#Using ibsm404's translation because it's just impossible for me to translate all of that
hidoimurasaki · 3 years
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Looks delicious! But there’s coriander in there. Ayano dislikes coriander so Ibuki was the only one who didn’t eat it xD They put something else on his plate if I remember correctly xD
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Oh! They sent Gama-san a fax! Those don’t exist in my country anymore so I didn’t notice before xD
The bold japanese text says something like “Gama-san, could you ask what it’s written here?”
Not sure why Itomaki was unable to translate the Vietnamese text with google translate or something but I did find a blog post that explains in detail all of the vietnamese phrases used in this episode and a more in-depth reason behind the numbers. It’s in japanese but auto-translate does a decent job.
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I can’t not notice stuff now that I know...!
Gama-san uses a flip phone xD
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Oh wow! There’s an entire extra bit in the DC version! Watching the on-air version got me thinking “if they know so much why are they not doing anything to prevent it?” but this scene explained quite a lot! Captain Kikyo poked at capitalism and at the government incompetence and compliance! No wonder it got cut. Shima said that there are close to 3000 Japanese Supervising Organizations (Maybe? LIke... 管理団体 - Kanridantai?) and they can’t get around to check ever single one of them to determine whether or not they’re illegal.
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The guy referred to foreigner students as human resources, talked about them as if they’re mere objects...
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This dorama is a lot different than other police doramas out there. Not your typical “newly formed task force overstepping and doing another division’s job”. Like... It’s so weird how people from forensics or cyber crime or whatever go out of their way to arrest the suspects, you know? But then we have MIU... Their job is done. And the story progresses naturally. It’s frustrating for Ibuki but I like it xD
I wonder how much research Nogi-san did before writing MIU404... She did a really good job!
Also... Usagi-san on the shelf, right above Ibuki’s head <3
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“Kono sekai ga dai kirai”... “I hate this world”... Poor Mai-chan...
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They’re getting scolded xDDD
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So this episode takes place around June 13th, 2019, a thrusday.
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Backstory! Backstory! Backstory! <3
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Too close!
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Something causing hyperventilation and a lot of frustration... Feels like trauma to me =/
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“Why do Japanese people hate foreigners? (...) If they don't hate us, then why are they so mean? We come here to work because Japanese people don't have enough workers. We work to meet their needs. In Vietnam, there are many electrical appliances from Japan. Many Japanese companies. They're beautiful. Cool. Everyone wants to go to Japan. It's a dream. But Japan doesn't need us. What they want... Are those who don't complain... Don't say anything... And don't cost money. Working robots!”
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Ibuki just... Listens to her.
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“I didn't want to hate Japan...”
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Ibuki went from just listening to not knowing what to say. But I mean... What do you even say to someone who’s feeling like that? I can only imagine how she’s feeling. It’s not just disappointment or betrayal... It’s almost some sort of... Grief. And it hurts. Deeply.
Kudos to Phongchi and her outstanding performance in this scene... Made me cry ;-;
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Moments like this show us they’re getting closer I think =)
And doing some more research, I couldn’t find much about how being called a snail is regarded as an insult in Vietnam...
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Ibuki: “Is our country’s sin our sin as well? (...) Even if I apologize... It won’t save hundreds of thousands of people who are treated like robots. I wonder, how can everybody be so okay with it?”
Shima: “Isn’t it because we can’t see it? It’s easier not to see it. Once we became aware of it, our world would shift slightly. And when we realize that gap, we either run away... Or we choose to close our eyes again...”
Heavy stuff...
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Too close!
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Ibuki is sniffing Shima xDDD I need to gif that xD
The entire conversation was really nice. A bit of comedy to balance the heavy stuff without being too much.
And Shima himself said that he’s suited to be a detective... While Ibuki presents this... Innocence as a cop. I love it so much! <3
Also... The next bit was a scene with no cuts and so much text! Ayano did a good job!
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Cute xD
Not sure how threatening to beat Mizumori up equals threatening  Shima, but ok I guess xD
Shima now knows how to deal with Ibuki behaving like a kid xD More or less anyway xD
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“Natsuku na! Natsuku na!”, Shima said xD
Natsuku is an interesting word/expression.
They’re definitely getting closer!
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hidoimurasaki · 3 years
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Continuing after a few very stressful days...
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Shima is so... Blunt sometimes. It's necessary but still... I’m
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“If you want to say it’s unfair... What's happening in this country itself is unfair. While they’re saying that they don’t accept immigrant... They make hundred thousands interns and overseas students work. In this small island country, placed 4th biggest in the world. Do you know what for? So they can line up in front of a shop to buy bento at 5 in the morning. So they can get the newspapers every morning. So they can get a convenient life cheaply. So why am I alone who must feel guilty now? If you have any complaint, please tell that to the country!”
I mean... I can see why he did what he did. But having a good reason doesn’t make it right. As Shima said, 19 people got caught, possibly arrested, and Mai was fired from her job. Sacrificing those people victims of that unfair society to save his own skin and to make a statement...? Not the best course of action. In my opinion.
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It was quite impressive in video but the screenshot just make it look funny xD But man, I really love Gen-chan acting when Shima is mad/desperate <3
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I think Mizumori got scared for life xDDD
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Ibuki tried to believe in Shima’s skill. Improvement! \o/ But yeah, their job is done so poking the culprit might backfire =X
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Rise and shine, Itomaki!
And those pictures on the left... I think those are pictures of his kid(s)! Cute little detail!
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I can’t believe I never noticed! I mean, I didn’t know what to look for but still! This is a screenshot from episode 1 btw, but we can clearly see that Itomaki has 4 children!
But yeah, I’ll never understand the reason behind the green light. Just... Why?
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hidoimurasaki · 3 years
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Yume no Shima. The land of dreams. Reminds me of the US... =X
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Uhhh... Shima... Is that legal?
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I really don’t see how Mizumori’s explanation hinted that it wouldn’t be strange if Mai and Nam where the robbers... But I can see that those glasses are fake xD Good job, Ibuki xD
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I don’t think that’s even remotely comfortable xD
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She has a huge debt like pretty much every other foreigner exchange student,  so she works three jobs that pay very little... Disheartening...
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Oh, so they arrested other students before...? I think?
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Something is illegal and Kokonoe studied about whatever it is... This is getting too technical for me... @.@
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Shima is so close to just punching Ibuki at this point xD
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Daijoubu is a weird word for sure xD
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Gama-san! \o/
He’s so nice! Saying that the foreigner workers “crossed the sea to work in Japan, so we have to treasure them”...
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Gama-san said that “There are people who are trying to do things honestly... And there are people who are looking for a loophole to do something bad.”
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"And there are people wondering around without goals in between.”
Safe to assume Gama-san was talking about Ibuki in that last bit xD
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Cute xD But yeah, Ibuki has been aware of the fact, but I guess this is the first time he actually thought about the reason Shima doesn’t trust himself anymore.
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Flashback time... Shina, no!
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That was such a nice talk...! <3 I loved it! <3
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From a nice talk to this guy... Kinda forgot he existed, not gonna lie xD
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It this extra scene poking at japanese television and how it only provides (cheap) entertainment? Or is it just me reading too much into it?
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WataKei reminds me of someone else in this particular scene... Maybe Goto Yutarou...?
Goto intensifies
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
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There’s a whole extra scene with the students in the director’s cut version! They know the cops are onto them but they’re also aware that they don’t have enough proof! And the proof they have (the girl’s voice) can’t be ruled as illegitimate if she insists she really was being pursued. Narikawa is smart!
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There he is, speaking like a spoiled privileged brat. I mean, there is some truth to his words but...
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Kikyo: “Of course, even though they're still minors, if they committed a crime which can't be undone... We will give them appropriate punishment, but... Juvenile law exist to help those who need help.”
Kokonoe: “So is it okay to let the boy who is under minor privilege to do as he pleases?”
Kikyo: “In my opinion, that's a result if we lose the chance to give them proper education. Think about how many children like them can be saved with it. 5 years, 10 years from now, public order will depend on that.”
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She said it better than anyone! It was a beautiful and meaningful speech! The music in the background just perfect! Until...
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“Captain. I like you.”
Silence. Even the music stops playing.
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The bickering after what could’ve been (rightfully?) misunderstood as sexual harassment... xDDD Truly a pleasant workplace xD
Here’s a video clip of the scene because screenshots only don’t do it justice: by Jaedam_3d@twitter
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Ok, back to the topic with another ugh remark from still unpleasant Kokonoe. “Don’t lump me with those criminals” he said....... Don’t get me wrong, I really like him! Just not at this point of the show...
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Ibuki has a point. In fact, he’s completely right. And Shima is willing to at least listen to what he has to say.
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“They just want to run”, says the Idiot Representative xD
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
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We can tell that the club meat so much to him...
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Kikyo’s speech was also really nice!
“Would you stop calling it 'prank'? For example, what we usually call 'bullying' should be addressed as 'assault injury', 'coercion', or 'slander'. If there's a sexual-related prank to a children, we shouldn't call it lightly as 'prank'... But as 'sexual assault violence'. Japanese's expression is gentle and beautiful... But it hides an even bigger problems.”
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“As expected, women are so well-aware to every little details.”, oh shut it, Mameji.
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"It's nothing to do with being a woman."
She’s 100% right!
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
Continuing... Hopefully I’ll finish this today. My poor heart tho...
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Aaaand the money is gone!
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This is not a happy smile.
Back in episode 1, Ibuki said that “I heard you can enter the First Division if you accomplish an achievement in the MIU” or something like that. Now an achievement was accomplished. And he couldn’t be more displeased with the situation, and maybe even disappointed in himself.
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Cute tbutter icon <3
And so much text... I don’t thing I can translate all of that...
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This part I can!
From top to bottom:
Even though it was a company I was introduced to by Hello Work (it’s a japanese employment service center). What a joke. Did I work under the yakuza again?
So, doing a bit of research on twitter, I now understand that that  “ボー” means “Bouryukudan”. Good to know!
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I can’t really read what she wrote on that diary... I’ll research later! For now... The tears....... Are happening...!
“Even though I thought I finally obtained a normal livelihood...”
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“Even if I report it, it doesn’t mean the police will secure my next job. I don’t want to go back to the s*x industry anymore.” (censoring that because bots are at it again...)
And Kikyo’s expression in this scene was fantastic.
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“Politicians who received donations... Officials who got bribes... They won't even get prosecuted. What's wrong with all rich people in this world? Although I've worked hard for 140.000 yen net income."
Too real not to quote.
But I really love how her handmade animals are everywhere! <3 She has so much to offer! But because of her past all she gets are closed doors...
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The gambling addiction is still there...
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Everyone is silently reading the tbutter posts, no one is saying anything... Ibuki’s expression when Aoike says “She’s completely dirty” is painful...
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She just wanted to live a clean life...
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“She really wanted to live” I thought...
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My heart is still broken... ;^;
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Usa-chan to his side...
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
I’m not even 10 min into this episode... Jeez... I just really like taking screenshots. For reasons I’m not sure about.
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She’s probably in so much pain...
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Smart girl! And I think this scene was filmed with a drone? It was really cool! I should gif that.
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She’s good at hiding! Or those two guys are really stupid...
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That’s... A lot of money... Just locked in a drawer...
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“Kono usa-chan?~”
So cute! It’s pretty well made!
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Mameji’s name is actually Abiko... Completely forgot about that xDDD
Ohhhhh! So he basically lied to the informant who gave the police all the info about the casino and its location. The police promised they would arrest Etori in exchange for that information. And they failed to keep that promise. Mameji was the one leading that operation so it’s only fair he bears the consequences. And since he didn’t, Kikyo just pokes him with the truth. xD
The police being super reliable in this series is something kinda out of this world, really, so this makes things a bit more realistic in that regard.
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Juu oku no megami... 10 billion yen goddess... Hamu-chan is still in danger after these 2 years. She’s living in a cage for her own good ;-;
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“I just couldn't forgive him. For making those girls suffer”...
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And flashback!
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“裏切ったのはお前か?" - Are you the traitor? "許さないよ" - I won't forgive you "お仕置きが必要だね” - Punishment is necessary
Etori has a peculiar way of.. Typing. I guess.
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She’s so so scared... ;-;
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It was just Kikyo. I wonder how she got the information that Hamu-chan was in danger...
“Hano-san”, she said...
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“Did the police deceive me?“
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I wonder if Kikyo still feels guilty about the organization’s incompetence... Hamu-chan is certainly haunted by Etori’s looming existence to this day.
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And just a thought... If there’s no witness protection program in Japan maybe, idk, don’t make impossible promises like that? That was on Mameji and his team, but Kikyo was the one who took responsibility, not for the police force, but for Hamu-chan.
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Ibuki’s heart went kyuru just by hearing Hano Mugo’s nickname xD Dork xD
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She doesn’t want to hide her involvement in the matter. She just want all of this to be over. But she trusts this team!
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“It’s not only for Hamu-chan’s sake. If Aoike Touko lost her way once again... Because we chose to save more people instead of her, then we have an obligation to find the reason behind it.
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You’re not wrong, Shima. It’s just that Kikyo is absolutely right.
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
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There has to be more than a hundred million yen in there... Not much more, but definitely more.
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She’s desperate but she still asked...
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She sounds like she’s almost giving up, even though she just said she will try to bet...
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Kudos to all the actors who had to record at least one extra take for the surveillance camera scene!
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She’s fierce. She wants to fight.
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And they’re ready to tackle her head on.
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In this picture we have her file. I’ll translate pretty much all of this using google...
On the left, bellow her picture
Gender: Female Date of Birth: 1984/05/16 (May 16th) Age: 35 years old Height: 167 cm Body shape: Skinny
On the right:
Aoike (surname) Touko (first name)
Criminal record/Precious record: Criminal record offender Gambling open book Same assistance crime
Arrest date: 2017/01/11 (January 11th)
Current address: 5-2-6 Tsukioka, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Izumi Tsukioka Corp. 203
Married/Single: Single
Family structure: Father, Noboru Aoike (64) Mother Minayo Aoike (60) (Residing in Gunma prefecture)
So, Aoike is an only child. I don’t remember if the show mentioned her relationship with her parents...
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The illegal casino case from two years ago, where Hamu-chan was a key witness. Her and Kikyo didn’t know each other for much longer than that...
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And the initial investigation is over. I imagine a good chunk of their cases is sort of like this.
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Poor Porimaru! xD
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“Wait”, Kikyo said.
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I can’t see what it’s written on the board... Google is struggling as well =/
Kikyo, talking about Aoike: “Although Aoike was arrested two years ago, she was a victim too. Aoike who worked as hostess in a bar club in Ikebukuro... Got invited to an illegal casino by her customer. She got promised to win on her first try. She got 200,000 yen from 100,000 yen bet overnight... Her sense for money become crazy gradually. So even if she lost 500,000 yen, as long as she won 600,000 yen... As she become addicted, it had been too late. With an amount of debt she wasn't able to return, she fell deeper into sex industry. To quickly returned her debt even for a little, Aoike worked in the casino. But then...”
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It’s is her job as a hostess to entertain her costumer, but look at her... She had such a shinny aura...
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And due to the circumstances, due to luck not being on her side, she just... Gave up.
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Ibuki wants to talk to Aoike Touko...
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“Don’t compete with the surveillance camera video” xD
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“She’s making a face of someone who seems to have lot of things to say.”
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Ibuki: “Captain. If we find her, can I question her?”
Shima: “Hey!”
Kikyo: “If you find her, that is.”
Ibuki: “Yes! MIU404 will find Aoike Touko faster than anyone~ Hey, Shima, let’s go.”
Shima: “Captain...”
Kikyo: “Counting on you.”
Ibuki: “Shiiiimaa! Let’s go.”
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Very cute and giffable scene here xD
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And then... Pain. Cause why not.
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hidoimurasaki · 4 years
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...! ;^;
But really, who fires a gun in broad daylight in the middle of town?!
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I know he’s teasing Shima but wtf are you suggesting, Ibuki?! xD
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So it would be okay if Kikyo invited (weird translation) Ibuki, huh xD
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♪ ~Melon, melon, marugoto melon~ ♪
Ibuki really likes kids! Shima is so done xD
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But he waves at the kids anyway <3 I must say, Gen-chan complaining about a cute song is weird xD
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Oh yeah, the Tiger Mask Donation Phenomenon!
According to the wiki, the first donation happened on Christmas of 2010 in Gunma. The bulk of donations happened on 2011. Ibuki was already assigned to the police box in Okutatama at the time.
(Then the 2011 tsunami happened. I wonder where Kuzumi was at the time...)
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Shima’s bewildered expression when Ibuki told him he tried to imitate the Tiger Mask and sent three backpacks to the institution in the neighborhood... I need to gif all of that!
Ashi naga deka yori = From the long legged detective. I honestly can’t tell if it’s a cute nickname or just a weird one xD
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What a... Super simple room! Surprisingly clean and organized... I always thought Ibuki’s delinquent side never died out completely but maybe I was wrong...?
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This outfit reminds me of Sorai Daisuke, from Soratobu Kouhoushitsu, also played by Ayano. It’s another dorama from 2013, still on my towatch list. I can’t believe it took me a year to realize Nogi-san is the screenwriter for this one as well.
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Ibuki is still shocked his act of goodwill ended up as a nuisance xD Shima is shocked someone who took part in that phenomenon is so close to him xD
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Ibuki: “But don't you want to do it?”
Shima: “Well, when I saw that phenomenon, I thought that...People who want to do good deeds like that actually exist.”
Ibuki: “Everybody wants to do good deeds, right?”
Shima: “I wonder. On the other hand, nothing turns out well in this world.”
Ibuki: “Why?”
Shima: “To do good deeds, we need to have both heart and money.”
Ibuki: “Then, world peace will come if everyone becomes wealthy?”
Shima: “No, I don't think so.”
Ibuki: “Why?”
Shima: “Rich people do evil deeds to make money.”
Ibuki: “That's not good. After all what they do is evil.”
Shima: “As long as there's money in this world...Crime will always happen.”
Not sure how I feel about this speech... Maybe if I rephrase it?
“To do good deeds you need room in your heart and a surplus of money”. Which is not 100% true. Although money does help a lot! But it means nothing if there’s no room in your heart. Which is why (a huge part of) rich people do evil deeds to make more and more money.
Or something like that. The last part is still... Maybe it’s just a hook for the next scene!
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