chest. When Buck finds out, he's unable to resist falling under the spell of her charms...or her owners. Sweet, romantic fluff...with such great character voice....and whiskers!! So freakin' cute.
glass on the pavement under my shoe by @doitbuckley a Buck POV fic under Gerrards command, taking a risk that puts his life on the line to save Eddie. But all these years later, he's not sure he's so readily okay with having to say goodbye for real, even in the line of duty. Some lyrically written introspection and growth from Buck here in the way he understands and embraces life vs death situations.
Hot Ghost Problems by @ebjameston in which Eddie is a natural born witch in a world where magic isn't a secret though he keeps it close to his chest. But on joining the 118 he meets Buck...only Evan Buckley is the firefighter who died that Eddie was here to replace. Tethered together by magic, Buck refuses to move on, and in staying around he saves Eddie along the way. With some excellent Diaz sister cameos, a brilliantly intriguing mystery, and a whole heap of magic, they race against time to save the day and might just get to keep their happily ever after. I had such a great time reading this one from 2023!
the tortured poets department by @colonoscopys more magic! 'The first time Buck touched him, Eddie blew an ambulance up.' Magic sparks under his skin, and falling in love with Buck feels a lot like when it overwhelms him with feeling. Eddie thinks he's doing a good job keeping it secret, but somethings are obvious to those who know what signs to look out for. This one felt like a little bit of magic shared, sweet, sexy and full of all sorts of sparks!
Okay let's leave it there for this week. Next week we'll have a new episode to play with! Can you believe it? I'll be on a little work trip and then a vacation so looking forward to joining you all in the sandbox soon. So excited to be back with the firefam again.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 8 months
I am massively busy with work and finalizing my Big Bang, but this idea just won't leave...
Steve and Eddie are both actors. They're in their mid thirties, well established, but they never starred together in anything. Steve tends to be cast in the same type, the dumb but pretty love interest, Eddie has lots of indie and disturbing movies under his belt. But this time, they both landed something big.
They get cast in the new Batman movie.
Steve is, of course, Batman. He insists on doing his own stunts. He refuses to get dehydrated for his shirtless scenes because he knows how damaging it is to both young men and women alike, he's not going to contribute to shitty expectations. The director (Dustin, duh!) sees something in him other directors never have - a potential for depth, for internal turmoil. He gives Steve the chance to prove himself as an actor and Steve pounces on it.
He's still very hot.
Eddie is cast as the Joker. He is a fan of the comics and scoffs at how absurd and deranged the character is becoming. He gets hired because he immediately says he doesn't think the character needs to rely on cheap tricks and shock value to be terrifying. Cutting off his face? Not cool. He suggests to play the Joker according to one of the older comics he has - one where the Joker is actually absolutely sane, but hides it to never be held accountable for his actions. The only person who ever saw through his ruse was Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Joker took care of that issue very quickly.
The chemistry between Steve and Eddie on screen is insane. They go toe to toe, it's impossible to look away when they interact. Eddie utilizes his bright smile to the maximum, tweaking it just right within moments so it becomes unsettling. The first time he laughs, Steve gets goosebumps.
Steve encompasses Bruce's loneliness so well Eddie's heart breaks for him. Dustin finds him in the trailer, giving himself gentle slaps over the face and muttering "you're evil, damn it, you don't want to comfort the Bat!!".
Batgirl (Robin) and Harley Quinn (Chrissy) find their slow descent into love hilarious. They all become good friends on the set.
Hopper, an acting veteran who plays Commissioner Gordon, grasps Steve's shoulder after an intense fight scene and mutters: "Good job, Steve, but maybe don't stare at his lips so much?"
Robin doesn't give him the same courtesy and once Dustin yells "Cut!", she screeches: "NOW KISS!"
The movie is a hit. People love the cast and the story, some of the OG fans complain as they always do, but the ratings are great, there are many interviews, panels, all of that.
And of course, there's gossip about Steve and Eddie being a thing, which enrages the macho Batman fanbase. Their Batman isn't gay!
But the rumors quickly disappear after an award ceremony where Eddie is nominated for the best supporting actor. He wins, of course. And as he gets up to accept the small statue and deliver a speech with enough "fuck"s to give the censor a headache, he drags Steve up and kisses him in front of the whole world.
A week later, Steve and Eddie are together in front of a camera again, answering questions in an interview.
The host asks: "What do you say to those fans that are disappointed, who say that their Batman isn't gay?"
Steve just snorts, pulls Eddie closer and answers: "They're right. Their Batman isn't gay. But he's definitely bi."
Also the comic story I'm mentioning exits and is short but fantastic. 10/10 recommend.
Oh also. The first spark happens when Steve sees Eddie's hair and blurts out: "Please tell me they're not making you cut it shorter. It's too gorgeous for that."
Also because people were asking about the comics - it's Batman Black and White - Case Study and it can be found on Tumblr HERE
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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littlespoonevan · 4 months
what's the unpopular opinion about the diaz parents?
i'm putting this under a cut because i genuinely do not think anyone agrees with me like i have seen NO ONE share this opinion askdjfh
but basically
when i was watching the ep my main thought was 'wow this is pretty much the first time eddie's parents have been somewhat understanding and supportive' and then i came online and all i saw was 'eVIL HELENA LOOKED GLEEFUL TAKING CHRIS AWAY!!!11!!!1' and that was just.............not how i interpreted it At All?????
like okay. should there have been more of a discussion??? absolutely. should there have been a set time frame for chris' trip to texas instead of it being indefinite? 100%. (though i would honestly put that down to tim leaning into the drama as opposed to it being like, a character decision) do i think a part of helena still believe she knows better than eddie when it comes to chris? yes. i'm not disagreeing with any of those facts!!!
BUT. i do think this was the first time we didn't see helena belittling eddie or criticising his ability as a parent. when ramon repeats what chris told them she literally says 'which obviously isn't true' like she believes eddie!!!! and she only seems sympathetic when eddie shows her the picture of kim rather than angry. when i saw the stills before the ep i expected a huge blowout argument and what we got couldn't have been further from that.
i honestly think their role in this ep was supposed to show that they're trying with eddie. and that while things aren't perfect still, they are improving. it reminded me a lot of the buckleys' during the lightning strike where they were obviously trying to tell us their relationship had improved even if we didn't have much to support that.
but tbh this felt more believable to me just bc of what we've gotten between eddie and ramon since 5x17 and because i have always believed helena and ramon loved eddie beneath all their awfulness (they smothered and stifled him whereas margaret and phillip did the opposite by ignoring and dismissing buck)
overall i just really don't buy that this was some secret evil ploy to take back custody of chris or that they'll fight eddie when chris is ready to come home. i think it was tim minear asking 'what is the most dramatic way eddie could hit rock bottom?' and then taking the idea and running with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Ahh I love your emtts I catch up on every day like it's my evening newspaper 😂 Speaking of I just saw the response where you mentioned Robin and Steve saying hi to their FBI agents and that's hilarious
Like the idea that Robin and Steve are so used to being bugged that they say hi to the FBI, Steve is vehemently against Alexa, doesnt have much of a social media presence (aside from Facebook) and is still futile trying to stop Eddie from breaking his NDA because Eddie may only have one Steve signed FOUR is so funny in the context of this au where Eddie just tells tiktok Steve has mommy issues 😂 The contrast is just so funny to me
But anyway. I absolutely love your au and all the details you've put into it and I hope you don't feel too much pressure when you get responses like this. Hope you have a good day
No pressure felt at all! I absolutely love being sent stuff like this. I think it’s so cool that people pick up on little world building things and expand on them because those are my favorite things to write. I’ve always found something really fascinating about grounding a character into a realism that’s just kinda mundane. I think it’s neat and I think it’s cool that other people see it and seem to like it.
It's like the saga has it’s own fandom and I love it.
After Starcourt, Steve and Robin started signing off their phone calls with “Bye Steve/Bye Robin/Bye FBI agent bugging my phone” because sometimes there was this weird staticky sound on the line when they talked.
And sure, maybe it was because the mall fire caused significant damage to the power grin and everything was flickering and staticky that summer. Maybe it was Steve’s second concussion of the year still ringing around his head. It’s funnier to imagine that it’s an FBI agent sitting in some hot sweaty van listening to them talk about girls and minimum wage jobs.
“Holy shit,” Steve said one night, cutting Robin off in their ever-depressing job search. “We’ve talked about girls.”
“Uh, yeah? Did you forget?”
“That means that you came out to me and the FBI, Buckley.”
Steve actually told Robin that the FBI monitors them for a bit after every Upside Down event. They patch you up and give you an NDA, and then they watch you for a while to see if you’re a traitor to your country. That’s just common sense.
Dustin overheard him and said that this was real life and not a bad spy movie. Steve was just being paranoid.
Steve’s just like, “Oh yeah, if I’m so paranoid then why was there a weird van in the school parking lot when I l picked you up from your nerd club? That’s classic FBI.”
“You mean Eddie Munson’s van???”
Eddie signed the NDA but he’s never taken it seriously.
The first thing he did after he left the hospital was write a song about Vecna. He still preforms that song to this day. The artwork for their first album cover was a drawing of a demo-bat. That album sold over two million records.
Eddie’s never had a secret that he hasn’t told. Sometimes Eddie starts talking and he doesn’t know what’s going to come out and other times, he outs his husband’s mommy issues to his audience of six million.
Eddie will start a live stream like, “Ask me anything, I’m an open book.”
Steve’s just like, “Babe.”
“Sorry, Steve said I’m not allowed to be an open book.”
(Side note: It is very important to me that the only social media that Steve has is Facebook because (1) it’s a mom’s social media and (2) it’s unsecure as fuck. Not only is Facebook spying on you but it’s selling information. I just think it’s so funny that Steve won’t get an Alexa but he’ll give all his pictures and location to Mark Zuckerberg.)
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jo-harrington · 2 months
Solamen. (An As Above, So Below Story)
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Gratia. Charitas. Solamen. Grace. Charity. Peace. The oath of the Knights of the Holy Order.
Summary: You and Eddie--separated by time and endless suffering--don't realize how many strings keep you connected on the web of fate. What players are there trying to cut those strings? And when will you both find out that they are unbreakable?
Word Count: 8k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!OC (The Knight - Written in 2nd Person POV - You/Your - No Use of Names of Physical Descriptors)
Warnings/Themes: Soulmates, Kas!Eddie, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Minor Character Deaths, Manipulation, Transformation, Corruption, Violence, Gore, Disturbing Imagery, Philosophical Ideas, Supernatural Encounters, Religious Elements, Criticism of Religion, Biblical and Other Literary and Pop Culture References
Note: Special thanks to @somnambulic-thing for listen to me as I tied myself into a knot with all of my Pepe Silvia string and helping me untie it all. Love you so very much.
AND IM NOT GONNA TAG HIM BECAUSE HOW EMBARRASSING but thanks Mike Flanagan for the "a ghost is a wish" line that I absolutely ripped off.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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"That's just the heart talking, you can never trust those. Pick a more stable organ to listen to, like the spleen, or the gallbladder." - Joan Tierney
November 6, 1983
Eddie woke to something tugging at his leg, pinching the flesh between deft fingers, but not piercing the skin.
Then whispers.
Unintelligible whispers that moved about him fluidly, like a wave. Maybe it was a wave because a sudden flood of memories, both good and bad, rushed over him; nightmares perhaps? They almost didn't feel like they were even his, but he knew that they were.
Driving the van for the first time, his first campaign as a DM, your first kiss.
He felt as though he was underwater.
Underwater, something biting him, tear-filled words as he lay dying in the desolate waste of the Upside Down.
“Eddie, wake up,” you whispered frantically in his ear.
He heard his own voice then. Or a memory of it, at least.
I don’t like this Chrissy, wake up! Flashing lights, snapping bones, and a sickening wet crunch.
He gasped as his consciousness slammed into him heavily, the remnants of fear from his past life ripping through the din to bring him back to the waking world.
The memories of falling and crashing soon followed and he observed his surroundings.
A crater.
It was the only way to describe the pit he’d created upon impact. A large divot in the ground with a lip of toxic earth and his body curled at the bottom, and as he forced his body to crawl out of it, he saw the spray of soil that had rained over the surrounding landscape.
And what a strange landscape it was.
There was nothing as far as the eye could see in any direction. Just a flat, silty plain and a roiling, lightning-filled sky.
There were no creatures, no trees...he couldn't even see Hawkins, which he recalled flying over before he'd been struck by, well, whatever that was that knocked him out.
He'd been soaring over treetops, calling out to the bats to join him.
How had he ended up in such a vast emptiness as this?
The whispers returned, a ripple of them that shifted and moved around him, the source invisible. He growled instinctively, hackles raised; was someone or something trying to intimidate him? The rebellious beings that turned against their master? Had they learned a new trick?
Or was this something else? He already had one invisible enemy, one pest that tried to undermine Henry at every turn. Was this trap by your design?
The whispers closed in on him--he could feel them even if he couldn't see them, in numbers immeasurable--and he roared in warning, spittle flying from his mouth as his jaw unhinged, and the chittering blast of sound echoed into the void space.
He startled when your lips caressed his ear and the weight of you settled against his back, arms winding around his neck to hold him back.
"We need to go," you warned him, but he just hissed at you.
The whispers got louder, closer. From the din, he started to make out voices. Familiar voices. More memories. Talking to him, begging him.
Chrissy at the picnic table.
Patrick calling him a freak in the hallway.
Mr. Newby excitedly telling him about a new stereo he saved up for a year to buy.
They all chanted his name, just like you did. It swirled around him.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie help us. Please help us.
"Eddie listen to me," you tried again. "We need to go."
He roared again, and felt triumphant when the whispers went silent.
But there was one last whisper, one more phantom, that was bold. Brave. He felt it walk right up to him. Tall, proud, toe to toe, nose to nose; it stretched to match his height.
He growled to intimidate it but felt it square itself resolutely. You tightened your arms around his neck, almost to hold him back.
"Don't," you told him, but it was too late.
He slashed a claw outwards to try and bat the whispering phantom away. He cut through it and felt the whoosh of air between his talons.
And must have been a trick of the light, a trick of the mind--one of your tricks--but there was a flash of a reflection of his own eyes right before him. Staring into his soul.
He blinked and it was gone.
You tightened your grip, then sighed and sunk through him, into him, back into the pit once more.
He was about to gloat, about to taunt you--he wasn't Eddie Munson anymore, he wasn't going to fall for your little games--but it was cut short as a roar that rivaled his in strength and volume echoed from just beyond the horizon.
Determined, he took to the skies again, ready to put an end to whatever other tricks you orchestrated so he could return to his master, victorious.
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November 14, 1986
When you came to, you were on the ground.
Not tied up or restrained in any way.
In fact, when you finally got a good hold of your senses, you realized you weren't wearing any clothes either.
"What the...what the fuck?" You startled yourself into a sitting position and looked down at your faded Maidenform bra and Hanes Her Way underwear that you got on clearance at K-mart with Eddie oh so long ago.
You jumped as he suddenly appeared before you--the anger at your unconsented state of undress forgotten--ghastly and ghostly, looking like he did when you jumped into the passenger's seat of the van. Smug smile, love in his eyes, hair mussed from too much headbanging.
"Did you get me anything?" his voice echoed. He wiggled his fingers like he had when he tried to peek inside of your plastic shopping bag, where you did indeed have candy for him.
You didn't even have a chance to wrench your eyes shut, so shocked that you were to see him there, before he vanished.
Your heartbeat roared in your ears as your breathing became rapid and shallow. Your eyes darted around to try and find him once again, as though he'd simply transmuted somewhere behind you--you were used to his vanishing acts...his unseen presence, but this? This was different—you knew that immediately—but found yourself alone.
Alone in a cold, dark room with only the moonlight above to illuminate the dirt floor and dead ivy that climbed the stone walls. You could hear the chittering of bugs and flapping wings of bats in the dark; creatures of unknown origin lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike.
You realized where you were rather quickly--
The vision that the boy had shown you. The cell. The Harrowing.
--and knew that you needed to find a way out immediately.
The witches had already gotten some sort of advantage by capturing you; you wouldn't let them kill you too. You would die on your own terms when you were good and ready.
You shifted to a kneeling position and reached down to let your hands scrape along the dirt floor. You cast yourself forward, consciousness seeping into the Earth to try and find a break in the stone. You knew there must be a door here...it was just too dark to see.
"Show me," you demanded.
"Show you?" Another voice rasped from the shadows. "What's the use when you refuse to look?"
It was not Eddie's voice this time, and pain lanced through your chest, directly into your heart as you recognized it.
Your eyes watered as you fought the urge to look up, as a figure leaned into the moonlight in the corner of your eye. Grey hair, weathered skin, a delicate golden crucifix around her neck. You knew your Nonna wasn't there; no, you watched them put her body behind a wall. Felt a part of her soul settle there, to rest, for eternity.
You didn’t look up, steeled yourself for the fact that even though it sounded like her, it couldn’t be her. She was gone. She was dead. As much as it pained you to acknowledge.
Nonna was gone. Eddie was gone. You were alone. And no one was going to save you here unless you saved yourself.
You shook and dug your fingernails into the dirt, demanding the very stone around show you the way out, all while Nonna's phantom spouted chastising words, about how you never listened to her when she told you to pray and repent and thank God for this and that.
"Your eyes can deceive you," you muttered aloud as a reminder. "Don't trust them."
Nonna inched closer and closer to you, and your breath hitched as you felt the softness of her hand as she reached out and cupped your cheek. You shut your eyes and leaned into it for a moment; it felt just like her hand.
Gentle but calloused from years of labor, you swore you even felt the indentation in her fingers from the beads of the rosary she usually had clutched in her hands.
Maybe if you wished hard enough…
"Tesoro…amore…prayer won't help you here," she tutted.
You grit your teeth in anger and clenched your hands, nails splintering against the hard ground. Your eyes opened to stare straight ahead of you into the darkness.
“My grandmother went and saw Star Wars with me in the theater, you know.” You spoke with as much confidence as you could muster. The softness of Nonna’s hand vanished, as did she. “She was well-versed in the ways of the Force.”
You stared into the darkness, unblinking, and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Finally the darkness broke and a heavy wooden door opened, creaking inwards towards you, until light cascaded into the cell and revealed a man with slicked-back hair and elfin features. His eyes were like fire as he stared down at you, hatred and challenge burned there.
“You’re stronger than you look,” he sneered judgmentally. “Many minds have been broken by this place.”
“What do they say about tv melting your brain?” you spat right back at him. "I've watched too much; my mind is already gone."
He chuckled darkly.
“I wouldn’t know such mortal mechanisms as…teevee.”
“Oh you’re one of those kinds of witches.”
“Warlock,” he corrected. He was one of those kinds of men too. You wondered, disgusted, if he stripped you of your clothes himself to get a kick of your potential humiliation. Or if even that was above him. “And what might you be?”
“I’m a pain in the ass,” you smiled mockingly. “You should have just slit my throat if you wanted to kill me. Or is that too much of a mortal mechanism too?”
He swiftly lowered himself to kneel in front of you, black clothes billowing, and grabbed your face in one hand. His sharp nails dug into your cheeks viciously, drawing blood if the telltale pinch was anything to go by.
You felt him pull truths from you, information ingrained in your blood--Jinette, the Knights, the curse, your mission, Edward Spellman. It might have alarmed you, how easily he was taking it, but it was such a simple trick.
Two could play at that game.
You watched and waited as his eyes became unfocused, as he lost control taking thoughts and memories from you. Then, when he was nice and distracted, you reared back and punched him across that sharp cheekbone and nose, putting all of your heavenly force into it.
He let go of you at the impact and fell to the side, but you got what you needed. A little bit of blood smeared across your knuckles.
And then you saw.
The man--Faustus Blackwood--the Church of Night, the Academy of Unseen Arts, the Witches of Greendale and their historic persecution, the Dark Baptisms. And at the epitome of it all...two figures standing head to head…
A roar outside the door of the cell broke you from your thoughts and you froze, knowing.
Blackwood abruptly got to his feet and spat blood at you as he sneered, "I would kill you for that...but you’re worth more alive than dead, unfortunately.”
He stormed out of the cell without any other hesitation, and you were alone again.
Waiting. Anticipating.
There was no need for intimidation tactics really, but he apparently had an affinity for drama.
He stepped into the light and you saw the cloven hoof on one leg, the very human-like torso draped in a billowing black cloak, and the goat-like head with ears that twitched as he laid his eyes on you.
You had to admit, your emotions spiked a little bit at the sight, and as the door to the cell slammed shut behind him. Fear, confusion, annoyance, and that ever-present feeling of grief.
Maybe those were just the things that made you up as a person. Instead of joy or anything l truly good. He brought them right to the surface; not like you could lie to him.
Well, you were probably not as afraid as you should have been. You knew that. And he did too, as you swore you heard a snort from him.
But it wasn't every day that you faced your fate.
It wasn't every day you found yourself face to face with the Devil.
"Took you long enough," you greeted.
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November 6, 1983
He flew for as long as he could and then pushed himself to fly further, following the massive roar until it became the constant din of roars and chitters and screeches--many beasts voices combined to form one.
He flew until he found something again in the barren void in the outskirts of the Upside Down.
It was surprising to find that there wasn't even a blue tinge to the sky anymore out here, but instead a dingy yellow hue. Glowing and golden, with, what he believed to be, shooting stars soaring across the murky atmosphere. Where he'd gotten used to order and obedience in the mirrored version of Hawkins, this...this...was wild and untamed.
It was full of possibility and promise.
For a brief moment, deep down inside, right next to where you resided in the pit, curiosity bloomed.
Was this the potential that the Upside Down had when it wasn't wrangled and tethered by Henry? Was this the potential that he had?
He snarled at the intrusive thought, sure that you were the cause of it; he needed to focus, to stay loyal to Henry. He had a job to do here; he had to restore order.
He powered onwards and soared over a crowd of creatures on the uneven ground below. They were emaciated and writhing, howling and digging and fighting.
It wasn't like the playful or bored fights he witnessed at the quarry; this was a survival of the fittest. Limbs were ripped off, throats torn, blood shed. And the winner had the explicit honor of absorbing the writhing mass of parts that the loser left behind.
Off in the distance he could see the partially formed behemoth of a creature. No life breathed into it yet, just a lump of meat with one leg here and a malformed head.
Images flashed in his mind, courtesy of Henry, of the Mindflayer forming from citizens of Hawkins. Their flesh melted to form the beast, just like his brethren below melted into one another to form a new Mindflayer.
Just like they'd sacrificed themselves for his new form.
He felt electricity deep within his flesh, his bones, his wings as like called to like.
He couldn't help but feel some sort of betrayal; its origins were unknown and he couldn't quite discern what the feeling meant.
Was it a betrayal of the creatures who used to believe Henry to be their leader, who sacrificed themselves for him?
Or a betrayal within himself? The pieces of him that had been graciously given knew that he was a part of their flock, their swarm...the blood that kept his heart beating and his hunger at bay was the same as theirs...but he'd chosen Henry over them...
"Is that what they feel?" your question echoed within him, radiating from the depths of the pit outwards, to the very tips of his talons and back. It shook him to the core. "Or is that what you feel?"
However, he ignored you as he dropped to the ground, dry earth cracking beneath his feet, and let out a deafening, screeching cry to bring the mass of creatures to order.
The hive mind was still unavailable to him--to all of them, it seemed--but he was still the strongest of them all, the most dangerous predator. They all stilled at his call, like a shockwave radiating outwards from him.
He turned on his heel, glaring at the massive congregation of creatures. Some of the dogs pawed at the ground; the petal-like heads of the demogorgons opened and closed at will, blood dripping from the thousands of teeth embedded in their maws. He didn’t need the hive mind to know what they were thinking, considering; he knew what it looked like when they were gearing up for an attack.
He snarled at them all, chastising them, warning them...
One warning; it was all they got. Just like his uncle used to tell him.
But one stupid creature got the courage to challenge him and it roared, a shrill sound from somewhere beyond his line of sight, and the others soon followed. Until he was surrounded by another cacophony of sound that caused the air to vibrate and the ground to rumble.
There was safety in numbers; he knew. He could overpower them individually without much trouble, but against the sheer mass of them? Could he win? Could he survive?
He dug his heels into the ground, tucked his wings tightly against his body, and hissed, accepting the challenge.
He silently apologized to Henry as he considered that this would be the most fun he would have in the Upside Down since he and Dustin had their…
His thoughts were cut short as one of the dogs raced towards him, mouth snapping, ready to strike. Only for him to strike first, claws cutting it to ribbons, easily tearing through its flesh until it thumped, dead in pieces on the ground around him.
Its comrades were soon to follow, a whole pack of them, and they got their pound of flesh out of him, biting and dragging their teeth into him. They sent his black blood spilling onto the ground with the wounds they inflicted. He powered through the pain, knowing he would heal.
What was pain to him when he was reborn of pain? When Henry had inflicted unimaginable agony onto him only to build him back stronger again?
He picked them off his body one by one, like the vermin that they were, cursing their betrayal—they had been his friends, his family in this new life—as he tore them apart.
More attacked, until it was an endless barrage of bodies and claws and teeth looking to tear into him, which resulted in what could only be described as untethered carnage. When he tired, he stoked his hunger by drinking deeply from the wounds he inflicted on them, taking his fill until he was ready to keep fighting.
He was filled with the determination to keep going until the last creature was dead at his feet, and he would have...he would have done it...
If only he hadn't looked up at the sky.
And saw it looking back down at him.
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November 14, 1986
Your vision blurred and the devil's visage wavered in and out.
From goat, to that of a man with beautiful, sculpted features and dark curls. Back and forth a few times, smiling ever so gently at you. Finally he decided on the image of a man for his temptation of you.
Funny that he wouldn't make himself look like Eddie or Nonna again if he wanted to do that.
The cell door slammed shut and he sat beside you on the ground; he said your name carefully, as though he was tasting a fine wine for the first time.
"You're a funny little creature," he observed with a chuckle, dark undertones accentuating the depth of his accented voice. "My own disciples fear me but you...hmmm...you fear something else, I think."
"You don't spend much time on Earth do you? A Mongolian Death Worm is scarier than a Goat Man," you reasoned.
The corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement.
"You fear yourself." Your expression fell and he held a hand out innocently. "It's ok, I feared myself too for a time. After I was cast out of Heaven. My father and brothers feared me, so I must also fear myself. But I came to find that I was just...willful, and they didn't like that one bit."
You thought of Gabriel and his annoying stoicism, how he tried to keep you aligned with what fate had in store for you.
"Yes, you seem to be exceptionally willful too." He hummed in agreement, as though he could hear your thoughts. Maybe he could. "You and your forebearers. That's why you've found yourselves in the predicament you're in."
He leaned closer to you, his nose practically touching yours. His image wavered once more, and you smelled the brimstone on him. Much heavier than it had with Edward Spellman.
"That's why you've found yourselves doomed to an eternity with me," he smiled amicably and then slowly leaned back. "Why not let it be on your own terms."
Your eyes darted between his, and you questioned whether or not you could trick the Devil, if you could win against him in this game.
And if you did, would he just strike you down in retaliation?
"What do you get in return?" you asked.
"Another soul devoted to me," he said simply. "Instead of one I'm forced to punish. I really like it when mortals pray to me; the power is actually quite nice."
He took a deep breath in, shoulders squaring as he lavished in some unseen dark power. Then he exhaled and squinted at you.
"I'm being merciful, you see, because, I win either way; you're still mine, in the end. But isn't corruption fun? The hellfire tickles when it touches you instead of melting the flesh off your bones like it's currently doing to dear old Dad."
His eyes narrowed further when you didn't react.
"Or to Eddie."
You must have visibly reacted, some kind of shudder or blink that made him relax and smile again.
"See, that got you listening," he nodded self-assuredly. "I can smell the stink of grief on you.”
You gritted your teeth at the pang in your heart; Eddie…he wasn’t in Hell. He couldn’t be.
But how could you be sure?
“And denial,” He continued. “Faustus could too, actually, and he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch. He doesn't have nearly as much power as he likes to pretend he does. He's losing control of his own congregation. They don't want to listen to him. No wonder you didn't fall prey to his torture either. No matter. You're here with me now."
The edges of the cell suddenly became alight with flames, a circle of them that trapped you and the Devil together.
They were not of this earth; you knew it immediately as they licked at your bare skin, but you gritted your teeth to the singe of pain that shot through you, refusing to move closer to him.
"Now, dear girl, what do you want?"
He tilted his head, and the motion felt strange and distorted. Contorted as it seemed to tilt further than a human's range of motion would allow.
"Do you simply want this curse gone? You can continue doing your good deeds on earth if you want, save the innocents. I don't mind. Oh that's a good bargain actually. Innocents slaughtered by darkness go to heaven; if you save them and they live to sin on their own, they'll end up with me. Let them suffer a little less so I can enjoy hearing them scream a little louder."
The longer you stayed near the fire though, the louder you heard screams of the damned from within it.
"Maybe you want revenge on those who put this silly curse on you in the first place. Your bishop friend hmm? Or whatever he is. We both know the dark deeds he's involved in."
Something wicked twinged within you, deep down in the little dark spot inside your soul. Your lips quirked as he projected images of Jinette screaming as you burned him alive.
You shook your head, physically trying to rid yourself of the thoughts.
No. You were good, you could break this curse yourself and you could still save people and you could make it to heaven. To Eddie.
"Ah, see, my mistake. How could I forget? How good is all of that," he asked knowingly. "When I'm forgetting something important? When there's something more delicious I can offer."
The devil's projections changed then. From revenge and damnation...to all of the decadent moments that you had with Eddie and then lost because of this stupid curse.
You whimpered at the thoughts, at the way they plucked at your heartstrings. Kisses and laughter and every secret, sweet moment between the two of you.
"Do you want your little boyfriend back?" he whispered. "The two of you could live forever with red vines and cherry pie and Dr. Pepper until the end of time. Immortality is something I offer all my disciples."
You felt your resolve weaken and tears built up in the corners of your eyes as you saw the two of you frolicking through the world until the end of the earth itself. You and Eddie and forever. You could almost reach out and touch it.
But how could he offer that to you if Eddie was beyond his grasp in Heaven. He had to be in Hell, as much as it destroyed you to believe.
"All you have to do," he held out his hand, "is say yes."
It would have been so easy to reach out and touch his hand, to ignore all of the red flags and to accept this offer. It was easy for all logic to leave you, all rational sense that you had. It was so tempting and you were so...so...tired.
But there was a small bit of movement in the corner of your eye, and you broke eye contact with the devil to see what he might have to show you now...only to find Gabriel there, hands held behind his back. He looked bored, like he usually did, and you almost felt smug at him having caught you like this.
You were tired. You were human. You weren't meant for these grand plans that fate had in store for you, that God seemingly had for you.
"Have you come to scold me?" you asked him wearily. "Or save me?"
"I'm here to prove that you still have much to learn," Gabriel sighed. “Very much to learn, it seems.”
Yes, you did...didn't you.
You snorted and hung your head in shame, finally allowing the tears to fall.
But the devil...the devil narrowed his eyes at you and turned to follow where your line of sight had been.
"Who are you talking to?" he asked with a snarl.
You scoffed and lifted your hand to gesture towards Gabriel.
"Surprise!" you exclaimed with faux excitement. "Family reunion."
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, head darting back and forth between you and Gabriel.
Or rather, just left of Gabriel.
You watched as his head turned in confusion, as anger built up inside of him and the fires roared hotter, as his image darted in and out, in and out. Goat then man then something else...just a shadow.
Like the shadow that you'd seen in the woods.
You sniffed and wiped at your tears as you put two and two together. All of the inconsistencies that you ignored in the devil's stories, the misuses of names and symbols in the Academy, and now this...the fact that this so-called Lucifer--an archangel--might not be able to see Gabriel.
Devils lied, demons lied. They tricked and poisoned minds and hearts. They still had power and promises; this one had a whole slew of followers. He was their deity in one way or another, spoke as though he believed himself to be a fallen angel. Maybe he was a prince of Hell in some capacity, some pretending parasite whose ambition was the throne of the damned.
But was he the Devil himself? No.
None of these beliefs were as straightforward as they seemed; the universe was a riddle that you didn't have time or care enough to solve.
You also were a little rusty on your Lesser Key of Solomon.
Had he even known these things about your curse? About Nonna and Eddie? About your father and your knighthood? Or had it just been a simple skimming of your thoughts? Maybe even Blackwood's thoughts when he'd read your memories through your blood.
You thought back to the information you tried to ascertain from Blackwood in return.
A vision of this Dark Lord and Edward Spellman, some sort of disagreement between the two of them. Perhaps this devil was trying to get someone or something on his side to overcome Spellman's challenge.
That's all it took for it to click in your head.
Then you got angry. At this devil for his tricks, at Jinette for putting you in this mess without sufficient warning, and most of all…at yourself for falling for it all.
You looked back at Gabriel, unable to admit that you’d fucked up.
"Ok but you could have just saved me you know," you snarked at him instead.
Gabriel’s mouth quirked in his rendition of a smile. Some pseudo expression that made him seem human for a fraction of a second.
"It'll all make sense one day.” It was said the way a parent would to a curious toddler. Gabriel looked away from you to some middle distance, through the wall of the cell, and then gestured at the devil. "Would you like to take care of this?”
You rolled your eyes at him then pushed yourself to your feet, much to the protest of the devil, who simply conjured more hellfire to try and burn you alive.
You let it singe you, let it touch your skin to ignite the fire of your own. A spiteful, smiting fire, much like you had emitted the day you found out Eddie died.
"And if I told you he was alive?" the devil asked, shrinking away as you raised your hand to banish him. "Eddie. He's alive."
You hesitated but shook off any effect his lies had on you.
"Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue," you quoted and then leant closer to him to whisper. "That's Shakespeare, if you wanna tell your friend Blackwood to experience some mortal things before I come knocking again."
The hellfire licked at you again and from it you sparked a pure and holy flame, and with the heat and pressure of a supernova, the Witch's cell was consumed. All the dark corners were illuminated, the evil spirits that lurked there expelled, and you heard the devil scream as he was sent back to the depths of Hell once more.
You were alone when the fire dissipated.
Gabriel was gone.
Even Eddie’s ghost didn’t dare show himself, and you were grateful.
Your footing faltered and you fell against the wall of the cell, grateful for it to be over. You took several deep breaths before the pain and weariness in your body—in your soul—got the best of you.
Then you cried. Deep, gut-wrenching sobs echoed in the stone chamber, as you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and self soothe. This moment was for you. It was full of mourning and self-hatred and fear and relief that you hadn’t given in in that moment of weakness.
Your respite didn't last long, however, because the door to the cell creaked open again. You startled and scrambled to stand tall, confidently, unwilling to let the witches get the best of you again.
Only to find the kind eyes of Edward Spellman on the other side.
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November 6, 1983
He stared in confusion, ignoring the bites and slashes from the masses around him, as the pair of eyes became more tangible in the rolling, smoky clouds up above. A flash of lighting was a blink...or maybe a glint of curiosity in their gold-and-shadowy depths.
Just eyes. Nothing else.
It was a curious thing.
They watched him.
And he watched them back.
It would be easy to blame you for this, just like he'd tried to convince himself to blame you for the whispers. But you were silent; no gloating or even warning.
Actually, if he paid attention, he could hear you hiding in the pit, little prayers being muttered fearfully.
There was a surge of protectiveness that shot through him at the realization that you were afraid. He figured that as annoying as you were to him, he'd really never seen you affect the rest of the world in many more ways than plucking the strings of his guitar. Conversely, the world shouldn't affect you either; your warnings were for him and him alone. If he ceased to exist, so would you, right?
So why did those eyes scare you? And why were they watching him in the first place?
His head fell to the side in a confused tilt and the eyes seemed to blink at him.
He snarled and the eyes blinked again.
Then in the distance, the proto-Mindflayer shuttered to life and squawked. It was a sad and pathetic sound, and he would have laughed; however, in response to the cry, the army of creatures that had taken up arms against him screeched in tandem. They released their holds on him, their jaws becoming loose so they could contribute to the flurry of sounds.
Louder and louder until it was a deafening wail.
Until it brought Eddie to his knees.
He was not meant to kneel.
That was the first thought he had; Henry had made him to tower over his enemies, to intimidate them before he slaughtered them. His servitude to his master was not by force, it was willing.
He'd given up so much for a chance to live.
Given up his soul.
"Heaven," you muttered sadly inside of him before delving back into prayer to your non-existent god. He growled at the thought, at your incessant murmuring deep within him.
Eddie Munson wasn't going to heaven; it was a laughable thought, actually.
He struggled back to his feet, feeling like he was underwater again with the weight of a thousand oceans on his shoulders. He steeled himself against the wails and the screams, the whispers and the feelings they all drummed up inside of him.
He'd chosen this.
This was his path.
And nothing would make him deviate from it.
Not you, not some would-be-usurping monster made from the parts of recalcitrant beasts, and certainly not some eyes in the sky that made him doubt himself.
He closed his own eyes to the world, closed himself off from all of it; he even tried to close himself off from you, but he couldn't escape you no matter how much he tried, so he just ignored your words. He would deal with you later.
If some meddlesome minder thought that tricks could be used to turn him against his master, he could use tricks of his own. A trick Henry himself showed him--whether he intended to or not--through the Hive Mind.
It started as a spark, not in his heart or in his fingers...in his mind. He envisioned it. Red and crackling, like the lightning that illuminated the skies of the Upside Down. The skies of his home. So different than the lightning that crashed up above and made those eyes blink and wink at him.
Red like a glowing ember.
Red like blood.
Red like his guitar, the vibrations twanging through him as he plucked the string.
He harnessed those imagined vibrations, imagined lightning, and then cast it outwards from him.
He felt the devastation before he heard it or saw it; just like the static wave that had cut him off from the collective consciousness, his attack on the beasts stunned them, then shocked them.
Eviscerated them.
Every wave of electricity he cast was full of emotion, as though he was purging every human feeling he didn't think he had anymore. It was retribution and pain and justice; grief and regret and loneliness. And when it all poured out of him, when the wails stopped, he opened his eyes to an empty battlefield.
The bodies had turned to stone and then the stone had weathered into dust.
There was a rumbling overhead and Eddie looked up with a wretched, wicked, victorious grin.
Henry would be proud of him.
The eyes blinked again, and then lightning crashed from the clouds that made them up, right down onto the ground before him.
One bolt after another. Never touching him. Just dotting the ground with craters.
Like teardrops.
Until the skies roiled once again and the eyes disappeared.
All with one last whisper on the wind.
"Help me..."
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November 14, 1986
Mr. Spellman--Edward, he insisted, but you simply refused--escorted you out of the Witch’s Cell and the Academy of Unseen Arts and then took you back to Greendale.
“In a car,” you observed as he led you to his vehicle.
“How else?” He questioned with a furrowed brow and then reached into the backseat to grab a lovingly-crocheted shawl to hand to you. "I'll return your belongings to you once I find their whereabouts; Faustus was only protecting our congregation when..."
He faltered with his words, and you knew that he was trying to find an excuse for something that might otherwise be inexcusable.
"It's alright," you stopped him and took the shawl. You wrapped it around your bare shoulders. You pulled it around you tightly and inhaled; it smelled like aromatic herbs with an undertone of...formaldehyde? "I understand. Maybe, uh, the stripping isn't necessary next time he tries to catch and torture someone huh?"
"Would you believe it if I said that it's a tradition?" he offered apologetically. "Those who make a deal with the Dark Lord often see it...almost as a rite of marriage."
He laughed as you wrinkled your nose in distaste.
"Maybe some traditions need to change," you challenged him.
He gave you space and time, several days actually, to rest and heal and recollect yourself before he invited you to his home--a mortuary, which would explain the formaldehyde--to discuss your visit to Greendale. You shared your story, willingly this time--about the Knights and the Holy Order and about your curse--while he shared stories about the Church of Night and the Academy, about their beliefs and how he constantly pushed to know more, believe more.
Then you both discussed how you might work together to ensure you'd never need to come back again.
"It's a great meeting of the minds," he exclaimed, more enthusiastic than you might ever be. "A meeting of worlds."
You couldn't deny him that enthusiasm, especially when he'd been kind enough to welcome you into his home. His sister Hilda even brought tea and cookies for the two of you. But you knew that Jinette and the Order would probably kill you if things didn't change in Greendale and soon.
"A meeting about the demon you worship or the kids who are dying at the Academy under your watch Mr. Spellman," you policed him.
You weren't even surprised when he agreed with you.
"You mentioned traditions needing to change. The Harrowing isn't even one of our most archaic traditions but it is one of the many traditions that I'm keen to abandon," he explained, scribbling something down in a nearby journal. You didn't ask what some of the other traditions the Church of Knight kept; you knew that you probably wouldn't be too keen on them either.
But he seemed genuine enough.
"As for the Dark Lord," he continued. "I've known for some time that he isn't really Lucifer Morningstar. But it wouldn't do for me to try and convince anyone of it. What else is there to drive our beliefs? I suppose plenty of things but...to change an entire system takes time. Besides...well...it's all relative, isn't it? To us, your deity is The False God. No matter how much hope and comfort he gives you."
You knew that Mr. Spellman was generalizing...but when was the last time God had ever brought you comfort? Had He ever?
"Maybe He is The False God," you agreed. "Maybe neither of them are truly worthy of any worship; they all have their flaws."
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit," he quoted.
"And wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad," you finished for him with a snort. "My boyfriend says that all the time when he and his friends play DnD. He..."
And then you caught yourself, and Mr. Spellman caught you too. He watched you with a knowing gaze.
"He..." you frowned. "He..."
"He came with you to Greendale," Mr. Spellman finished for you. "Even if you don't want to admit that he did. He goes with you everywhere. Doesn't he?"
"He does."
"When did he die?"
"Back in March."
"And do you want him gone?"
"I think," you paused and wrung your hands together.
What a strange question for him to ask...but it still got you thinking. Was it better to carry this grief with you for the rest of your life? To carry his ghost with you everywhere you went? Clearly, if your time in Greendale had been an indicator, Eddie and your grief could be used against you.
But what was the alternative? Being alone? You knew he wasn't there...but wasn't he there?
What was a ghost, but a wish...
"I think," you finally continued with your answer. "Eddie is a part of me now in a way that I can never ever...I don't even know if recover from is the right phrase. I don't think I even want to recover from it. He's going to be a part of me until I reunite with him again."
"In Heaven?"
"In Heaven. Or in Hell."
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November 6, 1983
Eddie returned to Henry, triumphant.
It had been a relief once he'd returned to Hawkins and the hive mind seemingly clicked back into place. Henry had been the first to greet him when it did, demanding to see him in the flesh and, hopefully, celebrate such a big victory.
But when he opened his mind to his master, fully intent on letting him see everything--
The self-cannibalism of the unruly creatures, his destruction of them and finally, you deep down in the pit within him, whispering into his ear the whole time.
--Henry, surprisingly, did no such thing.
There was pride, but also boredom. He would see that his request was fulfilled, but beyond that? Well what good was praise when success was the expectation.
"Rest," Henry groaned and then settled back into his own convalescence, without much care to the state of his beast. "You will find battle again soon; for now, rest."
Eddie twitched apprehensively at those words, at the dismissal, as he took to the skies once again to follow his master's orders.
But something was missing. He needed answers, he needed to deliver a full recount of the incident, he needed to ensure that this would never happen again because he knew the consequences would be dire.
He was Henry's right hand; why didn't his master want to ensure he was successful. His reaction had been beyond trust; it had been indifference.
Deep down inside of Eddie, a little voice spoke.
Did it matter whether Henry cared or not? He was successful, that was all that mattered.
But what was the point of being successful if not to receive some sort of praise? He would surely be punished if he had failed.
But if he had failed, he would be dead. And he would have deserved it.
And if he had died? Would Henry have batted an eye?
He was just a thing. Henry's weapon, his sword, his beast...and if he lost...good riddance...if he lost, he was weak anyway...
Eddie roared when he landed at his destination--the trailer--inundated with all of the doubts in the world. Frustrated, because they didn't come from you, they came from himself. That voice...that was his own voice. Not yours.
His doubts in his master were his own.
But where had they come from? Why? Why now?
He was suspicious of their origin, especially since you were practically non-existent in that moment. In fact, he hadn't heard you since his return. Since he'd decided to reveal your existence to Henry.
The feelings of betrayal within him must have been because of you, even inadvertently.
"Come here," he screeched at you, clawing at his own chest almost an attempt to carve you out physically. "Answer me!"
But there was nothing.
Rage stoked, he stormed through the trailer and resumed the rampant destruction that he'd abandoned oh so long ago. Walls demolished, belongings broken. He would move heaven and earth to get you to respond to him, cause as much of a ruckus until you came to bother him once again, insult him.
Then he would...what? Strike? He couldn't strike you, couldn't kill you, couldn't be rid of you, even if he tried.
And then, in the depths of the destroyed trailer, he came to his guitar.
The guitar had started it all, hadn't it? The first time he'd played it was the first time you'd materialized. That was the first time he'd felt like Eddie Munson in an eternity.
But he wasn't Eddie Munson anymore.
He reached out a claw and plucked at a string, hoping that would get you to reveal yourself once again.
There was a ripple.
A disturbance in the pit as you clawed your way out of him once again.
You were silent as you manifested, unseen, beside him.
It was silent for a while, as you both languished in the presence of one another. Eddie in the silent truth of your existence, you in the turbulent rage of his.
Until he finally spoke.
"What did you do to me?" he questioned.
He watched as the guitar sting plucked itself by your invisible hand, that zzzz of your fingertip against the texture of the string before the twang.
"How did you do that?" He didn't need to elaborate, he knew you knew what he meant.
It was easy to put the blame on you, for all of it, even though he knew he felt your fear in the wastes at the outskirts of the Upside Down. You'd been just as in control as he had been.
"We both know," you spoke into his ear, into his heart. "That wasn't me."
"But you are doing something," he rasped. "Trickster, fiend."
"Friend," you corrected him.
There was a pang where his heart should be once again.
But you were more than friend, weren't you. You were a part of his heart, a part of his soul--
He roared at the thought and lashed out, trying to claw at you futility, but you disappeared again and he felt you materialize across the room.
"I don't know why you're angry," you taunted him. "Because big bad Vecna didn't pat you on the head. The Eddie I know wouldn't accept such mediocre prizes."
"I'm not Eddie anymore!" he screeched and this time he didn't lash out at the space where you seemingly existed. Intangible and invulnerable.
No, instead he lunged for the symbol of you, the last symbol of his humanity.
The guitar.
He raked his claws down the metal of the strings, shearing them into pieces. He pulled the neck of it from the body, stomped on it with heavy footsteps.
The more he destroyed his previously beloved instrument, the more he envisioned your destruction. Just like he'd vaporized all of the betraying comrades, he imagined that he'd vaporized you. Each atom turning into dust, into smoke, the more he destroyed this last piece of Eddie Munson in existence here in the Upside Down.
It was quiet when all was said and done, and he let out a victorious wail to celebrate that silence.
He huffed and chuckled and dropped to his knees in relief that he was finally rid of you.
But he felt the phantom weight of your arms circling around his neck, the pressure of your body against his wings. You softly caressed his cheek.
"Are you done? Did that feel good?" you mocked him.
A whimper escaped his throat and you sighed sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry Eddie," you nuzzled against the side of his head, breath caressing his skin and ruffling his hair. Even if you weren't really there. "But you're not getting rid of me that easily. I will always be with you."
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“Real hauntings have nothing to do with ghosts; they have to do with the menace of memory.” — Anne Rice, Queen of the Damned
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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gayofthefae · 2 months
i just rewatched the hopper threatening mike scene bc of your post and was reminded how we literally don't know what he said to mike??! (someone else pointed this out way back, i just forgot). but like! he says i'm going to talk and you're going to listen, and then they drive off, and we don't see the actual convo. i think all we know is what mike says later, that hopper said he's spending too much time with el. i'm curious how you think that whole convo went.
Such a good point and this one of those things I like "meant to think about later"
Yes "I am going to talk and you are going to listen". I of course don't think it was anything explicit that Mike feared but he had definitely had that switch to "convince him how bad I wanna be with El" by that point in the conversation. So I don't exactly know what the "boundary" was but at the time I remember interpreting it as "stop spending time with her indefinitely, I'll let you know when you can come back".
But that threatening energy definitely stayed and I don't know that he stopped feeling scared of Hopper catching onto him even if he knew that he hadn't yet. In a similar way to El accusing him of not loving her. He knew by the end that she was mad about his behavior but didn't know why he was doing it, just like Hopper, but that doesn't put him in any less risk of her finding out if she's seeking those answers.
I think the same is true for Hopper. I think the talk in the car was very "tomorrow, you will not come to the house, you will not call and talk on the phone all day, and you will do that the next day and the next and the next and some time after that we will see if I will-" as he said in that scene "-allow you to continue to date my daughter".
I think that whatever he said was a continuation of what we saw but not clearly convinced of Mike's "normalcy" of feelings towards El enough that Mike's obedience was not based in trying to prevent Hopper from wanting to dig any deeper into it (especially as a literal COP).
But yeah. I don't know what Hopper said but whatever it was, Mike still felt scared about being found out afterwards. Enough that he couldn't just do what he ABSOLUTELY did in season 1 episode 1 and just...defy Hopper for someone he loves.
Because as I stated in my recent post, Mike DOES love El. Which is why his avoidant behavior with her is so odd. I remember thinking on my first watch "why doesn't he just disobey Hopper?" And I was right. He was never that scared of Hopper, I mean, what could he have threatened that would scare Mike that much? It's not like Hopper threatened violence against him. He WAS scary and being yelled at is a valid fear and he has legal power but at the end of the day, it all comes back to the fact that Mike has directly disobeyed Hopper BEFORE. So why wouldn't he now?
Because there are stakes to what Hopper will do if he disobeys that weren't there last time. "He'll be mad and be motivated to do something based on that" is a valid general fear, but in character, his logic I feel would lean more towards that that is preventable, protectable, and reversible. What is he gonna do? Frame him? Like-
But do you know what can't be undone?
Say Mike defies Hopper and continues seeing El, openly or in secret. Say Hopper knows. Say Hopper continues to think Mike's behavior around El, which he continues to commit to spying on, is odd. Say his curiosity motivates him to think harder on it. Say he, a straight man, continues to say to himself "that's not how I act around women, nor is it how I acted around them as a teenager. It seems almost......PERFORMATIVE". Say he realizes. Say his protectiveness over his daughter drives him to tell her. His stress about the situation drives him to tell Joyce. He tells her in Melvald's, it's overheard. Say now the whole town knows. Say they have pitchforks. Say he's the next Eddie Munson.
Now the stakes are pretty fucking IRREVERSIBLY high, aren't they? Cats don't go back in bags.
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whineandcheese24 · 4 months
so this post floated the idea of a Lucy/Eddie romance and I really like it. I wouldn't be too mad if Eddie didn't end the series with a love interest, but depending on how long they go, he's going to get another one eventually, and I think Lucy could be a really good candidate.
Eddie's previous LIs have had the same problems as Buck's where they're siloed off into their own little story and don't really have any connection to the greater plot. And like Tommy, Lucy solves those problems, being a character both the audience and 118 already know, and a fellow first responder who can show up occasionally without needing specific time carved out for her. It even works better with her being at the same station Tommy's at, because then she can be reintroduced next season by either showing up at an emergency with Tommy or being invited to a group hangout with him.
We don't know if Lucy and Eddie, or Arielle and Ryan have any chemistry because they've never really had a scene together, but I do think their characters could be really good together. While we don't know much about Lucy, she doesn't seem very naturally maternal, which could be great both as a way to show that if she and Eddie date it has nothing to do with Chris, and as a storyline we haven't seen yet of Eddie's gf having to adjust to him being a single dad. I also think that her personality could be really good for Eddie. She's loud, unashamed of herself, and goes after what she wants, and I think she could really challenge Eddie and vice versa.
If they do go this route, here's what I would do:
Let's assume that by the end of this season, Eddie has at least broken up with both Kim and Marisol. He may not be out of the woods yet, but he is for all intents and purposes, single. Lucy is reintroduced close to the beginning of the season, maybe as another first responder in the Big Emergency. Eddie, still feeling isolated, runs into her and the two do not hit it off. I mean he is being insufferable (as he tends to be when he's repressed) and she is just not dealing with his shit.
Eddie eventually starts healing, and Buck thinks he's good enough to start going out again (not on dates, just out of the house), so he and Tommy take Eddie out for drinks, and Tommy, not knowing that Lucy and Eddie don't get along, brings her so Eddie won't feel like a third wheel. Eddie and Lucy resume their not-so-friendly banter, but because they're out with Buck and Tommy (aka perpetual heart eyes times two) they end up gravitating towards each other anyway, and end the night something like friends. This would be around the mid-season finale, maybe episode 7ish (assuming s8 is 18 eps).
The rest of the season they get closer and closer, and they end the season as good friends who can rely on each other and will hang out together without the pretext of hanging out with bucktommy or the other 118ers, but nothing romantic yet. Then in s9, something happens that acts as a catalyst for Eddie and Lucy, and they kiss or hookup or something and start dating. I do think they should be less Ross and Rachel and more Monica and Chandler. As in, not really pining, just they were friends until they weren't.
anyway, just some ideas. I do realize there is absolutely no reason to expect this, but I saw they idea and it just kind of unfolded in my brain.
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
i want to hear it alllllllllll.
but uhhh. if you want specifics. characters you wish had lived/stayed? thoughts on any(/all) of buck’s LIs? (any other opinions you have that you feel like sharing? i love hearing other people’s Thoughts.)
Thank you!!! I shall answer all of this, so buckle up!
Characters. Ya know, I say this and then realize we haven’t lost all that many characters, so I may mention some really niche ones. First off! Wes, the security guard on the cruise. Please, he was precious and deserved to live. Also, I love side characters and am so sad the first mate died. Russ, the firefighter who died in the earthquake episode. Even though I like what the storyline did for Chim, I still wish Kevin had lived. Jonah? I think is his name? He’s the guy who drowned in an attic during the tsunami.
Also, while I have mixed feelings on Shannon, I do wish she’d lived. I love the arcs that came from her death and think they have tackled great subjects, but there are other great storylines that could’ve happened if she and Eddie simply divorced.
Those are all I can think of off the top of my head!
Buck’s LI’s? Buckle up, y’all.
Abby! Absolutely not. She was ok as a character. But as a love interest, no. She got Buck’s number through (in my opinion) very unethical means. I think she used him and was never serious about him, whereas she was his everything. Then she ditched him, possibly cheated on him, and only saw him next when she was engaged.
Ali, I actually really liked. She was very sweet and solid and honestly I’ll date her. While it was heartbreaking, I can understand the difficulty and the choice she made. I think she deserved longer time as a LI.
Taylor? Hell no. Here’s the thing, she and Buck as friends made sense. I loved their friendship. But as lovers? Nope. She was selfish, manipulative, and was basically a strong independent woman in all the bad ways. She and Buck were ill paired. If I never see her again, it’ll be too soon.
Lucy? Do we count her? I will here. I think there’s too much focus on Buck “cheating” and not enough on how drunk he was as opposed to how sober she appeared.
Now, I don’t mind her later on, but I generally don’t like her.
Natalia? Please. She was gorgeous omg. But as a character, bland, unsuited, glad she’s gone.
Tommy? 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🩷🩷🩷🩷💋💋💋🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😘😘😘😘😘 I’m normal about him
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undreaming-fanfiction · 6 months
Established Steddie, they have been living together for over a decade, did their best to heal their wounds from the Upside Down and learn to enjoy life again. It's not easy but they do it.
When the Lord of the Rings movies come out, it's actually Steve who suggests watching them to Eddie. He really tries engaging with Eddie's passions, but his focus is not the greatest when it comes to books. That doesn't mean he doesn't listen to Eddie ramble about them though - he knows all about hobbits, second breakfasts, the culture of smoking in the Shire...Eddie admires a lot of characters from the books, but ever since experiencing the Upside Down fuckery, he actually admits that the hobbits had a point. Good food, even better company and good tobacco? What else does one need? It also inspires Steve a few years later to prepare a full day of hobbit-inspired meals for their trilogy marathon when the extended editions come out. But this is about their first time watching the movies.
They both go to the movie theater excited. Steve is familiar with most of the characters, including Eddie's self-admitted crush on Aragorn. And Steve can see why, he can see so much good in all the members of the fellowship. After the first movie, he's wiping his eyes because Boromir deserved better. Eddie has a lot to say about what was lost in adaptation, but Steve knows Eddie loves those movies and would cut off his only remaining nipple before missing the next ones.
The Two Towers have Steve rooting for the ents and he feels strangely touched about how everyone underestimates Pippin, yet it's him who gets the ents to march. He really can't pick a favorite character. He can't wait for the third movie.
They go to the premiere of the Return of the King with Eddie. They secretly hold hands in the last row, and Steve watches the ride of the Rohirrim with bated breath. He clenches his hand in Eddie's when Theoden gets gravely injured, but then Éowyn is there and...oh.
He is staring slack-jawed at the scene. Éowyn's large, terrified eyes, the towering frame of the Witch King. Her posture was fearful, crouched, but still she faced him. And something surfaces in his head, something he's long forgotten.
He's unusually queit when they come back home, he still loves the rest of the movie, almost cries at "my friends, you bow to no one,", then definitely cries at Frodo leaving the Middle Earth. But there is still that something and Eddie can sense it. When they're falling asleep together, Eddie finally asks him. And Steve's had enough time to process what he felt.
"When Éowyn faced the Witch King...it reminded me of what it felt like. I mean, for the first time. I know it's stupid because saw so much unnatural shit, but...it's the first time that I have hard time forgetting," he admits quietly. "She reminded me of me in 1983 so much. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. I thought I'd do the right thing, but then I had a gun pointed at me, they both had blood on their hands...and then it appeared."
Eddie doesn't speak, he only holds Steve closer.
"It was so tall. I remember that petal-like mouth, those teeth, but mostly...I remember the crippling fear. I felt absolutely terrified. I couldn't move. There was even a moment when I thought of running away, but...I couldn't leave them there. Seeing someone go through something similar and being praised for being a hero...it makes me think. I used to be so ashamed for freezing in that moment. For even considering running away. But Éowyn...she was like me." There's awe in his voice and warmth, relief. "She had no idea what she was getting into. She froze. She didn't do everything perfectly and gracefully like Legolas or something, but when it mattered...she did what she had to."
He holds Eddie tighter and asks, almost shyly: "Will it offend you that I think she's my favorite character? Not Aragorn or Sam?"
Eddie just shakes his head and drops a kiss to Steve's hair. "Nah. She suits you well. And you're both amazing."
And if it becomes a silly endearment in their household, that Steve is sometimes called the Shieldmaiden of Hawkins? ("I'm not a maiden, Eddie!" "I'm not calling you a shieldboy or shieldbachelor, Steve!") Then Steve feels a hint of something that he thought he'd renounced, but now, for the first time he feels it's deserved - pride.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
The People That See You Part 3
The next week saw Eddie carrying a white paper bag to D&D. He tossed it at Brian with a wink. “Just a thank you from Steve,” he said with a grin.
He had talked to the guys about his friendship with Steve and how even though he couldn’t say why or how, Steve had saved his life. So Jeff and Gareth had grudgingly agreed not to make fun of the former king of Hawkins High.
Brian reared his head back in confusion until the smell hit his nose. “Holy shit.” He ripped into the bag. “He didn’t.” He pulled out a soft cookie dusted in cinnamon sugar and took a large bite.
Gareth and Jeff looked at each other in confusion.
“What are those?” Jeff asked.
“Snickerdoodles,” Brian mumbled around a mouth full of cookie. “Like only the best cookies on the planet.”
He dug another one out and broke it in half for Jeff and Gareth to share. He offered one to Eddie but he declined.
“I’ve been eating them nonstop for days...” he said with a grin.
“Official taste tester?” Brian asked with a wink.
Eddie blushed and shoved a large strand of hair into his mouth.
“Holy shit!” Jeff said. “It’s soft and buttery, but not too sweet.”
“Yeah,” Gareth agreed. “You say Steve made these?”
“Yup!” Eddie said, popping the ‘P’.
Jeff looked down at the table. “Do you think he’d be willing to make brownies for the next session?”
Eddie grinned. “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask.”
Jeff looked up. “But you’ll ask?”
Eddie just winked at him.
Steve came thundering down the stairs. “Hey, guys, I hear you requested brownies?”
The entire Hellfire Club was there including Steve’s nuggets.
“Steve!” came the chorus from the party and Corroded Coffin. The three that were strictly Hellfire just looked at him in amazement.
“Sorry, I’m late,” Steve said with a grin. “I was trying out something fun with walnuts and caramel.”
There was another chorus this time of oohs and awws. All but one.
The other girl of the club other than Erica, folded her arms and glared at him. “I’m allergic to nuts.”
“Tiffany, right?” Steve asked and she nodded tersely. “I gotcha. I’ll be right back.”
Steve set the two large plates he was carrying on the table with the other goodies (no food food near the character sheets) and turned back around to hop back up the stairs.
Tiffany raised an eyebrow at Eddie who just shrugged. A moment later Steve was back down the stairs another plate in his hands.
“I made these for Robin,” Steve explained, handing the plate to her, “but I can always make more for her later and I would hate to see you left out.”
Tiffany lifted the tin foil and gasped. Underneath was a plateful of the most delectable chocolate chip cookies.
“Did you make these first?” Tiffany asked.
Steve smiled. “Sure did. It should be all safe and if it’s not, bill my dad.” He winked at her.
She laughed as did everyone else.
Steve looked around at the cramped space and winced. “Not a lot of room in here, is there?”
Gareth frowned. “We make do.”
Steve waved his hands. “Oh absolutely. I’m just saying you don’t have to.” He half shrugged.
Eddie tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I have a large finished basement, no parents, and full kitchen,” Steve said. “You guys could have it at my place. At least it would see some fucking use.”
Everyone turned to look at Eddie.
Eddie smiled. “Let’s vote. All in favor of having D&D at Steve’s?” Eddie laughed when all of the junior members raised their hands as well as all the Corroded Coffin bandmates, thereby absolutely killing the majority.
“The ayes have it,” he said turning back to Steve. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a deal. When can we invade your home?”
Steve thought for a moment. “Not next week, Robin’s got a band thing, so the week after?”
Everyone nodded.
“Great!” Steve said and then waved goodbye.
Gareth turned to everyone else. “What just happened?”
Dustin sighed. “You accidentally activated mom mode. He loves taking care of people. And his house is huge. And it has a swimming pool out back, too.”
Even the ones that would have voted against it were starting to see the benefits of having it over at Steve’s.
Eddie smiled and if he went a little easier on them as a result, well that was his secret to keep.
Their first session at Steve’s they were greeted by the smells of something warm and hearty coming from the kitchen.
He ushered them into the front room. “Hey, Dustin, can you show them where they can set up? Eddie’s already down there fussing with his throne.”
“Will do!” Dustin said and motioned for everyone to follow him.
Tables were laid out for the to sit as well as for snacks. And everyone who could contributed to the snacks and drinks. So the table for treats started to fill up and then the main table where Eddie was waiting at the head.
Just as everyone was getting settled Steve came down to check on them.
“I’m glad everyone made it okay,” he said in lieu of greeting.
“Aren’t you worried the neighbors are going to call the cops?” Gareth asked.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve had full on ragers without a peep from the cops, so...no?”
Everyone shared impressed glances.
Steve walked up to Eddie. “When do you guys usually break?”
Eddie shrugged. “Depends on how far they get in the story.”
“Do you think you could give me a heads up of about twenty minutes?”
Eddie pursed his lips. “Could do, I suppose. Why?”
“I’ve got a lasagna in the oven and will need to pop it back in for twenty minutes so it’ll be warm for whenever you guys are ready.”
“Like Stoffer’s?” Tiffany asked.
Steve blinked. “What’s that?”
Even Dustin raised an eyebrow. “You know, the pre-made stuff from the store?”
“Oh, I’ve never had that,” Steve said looking uncomfortable. “I used my grandma’s recipe.”
Brian turned to Eddie. “If you don’t marry him, I will.”
Eddie turned bright pink and hid his face behind his hair.
Steve leaned over and whispered in Eddie’s ear. “You’ll have to ask me out first.”
Eddie dropped the hair and looked up into Steve’s eyes. Yeah, he knew that Steve liked boys. Even had a crush on him, if Brian was to be believed. But it was quite another to be on the receiving end of the Harrington charm.
So before he could answer, Steve was already back up the stairs.
“Did Steve just hit on you?” Will asked.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Previously our intrepid party was traveling down a treacherous mountain pass, with large rocks on either side, towering above them like stone giants, silent and stern.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Tag list: @itsfreakingbats @colorful565 @swimmingbirdrunningrock
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bluemagi · 5 months
Re. Jumping ship and multishipping
I've been thinking a lot about this these past few weeks, since a certain hot pilot swooped in and stole my heart. I've seen people giving other people shit for "giving up" and jumping ship, for multishipping or even just for liking and enjoying a character. And it's just weird to me how people are so obsessed with controlling other people's behaviors. Just the other day I saw a TikTok where the creator was saying that people who "jumped ship" to Bucktommy were just fetishising because they want to see two guys kissing. Which is just... a terrible take on so many levels.
I was a Buddie shipper too. I enjoyed their on-screen relationship, I saw the signs that there might be more than friendship, and I hoped that something might happen. But I have also been in fandoms for at least 20 years by now. I've been through queerbaiting, I have been through shipbaiting, I have been through relationships I previously loved being destroyed by what happens on screen. I know that nothing is promised and that we have to have realistic expectations. Our interpretations of things are usually not what the writers/actors/directors/editors intend, and so we can always hope, but we have to know that we probably won't get what we want.
I think I grew a bit bored with the Buddie ship around season 5. I was watching queer representation in other shows, like Tarlos in Lone Star, and I couldn't see 911 ever go there, especially as time went on and nothing happened, there were no obvious signs. I didn't think they would ever make Buck or Eddie queer. I still enjoyed the show for what it was and would watch when I had the time, but I wasn't obsessing over it anymore. I would watch the show and hope that either one of them would get an interesting love interest (I actually sort of liked Natalia at the end of season 6), and until that happened, I would just enjoy Buddie outside of that, in fan fictions and Tumblr discourse.
So imagine my surprise when they finally did it, when they actually made Bi Buck canon. Since Tommy had been on the show before, we already knew a lot about him, and we could also read into the difference between s2 Tommy and s7 Tommy and see that there had been a lot of development there. So yeah, I was immediately interested. The more I saw, the more interested I became. So while I can still love and appreciate Buddie, it is far more interesting to me to have actual substance with an on-screen relationship, rather than having to try to interpret and read into every interaction to see if it can relate to Buddie.
But, back to jumping ship and multishipping. I've been thinking back through my fandom history, and I realized that this is something I have gone through several times before, in one way or another. I started out with soap operas, and in those, everyone cheats and nobody is ever happy for long, so jumping ship back and forth happens. Suddenly a character is killed, only to come back to life several years later. They completely change personalities, they change faces (new actors), so things change a lot. I suppose that might be why multishipping and jumping ship is not really an issue for me. It just make sense that you can change your mind about something when more content comes out. It's sort of like a relationship. You can be happy and in love for a while, or for a long time, but things change, people grow, and suddenly that relationship is not right for you anymore.
So I was thinking back on my previous experiences with jumping ship and multishipping, and I just scribbled down some thoughts on them. Starting with....
As The World Turns - Nuke vs. LuRe
I think one of the first times I jumped ship, was from Noah/Luke to Luke/Reid in As The World Turns. An American soap that ended in like 2011. Nuke were one of the first gay male couples on American day time TV, and if you have the time, please go read about them on Wikipedia, because their story is absolutely ridiculous and overdramatic, as most soap couples are. And since this was in the 00s / early 10s, they barely shared any kisses or intimacy. At certain points we were counting the days between their on-screen kisses, and I think we went 200 days without an on-screen kiss while they were in a romantic relationship on the show, and the first time they had sex, I think they just kissed and fucking jumped on the bed or something. It was just ridiculous. But it was representation, which there was not a lot of back in those days.
Then, my beloved Reid Oliver came into the picture. He was out and proud, he was confident, successful, unapologetic, he was just very interesting. Luke/Noah was young love, riddled with insecurity and drama. Luke/Reid was more confident, more adult. And also, it was an option! Back in those days, there were barely any queer characters on TV, and now there were three guys in one show. At the point when Reid came on to the show, I was already finding myself growing tired and annoyed with Nuke, and Noah specifically. So when he showed an interest in Luke and they began their relationship, I happily jumped over.
I was then punished by the show's cancellation and that fucking train, but that's beside the point.... Moving on!
Days of Our Lives - Will, Sonny and Paul
Now this was a fun one! I remember watching Days back when I was in elementary school. My friend and I would go home together from school and watch it before doing home work. I was better in English and in reading than her, so I would be reading the subtitles out loud to her so she could keep up with what was happening. I think Days actually helped me to learn English much better. So I remembered all the drama with Sami, Carrie, Lucas and Austin, and with baby Will. And it was a bit shocking to me when suddenly baby Will was an adult (or I guess in his late teens) and was coming out of the closet. This was around the same time as ATWT, I believe, around 2010, so again, there wasn't a lot of representation on TV.
Also, side note, this was before streaming was a thing, and I lived in Norway, so we didn't even have access to everything. I had to buy DVDs to watch stuff like Queer as Folk and The L Word.
Anyways, Will and Sonny became a couple, and with that, the first male same sex couple on the show. It was the only real option, so of course I shipped it. I am again reading the Wikipedia page for this couple, and their story is quite insane. They recast the role of Will at one point, and I didn't love how the character changed after the actor was changed. So when Paul came on the show, I was immediately drawn to him. His back story was interesting and the actor had amazing chemistry with everyone. So I shipped him with both Will and Sonny (and both versions of Will, tbh). And again, you simply must read the Wikipedia article about this. It was just pure insanity.
Supernatural – Dean, Cas, Benny
We cannot talk about shipping without talking about Destiel. It is simply not possible. I'm not even going to explain anything, because we're on Tumblr, everyone knows Destiel. So unsurprisingly, I am a Destiel shipper. I can't remember when I first started shipping them, but it must have been quite early. Probably not in season 4 when Cas first arrived, but probably in season 5.
So Destiel is an example where I haven't jumped ship, but instead, I have multishipped. Cas has unfortunately not really had any real love interest outside of Dean. I honestly can't even think of any, apart from that random woman he married when he had amnesia, which... just no, dude. But Dean however, he has had some options, and I haven't hated them.
Lisa, I loved her back in the early seasons. And when he went to live with her after season 5, I didn't hate it. I knew the chances of Destiel ever happening were slim to none, so I could enjoy Dean and Lisa together on screen while enjoying Dean and Cas in fan fictions.
Later, we met Benny. And I immediately loved him. He was so interesting, he had such an interesting relationship with Dean, and I was so mad when he died. Again, Dean was never shown to be anything but straight, so again, chances of anything happening here was also slim to none. But I could happily enjoy fan fictions and content on them, alongside with Destiel.
Other honorable mentions:
I was considering writing a whole section about Robron from Emmerdale, but I realized that I am still so pissed off about that whole thing, so I don't think I'd be able to articulate anything good from that. So instead I will just use this as an example of an on-screen couple that I absolutely loved, but that I ended up hating and abandoning due to what happened on screen. I jumped that ship straight into the ocean, and swam far far far away.
Klaine! The couple that got me into Tumblr in the first place! I loved Kurt from the first season, and I was so intrigued when Blaine came into the show (I was also a huge AVPM fan, so that just made it all the better). And I really enjoyed them together for the first couple of seasons. But thinking back, I think I fell out of love with them quite early on. Their stories didn't hit the same, it got boring. I was actually more interested in Karofsky by the time I stopped watching the show, which was probably part of the reason why I stopped watching. It was quite the unpopular opinion back then. Maybe still? I have no idea.
Gallavich! I loved Shameless back in the day, and Mickey and Ian were among my favorites. But at a certain point, I got fed up with it all and stopped watching. The on-and-off stuff got boring, important things got swept under the rug, and I didn't like the treatment of Mickey. Anyway, I gave up and stopped watching. It was only years later when the show was ending that I caught up and found out they actually ended up together. Which was amazing, but still left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Anyways, my point is that there seems to be this opinion now that if you ship a couple, you are stuck with them for life. Jumping ship, or even multishipping, is seen as a betrayal, as something horrible. Shipping Buck and Tommy apparantly means that we hate Eddie, and that we don't care about the beautiful friendship and relationship Buck and Eddie have. But that is simply not the truth. At least not for me, or for most people I have seen discussing this.
At this point in time, I am going to enjoy the beautiful on-screen relationship that is Buck and Tommy, and I am excited to see where it goes. If that relationship ends, and somewhere down the line, Buck and Eddie finally end up together, I will probably be happy (as long as it is done right, like Oliver Stark himself has said).
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lemotmo · 8 days
hi guys i have a quesiton for you and ali why are there still so many people that refuse to see 7x04 for what it was which was buck being an unreliable narrator misunderstanding the assignment yet again. for example people being like when they're at the game the camera follows tommy indicating buck wants tommy but doesn't the camera focus almost entirely on eddie and we see the literally the sun always in the background of eddie during the scene which is giving us how buck views eddie. then people being like buck only wanted to join the basketball game for tommy he primed a ball at the firehouse for tommy but that's just absolutely not true it was clearly for eddie and he wanted eddie's attention the entire time. furthermore to reinforce that 7x04 was about Eddie look at what episode 5 is about, once again Eddie and Maddie implying Buck has hidden feelings about Eddie and Eddie saying "this changes nothing between us" even if you were conflicted in 7x04, 7x05 made it completely clear with the writing choices thye made in the episode. wanted to hear what you and ali had to say.
First of all, sorry Nonny but I'll be the only one answering this one for you. Ali has her own ask box to maintain and she's very busy. But I do feel that she has spoken about this topic before, so maybe you can take a look in her tag 'anonymous blog I love' and read through a couple of her past answers. Trust me, it's worth it.😋
As for my answer:
Yes, it is obviously all there for everyone to see. 7x04 has been set up to be all about Buck being jealous of Eddie spending time with someone else. Sure, Buck called Tommy because he found him interesting, but the moment Eddie started spending time with him, his focus shifted from Tommy to Eddie. That scene with the basketball at the station was all about getting Eddie's attention. The basketball game was all about Buck's frustration that Eddie had clearly made a new friend to (in his mind) replace him. Even Tommy mentions it: My attention? The same with the Maddie and Buck coming out scene in 7x05. That was literally ALL about Eddie and Maddie obviously knew it.
We all saw that and we read between the lines. We analysed and took the character's pasts into account. We thought about Buck's abandonment issues and the way he sees Eddie in that episode, giddy and happy. We thought about Eddie, easily forgiving Buck for tackling him like that on the basketball court. We even talked about Tommy and his motives to kiss Buck, because it was obvious that he spent a lot of time 'wooing' Eddie. Whether or not that was intended to just be 'friendly' still remains to be seen. And then Maddie saying that line: "If there is something you need to tell Eddie, you will. Just, in your own time." Forgive me if I have misquoted here, but I'm too tired to look it up. But that line is screaming 'THIS IS ALL ABOUT EDDIE!'
We saw all that and the rest of the season with some of the other scenes you mentioned and came to logical conclusions. Eddie is literally all over the BT storyline. He is either physically there, like in the first date scene or mentally there, like in the Buck and Maddie scene.
But some people didn't do all of this. They had never heard of 911 before, but they did hear that two men kissed on this show. So they decided to only watch season 7 or even less, only the BT scenes.🤦‍♀️ They didn't analyse anything and they certainly didn't know the characters, their pasts and motives. So they chose to believe what they saw, one guy kissing another guy and a happily ever after, which is not at all what the showrunners intended for these two. They would know that if they would start watching from season 1.
As for the people who have watched the show for years and did know the character's interesting pasts and arcs, but who still chose to ignore it? Well, I do think that most of these people were mostly Buck fans or even stans in the first place. Then Lou came along and started spouting his nonsense headcanons in those cameos.😒 They jumped on that false information because he was saying everything they wanted to hear for Buck. They just went with it, no doubts, loudly proclaiming that BT was now canon and that's that. Canon above fanon! They didn't do the smart thing, which is to watch the season 7 episodes again with a different mindset. They just accepted what they saw on their screen and the lies that Lou fed them, no questions asked, while they should really know better by now.
They also often use quotes from Tim's interviews and misinterpret them, such as the one about them being a couple in the latest interview. They simply chose to ignore that, once again, Tim inserted Eddie in between BT. They ignore the obvious and only see or read what they want to see and read. They are willfully being obtuse, because they don't want to accept anything else but BT. Why? Well, part of it is Lou and the way some people almost worship at his feet, but over all? I honestly do not know, because some of these people used to ship Buddie just as hard as we did. 🤷‍♀️
I don't know if this answer makes any sense Nonny. Or if it's even the answer you were looking for. I'm sorry if it's a little incoherent here and there, but it's getting late here and I'm a little tired. It's possible that some people will disagree with my opinion on this. That's okay. Just don't be hateful about it, okay? Thank you.
I'm making this one not rebloggable, since I don't want it to breach containment. 😋 This will also be the one and only post I make about this subject, because I do feel like this is almost over. Season 8 is gearing up to be a Buddie-season, so I can't bother with any BT nonsense anymore.
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tohellandback99 · 10 months
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I have been doing my stuff, as you can see. I had been gone… uhh, see;
I was getting top surgery. Mm 😌
Wendell and Wild’s one year anniversary had passed, but it wasn’t lost on me. I would like to share some words, my feelings for a moment
At the beginning of November last year, I had simply wished to watch something on Netflix for the first time in forever. I’m not much of a movie or tv show person-I’m more of a gamer. (Unless it’s a stop-motion film)
Anyway, I saw Kat’s picture on the front of the movie and my jaw felll to the floor because of, “how the HELL, did I not hear of this movie?” Which I’m only a little bit happy about because I like being surprised (ONLY when it comes to finding a good movie,) and in this case, was absolutely absolutely bewitching. Beguiling. Refreshing. but people in NETFLIX should not have thrown this to the wind. This can actually help people! I read that it was made by Jordan Peele working with Henry Selick, a duo I would never have imagined but understood from their works that they would be, a wonderful pairing. And I find myself lucky that I hadn’t heard people online say that it is like Coraline because it’s not… It is BEEEEETTEEERRR! 😍 IT IS LOVE! It is my childhood fever dream doused in chocolate and fucking cheeeese *slaps table* iwantmoreofit
It was quite an emotional roller coaster of a movie. It’s one of those films that you’d say, is an “experience” as opposed to a “story.” Kat and Raul are BY FAAARRR characters that I would have liked to see on television in my childhood years. Instead of Johnny Test, Chowder, Total Drama-anything-it’s-all-the-same, and Ed, Edd, and Eddy. 😤 Kat and Raul are people that I’ve been surrounded by in my life that I prefer, and have BEEN, in my life. So much so that I struggle to call them “characters” instead of people. And I can relate and see my child selves in both Kat and Raul, A LOT. (dressed in a punk style and grew up with and enjoy quite a bit of punk music. used to have a Mohawk when I was Kat’s age! There’s more but I don’t want to say,) It was terrifying for a bit because it made me feel like I don’t exist. I can’t
I cried when she found her source, her key. And gave herself a hug and how it became one with her. The “shadow Kat.” I think. My passed therapist calls a “source” or a “core” that holds trauma, the key. 🥹 That was so intrinsically true and relative to someone doing trauma work that I’m immensely grateful. Exists. In a movie like this.
My criticisms of this movie come out of love for this movie. If I didn’t like it I wouldn’t have cared to critique it. All I wanted was more, generally. More time, because there’s a lot of interesting things that were alluded to, but left out. And that’s all!
So my art is this time, this is an art journaling thing that was never supposed to be one but I lost control and before I knew it, realized what it was becoming. It’s chaos. I’m trying not to be embarrassed of that, eeehhhhhhhh 😓 mrrp, *squint* *chirp!* I had to improvise in a way that felt right.
I drew and painted Kat, and drew her almost entirely without reference. She’s not crying because of Raul! Absolutely NOT. I was going to do something with her but didn’t have the space so I made this as a practice and, I am obviously still needing to get better at painting her. I am so much happier with how I draw her now. I drew Sweetie because I needed some sort of guardian before I continue. (She was so easy) And then, this genderbent Oogie Boogie was stuck in my head and I drew and painted her too, all villainous and imposing. It made for a great challenge I’d say
Oh yeah, right yes… RAUL, has a purple winding stair case behind him. Of course… *sips tea* yes, that’s the appropriate way to get things done simply. You know who your favorite character is when your brain suddenly is like, “hey! Let me surround him with a winding staircase 🤩” 🤭 what the hell
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years
I Would Kill For You (Full Fic)
I had an awful cold most of November paired with writers block but here’s a full fic based on my blurb I Would Kill For You.
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Warnings: murder, obsessive Eddie, manipulative Eddie, asshole Steve
The idea came from some low budget horror movie that had been chosen for the group's movie night. The fake blood was too red and the camera was far too shaky, but the couple is what caught Eddie’s attention and held it the whole night. Throughout the movie the guy protects the girl and by then end of the movie their sharing their first kiss after surviving the killings. Sure it wasn’t your typical romance story, there were no flowers or meet-cutes but deadly situations and several murdered teens. All that Eddie saw was her love filled eyes towards the man.
Nancy insisted it was a trauma bond and nothing more but to Eddie it looked like so much more. When the girl wrapped her arms around the guy her grip was vice grip tight fisting his shirt in her hands. There was a desperation to it like she absolutely needed to be with him to be safe. Whatever it was Eddie wanted it, and he wanted it terribly. In fact, he wanted it with a girl who was also participating in the movie night squeezed into a seat under Steve’s arm.
(Y/n), his best friend since childhood and Steve Harrington’s girlfriend for seven months. It wasn’t exactly Steve's fault, he had no clue that Eddie had been in love with (Y/n) for years. Even still Eddie couldn’t get rid of that nagging thought that Steve stole her from him. Despite the fact that (y/n) was Steve’s girlfriend Eddie wanted her to look at him just like the female character looked at the love interest. To need him like the movie showed for them to be that close even if it was because of some silly trauma bond.
“I’m glad you’re not one of those helpless girls that needs to be saved all the time.” Steve teases in reference to the final girl. “I don’t know I don’t think it’s about needing to be saved, but it’s romantic to think about someone willing to put their lives on the line like that, to do anything to protect someone.” (Y/n) shrugs. ‘I’d put my life on the line for you sweetheart any time.’ Is what Eddie wants to say especially seeing the disappointment on her face towards her boyfriend’s dismissive comment. Great so all he had to do was hope their small sleepy town would get a serial killer that he could save her from. What are the chances of that?
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The only thing Eddie had ever had the chance to protect her from was a common house spider. He really loved that memory and thought back to it often when he was feeling down. It was during one of their sleepovers that Steve wasn’t too fond of.
Eddie had been practicing guitar in his bedroom while she was grabbing a quick shower. He was in the middle of Master of Puppets when he heard her shriek and rushed in. “Eds there’s a big gross spider!” She practically shrieked pointing to the shower. The huge monstrous spider in question was maybe the size of a dime sat on the hot water nob. Eddie unsuccessfully hides a smirk.
“This little guy?” He asks. “Little, He’s huge and hairy and blocking the shower!” (Y/n) whined hiding behind Eddie. “Well he had dibs on it sweetheart, you gotta wait your turn.” Eddie teases. Even though he pokes fun at her about it that spider could have been ten times tinier and Eddie gladly would have taken care of it for her. “Please Eddie get rid of it! Kill it! Move it! Get it out of here! Please, Eddie please!” (Y/n) pleads.
She desperately clings to his arm like it’s her lifeline, and he secretly loves it. Loves her tight grip on his bicep. Loves how she cowers behind him like she knows no matter what he’d keep her safe. “Okay calm down princess, your knight is here.” He promises jumping into action. Eddie grabs a spare cup scooping the spider up and bringing it outside.
The second he’s back inside (Y/n) throws her arms around his neck hugging him tightly nearly knocking him over in the process. “Thank you, Eddie, you’re my hero!” She cheers pressing a kiss to his cheek. He’s not used to such high praise. Freak, creep, weirdo, loser, freak show, and even on rare occasion monster but never hero. The word strikes a cord in him and he decides it's definitely something he wants to hear again.
If anything the whole damn town saw him as a villain. Especially when he was wrongfully framed for a murder he had nothing to do with the entire town had a man hunt for him. He was downright simply hated. Eddie decided that feeling like a hero is definitely a feeling that he could get used to.
After the movie night the thought of being her hero again rolls around in his mind becoming increasingly nagging. Dreams of the two of them replacing the movie couple, fantasies of her kissing him and calling him her hero. It all gets to be too much for Eddie, so he devised a plan to hopefully bring it all to a reality. When he comes up with the plan it’s supposed to be just making her think she has a stalker. He spends a week creeping around her window and sneaking around.
At first, it backfired since she began calling Steve over more and keeping him around for safety. It made sense of course a girl would call her boyfriend for protection especially when that boyfriend happens to be Steve Harrington. However, there was a night in particular where Eddie's plan began to finally work for him. Where there was finally a crack in their seemingly perfect relationship.
Eddie had been stalking around (Y/n)’s yard on an especially dark night. Panicked she once again called over Steve who came running over. Eddie kept out of sight perched in a large oak tree right near (Y/n)’s window, so he could see inside but still remain hidden. Steve hadn’t done his usual observation of the yard checking for any sign of the mysterious stalker instead just marching right up to (Y/n)’s room with her in tow, he was scowling and his arms crossed. The window is cracked open still from where (y/n) has opened it trying to catch a glimpse of the prowler, so Eddie can hear their conversation fairly clearly.
“(Y/n) seriously this is getting ridiculous.”
“I swear Steve I really saw someone!”
“You really saw someone last time too. And the time before that. And the time before that.”
“I did there’s someone watching me I know it!”
“Yet every time I come to check it out I don’t find anything. I didn't realize you had an invisible stalker.”
“I’m not crazy please you have to believe me!”
“You can understand why this is getting hard to believe (Y/n).”
Steve sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. From Eddie’s spot even he could see the tears brimming in (Y/n)’s eyes. He hated when she cried, even worse he hated when he couldn’t do anything about it. Right now he couldn’t come to the rescue he needed to let this play out. So he remained sat watching intently.
“Look I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I’m tired of rushing over here every time you hear a strange noise, we survived the upside down and you’re getting freaked out by what I’m sure is just a racoon or something.” Steve sighs. (Y/n) nods swallowing keeping her stare on the ground her arms hugging herself. “Yeah you’re right I’m sorry.” She responds quietly. You can physically hear the guilt and disappointment dripping from her words. “You’re just being paranoid trust me you’re safe I promise, now I have to go I promised Nancy I’d drive her to this thing soon.” Steve explained.
That was a pleasant development for Eddie’s sake. (Y/n) looked up in surprise. “What why what’s wrong with Nancy’s car?” She asks. “Nothing serious just a blown tire she should have it back by Monday, are you gonna be okay here?” Steve questioned. (Y/n) nods looking away from her boyfriend unable to look him in the eye.
Steve nods with a breath of frustration leaning down to kiss (Y/n). She turns her face allowing him to press a hasty kiss to her cheek. It was an ice-cold move basically a literal cold shoulder. “See you later.” Steve sighed leaving (y/n) stood alone in her bedroom. Her sleeve covered hands reached up to wipe away tears from under her eyes. Once the headlights from Steve’s car were completely out of view Eddie hopped down from the tree running back around to the front door.
He makes sure to give it a couple of minutes taking a few deep breaths before knocking on the door. There’s a long pause as (Y/n) makes her way downstairs and to the front door. From where he stands Eddie can see her peaking through the side window to see who’s at the door. He doesn’t miss the way she seems to light up a little seeing him even if she is a bit confused. Not long after the door swings open.
“Hey Eds what’re you doing here?” She questions with a small head tilt. “What a warm welcome.” He teases with a smirk. (Y/n) smiles a bit shaking her head. “You know what I mean.” She said gesturing for him to come in. Eddie steps into the house, and he’s honestly a little impressed with how casual he manages to be for once. He takes a seat on the couch while (Y/n) remained standing only moving closer to the couch.
“Just hadn’t seen you all week thought I’d drop by, got all the way here before I realized you probably have plans with Steve or something sorry I didn’t call.”
“Don’t apologize I’m glad you’re here actually. And you know you’re welcome anytime no matter what.”
“Glad to hear it sweetheart.”
“Where’s the van?”
“Parked it down the road. Wasn’t sure if your parents would be cool with me stopping by so late, but then I remembered it’s the second Saturday of the month, so they’re having dinner and drinks with the Peterson's.”
“You remembered correctly Munson.”
He doesn’t miss the way her eyes stay trained on the window still keeping an eye out for the nonexistent intruder. “Sweetheart what’s going on?” Eddie questioned. Her eyes shift from the window back to Eddie. “It’s nothing I’m just being dumb.” She sighed looking down at her feet. Eddie decided to be bold gently grabbing her hand and carefully pulling her to the couch next to him.
“Clearly it’s not, talk to me.” He insisted gently. “It’s really not a big deal Eds definitely not something you need to worry about.” She tries to insist one last time. This is working out even better than he hoped Steve has made her doubtful about everything. “If it’s bugging my best friend it worries me so talk.” Eddie pressed. (Y/n) took a breath leaning her head fall against Eddie’s shoulder.
“Do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?”
“Uh only on a daily basis.”
“Eds be serious please.”
(Y/n)’s tone is amused as she lightly shoves Eddie’s arm. She seems lighter by the second like Eddie relaxes her with his very presence. “Alright what’s got you feelin so crazy then?” He asked grabbing her hand in his own. “It's just that- well I think there’s someone watching me like stalking me or something.” (Y/n) finally explains. Eddie furrows his brow turning his head to look at her more.
“Sweetheart you serious? How long has this been going on?”
“I don’t know a week or so?”
“And you’ve just been dealing with this alone?”
“Well I told Steve, and he was being so great coming over and checking things out, but I just got on his nerves. I mean I get it poor guy was getting dragged over here like every other night. I’d think I was crazy too.”
“You were scared you had a right to call him. I mean I know I don't have a lot of experience but isn’t that part of the whole boyfriend deal?”
“I guess I don't know I just think he got tired of rushing over here so much.”
“So was this creep here tonight? Did Harrington find anything?”
“He’s never found any sign of the guy he didn’t bother to look this time.”
“So for all we know there's someone still sneaking around your yard? I mean Steve didn’t bother to look around at all?”
“No he came over again, and we had this huge fight. He was still pretty frustrated when he left.”
Eddie let out a small annoyed exhale. “Sweetheart you shoulda come to me, I would’ve come over and scared this fucker off.” Eddie insisted. “Yeah so I could be a burden to my boyfriend and my best friend, god I’m pathetic.” (Y/n) groaned burying her face in her hands. Eddie got up from the couch and moved so he was kneeling in front of her. He carefully grabbed her hands pulling them away from her face and gently holding them in his own.
“Hey none of that you could never be a burden to me ever understand? Second of all if there’s someone bothering you I want to know. We’ve been best friends for a long time right?”
“Yeah Eds we have.”
“And we take care of each other right?”
“Yeah of course.”
“Like when you broke Tommy’s nose for dumping his lunch on me?”
“He had that coming for a while.”
“Yeah he did. Or how about before I moved in with Wayne and my old man would come home drunk who would patch me up?”
“Me Eds me didn’t deserve all that shit.”
“My point is that you have my back, and I've got yours. If there’s some creep freaking you out I want to know, so I can take care of it.”
“I don’t want to be any trouble Eds especially not to you.”
“Taking care of you is never trouble. Not to me ‘kay?”
A look of relief washes over (Y/n) as she looks down at Eddie. “Thanks Eddie.” She smiles wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “No problem princess. Why don’t you stay put I'm gonna have a look around outside just in case.” Eddie instructs forcing himself from (Y/n)’s arms. She shoots up grabbing onto Eddie’s arm.
“You really don’t have to do that you can just act like I didn't say anything it's not a big deal!” (Y/n) tries to reason. Eddie shakes his head making his brown waves bounce. “No can do Sweetheart what kind of a best friend, nay what kind of man would I be if I let some prowler sneak around your yard? Fear not Eddie the banished will save the day.” Eddie says in one of his dnd voices. (Y/n) smiles again sliding her hand down to his own.
“You get comfortable I’ll take a look around and be right back.” Eddie promised kissing her forehead quickly. “Thanks Eddie!” (Y/n) smiled releasing his hand. Eddie snagged a flashlight from the garage before taking off outside. He made sure to take his time wondering around the yard shining the light around as if actually looking for something. Once he had done two laps around both yards he made his way back inside.
(Y/n) had changed into her pajamas consisting of a pair of flannel pajama pants and a familiar Dio shirt. She nervously chewed on her thumbnail waiting for news. Eddie dropped the flashlight onto the table. “Well?” She asked stepping closer to Eddie. He took a deep breath looking between her and the window. “There was some footprints around the tree by your window they looked recent.” He explained.
(Y/n)’s eyes widened but she let out a somewhat relieved breath. “I knew it.” She sighed. “Look I didn’t see anyone but I should probably hang around at least till your parents get back.” Eddie offered. (Y/n) brightened at the suggestion standing up straighter. “You really wouldn’t mind?” She asked hopefully.
“No ‘course not I don’t want to leave you here alone especially if there’s some creep lurking around.” Eddie added. “You should stay the night then Eds, we can have a sleepover!” She cheered grabbing his hand again. This night had turned out to work way better in Eddie’s favor than he thought. “You sure about that sweetheart? I know Harrington doesn’t like our sleepovers.” He asked.
“Yes please stay over I miss you. It would honestly just make me feel so much safer knowing you’re here.” (Y/n) pleaded. “Oh yeah?” Eddie grinned ducking his head to hide his bashfulness. “Yeah nothing bad could happen when I have my Eddie bear here.” (Y/n) smiled. “Alright alright I'll stay for my girl.” Eddie agreed.
Despite the fact that he managed to play it so cool he was dying on the inside. Not only had he managed to help but now she felt safer with him even around. (Y/n) cheered throwing her arms around Eddie in a tight hug. “My hero!” (Y/n) beamed. “Alright princess lead the way.” Eddie chuckled.
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In the passing week phone calls between him and (Y/n) have become much more frequent especially at night. Not only had she been calling more but wanting to hang out a lot more. Between the increased sleepovers and rides home Eddie was loving how well this was all working. Steve and (Y/n)’s time together had begun to dwindle more and include much more frequent arguments. . Unfortunately though even with the added stress (Y/n) didn’t seem to be ending things, she needed one last push.
Eddie’s driving home late one night during a thunderstorm when the real plan comes into play. He happens to pass by Heather from school who’s angrily stomping home clutching her raincoat to her chest. Clearly she’s broken up with her boyfriend again and heading back to her own place at the trailer park. He rolls down his window going to offer her a ride home or at least somewhere to wait out the storm but she literally laughs the second she spots his van. “As if I’d ever get in your van keep driving creep.” She scoffs.
Eddie tries to let it go and just drive away he really does. However then he remembers every time this girl has made fun of him or his friends especially (Y/n). It doesn't help that was already having an incredibly bad day considering Steve had insisted on joining in on his plans with (Y/n) this was just the final nail in the coffin. After all she was the same age as (Y/n), if women around her age began to come up dead it would be the shove into Eddie’s arms he was waiting for.
Eddie spots the large pocket knife he brings to sketchy deals resting in the cup holder. It was once a Christmas gift from Uncle Wayne before the two had bonded and gift ideas were still hard to come up with. His eyes flick from the brown carved handle back to the girl sulking down the road. With a deep breath he hops out of the van. The hard rain is so loud heather doesn’t hear his footsteps till it’s far too late.
“I said fuck off freak go-” Eddie doesn’t even let her finish the insult before he’s slicing the blade across her throat. Blood spits across his face splattering his cheek. Heather’s mouth gapes her eyes blown wide. Her hand reaches up to the open wound gaping in her neck. Eddie watches as her eyes roll back and her body collapses to the tar road. Leaving her body where it lay on the dirt road he gets back in his van, they’re off the beaten path hidden away from any prying eyes that could have fallen witness.
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A week and a half later four more girls around (Y/n)’s age follow suit. Now Eddie still had a heart so these were mean girls, ones who bullied, tormented, or hurt other people. Ones that people would act like they missed but in reality they didn’t. When he murders the rest of the girls he wears a devil costume made of a dark red hoodie and black jeans paired with a plastic devil mask he had worn last Halloween. Something easy but that will still conceal his identity.
The police are searching, a curfew is set, and the whole town is on edge. “Another murder has shocked the small town of Hawkins last night. Casey Becker nineteen years old was found murdered in her family home, more details coming up.” The reporter explains. The members Corroded Coffin and (Y/n) were piled around Gareth’s living room on break from band practice. Eddie and (y/n) took the loveseat together his arm stretched around the back of the chair despite wanting to wrap it around her.
“Fuck, Casey was in my English class.” Jeff sighs. “This is getting scary that makes five people have been killed.” (Y/n) frowns. “I know who woulda thought Hawkins would have a serial killer.” Gareth responded. Eddie peaks over to inspect (Y/n)’s face, she wears a worried frown eyebrows knit together. The rest of the group gets engaged in theorizing as to who it could be so Eddie nudges (Y/n) with his arm.
“Oh hey Eds.”
“You got nothin to worry about you know.”
“Yeah I’m sure you're right.”
“What’s got you so freaked about all this? That creep that’s messing with you isn’t back is he?”
“No I don't think so, it’s just scary someone’s going around killing people.”
“I’m sure this will blow over soon. Plus you’ve got your parents, and King Steve to protect you.”
“That would be more comforting if I thought he'd actually show up.”
“Really still? I mean we found proof this guy was in your yard and he still doesn’t care?”
“Doesn’t really matter I’m sure he’d be too busy with Nancy to be worried about me anyways.”
Oh yes Nancy the cause of many of the happy couple’s recent fights, especially since recently Nancy was having all kinds of mysterious car trouble all of a sudden. “Well you’ve got me then sweetheart I won’t let anything happen to you I swear.” He promises. (Y/n) smiles genuinely and Eddie can’t help the pride he feels. “My knight in shining armor huh?” She teases. “Probably more like your dork in tinfoil.” Eddie snorts.
(Y/n) rolls her eyes sliding closer so Eddie moves his arm around her shoulders. She reaches up to press a kiss to his cheek letting her lips linger for a moment against his cheekbone. “Thank you Eddie that makes me feel a lot safer honestly.” (Y/n) admits letting her head rest against Eddie’s chest. “Anytime, I won’t let anything happen to you promise. I couldn’t live without my girl.” He assured her.
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Five days later (Y/n) is home alone while her parents are at work. She’s sat at the vanity in her room doing her makeup while a corroded coffin tape plays in the background. It’s Saturday night which means she’s getting ready for a date with Steve. He’s twenty minutes late and she’s already redone her her lipgloss five times. Somewhere in the middle of Eddie’s guitar solo she catches the sound of something downstairs.
(Y/n) puts down her lip gloss listening harder. She listens out for whatever could have made the sound. Whatever it was doesn’t repeat so she goes back to work. The peace only lasts for another minute before the loud creak of a loose floor board in her living room can be heard. This time she shuts off the music.
“Mom? Dad?” She calls out loudly. No response follows.Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but she decides to investigate. (Y/n) gets out of her seat and heads out to the hallway.
“Hello?” She asks out into the supposedly empty house. More deadly silence. (Y/n) sneaks down the stairs anxiously practically tiptoeing. “Steve is that you?” (Y/n) questions peaking her head around the corner. To her surprise instead of her boyfriend she sees the man in the devil costume creeping around the kitchen counter.
Her scream is barely concealed by her palm as she quickly retreats back around the wall. Despite the fear taking over her body (y/n) manages to sneak into her parents bedroom across from hers. There’s unfortunately no lock on the door but there is a phone. Her fingers are trembling as she punches in 911.
“911 what’s your emergency?”
“There’s someone in my house please you have to help me!”
“Okay miss calm down and tell me what’s going on.”
“The killer! The killer is in my house you have to help me please hurry!”
“What’s the address?”
“1019 Elm street.”
“And is there anyone there with you?”
“No I’m home alone and he’s in my kitchen! Please help!”
“I’ve got an officer on the way about seven minutes out. Can you stay on the line?”
(Y/n)’s about to answer when she hears footsteps drawing closer in the hallway. She leaves the phone off the hook but quickly jumps under the bed. The door opens with a quiet groan from the old brown wood.The tears are escaping her eyes now, her breathing jagged even hiding beneath her palm to conceal the sounds. She can see his black shoes stepping closer and closer.
Her mind is racing a million miles an hour her heart pounding just as fast. The man moves past the bed to the closet opening the door in search for where (Y/n) is hiding. All too suddenly the figure is bent over peering back at her from the end of the bed. (Y/n) screams scrambling out from under the bed running out of the room letting the door slam against the wall. The closest exit to the bedroom is the side exit of the house.
Unfortunately when (Y/n) gets there it’s locked. She fumbles with the latch attempting to get it open but unfortunately it’s old and kinda rusty so it’s tricky. Hearing the man moving down the hall she rushes back towards her room. This time she’s able to lock the door on one hand blocking the killer but on the other hand tripping her. She debates hiding in the closet but she has nothing to attack the killer with if he does find her.
She considers going out the window Steve and Eddie have climbed in and out dozens of times surely it isn’t too hard. (Y/n) rushes to the window gliding it open. The old oak tree suddenly feels so tall. Before she can figure out climbing down she hears a yell of her name. The a commotion on the other side of the door heavy footsteps and a loud slam like someone hit the ground hard.
“(Y/n) sweetheart you here!? Answer me (Y/n) please!” Someone calls out from the hallway. It’s Eddie’s panicked voice and even though he’s worried it almost immediately calms her. Eddie could win an Oscar what with the fake scuffle outside the door and the worried calling out for her. “Eddie?!” She calls scrambling back to the door flinging it open.
Eddie meets her at the door quickly throwing his arms around her. “Eddie he’s here the killer is here!” (Y/n) cries hiding her face against his chest. The smell of old leather and cigarettes fills her nose and strangely makes her feel better. “I know I saw him, I came to see you and the door was open so I came in and he was standing in the hallway trying to get in your room. I was so worried when I saw he was here and you weren’t.” Eddie breathed tightening his hold on her pulling her body closer.
He was truly laying it on thick with teary eyes and a fear filled voice. Staying in his arms (y/n) pulled away enough to meet his eye. “Eddie the killer! He’s out there! We gotta hide or something!” (Y/n) panics.
“No he’s gone I fought him off and he ran off outside.” Eddie explains. (Y/n) lets out a huge breath of relief before her eyes catch sight of a bloody gash on Eddie’s forearm. She lets out a gasp holding his arm. “Did he do this?” She asks. “He got me with his knife a little in the scuffle no biggie.” Eddie shrugs.
In reality he cut it on a piece of glass breaking the panel to be able to reach in and open the door. (Y/n)’s eyes are watering and she clings her body to Eddie’s again his shirt balled up in her fists. Right now in her mind Eddie is her hero. He’s Superman, he fought a serial killer for her, he took a knife for her. That was definitely a very big deal. 
“Woah hey it’s okay I'm alright I promise.” Eddie tried to reassure her. This time (Y/n) doesn’t respond she just clings to him tighter. There’s not even an inch of space between them and Eddie woildn’t have it any other way. The sound of sirens pulling out into the driveway catches their attention. “C’mon let’s go downstairs alright I’ll stay by your side promise.” Eddie promised kissing the crown of her head.
The cops enter and lead them out to the front yard where there’s an ambulance and a cop car waiting. Unfortunately they have to give their stories to different officers. The cop Eddie talks to basically interrogates him even though he’s sitting on the back of the ambulance getting his arm wrapped up by the emt. “It’s awfully convenient you got here so fast.” comes out of the officer’s mouth. Eddie just rolls his eyes keeping his stare focused in (Y/n)’s direction.
(Y/n) happens to overhear the cops accusation and practically stomps over. “Eddie did not do this okay he is not the serial killer! He’s a freaking hero in fact! And FYI he can’t be the killer, the killer had on black boots Eddie’s sneakers are white!” (Y/n) snaps at the officer. Eddie looks up finally flashing a cocky smirk towards the cop. 
She’s mad, horrified even. How dare they insinuate that Eddie had done this when he saved her! Eddie of course just sat there knowing damn well his stuff along with the shoes were stashed in a bag hidden in a closet upstairs. The cop mumbled a half assed apology going back to his associate with his notes. The emt finishes allowing Eddie to get up. 
“Ugh I can’t believe him! You’re like a freakin super hero or something and he has the nerve to accuse you!” (Y/n) spits glaring in the direction of the cops. “It’s okay sweetheart really I’m used to it. Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t hurt you?” Eddie questions. He takes her hands in his own observing her arms for any sign of bruise or wound even if he knows they’re not there.
This makes (Y/n)’s heart ache even more. Eddie’s the one who fought off a murderer and he was checking on her? Again she wraps her arms around him hugging him tightly. He’s never seen her give Steve a hug like this, one so tight and desperate. It makes pride resonate through him. 
“(Y/n) sweetie!?” A panicked woman’s voice calls. Her parents come pushing their way past the small crowd of neighbors that has gathered. Eddie and (y/n) pull apart but she keeps her hand latched onto his. Both her parents wrap her in tight hugs. “What happened?” Her mom frets.
“They’re saying that serial killer was here?” Her father adds. (Y/n) explains detailing the highlights of Eddie’s heroic save. To Eddie's delight the way she recalls the encounter is much more comic book then horror movie. Not for a moment for the entire story does her hand leave his. It’s like it grounds her, makes her feel protected. Like even if the killer came back right this second she knew he would protect her.
Once the story is done her mother hugs Eddie thanking him profusely a bit teary eyed while her father shakes his free hand. “Maybe we shouldn’t go on this trip tomorrow dear.” Her mother sighs. That’s right at six am the next morning her parents would be leaving on a trip to visit a sick relative. “No mom the tickets are non refundable and what if you won’t get the chance again?” (Y/n) frowns. “We can’t leave you here alone honey not now.” Her father responds.
Eddie can’t believe his dumb luck for once everything is falling right into his lap.“She could come stay with us.” he pops in. Both parents light up and even (Y/n) smiles too. “Your uncle wouldn’t mind?” Her mother questions. “No way Wayne loves having her over, she lights up the whole trailer park.” Eddie grins looking down at (Y/n). 
She looks right back up at him with a warm smile. “I for one would feel a lot better knowing you’re safe with Eddie and Wayne.” (Y/n)’s father adds. “There’s no where I’d feel safer.” (Y/n) beams. Eddie’s grin widens even more hearing that phrase leave her mouth. It meant a victory in his book. 
“(Y/n) baby?” Steve shouts running up his face filled with worry. (Y/n) rolls her eyes staring at the ground. “We’ll give you guys some space.” (Y/n)’s mom explains before leading her husband over to one of the cops. Steve eyes Eddie and (Y/n) lingering on their linked hands. “Can we have a minute here Munson?” Steve asks bitterly. 
Eddie is ready to give them some space while lingering close enough to hear but (Y/n)’s grip tightens on his hand. “Eddie stays.” She insists. Eddie just barely resists the urge to flash a cocky smirk Harrington’s way. Steve sighs crossing his arms. “What happened?” he huffs.
“Well while you were busy being late for our diner the killer decided to break in. Thankfully Eddie came by.”
“Where is he did they catch him?”
“Eddie scared him off after getting slashed.”
Steve’s eyes focused suspiciously on Eddie moving from his face to his arm. “How convenient for Eddie.” Steve draws. Eddie meanwhile just narrows his eyes. “Where the hell were you Steve?” (Y/n)’s tone is accusatory. She knows the answer even before he speaks it.
“Look I know it’s no excuse and I’m really sorry but I just fell asleep, I was on the phone with Nance last night and she saw someone in their yard so I came over to check it out I was just tired from being up so late.” He explains. “Of course Nancy calls and you come running, I do it an I’m a burden.” (Y/n) scoffs shaking her head. “Well clearly you didn’t need me you had Eddie here to keep you company.” Steve spits sarcastically. “At least someone’s lookin out for her.” Eddie retorts this time. Eddie and Steve are staring each other down, glaring at each other with a harsh intensity.
“Oh and lucky you that you get to step in and save the day.” Steve breates him. (Y/n) huffs letting out a not so amused laugh. “No Steve lucky me. Lucky me that Eddie showed up. Lucky me that Eddie wasn’t too busy with another girl, lucky me that he actually cares!” She snaps.
Steve is taken back by her outburst. Of course he cares about her wasn’t that obvious? “Baby that’s not- I-” he stutters. (Y/n) cuts him off before he can finish “No you were too busy with Nancy again. Eddie showed up and he saved me while you were busy comforting Nancy.” (Y/n) points out.
“I’m sorry I didn’t-”Steve didn’t even get to finish the apology (Y/n) cuts him off again. “You know what I know on the phone last night I said I wanted to give us time to work things out but it’s clearly not working. Whatever this was is over Steve.” (Y/n) insists firmly.
Eddie and Steve both look at her surprised. “(Y/n) I care so much about you just can we talk alone please?” Steve begs. 
“I don’t want to be alone with you right now Steve, I think you should go.” (Y/n) stands firm not backing down. “Baby please let’s talk just you and me I promise we can work through this.” Steve attempts again. This time he reaches out to try and grab her hand. Before their hands could connect Eddie was stepping in front of (y/n). Practically the minute their hands disconnected she was grabbing onto his leather jacket to keep some form of connection.
“I think you should go now Harrington.” Eddie insisted. Steve looked between Eddie and (Y/n). He opened his mouth to speak focusing his glare on Eddie. Before he can get the words out (Y/n)’s parents interrupt. “(Y/n) Why don’t you and Eddie go up and grab your things I’d like to have some time to talk to Wayne before he leaves for work.” (Y/n)’s father speaks. 
Eddie turned around to face (Y/n) again. “C’mon sweetheart let’s go upstairs and grab your stuff yeah?” He whispered. (Y/n) nodded pulling her eyes away from Steve. “Yeah Eds let’s go.” She whispered. Eddie wrapped his arm around (Y/n)’s shoulders leading her back towards the house leaving Steve stood dumbfounded and angry.
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Later that night (Y/n) and Eddie sit on his bed listening to a cassette. They’re halfway through a Metallica song Eddie going on a tangent obsessing over the guitar. (Y/n)’s watching him and listening intently a thoughtful look on her face. Eddie stops mid sentence smiling.
“What’s up sweetheart?” He asks. “You saved my life today Eddie.” She explains. “Just in the right place at the right time, ‘s not like I did anything too crazy.” He looks down even adding a simple shrug like it was the easiest thing in the world. (Y/n) grabs his left hand holding it and playing with the rings that adorn his fingers.
“It is a big deal Eddie you took on a serial killer for me. Give yourself some credit for once.”
“You’re my best friend of course I did.”
“This isn’t a ride home or helping me move you have a huge gash on your arm and could have died!”
“You could have died sweetheart, you have no idea how scared I was when I saw the door open and the glass busted. I thought he got you, that he took you from me. I don’t know what I would have done if I was too late. I wasn’t kidding when I said I couldn’t make it with you.”
“Eds I’m alright, I’m alive thanks to you.”
Their eyes meet and the way she’s looking at him burns right through his skin penetrating all the way to his heart. “So really Eddie you’re my hero and that is a huge deal.” (Y/n) whispers leaning in kissing his cheek only a lot slower this time. Her lips linger there and after another second she gives him another kiss. When (y/n)’s lips move they don’t pull away rather moving a bit closer to his lips giving him another kiss on the cheek. Eddie’s heart is beating so loud he can hear it pounding in his ears.
He just knows his face is as red as it feels. This time a kiss lands right at the corner of his mouth. That one makes him attempt to swallow the lump in his throat and he hates how audible it is. “Sweetheart what are you doing?” He’s whispering even though he’s not sure why. “Can I ask you something?” She completely avoids the question.
“Um sure yeah.”
“What were you doing at my place earlier?”
For a minute he worries that she’s onto him. That she’s figured it out and he’s busted. It would all be for nothing if she saw him as a villain. How would he explain that it was all for her? That he wasn’t a monster just a man in love. 
“You knew I had that date with Steve why did you come over?”
“I don’t know, wanted to see you. I didn’t like the thought of you home alone with everything going on. And well I guess I had something to tell you.”
“You’re always looking out for me.”
“You mean a lot to me of course I do.”
“What did you have to tell me?”
“It doesn’t matter now after what happened.”
“It matters to me.”
“Sweetheart trust me it can wait after everything you went through today.”
“I don’t want it to wait.”
Eddie takes a deep breath peeking at her through his bangs. They’re still so close and she’s looking at him with such concern and care. Sure she looked at all her friends with care but this was different. This was clearly a look reserved for someone very special.
“Tuth is princess I have feelings for you, have for a long time. I was trying to let it go and move on but all I’ve thought about with this killer around is you. You’ve been on my mind twenty four seven worrying about if you’re okay or not. And seeing Steve just not take it seriously bugged me. I just couldn’t get over the fact that he wasn’t trying to keep you safe.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Steve asked you out and you seemed so happy. All I wanted was for my girl to be happy even if if wasn’t with me.”
“Eds don’t you remember when you were helping me get ready for that first date I kept giving you an out. I was trying to convince you to ask me to stay. I would have stayed, I wanted to stay for you.”
Thinking back Eddie wanted to smack himself. She did ask a lot if he thought she should go and then tried to even back out by saying she was sick. Eddie was the one who talked her into going thinking she was just nervous. “Well there’s evidence I’m an idiot just ask Mrs. O'Donnell.” Eddie whispered. This time (y/n) doesn’t respond instead moving her lips to his own.
The kiss is slow maybe a little sloppy but a couple second they get the hang of it. One of her hands cups his face while his stay frozen. Part of him can’t believe this is happening. When they pull apart it takes both a minute to open their eyes. She’s smiling genuinely smiling and Eddie has to physically resist the urge to jump and down and cheer about his victory.
“You don’t owe me you know? I mean I saved you because I care about you not because I wanted something in return.” He promises. Sure that was the whole point of this but he also disn’t want her to just see him as an obligation. “I know Eds I didn’t kiss you because I felt like I owed you.” She assures him. “Then why did you kiss me?” He questions.
“I really, really wanted to Eddie promise. I’ve had feelings for you for a long time too. I thought I was okay just being your best friend but recently with everything you’ve done with how safe you've made me feel it just made me realize I wanted more than that. I want to be loved the way I know only you can.”
“You have no fucking clue how happy I am to hear that sweetheart. Can I kiss you again?”
(Y/n) barely finishes nodding before he’s pressing their lips together again. Things go a lot smoother this time both of them a lot more in sync. When they pull apart Eddie keeps his hand cupping her face and his forehead rested against hers. “That was definitely worth the wait.” Eddie whispered. “You absolutely were Eds but I’m really glad it's finally happening.” She answered. 
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Two nights later (Y/n) and Eddie are relaxing just finishing a movie. She was dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. His arm lazily draped around her. Eddie thinks this is perfect, exactly how it’s meant to be. The credits are rolling and she’s kissing him intently her hands in his hair while his move against her skin under his shirt. 
It’s going great until there’s a rustling outside. Subtle enough to be a raccoon or stray cat but enough that it could be a person. It’s loud enough to pull them apart. (Y/n)’s eyes flick worriedly to the window for a moment.
“I’m sure it’s just a raccoon sweetheart.”
“Yeah yeah you’re probably right.”
“Still just in case I better go out there and check it out.”
“Eddie no you don’t have to I’ll be fine.”
“No can do gotta protect my girl. Why don’t you grab us a snack I’ll go investigate.”
“You’re too good to me Eds you know that?”
“Not possible but get used to it.”
(Y/n) smiles kissing him again slowly, allowing her tongue to push against his own. There’s a knock at the door and they pull apart again with a loud dramatic groan from Eddie. “I’ll be waiting pretty boy.” (Y/n) teases. Eddie grins bounding over to the door while (Y/n) heads off to the kitchen. 
Shockingly enough Steve is standing outside arms crossed mad look on his face. “Harrington.” Eddie sighs crossing his own arms. “Is she here?” Steve spits. There’s an obvious hint of alcohol on his breath, scotch from what Eddie can tell. He had to drink to prepare himself for this fight.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific.”
“(Y/n), my girlfriend is she here?”
“Last I checked she dumped you but she might be around.”
“I want to talk to her.”
“Real shame.”
“Munson seriously let me talk to her.”
“Oh I didn’t realize it was serious let me think about it. Hm um no.”
“This is bullshit how was I supposed to know the killer would show up the one time I was late.”
“It wasn’t the first time but I guess you’re just lucky one of us showed up for her.”
“Lucky you after all these years you finally got to swoop in and save the day. I mean Christ you’ve been in love with her so long I’m surprised it took you this long to manipulate your way in.”
“I didn’t manipulate shit.”
“How convenient you just happen to show up and the killer vanishes.”
“And what does that mean Harrington?”
“It means that it’s really strange that no one but you saw the killer and there’s no trace of him since.”
“It’s only been two days I’m sure he’s just laying low.”
“Or it means you’ve finally snapped. Your stupid world of make believe has seeped out into the real world and you think you can use it to get to (Y/n).” 
“I didn’t use anything to get her. It’s not my fault she didn’t want to be with you anymore.” 
“Oh please like you didn’t jump at the chance to get between us. You’re obsessed with her creep.”
“Excuse me?”
Eddie knows that (y/n) can hear them and that she’s more than likely listening in. “You heard me freak.” Steve punctuated his insult with a harsh shove to Eddie’s shoulder. The push was hard enough to knock Eddie back a step. “Steve you should really go home man.” Eddie says calmly despite wanting to hit him. “She’s just gonna leave you too Munson.” Steve spits words full of venom. 
Eddie narrows his eyes at Steve ready to bite back but Steve speaks first. “That is if you don’t hurt her first, wouldn’t want another Chrissy situation would you?” He bit. “Steve enough!” (Y/n) yelled stomping out of the trailer. Steve’s angry face seems to fall. “(Y/n) listen I just-”
“You were just calling Eddie a freak and shoving him, that sounds an awful lot like shit you’d pull in high school.” She snaps. “He’s bad news (y/n). I mean come on you don’t find this whole thing the slightest bit suspicious?” Steve attempts to justify. “What that Eddie actually gives a shit? That he actually showed up and managed to save me from a serial killer while you were off playing super hero for Nancy?” (Y/n) huffs.
“How was I supposed to know that the killer would show up this isn’t fair (Y/n)!”
“We finished this conversation already Steve this is over in fact we’ve both moved on. I want you to leave!”
“You can’t seriously be picking this freak show over me? I don’t trust him (y/n) I just want you to be safe.”
“Well I am Steve and I am perfectly safe.” 
“(Y/n) please just listen! There’s something not right with him! He’ll hurt you just like he hurt those girls please!”
Steve grabs (Y/n)’s arm attempting to reason with her but Eddie steps forward pushing her gently behind him. “That’s enough Harrington, go home.” Eddie says sternly. Steve again attempts to push past Eddie nearly knocking (Y/n) to the ground. Eddie shoves him back enough to get some space. He turns around leaning down to whisper to (Y/n).
“Sweetheart go back inside and wait in my room please.” Eddie asks even though it's more of an instruction. (Y/n) looks between them but nods. “Okay just be careful please Eds.” She whispers. Eddie nods kissing the crown of her head before she disappears into the trailer Eddie turns back around glaring down Steve.
“You’re going to leave her alone.”
“I’m not the one she should be afraid of.”
“I would never hurt her, you already have.”
“I know it’s you Munson you killed all those people. I don’t know why you did it other than that you’re seriously deranged. But I know you did it.”
Eddie let out a cold dry laugh stepping closer. “Doesn’t really matter what you think.” Eddie smiled. “She’s gonna find out what a freak you are sooner or later.” Steve insists. “Oh but to her I’m not a freak I’m her hero even, all thanks to you big boy.”Eddie boats. Steve’s face falls seeing that he was truly right.
“Now if you’ll excuse me gotta get back to my girl. She made brownies as a thank you for her big hero.” Eddie says sending Steve a wink turning on his heel heading back into his trailer. Steve stands feeling completely lost. He had pretty much gotten a full confession from Eddie and there wasn’t a thing he could do. Defeated he just slumped back to his car and left.
When Eddie got inside the trailer he let himself fall onto the couch burrying his face in his hands. Even if Steve was right about Eddie killing those people the thought of (Y/n) being afraid of him hurting her struck him like a knife to the chest. (Y/n) came slowly walking out of his bedroom. She was quickly sitting on his lap wrapping her arms around his body. Eddie took a deep breath looking up to meet her gaze while resting one hand on her hip and the other cupping her face.
“You okay?”
“I’m alright Eds, are you?”
“Yeah sweetheart i’m alright It’s just- you know I'd never hurt you right?”
“Oh honey of course I know that! You make feel so safe and protected.”
“I know what people say about me that I’m the evil freak who killed all those people despite the case being thrown out. That I can’t get off without hurting whoever I’m with. That I’m the monster moms warn their kids about. But I would never hurt you ever. I care about you so much and I don’t want you to think of me like that.”
“I care about you too Eddie, nothing anyone says is going to change that I promise.”
Eddie let's out a shaky breath letting his calloused thumb slide against (Y/n)’s cheek. His big brown eyes stare right into her own. (Y/n) smiles warmly at him leaning into give him a slow kiss. He spends a couple minutes relishing in her touch in the feeling of her kiss. After all he’s earned it after everything he did to get here.
“I can’t watch what happened with Chrissy happened to you I can’t .”
“Steve had no right to say that. That wasn’t your fault. And Vecna is long gone thanks to you. I don't care what any of those people say. In my book Eddie Munson is the nicest person in the world. You would never ever hurt me. I know that without a shadow of doubt.”
“Just wanna keep my girl safe that’s all.”
“You do my big strong dork in tonfoil.”
Eddie smiles wide pulling her into another kiss. He peppsrs her face in repeated kisses on her lips, cheeks, forehead and chin. (Y/n) laughs at his attention fighting her grip around his shoulders. “Alright pretty boy let's go get you a brownie okay?” (Y/n) suggested. Eddie nodded excitedly standing up from the couch with her still in his arms. 
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