#Uodates in the works to some of the older parts of BB
bonefall · 1 year
Right of the Challenge? How does that go?
The Right of the Challenge is the basis of the "Might Makes Right" culture of the Clans. You, as a warrior, have a right to defend your honor, to challenge the border, and fight back against attack.
When Leopardfur's patrol attacked Fire and Gray on their way home from fetching WindClan, they knew full well that there was no threat to the border. They were engaging their Right of the Challenge.
You can refuse a warrior's challenge, at great social cost. You and your Clan could be seen as weak, and as cowards for not accepting. A leader, deputy, or patrol head also has the right to override any Challenge... but also at a social cost.
You see, this law was created when Morningstar refused to allow his cats to fight for their honor. He was overthrown, and his successor created the law on the spot.
BB!Morningstar is in the Dark Forest. Not because he did anything evil, but because he denied his Clan their combative birthright. He is a demon but he's actually very kind! The Dark Forest has several cats like him.
Leaders are very careful about disrespecting this law, lest they be compared to Morningstar.
Of course... there are problem warriors who try to invoke this right constantly. Besides Thistleclaw's supporters, Bluestar had general clanwide approval when she suspended his right over and over. If you cannot live by the honor to let a cat go when they're beaten, or trespass and endanger yourself pointlessly, then it is understood that you are abusing the code and undermining the StarClan-approved leader.
It's not supposed to be a free pass to act like a rogue. The Law of the Border and the Law of Honor stand strong... but Thistle Law-leaning cats have their own opinions on the state of the world.
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