wandercr-arc · 5 years
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     She’s lost. Turns out her Pip-Boy’s not particularly helpful a coast away from its origin place. It doesn’t help that Eliana’s map reading skills are sub-par at best. It’s not like Mr. Brotch dedicated his time and energy to teaching a group of kids destined for life in a vault navigation skills. She lets out a huff of frustration, allowing her arm to fall back to her side. Squinting to peer into the distance, she hopes to catch sight of a landmark or settlement that will help her re-orient herself. All she sees is miles of desert. So much for finding the Brotherhood out here.
     She nearly turns around and heads back the way she came when she spies a figure in the distance. She can’t make out their clothing, but figures a single person doesn’t pose much of a threat. Gnawing on her bottom lip nervously, she decides to head in their direction.
@sanguinariis   ---    sc.
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wandercr · 5 years
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               tag drop !! pt 1.
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wandercr-a · 6 years
@lepuscor liked for a starter.
    The rumors Eliana had heard about The Strip’s casinos were almost enough to make her want to stay away. Yet, there she was, meandering around The Tops like a lost child. The lingo used throughout the casino was grating on her nerves, but at least it wasn’t a glorified strip joint or full of masked employees. That was a step-up in her book.
     Weaving her way in between other patrons, she made her way towards the bar. It was probably for the best that she found something to do, rather than mulling about with a fish-out-of-water expression on her face.
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      “Hey,” she greeted the bartender, waving slightly to get his attention. “I’m new around here and kind of lost about . . .” she paused, shrugging. “Everything. Mind bringing me into the loop?” For someone like her, it was best to know what trouble she needed to avoid. “Oh, and do you have any Nuka-Cola here?”
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its-sixxers · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
tagged by @glowstickia​ and @valkyriejack​, bless <3
tagging uuuuuh anyone who wants to do this it is long im sry
Name: Six
Fandoms: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and probably going to have a billion oneshots/short fics for various other fandoms
Where you post: AO3 (name’s hartstrings over there) and here on tumblr!
Most Popular One-shot: A little Butch & Charon piece called Sidelines! I know, I’m surprised too.
Most Popular Multichap: l’Appel du Vide (my Deacon x Sole multichap) edges out Too Late to Love You (my postcanon Boone centric FNV fic), though it has the benefit of being older. :V
Favorite story you’ve written so far: This is like asking me to pick my favorite child. I’m going to actually go with Half Light (my Nosferatu Fledgling x Nines fic), I’ve had the most fun writing it so far and it’s incredibly self indulgent. My treat to me. ;)
Fic you were nervous to post: The Sun is Now Fading (pre-canon Fledgling x Nines fic). My first fic in the VTMB fandom, my first time writing something modern era in a WHILE, a somewhat weird premise, close to my heart and also it has an explicit scene in it which I’m always nervous to have haha. I’m happy I did tho!
How do you choose your titles: Usually song lyrics or words/phrases that describe the general idea, especially for one-shots. l’Appel du Vide translates to “Call of the Void” which I thought was a good metaphor for Deacon finally letting himself get attached to anything again.
Do you outline: Y’all are going to kill me but I only started outlining with Half Light. I am thankful I do now, it makes life a lot easier and I can pump out chapters faster while keeping all my story threads intact!
Complete: 8/11, though most of those are oneshots.
In progress: 3/11: Half Light (actively updating), Too Late to Love You (on hiatus til my Fallout kick returns) and Leave a Light (ditto, but it’s more of an anthology kinda thing so no one’s left hanging). Yes, TLTLY readers, you can break my kneecaps, I am sorry. ,_,
Coming soon/not yet started: I got a few ideas:
An unnamed Fallout 3 postcanon Charon x Lone fic. Lizzy (my lone wanderer) loses Charon to some assholes who know how his contract works, she follows them all the way to the Commonwealth and tries to figure out how to break his conditioning and free him.
Too Late to Love You sequel. The Courier returns to the Mojave.
Jade Empire fic, Jen Zi x Sagacious Zu, angst pain bomb
In similar angst pain bomb veins, considering a collection of Martin x HoK snippets
Lastly and most recently, a Skyrim fic starring my two OCs, Dragonborn and Master of the Thieves Guild respectively. I need more Nord x Dunmer goodness in my life ok
Prompts?: I do reeeeaaaaally short answers to prompts but if they’re good I’ll do them! If I get an especially good one I might go full oneshot with it.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Oh man oh man. Probably the Fallout 3 fic I’m kicking around though that’s far from set in stone yet.
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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       ❝ You’re the Courier, right? ❞  She’s heard murmurs about the notorious mailwoman throughout the Mojave. Eliana feels a sort of kinship with her; she knows what it’s like to carry the weight of the wasteland on her shoulders. That’s really not why she’s sought her out, though. There’s something about coming back from the dead that gives one access to new connections, and Eliana’s interests lie in the information the other woman might have to share.   ❝ I’m wondering if you can help me out. ❞  
@contrariian  ━ ╰  ✿ ╮ ━   sc.
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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     “This place is beyond freaky,” she says. Goosebumps prickle along her arms as she surveys the masked employees moving about the Ultra-Luxe. Far be it from Eliana to deny that the wasteland could use some Old World etiquette and refinery, but everything about this just screams CULT. “Can we just . . . figure out whatever we need to do, and move on?” she all but pleads, shooting a hopeful glance Six’s way. “I thought the Gomorrah was bad, but this is feels a very different level of wrong.”
@chaoticourier   //   sc.
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