#Up10tion imagines
wontune · 2 months
� dongyeol. ( solista ) lockscreen !
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slowlydiving · 10 months
let's hold out hope that this is all some grave misunderstanding!1!!11!! but also it already seems official lololol 🙃🙃🙃
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boysplanetrecaps · 8 months
Build Up Ep 1, Part 2
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Hello! When we left off in my Build Up Recap adventure, we had just finished the first part of episode 1. In this post, we'll get through more of episode 1, and we'll learn why this man is making this face!
Let's do it!
A reminder on the color coding: blue is soul, orange is allround, green is unique, and purple is power.
We just saw Seongjeong the leaping lizard do his amazing intro.
Then of course it’s time for everyone to talk about who looks like who, as seems to happen at the beginning of every variety show like this, and as usual I don’t see most of them.
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They say that Choi Suhwan looks like Onestar, and for this one, I guess maybe. (You may remember Onestar from his time as a vocal trainer on various Produce seasons.)
No one talks about how Hyukjin looks like Lee Yedam from Boys Planet/Onepact. (Or is it just me?) 
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Yedam, left, and Hyukjin, right.
Everyone says that Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T. looks exactly like Code Kunst. He doesn’t really, except that both of them have ears that stick out. Everyone seems to be talking about that, so he introduces himself as someone who wants to be as famous as Code Kunst. 
Just then (at least in the edit), V36 starts to play -- it’s Rose Blossom by H1-Key, as performed by Bitsaeon. (I’d have to assume that the song played first, then he introduced himself by name afterward…?) 
Seunghun from CIX starts dancing along as his new friend Hwanhee tries to place the song.
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Everyone seems to like the performance, including me! He sounds great, and Sunghun from CIX interviews that their voices would harmonize well. Jay says, “aju nice!” when it’s done -- I wonder if he recognized it as Bitseon, since they probably know each other.  
Bitseon gets 21 votes, and says he’ll prove himself to those who didn’t pick him. 
Seongjeong the leaping musical actor says to his neighbor Joohee that there are a lot of idols here. That leads into a montage of performances from idol singers, all of whom are wondering, will anyone like my voice? (At least, the caption says they are.)  
Seokhwa from WEi, V37
Hwanhee from Up10tion, V38  (Tomboy)
Geonu from Just B, V10
Donghun from ACE, V20 (Miracles in December)
Donghun interviews that he’s here as a main vocal, and he’s expecting to see many other main vocalists. 
Every time I see Donghun in this episode, between his loosened tie and ill-fitting blazer and tired demeanor, all I can see is a beat cop in a police procedural who's ready to interrogate a subject.
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Is it just me?
So, in honor of that, I'm going to call him "Detective Donghun" to remember him. As with all my nicknames, they're done to help us remember who is who and they're laced with love.
Kim Seoyhung says that he can’t sing stylish trendy songs, like the way idols sing. Yoon Inhwan interviews that all the idols sound the same, which is I think is unfair. Hwanhee, in particular, doesn’t sound like the others at all. Inhwan is mostly worried that their voices wouldn’t mix well, and I could say something like “I wonder if anyone’s voice would mix with yours, after you drank that gallon of milk before you sang?” But that would be mean. I try not to be mean, you guys. 
All the idol main vocalists get relatively low scores.
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Hwanhee gets 14, Seokhwa gets 15, Donghun gets 18, and Geonu gets 11. I wonder if Hwanhee’s low vote tally is as much to do with his sort of sharp vocal color? I love the way it comes through in Up10tion songs but I could imagine people worrying about his harmonizing. Or maybe they didn’t think he showed enough in his teaser, since he sang a pop song and had backup vocals. 
Meanwhile, Seunghun from CIX is super nervous. 
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It seems like he and Hwanhee have struck up a bit of a friendship. Hwanhee asks him if he often gets nervous, and Seunghun is like, I really, really do. Even at the pre-tape meeting, he was shaking. Hwanhee is like, there’s nothing to be nervous about -- you already recorded your teaser, so you can relax, right? (“Plus, we don’t have to dance!” -- Hwanhee, probably) But Seunghun is just a bag of anxiety wearing a brown jacket. 
When the voice says V1 will play, he reacts so strongly that it must be obvious that he is V1. As I said in my intro posts, I don’t think he was super successful in this performance, so I can understand why he’d be nervous. Like, you know you screwed up, and now everyone else is going to know, too. Aww, poor guy. When the song finishes playing, everyone applauds, but few had voted for him -- only 7. At the reveal of this low number, a bunch of the guys cover their mouth in shock.
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Park Jeup, he of the powerful pussy bow, said he didn’t understand the low result -- in his opinion, this is a voice that would match with anyone’s. But Hong Seongjun from BDC, he of the white jacket with the mandarin collar, said it was “lacking.” Jay interviews that he didn’t vote for it or even really listen because it was in the ballad style, which wouldn’t match with his style.
Seunghun says, “I haven’t shown 20% of my voice. I will be the vocalist that could match anyone’s voice.” Everyone applauds. Fighting! Taehwan from Vanner says to Bitseon, “It’s a voice that could match with anything,” and Bitseon agrees. That’s sweet. 
Kindly hyung Hwanhee reaches out to touch Seunghun’s shoulder. “Do you feel better now that it’s over?” Seunghun says, “I feel better, but it’s a bummer.” He says he knew that the competition would be tough, but he’s still ashamed of the result. I think he might be fighting back tears. Oh no! Poor guy. I think we’ve all been there -- it’s too late to fix it so you just have to ride it out.
After that, we jump straight to V07.
If you’re just reading the recaps and didn’t necessarily listen to all the teasers, be sure to check this one out. Just try to picture someone who’d be singing it. 
The guys all react the moment it begins to play. 
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Inhwan likes it. I think. I guess? Not sure. 
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Seunghun likes it. I think. I guess? Not sure. 
Ma Jaekyung (former Romeo) says, “oh, what a nice voice.” Bitsaeon (M.O.N.T.) says, “Wow, this is truly unique.” The vote tally immediately begins to climb. Basically, everyone loves it, even Dahee. Kim Seongjeong, our leaping lizard, says that this person has a monster talent.  Jay says, “He was the one I wanted to work with the most out of all 40 people.” Sunyoul from Up10tion is like, just tell us who it is already!! 
Park Jeup (former IMFACT), with his puissant pussy bow, leans over the red-suited Hyukjin (100%/Fave1) to point out Neon, wearing green. They think it’s him singing. 
Side note: Google translate swears up and down that Park Jeup’s name is “Taxidermy”. Taxidermy is apparently 박제술, andJeup’s name is  박제업. So the first two syllables are the same. That’s unfortunate! 
So, who could it be? Who could be the owner of this interesting voice that won 27 votes, taking over first place…? They expected someone with that voice to be kind of old, but it’s youthful, soft-voiced (when speaking) Kang Hayoon. 
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LTR: Lim Jun-hyuk, Woong, Sunyoul (in pink), Kang Hayoon in beige and light blue
He introduces himself with an anacrotic poem with the syllables of his name. “I’ll appeal strongly/ dear god, for me to debut/ please allow me.” Everyone says, “cyooo!” 
Up next is V33, sung by Neon (the one wearing green). It’s Rush Hour. Did he get permission from Jay to sing this? And did he get permission to do what he does next, which is get out of his chair and say things like “make some fucking noise!” making it really clear that he’s the one singing...? It seems at least against the spirit of the rules, if not actually against the letter, but no one is stopping him, so he’s just going to do that.  
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A bunch of them get up to dance, including Woong and Sunyoul, both of whom seem ready to have fun here. I enjoy a joiner. 
Choi Haram, in his houndstooth gray and white blazer thing, interviews, “I’m a big introvert, He looked so cool. I was jealous.” I’ll call him introverted Haram. 
Neon introduces himself as an R&B/Soul singer-songwriter. He says he ran around to give them all energy. The running around thing was maybe a mistake, because a few of them say, “oh no, I was too busy dancing to vote!” He only gets 13 votes.  Donghun from ACE would have voted for him, and I think Seokhwa would have too. Neon interviews, “Considering those who forgot to vote out of surprise, I guess I did ok.” 
We find out that Woong from AB6IX has forgotten to vote more than once -- including during Pixar character Jo Hwanji’s audition with Swing My Baby. We see a bit of Woong’s pre-show taping interview, where he is wearing a denim jacket on top of another denim jacket on top of a hoodie. Do they not heat these studios at all or what?
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He says, “It’s really hard to be the son of MNET. Right now, I’m the son of Rhymer from Brand New Music.” (AB6IX is under Brand New Music, and Rhymer is the founder.)  “But I’m open to anything. I love you, boss MNET!” 
So, how did Woong do with his singing? Let’s find out! 
He’s V11. The on screen caption says “Unique and captivating voice,” and as you know if you read my episode 0 guides, I like his singing, though I’m not quite sure how trained he is. It just sounds good. Bitsaeon points out that V11 (Woong) does well with the rhythm, and that’s true, he definitely does. As Woong dances along to his own singing, everyone is voting for him. Lee Gwangseok says, “That was outstanding.” And getting a bit of Woong’s personality along with the voice definitely makes the performance… well… sing.
Even though everyone seemed to enjoy the performance, Woong only gets 14 votes, but he stays cheerful. Woong says, “the result is different form the response. I’m still happy with the result. I’ll seize my chance and become the son of MNET. Fighting!” 
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Woong center, in blue. In the foreground you can see the back of Hyukin’s head, Park Jeup’s head, and Kim Minseo’s head. In the suit to the left of Hyukjin, that’s Yoon Inhwan, then I think that’s Jo Hwanji the Pixar character, and Lim Junhyeok in white. Behind Woong is Sunyoul from Up10tion in Pink, Kang Hayoon in the cravat, Wumuti in the hat, and Lee Gwangseok/Kwangseok in the leather jacket. 
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Fighting! Also here is a picture of Inseok from KNK for my readers who love him. Also, why does Yeo One clap that way? That’s a weird way to clap. LTR: Yeo One, Inseok, and Ma Jaekyoung from Romeo.
Most of the guys laugh and clap for Woong’s enthusiasm, but Hong Seungjun is a bit more serious. 
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His group, BDC, was also from Brand New Music, but basically disbanded in August of 2023. BDC even went on Peak Time to try to stir up some interest first, but the group was eliminated in the first round. Basically, Seungjun has had a tough road and it makes sense that he might be a little, I don’t know... maybe "bitter" is too harsh a word, but I think you know what I mean. Like, he’s been through it. And it must be extra galling that AB6IX is doing comparatively well, being from the same agency and all that. 
Seungjun voiceovers, “I thought it was odd. They’re still performing and doing pretty well. I’m wondering, what are they doing here? Especially Yeo One-sunbaenim from Pentagon.”
As if in response, Yeo One interviews, “I’ve been in this filed for a long time. I got 10 seconds, max 20 seconds in each song. I always had the third to sing for 10 years that can never be quenched. I’m here because I want to sing. I’m here to sing. I want people to watch me singing. That’s all I want.”
Then V40 plays -- it’s Yeo One. People seem to be enjoying it, and the vote tally creeps up. They like his expressiveness, which I can understand. Bitsaeon from MONT says, “I want to listen to that before I go to bed.” Personally, I put on a Jenny Nicholson video. Is that weird? Probably. Anyway, Yeo One gets 22 votes, which is pretty good. “I’m happy that people listened to me singing,” he interviews. Ok, Yeo One, we get it, sweetie. 
Little Kang Hayoon is still in first place, and Seunghun from CIX is in last. Dahee asks Hayoon if he thinks he’ll stay in first place, and Hayoon is like, “Didn’t even cross my mind.” 
But now it’s time for… V19. Will Hayoon be deposed? A rough, sweet, textured voice fills the studio. Everyone interviews things like “How can anyone even sing that well?” “It was such a deep voice. I was so surprised by it.” The vote tally is over the top -- it’s 32, leaving Hayoon in the dust. “It kind of poked my heart,” Hayoon says, of falling to second place. And whose voice is it? It’s Lee Gwangseok, the guy in the leather jacket. 
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It seems unfair to everyone that such a tall, good looking guy (his normal job is to be a model!) with no training at all can just sing like that.Well, that’s how it be, sometimes, I guess! Sunyoul from Up10tion interviews, “The world is messed up!” and laughs. 
“I never majored in singing or learned it before,” Gwangseok says. I just was hoping I’d get more than 5 votes. I’m grateful they liked my voice. As someone who dreamed of becoming a singer, I’m glad.” 
No one wants to follow that, but Jeup feels like it’s going to be him. We hear from a few of the contestants, including Hwanhee from Up10tion, that the “guy in red” (Hyukjin) and “the guy in the ribbon” (Jeup) are ones to watch. Sunyoul says that Jeup is a “monstrous vocalist”, that he’s so good that it’s like he’s cheating.
We get to hear some of V34, ie, Jeup. It is some serious technique on display. Everyone seems to respect what they heard, saying that it deserves a standing ovation and stuff like that. But the vote tally doesn’t quite reflect that. He gets only 28 votes, putting him in second place. Some of them find if very strange, including Jay and Hwang Inhyuk. 
Geonu from Just B and Sunyoul from Up10tion both interview that they’re hesitant to team up with someone so good. “Because he’s so good, I want to work with him,” Sunyoul says, laughing, “but at the same time, because he’s so good, I don’t want to work with him.”
And that’s all we see of the Voice Check! Again, if you want to hear what I think of all 40 performances, be sure to check out my “episode zero” write ups for each grouping of voices. 
Unique  Power Allround Soul
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Here’s the ranking, with the number of votes received, a brief phrase to hopefully help you remember them (what they were wearing, what they sang, their group, etc) and what category they were in (Unique, Power, Soul, Allround.) If their name is in italics, we didn’t see much of them so far, not even as reaction shots or interviews. Some of my notes to jog your memory may refer to my other write ups. 
1. Lee Gwangseok               32        leather jacket                     U 2. Park Jeup                        28         pussy bow                          P 3. Kang Hayoon         27         cravat cutie                        U 4. Lim Sanghyun         25         purple cardigan                 S Kim Seongjeong         25         leaping lizard                     S      Taewoo                     25         black shirt                          U     Jung Soomin         25         Chicago                              S 8. Sunyoul                     24         Up10tion                            U 9. Kwon Euibin         24         beige cardigan                  U 10. Jay Chang                     23         Boys Planet                      S 11. Jeong Inseong         22          from KNK                          A        Hwang Inhyuk         22         light red sweater             A        Yeo One                     22         Pentagon                           A 14. Hong Sungwon           21         Desperado                       U    Bitsaeon                     21          M.O.N.T                             A 16. Kim Seohyung         18          light blue shirt                   U       Donghun                     18          A.C.E. (Detective)            S      Jo Hwan-ji                       18         uniform/Pixar                    P 19. Ji Yeon-woo           17         suspenders                       A 20. Seokhwa                     15          WEi                                  S 21. Choi Haram         14          introverted Haram     P      Jeon Woong         14          AB6IX                              U      Lee Hwanhee         14         Boys Planet/UP10tion       U 24. Jeong Yunseo         13         red and black leather        A Wumuti                     13         Boys Planet                      U      Park Joohee         13           white jacket                     S      Yoon Inhwan         13           drank all that milk           P       Hong Seongjun         13           white jacket / BDC         A       Neon                     13          green sweater                  U       Kim Minseo         13          Rolling in the Deep         P 31. Taehwan                   �� 12          Vanner                       A                       Ma Jaekyung         12           Romeo                           S              33. Lee Minwook         11           Newkidd/ vest lover        S Geonu                     11           Just B /pink hair              A Choi Suhwan         11            Energetic                       A 36. Hyukjin                     10           red suit                         P 37. Bain                       9            orange-red hair            S 38. Seunghun                       7            anxious from CIX         A Lim Junhyuk           7            former Day 6                P 40. Jang Intae                       5            Missing You                 A
I can’t understand how on earth Kim Minseo was rated so low. I also think that Lee Minwook and Bain were much lower than they should have been. The fact that Yoon Inhwan ranked as high as he did is surprising to me -- for me, it was one of the worst performances of the teasers. I guess the guys and I have different taste in singers. 
After the reveal of the rankings, we hear from a few of the guys about how they felt. We hear from Lim Junhyuk and Seunghun about how they feel about being ranked so low, but we don't hear from Intae, despite him coming in last. Ah, MNET. I didn't even have time to miss you.
Dahee announces the next mission: The “Prefour” mission. Bain says, in English, “What’s that?” (He’s sitting next to Jay and using it as an opportunity to practice his English.) It’s where they make groups of four and perform one of these songs.
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And you’re sitting there saying to yourself “TOMBOY AGAIN?!” but no, it’s a different Tomboy.
The songs are:
Breath by Park Hyo Shin
Something Like That by Park Hwayobi
Beautiful by Crush 
Delcalcomanie by Mamamoo
다시 사랑한다 말할까 (Shall I Love You Again?) by Kim Dong Ryul
Ditto by New Jeans
Don't Go, Don't Go by Brown Eyes
If You by Big Bang
Tomboy by Hyukoh, a huge hit from 2017
Every Moment of You by Sung Sikyung
It’s is a good reminder that for Koreans living in Korea, kpop is just part of their musical sphere of influence, along with ballads, trot, and other genres. Often enough on Korean top 40s you’ll see very popular ballads, mixed in with the kpop. I think some Western listeners also like some ballads, but I think most of us aren't as interested in them, so we can easily forget how important they are in Korea.
To be clear, I differentiate between a song that is slow and an actual k-ballad. I just don't like 99% of k-ballads. The arrangements are usually straightforward and they’re played on vibraphones with cheesy percussion. Also, the style of singing is just not my favorite. and are always delivered in the most overwrought singing style ever, with way too much vibrato. It can border on operettic but a lot more nasal. I am not saying, for example, that the singing in the original of “Shall I Love You Again?” linked above is bad. I just saying that it’s really not to my taste. But meanwhile, if you watch the clip, the audience is so into it. They’re like, in tears. So who am I to say that it's bad?  This is a genre of music that just isn't for me. I will have to do my best going through this show.
Anyway, everyone’s a bit intimidated by the songs, many of which seme to be well respected classics. Detective Donghun from A.C.E. wonders out loud who would be able to sing Ditto because it has so much English in it. That must be a real issue for idols these days. Ditto is at least 50%, maybe 60%, English.
Speaking of English, my love Bain is speaking it still. When the guys find out that they get to pick the songs they want to do based on the ranking they got in the first round,  Bain says, in English: “I wanna go home!”.
Dahee explains that though the song is a group challenge, they’ll be evaluated individually. A “top tier” contestant will be chosen from each group and will get a benefit. The lower ranked trainees are spurred to promise to try even harder. 
We see a super brief clip of the guys running in all directions to choose the song they want -- I’m assuming we’ll see more of this later -- before we jump to… some time later.
And we'll pick up there in the next post, when we'll actually cover some of the performances! Thanks for your patience and I'll see you soon.
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amiharana · 1 year
RiTO doing that Silence of Idol game and Revali actually falls asleep because he works himself too much
i'm gonna be honest i had no idea what this game was until i searched it up and watched (1) a string of tiktoks about treasure and up10tion doing the game and (2) the entire episode of lesserafim on the game KDJHFHKJDSJH but i got the gist. i've been so out of the kpop loop lately
(for anyone else who may be unfamiliar with 'silence of idol' and have 15 minutes to spare, lesserafim was very entertaining to watch on the show LOL but it's essentially like a challenge simulation of kpop idols being in their trainees days and having to practice or something late at night while attempting to not get caught by their manager/trainer)
RiTO doing this game would be so silly 😹 kass and MAYBE mimo would be the only ones who would have fun with it, bc teba, harth, and revali would be so serious about it. kass and mimo trying to convince their manager to get in on the fun with their takeout fried chicken vs. teba, harth, and revali all panicking and getting ready to accept their punishment for getting caught even though it's literally just a game 😭
i can totally imagine revali genuinely falling asleep during the game 🥺 the youngest of the group pushes himself to be the best idol out there, always saying that his training isn't enough, that he needs to be more accurate in his dance moves and hitting notes, and push himself past his own limits. teba is constantly chastising revali for late nights training because revali insists on waking up with the sun too, so he's always running of <4 hours of sleep (which actually is the reality of most kpop trainees & idols anyway, but let's pretend that the loz kpop au isn't as bad 🥹).
maybe before they're scheduled to film the silence of idol, revali pulled an all-nighter practicing for their next music show performance and thus is extremely sleep-deprived. during the segment of the game where they genuinely are supposed to fall asleep, it's only supposed to be a light sleep which most of the members achieve, easily woken up by the lights turning on and the sound of the door opening. but revali, the lightest sleep of them all, doesn't budge, doesn't even react at all.
"hey, revali, wake up," mimo says, gently shaking revali's shoulder in an attempt to rouse him. "it's time to start practice." nothing.
teba and harth come up on revali's other side, crouching beside him on the floor. "don't play games, kid, we're supposed to start practicing in a few minutes," harth says gruffly, poking revali in the forehead. the second youngest of the group is as serious about keeping up the act as he is about playing the game.
teba swats his hand away from revali's face. "don't do that," he says, before refocusing back onto their youngest. "revali, are you really sleeping?" still no response.
I'M . IMAGINING THIS SCENE THE WAY THEY WOULD SAY AND EDIT IT THE WAY ACTUAL KPOP IDOLS WOULD so in my head it's like a close-up of revali snoozing and curled up in the blankets and there's a caption that reads something like "RiTO maknae Revali is so peaceful when he sleeps~ 🌸" and "doing his job as the maknae flawlessly; he sleeps like a baby! 👶 [baby laughter sound that all the kpop idol editors use]". teba standing up to rub at the back of his head and chuckling awkwardly; "i guess revali really did fall asleep..."
they end up pausing filming as the members sit by their youngest, the managers talking with the film crew, as revali continues slumbering on. kass and mimo are taking pictures of revali and giggling to themselves about how cute and peaceful he looks fast asleep, meanwhile teba is worrying about how revali has been working too hard lately and is probably why he fell asleep and didn't wake easily as he usually would.
"should we cut down practice sessions?" teba says to harth.
the second youngest just shrugs. "he already practices extra in addition to our regular sessions. you're not gonna be able to stop him from practicing more unless you physically restrain him." teba sighs; harth is right.
the managers decide that they're just going to take revali back to the dorms to keep sleeping and have a check-up to make sure he's healthy and not overdoing it. the rest of RiTO can continue filming for the comeback promotions, and they're fine with it albeit worried for their youngest. that's when revali begins to stir, mumbling and shifting around in the blankets, the rest of RiTO beginning to crowd around him again. (the cameras are still rolling KJDFKJDSF)
"hello, our lovely maknae~" kass greets him softly. "did you sleep well?"
"slept?" revali mumbles, blinking sleepily back up at the second oldest. "wha... only closed my eyes for a little... didn't even sleep that long..." and kass has to hold back a laugh, pursing his lips.
"that's right, revali," mimo whispers, also trying to keep in a laugh. "but it's still too early for practice, so you can go back to sleep for a little bit until it's time. we'll wake you up, okay?"
revali nods slowly, eyes falling shut as he curls back up into the pillow and blankets. "okay, hyung" he yawns. "you better... wake me up..." and falls right back asleep 🥹
the rest of RiTO and their managers are all trying not to laugh, taking a video of their sleepy maknae curling back up so cutely to sleep. the normally sharp-mouthed youngest is so sweet and cute when he's sleepy, why can't he be like this all the time? 😹
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knize-strachkvas · 2 years
so i'm not going to watch boys planet bc a) i hate mnet and i don't trust them to treat the boys fairly b) i do not hate myself enough to go through that shit again when i know its just getting worse and worse with each season. that shit is rigged. we know it, mnet knows we know it.
BUT just the bits and pieces that i see online...oh my fucking god that show is so unserious and just so fucking stupid and they don't even bother to hide it anymore?
1. dividing the trainees into koreans (mnets favourites) and the rest of not-that-interesting trainees that are not fortunate enough to be koreans is just bullshit. like dividing them before the show aired during the trainee reveal? weird, but okay i guess. but not letting them perform together for the introduction performance and putting them according to their nationalities? what the actual fuck mnet. tell me one good reason why all nine.i members that are stuck there couldn't perform together when they are already debuted team? jiho and seowon performed as duo and winnie was put with another thai trainee? that was just unnecessary.
2. mnets pushing the narrative that the koreans trainees need to be better then the rest bc this is kpop and koreans just need to be the best in everything just probably creates unnecessary tension between the trainees. no mater how u edit the performances to make the korean trainees look way better and edit out the foreigners with actual talent, it will just crumble down bc mnets editing is shit and it just creates drama where i want just good vibes (yes this is mnet i know i will not get good vibes its not my first rodeo....i watched ioi's season i know shit or two)
3. jiwoong. thats it thats the tweet...no okay. honestly i got worried for jiwoong when he was announced as a contestant bc mnets is shit but worse, mnet is homophobic shit and hell i don't trust them to treat jiwoong right. for now, it seems like they are just using jiwoong for views. jiwoong is brave for saying out loud right at the beginning that he acted in bl drama and didn't try to push it aside. also everybody else playing their parts and being in love with him is just amusing and i hope they are enjoying it. jiwoong is collecting men everywhere he goes and honestly, good for him.
4. hui (and any other contestant that is in active group tbh) like im so fucking confused what the fuck is cube doing. we all know that cue is shit and is not good in dealing with crisis situation but ?!?! this one is stupid even by their standards. hui literary produced songs for mnets little shitshows before. he was a mentor for people who are now going to mentor him. that's just laughable?? hui doesn't deserve any of this. he is way too old for this shit. and in any mean i mean he is too old to be an active idol. hell no. but the rest of the trainees are more than 10 years younger. u can't want him to take care of a bunch of kids that should be in school and not in this circus. also, i dont even want to imagine how much it would have an impact on pentagon as a group - or any group in general. if a trainee that is already a member of an active group (so pentagon, nine.i, up10tion (what the fuck, why), ciipher etc) what the groups would do? would they have the same contract as x1 should have? bein half and half? i can imagine that could go as smoothly as any other mnets ambitious (stupid) plan. the boys would be overworked in no time and the time management? yeah, hell no. and yes it kinda worked with victon but swoo was back way sooner then they planned, or with nuest (good for them). on the other hand, it definitely didn't worked for anybody else with was mostly the companies fault by not taking the chance properly and mismanaging them.
5. the evil editing. we all know mnet is really good at evil editing but every damn year there are people believing it. like why????? mnet has its favourite and its so obvious. its actually so fucking painful to watch. it was obvious even just from the teasers. i understand that that's the point of the show. the more drama the more views for mnet. bad publicity is still a publicity :)
okay im done now. in conclusion, dont vote for a contestant that is a member of an active group (stan the group instead) and for the love of god and everything holy please dont trust mnet :)
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winterviolet1 · 1 year
All request for reactions, scenarios and imagines and others are open:
The groups I do:
Groups/Soloists I plan on doing or is request:
Stray Kids
Kang Daniel
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changbeens · 2 years
your up10tion content?? makes me want to follow you all over again like if there was an option where I could click the follow button and follow you thrice I would like?? you're talenting on main and it's giving me giddy joy (and also i don't know them but ofc now I have to check them out) I genuinely went to your blog and was like it's shame I follow you already. keep on being awesome, I hope you have a good day!! (@skz-maybe-incorrects )
ah, looking back over my old content made me realise how bad i used to be at everything lmao but i was one of the only people around making up10 content at that time so it had to be done. imagine how good it all would have been if i'd been making up10 content now
now is as good of a time as any to get into them, they just terminated their contracts with their ultra shitty company but claim they're going to continue so i guess now would be a good time to get ready for the up10 rebirth
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seokmattchuus · 2 years
Dreamy - Wooseok
A/n: Not my best. I'm so sorry. Did I proofread? I don't know. I'm so sorry pt. 2.
- Requested -
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You were kneeling on his bed, his soft blanket pressing against your knees. His grip tightened on your throat, waiting for your response. You knew he wanted an answer, but you couldn't find the words.
"You know nobody fucks you better than I do." He smirked down at you. "How could you think he'd compare?" He shook his head with a tsk as he let go, a small whine coming from you.
"See? I already have you wrapped around my finger." He scoffed. "How pathetic."
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks, but you didn't mind. He liked seeing you like this.
"What should I do with you, hm?" He thought out loud, his head tilting to mock you.
He turned and pondered on the thought, too many ideas running through his mind to pick a single one. Until it hit him. Maybe he shouldn't do anything at all. Why would he? You didn't deserve it.
But you were sitting pretty on his bed. He could let it slide, right?
He turned back towards you, a small smile forming as he took in all of you. He was surprised you even showed up but he would never let you know that.
But he was going to let you know that your decision to leave was something to regret. Not that you didn't already know that.
"What's the point in giving you what you want? Who's to say you're not going to run back to him?"
Part of him didn't care that much given how you came back anyway, but the other part of him was genuinely hurt. He didn't want to see you with someone else. He didn't even like the thought of it.
"I won't." You shook your head. "I'll stay. I'll never think about anyone else again."
He smirked and licked his lips. You always knew what to say.
"You're always such a good girl for me." He smiled down at you, his hand softly caressing your cheek. His thumb resting over your lips, a silent signal for you to suck on it. Once your lips parted and wrapped around it, he hummed. "Are you this good for him?"
This time he didn't want an answer. His thumb pressing down onto your tongue to open your mouth. The jealous part of him was always like this, but you weren't complaining.
"I don't doubt it." He scoffed as he held your mouth open. "You're always eager to please."
You wanted to tell him he was wrong. That you're only a good girl for him. That you were stupid for thinking someone could replace him because of course the one person you find ends up being the tamest motherfucker you've ever met.
But you couldn't.
Not only because of his thumb, but all the words were stuck in your throat. Even if you could, you didn't know the order to say them, or if he even cared to hear it. It would just give him more to hold against you.
His thumb slipped out of your mouth and dragged down below your chin, lifting it slightly.
"Say it." He looked down at you.
You played dumb, giving him your best innocent eyes in hopes he'd let it slide.
"You forget that I know you." He scoffed with a smirk. "The look on your face says it all." His hand traveled down to your neck, wrapping itself around, but not squeezing.
You tensed at the touch, your breath hitching as you waited for the grip.
"Say it." He repeated. "And I'll give you what you want."
You swallowed hard at the promise. He knew you wouldn't be here if you had successfully replaced him.
"I-" You licked your lips, swallowing again as his eyes stayed on yours. "I need you."
He pressed slightly, forcing a frustrated whine out of you.
"We both know you can do better than that, baby."
"I need you, please," You whined. "I was stupid. I never should have left that day." You continued. "I thought I wanted something more than sex but once I found it, it wasn't good enough." You let out another frustrated sigh. "He's nothing compared to you." Your eyes took up the begging part, needy tears glossing over them.
His grip tightens a little more.
"I just really need you." You whimpered, wanting nothing more than for him to push you back and give you something, anything. Even if he was just teasing. You'd put up with teasing all night if it meant he'd finally touch you.
"And why should I?" He raised a brow, pushing you back by your neck and holding you there. "How could I take something that's not mine?"
"I'm yours." You breathed out. "All yours."
There was no hesitation to your response, and you meant every word.
"Mine?" He scoffed as he tightened his grip again. This time for him. "But you let someone else touch you?" He tightened it again. His voice coming out deeper as his emotions got the best of him. "Let someone else fuck you?" His grip had fully tightened. "I bet you let him taste you, too, huh?" His lip twitched as the words came out, almost as if that was the worst part.
You wanted to shake your head, but his hold was too strong.
"No." You breathed out. "He's only touched me." You closed your eyes. "But nothing compared to you."
The corner of his lips curved into a smile.
"Then I guess I should give you what you want."
You let out a small breath of relief as he pulled you back towards him, smashing his lips to yours.
The kiss was everything you'd been wanting. It was rough, but passionate. His hands wrapped around your face as he leaned over you, the pressure pushing you back onto the bed while he climbed over you.
You sighed into the kiss as his hand trailed down to your waist, lightly teasing before going back up. You wanted to complain about it, but you let it go, not wanting to distract him.
He moved his lips down your neck, pressing light kisses down your chest and towards your hips, smirking when you squirmed.
"Watch me, baby." He whispered teasingly as his hands pushed your thighs apart. "I want you to see how much better I am than him."
The tone held a hint of jealousy, but it only made you more needy. The closer he got to you, the more anxious you got until his breath was hitting you lightly.
"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, as he woke you up, his voice full of concern. "You're covered in sweat."
"I-" You stop yourself to breathe, reality finally hitting you as you take in your surroundings.
Kevin's room.
Not Wooseok's.
"It was just a-" You sigh and offer him a small smile in hopes to reassure him.
"Just a dream."
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Angstober D31: Restrictions - Kuhn
Angstober 2021 Masterlist
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Pairing: Sooil x GN Reader
Genre: Angst, Potential fluff right at the end
Summary: Some of the worst things are done with the best intentions.
Warnings: Hurtful words, breakups, crying, cursing.
Word Count: 330
“You want to break up? Fine with me, you’re nothing anyway. I’m the one who’s famous after all.” Sooil tries to come off as confident, not wanting to break in front of you. However, his eyes betray him. Unshed tears bubble up into them as they shatter before your eyes. Your only desire was to hold him and convince him this wasn’t happening, but you couldn't because his company gave you no choice. So here you were ending things somewhat on your terms. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to handle these feelings, so instead, you just left him there to handle his heartbreak alone like you were going home to do. 
His manager stepped out from where he had been watching the scene, smirking slightly, as he mumbles around his glass, “They’re a smart one...I didn’t think they would actually listen. Thought I was gonna end up having to interfere.”
Sooil’s brow twitched managing to pick up what his manager said between his quiet sobs, “What the fuck do you mean, you thought you were gonna have to interfere? Did you threaten Y/N?”
His manager’s eyes widened, watching the man with a fiery vengeance burning in his eyes slowly advance on him, “ I mean not personally...the company gave them an ultimatum. To either break up with you themselves or continue to cause problems until you two had no choice but to break up.”
Sooil stood stunned for a moment before snapping out of it and racing out the door to chase after you. He couldn’t let you go, not like this. So he was going to actually do something about it. Catching up to you, he grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest to hold you tight afraid you might try to run off again.
“Company be damned! I'm living the life I want, and the life I want has you in it. So please Y/N don’t let me defy them alone...stay by my side.”
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kollageimagines · 4 years
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I’ll be your stars and shine your way~ with UP10TION's Wooseok
Happy Birthday♡
Please like or reblog if you save!
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cryseung · 5 years
𝒯𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒
Your boyfriend, Wooseok, and you get into an argument over how intensely jealous he gets when you cross the line leaving him vulnerable. 
Warnings: Smut 
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You are so tired. You are so sick and tired of this shit. As you sit on the couch with your elbows resting on your knees you cover your face, melting with anger. "So what," you say, almost afraid to speak. "You just thought I'd never find out?" When the silence begins to choke you, you spring up from the couch and death glare Wooseok. He's leaning his shoulder against the wall staring back at you with those deep devilish eyes, one foot crossed the other one. "Say something." Your throat burns as tears begin to swell in your eyes. Wooseok, never breaking eye contact, steps towards you. "Say what? That I caught you?" He smirks before sizing you, sending chills throughout your body. “Or did you want to be caught?” His voice is so enchanting, even when he’s angry, and scary, he could make you do anything, but not tonight. Not tonight after what he did. “You are delirious!” You scream. “You literally threatened my classmate. For what? Studying with him? Do you really think I would ever do any of those things you're afraid of?” At your words his eyes darted into yours. “And what am I so afraid of?” His voice is heavy and you feel it weigh down on you. He steps forward once more, making you step back against the armrest of the couch. “You tell me.” You whisper biting your bottom lip. Wooseok swiftly wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into him. His eyes are observing your shocked face. When his lips touch yours it's like electricity shocking your core. His kiss starts to get harsh as he slips his tongue in and wraps his fingers around your neck. These kisses are painfully getting more familiar. When he kisses you like this, heated and grasping for control, it frightens you. Yet you can't help but feel tingles run down your body. When Wooseok let's you breathe you're gasping for air. His fingers leave your neck and grab both sides of your plushy cheeks. “I'm afraid you'll leave me.” His voice doesn't match his needy words as you feel your heart pulse insanely. You're about to tell him anything to fill that fear in, to finally close it up, when he turns you around with such force you gasp. You clasp on the leather armrest as you feel his slender fingers rub you shoulder and then slowly down your back. Your bare skin that's exposed from your spaghetti strap replies with chills. A soft moan escapes you as his lips kiss your shoulder repeatedly. His breath is warm and inviting as you feel the wetness in your panties surge. His kisses follow his fingers as he lays kisses on your upper back. His hands grab your waist and slowly edges down your curves. He plays with the hem of your dress before putting his lips to your ear. “I'm afraid,” he slowly lifts up your dress and his fingers find the entrance of clothed core. “Of someone else making you this wet.” He slowly slips two fingers inside of you sending a jolt of pleasure throughout your body. You can't stop the moans eloping out of your mouth as he slowly places his thumb on your timid clit. He's gentle while he rubs it as his lips reach your neck. At first he just delivers soft kisses but then he starts leaving marks on you and mixed emotions of pain and pleasure consume you. He adds another finger before pumping harder into you. He groans at how amazing you sound, how provocative you are right now. Just moments before you were yelling at him now you're about to cum at his control. “W-wooseok.” you barely breathe out. “What is it, baby?” His voice is vile with a hint of amusement coating it. “I'm going to cum.” You cover your mouth from the embarrassment in those words, you know how much he likes it when you tell him you're reaching your limit. His lips are at your ear again. “You can only cum for me, do you fucking understand?” He bites your earlobe as he brutally thrusts his fingers and you feel yourself tighten when his thumb runs on your clit harder. “Wooseok!” your orgasms always feels so incredible, intoxicating when you call out his name. You're gasping for air when he slips out of you and pulls you into a hug, his head resting on your shoulder. His voice is enchanting. 
“I'm sorry, I love you.”
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I love jealous Wooseok. And of course there’s going to be more jealous arguments, just don’t fuck with his girl ya know.  
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wontune · 2 months
� dongyeol. ( solista ) lockscreen !
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suhlut · 5 years
Piece of Peace ✩ Wooseok x Reader
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Pairing: Kim Wooseok x Reader
Genre: Fluff. Major Fluff. Toothache Fluff.
Song Recommendation: Dreams Come True by NCT 127 & Piece of Peace by J-Hope
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It was one of those beautiful spring days, and you were sitting on the window seat in the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, Wooseok. You were just gazing out onto the field in front of you, taking note of the boats that were scattered over the sea, you sighed happily which caught the attention of Wooseok as he gazed over at you, he smiled at the sight of you and closed his laptop in an instant before walking over to you, sitting beside you, “Love, why don’t we take a walk? The beach looks pretty right now, don’t you think?” You felt your cheeks flush as you listened to his words, before looking up into his deep brown eyes, nodding softly as you tugged your bottom lip into your teeth, “I’ll go get dressed!” You jumped up, taking off to your room and getting dressed in a long pale yellow dress that was one of Wooseok’s favourites.
Not long after, you joined your boyfriend downstairs as you slipped on a cardigan, then felt his arms snake around you, “Why are you just so damn gorgeous?” He whispered softly against the side of your face before pressing a soft kiss against your cheek, “I ask the same thing whenever I wake up in your arms,” You spoke softly, before turning around to face him and smiled a little at the way he gazed at you, you could practically feel the fondness radiating from the way he looked at you, his small smile where his teeth peak at you had your heart beating incredibly fast, you quickly pressed a peck to his lips before pulling him along to the beach after he locked up the apartment, living by the beach was one of your requests when he asked you to move in with him, something that Wooseok definitely started to love his new home the more he lived there, the way it was so peaceful and calm, it feels like an entirely different world where time stops until he has to go back to his idol duties.
Soon enough, you both reached the shore, you smiled looking around before closing your eyes letting the cool wind hit your face then you kicked off your shoes and ran towards the water. Wooseok leaned down, picking up your shoes before joining you along the edge of the water, he smiled as he watched you danced in the water, he felt his heart tighten at the sight, the way your hair danced in the wind, the bright sun hitting your face perfectly, he bit his lip before reaching out and taking your hand, pulling you into his chest, with a small smirk, with his hands holding your face, he leaned in and kissed you softly, it didn’t take long before it turned into something passionate then you pulled away, “Wh-what was that for? We’re in public, baby..” Your words coming out in a pout as he was still holding your face, looking in his eyes feeling your cheeks burn red at the way he was looking at you, “Because you’re my piece of peace and I don’t care. I want everyone to know that I’m dating the human personification of the sun.” He glanced towards the bright sun as he made his statement before back to you, noticing that you were pouting as tears began to fall, “Oh, don’t cry~” He cooed at you, wiping your tears away, holding you close with one hand on the back of your head, petting your hair, “I just don’t want to hide my love for you anymore. I want everyone to know that I’ve found my person.” You listened to his words, whining a little as you couldn’t believe how perfect he was and felt your heart beat incredibly fast, and in that moment you knew he was your first and last.
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A/N: i love this... the way i cried whilst writing this??? wooseok really just is my love and writing about him is so soothing,,, i love him.
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yvnseong · 5 years
get to bed love ༄ kim wooseok
↳ boyfriend wooseok takes care of sick reader; 0.3k
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“Y/N wake up.” He sighed at the sniffly girl sat before him on her desk fast asleep, “Y/N you should be resting on the bed like I left you what are you doing here?” His hands gently shook her until she gave up. She lifted her head groggily, wiping under her nose with her sleeve before simply laying her forehead against his stomach as he stood before her. His hands gently carded through her hair as he smiled ever so gently at her.
“Wooseok I have to finish this report in time. Please let me finish it?”
His eyes stared down at her, he examined quietly looking at the bags that rested beneath her eyes, and her very low will to move. His head shifted in the direction of her laptop, phone, and notebook, he simply shook his head before sighing, “I’ll let you finish, on these conditions: you stay in bed while you do this, you eat before you get started, and you sleep at your regular time.” She grinned softly up at him, he gently leaned down and placed a chaste kiss against her forehead smiling, “Now get to bed love, I’ll starting making food. Don’t worry about it, I’ll take everything you need there too.”
Wooseok sat in bed with Y/N watching as she tiredly typed away on her computer. “You should get to bed love, or would you like to continued typing till you fall asleep and wake up with a neck cramp for not deciding to take a break and sleep?” He smiled gently as her tired head landed against his shoulder lazily, her eyelids closing before opening slowly, “Fine. You win Wooseok.” His smiled widened, he was content, he then stood up and put away each of her things, and came back to adjust the bed.
He joined her in bed shortly, pulling her close as they laid with her back against his chest. He turned off the lights and kissed her head giggling quietly to himself as he heard her deep breathing,
“Goodnight love.”
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carat10library · 4 years
UP10TION Scenarios
 JINWOOK: Although he was smiling you can tell something was bothering him. You were being careful as to not spoil his mood. He looked happy anyway, so you decided not to ask. But in the end your curiosity won. “Perhaps you have something to tell me?” In reply, he dropped his gaze on his coffee and mumbled, “I do but it can wait till tomorrow, I think.” Your heart throbbed in excitement. On the other hand it made his heart race as well, remembering the tiny black velvet box lying peacefully in his drawer back home.
SOOIL: Hanging out with him was never boring. No matter what he said was too funny for you. Luckily the other customers were busy with their own conversations. No one paid you attention in that diner. “Will you ever stop being funny? It feels like I’ve been laughing for two hours straight,” you said, grinning. “You’re too serious. Take things lightly. You should laugh more.” Grateful, you stared at him with his words still ringing in your ears. For him it’s the sound of your laugh that he likes to hear.
MINSOO: Admiring the exterior of the coffee shop, you suddenly got the impulse to buy something to drink from it. The tiny bell rang when you opened the French doors. The interior was more classy and beautiful. It was like you were somewhere in Europe. The feeling of someone looking at you made you turn your head. And there he was, sitting alone with a cup of coffee in front of him. You thought you saw him smile at you before you looked away.
JINHYUK: Confused and surprised, you stared at him. Seeing him outside your house wasn’t a normal thing for you. “What are you doing out here?” he asked before you could say anything. It should be you asking him that question. “I live near here,” you responded casually. “What are you doing here? You’re not from here.” He put his hands in his pockets and sighed. “I’m just passing.” The answer sounded uncertain to you. “I’ll be going then,” you said, leaving him dismayed that he didn’t talk to you longer when he actually waited for you.
CHANGHYUN: What he’s playing on the piano made you want to close your eyes, but you didn’t. You can’t help but admire him. He’s always a surprise. The music stopped and he said, “Come here.” He patted the space beside him. “Let’s play that piece we practiced before.” Immediately you remembered the notes of the piece he taught you years ago. He began playing the first notes and then you followed. You were too focused with the keys that you didn’t notice he was smiling every time your fingers brushed with his.
WOOSEOK: “Sorry I won’t be able to meet you right now. I’ll call you later,” you told him on the phone. You really wanted to see him but you just can’t say no to your boss. Work was the reason why didn’t get to spend quality time with him sometimes. “Alright, don’t stay out late,” he advised. “I’ll wait for your call.” The excitement in his steps died as he signed off for work. He understood how you busy were. Maybe today’s not really the right time for you to know.
YEIN: “Are you going to leave?” he asked after you stood up. You heard a hint of sadness in his voice and noticed a crease on his forehead. “Well, it’s getting dark and we’re done studying anyway.” He was already packing his textbooks in his bag that littered the table. “I’m not,” you corrected him. “I’m thinking of going to the convenience store, do you want anything?” The patrons in the public library were leaving one by one, so he thought you might do the same. “Don’t go alone. I’ll go there with you,” he said. “Okay,” you responded, trying hard not to smile.
GYUJIN: The subway was already crowded when it arrived at the station. It’s the rush hour and you’re thankful to be able to catch it. Your eyelids were drooping in tiredness, but you fought sleep. There’s not a seat available, so you can’t afford to lose your balance. As the subway was approaching the next station, you turned to look at your left where he was standing beside you. Finally the train halted, with him bumping into you gently. It was awkward and accidental—a kiss on the forehead that wasn’t really a kiss. “I’m sorry,” the tall guy mumbled. You peeked at him only to see him blushing in embarrassment.
HWANHEE: Sighing, you blinked your eyes as you get your books from your locker. You left your glasses at home again, or so you thought. He was standing beside you when you closed the locker door. “You dropped this,” he uttered, handing your notepad back. “Thank you,” you said, smiling. “I didn’t notice. Like how I forgot wearing my glasses.” You’ve never talked to him casually like this before. Suddenly it felt good seeing him. He smiled and pointed at your head. “Turns out you forgot you’re wearing them,” he said, smirking. That smirk added to the reasons why you got flustered.
DONGYEOL: Tiny drops of rain began falling. Too dazed at the look he was giving you, you ignored it. “Would you change if i… if I tell you,” he stuttered. “Since I met you, I’m always happy. I like being with you.” he pulled on the hood of your jacket to shield you from the drizzle. Now that you noticed it, his proximity caused your mind to malfunction. He even took a step closer, making you speechless. “I want you to know that I like you. Do you feel the same about me?” he asked expectantly. “Yes,” you breathed, nodding your head in reply. He smiled, taking your hand.
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mestizalectora · 5 years
[21:46]  Seungwoo enters the living room and looks at you with a confused face for a second before plopping down in the chair in front of you, joking about how you’re “peting your cat like the villian of a movie”. 
He says this because Wooseok is fast asleep in the couch with you, his head on your lap while your fingers run through his hair with care, almost unconsciously. You laugh at the comment maybe a little bit louder than you expected, because this seem to make Wooseok move in his sleep, his arms sneaking around your waist and pulling himself closer to you.
Seungwoo leaves the room, complaining about the scene he just witnessed.
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