#VC Investing
yayi-fuji · 4 months
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“Rae, why does this coin look so unique compared to the other yen?”
“Oh! See how this one has a face instead of the number of value on it? It’s because this is American currency, this here is a quarter, worth 25 cents. They have George Washington’s portrait in them.”
“That- That’s George Washington!? The first president of the United States!?”
“Uh… yah? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! I simply, uhm… envisioned him rather differently than… this.”
Based on Even in the Next One !!! This isn’t an actual scene inside the chapters, but it’s just so easy to imagine them with how lively they feel. Please go give it a read if you haven’t yet <3
To @jobrrr : AUUGHH I’M IN LOVE WITH YOUR FIC!!! It has been a few months since I last became this invested in one :’D It just feels SO real and there are so many thoughts in my head as a result; hopefully I overcome my shyness and drop a comment proper sometime soon. Thank you for your service.
ALSO @melpymoo ! HUGE thank you for reading this alongside me omfg this is crazy, never before has a hyperfix been revived this violently 😭 Ty for granting me the space to be totally normal about these 2, looking forward to the rest of your reactions ^^
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narumi-gens · 5 months
[puts on my business hat]: I can't believe watcher is leaving youtube to create their own streaming service in a market where some of the biggest companies are trying to get out of the streaming business bc they've discovered how unprofitable of a business model it is.
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desertfangs · 6 months
“Something raw and tender in the way Armand looked, all composure stripped away”, description of all time of Armand from Daniel me thinks. He really got to see HIM man 🤧 for exactly who he was 🤧 it will never not make me lose it!
RIGHT?? YES. It's so powerful.
The thing about Armand is he's so good at keeping his walls up. He's so full of trauma and pain that he tends to keep his expressions blank or metered, he tries to hold his feelings in. I guess we can even call it masking to some degree (or maybe to the 10th degree, your mileage may vary there). The point is, he doesn't let people see beyond what he wants them to see most of the time.
But sometimes he loses it (Lestat describes this as Armand's face changing and twisting around).
And sometimes he lets his guard down, like here. He's just open and raw and Daniel can see all of his pain. The masks are down, the guards are down, Armand is openly himself. He's been worried for Daniel, terrified probably, and with all of the burnings and stuff going on he has no idea what else might be lost. And now here he is in a car with Daniel, who's dying and whom he's going to make a vampire, which then might kill him anyway because of what's happening... He's overwhelmed and he abandons all pretense. He's scared and he shows it and then he chastises Daniel for running in a way that's made it hard to follow and find him at all:
A strange light in the eye, what was it? Something raw and tender in the way Armand looked, all the composure stripped away. He lifted a tumbler half full of brandy and put it in Daniel's hand.
"And you running from me," he said, "from Stockholm and Edinburgh and Paris. What do you think I am that I can follow you at such speed down so many pathways? And such danger-"
Lips against Daniel's face, suddenly, ah, that's better, I like kissing. And snuggling with dead things, yes, hold me.
And then Armand kisses him and tries to explain what's happening, and his fear is evident. Not just the fear of dying himself or losing the other immortals he knows and loves, but the fear of losing Daniel.
It's so poignant and so sweet, and I love that Daniel is someone Armand feels comfortable dropping the walls for.
Thank you for the message anon!!! I could talk about these two fools all day (and do, much the chagrin of others, I'm sure.)
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hekateinhell · 7 months
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Chapter 1 - 5.4k
"And here I thought you were a good little girl who could listen to directions. Instead, you decide to turn around and make fools out of us both. But I am not unkind," Armand pauses to run her hand over the swell of Lestat's hip and down to the back of her thigh, fingering her exposed skin through the black fishnets.
"Perhaps you have been cruising through life on your looks alone because, from the sounds of it, nobody ever taught you any different… not your friends, not your teachers."
Lestat's breath catches, goosebumps visibly rising on her skin.
"Not your mother."
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catboyelimgarak · 2 months
If Garak and Julian had a cat it’d be funny if mid fuck it just comes up to them and just is so bothersome
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luckyberet · 2 months
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" Magic against magic? Well, then... finally someone speaking my language."
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butchybats · 1 year
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Doing my part 🫡
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caracello · 1 year
okay well this movie is terrible already.
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zestials · 5 months
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" is this the results of thy hotel's ... trial run ? "
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deathdxnces · 1 year
-> [ scrimblo bimblo ] : scrimblo
-> [ scrimblo bimblo ] : that is who u are now
-> [ scrimblo bimblo ] : and i know a great topic
-> [ scrimblo bimblo ] : me.
-> [ scrimblo bimblo ] : whats your fav draven show
— @axewhirl
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→ [ unknown ]: my name is irelia → [ unknown ]: and saying we have nothing to talk about wasn't an invitation for you to find a topic (unsent) → [ unknown ]: much less if the topic is you (unsent) → [ unknown ]: who said i have a favorite, i don't even watch your shows (unsent) → [ unknown ]: we're not friends! leave me alone! → [ unknown ]: i'm actually busy anyway, so goodbye draven
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licncourt · 2 years
fun headcanons: in the winter when the day is short vampires go back to sleep for a few hours after the sun sets and loustat let mojo into the room then so he can nap on the bed with them. mojo lies across the foot of the bed on top of louis's feet to keep them warm. sometimes lestat gets slowly edged out of the bed because there's not room for two grown men and a dog when one of the men is sprawled out like a starfish.
Thank you for this 😭
Lestat just accepts his fate and lays on the ground like angry pingu because he's uncomfy but he also can't bring himself to disturb his family.
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iftitah · 1 year
one thing about me is that i don't care about my roommate
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we-re-always-alright · 11 months
any time I see people tying minor world events to economics I’m like. that’s not how economics works. I know you want it to be how it works so you can blame someone. but that’s not how it works in any country or global economy.
#it’s like saying gravity only exists on Tuesdays#this is directly looking at two things:#one: saying the FFR (federal funds rate) is why ‘start up’s’ in the gig economy are failing#and two: someone saying we should cause a bank run (multiple bank runs) when we’re still in pre-recession waters#per point one: the FFR is for banks and credit unions and determines what rate at which lending happens#it effects things like housing; car loans; savings accounts; etc because it sets a floor at which interest rates have to be#it does not affect how much money VCs pour into companies they think are going to be worth billions#which VCs pour money into them so they get a % of the company as stock#so they’re incentivized for the company to do well and make them a profit when they go public#not to say these companies might not have traditional bank loans but it’s very unlikely for the amount they’re spending#additionally as we all should have learned from the Glass-Stegel act and the 08 crash#banks need to keep their commercial investments and consumer investments separate#so yes these companies are failing…. but for other reasons like increased regulation; changing preferences in the consumer and economy;#but MOSTLY they were unsustainable businesses at the onset; they didn’t need to be profitable; just go public and make billions on stock#now for point two this one is simple: IF YOU CAUSE MULTIPLE BANK RUNS#THEY BECOME A SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY#AND THEN MORE BANKS FAIL AND WE GET A RECESSION#all caps were necessary here#if you look at the Great Depression (a great example of a banking panic)#not all of the banks were initially failing#but by people panicking about their money (and a lack of the FDIC at the time)#but because people panicked and pulled their money out the banks failed anyway and caused the worst recession in US history#so yes feel free to cause a banking run and tank the economy#it’s likely Europe will enter a recession in the next 6 months so please exacerbate the situation#(which because global economy will push us further into possible recession)#I’m sure people will have plenty of time to feel smug and superior while sitting on a mattress of cash and looking for jobs#ugh anyway bad economics bothers me#just cause you watched a dude rant about it on YouTube (when he doesn’t know what a Phillips curve is) doesn’t mean you know economics#thoughts? thoughts#or: wHy DoNt YoU jUsT bAlAnCe ThE eCoNoMy LiKe My ChEcKbOoK
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gilded-gheists · 1 year
need a bitch (read friend) who'll watch the blaseball recaps with me
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cornerstonc · 2 years
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hi hello for some reason i had a lot of ama thoughts while at work today so during my lunch break i doodled some things at my desk :v
ama was definitely around when the king was a kid and her opinion on him was. uh. not stellar, but he was also a kid so she kinda just let him be and chalked it up to it being just how royal babies Turn Out gfhghfi she didn’t really have a hand in raising him or looking after him the way natori eventually would lune
aaand that Idea i mentioned earlier today while still at work, with natori getting to chat with her in like the afterlife or one of those fictional situations where a character gets to see someone who’s long since passed away in some kind of unexplained fever dream or something when they’re in desperate need of a pep talk poses
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analyticaldespair · 1 year
Junko rn at all the monomono machine related shenanigans going on
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