#VBNHA aftertalks
thelreads · 2 months
Shots fired.
Unfortunately the shooter missed and he survived, but don't worry, next time I'm sure they'll take him down.
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thelreads · 2 months
Honestly one of my favorite parts in Vigilantes is how AFO was trying to discover any secrets behind Koichis strength and couldn't find anything. Hes was just so confused as to how normal Koichi is that he honestly couldn't wrap his head around it.
That was funny when you stop to think about it, but gonna be honest, Koichi is not what I'd call normal. Far from it in fact, and that was talked about in Chapter 18 completely offhandedly
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Koichi started using his quirk when he was still a little baby, he barely had hair, he couldn't even walk, just crawl by the looks of it.
The main story did say that non-heteromorphic powers start to manifest around the 4-years mark. Sure, they can show up before, but that's extremely rare, the only person I can think that might fit that criteria is Eri, as revealed in chapter 156 of the main series
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And even so, it could be she's around 4 there, it's just her quirk is incredibly powerful because she's past the singularity point
So, Koichi is definitely not normal, at least when it comes to quirks. He's an extreme prodigy.
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thelreads · 2 months
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Hypothetically speaking, of course
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thelreads · 3 months
Soga is the entire reason why i dropped vigilantes the fact i learn from your liveblog that hes become an important and "heroic" character with his previous behavior entirely swept under the rug makes me rabid and want to bite the creator
Hypothetically speaking, if the VBNHA fanfiction takes roots, I have plans for him... Plans that don't involve killing him I'm afraid, but I do have some ideas to remove everything that is bad about this character and make him an actual morally grey character with relevance to the story rather than a rapist being portrayed as misunderstood with a heart of gold.
But no idea about his friends. I'd probably kill them or write them out.
Hypothetically speaking of course
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thelreads · 3 months
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And this is all I have to say about this chapter.
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thelreads · 3 months
MHA takes place in the future and they've invented better bulletproof vests
Yes BNHA is in the future, but they also explicitly stated how technology lagged behind after the advent of quirks, in such cases where they have AI robots and lasers, but life in general is not that different, and going by what we saw of the military, their technology barely is different from us, therefore this argument cannot handwave those situations.
But if you want factual evidences of that
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Chapter 32, Page 17. Monika putting a bulletproof vest. Look at how bulky that is, and she's on a mission working undercover, that thing needs to go under her clothes. If they had technology to make it better then a cop in such an important job would have access to it.
And before you say it was just her, the following chapter
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Phelps is seen using the same type of vest, so that's standard of the equipment.
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thelreads · 2 months
Still nothing so far had me as flabbergasted as the existence of the All Might tower.
That... That was certainly the most absurd thing we saw, considering who All Might is.
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thelreads · 2 months
My rage is directly proportional to my will to make that fanfiction now.
I'm terribly sorry to my WIP that is 4 months without an update, but I need to go at it the same way an orangutan with a hammer would have a go at a watermelon
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thelreads · 3 months
Sigh... Chapter extra:
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Furuhashi stop trying to make us like Soga happen, it's not gonna happen
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thelreads · 3 months
I think this chapter settled it
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thelreads · 2 months
+ Message from Horikoshi:
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Pop looks so different in another style, and yet so recognizable
Also, even Horikoshi is against consequences sticking by drawing her without the eye-patch lmao
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thelreads · 2 months
Volume cover + illustration:
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Koichi looks like a magical girl in that cover
Also, "the real source of his power" huh...
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thelreads · 2 months
Alright, let me put my thoughts down. But first, put this song to play as you read them
oh my god where do I even begin?
Look, it had been a long time that I had given up hope on this story having some sort ending that was remotely close to what it was supposed to be, but this one... I'm honestly kinda bummed.
Again, feel free to disagree, I do respect you if you like it and the manga in general, but me... God, I'm actually kinda down because of what happened.
As it approached the ending it all just started getting more and more contrived, more and more nonsensical, but I still kept going, because I wanted to see it through. Now... I don't regret it, I still like all the potential it had from the get go, it's just the execution that let me down.
I think the biggest problem is that it wanted to be a lot of things all at once, and above all, it wanted to be bigger than the main series. The series was too ambitious for what it was supposed to be, and it all came tumbling down.
I like koichi and pop, I like the designs, I like all the sweet promises that the story whispered into my ear as it all began. I'm just not happy with how they came to end.
Because, at the end of the day, what was the point of it all? It was all so koichi could be a real hero? He already was a hero for the people of Naruhata, but the story treats it like it was just a kid messing around, the story itself treats what koichi did as just playing around without taking it serious.
The story itself degrades itself and at the end goes and says "Now Koichi is a REAL hero, alright, NOW he is making a difference"
this is all so... sad
It's so sad that the whole story just points and laugh at itself, and treats the whole journey like it wasn't important, the only thing that mattered was only koichi becoming a pro hero.
And I reread the first chapter again, and it was actually really good, I think that almost on par with the one from the Main series. It set the tone, it set the stage, it set the characters, it set conflict, and then somewhere along the way it all just... changed
And it wasn't more a story about how a person could fight for justice and make a difference in spite of not being a licensed pro hero. It was just about heroes unknowingly fighting AfO while koichi was around.
And not only the plot was mistreated and abandoned, the characters started to more and more being flanderized into caricatures that fitted the standard tropes so they could be more digestible to the public. God forbid they were unique on their own ways with their own flaws.
I will be revisiting this manga eventually. I will reread it, and I'll take those promises and this potential and I will write that fanfiction. I said it once before that I didn't want it to be seen as me spiting the author, and going "I can do it way better than you", and now more than ever I want that to be known. I won't write this fanfiction because I disliked the story, on the contrary, I will write it out of respect for what it could've been. Because I love the forest that could've grown rather than the charred remains that the fire left behind.
And now... I think I need to go watch something to cheer me up. Catharsis is not always a pleasant thing to go through.
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thelreads · 2 months
This chapter made me realize that there's something about the main manga that i love, repercussions, like when Deku faced Muscular and he got his arms fucked up, something that even now has consequences.
I find egregious that Koichi only got an arm sling and a casket for his foot. Bro should be like Aizawa after dealing with the Nomu, covered in bandages.
Now let's see what Koichi had to endure this previous arc alone.
In the short span of like, what, half an hour? Koichi was
Hit with explosions
Thrown at random surfaces
hit with flying pieces of rock that should weigh at least a quarter of a ton
Lost a ton of blood, so much he was almost fainting
had a whole ass building fall on top of him
Broke half his limbs and ribs
was hit with and then crushed by walls of burning plasma
hit with an explosion again, but this time at short range
And how does he look after it all?
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Meanwhile, Midoriya after a single sports festival
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thelreads · 2 months
Vigilantes manga is a battle shonen. But, your Vigilantes liveblog is a comedy and I am having fun watching your liver fight for its dear life.
My liver is dead, but it shall return before the last chapter
Unlike Pop
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thelreads · 3 months
Goddammit I just realized that, a hypothetical rewriting as proposed, would result in the need to cut one of the most bizarre and fucked up scenes of this entire story
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Do I have what it takes to write out the cochie bee scene? I'm not sure I'm powerful enough to do so.
Hypothetically speaking, of course
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