#Warrior code
bonefall · 2 years
Warrior Code Redux
In doing that ask game, I was asked how I would rewrite the code. It got too big for the ask! So here’s the Warrior Code Rewritten, for my Bonefall Rewrite
(As always, it is free for anyone to use or edit to their own liking <3)
 I tried to streamline the code by eliminating redundancy, gave each one snappier names, AND I have some rough drafts for stories associated with each one! 
1. Do not Trespass = "Law of the Land"
This is now rule 1, because borders were the first thing to be established at the dawn of the clans.
  2. A True Warrior Does Not Need To Kill To Win Their Battles = "Law of Honor"
Another founding principle. The first two were established at the Battle of Fourtrees.
  3. Defend your Clan = "Law of Loyalty"
The Ryewhisker/Cloudberry story is virtually unchanged. HOWEVER, Cloudberry AND Ryewhisker are willingly joining the Dark Forest in protest. They are some of the oldest spirits there.
  4. The Weak are Fed First = "Prey Priority Privilege"/"Elder's Privilege"
This story is actually being completely rewritten, it's not coming from a celebration over a RiverClan Sunningrocks victory. Still a WIP though-- but Elders are actually the ones who extend the privilege of priority to kits, queens, the weak, and injured. Just a technical thing.
  5. Respect Prey; StarClan Sent It. = "StarClan's Grace"
Now more of a commandment about piety than about respecting prey. Wasting prey is downright sacrilegious, thanking StarClan is explicitly a prayer.
This is one of my small but meaningful (to me) sociological changes. This is the sort of law that religions often create because they're important and communicate an abstract value over generations. An individual warrior may or may not have a good understanding of land stewardship or ecology, but this law exists so they don't overhunt.
  6. Apprentices must be six moons old = "Six Moon Rule"
The Code of the Clans story is unchanged; this is also known as “Daisytail’s Law”. Brokenstar actually loopholes the hell out of this law; it says nothing about making early warriors.
(personally i think his child soldiers are horrifying but ultimately stupid. Pint-sized kittens can’t fight and do not live to become experienced warriors.)
Post-Brokenstar, this loophole is patched; an apprentice needs to be 6 months, a warrior must be 1 year.
The rule is extended FURTHER after Graystripe's failure to train Brackenpaw; a warrior taking a new apprentice must be 2 years old.
  7. A Deputy Must Mentor/Deputy Becomes Clan Leader/Deputy is Appointed Before Moonhigh = "Code of the Deputy"
Combined into one huge rule. A succession crisis split ShadowClan into two factions, lead by Mossfire and Jumpfoot, who were both what modern Clan Cats would consider 'deputies.'
Redscar settled it with his famous false sign, appointing Flowerstem as leader (Mossfire's sister) and she chose her second-in-command, Robinspot (Jumpfoot's son). Deputies were established as a hard title after this-- and there would only ever be one at a time.
  8. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily = "Right of the Challenge"
Instead of just being a no-brainer law, this is the basis of 'Might Makes Right' in the Clans. Boundaries are set where they're set, and warriors and the clans they're part of are allowed to challenge them freely.
A Clan that cannot defend its borders is not worthy of keeping them. A warrior that backs down from a formal challenge is a coward, and does not respect the Code. BATTLE CULTURE!!!
  9. A Warrior Rejects the Soft Life Of a Kittypet = “Kittypet Code“
Being shuffled, no longer formed as a response to Pinestar’s choice! It was actually a SkyClan law, in response to several cats defecting as humans destroyed their forest.
This lays the foundation for several events later; Oakstar uses this law to justify ‘crusades‘ against Chelford township cats in an attempt to appease StarClan. This directly leads to BloodClan’s formation, and Pinestar’s eventual defection.
This is the last code to be formed before SkyClan’s Exile.
  10. A Medicine Cat Serves Their Clan Above All Else = “Medicine Cat’s Vow”
Now a corruption of a vow that used to just be a point of honor for medicine cats, warped to control these powerful religious figures.
Before SkyClan’s Exile, Moth Flight created it for her and her children when they were torn apart by clan violence, when each clan wanted its own medic and sought to steal the young cats from WindClan. Its original intention was for medicine cats to value medicine ABOVE their clans, by never having a mate or kittens to fight for.
With the addition of this law, it was flipped on its head completely.
  11. No Fighting at Gatherings = "Full Moon Truce"
A big change; Ripplestar wasn’t fighting for no reason. Son of a medicine cat who had to abandon him due to Rule 10, and developing a hatred for the wrongful exile of SkyClan, Ripplestar was leading skirmishes and rebellions against the other clans. His goal was to force them into dividing their land to eventually give to a returned SkyClan.
The full moon truce was only a tradition before this point, and Ripplestar was making a point. He attacked them during a time of peace, and this incurred the wrath of StarClan. They smote him on the spot, and this event lead to rules 11, 12, and 13.
  12. The Warrior’s Vigil and the Warrior’s Pilgrimage = “The First Tasks“
Another post-exile law that encouraged obedience, albeit in a much softer way. Vigils and pilgrimages to the moonstone were only tradition before this point, just like the full moon truce, but formalized to encourage piety to StarClan.
  13. The Word of a Leader is Law = “Leader’s Rights“
The big bad one. Also sometimes called Dalestar’s Commandment, or the 13th Law. The leaders had enough of arguing, and in their minds, it was a disrespect of authority that lead to Ripplestar’s shenanigans. Warriors that didn’t know their place, medicine cats getting too uppity. The law was laid down here; that their word was always the final authority.
This, of course, was a huge mistake and is eventually reckoned with in The Broken Code arc, and replaced by the “Clan’s Rights“ to challenge a bad leader instead.
14. Kittens Are Protected At All Costs = “Queen’s Rights”
Also called Darkstar’s Commandment, formed in response to StarClan’s fury at witnessing the Mapleshade incident. Every cat involved was sent to the Dark Forest in blind fury, and Darkstar and Oakstar were commanded to add this law or be damned as well.
Darkstar correctly identified that this law would mean nothing if a queen HAD to reveal who the father of her kittens was, because then the clan would be forced to punish them if they had broken the Law of Loyalty. With the establishments of the Queen’s Right (to remain silent), if she had been disloyal, it stays between her and StarClan.
Before this time, stealing kittens from other clans and outsider groups wasn’t uncommon in order to maintain genetic diversity. That practice was abolished here, though there were a few cases of it happening in modern history.
15. The Clans Must Unite in Times of Need = “Law of the Lake”
Being formally added after the arrival of SkyClan, in AVOS instead of Bramblestar’s Storm.
A law of reparation for SkyClan’s exile so many generations ago, and an agreement after the journey, the battle with the Dark Forest, and with the Kin, that the Clans would never let a threat to one clan go ignored by the others.
16. A Cat May Change Allegiance = “Bristlefrost’s Law”
I won’t elaborate too much on this one, because as of writing this, A Starless Clan is not complete and there may be more changes to this law by the end of the arc.
However, this is the law that was created after Bristlefrost’s sacrifice to kill Ashfur. It is named in her honor.
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shadowsofcrystals · 3 months
The Crystal Codex
AKA the Warrior Code, but with slight changes
1.: Defend all the Clans, even with your life. Your first loyalty is to your Clan, but all cats who follow the Codex are your allies. Each Clan must ensure that no other Clan falls.
2.: Nevertheless, each Clan is proud and independent, with traditions that must always be respected.
3.: Your own Clan must be your first priority, but you are allowed to have friends or a mate in another Clan. Cross-Clan relationships must be respected, and the kits born from these have the right to choose a Clan to live in once they reach warriorhood.
4.: Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
5.: Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to CrystalClan for its life. Anyone who is caught wasting prey will face severe consequences.
6.: No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
7.: A kit must be atleast 6 moons old to become an apprentice.
8.: The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
9.: After the death, retirement, promotion (to a leader status), or exile of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
10.: The leader's word is law, unless it endangers the safety or independence of their Clan. In this case, the Clan is allowed to rise up against their leader, and demand CrystalClan to take back their remaining lives.
11.: A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
12.: Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
13.: Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Trespassing cats must be cautiously escorted until they leave territory.
14.: An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the code, or it is necessary for self-defense.
15.: Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night.
16.: A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
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def-not-hecky · 9 months
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hi all!!! decided to do this after reading most of ASC!!! poor frostpaw, shes seen the horrors
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sillspore · 10 months
Rippling Pawsteps Warrior Code
Not written in order of importance, but in the order they came in my head as i was writing <3
Law of Loyalty. Defend your clan, even with your life. Friendships with other clans are permitted as long as you can still face them in battle. Having a mate in another clan is forbidden. 
Law of the Land. Do not hunt or trespass on another clan’s territory. All borders must be clearly marked, and all trespassers must be challenged. 
Elder’s Prerogative. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before warriors. Apprentices may not eat until they have hunted for their elders. 
StarClan’s Gift. Prey is only killed to be eaten, giving thanks to Starclan for its life. 
Littlepaw’s Law. A kit must be six moons or older to become an apprentice. 
StarClan’s Blessing. New warriors must sit their first night in silent vigil, guarding the clan. They must, within their first moon, make the journey to the Moonstone/Moonpool to commune with StarClan. No  one is ever allowed to stop a leader, healer, or warrior on their first journey from visiting the Moonstone/Moonpool. 
Deputy’s Rights. A cat may not become a deputy until they have had at least one graduated apprentice. The deputy will become leader once the leader dies or retires. 
Night of Peace. On the full moon, all clans will come together in peace to mingle and share news. The clans shall not fight with one another during this time. 
Kit’s Right. No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from another clan, a loner, rogue, or kittypet. 
Leader’s Law. The clan must listen to their leader, their word is the word of the warrior code. 
Warrior’s Honor. A warrior may only kill in self defense. 
Clan’s Rights. If a leader is using their position to hurt members of the clan or breaking the warrior code, the clan may come together and strip the leader of their position. The current deputy will become the next leader, unless the deputy is also declared inept. In this case, the spirit guide will appoint the next leader. 
Kittypet Code. A warrior rejects living a life outside the clans, such as becoming a loner or kittypet. 
Healer’s Vow. A healer may not disclose any information they have learned about other cats from their healer duties (such as a queen’s pregnancy) without the other cat’s express permission. 
Silverpelt’s Chosen. A healer is the conduit of Silverpelt, and shall put StarClan above all others. A healer may not have kits without taking a leave from their duties, and thus must have a fully trained apprentice ready to take care of things in their absence. 
Guard’s Law. Every healer must be appointed a guard to protect them, as healers are not permitted to fight. 
Lilysong’s Law. A queen is not required to tell her clan the origin of her kits as long as the kits are to be raised under the warrior code. The crime remains between her and StarClan. 
StarClan’s Will. In times of great need, the clans must come together to help one another survive. 
Bristlefrost’s Law. A cat may change allegiances by passing the desired clan’s trials.  
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brightblueflare · 8 months
Code 1. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory — Law of the Land
The canonical rule, now made the first because borders were the first thing established in DotC.
The creation of this rule is exactly the same way it was in canon: Clear Sky was being Clear Sky, and invented borders to make life difficult for the cats of the moor.
Code 2. A true warrior does not need to kill to win their battles — Law of Honor
Another canon rule, now shuffled to be created right after the First Battle. In the Blazing Sky AU, it shook most cats to the core, I mean, they had to make a mass grave they couldn't dig in A DAY. A law was made, the Law of Honor, so that no massacre like the one that happened that day in Fivetrees (canon Fourtrees) would ever happen again.
Code 3. Defend your Clan, even with your life.— Law of Loyalty
The story about Cloudberry and Ryewhisker remains unchanged. However, many cats have willingly gone to the Dark Forest in protest for this law, at least four, including Cloudberry and Ryewhisker themselves.
Code 4. The weak of the Clan are fed first — Prey Priority/Privilege
The story from CotC is removed. This is an extension of the Law of Loyalty. Warriors must provide for their Clan, and the weakest need food. There's nothing deeper than that.
Code 5. Respect prey, StarClan sent it — StarClan's Grace
A minor change: wasting food is sacrilegious, thanking StarClan for the prey is explicitly a prayer.
This was made for a reason: individual warriors may not understand that, if you hunt too much, you won't have any more prey, but this law exists so they don't overhunt.
Code 6. A kitten must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice — Six Moon Rule
Also known as Daisytail's Law, the story remains the same as in canon. Daisytail's son was made an apprentice young because the leader wanted child soldiers, she Didn't Like That, and the rest is history.
Canon!Brokenstar actually loopholes the hell out of this one. It says nothing about early warriors.
(My Brokenstar doesn't do that for Pragmatic Villany Reasons. I find his child soldiers horrifying but ultimately stupid. Small, weak kittens killed in battle don't become grown, powerful warriors, after all.)
Code 7. Deputy Must Mentor/Deputy Becomes Leader/Deputy's Appointed Before Moonhigh — Code of the Deputy
All canon, made into one big law to avoid redundancy. The origin story for these rules is the same: succession crisis in ShadowClan, messy conflict, false sign, and the law is created.
Code 8. Borders must be patrolled and marked daily — Right of Challenge
Instead of being a senseless law, it's part of the Forest Four's Battle Culture.
Borders are set, and Clans can challenge them as they please. Cats that refuse to fight are cowards, Clans that can't defend their territory don't deserve it. Battle! Culture!
Code 9. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet* — Law of the Wild
Big change! No longer made in response to Pinestar's defection! Instead, Flystar (SkyClan leader before Cloudstar) codified an already-strong feeling, born out of his warriors defecting to become housecats while the rest of his Clan starved.
This is the last law added before SkyClan's exile, and the last one Modern SkyClan shares with the Forest Four.
(Kittypet is a slur in this AU)
Code 10. Seers must never take a mate or have kittens, and place their Clan above all else — Seer's Vow
Now a corruption of a vow, which originally had the intention of making seers value medicine and healing ABOVE their Clan. Added to discredit and hurt Larkstripe, the seer that protested the most against SkyClan's exile. Before that, there was only a gentle taboo.
Code 11. Gatherings are a time of peace, fighting is forbidden — Full Moon Truce
Added in response to Ripplestar's rebellion, as a way to prevent a battle like that from happening again. Before that, it was tradition but not codified yet.
Code 12. Apprentice Must Visit the Moonstone/Warriors Must Sit Vigil — The First Tasks
Another law created to encourage obedience, although in a much softer way than the Seer's Vow or the Law of Loyalty. Before that, both were tradition but not compulsory.
Code 13. The Leader's Word is Law — Leader's Rights.
The big bad one. Also named Dalestar's Commandment. The last law added in response to Ripplestar's rebellion.
Code 14. Kittens Must Be Protected/Queens Don't Have To Reveal The Father — Kittens Protection Law/Queen's Rights
After the drowning of Mapleshade's kittens, StarClan was furious, and summoned Darkstar (RC) and Oakstar (TC) to the Moonstone, damned all the lives they'd lost, and ordered: "Make sure this doesn't happen again, or you're next, StarClan OUT."
Oakstar Did Not Listen, and started the Crusades. But Darkstar did, and correctly realized that protecting the kittens would mean nothing if the mother had to reveal who the father was. So, Queen's Rights (to remain silent) was added as a law.
Also named Darkstar's Commandment.
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wcphasesofthemoon · 1 year
If you have made new laws for the Warrior Code in your AUs, rb this if you'd like and tell me what they are! Here is what I'm working with now:
1. A medicine cat may take a mate and have kits only if they have an apprentice or fellow medicine cat. Furthermore, a medicine cat is not permitted to treat their mate or kits unless there is no other choice.
2. If a cat has any sort of disability such as blindness or lameness, they may become a medicine cat by their consent alone. Otherwise, they may choose to serve their Clan as a warrior to thr best of their ability.
3. A cat may not be named for a disability or permanent injury, as a warrior name is sacred and cruel names are a mockery to StarClan.
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blorboclaw · 1 year
it makes me unreasonnably angry that the Erins wrote a society divided in four clans (and more) and then put in it a cat asking why it was divided instead of united against common ennemies (the cold, the hunger...) then put the bad guy in charge of explaining, not the reasons why it's a good system but why you should never question it, then have everyone for like... 40 books never question it unless they were, themselves, evil and vile people.
when there's a very, very simple explanation.
the territories are too big to hunt or patrol all of it in one day (going from Thunderclan camp to the High Stones takes about a half day, so it's not a stretch to say going from the Thunderclan/Twolegs' Place border to the Windclan/WIndover Farm border would take the same amount of time, and that's in a straight line, not by following the Shadowclan and Riverclan outer borders). So it makes sense to divide the cats in smaller groups, put in different areas, to control those areas.
same goes for hunting. you don't want to overhunt in one quarter of the forest. So again, divide the very big group into smaller group, each patrolling one quarter of the outer border and hunting in their quarter of the territory.
And by having the same cats always next to the river and the same cats always in the moor, etc., you ensure that the food sources are varied without having to teach all four (swamp, forest, river, moor) hunting/fishing techniques to every single cat. Likewise, specializing in one area for patrolling, herbs gathering, hunting, etc, saves a lot of time and trouble when teaching younglings.
and finally, why put inner borders?
for the same overhunting reasons. if you don't delimit inner borders, it's impossible to ensure that Shadowclan and Riverclan won't both hunt on Windclan territory at the same time because they just sent patrols north the same day, depriving Windclan cats from their own preys.
The reasonning is not perfect. Heck, there would probably be ways to coordinate themselves between the four groups to avoid all hunting in the same area at the same time. There could be an arrangement or at least there could even be no need for fighting over the inner borders unless prey theft was recurrent.
But the Erins chose to just say "haha no that's a dumb tradition we know but we made it a tenant of their faith and culture so we're just going to spend 40 books saying how great it is while showing how bad of an idea it is/how badly they are managing it"
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flipseed · 2 years
The Rewritten Warrior Code
- Period One: Might of Justice Era
- Cloudberry's Lament/Rule One (no inter clan relationships)
- Stonestar's Interpretation/Rule Two (trespassing among clans is forbidden)
- Splashstar's Promise/Rule Three/Privilege of the Weak (elders, queens, & kits eat first)
- Driftkit's Lesson/Rule Four (prey is killed only to be eaten give thanks to starclan)
- Daisytail's Plan/Rule Five (kits must be six moons old to be apprenticed)
- Meadowpelt's Frustration/The Night of Listening/Rule Six (vigil for new warriors)
- Acorntail's Inexperience/Rule Seven (deputies must have at least one apprentice prior to becoming deputy)
- Beechstar's Mistake/Deputy's Right/Rule Eight (deputy must be made leader after previous one dies/retires)
- Period Two: Post-Golden Era, Pre-Bloodstained Era
- Ripplestar's Rebellion/StarClan's Wrath/Rule Nine (full moon truce)
- Period Two: Bloodstained Era
- Redscar's Sign/Mossfire's Hypocrisy/Jumpfoot's Pride/The Moonhigh Doctrine/Rule Ten (new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh)
- Poppycloud's Rule/Rule Eleven (borders should be marked/checked daily)
- Grayclaw's Regret/Rule Twelve (don't neglect kits no matter where they are from)
- Darkstar's Order/Raincloud's Despair/Rule Thirteen (leader's word is law)
- The Medicine Cats Decide/The Honor Doctrine/Rule Fourteen (warriors do not have to kill to win battles except in cases of self-defense or if they are outside the warrior code)
- Period Three: Pre-Secrecy Era
- Mapleshade's Vengeance/Queen's Right/Rule Fifteen (a queen does not have to share the father of her kits)
- Period Three: Thunder's Rise Era
- Pinestar's Secret/Lionpaw's Discovery/Rule Sixteen (a warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet)
- Period Four: Fire Alone Era
- Brightheart's Honor/Bluestar's Dare/Rule Seventeen (bans cruel names like Lostface + Crookedjaw)
- Period Five: Beyond Stars Era
- Moth Flight's Vow/The Medicine Cat's Unspoken Rule/Rule Eighteen (a medicine cat cannot have kits)
- Period Five: Recovery Era
- Ivypool's Decision/The Loyalty Doctrine/Rule Nineteen (DF trainees cannot be exiled purely on the basis they trained in the DF/cats may atone through their unwavering loyalty through a series of tasks as decided by their Clan leaders and Clanmates)
- Bramblestar's Realization/The Clans Unite/Rule Twenty (the clans must help each other)
- Period Six: SkyClan's Return Era
- Mediator's Right/Rule Twenty-One (a mediator must be appointed for all Clan conflicts, and that mediator may travel as they please in order to gain a deeper understanding of all five Clans)
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aspenhearrt · 1 year
obviously parts of the warrior code like medicine cats not being able to have kits are deeply silly and bad. however, have you considered: the DRAMA
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thestarsdivided · 1 year
The Warrior Code
Here is the Warrior Code.
This post itself is mainly for consistency between all blogs, because I'll have to translate the other two languages thanks to its change in A Light in the Mist
Defend all the Clans, even with your life. Your first loyalty is to your Clan, but all cats who follow the warrior code are your allies. Each Clan must ensure that no other Clan falls.
Nevertheless, each Clan is proud and independent, with traditions that must always be respected.
An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the code, or it is necessary for self-defense.
Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
A Gathering of all five Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night.
No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice. 
The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
After the death, retirement, promotion (to a leader status), or exile of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
If a Clan member believes that their leader is no longer leading with honor and integrity, they can challenge them. Three-quarters of the Clan members, including their medicine cats, must agree. Their objections will then be presented to the leaders of the other Clans. If the other leaders agree, all medicine cats will request that StarClan remove the leader's remaining lives and give them to the deputy. These objections cannot be raised by the deputy.
A warrior or medicine cat may switch their allegiance from one Clan to another but must meet a set of conditions. The cat wishing to change Clans must perform a task of their intended Clan’s choosing. If they succeed, it will be deemed StarClan’s will that they change Clans, and their request will be granted.
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name. 
A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet. 
Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats—but a warrior must always remember that all cats follow the warrior code.
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icydeku14 · 1 year
Warrior Cat Code for my Au
Elders, queens, kits and injured cats must be fed before warriors however this does not justify hurting one’s self to try to feed the rest of the clan first
Prey is only killed to be eaten
A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice
A cat must have mentored at least two apprentices before becoming a deputy and one apprentice to become a senior warrior
A deputy will become leader after the old leader retires, dies or is exiled
A clan will welcome any cat who is willing to train and become a warrior
An apprentice must have trained for eight moons before becoming a warrior
Every cat is to be accepted by the clan no matter their background
A warrior does not need to kill unless it is necessary for self-defense
No kit is to be neglected even if they are from another clan
Each clan has the right to be proud and independent however must forget boundaries, fight side by side and help each other in times of need
If the chasing of prey begins in one clans territory it is that that clans prey
Each Apprentice must be taken to the Sunstone their first night as an apprentice
The water is a neutral ground for all cats
All appreciates must have a moon of medicine cat training
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bonefall · 2 years
The Queen's Rights
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[ID: A sketch of a white cat and her kitten]
A short guide to an important social concept in the Bonefall Rewrite, so I can have a guide to link folks to when these questions pop up.
The Queen's Rights, also known as Darkstar's Commandment, is an addendum to Law 14 of the Warrior Code. The Law states that kittens are to be protected regardless of origin, and the addition is to protect children from paying for the 'sins' of their parent.
After all, a kitten would not be safe if its parent was forced to face punishment for its birth.
Thus, Queen's Rights can be claimed by any parent whose kittens have an uncertain origin. Single parents, infertile and same-sex couples, even just adopted ones.
Law 14 was created in response to Mapleshade's kittens drowning in the river, and so the addendum is named for what should have been her right to not reveal the father. Darkstar's Commandment made it clear that if the queen has been disloyal, StarClan will judge them. Not flawed, mortal Clanmates.
The introduction of Law 14 replaced and outlawed an older tradition which kept Clan genetic diversity stable; Kitten Stealing.
More detail on in-universe feelings towards the law below the cut.
"How does this fit in with the political changes in Better Bones?"
This is an in-universe law, ergo, different cats have very different feelings about it. Each character is an individual, but generally Clan politics can be understood through the three major ideologies;
Cats who support Thistle Law are opposed to Queen's Rights.
It's antithetical to their idea of purity and punishment, and even contradicts the Law of Loyalty. Thistle Law supporters are defined by how they make the Code harden and despise its softer elements; the Queen's Rights are ALWAYS one of the laws that gets targeted.
Examples: Thistleclaw accusing Bluestar of having halfclan kittens, Brokenstar reviving kitten stealing, Tigerclaw persecuting Stone and Misty for their heritage.
Cats who support Traditionalism think its contradiction is unfortunate but necessary.
After all, three kittens died for it. Surely that was proof to StarClan that mortals aren't capable of being objective about this; there's just no way to interrogate cats on if they've violated the Law of Loyalty without catching innocent kittens in the crossfire.
Plus, having kittens with someone doesn't mean you LOVE that cat, or are loyal to them over your Clan. There's also surrogacy, abandoned rogue kits, honor sirings... so, as long as the parents are silent about the origin of the kittens, quite frankly it's rude to pry.
When secrets are revealed or when cats from other clans try to make claims on the kittens, the tune MASSIVELY changes. They will sometimes call for the enforcement of the Law of Loyalty when it's proven to have been broken beyond a reasonable doubt.
Cats who support Fire Alone think it should go further.
Some of them would even prefer that the Law of Loyalty be changed to allow mates to swap Clans, or even for cross-Clan co-parenting.
Some of them, even, secretly think that perhaps Clerics should also be allowed to raise their children.
They think that the majority of the problems with the law come from how it all still HAS to be hidden, meaning that loving parents are separated because of a border, parents can't openly ask their surrogate's family questions, and secrets are kept pointlessly.
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jumpstunsneeze · 2 years
The Code
Hunt only what you need - overhunting in one season brings starvation in the next; overeating can cause loners and other groups of cats to fight you for food
Gather each moon - share stories and tongues; remember that you are one family split into three camps
Prepare your apprentices and deputies - every apprentice should be able to complete all duties as a warrior by the time they graduate; deputies should take on more and more responsibilities as their leader looses lives
Note: Because of this, 6 months is not a hard and fast rule, but rather they average time that it takes for a cat to learn a warrior’s duties.
The safety of camp is sacred - do not break into another clan’s camp; protect your camp and the secret of it's location with your life
Do not hunt near another clan's camp - that prey is rightfully theirs; spilling blood near a camp can bring predators and doing so to another clan would be an act of war; mark near your camp to prevent this
Protect those weaker than you - elders, kits, and the injured take priority; a medicine cat must put healing ahead of all other duties; do not attack an already injured cat
This is a work in progress and may be changed or added to
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kiwianacat · 1 year
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A collection of gifs from the animation meme I finished recently! I had a lot of fun with it and I think it shows haha
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wacadoodles · 4 months
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Redesigned just a lil bit to look more hedgehog-y :)
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brightblueflare · 8 months
Code 1. Do not hunt on another's territory — Law of the Land
The canonical rule, now made the first because borders were the first thing established in DotC.
The creation of this rule is exactly the same way it was in canon: Clear Sky was being Clear Sky, and invented borders to make life difficult for the cats of the moor.
Originally included not trespassing on another Clan's territory, and excluded other groups, but both were abolished with the inclusion of Daylight Warriors, interactions with outsiders and trading.
Code 2. A true warrior does not need to kill to win their battles — Law of Honor
Another canon rule, now shuffled to be created right after the First Battle. In the Blazing Sky AU, it shook most cats to the core, I mean, they had to make a mass grave they couldn't dig in A DAY. A law was made, the Law of Honor, so that no massacre like the one that happened that day in Fivetrees (canon Fourtrees) would ever happen again.
Code 3. Defend your Clan, even with your life.— Law of Loyalty
The story about Cloudberry and Ryewhisker remains unchanged. However, many cats have willingly gone to the Dark Forest in protest for this law, at least four, including Cloudberry and Ryewhisker themselves.
Code 4. The weak of the Clan are fed first — Prey Priority/Privilege
The story from CotC is removed. This is an extension of the Law of Loyalty. Warriors must provide for their Clan, and the weakest need food. There's nothing deeper than that.
Code 5. Respect prey, Skypelt sent it — Skypelt's Blessing
A minor change: wasting food is sacrilegious, thanking Skypelt for the prey is explicitly a prayer.
This was made for a reason: individual warriors may not understand that, if you hunt too much, you won't have any more prey, but this law exists so they don't overhunt.
SkyClan didn't change the law, only the name, to emphasize that they honor their ancestors, former SkyClan members that followed them into exile. This was done to show how much they value their independence and their different culture from that of the Forest Four.
Code 6. A kitten must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice — Six Moon Rule
Also known as Daisytail's Law, the story remains the same as in canon. Daisytail's son was made an apprentice young because the leader wanted child soldiers, she Didn't Like That, and the rest is history.
Canon!Brokenstar actually loopholes the hell out of this one. It says nothing about early warriors.
(My Brokenstar doesn't do that for Pragmatic Villany Reasons. I find his child soldiers horrifying but ultimately stupid. Small, weak kittens killed in battle don't become grown, powerful warriors, after all.)
Code 7. Deputy Must Mentor/Deputy Becomes Leader/Deputy's Appointed Before Moonhigh — Code of the Deputy
All canon, made into one big law to avoid redundancy. The origin story for these rules is the same: succession crisis in ShadowClan, messy conflict, false sign, and the law is created.
Code 8. Borders must be patrolled and marked — Right of Challenge
Unlike the Forest Four, for SkyClan this is a tradition, not a law. Marking the borders is a sign of independence, one of the things they value the most about themselves.
Code 9. Medics Must Value Medicine And Healing Above All Else — Medic's Vow
The original vow, that was corrupted after Ripplestar's rebellion. However, since SkyClan's position of seer has been divided in two, seer and medic, the term seer was changed for their healer cat term of medic.
Many of the laws that came afterwards are SkyClan exclusive, due to their long separation and different culture.
Code 10. Full Moons are a time of Remembrance, Don't Speak, Don't Sleep Until the Moon has Fallen — Full Moon Vigil
A mix of the old traditions of sitting vigil after receiving a warrior name and the truce of the Gathering. SkyClan does this, both in honor of their ancestors and in memory of Skywatcher, who did this every full moon of his long life.
The only exceptions are young kittens, who don't fully understand the meaning of the tradition and need their sleep.
Code 11. Apprentices Ready to Become a Warriors Must Travel to The Whispering Cave to Contact Skypelt — Warrior's Pilgrim
Another tradition to show SkyClan's piousness and respect for their ancestors. Their own version of traveling to the Moonstone.
Code 12. The Clan Must Be Consulted/Leader Can Be Punished/Casting Stones is Compulsory for Big Decisions— Clan's Rights
A very big law. The first part was one of the first to be added to their warrior code, and the second and third were extended belief (2nd) and tradition (3rd) that were codified and added to this law later on.
Code 13. When in Unclaimed Territory Bother No Cat/When in Another's Territory, Show Respect— Sun's Light
Politeness is very important for SkyClan cats. And, if they demand respect from visitors when in their territory, they must offer the same curtesy. Name comes from towncats' belief in the Sun God.
Code 14. In Order to Become Full-time Members of the Clan, Cats Must Pass A Trial — Moon's Light
Similar to what ASC has done. Named Moon's Light because trials are done during the night, to make the distinction between full-time members and Daylight Warriors.
Code 15. A Warrior Must Help Their Allies in Times of Need — Law of the Gorge
When the gorge floods, or food is scarce, every cat is a friend. If they need help, help them.
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