#i like the name York Silk though
gilded-gheists · 1 year
need a bitch (read friend) who'll watch the blaseball recaps with me
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moondirti · 1 year
animalic (1)
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series masterlist
pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader rating: mature word count: 1.9k summary: he won't stop until he gets you warnings: enemies to lovers, injuries, kissing, minor ATSV spoilers, size kink (?), mentions of gore and death, not spell checked nor edited, honestly not my best work but the horny is all that matters notes: stayed up all night for this because i had to get it out of my system before finals. there'll be a few more parts, i promise i'm not this cruel haha
“I thought grace was a prerequisite for your little spider-club.” 
Your quip sounds disjointed – even to your own ears – entwined with wheezes that rattle your splintered rib cage. In all honesty, the circumstances don’t seem to be favouring you; he’s got you confined upon the wreckage of your own fight, hanging off the remnants of a crane that dangerously tips over a quarry. And though this isn’t the worst you’ve faced, Miguel’s presence always seems to make things more complicated than they need to be.
You’d had a stable hold on the beam, ready to pull yourself up and dematerialise to wherever he wasn’t. Until, of course, the asshole kicked your elbows off. Now, your fingers remain as your only attachment to the structure, shaking violently with their diminishing strength. Your torso isn’t faring any better, either – the bleeding both internal and trickling from the gashes in your hoodie. 
(You wonder if he’s toying with you, like a panther with its food. Of the rare times he’s assigned another spiderman to pursue you, they didn’t tend to drag it out for this long. 
But, you suppose, Miguel’s different.) 
He takes a small step forward, lifting his foot over your digits. He could crush them like this, turn the bone to powder and keep pressing until it macerates in the gore. You can’t put it past him, really, not if you utter one more self-sabotaging word. You’ve seen him rip through steel and silk alike, fueled on the resentment that simmers deep within his very essence. Yours is merely the same fate that’s befallen every other obstacle that’s dared to come his way. 
But the tension buzzes between you two, thickening until it’s palpable enough to taste. Miguel is quiet as ever, completely still save for the flickering light of his dimensional travel watch. You envy his position – that resolute stature, brimful of power as his shoulders square, his calf rippling with subdued strength, still stretched over your hand. You blame that, or the mask, slick with sweat and humid as it sticks to your nose. Or the glasses that slowly slip to reveal your squinting eyes. You blame anything apart from what it is; that fear that steadily begins to flood your senses, numbing it all into one, cohesive panic. 
You’ve never been good at life or death scenarios. 
“Or, maybe, the big boss thinks he can break his own rules?” 
The air snaps. With an infuriated roar, he lunges at you, razor-sharp talons swiping at your face. In your frenzied dunk to avoid them, your fingers drop. 
You plunge to the bottomless chasm below.
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Okay. Let’s try to get this right, one last time. 
Your name doesn’t matter. It hasn’t, not for a while now. 
For the past year, you’ve been on the run from the Spider Society. You don’t exactly blame them for it, either. Every world you’ve crashed has gone to shit, despite serious lack of trying. Food-barren wastelands, borderless warzones. Truthfully, after the mantle of Earth 7BB-1 convected in on itself, you were inclined to turn yourself in. 
Independant of the fact that Nueva York seems to be the only place you can’t fuck up. Regardless of the relatability you have with the residents of its lobby. You were bitten by a radioactive spider just the same, and for all the good you’ve tried to do, you’ve never been a spider-hero. If it meant that no one else got hurt, you really would have been able to cope with lifetime confinement.
(Greater good and all that.)
Would’ve. Could’ve. If it weren’t for Miguel O’Hara’s interjection, and his goddamn alternative solution, things just might have turned out that way. 
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You’re not dead. 
The realisation whips your consciousness into high alert, eyes snapping open to survey your surroundings. You process the light first, its brilliance piercing through the bromine-doused cotton that stuffs your skull. Then, it’s the pain that, up until this point, had been thrumming in the background. It crackles, marrow-deep, tearing down the tendons in your shoulders to the throbbing area around your ribs. They’re in doubtlessly worse shape than they had been at the quarry, the ache searing across to engulf your spine too. 
He had let you fall on your back, that dickhead. 
You’re not dead. 
It doesn’t take you long to figure out why that is. 
A red forcefield entraps you, droning its monotonous hum, partially obscuring everything beyond your own reflection. You can see the faint impression of a silhouette – no, multiple – stalking you on the other end, a great shadow court. They warp and grow with every passing second, gorging on your offered vulnerability, awaiting some wordless signal from the harbinger of death, to execute justice upon the one who’s been causing them so much trouble. Jess Drew. Hobie Brown. Ben Reilly. 
(They’d been more forgiving, once. Willing to negotiate peace, to treat you more than the screw up you’ve proven to be. 
His voice overrode theirs. Always.)
It’s easier to make out the devil himself – more so than the others. You’ve come to memorise the slope of those shoulders, how his fists clench at his sides as he circles you. You imagine the smug set of his jaw and those eyes, just as luminous as the cage you curl within. The puck at the base is recognisable, akin to the capture weapons he’s thrown at you previously. He’d saved your life, then.
On a technicality. You’ll bury that thought to rage over later. 
The question hardly forms before you’re ripped in two, the atoms of all but your spirit splicing into one another in a defect of blue and orange. The glitch exacerbates the fractures that threaten to knock you out, racking through your system as it rearranges your matter into amorphous forms. It’s only when something is thrown into the enclosure do you snap back to. A bracelet clatters to the floor. 
“Didn’t know whether you’d be used to the glitching yet.” A disembodied voice remarks. It’s at a particularly whiny pitch – you assign it to Ben. 
“We… tried to get it on you, kid. But you–” A feminine inflection crops up. Jess sounds the same since the last you spoke. 
You glower at them from the corner of your eye – unsure if they can actually see you – and snap the day pass on. Your spectral abilities were handy at the best of times; to shift from the corporeal, coming into immateriality, makes the most complicated situations evadeable. You credit it for your continued survival, if nothing else. Yet to speak like you could control it, especially while unconscious, was pushing it. You clearly weren’t able to activate it when you needed it the most.
And now you’re here. 
“I’m not going to ask what you want, so let’s keep this short– y-yeah? Either you let me go, or this Earth’ll be the next to unravel.” Despite your intentions, the demand escapes you in a long-winded croak. You hear Hobie snicker, the laugh teetering the edge of approval. Anyone can tell the promise has no foundation.
“That won’t be happ–” 
“Leave us.” 
The room clips into white noise. You fail to focus on anything but that echoing order. 
His voice comes across clearer than all else, too, cadence resonating past any natural boundary, tugging your heart right where it’s tender. There’s that fear again, that singular dread, only ever triggered by his indifference. Perhaps more potent than fury, his patience gives away an all-assured determination. Deadly. 
You bite your cheek, steeling your expression into one of similar apathy. It feels like a child’s attempt at dress up, grubby hands clutched around mother’s lipstick, painting on a clown’s complexion. Crackling apprehension brushes across your most vulnerable parts; layer by layer, you’re skinned as the group files out. Bare nerves are all that’s left for your faceoff with the hulking man.
He throws another puck to the floor. His own forcefield conjoins to yours. 
His cheeks have gotten hollower, you notice, emphasising the cheekbones that are just as keen as everything else about him. He offers no smile, no grand boast of victory. Instead, he breathes – calmly, fixedly, and lets you absorb the overwhelming magnitude of his size once more. He’s aware of what it strikes in you, can see it in the way you falter upon every reintroduction. Miguel is colossal, a reality that has never been more apparent than in this cramped enclosure. 
You know that if you stop to ponder it, it’ll ruin you. 
Rearing on your heels, you bounce from your place on the ground, making a grab for his watch. He anticipates it, having caught the decision blaze in your pupils, and side steps, pivoting to gain the upper hand while your back is still turned. You rebound off the field wall, stumbling back when he yanks you by your hoodie. Your shoulder presses into his chest, and he moves to wrap himself around your form.
Your skin prickles. His body passes right through you. 
His recovery time is nearly nonexistent relative to your last fight – quick learner – but you’re still swift on your feet, bolting to his watch again. It’s a millisecond too slow, for his talons sink into your forearm when you start to pull away. 
Your pained yelp loses momentum as he slams your back against the wall, using a knee to pin your other arm in place, his free hand wrapping around your neck. 
He’s close. Too close. Your stomach flips, pushing up on your oesophagus until you choke with the bile that sears its lining. Your breaths are as deep enough as his clutch will allow, index and thumb cutting off the circulation on both sides of your neck.
Ichor blooms from the puncture points at your wrist, the warmth puddling at your palm, not yet heavy enough to drip down onto the floor. You don’t think he realises how deep his claws are, how near he is to scratching bone. You don’t think you do, either. It doesn’t hurt as much as it should, and while you’re sure you’ll regret not prioritising it sooner, you don’t think– Don’t think–
“I-I’m not goi…going home,” You gasp. 
“It’s not up to you, Wraith.” Miguel growls, chokehold loosening.
It hits you, then. Animalic. He smells addictingly animalic. Like musk, a blend of brine and hot air and hints of a patchouli aftershave that still clings to his jaw. Your eyes flutter, seeking all you can get of the latter. Unwittingly, you move in closer. 
You haven’t been this close to anyone in a long time. 
His expression oscillates between a sneer and a grimace, nose pulling up to reveal the very pointed ends of his two canines. Set side by side with plush lips, you zero in on the thought of experiencing the contrast with your own. 
He’s huge. 
Completely overwhelms you, in size and presence and–
Your ribs ache. Your back groans. You’re quickly losing feeling in your fingers, and movement – soon – if you don’t do something. 
Your breath weaves with his. He doesn’t reciprocate when your lips brush, but he doesn’t pull away, either. 
You kiss him for longer than you should. Longer than you need to. It’s firm, and not unlike what you expected. 
(World-shattering, all the same.) 
Your skin prickles. It takes all of your rationale to pull away – dematerializing out of his grasp, and into the portal you’d activated from his wrist.
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chapter 2 →
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Your next significant relationship - Who? When? Where?
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Group 1 - Controler
Letters : N U Z E D M L K I O S Significant words/names/signs : SKZ, nudes, suki, soul, miso, sun, zen, Leo, kids, Nike, Mike, lion, Leon, noise, sound, Link, links, Dion, Zeus, Odin, Oden, onze (french for 11), douze (french for 12), uno, dos/due, dom, Muse, likes, silk, sold, DMs, solid, kudos, doki, slime, smile, Milo, miko
WHO ? - The Empress / STRENGTH / Herkimer diamond : power wash your energy This person is not what they seem. They may look harsh on the surface but deep down they are as fragile as Quartz. People may only judge them based on their looks and not who they are at there core. They are beautiful without a doubt. Extremely sensual and feminine. Their beauty feels ethereal. They are highly sensitive and spiritual. They could be a healer. The Herkimer diamond card mentions New York's Mohawk Valley where it can be found. So maybe this person is a New Yorker or they would like to travel to New York. With the strength card being related to fire, this person could have important fire placements in their chart (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries). They are powerful and determined. They know what they want and they won't back down no matter what you put them through. Though this person is affected by what people think of them, they would rather die than show it. They could have red hair. Their hair is rather long and straight. They like to wear bracelets. They are connected to the stars. They are grounded and protected by the universe. The Empress is also assiocated with Taurus. They present themselves as a woman. They feel close to their ancestors. It might be that there were warriors in their bloodline. Especially women. Their women ancestors were fierce in battle and they like to take after them and ask for their guidance. I'm feeling a strong connection to witches and shamans.
WHERE ? - 9 of swords / UNDERWORLD / Barite : get answers to your biggest questions. Places this person could be from or have been to at some point are : USA -> Nevada, Misouri, Georgia, Texas / China / India / Morocco / Mexico / Iran / Kazakhstan / Canada / Australia / Thailand / Nigeria / Peru / UK -> Scotland The 9 of swords card shows imagery of a woman lying down in the snow, with mountains in the background. So this person could live in a cold climate country/region. I'm thinking of the Alps, Himalaya, Caucasus, Alaska range. I'm thinking about Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Russia, Groenland, Iceland. Any city starting with a U or a B. Furthermore the character on the card has a dress with an important amount of stars on it, which reminded me of the European Union flag. In terms of the meeting, it could be through social media. The underworld card gives me a sense of mystery, of something being hidden. So it could be the dark web for some. Or on a website that keeps things hidden from people (i.e. content available only for subscribers or a private account). Also you could meet them in your dreams before you meet in 3D. Also, the underworld could be a metaphor for rave parties, clubs and so on. They could live or you could meet near an important building or monument.
WHEN ? - XXI The World / NATURE / Labradorite : protect your magic. The labradorite card mentions Aurora Borealis and the sign of Pisces. So Winter could be relevant, as well as the period from mid February to mid March. The number 21 could be relevent. So if we think in terms of dates it could be 02.21 or 03.21. The World speaks of cycles as well as the long term. So it could represent several years in terms of timing. When it comes to zodiac signs, The World is related to fixed signs. So Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius season could be relevant as well. Which means that you could meet them between mid April to mid May, mid July to mid August, mid October to mid November or mid January to mid February. The World could also represent a time of your life when you are traveling abroad. Again, the character depicted on the card has a lot of stars in their hair. So I'm thinking of the USA as well as the EU. As she is dressed in red, holds red roses and has horns on her head, I'm also being reminded of Spain. The nature card could talk about a time of your life when you are in the wild, connecting with nature, taking a break from the drama of big city life.
Group 2 - Phone
Letters : T E N N U L N O R I S Significant words/names/signs : tennis, Noris, Noe, Noel, runs, Euro, sun, tenor, soul, norns, nine, tunes, Sonne (Rammstein song), Uriel, notes, nuns, trio, route, routines, Riolu (pokémon name), Loire (region in France), Lorie, LOTR, rise, sonnet, soir (french word for evening), nuit (french for night), riots, Lise, lotus
WHO? - IV The Emporor / Sacred Sexuality / Sapphire : find your tranquil place. This person is very masculine and grounded. They could be a father and/or a leader, a mentor, an entrepreneur. The sign of Aries could be significant. They are incredibly determined and strong. Their sexual drive is high. They pay a lot of attention to their health and appearance. They have a lot of sex appeal. This person could be in the fashion industry or could even be that they get money from people watching their body (selling pictures of them, having access to private erotic content). They could have a bit of a bad temper. Piercings also seem significant. On the sacred sexuality card, there’s a full moon and roses. This tell me this person is a romantic and is more of a night owl. They have an important status. We’re talking about company owners, freelance artists, lawyers, head officers, doctors, headmasters of big schools, politicians and so on.
WHERE? - 6 of swords / MOVEMENT / Garnet : get into your depth. -> places they could be from or have gone to : Czekoslovakia, Kenya, Madagascar, India. The 6 of swords depicts a beautiful woman rowing a boat on a lake. Behind her is a white mountain. In her boat are two herons. So Africa seems significant, particularly Tanzania where Kilimandjaro can be found. I’m also thinking of the Mt Fuji in Japan, in Yamanashi. This person lives near an important body of water. Or you might meet them there. Another thing that is significant is movement. So you could meet them where you’re going on a trip, as you travel or relocate. You could meet them on a boat. Anyplace you want to create something (art, music, writing and so on). When looking at « get into your depth » this gives me the feeling you could meet this person in the 5D before meeting them in person, like through dreams or meditation.
WHEN? Queen of wands and VI The Lovers - DARE TO DREAM - Citrine : manifest your masterpiece. First of all I have to say, when I was shuffling the cards for the WHEN? the bells of the nearby Church started ringing. So this tells me when you're going to Church either for communion or for a wedding. Summer is significant, especially from mid June to mid July. I would even say the month of June is the most significant of the two. When you go after your dreams, you will meet this person. On the DARE TO DREAM card, you can see a diamond trapped in an eagle's claw. For some reasons it reminded me of metal and rock bands, of concerts and big events like the Superbowl. So maybe one of your dreams is to go watch your favorite band/artist live or to go to Hellfest or any big convention that is happening in Summer. If there are any French people here, I'm thinking of the Olympics happening this Summer in Paris. And also the Japan Expo convention. In terms of timing, I’d say in a few months.
Group 3 - Mirror
First of all I want to say my coffee spilled as I did your reading. So either you or this person is super clumsy and/or coffee is significant in your relationship. Letters : E L I C O O E U J I A Y
Words/names/signs : Jay, Jey, Joy, Jolie, Julia, Julie, Jule, July, Lucy, cool, jail, Luc, Loïc, Alice, ciel (French for Sky), clue, juice, école (French for school), eco , CEO, Lucie, Lucia, Cloe
WHO? - XVII The Star / Ancestors / Obsidian : protect your soul. Aquarius comes in strongly for this reading. This person is an introvert. They are often seen as a daydreamer, someone that doesn’t care about earthly life. They look like their head is in the stars. Which, in some way is true. This person connects strongly with the Ethers. Social media seems to be important. They could be an influencer or have a certain amount of followers that they help. Think of tarot readings, raising awareness about certain subjects (mental health, disabilities, menstrual cycle, sexuality and so on). This person could be famous in some type of way or they are going to be at some point in their life. Overall they have a good reputation among their peers. They are valued for their work ethic and their deep insights. They are divinely protected. Family business comes to mind. They care about family a lot, especially the deceased ones. This person would be the type to seek out advice from their ancestors or try to honor them as much as they can. Scorpio is also a sign that seems relevant. I don’t know why but I thought of a surgeon. So maybe they have undergone an important surgery. Or they are very sharp. Because I definitely don’t feel this person is a surgeon. Well it could be, but honestly I feel more the energy of influencers and public speakers, like ambassadors of NGOs and stuff like that. Soft and caring, they feel and look rather feminine. Giving more than receiving. They love animals. They draw a lot of attention just from their presence. I think their aura is pretty strong and vibrant. Connected to nature, especially trees and plants.
WHERE? - 7 of pentacles / movement / Herkimer diamond You could meet at work, as you’re changing jobs or they are. During a break at work while you’re printing/scanning papers. In sacred spaces. New York. Somewhere in a lot of greenery like a park or a farm. As for places they could come from or have been to, we have : Norway, Ukraine, Arizona, China, Afghanistan, Herkimer county. If not these places, there could be farms where this person lives. Also they live in a place where there is a lot of activity, especially work wise. So this makes me think of hot spots like La Défense in Paris where a lot of businesses and political administrations can be found. Other places like that would be : Midtown New York, La City London, Marunouchi Tokyo, The Loop Chicago, Bankenviertel Frankfurt, Zuidas Amsterdam, Gangnam Seoul and so on.
WHEN? - 4 of swords / Death / Aquamarine : Keep your cool. You could meet on the fourth of a month, in April. At a time when you’ve lost your voice or when you are going Hermit mode, when you are sick or when you are mourning a loss. During a period of depression. During Scorpio season. In several weeks. Also it could be when someone or something pushes your buttons but you can’t express your frustration somehow. That could be anything really. Like queueing for registration in a building and someone is trying to take your spot. Or shopping at the mall and a customer is being super rude but since there are children around you can’t fully tell this person what you think of their attitude. Stuff like that.
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rwrbficrecs · 6 months
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We’ll Invite Something In by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@dot524: This is a fandom favorite and for good reason. In this canon divergence AU, Alex is President, Henry is out, and they never got together in their 20s. Instead, they encounter each other in their late 30s and a very different type of relationship ensues. They still hide it at first, but there’s a lot of living that they both have done and need to work through. I really enjoyed the character dynamics here and how the premise changed both Alex and Henry, making them bolder and more mature. Definitely read this one!
Eyes Blue, Like the Atlantic by bleedingballroomfloor (book-verse)
@dot524: A Titanic AU! Adapted by an excellent writer, this one has suspense, action, romance, and intrigue. There is a MCD (Main Character Death) in here and some other tags to be aware of, but also vibrant scenes with dancing, chasing, art, and formal wear. I really enjoyed it!
Clean Slate by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@heysweetheart-writes: This was just so excellent. I devoured it in no time, couldn't put it down. I love the way Alex just slips into Henry's life like a silk glove even though Henry has his hesitations. There's abslutely no angst at all other than "you're too young for me" "no, next question" I love it. I love Henry finally feeling young for the first time. I think that is something that Henry generally feels after meeting Alex, like he's never been able to, no matter at what point in life he is. ANYWAY I'm talking about Henry way too much again for a rec. Read this.
Most People Exist by @sprigsofviolets (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Henry, 30, is a nurse on a cancer ward. From the very first moment he feels an intense connection and attraction to his newest patient, the one who has a brain tumor and is named Alexander Claremont-Diaz. - The tags say it all: "Falling in love, Slow Burn, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort". After reading this story I am a whole new person. I laughed and cried, had butterflies in my stomach, I felt it all. Hands down one of the best fics I've ever read!
after hours by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@na-dineee: How much can happen in a few hours? stutteringpeach: Hold my beer. 😅🤝 Reading this was truly a roller coaster ride, my stomach was doing somersaults non-stop: On his last evening in New York, poet Henry meets bartender Alex and the two spend the night together - in true "Before Sunrise" style. To sum it all up: enchanting, sweet, phenomenal, iconic!
No. 1 (Royal Red and Blue) Oil on Canvas by @captainjunglegym (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: This fic is so twisted and surprising in the best way! The summary did not prepare me for all the action that comes after the initial relationship drama and I'd really like to fawn over it some more but I don't want to spoil the fun of figuring out what really is going on and what are characters' motivations. Just give it a try.
Meet the Parents (series) by @14carrotghoul (book-verse)
@dot524: I really enjoyed these thoughtful character studies of Ellen and Oscar. The two short stories are a series of canon vignettes from Oscar and Ellen’s POV. These glimpses of the Claremont-Diaz parents add heart and depth to the RWRB canon, giving insight about how Ellen and Oscar think about parenthood, power, family, and each other.
Leave The World Better Than You Found It: A BONES AU by @treluna4 (book/movie-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: I really enjoyed this FirstPrince meets procedural TV show fic! With Alex as Booth and Henry as Brennan, they learn to work together, solve crimes--and fall in love, of course. Plus take down a very satisfying book villain.
No Laughing Matter by @inexplicablymine (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This fic is absolutely hysterical- a must read if you need something to cheer you up! It's also very relatable for anyone who, like me, has said things they've regretted in all the best ways!
in summer air by @acdsbff (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I need a vacation and vitamin D - maybe that's why this series (both POVs are covered 🥰) captivated me so much?! It is set on a Greek island, where Alex, just cheated on by his boyfriend, meets hotel owner Henry. What follows is a whirlwind speedrun romance against a beautiful backdrop. Really therapeutic for the heart on dreary days!!
here is a map (with your name as a capital) by @alasse9 (book-verse)
@dot524: What an incredible surprise to have this entire 50k story drop at once. In this canon divergent story, Alex and Henry start getting to know each other in Rio, when Alex helps him recover from a panic attack. Their friendship, and later their relationship, is a delightful slow burn with funny moments, heartbreak, and steady support of each other. I thoroughly enjoyed this start to finish — the characterization of both Alex and Henry is on point and I really enjoyed how the writer changed some of the scenes from the book while keeping key callbacks. A delight.
Claremont 2008 by @happiness-of-the-pursuit (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This friends to lovers AU is done so well! Having Henry and Alex meet as kids means we get years of their friendship before they even start dating, and it gives every aspect of their relationship so much depth through this entire fic. It also gives some events only referenced in the novel a completely different perspective, which makes them even better!
keep me in the moment (don't it feel so real?) by @anincompletelist (book-verse)
@heysweetheart-writes: I absolutely love everything that comes out of Sarah's magic little fingers and this was no exception. Alex and Henry are best friends and pinning over eache other unknowingly and an accidental lil discovery turns their relationship upside-down (for the better) absolutely recommended. I honestly loved it so much.
you know i can't be found with you by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@heysweetheart-writes: This was SO much fun. Alex was RELENTLESS and I absolutely love an older Henry. It was also very fucking funny. 10/10
the great duck fiasco by @alexclaremont-diaz (book-verse)
@suseagull04: A spy AU, dating apps, and Alex's Texas roots combine in the funniest way possible- definitely read this if you want a good laugh!
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
It’s Never Over
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A blowout resulting in an untimely breakup between y/n and her long term boyfriend leaves both of them broken. A year and a half later, after nothing but radio silence and unrequited love, they find themselves face to face once more. Both grown up, living completely different lives, but still hurting over mistakes their younger selves made, and still hopelessly head over heels for each other. They find themselves caught up in the struggle of choice; to allow history to repeat itself, or let the memory of their past fade away into nothing.
listen while reading: lover, you should’ve come over - Jeff Buckley
Pairing: josh kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 17.7k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, sweet soft makeup sex, oral (f!receiving), fingering, praise, pet names, body worshiping ig if you squint, breakups/breakup talk, angst (with a happy ending 😁), mentions of drugs, drinking, sad josh (needs a warning of its own), crying, some yelling, sweetness, tooth rotting fluff, sorry if I miss any!!!
so somebody requested some josh angst and i just couldn’t help myself 🤭 a very happy ending, pinky promise. you guys know me well enough to know I’m a slut for happy endings. also sorry it turned out so long, i HAVE to stop it with the literal novels. i just got super attached to the characters and got carried away (what else is new). i also wrote this mostly in one sitting so I had to trim a lot and add things here and there, but i hope this is satisfactory!! also not fantastically edited, cause I’m super lazy 🫣 as always, be kind, enjoy, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!!
The silk of your dress clung to your skin, the slit in the leg just promiscuous enough to catch eyes, but not enough to be uncomfortably exposed. The deep emerald green was elegant, a fantastic choice on your part. Your hair hung loosely over your shoulders, the scent of your perfume radiating around you. You were dressed to the nines, much like the other women pooling into the lobby of the five-star hotel. Even so, you had never felt more out of place. As you anxiously awaited the progression to the main event, you couldn’t help but check over your shoulders every few minutes. You were hoping to catch sight of any familiar faces before they saw you, in hopes of a head start to hide away. You straightened your hair out and fixed the straps of your dress, trying to pass a few more minutes without focusing on your nervousness.
It was your first time back in Nashville after a year and a half of avoiding it. You’d moved to New York some time ago and hadn’t looked back since. Your hometown was greatly missed, but for no reasons that were obvious. You didn’t miss your family; you shared phone calls and texts, which was perfectly fine for you. They’d always been a bit hard on the head, raving about appearance and sophistication rather than fun and happiness, so the distance wasn’t terribly troublesome. Your siblings were scattered across the world, anyway, so the change in location really had no effect on the relationships you previously had with them. The town itself wasn’t troublesome to leave behind, either. You had gotten your fill of it in your first twenty-some years of life, and it was quite refreshing to get out into the world and see something new.
What you did miss, though, was the boy you left behind. Although, it wasn’t a choice to leave him; he’d made that decision for you, and without a hesitation, too. You never expected him to come with you while you followed your dream. It would be selfish to expect him to leave everything behind to chase you around the world. But, you did hope that there was a part of him that wanted to make it work despite the distance, like you’d done for him countless times. When you told him you had to go, that the move was something you desperately needed, all of the love he ever had for you seemed to disappear. He turned cold and distant, and ended things without a second thought.
“Please, Josh, just listen to me for one minute!” You begged, tears forming in your eyes. His usually joyous face was nothing short of indifferent towards you, now.
“I don’t have anything to talk about with you, y/n.” The words were equal to a stab to the chest. His eyes were looking anywhere but you, secretly afraid he’d break down and tell you everything he was holding back.
“You’re going to throw the last three years out the window over this? Without a compromise, or a conversation, or anything at all?” There was a few feet of space between you, both scared of breaking the invisible boundary.
“You’re leaving! You pack up all of your shit and move in with me, just to tell me a few months later that you’re moving across the country? You’ve known for a while, and you’re just telling me now?” He finally broke, the pain in his eyes clearer than anything you’d ever seen. The accusatory tone was infuriating, as if he was sentencing you with a crime you hadn’t committed.
“I haven’t known for a while, Josh. I just got the email today! I applied thinking there was no way in hell I would ever hear back, but I did, and I have to go. This is my dream, you know that. It’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted.” You pleaded for him to see reason.
“The only thing, huh?” You could tell the statement landed wrong, feeling guilty for even making him think that was what you meant. “I tell you all of the time you can come work with us, design for us; we’d be more than happy to have you there.”
“I can’t do that! I can’t always be in the background of your fame. I can’t backpack off of your success, live in the shadows of my boyfriend forever. I need to make a name for myself, to prove to everyone that I can do it on my own, without any handouts.” You explained. He nodded, barely responding to anything you had to say about it.
“That’s fine, y/n. Go, live your dream. I’m not stopping you.” He sounded defeated, like he was giving up.
“What about us?” You whispered, your voice hoarse from the hours of back-and-fourth yelling.
“Clearly you weren’t thinking about me when you made the decision, so why are you worried about it, now?” Your heart broke, the tears you were holding back finally falling down your cheeks. “You can go, but I’m not going to wait for you to come back.” Silence hung thick in the air, and for the first time in your long history, it was uncomfortable.
“So that’s it?” You snapped. “I can sit at home while you travel the world, wait for you to come home, not know if you’re sleeping with the millions of girls that throw themselves at you? That’s fine? But the minute I want to get out of here, escape the shitty 9-5 lifestyle and do something for myself, I’m the bad guy? I’m not asking you to drop everything and come with me, I’m just asking you to love me enough to support me while I do it!” You could see regret flash in his eyes, both of your emotions running high and clouding your judgement. When he remained silent, you got more than enough of an answer. “Okay,” you let out a small, humourless laugh. “I’ll get my shit, then. If this is how you want to go about it, fine by me. You’ll never have to see me again.” You turned towards the hallway, preparing yourself to pack up your entire life.
“Y/n,” he said, stopping you for a moment. “Just stay, please.” You could hear tears in his voice, too.
“So I can sit around and wait for you for the rest of my life?” Your voice cracked, effortlessly showing him all of the emotion you were trying not to let out. “I can’t put everything on pause because you don’t want me to go, Josh. I might never get a chance like this ever again. I don’t want to leave you, but this is my life. My dream.”
“I’m supposed to be a part of your life, too.”
“Not if you make me choose.”
“So you’ve already made up your mind?” The accusation fuelled a fire in you.
“I was hoping to have both, but I guess we can’t have everything we want.” He let out a long exhale.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He grumbled. “You’re leaving to chase after a possibility, y/n. You’re gonna move out there with no real offer lined up? You could get out there and end up at another shitty office job. Alone, away from everything you know. I’m here. I love you, and I’m certain about that.” Your stomach sank at his words, filled with dread knowing that he didn’t believe in you.
“You may be, but I’m not.” You scoffed. “If you love me, you’d support me. You know how bad I want this. You’re not being fair.” You waited for a moment, hoping he’d say something else. When you were met with another staggering silence, you stumbled away from him with your heart in your stomach and your head in your hands. You left your house key on the bed before walking away forever.
That was the last time you spoke to him. A few days after that, you got on a plane to New York and spent months trying to rid yourself of his memory. Now, over a year later, every essence of your being was still plagued with Josh Kiszka. You never got over him, you never moved on, and you never stopped thinking of him. He was the love of your life; the type of love that overshadowed any other emotion you could ever experience. Sure, you hated him, too, and a part of you hoped you’d never see him again, but there was a bigger part of you that longed for one more hug, or even just another smile. He was one of a kind, and nobody held a candle to him. He never texted, he never called, or even so much as liked a social media post. Sometimes, you wondered if you’d spend the rest of your life yearning for someone who barely remembered you existed.
As much as you still loved him, the hurt you held in your chest was debilitating. He let you walk out the door, no hint of hesitation. It killed you, because you’d spent years cheering him and his brothers on while they lived their dream, but he wasn’t willing to reciprocate for you. You hoped he would change his mind, but the only thing you’d received in your year away was radio silence. There was no solid proof that you ever existed to him aside from memory, and that’s what hurt you the most. You watched his life through pictures, his face gracing your phone screen with new press releases and album announcements, sending you spiralling down the Kiszka rabbit hole even further. You listened to their music every now and then, even watched a few interviews, just to remind yourself of what his voice sounded like. You were well aware that their new album was bound to release within the next few months. It served as another reminder of how great his life was going without you in it.
You hadn’t done too bad for yourself, either. The move to New York stemmed from a submission to be considered for a spot in New York Fashion Week. You’d applied as a model for the event, with slim expectations for a response. When they responded to your headshots, it kickstarted the fire in you to follow your passion. Once you arrived, you modelled and found that taste of life you’d been longing for so badly. You had the opportunity to meet big names you had been dreaming of meeting your whole life, and somehow even managed to pick up a mentor to help you achieve your biggest dream: design. After a few months of solely shadowing her, then a year of sleepless nights and some blood, sweat, and tears, you were finally set to release your own line of designer clothing. Of course, it was partnered with your mentor company, but it still adorned your name.
Most of your presale items were already sold out, giving you an overwhelming sense of pride. Big celebrities were in line to own your clothing, eager enough to buy it that they were ordering months ahead. As much as it hurt leaving everything behind when you moved to New York, your life was more than you ever could have imagined it, now. Still, with all of the financial success, a part of you still felt like it was missing. Somewhere amidst all of the fame, you realized that you may have given up a bit too much to get where you were. You tried not to focus on it, knowing that dwelling on the past would only limit you from the future. If Josh Kiszka was meant to be yours, he would be. If not, life would go on. You had to understand that, because if you believed anything else, you were sure it would kill you.
The crowd began to filter away in front of you, letting you know the doors to the event were opening. The cameras outside were still flashing, meaning guests were still arriving. You were thankful you had a room booked upstairs so you could avoid the paparazzi. As much as you loved your work, the galas and celebrations could be a bit much by times. You almost preferred the quietness of the design room over the runway, now. At first, the pictures and cheers and magazine covers were a thrill. They’d begun to lose their novelty almost as soon as it started, just the same as the parties. When your boss handed you a plane ticket a few days prior, you questioned why you were heading to Nashville. She’d wasted no time in telling you about the Gala you would be not only attending, but speaking at. Your stomach was sick at the idea. Some of it was due to the public speaking, but more so because Nashville was the last place you wanted to be. But, part of the job was to keep up appearances, so you had no choice but to oblige.
The question of Nashville in specific brought up a whole world of information. Apparently, the success of your line of clothing had caused some speculation of expansion. That morning, the company announced your own outlet store opening in your hometown. They thought it as a gift to you, but it was more of a nightmare. That meant a lot more time in Nashville, even permanently, for a while. Also, more appearances, and more of a chance to run into the boy you’d rather run away from. Still, your appreciation of the gesture was unmatched; knowing they had faith in you to have your own outlets meant more than anything in the world. You felt like the success you’d been searching for had finally rewarded you. So, you hopped on a plane and threw on your best dress. You left your hotel room with big smiles and the determination to forget any uncertainty. Still, you were well aware that a gala in Nashville would indisputably include musicians. That meant there was a larger chance of seeing Josh than you were particularly comfortable with.
You followed the sea of people into the large room, noticing it was decorated in hints of golds and silvers, really showcasing elegance. The stage was lit up with low lights, hinting towards the anticipated guest speakers. Soft music flowed through the sound system, enveloping you in a warm embrace. Music was the best way to drown out the other noise, and in your life, there was always noise. “You know, there’s more to life than caviar and blow.” You looked to your side, focusing on your company for the night. You laughed at her comment once you’d processed what she said. “I don’t think many people here know that.”
“It’s a tale of the rich, Liz. Most of these people were born on a bed of gold plated fish eggs and were shoved straight into generational drug addiction.” You smirked, eyes scanning the crowd. You knew your parents weren’t poor, but they were far from the families some of these people were born into. They had good reputations in the community, but not across the world. You weren’t impoverished, but would never have fathomed this type of money as a kid. As much as they cared about appearance, they were good parents. They raised you with love and strong morals, and you weren’t a stranger to struggle. They didn’t pay your way through life. What you got came from what you earned.
“Can you even imagine growing up this way? First birthdays spent at the Met Gala and graduation parties thrown in Venice?” She chuckled, but disbelief was present in her tone. Liz was a university student you’d hand picked to hire after her graduation. She doubled as an assistant and one of your models, but she was more than that. Over the months, she’d slowly turned into your best friend. She wasn’t much younger than you, only by about three years. Her resume caught your eye faster than any other, and you’d called her almost instantly. She just wanted experience in the fashion world, but you were certain that if things went smooth over the next few months, you’d ensure she’d be given her shares in the company. She worked extremely hard, had fantastic insight, along with being bright, kind, and hilarious. She kept you on your toes and brought you back to reality when you needed it.
“I suppose if you don’t know anything else, it’s completely normal.” You theorized. “I don’t ever want my kids to grow up that way. I don’t want them to be scared of playing outside and getting dirty. I don’t want money to be their main concern. And, if I had to suffer through the American public school system, they will too.” You laughed. She joined in, agreeing completely. You turned your head towards her, noticing the material of her dress was misplaced around her shoulders. “Mm, hold on,” you said, reaching over to her. She faced you, already knowing what the look on your face meant. You straightened it out, taking a small step back to double check. “There. Can’t have you in disarray, darling. Sure way to get us kicked out.” She grinned, picking up on your joking tone immediately.
“You just want your designer dresses to look perfect.”
“I’m nothing if not vain.” You both shared another laugh. You noticed a photographer making his way around the room through the corner of your eye. “Lipstick check.” You said, panicked. You flashed her your teeth.
“You’re good.” She repeated the action back to you.
“You, too.” You let out a dramatic sigh of relief. “Can’t wait to get the pictures and introductions over with so we can start drinking.”
“You don’t need any generational alcoholism; you got that all by yourself.” She chided. You chuckled, eyes searching for a server with champagne. That was one thing that was always for certain; no matter how mind-numbing the gala’s were, there was always high-end alcohol floating around somewhere.
“It’s not all pretty patterns and cross stitching, you know. Have to drown the demons somehow.” Your conversation was cut short by a camera being shoved in your faces. You gave your best public smile, the kind where your lips were upturned but you looked a little dead behind the eyes. Somehow in the celebrity world, that equated to elegance. You posed with Liz, giving the camera a bit of a show. Eventually, you broke and gave a real smile, but only for a moment. Once the photographer moved away, you relaxed your posture, feeling a bit more human.
“Does fame always entail looking soulless?”
“Yeah, pretty much. You’ll get used to it.” You mumbled, eyes falling to the table that was overflowing with food. Your eyes lit up at the sight of self-serve champagne flutes. You grabbed Liz’s hand, bringing her along with you as you advanced towards it. You picked up a glass, immediately taking a large gulp out of it. The nude colour of your lipstick stained the rim, claiming it as your own. Liz grabbed one too, also indulging in the bubbly liquid. “You don’t have to look soulless all of the time. Just when you’re posing, or on the walk, or if you’re walking down the street, or at the supermarket.” You listed, humour radiating from you. “Interviews give you the chance to show a little bit of life. Takes the world as a shock, you know, when they realize you actually have a personality.” You continued the earlier conversation.
“That seems a bit odd, doesn’t it?”
“Oh yeah, definitely. But it’s what I was taught.” You gave a shrug. “I think people find power attractive, and that’s kind of what you encase in pictures when you look like that. At least that’s what I picked up from it.”
“Makes sense, I guess. Also makes the interviews more memorable, too. People cling to the emotion ‘cause they feel like they finally get to know some part of you. Feel connected, even.”
“Exactly, sweetheart. See? You’re gonna have my job in no time.”
“Oh, don’t say that, you’ve got at least two more good years before people get bored of you.” You couldn’t help the cackle that fell from your lips, finding the statement hilarious mostly because of its truth. The spotlight only shines for so long before it’s begging to move on. “I don’t want your job. I’d like to work with you forever, I think.” She picked up an appetizer from the table, eyeing it suspiciously before popping it in her mouth.
“Don’t you think I’d be more fun when I go batshit crazy because I don’t know what to do with myself after the fame?”
“No, because I’d have to take care of you.” She said without missing a beat. “I know the rest of the ass-kissers at the office won’t. They just want their five minutes of fame. They don’t give a shit about you.” You hummed an agreement, knowing she was speaking the truth. True connection in the world of money and power was rare, and she was the only person you’d ever felt it with aside from your own mentor. It was a constant struggle of use people or get used, and it was exhausting. As much passion as you had for your work, you were always the first to admit that the industry was ruthless.
“Yeah, sometimes I feel like Julius Caesar walking in there. Waiting for the day they all get together and stab me.” You took another sip from your glass.
“Well, they’ll probably stab me, too. At least we can go to hell, together.” You raised your glass as a cheers to the statement. She gently clicked her glass against yours in response. “Jokes aside, you are a good boss. They all have great things to say about you, so you don’t have to worry about planned assassination, yet.”
“Fantastic news. I’ve been preparing for it for weeks, now.” You smiled. Just as you finished speaking, the lights dimmed a little further. You paid no mind to it, assuming it was just a cue for everyone to gather around in preparation for the first speech. “I want to be a good boss. I don’t want to be the person everybody is scared of. I do what I do because I love it, not for the money. If I can make people fall in love with it, too, then I know I did something worthwhile. That’s the end goal.” You drained the last of your beverage, placing your glass on the tray to be taken away. You immediately went for another, needing the liquid courage for when the stage was yours.
“You do a good job. That office is full of inspiration. I never felt out of place, even when I had no experience. Made me feel like I was meant to be there, rather than just meant to work for you.” You let a smile out, one laced with genuineness.
“Cause you are, Liz. I didn’t hire you because i thought you’d stroke my ego. I hired you because I knew you’d challenge me. There’s no pride in getting your way all of the time. We all need a little criticism to thrive.”
“It’s insane, y/n. I remember being in my grad year and hearing about the new model catching the attention of everyone at Fashion Week. Less than a year later, you were working with one of the biggest designers in America, and starting your own brand. You made the industry your bitch, and when you hired me I was terrified of you. I thought anyone who climbed the ladder that fast had to be evil. But you’re just a person. My friend, even. You respect everyone, from the big bosses to the janitors. It’s very admirable.”
“Don’t stroke my ego, I just told you that’s not why I hired you.” You chuckled. “I was the same as everyone else, too. I didn’t come from money, I had to do the dirty work, I got my heart broken, and knocked down a few times, too. I can recognize what I have now had a lot to do with luck, even if I do have the talent. That’s just the way the industry works. But, everyone plays a part in success, even if you’re the one changing the garbages, signing the legal documents, or have your name sewn into the tag.” She watched you in admiration as you spoke, almost shaking her head in disbelief. Despite the tiny age gap, she always felt like she could get the wisdom she craved from you. She looked up to you, even when you told her not to. In your eyes, you and her were the same. You wished she’d start to see it that way, too. “You’ll realize I’m just me when I get up there and stumble over all of my words.” You chuckled.
“You’ll look hot while you do it, though.” She gave you a nudge with your elbow. You laughed, feeling redness rise to your cheeks.
“You think so?” You appreciated the compliment more than she realized. Deep down, you were hoping to look good, just in case Josh happened to be floating around the event.
“Oh, yeah. That dress was the right choice.” You both fell into a silence, meticulously people watching. By the time the first speech was over with, you were buzzing with nervousness for your turn on the stage. You realized just how many people were there as you observed the crowed, understanding that if you messed up, you’d be the laughing stock of the event. Liz picked up on your anxiety, soothing you with small jokes and comments intermittently. It was helping slightly, knowing that you weren’t there alone, at least.
You’d done a lot of behind the scenes work over the last year. You did a few shows, not minding the camera in your face because you didn’t have to say anything. There was no worry of stutters or misplaced rambling. Only recently had you started speaking publicly, beginning with interviews and press conferences. Now, they were integrating you into a spokesperson. As your mentor told you, your work is nothing without publicity. You needed to create the illusion of connection, make people believe they know you, make them feel appreciated. That was the key to success. You spoke at a few gala’s, but this was the largest one to date with some of the most popular faces. The alcohol was giving you a bit of a sense of confidence, and whether it was fake or not didn’t matter; you had it, and you were going to use it.
A hand on your shoulder sent a jolt of shock through you, as it was unfamiliar, yet strangely comforting. Somewhere in your soul, you recognized it without even having to look at the face. “I always told you green was your colour, sunshine.” The tone, the dialect, formulation of the words, even the barely noticeable Michigan accent at the end of the sentence was painstakingly reminiscent for you. Your stomach plummeted, heart pounding against your rib cage as you turned towards the voice. Your gaze connected with his, sending a wave of emotion through you more powerful than most you’d felt before.
“Jake,” you breathed. His lips upturned into a smile, unable to contain his excitement to see you.
“I missed you.” He said, wasting no time pulling you into a hug. As much of a shock as it was to see him, you couldn’t help but melt into the hold. As angry as you were with his brother, Jake had always been your best friend through the years of dating Josh. When your relationship came to an untimely end, so did your friendship. You’d grown estranged from the boy in the same way you had with Josh, and it killed you just the same, too. You spent days deliberating reaching out to him, just to check in, but you didn’t want to overstep boundaries. Instead, you mastered the art of becoming a stranger with him, too.
“You had time to miss me with all of that music you’re making?” You teased, pulling back but not fully letting go of him. Your hand rested on his bicep, hesitant to release him in case he slipped away. “An album and another world tour coming up, I’m surprised you have time to think of anything other than that guitar.”
“Always have time to think about you,” he said, trying to pass it off as a joke. You could see a flicker of hurt cross his eyes, the small emotion feeling like a stab to the chest. “What about you, though? Your own brand and an outlet store here in Nashville?”
“So you keep up to date with me?” You grinned.
“Seems like you do, too.” He chuckled. “I, uh… I’m proud of you, Sunny.” The words settled in your bones like cement, weighing you down. As kind as they were, everything seemed to hurt when it was coming from his mouth. Maybe it was the way he said it, or the way his tone of voice reminded you so much of the boy you forced yourself to stop thinking about. Maybe it was his mannerisms, or the face, because when he turned his head a certain angle, all you could see was Josh. Whatever it was, it hurt, and it hurt achingly bad.
“I’m proud of you guys, too. The single was phenomenal. I always knew you guys were destined for something big. I think I can even see the rock and roll hall of fame in your future.” You smiled.
“One can dream.” He laughed. “I saw you were almost completely sold out of pre-orders. Everybody has been talking about you. It’s crazy.”
“You checked out my website?” You asked, a fizzle of excitement sparking in your chest. He scoffed at the question.
“I think we were the first to put an order in.” He was telling the truth, you could sense the genuine nature of his words just by his eyes. “The men’s line is super cool, by the way.”
“Oh,” you squeaked. “You got something?” Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment.
“Of course we did, y/n. We all got something.” You wanted to press further about his statement of ‘all’, but you pushed the thought away.
“I thought you guys would have forgotten about me by now.” You admitted. A bewildered look flashed across his face.
“Forget you?” He asked, unable to believe you’d ever think that. “Sunny, we think about you almost every day. We talk about you all of the time.” You swallowed hard at the new found information. “I saw your name on the program and I knew I couldn’t let you get away without saying hi, at least. I’ve been looking for you all night. Recognized you as soon as I saw you over here. Could spot you from a mile away. I know… I know things ended pretty poorly, but the love is still there. That’ll never go away.” You almost didn’t know how to answer, wanting to pry more from him, but also not wanting to know at all.
“Is… is Josh here, too?” You finally asked, knowing the answer before he replied.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“Is he,” you paused yourself, unsure if the inquiries were pushing a boundary. “okay? I mean, like obviously, but you know.” You rambled, embarrassing yourself slightly.
“He’s Josh.” Jake assured you, a ghost of a smile on his lips. “He misses you. He’s the first to check all of the fashion magazines to see if they’re talking about you. He hasn’t been… quite the same, since everything. He still laughs and drinks and rambles, but he’s a bit more distant, I think.”
“Oh,” you repeated your same proclamation from earlier.
“If you feel up to it, maybe stop and say hello. Even if you don’t talk to him, Sam and Danny would be over the moon to see you.”
“Uh, I don’t know, Jake.” A humourless laugh fell from your lips. “Some things are just better left as is.”
“I don’t think this one is,” he said, eyes boring into you. “It’s completely up to you, sunshine.” He said, smiling warmly to assure you he meant it. Before you could respond, the announcer called out your name; in the height of emotion, you must have missed your introduction. “Don’t leave without saying goodbye, okay?” Jake said, ushering you to the stage. You nodded, downing the last of your champagne before bustling towards the stairs. You were mindful of the skirt of your dress as you walked, fearing you may trip on it and ruin the entrance. Once you had both feet planted safely on the stage, you took to the mic stand.
“Thank you for that kind introduction,” You smiled off to the side of the stage at the host, assuming he had said something kind like he had for the other speakers. Otherwise, you would look a bit like a fool. “It’s fantastic to be here tonight.” You took in a breath, trying not to focus on the crowd staring up at you. “I spent a long time debating on what to say when I got here, tonight. If I’m being completely transparent, I’m still not sure. The boss told me to get up here and tell you about myself, so that’s what I’m going to do.” You started, eyes settling on Liz for some sense of security. You used her as a focal point until your comfortability grew. “It’s intimidating getting on stage and talking about success. Especially when I feel far behind in that department, sometimes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many sales are made, or how many congratulations are spewed; we always seem to be our biggest critic, and I haven’t been able to break that habit, yet. Growing up in Nashville, there was always buzz about the greats and the up and coming stars; this whole city, and state, is full of pride, and for good reason. To think that I can be considered part of it has been mind-blowing. Knowing the support I have from home and all over the world has been incredibly eye opening, and a bit of a confidence boost, too.” You flashed a smile, causing a chorus of laughter from the audience.
“Just over a year ago, I was packing my bags and riddled with anxiety at the thought of jumping on a plane and flying away from everything I’d ever known. Somehow, by the grace of the universe, I’d been selected to participate in New York Fashion Week. When I moved there, there was no true promise of a career, but the publicity certainly seemed like a good place to start. As I flew away from here, all I could hear in my head was a million reasons to turn around and stay home. There was one voice of reason in the swarm of negativity that pushed me to follow my dream, and I’m so thankful I listened to it.” You paused, regaining your breath before you continued on. “When I arrived, I got to meet people I’d been admiring for my entire life; names that I never thought I would get a chance to speak about, let alone speak to them. I walked with pride, even in my ignorance. I had no idea what I was doing, I was just happy to be there. Somehow, in my clumsiness and lack of grace, someone saw potential. I was lucky enough to be graced with a mentor who never gave up on me; one who taught me everything I know. She is my rock, and my mother away from home. I owe every success to her, and I have no shame in saying that.” There was an awe from the crowd, appreciating the sweetness.
“She taught me design, sure, but more so than that, she taught me dedication, pride and the true meaning of hard work.” Another laugh sounded. “After a few months of relentless effort, it started to pay off. A few small companies picked up my designs, using them for miscellaneous projects. But one day, in the dreariness of winter, I was given my most valuable gift; the offer to launch my own line of clothing. Of course, partnered with my parent company, but my own work, with my heart and soul stitched into the seams. I still struggle to believe it’s real.” There was a chorus of cheers at the statement. You gave a smile, rose dusting your cheeks. “In the time from the early stages of production to now, I’ve made incredible memories. There were hard times, lots of tears and challenges, and even a couple nights leaving me with the desire to give up. But I pushed through, persevering only due to the strength that my team gives me every day. Every person I work with played a part in me getting here, and it would be incredibly dishonourable to walk away without thanking them for their hard work, too. I was lucky enough to bring along my assistant, Liz.” You pointed to her in the front row. “She’s been my driving force, my best friend, and my motivation. I have no doubt that she’ll take over for me eventually, or even be bigger than what I am, now. If anyone deserves applause, it’s her.” The crowd gave another round of cheers, causing the younger girl to erupt in a blush, smiling and waving slightly. When the crowd died down, you continued.
“I’m beyond grateful to say the presales for the brand have nearly been sold out already. That is almost unfathomable for me to think about. This morning our company issued an announcement, which I’m sure some have heard by now. After months of relentless efforts, and the dedication from my fantastic colleagues, in addition to launching this new line of clothing, our first outlet will be opening here in Nashville. We thought it only right for my hometown to be the first place to have access to our store. I’m at a loss of words at the moment; I cannot express my gratitude enough.” A round of applause sounded. You couldn’t hold back your grin, looking around the room at all of the beaming faces.
“I want to sincerely thank everyone here for giving me the time to speak. Telling my story still feels very odd, like I shouldn’t have a story to tell. I never expected to be here in my lifetime, let alone at the young age that I am. To be considered a part of Nashville’s pride is an extraordinary feeling, and proof that hard work does pay off. I would be nothing without this city, and to see the love it has for me is a beautiful thing. I also want to say thank you to all of the friends of the past, ones who I don’t necessarily speak with anymore, but I always hold close to me, no matter the distance. There’s a few in the audience tonight, ones who will forever hold a place in my heart. They helped me get here just as much as anyone else.” You gave a soft smile, trying to locate Jake. You caught sight of him, making sure he knew who you were talking about. You ignored the bodies that stood next to him, unsure if you could keep going if you caught Josh’s gaze. “So with that, I won’t keep you any longer. Enjoy your night of festivities. The food is fantastic, and so are the drinks. Thank you for allowing me to share my celebrations with you all, and here’s to a hundred more outlet stores across the world.”
As you stepped off the stage, you were finally able to fully catch your breath. The clapping and cheering didn’t fully dissipate until you rejoined Liz by the beverages. “You did fantastic!” She raved, handing you a new glass of champagne.
“I feel like I’m going to throw up.” You breathed, fanning yourself with your hand. You grabbed the champagne with your other, wanting to drink away the feeling of standing on stage. “This is so stupid, don’t you think?” You asked her. “A bunch of rich people bragging about how rich they are.”
“That’s only some of them. Others are people who worked hard and want to celebrate the success. That’s where you come in.” She gave you a pat on the shoulder. “Thanks for the mention. Made me feel special.”
“You are special,” you laughed. “Takes a certain type of person to be able to put up with me all day.”
“Mm, you seem pretty widely liked. Who was that guy you were talking to?” She pried. You grimaced at the memory of the interaction.
“Uh, that was ex-boyfriends twin brother.” You explained. Her eyes widened at the knowledge, almost as if she didn’t believe you. You were surprised she didn’t catch on. Well, more surprised that she wasn’t eavesdropping. If you were her, you would be.
“Like ex-boyfriend who broke up with you because you moved to New York?”
“That’s the one.” You nodded. She knew about Josh, but mostly just the basics. She was well aware of the constant internal battle of still loving him and hating his guts. “Jake was my best friend, too, though. Just ‘cause me and Josh ended badly doesn’t mean I don’t love him.” You shrugged.
“So do we hate Josh today, or love him?” She raised an eyebrow.
“To be determined.” You grabbed a napkin off the table and one of the more appetizing looking foods.
“Is he here?” You nodded.
“Whole band is. I’m not surprised. They have an album and a world tour coming up.”
“So you keep tabs on them,” she smirked.
“Yeah, obviously. You wouldn’t?”
“Fair enough.” She conceded. “Are you going to talk to him?”
You didn’t answer, mostly because you weren’t sure yourself. You had no idea if you wanted to talk to him, and no idea if he wanted to talk to you. You weren’t mad at her for being curious. She’d been trying to set you up on dates the entire time she’d known you, but you always turned them down. She only clued in to why after you told her about Josh. You had no interest in dating anyone, mostly because you were certain nobody would ever compare to him. The other part of you was terrified of getting hurt like that again. When Josh let you walk out without as much as a shred of hesitation, it shattered you. He was everything; the one thing in your life you’d ever been 100% certain of. Leaving him behind was gut wrenching, but knowing he didn’t care enough to fight for you was worse. You always believed he loved you enough to not care about the distance; the few tours he’d done while you were dating never proved to be an issue. You had a hard time swallowing the truth that he didn’t mind the distance as long as he wasn’t the one waiting at home.
“I don’t know, Liz.” You sighed. “It’s been a long time. I think it’s better to just let it go.”
“If you still love him this much after all of this time, maybe you shouldn’t.” You placed the flute to your lips, tipping your head back and taking another long drink of champagne.
“You’ll learn soon enough not to listen to your heart all of the time. Brain knows best.” You reminded. “And stop being an instigator, you little shit.” You laughed. She smiled, but her eyes were following something behind you. You furrowed your eyebrows at her sudden disinterest in you, finding it odd.
“Better turn your heart off, then.” She let out a quick mumble of words. She’d recognized him just from the similarities to his brother. There was no mistaking who he was, or who he was intending to talk to.
“What?” You questioned, turning your head to look in the direction of her gaze. As soon as you did, you wished you hadn’t.
Your heart sped, stomach erupting into nervous butterflies. Your palms were sweating and your breath was stuck in your throat. Josh was there, approaching you with intent. He looked different; his hair was fluffier, shaved down on the sides. He had facial hair, too, although not much. He really looked like he’d grown up since the last time you’d seen him. But, if you had to admit it, you did, too. No more kids pretending to be grown ups with too many hopes and dreams; real adults with real professions. Adults that admittedly, had been very stupid. Adults that were still very much hurting over the mistakes their younger selves made. The difference 18 months can make was staggering, you realized.
His confidence faltered once he caught your eyes. He was certain he was going to fall to his knees, weak just from the sight of you in front of him again. As he walked, he debated turning around, pretending he’d never seen you at all. But, he was certain there was a gleam of hope in your eye, and that drove him to keep going. “I’ll catch up with you later,” Liz said, quickly shuffling away to give you a moment of privacy. By the time she was out of sight, he was in front of you. The scent of incense and lingering cologne hit you like a ton of bricks. It was a scent you’d been craving for a long time, unmistakably Josh. Unmistakably home. The both of you stood, unsure of where to start. The emotion was too intense for a simple hello, but the uncertainty limited you both from saying anything else.
You looked over his face, taking in his features, studying him as if you were trying to memorize him all over again. He did look different, his jaw a bit more prominent and overall looked a bit more serious than he used to. Still, under the new facade, he was in there. The Josh you fell in love with was undoubtedly standing in front of you, just rebranded. You realized he couldn’t change enough to take away the type of love you had for him, for it was undying. “Is this the part where we cause a scene and I throw my drink at you?” You asked. The corner of his lips upturned into a smirk.
“If you feel the need to, I suppose I could understand why.” You returned the expression, happy to know that the spark was still there. At least to you, it was.
“How’ve you been, Josh?” You whispered. You were certain a flash of hurt crossed his eyes as the words left your lips. It was one that told you he thought too much of you for such simplistic small-talk. One that screamed rejection at the formalities, especially considering you both knew each other better than anyone else.
“Travelling the world.” He shrugged, but that’s all he gave. “What about you, Sunshine?” The sound of the nickname coming from his lips could have sent you straight to your knees. You had to take a long breath before you could respond, feeling the need to recover from his question.
“Dressing up and pretending I fit in with these people.”
“Pretending?” He challenged. “Could’ve fooled me.” You gave a soft smile. “That speech was phenomenal.”
“Suppose I’ve grown into the part, now.”
“Crazy what a year and a half can do, eh?” You caught his eyes, feeling your heart ache at the sea of brown you’d been missing so much. “Not like anyone was counting, though.” He added, trying to pass it off as a joke, afraid to let the vulnerability through.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “You look good.” You finally said, airing out what you wanted to admit. He chuckled.
“Have you looked in a mirror, lately? Success looks fantastic on you.” He breathed. “I didn’t think you could get any prettier, but you always seem to surprise me.” Your heart fluttered at the compliment.
“You’re all looking quite spectacular, actually. I’d like to meet your stylist. Seems like they really know what they’re doing. The stage outfits are a masterpiece. Maybe I could work with them, if you’re willing to open up a spot for an old friend.” You smiled, a warm one without any dishonest undertones. He let out a small laugh, nodding along to your statement.
“I’m sure we could work something out. We’d all be pretty thrilled to have you on board with us.” A painful moment ensued, one where you clearly picked up on his refrain. He was talking in broadness to avoid letting you know how badly he’d enjoy having you around, again. “Did you maybe want to go somewhere a bit more private?” He asked, breaking the silence you’d fallen into.
“Yeah, that would be alright.” You nodded. “Think I need a few drinks for this conversation, though.” You finished the last of your champagne and grabbed two more flutes. He nodded, appreciating the idea, then grabbed two for himself. He was grateful you hadn’t turned around and walked away. A simple hello was more than he was expecting from the conversation.
He led you in the direction of a side door, opening it and holding it for you. You slipped out, noticing that it revealed a patio area. The night was cool, but clear. The stars twinkled few and far between, and the moon casted a low light over the ground. There were a few tables and chairs places spaciously around the deck, the posts adorned with swirls of string lights. It would have been quite romantic had the mood not been so sullen. He pulled out a chair for you, inviting you to sit down. You did so, placing your glasses on the table. He pulled a chair from the other side of the table towards you. He settled in front of you, a little bit closer than ex’s should sit.
He took a long look at you, drinking in every detail and finding himself intoxicated from it. He’d wished for so long to have you in front of him again that he seemed to forget the effect you had on him. It had only gotten worse with time. He looked to be waiting for you to speak first, so you did. “Why’d you let me go that night?” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
“I was stupid.” He admitted.
“Yeah,” you nodded, agreeing with him.
“Why’d you leave like that?” He asked, challenging your question. You looked up at him, disbelief clouding your expression.
“You made me choose, Josh.” You reminded him, not willing to take the blame for the situation.
“And you didn’t choose me.” He said, not in an accusatory fashion. Just in a simple sense, as if he was recalling the night as you spoke.
“I didn’t want to choose at all.” You explained. “You were asking me to pick between the two things I wanted most in life. It’s not like I walked into that conversation planning to leave you.”
“You chose a job over me, y/n.” You shot him a look, one that he knew all too well. It would take a lifetime to forget it.
“What if it was the other way around? You know you wouldn’t have picked me over music.” He kept his gaze on you, almost smiling, despite the situation being completely humourless.
“I certainly would have thought about it.” He answered. You could see he meant it, but you weren’t sure if he understood the implications of what he was saying.
“Okay.” You nodded, acknowledging his answer. “Come to New York with me.” You said, crossing your arms in front of your chest. You thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.
“Come to New York with me.” You repeated, refusing to back down. He didn’t need to know you’d likely be staying in Nashville at least for the foreseeable future. He didn’t need to know your bags were packed at your apartment, waiting for you to return just so you could pick them up. Your homecoming was set in stone, but you needed to see if he realized the extent of his answer.
“Things are different, now, y/n.” He said, dismissing the subject.
“Pretend they’re not.” You urged. “Please.”
“I would fly to see you on the weekends. Stay with you as much as I could. But I couldn’t move there.” He said. You nodded along to his words, begging for him to see the issue in his statement.
“What if that’s not good enough? It’s all or nothing, Josh.” You felt your anger that you’d suppressed for so long begin to surface. “It’s me or the band.” You leaned forward, catching his eyes as he tried to look away from you.
“I get it, okay!” He finally exploded, likely feeling the same way you did. “I know what I did wasn’t right. I’ve spent a year and a half trying to forgive myself for it. But you were so caught up in being mad that you didn’t even stop to think about how I felt!” Rarely did you ever see Josh yell, let alone expel frustration the way he was doing in that moment. You were taken back, but not distracted from your feelings.
“Then tell me!” You pleaded. “You wouldn’t even look at me that night! All you said was you didn’t have anything to say to me, but clearly you do, so say it!”
“Fine, you want to hear it?” He asked, leaning forward, too. “I love, but I don’t fall in love with people. Never have. Thought it was too much commitment for such a short lifetime. I spent my entire life completely fine with never settling down. Then I met you, and you changed everything! I didn’t even get to decide whether I fell in love with you or not. By the time I started to realize how much you meant to me, I was already head over heels. I spent every day of my life, for three years, falling more in love with you every day that passed; I changed my whole outlook because you showed up and made me realize maybe I just hadn’t met the right person, and that’s why I never wanted to commit. We moved in together, and I started picturing this life with you, one where you had my last name and we had a few kids. Then you left. You just came home one day and said you were leaving, as if it weren’t an earth-shattering idea. I was so mad because you changed my entire life, and then you took it away!” You understood better, now. He felt abandoned, and you caused it. He never would have admitted it to you then, and he barely wanted to, now. Still, the idea of him thinking you were going to walk away and forget all about him stung like no other.
“I didn’t leave you, Josh. I left Nashville!” You exclaimed. “I never pictured a life without you, and I still don’t! I sit at my apartment alone and hope that maybe you’ll text me, or call, or show up! But you never did, so I had to learn how to deal with it!”
“It was the same thing, y/n! You left me behind for a whole new life. If we didn’t break up that night, we would have anyway!” You’re recoiled as if he’d burned you. “I didn’t call because you were perfectly fine leaving me here! You jumped on that plane and got to start over, and I got to sleep in a bed that haunted me with your presence!”
“It wasn’t the same, Josh.” You shook your head. “I sat at home in that apartment every day when you were touring the world, watching you live your dream from the sidelines. Watching girls throw themselves at you, always wondering if maybe I’d wake up one day and you’d find someone new. I waited for you, watching your life through a phone screen while I worked my shitty 9-5 and settled for video calls whenever you had time for me. Not once did I make you feel like shit about it. But the minute I get a chance at the life I’ve always dreamed of, it was a choice? One or the other? It wasn’t fucking fair, Josh. How was I supposed to stay after that?”
“You started dating me knowing that was my life! I spent three years with you building one of our own, one that we were used to, and comfortable with, one where we were happy. You came home one day and told me you’re getting on a plane and leaving for god knows how long. There was no discussion, I just had to be okay with it!” He was leaning closer with every word. Your faces were inches apart, both of you radiating with anger and on the defensive.
“Of course you were, Josh! You were my boyfriend! I told you I got invited to model in New York Fashion Week, and you made me feel like I didn’t have it in me, like you were already waiting for me to fail and come crawling back to you! You let me walk out that door like the three years we spent together meant nothing to you. Like you were only okay with being in love with me as long as it benefited you.” Tears were brimming in your eyes, the ache of the pain from that night still as prominent as it was a year prior. “You knew how much it meant to me. It was my biggest dream, one that I thought I would never achieve. I finally had a chance to live the life I always wanted, which still in included you, by the way, but you were too stubborn to understand anything other than your hurt. I would have came home every weekend to see you, called you every night, I would have done anything, because you were my whole world! You were supposed to support me, and you left me! I walked out that night, but you made that decision!” The tears spilled on to your cheeks, finally shed after so long holding them back. In the heat of the moment, at the sight of your hurt, he threw the anger and the fighting to the side. Without hesitation, his arms shot out and pulled you into a hug. You didn’t fight, just held him, too. As upset as you were, you knew that his hold was something you’d been longing for the whole time you were apart. The way he felt wrapped around you made you believe that the world was okay; the comfort was an impenetrable force.
“I never wanted to make you feel that way.” He whispered, holding your head securely in his palm. He used his other one to rub circles on your back. “I will always be your biggest fan, even if we never speak again after tonight. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t stress that enough. I was selfish, and I know that. You did so much for me, you always supported me, and I took it for granted. I was hurt when you left, but I never should have let you leave like that. I should have been there for you, cheering you on the same way you did for me.” He hesitated, but placed a kiss to the top of your head. When you didn’t recoil, he took it as a win. “I’m so sorry, y/n.”
“I am, too.” You said, the tears finally slowing. You pulled back, although quite hesitant in the action. He let you, but didn’t remove his hand from you. Instead, his thumb drifted to your cheek to wipe away the tears that had fallen. “It was never from a lack of love, Josh. When it comes to you, that’s not even a possibility. Breaking up with you was never an idea in my head. The distance didn’t scare me, because I knew I loved you enough to work through anything. When you wanted me to choose, I panicked. I was hurt, and I reacted based on that. I shouldn’t have walked out without fixing things. That was my mistake.”
“No, y/n. I shouldn’t have put you in that position, and I never should have let you leave like that. I was hurting and I was scared, I thought you would leave and forget about me. I didn’t want to lose you, but I ended up losing you, anyway, and I still haven’t recovered. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.” You leaned into his touch, resting your head on his hand.
“Josh, I fell in love with you the day I met you. That never changed. I still walk around New York City, hoping I run into you, praying it won’t be like this forever. Your memory lives in everything I do; I couldn’t forget about you, even if I wanted to. Trust me, I’ve tried.” You laughed. “You’re the love of my life, whether it was only for a period of time or if we still have a chance. Nobody could ever replace you.”
“I never moved out of the apartment. It’s still decorated the same. It still has little reminders of you, everywhere. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of them. Jake thinks I’m insane, or I’m torturing myself. I guess I just thought you’d come back for them, someday.” He confessed. “I still love you the same as I did a year ago.”
“Me, too.” You closed your eyes, hoping to hold on to the memory of his words forever. “So we’ve both been waiting for each other to come back this whole time? We’ve just been too stubborn to send a message first?”
“Yeah,” he laughed. “Both of us watching the others lives through social media, the most impersonal way possible.”
“You looked so happy. I was worried you were happier without me.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes at the statement.
“See? Impersonal. I’ve been miserable, mama.” Your heart soared at the term of endearment. You reached for your champagne glass, taking a sip, careful not to let your eyes leave him.
“Yeah, me too.” You eventually laughed. “We don’t have to be miserable, anymore. Not tonight, at least.” You said, wanting to blame the advance on the alcohol, but knowing deep down that it was wholly untrue.
“Are you saying what I think you are?” He raised an eyebrow. The Josh you knew so well was starting to make an appearance, again. You gave a shrug.
“I have a room upstairs with free room service. King bed, too.” He looked at you with intrigue, wanting to jump at the chance but still being afraid your judgement was clouded. He didn’t want you to regret it in the morning.
“There’s probably still a lot we could get off our chests. Did you want to talk more, first? I just want you to be sure this is what you want.” You stood, drinking the last of the liquid from your glass and moving on to the next.
“Fuck, Josh, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life. We can figure it out in the morning. I haven’t had sex in a year and a half, and I’m tired of waiting. I want you.” He took a deep inhale at the words, fighting the urge to take your clothes off right there. He stood, too, grabbing his own champagne glasses. He had no fight left in him, because he wanted you just as bad.
“Lead the way, mama.” For a moment, things felt right. Like no time had passed and you were both the same people as you were before all of the hurt. You turned on your heels, heading back to the door you came through, earlier. He was hot on your trail, not willing to let you leave his sight.
You slipped back inside, noticing the speeches had come to a close and the lights were off. The music was louder and the mood lighting really set the tone for the rest of the night. If you weren’t in such an entanglement, you thought you might enjoy it. But, you were certain that the nights events would top whatever enjoyment the ballroom could give you. You dropped off your empty glasses on the way by, watching Josh discard his, too. You reached out for him, looking back over your shoulder. He tangled his fingers with yours, over the moon at the feeling after so long without it. You guided him to the exit, managing to sneak out without too many curious glances. Liz, however, noticed you as soon as you came back inside. Josh’s brothers did, too. All of them were well aware that it wasn’t over between the two of you, and it never would be. They were waiting for the reunion just as much as the two of you were.
You both ran down the hallway to the elevator, giggles slipping out intermittently. When the doors opened, allowing you inside, Josh jumped at the moment of seclusion. His hand found your waist, pulling you into him like it was the most natural thing in the world. His free hand guided your chin upwards, finally taking the chance to lean down and kiss you. You melted into the feeling, closing your eyes in bliss. It was sweet, no provocative nature present. Just both of you savouring the moment in which you’d been denied of for months. When the ding signified your destination was reached, his wandering hands were reluctant to pull away. Thankfully, your room wasn’t too far away, meaning he wouldn’t have to wait too long to continue.
You keyed into your room, barely getting the door closed before he was back on you. You both kicked off your shoes, leading him further inside before things got too heated. You parted from him to click on the lamp by your bedside. He took the chance to admire you, now. No more residual tension was clouding his vision. “You look stunning, y/n.” You turned to him, a smile on your lips.
“You look pretty good yourself, Joshua.” He approached again, slower and more cautious. He raised his hand to your cheek, brushing away all of the hair obscuring the sight of your face.
“Has it really been that long?” He didn’t need to clarify; you knew what he was asking. You gave a nod, hoping you didn’t have to dive into it too far. In truth, you didn’t want to hear a submission of guilt from him. If he’d been with other people in your time apart, it was his free will, and you couldn’t be upset about it. There was no disloyalty of any kind, but you certainly didn’t want to imagine it.
“I guess it never felt right. Always felt like I was still yours, I think.” You shrugged. He smiled at the words, overjoyed at the profession.
“Me either,” he said, running his thumb over your cheek. “I was always yours, too.” You let out a sigh of relief, almost feeling the need to cry again. The entire night felt so surreal, almost as if you were dreaming.
“God, please tell me this is real life. I don’t want to wake up disappointed.” You pleaded. He chuckled, finding the statement quite cute.
“It’s real, mama. Trust me, I feel the same way.” He leaned down, kissing you once more. Your hand reached for him, landing somewhere on his side. You didn’t care where it landed, only that you were touching him again. “Sounds like we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.” He stated, pulling back just enough to get the words out. A laugh fell from your lips, one that was quiet and still laced with disbelief. “Turn around for me.” You obliged, spinning to face the other direction.
His fingers drifted over your exposed skin, gathering your hair and pushing it to the side. He unzipped your dress, gently brushing the silk straps from your shoulders. He leaned forward pressing his lips to the spots they once graced. You let out a hum of delight, closing your eyes at the sensation. He let you decide whether you wanted to let the fabric fall, and you did. It dropped with as much elegance as it held while you adorned it on your body. He bent down, waiting for you to step away from it. Once you did, he cautiously picked it from the ground, gently laying it over the chair by the bedside. Once it was safely out of the way, he finally turned to look at you again. His breath caught in his throat, completely taken off guard at the sight of you naked before him once again.
“My beautiful girl,” he whispered, taking a step towards you. You were standing, completely naked aside from your underwear, at full disposal for whatever he chose to do with you. There was no worry in your body; the minute his hands found you again, you were certain you’d found home, again. After so long wandering through life, gaining success but never really feeling like you belonged, it made sense again. All of the money and the fame was satisfying, but never fulfilling. His touch reminded you of why everybody loved to say money can’t buy happiness. There was no financial value that would ever equate to the feeling of being loved by Josh. If you were put on earth for a purpose, it was to be loved by him, and to love him. Nobody could look at you and see right into your soul the way he could; he knew every part of you without even looking or having to ask. “Lay down, baby.” He insisted.
You allowed him to guide you down on the bed, your head finding home in the nest of pillows. He rid himself of his jacket, and his shirt wasn’t long following. You watching him in awe, not being able to comprehend how one boy could posses so much beauty. It was in everything he did, his words, his actions, his appearance. He was perfect. He slipped out of his pants, climbing in bed with you. He pulled you into his arms, just enjoying the intimacy for a moment. Eventually, you were both stripped naked and tangled in each others limbs. As heated as the journey to your room was, sex was no longer the most pressing thought in your heads. You found yourself lost in chatter, laughing and giggling at stories you’d been longing to tell each other for the last year. In between, there were stolen kisses; some short, and others laced with neediness. No sexual gratification would compare to the emotional connection you started to restore.
Eventually, he found himself laying between your legs, mouth exploring the spots on your neck he was aching to reunite with. Every so often, his teeth or tongue would grace over a sensitive area, pushing a breathy moan from your lips. The sounds were heavenly, ones he thought he’d never get the chance to hear again. “I want you, Josh.” You sighed, finally growing restless after the hours of relentless teasing.
“Tell me what you want, gorgeous.” He hummed against your collarbone.
“You. I don’t care, anything, please.” You sighed, not caring about the desperation. You felt him smile against you, clearly pleased with the state you were in.
“You want me to touch you?” He asked, fingers ghosting over your rib cage, sending a jolt of electricity through.
“Please,” he brought the pad of his thumb to your nipple, brushing it over you. He watched as you drew in a shaky breath. If there was one thing you knew about Josh, it was that he loved viewing sex as a marathon. If you were to let him, he’d go all night, dragging it out as much as possible. Tonight, you couldn’t take it. He could tell how you were feeling without you saying it aloud, not finding it in himself to push you any further. He let his hand drift downwards, shifting his weight onto one side so he had better access to you. He slipped his fingers between your legs, running them through you and getting a feel for your arousal. Your back arched at the feeling, it was familiar yet almost foreign.
“All of this for me, pretty girl?” He asked, running your wetness up to your clit. He slowly rubbed circles, just light enough to allow you to adjust to the feeling. You muttered a curse under your breath, almost having forgotten how acquainted he was with your body. His fingers kept a steady pace, gradually applying more pressure as he continued on. His eyes remained on your face, wishing to engrave your expression into every part of his brain so he could never forget it.
As his hand explored you, his lips did, too. His mouth drifted across your exposed stomach, trailing kisses all over the skin. Eventually, he worked his way up to your breasts, pulling a hardened nipple into his mouth, grazing his teeth and tongue over it, begging for a reaction. When he heard a whine fall from your lips, he closed his eyes in satisfaction. He slipped his finger down towards your entrance, moving his thumb to your clit in place. He pushed his middle and ring finger inside you, starting at an agonizingly slow pace. His thumb brushed over your clit with every pump of his fingers. The sensation was much more intense than you remembered it, maybe because of the depravity of the feeling, or because you missed him so much.
The sex was slow, much slower than it used to be. Both of you wanted to savour the experience as much as you could. But the praise, the words, even the way he worshiped you like you were the most beautiful thing to walk the earth was all the same. Neither of you allowed any of the negativity to change the way you appreciated each other. You’d been with plenty of people before Josh, but never any who loved you in the way he did. Every touch was sacred, filled with love and tenderness, even if the act wasn’t supposed to feel that way. As stupid as you felt about waiting so long for him, you were thankful you did. Nobody could make you feel the way he did. The wait just resulted in the usual pleasure being escalated by a thousand.
“Does that feel good, mama?” He asked, finally pausing his assault on your breasts. He looked up to you, eyelids heavy and lust clouding his pupils.
“So good, Josh.” You sighed, looking down to meet his gaze. He gave you a lazy smile, content at the confirmation.
“Did you miss me?” He questioned, his tone dropping slightly. He curled his fingers upward with the next movement, causing a gasp to fall from you. “Hmm?” He hummed, still waiting for you to answer.
“Missed you so much.” You admitted, eyelids fluttered closed at the pleasure he was causing.
“Think she missed me, too.” He muttered, eyes flowing down towards his hand working into your cunt. You swallowed hard at the words, taken off guard by the cockiness but knowing he was speaking truth. His jaw clenched, clearly pleased with the sight. He was good at putting his pleasure aside to ensure yours, but you knew him well enough to recognize what his expression meant. He’d been depraved of this, too, and the view was driving him insane. “Right?” He asked for clarification, his chest rising at his deep inhale.
“Yeah,” you whispered, a pressure beginning to build in your belly.
“She knows she belongs to me.” He hummed. Your face flushed at the statement, unsure where the possessiveness was coming from. That was something quite new; before, he always acted as though the access to your body was a gift. The simple statement dripped with entitlement, but you didn’t mind. He was right. No matter how much distance between you, or how much time passed, you were his. You didn’t mind the claim in the slightest. In fact, you enjoyed it.
“Fuck, Josh,” you let your head fall back on the pillows, the knot in your stomach tightening more with every second that passed.
“Yeah?” He beamed, knowing exactly what the warning was for. “Look at me, mama. Wanna see that pretty face while you cum.” He pleaded. You were in no state to deny him the request, eyes falling back on him. He was watching you, desperate to see your expression. His movements remained steady, gently coaxing the orgasm from you. Your mouth fell open slightly, a sharp inhale sounding as the pressure peaked and sent you into a down-spiral. You managed his name through the intense wave of moans, eyes squeezed shut and all of your muscles tensed. He rode you through it, whispering notes of encouragement as you were clenched around his hand.
When you relaxed against him, he let out a long breath. The tail end dissolved into a groan, absolutely floored at the sight he had just experienced. “Was that good, baby?” He asked, slowly pulling his fingers from you. You sighed at the loss of contact, still yearning for more.
“So, so good, Josh.” You didn’t mind fuelling his ego, because it was well deserved. At first, you wanted to blame the quickness of your orgasm on the length of time it had been since you had one. Deep down, you knew it wasn’t true. Josh had the ability to make you cum simply by looking at you with enough intent. It had everything to do with him, and you knew nobody else could ever affect you in the same way.
“Can’t believe you had nobody to take care of you for so long,” he let out a disapproving tsk, slowly sinking down further on the bed. “All of those New York boys really missed out.” His soft lips grazed over the inside of your thigh. “A woman like you deserves more than that.” His teeth sunk into the flesh, causing you to jump at the sudden sensation. “What was it, mama? Couldn’t find anyone to fuck you right?” Your jaw clenched at the profanity of his statement. You were well aware that he was only messing with you just for show, so you played into his game.
“Mhm,” you agreed. “Nobody could fuck me like you, Josh.” You told him, lowering your tone. The muscle in his jaw tensed at the confession.
“No?” He asked, lips dangerously close to your heat. “My poor baby.” He sympathized, his facial hair gently tickling the skin of your legs. “I’ll always treat you right, honey.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, agreeing with him.
“Y’know I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it. Always fuck you like you just how you like it.” The teasing was torturous; you needed him more than you needed water. It wasn’t a desire, it was necessary for survival.
“I know you will, baby.” You breathed, your sultry tone quickly dissolving into whiny.
“That’s why you’ll always come home to me, right?” He asked, dipping his head even closer to your cunt. “You know who you belong to, beautiful.” You gave a nod of desperation. “Wanna hear you say it, mama.”
“You, Josh. I’m all yours. Only yours.” You promised. A smile graced his face.
“Sounds so pretty when you say it like that.” He was trying not to sound needy himself; his mouth was practically watering at the sight before him. He almost felt wrong teasing you in such a way, because he was certain he was more desperate for you than he’d ever been. “I’d treat you better than that. I’d fuck you every day if I could, just to make sure you know what you deserve. Just to make sure you were happy.” He explained, feeling his guilt resurface. You felt your heart ache at the statement, the words reminding you that as good as you felt, things weren’t the same as they used to be. He saw the emotion flash across your face, realizing how his statement may have come off in a context he didn’t intend. “I can, and I will, if you’ll let me.” He let down the act for a moment, fully letting you see into his heart.
“Yeah,” you managed to muster out. “I’d like that.” He couldn’t hold back the look of happiness that forced its way onto his face.
“Be mine again, baby. Promise I’ll make up for everything. I’ll never let you get away again.” He whispered, but he was pleading with you. There was no way he could walk away from you after this. It would kill him.
“Okay,” you agreed, no hesitation present. It wasn’t the alcohol, or the sex talking. You wanted him, and you were certain of that before you’d even spoken to him. Maybe everybody else was right, you thought. This wasn’t one of those things that you couldn’t walk away from. If you did, you’d be 80 years old and still wondering what it would be like to love him again. When it came to Josh, it was never over. Just a wrong turn that ultimately led you back to the same destination.
He let the thought settle in his soul; no more yearning for someone he wasn’t sure he would ever have again. The universe had granted him another chance, and he’d be damned if he took it for granted a second time. You were his again, and he was yours, as if that was ever untrue in the first place. He wasted no more time, slipping his arms under your thighs and pulling you down on his mouth. He let his tongue run through you, savouring the feeling and moaning against you. He was eating you as if he was a starved man offered his first meal in weeks. In his eyes, he was. Being depraved of the home he’d found between your legs was a terrible feeling, and he never wanted to feel it again.
You let a moan out, your hands snaking down to his hair. You noticed the lack of it on the sides, understanding that it would be hard to get used to. Instead of focusing on the difference, you tangled your fingers in the hair still atop his head, losing yourself to the familiarity of his tongue. You couldn’t help but admire him through the waves of pleasure, the way he got enjoyment out of making you feel good, how pretty he looked with his head nestled between your thighs. You noticed the way his hips would grind into the mattress, just enough to give him a bit of relief, or the way he was completely lost in you, not having a notice for anything other that what was in front of him. You had no doubt he would stay there forever, if you let him.
He pulled back for a moment, just to catch another look of your face. “Taste so good, baby. Even better than I remember.” He slipped his thumb in place of his tongue, just so he didn’t lose the progress he was making. “Missed having you like this. Thought about it every fucking night.”
“I thought about it too, all of the time.” You sighed, mesmerized by the emotion he adorned in his eyes. He returned his other fingers to you, pumping them in time with his thumb for a moment. He studied you for a while before he returned to work with his mouth. The combined feeling of him pumping his fingers into you, and his tongue focused on your clit was overwhelming.
You were nearing a second orgasm, desperate for him to keep going. He could sense it in your breathing, the tugs at his hair, and the profanities you were expelling every so often. He remained steady, curling his fingers every so often in attempt to find the spot inside you he knew so well. He hit a particularly sensitive spot, causing your hips to buck forward. He didn’t have to say it aloud for you to know he enjoyed it; a groan produced from deep in his chest, his fingers attempting to get the same reaction from you again. You closed your eyes, unable to focus on anything other than the knot tightening in your belly.
“Josh,” you breathed, a verbal warning that you were close. He hummed against you, encouraging you. Your head fell back, blissfully unaware of anything other than the feeling of his tongue. Soon after, you were coming undone again, crying his name and quickly dissolving into a mess. He coaxed you through it, more dedicated to making you feel good rather than getting the satisfaction of seeing your face.
When you came down, he didn’t ease up; his tongue was still determined, fingers never slowing. Even in the burning oversensitivity, you couldn’t help but still enjoy the moment. You were certain that after 18 long months, he could cause you nothing but physical pain and you’d still enjoy it, just because he was the one doing it. Part of you wished he never had to stop, because you never wanted to come down from the high of the intimacy. The overpowering sensation was driving you insane, the previous orgasm never really having a chance to dissipate before the next began to bloom. The noises you were making were filthy, pornographic, almost. Josh was almost praying the walls were thinner than they appeared, cocky enough to know how good he was making you feel and egotistical enough to want everyone to know it.
When your third orgasm was begging you to let go, you couldn’t even get the words out to warn him. Your knuckles were white against the hold on his hair, all of your muscles rigid and lungs aching for a full breath. It took little time for you to reach your peak, panting heavily and glistening with a thin layer of sweat. This time, he slowed his movements as your body relaxed. He removed his tongue first, followed by his fingers once he knew you were back to earth. “There you go, mama.” He sighed. His lips ghosted over your torso as he inched his way up your body. “That’s all you needed, hmm?” He hummed, sucking a few marks into your collarbone. “Someone to take care of you,” his head nuzzled back into the crook of your neck, mouth exploring the area once again. “Someone who knows how to make you feel good?” His moustache tickled the sensitive skin, causing a tired giggle to fall from you. You could feel him smile against you in response to the sound.
“I want you, Josh.” You said. As fantastic as he was making you feel, your patience was non-existent. It had been too long since you’d had him, and you didn’t feel willing to wait any longer. He lifted his head from your neck, eyes scanning your face for a moment. His lips upturned into a smirk, likely feeling similar.
“You want me?” He whispered, already shifting between your legs for a better position. You gave him a nod. “How bad, beautiful?”
“So bad, baby. It’s been so long.” You admitted, not willing to challenge him in the slightest. His fingers gently grazed over your hips, a moment of innocent love before such a dirty act. He pulled you towards him, grabbing your legs and guiding them over his shoulders. The excitement brewing in your stomach was barely containable.
“Been so good for me, mama. Won’t make you wait any longer.” He promised. You felt his hand leave you, moving down to guide himself towards your entrance. Without another word, he pushed himself inside you. You both let out a sigh of relief, finally feeling at peace with each other. The battle of experiencing so much pent up love with nowhere to channel it had come to an end; the solution to the issue being clear the whole time, but only now was it truly acknowledged. You needed each other, and no distance would change that. There was no separation or heartbreak big enough to rid yourselves of the connection you had. You both knew that before the night dissolved into the current situation, but it was only solidified further once you both felt what it was like to be reunited in such a way. There was no way you could walk away from each other again.
His hips moved slowly, the only motive being the need to feel the closeness. The movements were barely stimulating, but more than pleasurable to you both. “God, y/n.” He hissed, sucking in a long breath through his teeth. He pulled you closer to him by your thighs, thrusting as he did so and causing a gasp from you. “Feel so fucking good.” He picked up the pace, realizing he was only torturing you both. The memory of him inside you was nothing in comparison to the real thing. The angle allowed the tip of his cock to brush your cervix, sending a jolt of electricity through you each time. “Wish I could have you like this forever.”
“Me, too.” You groaned, your hand reaching out in desperation for his. He met your gesture, pulling your hand into his and resting them on your thigh. His eyes were closed, intently focusing on his movements, making sure he kept a steady rhythm. The low light of the lamp was casted over his face, allowing you to really admire his beauty. The slight furrow of his eyebrows, the tension in his jaw as he fucked into you, his lips that always looked so soft and inviting. He was a masterpiece, and you felt lucky to even be able to experience him in such a way. His free hand found your breast, at first just a gentle acknowledgment, but then he took your nipple between his fingers and applied a bit of pressure. The shock lit up your face, causing him to give you a small smirk. As much as he loved to please you, he loved to be an asshole, too.
It was all in the nature of the relationship; the time that passed didn’t change the dynamic. You both still seemed to be on the same wavelength, remembering what the other liked, incorporating small humorous expressions and actions to lighten the intensity. You were grateful that he was still so familiar to you. It took the nervousness away, and made sex feel lighthearted and carefree. There was never a worry of embarrassment or fear of judgement. He was your best friend, still, after everything, and he was making sure you knew that. The same goofy, sweet boy from the beginning.
You could tell he was growing bored with the position. As much as he loved the feeling, you knew what he wanted, and you were fully willing to give it to him. “Lay down,” you told him. His eyes connected with yours, an unspoken question of certainty. You gave a nod, and he didn’t wasn’t any time pulling out of you. He collapsed onto the bed beside you, turning towards you and practically pulling you on top of him. He had a grin plastered across his face, cheeks a bit rosy and eyelids heavy.
“You know me so well.” He said softly, almost as if he were talking to himself.
“You act like you’re the only one who enjoys this position.” You rolled your eyes.
“I know you do, but I really like it.” His excitement was clear in his face. You couldn’t help but smile, too.
“Yeah, ‘cause you don’t have to do any work.” You joked, securing your legs on either side of him. You lifted yourself up, reaching down to guide him back into you.
“No, ‘cause you look so pretty on top of me.” He answered, tone of voice matching yours. His hands found your hips, slowly bringing you down on him. “I’d be happy to do the work as long as I get to see you like this.” You couldn’t find the words to reply, already lost in the new position, revelling in the angle and depth he was reaching inside you. You began to roll your hips on him, slowly catching up to speed. “Oh, and because I can do this, now.” He reached around, pinching your ass between his index finger and his thumb. Your eyes widened, giving him a look of bewilderment. He gave a chuckle, keeping his hand there and gently running his thumb over the spot he’d just hurt.
“Not being very nice to someone who’s trying to get you off,” you grumbled. He erupted into a real laugh, giving his head a small shake.
“Don’t have to try very hard, mama. Never did.” He joked, but there was a hint of truth to the statement. “But, I suppose I could be a little nicer. Since you’re being so good to me.” He brought his free hand up to your cheek, brushing the hair from your face. You leaned into his palm, closing your eyes in content. You were still moving your hips, just enough to satisfy the craving while he joked with you. It felt so natural, so familiar. It felt like home.
“You’ll be nice for a while, then you’ll do something to piss me off again. It’s just what you do.” You giggled, remembering his constant antics to get on your nerves. It was intolerable by times, but always in the most loving and sincere way possible.
“You love me.” He stated, in a completely relaxed, natural way. Your breath caught in your throat at the word, surprised that it made an appearance again so soon. He said it as if he’d never stopped saying it in the first place. He finally noticed what he said, expression losing its humour almost instantly. “I hope you do, at least.” He mumbled.
“I do,” you whispered, nodding your head. “I really do.” You were overcome with emotion, swallowing back the tears begging to be shed at the statement. The high intensity of the emotions in the room were unimaginable, and they hadn’t subsided all night. A small smile graced his lips as a laugh filled with relief sounded from him.
“God, it’s been so long since I’ve heard you say that.” He guided your head down, connecting your mouths in a gesture of gratitude. “Too long.” He mumbled against your lips. You pulled back just enough to speak clearly.
“I’ll say it again, if you really want me to.” You grinned.
“Please, baby.” He begged, wanting to hear the actual words.
“I love you,” you breathed, happy to finally be able to tell him again.
“I love you.” He replied, bringing you into another kiss, much more desperate than the last. As he did so, he suddenly seemed to remember where you were and what you were in the middle of. Without breaking away from you, he thrusted upwards with force. The impact caused you to let a moan slip into his mouth, only fuelling him further. You raised your hips slightly, allowing him to move with ease. He took it as an invitation, repeating his earlier action and continuing with a steady pace.
You parted with him, catching your breath. You straightened up, placing a hand on his chest to support your balance as he fucked you. You let out a slur of curses, indirect praise for the work he was doing. You moved your hips in time with his, greedy for more. He dropped his hands back to your waist, fingers gripping at the flesh like he’d gone feral. As much as you liked to tease him, you liked the position just as much as he did. There was something that drove you crazy about him under you, the freedom of his hands in which he used expertly. Plus, the pleasure he got from it fuelled yours, too. You were certain you could spend the rest of your life doing nothing but pleasing him and be happy while doing it.
His hips stuttered and he let out a low groan, the telltale sign he was getting close. It had been a long time for both of you, the stamina barely existing on either part. He held you still, wordlessly telling you to slow down. You fought against the hold, not caring if he came or not. In fact, you were hoping he would. He’d been generous in the orgasm department with you, and you were eager to do the same for him. “Slow down, mama.” He warned.
“It’s okay,” you assured him.
“Don’t want it to be over yet.” He admitted, catching your gaze.
“S’okay, baby.” You repeated. “I have this room all weekend.” He eyed you with an emotion you couldn’t quite place, like he was already thinking about the luxury of fucking you again. Like he was making a list of how many places around the room he could have you in. In a split-second decision, his fingers shot to your clit, finding it without any issue.
“Gotta cum with me, then. You know the rules.” He ordered. You have a nod, a hum of pleasure sounding straight from your chest. He stopped your movements, allowing him to set the pace and ensuring his hand didn’t slip from you, either. You locked your hips in place, fully allowing him to do as he pleased with you.
You both knew it wouldn’t take long; the joys of knowing each other so well meant that you knew exactly what to do. He kept his movement steady and consistent, uttering small praise as you allowed him to work at you. The noises falling from your lips graced his ears and settled deep in his chest, begging him to never forget them. “Look at me,” he wanted to sound authoritative, but he was nowhere close to it. Still, you obliged. You caught his eyes, finding yourself lost in them as soon as you did. “Come on, mama. Cum for me.” He begged, both of you knowing he couldn’t last much longer. The intensity grew with each second that passed, your head spinning with pleasure.
“M’gonna,” you moaned, promising to fulfill his request. He let out a groan, the end dissolving into a bit of a growl. The sound alone seemed to be enough to do it for you. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, your climax hitting you hard. You kept a steady hold on his chest, your other hand reaching for his arm for support. He didn’t have the ability to coax you through it; his cock twitched inside you, the sight of you coming undone sending him over the edge. He held you down on him as he spilled his release into you.
“Fuck, y/n,” he groaned, fingers digging into your hips with a promise of lasting bruises. When he came back down from the high, you were both breathless and seeing stars. He released his grip on you, guiding you down to lay on him. “My beautiful girl,” he sighed, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I missed you so much.” You confessed, focusing on the drum of his heartbeat against his chest.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.” He admitted, letting his fingers run through your hair. He sounded tired, enveloped in comfort and peace. “I thought about you every day. You never left my mind.”
“I’m sorry I left, Josh. I didn’t want to leave you. Especially like that.”
“I know, mama. I’m sorry for trying to make you stay. It wasn’t fair. I should have supported you no matter what.” He gently scratched your head. You closed your eyes, fully immersed in the intimacy. “I promise I’ll never do anything like that again. I was lucky enough to get a second chance, and I want to do it right, this time.”
“Me, too.” You agreed. “I never want to lose you again. It was a horrible year without you. Yeah, I did great stuff, made a name for myself, but it didn’t really mean a whole lot without someone to share the excitement with. Everybody was talking about me, but I had nobody to talk to. It was lonely without my best friend.”
“I know what you mean. Great things happened, I’m proud of what we accomplished, but I just wanted to be able to come home and tell you all about it. Every time I realized I couldn’t, it all just lost its shine.” You smiled at the statement, thinking he worded it perfectly. Life was fine without Josh, survivable in the least, but he made everything shine. He gave everything just a little bit more novelty. It was dull without him. Lacklustre, even. “Was it too soon to say I love you again?” He asked, finally airing out his anxiety.
“I think I was shocked, hearing it again after so long, but I don’t think it was wrong to say it. We never really stopped being in love; all of it was still there, it just had nowhere to go. If anything, I’m happy you still feel that way, too. Made me feel less stupid.” He didn’t respond, but you could practically feel him smiling. “You never moved out of the apartment?” You remembered he had said it earlier, but you wanted to clarify that you’d heard him right.
“No. Never changed it, either. There’s still shampoo bottles in the shower that belong to you, clothes in the closet, our pictures on the wall. I think I always hoped you’d come back home. Wanted you to know it was still yours, if you ever did.” Your heart ached at his words. You’d both been so stupid, suffering for so long that you both forced yourself to believe you’d forgotten about each other. “And it is. I mean, still yours, if you ever want to come back.” His free hand drifted over your back, fingertips gently ticking the exposed skin. “I know you have a career in New York, and I understand if you can’t, or you don’t want to. If you ever do want to, or change your mind, I’d be more than happy.”
“Thank you,” you wanted to express it in the most sincere way possible. The knowledge that he still wanted you there with him was extremely comforting. You didn’t mind the idea, either.
“But, for now, I’m happy to fly out and see you whenever I can. I’ll call every night, just like I should have from the beginning. I’ll never let you think I forgot about you ever again, or that I don’t believe in you, because neither of those are true.” You placed a kiss to his chest, finally feeling ready to tell him the news. You would have, anyway, but knowing he was willing to make it work even if you lived so far away made it impossible not to tell him.
“Actually, I was wondering if you could give me my key back.” You grinned. His lax stature immediately changed, pulling back just so he could look to see if you were joking. “Now that the line is releasing, and the outlet store is opening here, I’m gonna be in Nashville for a while. On and off, sometimes, but here for the foreseeable future, at least.” The look on his face made it seem like you’d just told him he won the lottery. “I was kind of dreading staying in a hotel, or having to hunt for another lonely apartment.”
“Are you serious?” He asked, still catching up to speed.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I’d really like to come home, Josh. If that’s what you want, of course.” You felt that the need to go through the motions of dating again were quite silly, especially since you’d spent most of your adult life with him. The brief pause when you were gone didn’t really mean too much. You’d both changed, but clearly not enough to become anything close to strangers.
“Of course I do!” He wrapped you up in a hug, holding you like he’d never get the chance to, again. You both dissolved into a fit of giggles, excited at the idea of building a life together, again.
“I know you have to tour, and that’s okay. I’ll have to be in New York sometimes, too. I can come visit you, wherever you are. If you get some free time, you can come see me, or we can meet in the middle. I don’t care where that is, because if I’m with you, I’m home.” If it was possible to hold you tighter, he did just that. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he mumbled, words muffled due to his face being buried in your hair. “So much, mama.”
“I do think we should probably get cleaned up, though.” You eased into the idea, realizing the state you were both still in.
“A shower?” He asked, hidden implications written all over the question.
“Sure,” you laughed, sitting upright. “But we should do it, like now.”
You both made your way into the bathroom, getting in the shower and cleaning yourselves off. The night turned into the early hours of the morning, but sleep refused to come to either of you. You were too caught up in the stories, the jokes, and the touches, and the sex to care about anything else. More than anything, you were both just content finally being back in each others company. The sunrise barely put a damper on your night of reunion, because you were too immersed in each other to notice it. Too immersed in the overwhelming feeling of finally being at home after an unexplainably long, tiresome day.
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katareyoudrilling · 7 months
The Sweepstakes: Dave York Epilogue (Porn Star AU)
Series: The Sweepstakes
Pairing: Porn Star Dave York x Female Reader
Summary: You learned a lot about yourself during your night with Dave York.  What’s next?
Word count: ~1.5k
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: kink club, bondage demonstration, a touch of voyeurism I guess
A/N: Thank you for all your support of porn star Dave York.  He really is something special.  I hope you like what I’ve imagined here!  This follows The Sweepstakes: Dave York so read that first!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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You smooth down your dress with damp palms as you approach the building front of you.  A simple sign hangs over the entrance.  You’d never have looked twice at this place if you hadn’t been told to come here.  You’ve never been to a kink club before.
Dave had brought it up as you lounged on the bed in the filming room, sharing some snacks he had found in the kitchen, while you recovered from your latest round.
You learned a lot from Dave that night.  He talked you through several scenarios before giving some of them a try.
When he mentioned the member-only club, he explained how important it is to be with a partner who knows what they’re doing when it comes to kink and how the club could be a place to meet similarly minded people.  He told you that he would be here tonight in his regular booth.
He said he would add you to the guest list.
You push open the door and find yourself in a small vestibule facing a friendly woman at a hostess stand.
“Hi, I’m.. uhh.. I should be on the guest list.”
She finds your name and opens the door behind her.
You thank her and step into the room.  It doesn’t look much different than other clubs.  The bar sits along the back wall, back-lit liquor bottles rising above it on shelves up to the ceiling.  Tables fill the middle of the room, with U-shaped booths lining the walls.  The moody lighting and low thumping music add to the standard bar aesthetic.
There’s a stage at the other end of the room, where you might expect to see a band set-up to play.  Instead, you watch as two women step onto it to a smattering of applause.  One is dressed in tall boots, a tiny skirt, and a bustier top, the other is in a silk robe.  Once on stage, she lets the robe fall to the ground revealing only a thong underneath.
Many of the patrons adjust in their seats to give the women their attention.  No one jeers or makes lewd comments.  They are respectful, almost reverent.  You watch with bated breath as the nearly naked woman lifts her arms over her head for the other to secure her wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling.
Adrenaline surges through your body at the sight of such sexual freedom.  You’ve never seen anything like this.
You have to drag your eyes away from what’s happening on the stage to look for Dave.
You spot him across the room in a booth, right where he said he would be, wearing his signature all black outfit.  This time it’s a black button down with the cuffs rolled up to reveal his chiseled forearms.  Gorgeous. He sips a glass of caramel colored liquor as he watches the stage intently.  His dark, piercing gaze taking in every detail of what’s happening.
You make your way over, summoning all the courage you have, to interrupt his focus. Even though you spent an incredible night together, he is still intimidating.
He must sense your approach though and turns to you before you can say his name, a genuine smile lighting up his face.
“You came!”
“Thanks for inviting me.”  You offer a shaky smile in return.
“Here.  Sit. You’re just in time for the demonstration.”  He makes room for you next to him in the booth and waves down a server to take your drink order.
Your gaze travels back to the stage, now conveniently in front of you.  The nearly naked woman sways from the chain from the ceiling.  Her feet touch the ground, but she doesn’t seem to want to use her legs to hold herself up.  Her dark hair falls in waves around her shoulders and breasts as her head lolls to one side.
The other woman has a length of red rope that she has wrapped and tied around the other woman’s waist.  You watch, entranced, as she knots the rope and wraps it around her body forming intricate patterns.
“Have you ever seen shibari before?” Dave interrupts your focused observation.
You clear your throat and find your voice.  “The word sounds a little familiar, but no, I haven’t.”
“It’s mesmerizing, isn’t it?  See how she allows herself to be moved and tied? She can just trust and relax into it, like she’s in a trance,” he murmurs into your ear, and you allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like to be the woman up on that stage.  You think you’d like it.
“Who are they?”
“The one tying is Nina.  She teaches shibari workshops here, among other things.  The other is Carol, my wife.”
You turn to him in surprise.  “You’re married?”
He smiles and nods.  “We have an open relationship.  With my job, that comes with the territory.  But also, outside of that, we can date other people, just not get emotionally involved.  She is my person.”  Dave watches his wife on stage again and you can see it in his eyes—the love he has for her.  It makes you feel warm inside.
So many possibilities have opened to you now that you’re learning where you look for them.  There are partners willing to experiment with you.  There are people in the types of relationships you’ve only dared to imagine in your most private thoughts.
The ropes cross Carol’s torso now, framing her breasts, digging into the soft flesh at her sides.  They circle her ass and thighs, wrapping down around her legs in intricate twists and loops.  You notice how her nipples pebble when the other woman whispers in her ear and moves her with the ropes.  Your own nipples seem to be responding the same way and wetness grows between your legs.
You take a deep gulp of your drink to cool down.
“It’s turning you on, watching them.” Dave leans close to you to speak quietly in your ear, one arm stretched behind you on the back of the booth, breath ghosting across your cheek.  “That’s good.  It’s supposed to.”
His deep voice in your ear takes you right back to the night you spent with him, and your body responds accordingly.  Your breath hitches as Dave drags his fingers up your bare arm, goosebumps rising in their wake.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs.  “I would play with you again anytime, you know, but I think there are others here who would like to too, and it would be selfish of me to keep you all to myself.”
You look at Dave in surprise, shivers running down your spine at his words.  He nods towards the tables in the middle of the room.  You follow his gaze to find a handsome man looking right at you.  He raises his glass and winks.
“He’s a good guy.  I think you’d like him.”
Applause erupts from the crowd as the women on stage finish their demonstration. Nina spins Carol around showing off all her handiwork before taking a quick bow and releasing Carol’s wrists.  You take a moment to gather yourself as you clap along.  Dave pulls back from you slightly to give an appreciative whistle.
He turns back to you and holds your gaze.  “If you are ok here, I’m going to go take my wife to a private room and let him,” he cocks his head towards the tables, “come over and talk to you.  Is that ok with you?”
You nod.  Your heart flutters with excitement and possibility.  This place could be exactly what you need, and you think you’re ready to find out.
“Words, remember?”
“Yes. That’s ok.”  Your words come out confidently despite your fizzing nerves and Dave smiles.
“Everyone knows me here, so if you need me, just ask.” Dave places a kiss on your cheek before making his way out of the booth.  “Have fun, beautiful.”
You take another bracing drink and watch Dave make his way over to Carol, passing by the man at the table and patting him on the shoulder as he goes.
Carol’s arms have been let down, but her body is still tied up.  Dave pulls her to him by the knot at her sternum.  You know he’s speaking to her in that deep, gravelly voice, telling her exactly what he wants to do to her.  It’s so fucking hot.  You watch as they make their way off the stage and down a hallway to the side you hadn’t noticed before.
As they disappear from view, a man clears his throat at your side.
“Can I join you?” he gestures to the seat across from you.  It’s the man Dave had pointed out to you.
You nod, but then remember Dave’s instruction to use words.  “Uhh… sure.. yes,” you stammer.
He takes his seat and smiles at you.  You’re immediately taken in by the crinkles that form at the corners of his warm, brown eyes.  You feel yourself relax and return his smile.
“Is it your first time here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around. I’m….”
- - - - - - - - - - 
A/N: Who do you want it to be???  I considered many options but couldn’t decide.  So, I’ve left it up to you! Don’t be mad lol
Series Masterlist
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
Chapter Two | Chapter Three
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Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 7.8k
Summary: You love Marcus with all your heart and you’re not dissatisfied with him or his efforts in the bedroom, but you always hoped to have a little bit more variety . Though you were initially shocked that he had suggested something like this to begin with, you still jumped at the chance to broaden both your horizons.
Turns out, Dave York was exactly what you both needed.
Notes: One day I'll stop being so unhinged about Dave York, but today is not that day. Enjoy some Suburban Murder Daddy Dave and everyone's favorite Cozy Boyfriend Marcus!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Ok, here we go (takes deep breath). F/M/M Threesome. Cuckolding. Voyeurism. Masturbation. Mutual Masturbation. Oral Sex (f an m receiving). Brief (and very light) Anal Play. (Unprotected) P in V sex. Creampie. Breathplay. Degradation Kink. Daddy Kink. Praise Kink. Cockwarming. Spitting (is it even a Dave York fic if he's not spitting in your mouth? Come on). Light spanking (like 2 slaps to your ass). Squirting. Light dom/sub. Dom Dave York. (Occasionally but rarely) Soft Dave York. As always Dave York is his own warning and I cannot stress this enough.
The moment Dave York strolled into your shared bedroom with Marcus, the entire energy of the room had changed, you could feel it. Both you and Marcus, who stood nervously at your side.
“Dave, this is my wife,” Marcus begins, introducing you by name and Dave unabashedly gives you a good long look up and down until his gaze finally settles on your face again. Your cheeks are burning. You can feel them, the heat rising up your neck as you stand there in just a little matching set of a silk cream coloured nighty and panties (Marcus’ favorite) in front of this total stranger to you. Marcus knew him, of course, their government departments had recently been working together for a few months and they’d even gone out for the occasional beer after work.
That’s really where this whole thing had started. Marcus had had one too many one night out with Dave and when he’d watched the way women just seemed to gravitate to him, the way Dave handled it all seamlessly had Marcus mesmerized. A waitress would flirt with Dave and he’d just reach up and grab a handful of their ass and before you knew it they’d be sitting in his lap fiddling with his tie or pulling at his collar while Dave sat mostly uninterested by this point, sipping on his beer and continuing to have a mundane conversation with Marcus as if a twenty-something year old bombshell wasn’t currently in his lap begging for his attention. He wasn’t even nice to them, which was the crazy part. It was all cocky attitude and degrading talk and maybe it was the way Dave carried himself or the way he looked, but these women ate it up and Marcus could barely believe his eyes or his ears. If he ever spoke to a woman like that, not only would his mother turn over in her grave, but he’d surely earn a hard slap across his face for his efforts.
And so that’s when it started. Marcus slowly began opening up to Dave about you. About how he worried sometimes that you weren’t as satisfied with him as you could be. You promised him that wasn’t true, but still, every once and a while you’d try new things with him in bed and he just never felt like he was doing it right. And most times when you did try something new you wouldn’t ask to do it again, which made his insecurity soar even higher that he hadn’t really done what you wanted well the first time you asked.
“So, what does she like then?” Dave asks casually before snapping his fingers at a waitress across the room and signaling to the table for another round.
“Um, what?”
“Your wife, Pike. What, she wants you to slap her around? Fuck her in the ass? Fuck you in the ass, what?” He says it so casually and Marcus has to cover his mouth as he nearly spits his beer across the table at the candidness.
“Jesus York!”
“What?” Dave scoffs. “If you can’t even talk about it with me, how do you expect to do it to her?” He reasoned and Marcus sighed. He did have a point.
“She um, I don’t know, different stuff I guess. Like last time she uh… she put my hand on her throat” Marcus shrugged, a little embarrassed.
“Nice” Dave simply nodded, taking another sip from his beer.
“Nice?!” Marcus’s eyes shot up. “It wasn’t nice, I was so terrified of hurting her the whole time I-” he stopped abruptly and Dave raised one eyebrow.
“You… what?”
“I, you know…” Marcus, looked around the room, anywhere but into Dave’s eyes. “I got um… uninspired” Marcus admitted.
“Christ” Dave rubbed a hand over his face. “Can’t even keep your dick hard fucking your own wife? Should’ve come to me sooner”
“Hey, will you keep it down!” Marcus practically hissed across the table, looking around frantically to ensure nobody was really paying attention to them.
“Let me see her”
“What?” Marcus’s brow raised slightly.
“Let me see her. C’mon you probably have like 1500 pictures of her in your camera roll making the exact same fucking kissy face at you, let me see her” Dave said, holding his hand out for Marcus’s phone.
Marcus rolled his eyes but did as asked, opening up his camera roll to a more recent photo of you that he had taken and passed his phone across the table. Dave let out an appreciative low whistle.
“Damn Pike, I didn’t know you had it in ya. She’s a smokeshow” Dave teased and Marcus quickly snatched the phone back as he saw Dave beginning scrolling through his photos app.
“So… what do I do?” Marcus asked and normally Dave couldn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself but he did feel bad for the guy and not to mention his wife was fucking gorgeous and he wouldn’t mind showing Marcus exactly what to do with you.
“Talk to your wife. See if she’s interested in an interested third party”
“Wait, like you’d… with her?” Marcus stuttered and Dave briefly wondered if Marcus’s eyebrows would get stuck like that if they raised any higher to his hairline
“If you want.” Dave simply shrugged. “You’d be there. You know, the ol’ watch and learn” Dave finished, tossing a wink and Marcus swallowed the hard lump in his throat before chugging the rest of his beer.
That was just two weeks ago, and now here you all are.
“Hey baby, wear this just for me?” Dave said in way of greeting as he sauntered right up to you and took the hem of your thigh-length nighty between the pads of his fingers.
“It’s Marcus’ favorite” you explain with a shy smile.
“Oh, well in that case, take it off” Dave orders, his hand immediately leaving you. Your eyes open wide at his boldness and your gaze darts over quickly to Marcus who’s simply standing by the door with his hands in his pockets just watching the exchange. When your eyes flit back to Dave he’s staring at you with a look on his face that can only be interpreted as ‘don’t make me ask again’.
Despite yourself you already feel a heat stirring low in your belly. You're nervous and yet turned on. Marcus had shown you a picture of Dave so although you did have an idea of what he looked like, his government ID headshot did nothing to prepare you for how handsome he actually was in real life standing right in front of you. His features were sharp; a strong hawk-like nose, a jaw that could cut glass and his eyes were hard but with a glimmer of the softness Marcus’ eyes held in them. They were the same chocolate brown, Dave’s just a little darker and you already found yourself getting lost in them as you stare right into them while you tug your nighty up and over your head, tossing it to a corner of the room.
“Good girl” Dave praises and brings the back of his hand up to let his knuckles drag a line down your front from sternum to belly button with a light ghosting touch that leaves goosebumps in its wake. The shudder that momentarily racks your body doesn’t go unnoticed by either of the men in the room. Dave simply smirks.
“Sit down on the bed, Sweetheart” he tells you next and you quickly obey, sitting down at the end of the bed and Dave takes the few steps to meet you there, towering over you.
“Such a well behaved little slut you have yourself here Pike” Dave tosses over his shoulder at Marcus and you quickly glance over, unsure of how Dave’s remarks will be received but Marcus stays planted in the corner of the room, only this time it doesn’t escape your notice how he quickly reaches down to adjust himself in his pants before stuffing his hand back into his pocket and you feel your shoulders relax instantly, knowing Marcus is enjoying this too. The heat floods back into your abdomen as your nerves settle slightly. Or, as much as they can with the ever intimidating Dave York looming over you.
“Open your mouth” Dave says next, grabbing your face with one hand, his thumb and forefinger holding tight just under the apples of your cheeks. You don’t speak, just slowly open your mouth to him only slightly.
You obey.
“Good girl” he praises again before he tilts his face down and spits right into your mouth. It surprises you and your eyes squeeze shut at the shock of it all but you otherwise don't’ move, waiting for his next instructions. His grip loosens on your jaw and he brushes a knuckle up at the underside of your chin, signaling you to close your mouth and you do.
“Now swallow” he tells you and the gulp that follows from you feels like it's somehow bounced off every wall of the room that’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Dave rewards you with a smile.
“She’s so easy Pike, I don’t know what you were scared of” Dave mentions off-handedly, not even bothering to look at Marcus because he can’t seem to take his eyes off yours.
“Sit in the chair”
Confusion crosses your features but you go to stand up before you feel Dave’s warm hand on your shoulder pushing you back down. “Not you”
Marcus is as obedient as you are when it comes to Dave it seems, taking the few strides over to the armchair sitting by the window where you like to curl up and read and he sits down immediately, both hands gripping at the arms of the chairs like he needs to hang on for dear life.
Maybe he does.
“You like that? Taking what I give you to swallow?” Dave’s attention is back on you now, hand resuming its grip on your jaw and you can do little more than nod your head.
“Use your words, little mouse”
“I like it” you confess, maybe a little too eagerly and Dave huffs a laugh.
“Yeah, you like having that little fucking mouth full I bet” Dave states as his free hand starts tugging his belt open and opening his dress slacks, pushing them down to his thighs. You stare, wide eyed as your gaze lands on the very impressive bulge straining against black cotton boxer briefs.
No wonder Dave York was so cocky, you muse inwardly.
“Go on, take my cock out” Dave orders and you bring your bottom lip between your teeth and quickly chance a glance over to Marcus.
“Hey, eyes on me” Dave growls as he tightens his hold on your jaw and yanks you back to face him. A little drool dribbles from your mouth the way Dave is holding it open and he quickly swipes at it with his thumb and pushes it inside your mouth and without having to be told you suck it clean.
“Fast learner” Dave hums with a shit eating grin that you suddenly feel the urge to kiss off of him.
“It’s ok baby” you hear Marcus’ voice from across the room. He sounds a little off. His voice is slightly trembling and his breathing is quickened and you know straight away that he’s turned on. You’re glad. You were half afraid that at the first vulgar insult that left Dave’s mouth that Marcus would be throwing him out the door. You were also worried at the back of your mind that Marcus would be wondering what the hell was wrong with you to be turned on by such behaviors but apparently he was starting to see your side of it and it pleased you to no end.
Your shoulders settle again as Dave’s grip leaves your jaw and you slowly reach forward with both hands and tug down his boxers and carefully take his cock and balls out. He’s rock hard in your grasp as your fingers lightly run down the impressive length. Marcus may be a bit longer but Dave is so much thicker you don’t even think you could get your whole hand around it if you tried. You won’t try yet because Dave hasn’t told you to so you simply wait for his next instructions.
“Yeah, that’s my good girl” Dave praises again, his hands now brushing softly through your hair and gathering it up so he can hold it back with one hand.
“Pike, get over here” Dave says and Marcus eases out of the chair and wanders over to you, nervous even on his own legs like a baby deer taking its first steps.
“Spit in my little sluts mouth. Don’t worry, she likes it” he winks at you.
Marcus stops at your side and your heart is beating wildly in your chest. You’re sitting there half naked with two hands idly wrapped around Dave’s cock with his holding your hair back while your husband stands next to you. Marcus eases your nerves though, of course he does, by leaning down and kissing you softly. Your mouth opens to him and you both let out a little moan when your tongues meet and for a brief second it's like nothing else exists in the room but the two of you and surprisingly, Dave allows it. Marcus kisses you until he feels you relax, your heartbeat starting to slow again and then he pulls back just slightly. You stick your tongue out and open your mouth wide for him. Marcus takes a breath and then gently, unlike Dave, spits into your mouth.
“Don’t swallow this time” Dave warns immediately. Marcus takes this as his queue to leave and returns to his chair and your head turns back to look at Dave. Your mouth is still open and tongue sticking out with a glob of Marcus’ saliva waiting on it.
“You’re so good” Dave smiles, bringing his free hand up so his thumb can run along your cheek. “Now don’t let that go to waste” is all the warning you get before Dave’s hand is at the back of your head and pushing you forward until his cock disappears down your throat. The mixture of your and Marcus’ saliva along with the precum already leaking from Dave’s head has you sliding down his length easily, the lewd sounds of your sucking him off filling the room.
“That’s it, fuck” Dave swears, hand gripping your hair a little tighter as he holds your head still and thrusts his hips over and over, fucking into your throat. “Knew you’d love having that little mouth filled up” he laughs before forcing himself in deeper and then holding.
Your face is buried in Dave’s crotch as he holds you still, his dick so far down your throat that there’s tears starting to fall down your cheeks as you choke and gag on him until he finally releases you and you ease off for a few seconds to catch your breath, making sure you continue pumping him with your hand as you do.
“You can do better than that, Sweetheart” Dave tsks. “Come on, suck it like you mean it”
You gladly rise to the challenge, taking him into your mouth again and your head bobs up and down, swallowing down as much of him as you can and your hand making up for whatever your mouth can’t reach. Dave lets out a soft moan from above you and all your focus is concentrated on making him feel good, but your ears do pick up the distinct clinking sound of metal and your eyes shift to your peripheral where you see Marcus opening his belt and scrambling to get his own hand inside his pants. It ignites something in you and you double your efforts with Dave, moaning around his cock as you move your hand down to cup his balls and swallow him harder and take him deeper down your throat until you're choking on his cock again and your eyes are watering.
“Fuck Pike, I didn’t know you married a goddamn whore, Jesus Christ” Dave groans, his breath coming out in short pants. “Taking my cock like a pro”
“Good girl. Mmmm. Good fucking girl” Dave is practically growling at you as you look up at him with tear stained cheeks. His grip in your hair is tight and it only spurs you on to keep going, despite how raw your throat feels. You hollow your cheeks and continue to take as much of him in as you can.
“Oh fuck.”
Its a tiny whisper from across the room, and despite the debauched sounds of your sucking and slurping around Dave’s cock your ears still pick up Marcus’ little whimper.
Your throat needs a breather and so you pull off of Dave but ensure to keep pleasuring him with your hand instead, working him all the way up to the head and back to the base while your other hand continues playing with his balls. You feel them tightening up in your hand and he hisses through his teeth, tossing his head back.
“Fuck, enough, enough” Dave warns, hand coming up to grab yours around his shaft and stilling your movements.
“I’m not near done with you Sweetheart, if you make me cum I’m going to be very upset” he threatens and you simply swallow and nod your head.
“Take off your panties then undress me” he instructs next and you comply, slowly dragging your panties down your legs. You’re about to kick them off to the floor when something else comes to mind and you smirk as you reach for them dangling at your feet and toss them over to Marcus instead. You know they’re soaked and you want him to know it too.
“Fuck baby” You hear Marcus groan and you chance a glance over to him. His cock is fully out in his hand now and to your surprise he takes your wet panties and wraps it around his dick and continues stroking, eyes closing and head falling back in pleasure. Dave looks over to Marcus too and doesn’t seem to mind what he sees, just lets out a little chuckle over how wrecked Marcus is already. You honestly can’t believe that Marcus is freely jerking off right in front of Dave. He normally gets embarrassed even if you accidentally catch him doing it.
“Might be hope for your husband yet” Dave teases, bringing his gaze back to you and tossing you a wink.
You smile brightly, this is exactly what you wanted. You love Marcus with all your heart and you’re not dissatisfied with him or his efforts in the bedroom, but you always hoped to have a little bit more variety . Though you were initially shocked that he had suggested something like this to begin with, you still jumped at the chance to broaden both your horizons.
Turns out, Dave York was exactly what you both needed.
“Fuck” Dave snaps you out of your reverie as he hisses through his teeth and squeezes the base of his cock. His tip is steadily leaking precum, the head looking angry and purple, staving off its impending release. He’s close. Apparently closer than he’d like to be.
“Need to pace myself, this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint” he explains and your eyebrow raises at that, not sure what all exactly Dave has in store for the three of you tonight.
You undress him as he asked, wasting no time at all or bothering to put any flourish on it, you just want him naked with you as quickly as possible, already anticipating what’s to come.
“Come on,” he says, gesturing his head towards the bed. He walks over to the head of the bed and gets in, sitting up with his back straight against the headboard and motions for you to come to him. You get on all fours and crawl up the bed to him and he pulls you into his lap so you’re kneeled with your legs on either side of his, straddling him and to your delighted surprise, he pulls you forward and kisses you.
It’s exploratory at first as your mouth opens to him and his tongue tastes yours for the first time. You moan when you feel the wet muscle tangle with yours and your hands instinctively come up to tug on Dave’s hair, keeping him impossibly close as his kisses get progressively rougher and deeper the longer they go on. He feels so different from Marcus. Dave is clean shaven whereas Marcus has always had a short-trimmed beard since the day you met him. You liked the scratchy feel of when he’d nuzzle at your neck or especially when he’s between your thighs but kissing Dave is like a whole new experience. Your hands leave his hair to hold his smooth face instead and you try to imagine what Marcus would look like without facial hair but you think you prefer him the way he is.
Your husband is hot. But then, Dave wasn’t so bad himself.
You’re kissing for at least several minutes. You’re not sure, you’ve lost track of time and apparently control as you whimper and whine and moan into Dave’s mouth and grind into his lap. At some point his hand makes its way between your legs, fingers gliding through your slick folds and playing with the tiny little bundle of nerves, pinching it between the pads of his fingers and the noises you are making should have you embarrassed but you’re way past that with Dave now. You reach down to him as well, wrapping as much of your hand around him as you can and lazily stroking his length. Dave hums against your lips and then rewards you by shoving two fingers into your wet heat.
A little high pitched squeak escapes you and you jolt slightly in Dave’s lap when his other hand lands on your ass in a smack before he grabs and kneads the soft flesh roughly and suddenly you’re moaning into his mouth again. He continues palming and kneading at the globe of your ass cheek until his hand wanders slightly and your hips jolt again when you feel a single digit pressing up against the tight ring of muscle at your back entrance.
“Our boy ever take care of you back here Sweetheart?” He asks between kisses, slightly prodding at your virgin hole but not quite pushing inside and causing a not unpleasant little wave of pressure to build up in you.
“Mnmm mmm” you shake your head. “I’ve um, yeah, never, before…” you trail off and Dave chuckles.
“Figures” he scoffs. “Well that’ll be a lesson for another day Sweetheart, want you good and ready for that one” he explains and a new flood of arousal comes over you with the subtle promise of a next time. You continue kissing and fondling each other a few more moments longer until he suddenly tears his mouth away from you.
“Look at your husband now Sweetheart” Dave whispers into your ear and you turn your head back to Marcus. His eyes are squeezed shut and he’s huffing short little breaths as he pumps his cock at a brutal pace.
“Think he wants your tight little ass filled up by my fat cock, hm?” Dave continues muttering absolute filth against your ear, knowing full well Marcus can hear him and then seconds later Marcus gasps and is spilling into his own hand, sputtering out a moan from deep in his throat as he milks himself dry. You hear Dave chuckling as his hands leave you and come up to rest on your hips.
“I think we put on a good little show” he emphasizes his point by slapping your ass again and then grabbing a handful of each cheek in both his hands and squeezing before he forces your hips down to grind against his lap once and you choke out a gasp as the head of his cock slides through your soaked core.
“Pike!” Dave suddenly calls, snapping Marcus out of his post-orgasm daze and his eyes shoot open. “Not much of a gentleman, cumming before your wife” he tuts.
“I’m sorry Honey” Marcus pants, still breathless and shyly tucking himself back into his underwear.
“It’s ok Baby, it was hot” you’re sure to tell him. Marcus blushes furiously, looking away from you both as he works on doing his pants back up.
“Come here Sweetheart” Dave begins, turning you in his grasp until you’re facing away from him and then he hunches forward to rest his chin on your shoulder so he can speak into your ear but keep his gaze trained on Marcus.
“Now, you’re gonna sit on my cock and keep it warm for me while your husband makes up for what he’s done” Dave explains, ensuring to speak loud enough for Marcus to hear. “C’mon, up” he begins again, landing a light smack to your hip and you obey, lifting your hips and Dave wraps an arm around you to steady you while his free hand holds his cock still and he lowers you down onto it.
“Ohhhhh fuuuccck” you gasp softly as you sink down on his length. You were more than prepared to take him, thanks to Dave’s fingers working you open earlier but there’s still a considerable stretch around his girth that is bordering between pleasure and pain as his cock splits you wide open.
You’re sitting on his lap with your legs stretched out and lying on top of his, like two bodies simply stacked on top of one another, your legs spread out in a v-shape in front of you. The position is certainly new to you and you’re not exactly sure how it’s supposed to work, how he can fuck into you in this position.
“That’s it” Dave hums against your ear before gently nipping at the lobe and then soothing over it with his tongue. You grind down onto his cock. You can’t help it but you need him to move, you need something, but just as quickly as you begin you feel both his hands grip roughly onto your hips, hard enough to surely leave bruises.
“Don’t move” he growls and then nips harshly at your earlobe, causing you to hiss out in pain for a brief second which quickly turns into a moan when he sucks the lobe gently into his mouth immediately afterwards. “I told you what happens if you make me cum before I want to” he vaguely threatens and you nod your head obediently.
“I’m sorry” you squeak. “It won’t happen again D-Daddy”
You don’t mean for it to slip out, but it does. Another little fantasy of yours, but one that you’d never shared with Marcus nor had the urge to. Marcus was too soft, too sweet. But Dave was rough and mean checked every box when it came to this particular kink of yours.
“Jesus Christ Sweetheart” Dave groans suddenly, he’s back behind you and his forehead comes down to rest in the middle of your back and you feel his cock twitch inside you.
Apparently Dave likes that. You smirk, finally having the upper hand for once.
“You wanna be my good little girl, huh?” Dave finally speaks again after regaining his composure. His voice is rough again and you love it, offering a little nod of your head.
“Say it” he growls, hand coming up to squeeze gently around your throat.
“Wanna be so good for you Daddy” you whine, your eyes flitting across the room to meet with Marcus’ who’s watching intently.
“That’s it” his hand loosens its grip on your throat and caresses over it instead and your head lolls back onto his shoulder.
“You never heard of cockwarming Sweetheart?” he asks and you shake your head again and it earns a little chuckle from Dave. “Well it’s just what it sounds like, baby. You’re gonna sit here and be a nice warm little sleeve for my dick. No fucking, yet. Do you understand?”
You nod weakly. God you just want to move, the pressure is agonizing and you're closing your eyes and breathing through your nose, trying your hardest not to squirm.
“Now you’re gonna be a good girl and cum on my cock” he informs you and you’re a little confused at how he expects you to just cum on command if he won’t let either of you move.
“Pike” he snaps and that gets your attention, your eyes shooting open again. Marcus scrambles to his feet, the authority in Dave’s voice leaving little room for him to do anything else apparently.
“Yes?” Marcus asks, voice trembling slightly as he now stands next to the bed, nervously curling his hands into fists at his sides.
Dave seems completely comfortable naked in his own skin in front of your husband and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a total turn on. Of course most of his body was covered by yours, but still, Marcus definitely had a superb view of Dave’s cock buried to the hilt inside your cunt.
“I bet you our good ol’ boy Marcus here is just great at eating your little pussy, isn’t he Sweetheart?” Dave murmurs against the side of your face and you feel that familiar heat rising in your cheeks again as you nod your head.
Marcus was in fact exceptionally skilled in that particular area, and more than happy to do it for you. You’d never been with anybody before who actually loved going down on you. Most guys before Marcus treated it like a chore whereas Marcus thrived on it. He’d stay buried in your cunt for hours if you’d let him. He’d joke sometimes while he was down there, face buried between your thighs that he could live there and you didn’t doubt he would if he could.
It's not until you see Marcus nervously shift in front of you that you realize you hadn’t actually answered Dave out loud.
“Yes!” you reply enthusiastically. “He’s um, very good to me” a little of your shyness returns and Dave tuts from behind you.
“I figured. Looks like a little puppy, just eager to please isn’t he?” Dave chuckles and now it’s Marcus’ face that burns bright crimson.
“Go on then, lick your wife's pussy. Need her to cum good and hard before I fuck her into next Tuesday” Dave says menacingly and a shiver runs down your spine.
Marcus goes to climb on the bed before Dave clicks his tongue and stops him, Marcus freezing in place with one knee on the bed.
“He normally all dressed up when eats you out baby?” Dave asks and you slowly shake your head. It was true, Marcus had an amazing body and was never shy about showing it around you. He preferred both of you to be completely naked whenever you did anything in bed together, including sleeping. Marcus was a very intimate and sensual lover, it was one of the things that made you fall for him in the first place.
“Well, tell him then” Dave nods his head towards Marcus.
“Come here baby,” you say softly and Marcus slowly slides his leg back off the bed and takes a few steps closer until he’s standing next to you and you tug him down by his tie to kiss him once.
“For me baby, please?” You plead up at him and he gently nods his head before he steps back from the bed and begins removing his clothes.
Dave seems to lose interest in the sweet little exchange between the two of you and begins kissing and sucking down the side of your throat while his hands roam your body and come up to squeeze both your tits. You try to keep your eyes on Marcus but all they want to do is close and succumb to the pleasure that Dave is giving you now.
“Ready?” Marcus asks and you focus your attention back on him. He’s fully undressed now, cock soft and hanging delicately between his legs but you know it won’t be long until he gets his second wind. Putting his mouth between your legs is always a surefire way to get him going again in no time, you know this well from experience.
“Please Marcus” you whine. Your cunt is throbbing from being impaled on Dave’s cock and not being able to move and now with Dave making you feel good everywhere else you’re desperate for the attention where it’s needed most.
“I’ve got you Honey” he promises, and you know he does.
He crawls onto the bed again, the mattress dipping under his weight and Dave wordlessly spreads his own legs further apart, forcing yours with them to open up wider for Marcus to fit in between you.
Marcus looks a little unsure of how to begin. Normally he likes to wrap his hands up under your thighs to hold your hips down and bury his face in you but with you sitting on top of Dave that would mean touching the other man and so he hesitates.
“We’re well past shy now Pike, come on” Dave chuckles. “Make her cum on my cock like the good little slut she is” he snides and your cunt clenches at his vulgar remarks.
“Ohhh, she likes that” Dave laughs from behind you. “You better hurry up Pike or she might not even need your mouth, I think mine’s doing just fine”
Apparently that was all the threatening that Marcus needed because suddenly he dives into your pussy like a man starved. His one hand rests on your hip while the other uses his fingers to spread your lips apart and you all but scream when Marcus' mouth latches on to your clit and sucks it into his mouth.
“Oh shit!” you jerk forward involuntarily and then instantly feel Dave’s bruising grip on your waist again, keeping you still.
“Don’t fucking move or I’ll tell him to stop” Dave growls into your ear and you whimper but weakly nod your head in agreement. Your hand comes down to play in Marcus’ hair instead, needing the distraction. You’re clutching the short strands and holding him as close to you as possible since you’re not allowed to chase the pressure of his mouth with your own body and he hums in appreciation as he continues his assault with a skilled, well-practiced tongue.
“Fuck Pike, she is flooding my cock right now” Dave groans and Marcus moans into your cunt as he continues lapping away at you with renewed enthusiasm that he’s bringing you so much pleasure.
Dave’s not lying. You’re absolutely drenching his cock. You feel so full with Dave’s dick buried inside you and with Marcus’ mouth working its magic everywhere else, you are left positively reeling. Your head falls back again and you can do little more than whimper and whine and mewl in Dave’s firm grasp.
“Oh fuck, Oh Marcus, baby” you whine, your whole body trembling and it spurs Marcus on, his tongue working you over even faster, firmer as his his hands start to explore. He moves them to the outside of your thighs and then pushes even further back until they reach Dave’s hips and he squeezes, surprising all three of you as Dave’s cock jolts inside of you briefly and then he stills again.
“Come here” Dave growls, one hand leaving your waist to turn your face towards him and he swallows your moans with his mouth, his other hand wrapping all the way across your waist to keep you still. You're not sure who needs the distraction more, you or Dave, but you keep sloppily kissing each other regardless. Dave’s hips raise just slightly, bringing yours with him and you realize suddenly that Marcus has his hands shoved all the way underneath you both, his large hands squeezing Dave’s ass while his mouth is still buried in your wet heat and now it’s you swallowing down Dave’s moans.
“Baby, I love you so much” you hear Marcus whimper from below you. He’s grinding his hips into the mattress now and you know he’s hard again.
Dave’s hand leaves your face and comes to grip around your throat and your mouth is forced away from his as you fight to keep air in your lungs. His grip is tight but not crushing, like he knows exactly what he’s doing and how much pressure to apply. You assume Marcus likely told him of your little attempt at a foray into this area before that hadn’t worked out the way you hoped.
You know you can still breathe (albeit barely) but all the blood rushes to your head and you almost feel like you could pass out until he releases some pressure again and a blissed out smile stretches across your features as you gasp for breath and another wave of pleasure hits you.
“Good fucking girl, you like that huh?” Dave growls against your kiss-swollen lips before he shoves his tongue back inside to kiss you roughly.
“Oh fuck!” Your mouth tears away from Dave’s as Marcus hits a particular spot on your clit and suddenly something hits you hard and fast and you lurch forward.
Marcus’ hands are back on your legs and then he moves one to spread your lips open again and starts flicking his tongue back and forth hard and fast, his gaze penetrating through yours and suddenly your vision goes white behind your eyes.
“Oh shit, Marcus I think I - oh fuck stop, please, I’m gonna-” you don’t have a chance to finish your thought and suddenly your mouth wrenches open in a silent scream as a flood gate opens, your walls clamp down on Dave like a vice and Marcus is groaning into you, lapping at you with renewed enthusiasm and before you even have half a chance to comprehend what is happening, you feel both of Dave’s arms wrap around your middle as he too lurches forward and his cock begins pulsing, spilling inside of you and he lets out a wrecked moan from behind you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuccck” he pants, head coming down to rest on your shoulder as his dick continues throbbing inside of you and painting your walls with his hot spend.
“Baby” Marcus moans into your aching core. “You just fucking squirted” he says before pulling back slightly with a huge grin on his face, the evidence of your earth shattering orgasm dripping down his chin.
“I - what?” It makes sense now, the wave that came over you. You honestly thought you were about to pee in Marcus’ mouth, you’d never felt anything like it before. You always thought that was just some trick done in pornos, never having experienced it yourself before.
Dave lifts you off his cock with a grunt and puts you back to rest in his lap and suddenly Marcus’ mouth is on you again, lapping up yours and Dave’s combined releases from your fluttering hole and Dave is oddly quiet behind you, his head resting against yours and his breathing still coming out in short little huffs as he tries to desperately to slow his racing heart. His spent (and drenched, thanks to you) dick lies just underneath your sex and you don’t fail to notice how every once and a while when Marcus laps at you that his tongue dips a little lower to stroke along Dave’s softening cock. You also don’t miss how Dave’s body jerks a little when it happens and his arms squeeze you a little tighter but he makes no effort to stop or scold Marcus.
“Christ, I told you not to make me cum” Dave says, shaking his head gently against yours but there’s no edge to his voice, he’s far from mad about it.
“I’m sorry Daddy, I didn’t know I could do that” you admit sheepishly, turning your face to him to press a kiss to his lips.
Marcus thankfully slows his efforts between your legs and switches to planting open mouth kisses on the insides of your thighs instead, avoiding your oversensitive sex. His hands are back up on top of your hips now and yours come down to intertwine your fingers with his while continuing to lick and moan into Dave’s mouth.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart, I’m going to need a breather” Dave says after a few more moments pass, pushing back from your mouth. “Pike, keep this pussy occupied for me, I’ll be back for it” he announces before his hand comes down to cup your mound and squeeze.
Dave is lifting you again slightly so he can slide out from under you and Marcus is kneeled at the end of the bed now sitting back on his heels obediently awaiting his next instructions.
“You got a couple more in you, right Sweetheart?” Dave asks as he stands next to the bed now and grips your chin in his hand.
“Mmmmhmm” you nod your head. “Yes”
“Good girl” he smirks. “Now fuck your husband. I’m going to get some water and then I’ll be back and ready for you again” he tells you and then simply saunters out of the room fully nude and not a care in the world. You watch him go and out of the corner of your eye you see Marcus’ head turn too and suddenly you need him more than ever.
“Come here baby” you coo, reaching for Marcus and he turns back to you, takes your hand and lets you pull him to you. He kisses you sweetly, night-and-day to the way Dave did and you hum appreciatively into his mouth as you taste the heady and salty blend of yours and Dave’s combined releases on his tongue. As much as Dave turned you on with his aggressive side there was something in Marcus’ softness that you absolutely craved still.
“Make love to me baby, please” you whisper against his lips and you feel Marcus nod his head.
“Lie down” he instructs and you do, shuffling further down the bed until your back is no longer upright. Marcus leans over you to kiss you languidly for a few more long moments until he finally pulls back and takes his aching hard length in his hand and gives himself a few strokes.
“Ready?” he asks, always checking in, your sweet Marcus.
“Ready” you nod and then he lifts your left leg straight up into the air until your toes are pointed at the ceiling and he pushes himself inside of you, your heat easily swallowing him in with how wet you still were from earlier. The angle he’s at makes him hit impossibly deep inside you and you’re already squirming, needing him to move.
“Holy shit” Marcus looks like his eyes are about to bulge out of his head and he takes a moment to still inside of you once he’s buried to the hilt. “Fuck you’re soaked baby, Jesus. Fuck!”
“You did that to me baby” you praise him with an easy smile as you bring a hand up to push through his golden brown locks. To be fair, you assume it's some kind of combination of your cunt being full of Dave’s cock and Marcus’ skilled tongue stimulating your clit but either way, Marcus got you there.
He wraps one arm around your raised leg to keep himself steady and the other comes down to grip at your hip and he slowly eases himself nearly all the way out and then just as slowly back inside.
“Ohhhhhhh” you whimper at the sensation of his tip bumping against your cervix. “Fuck baby that’s so good. You’re so deep in me”
“Yeah?” Marcus breathes, still taking his time, slowly pushing forward and back with his hips. “God you feel so good honey”
“You want it slow?” He asks and you nod your head frantically.
“Yeah baby, just like that, feels so good, you filling me up”
“Oh fuck” Marcus moans, sliding in and out of your wet heat. Thank God you wanted it slow because he knows he’d be moments away from cumming way too quickly otherwise. He’s not sure he’s ever been so worked up in his lifetime.
He continues to ease in and out of you, slowly picking up pace as you both pant and whimper and moan. Your eyes are locked on to each other, the love pouring out between you with a simple gaze and you’re both so in the moment that neither of you hear Dave come back into the room.
He’s leaning on the door frame, drinking his water and just watching, not interrupting. Marcus’ slim little hips rock back and forth into you and you take every inch of him so well and it's not long before Dave’s own cock begins to swell again between his legs. He reaches down to palm his dick, gently squeezing and stroking as he watches the intimate scene playing out before him.
Marcus is whispering little words of love and adoration for you and your hand comes down on top of his and you interlock your fingers together, giving his hand a little squeeze.
Normally this would bore him. Vanilla bores Dave but yet, watching what transpires between the two of you actually leaves him feeling a little jealous. He hasn’t had somebody he cares for like you two do each other since… well, ever, maybe. Even his ex-wife, it was just as much to keep up appearances as anything else. He’s never looked at anybody the way Marcus looks at you, that much he’s sure of. His hand slows on his cock, suddenly feeling like he’s intruding and he quietly gathers up his clothes and backs out of the room, neither of you even noticing him while he successfully slinks out.
He redresses in the hallway bathroom and heads down to the front door to take his leave but stops to type a quick text into his phone first.
Pike, you’re one lucky man. And that wife of yours loves you, you don’t ever have to worry about that. But if either of you ever feel the need for my services again, you have my number. - York.
An hour later when you and Marcus both lay spent and satisfied and idly wondering where your third partner went, he reaches down to the floor to his discarded pants and fishes his phone out of the pocket and brings it up to read the missed text. He chuckles a little at it and then turns the screen to you and you snuggle up closer to read it and you smile before pressing a kiss into Marcus’ shoulder.
Less than a month passes before Marcus texts Dave back an eager reply, starting up a group text conversation between the three of you, aptly naming the convo “Three’s Not Always a Crowd”.
“So… next playdate, when? 😉”
Next chapter
*clears throat* ahem. so... there you have it folks. Want more of this tasty trio? Lmk!
Tagging @nerdieforpedro, @chronically-ghosted @macabremads @boliv-jenta @prolix-yuy @suzdin
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you're taking requests but i wanted to ask if you could write one with Pedro where they're dating but reader is not famous, she is actually a young artist that runs a small business on Instagram. And everyone is shocked that he's with her, but he is so proud of being her boyfriend and is VERY supportive of her both in private and in public. That's, thank you 😊💕
the actor and the artist - pedro pascal x artist! female reader
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Summary: you’re hosting your first ever art show and the paparazzi make you wonder if you’re good enough.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content Warning: age gap relationship, insecure reader.
Note: I fking love this request @rosaliedepp *kisses your forehead* I hope you love it. 🫶🏼💜
You remember where you first started, selling your artwork on Etsy, your prices were so cheap they undermined the hours of hard work, pain, sweat and tears that went into them, still you only managed to sell 3 works in about 12 months, you were stumped. Feeling like you should just give up, like it was a lost cause and your art wasn’t really as good as you originally thought it was. Until it happened.
You thought it was a scam at first, these scammers were getting crafty these days and the Pedro Pascal, messaging you on Etsy wanting a custom piece? Come on, didn’t seem likely and you weren’t stupid. You remember asking him to DM you on Instagram, his offical page, giving the email your username on Insta and within minutes receiving a direct message from the Pedro Pascal’s offical Instagram page that at the time, had 2.4 million followers, the white tick surrounded by the blue circle was confirmation it was really him and not some bot, or scammer.
He had been generous in his compliments on your works, even suggested making a business Instagram account to gain more traction, within the hour of messaging he had placed an order and left a very generous tip, he had even followed you and kept in contact regularly upon the arrival of his artwork, you figured it was because he didn’t trust you after he had sent that much money.
It was the opposite of what you thought that kept him talking with you, he thought you were sweet, talented and had real potential and knew he could help you where you needed it; not lacking in talent but recognition. If people actually saw your artwork, people would buy them. And they did, once they saw that Pedro had uploaded an image of your artwork in his house, that he followed you, your page blew up overnight, and you had Pedro to thank for it.
Which leads you to the present, two years later and 12 months of you two officially being a couple, even though things were fairly ‘new’ for the two of you, people had suspected things had been going on for longer. People of course had said their two cents online and you opted to ignore it.
Here you were in the cold evening of New York City, in a gallery room that was cleared just for your artwork, which would be showcased then auctioned, you had heard some big names were invited, ones in which you were terrified to see, let alone meet.
“You doing okay sweetheart?” Pedro’s voice scared you, pulling you back to reality as the room was half filled with people, something you’d failed to notice in your dissociative state. You offer him a smile as he hands you a glass filled with champagne.
“A bit nervous, hoping this will help.” You take a sip, your red lipstick that matches your ruby red silk, spaghetti strap dress, smears on the rim of the glass, you clutch your purse as a last resort for stress relief, feeling the tension build as more people arrive.
“I’m shitting myself, what if they don’t sell, what if they don’t like it? What if they don’t like me?” Your rambling makes Pedro chuckle, he steps towards you, his matching burgundy suit presses against your dress clad skin. His free hand caresses your hand and your hair tickles his fingers as you lean into him.
“They’ll be stupid not to love you, or your artwork. You’ve got this sweetheart.” You look at the genuine look on his face and can’t help but fall in love all over again, this man was truly a blessing in your life.
“You’re right, I’m powerful and wonderful and a fucking great artist. To us baby.” You clink your glasses together before throwing your head back, swallowing the liquid for courage before walking to the stage that had a microphone and your most iconic artwork on the wall behind you.
You’re standing in front of dozens of well known celebrities, but the champagne gives you the courage to smile at them as they watch you with wondering eyes. “Thank you all so much for joint us this evening. It’s truly an honour to host this event and to have you all here. Just a reminder that 35% of all purchases goes to the highest sellers choice of charity.”
The group cheer as you welcome them, pleased by your selflessness to give away money to donate to charity, Pedro is standing by himself off to the left of the stage and you give him a sweet smile.
“I wouldn’t be here without my biggest supporter, he’s changed my life for the better. This is the biggest moment of my life and thank you all for joining me along on this journey. The auction begins in 15 minutes so please don’t go anywhere. Stay and enjoy as long as you like, have a wonderful evening everyone.”
The applause goes straight to your head, people clapping and cheering for you as you walk off the stage, meeting Pedro at his side and giving him a kiss on the cheek, he doesn’t mind that you leave a lip shaped lipstick stain on his skin.
The auction is intense, your latest piece was the biggest success, it was sold for $360,000. That to you, was insane, you had earned that much money on one artwork. The years of hardworking was finally coming to pay off, not to mention one charity of a buyers choice was going to have received a very hefty donation.
“I can’t fucking believe it, that was insane. Thank you so much for coming with me, I couldn’t have done it without you.” You muse as you’re locking up the store, Pedro blushes at your compliment. “You did this all yourself sweetheart, money can’t buy talent.”
You shiver as the cold air hits your bare shoulders, the skin forming goosebumps immediately, your teeth are chatting at the freezing temperatures, curing yourself for not bringing a jacket. Pedro takes off his suit jacket, leaving him in his long sleeve-white button up dress shirt as he wraps the jacket around you, the smell and warmth of him bring you back to reality. The warmth holds you in its grasp.
“You didn’t have to do that, thank you.” You look up at him, thankful for the kind gesture. “Of course I did sweetheart, let’s get you home.” The perfect moment between you was spoiled as you see and hear paparazzi come swarming and shouting in your direction, probably after seeing the event posted online.
“Hey Pedro Pascal! What’s it like dating someone not talented on your level? Is it because you want a normal life?” The man snaps pictures of you and Pedro together, holding hands and Pedro shielding you from the cameras as the flash is blinding you.
“She is more talented than me. She’s an incredible artist, not that I have to justify it. Please leave us alone we’re very tired.” Pedro takes your hand and you try to walk away to get to his car which was parked right outside of the gallery, was it a good idea, no. Was it convenient, yes.
“What’s it like dating someone significantly younger, do you think she’s dating you for the money?” Pedro opens your door and puts your seatbelt on for you, before shutting the door and turning to the men following him.
“She’s the most genuine person I’ve ever met, not that it’s any of your business. Goodnight.”
He turns and makes his way to the car, starting it and driving off away from the flashes that blinded his eyes only moments ago. He notices you’re quiet, too quiet.
“Are you okay?” He seemed to be asking that a lot lately.
“I don’t know. They’re just mean, I love you Pedro, I do. I just don’t know how you deal with that- it’s so invasive and just horrible the things they’re saying about me, about us.”
His hand rubs your bare knee as he drives, his eyes not leaving the road until he comes to a red light mere streets from your shared apartment, “don’t listen to a word they say. They’re just looking for a reaction. If you’re happy then we’re good. I know I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with you.”
“You always know the right things to say Pedro.”
“I gotta keep my girl happy, don’t I?” You can’t help but smile at the comment, he truly was a blessing.
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httpknjoon · 1 year
can't take my eyes off you | jjk
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plot | Sweet September surprises their fans with their own rendition of the classic song.
words | 844
genres | fluff, modern royalty!au, celebrity!au
pairing | rockstar!jungkook x princess!reader
note | -
main masterlist | drabble series
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“Honey, attending such an event is not part of your itinerary…”
Your mom’s worried tone from your phone echoed in your hotel bathroom as you got ready for Sweet September’s concert tonight. After tying your hair in a half ponytail with your white silk ribbon, you tried to curl the ends of your hair with your fingers.
“I know, I know, mom. But the band personally invited me,” you replied before looking at the camera to see your mom sipping from her morning tea. “They are great performers. I and Astrid enjoyed their concert when they went there in Zafiro.”
Even though you are already a grown adult, with you owning a title and a long list of responsibilities, you still have to talk with your parents before doing something. And that’s what you are doing right now. You would usually go straight to your dad. He is strict but your mom’s stricter. You tried talking to him initially but he’s busy with meetings. So you reached out to The Queen to let her know about the concert.
She squinted her eyes, “A personal invite from the band? How so?”
You paused, “Oh… Uhm… I had a chat with their vocalist last night at the Gala. We already met before that.”
“And can I know the name of this vocalist we’re talking about?”
The image of Jungkook kissing your hand last night suddenly played in your head, unknowingly putting a slight smile on your face.
Then, a noise from your mother’s background snapped you back into reality. A thin line formed on your lips as you waited for a reaction from your mother. But she just looked at you for a minute. Like she was examining you, you can feel her gaze on you even though she’s on the other side of the world.
“YN…” she called for you in a specific tone that made your shoulders tense up.
“Mom.” you sighed. “I’m not dating him. I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets personal invites from him.”
“That’s great to know, honey. I know you’re smart enough with your decisions, including who to date. You know how we would always want the best partner for you as you will be leading Zafiro in the future.”
Your jaw tightened as you tried to focus on running the mascara through your lashes. Your shoulders suddenly bore this hefty weight. The same weight you feel every time you put a crown on your head. You tried to ignore it, clearing your throat before you spoke,
“Anyway, Mom, I’ll keep my attendance lowkey. Okay?” You plumped your lips before smiling at her. “I promise, no one would even notice I was there.”
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@/ot4sweetsept: y’all are so lucky!!! wdym they added a song to the setlist???!?
@/sweetseptfan bro stop flirting with ur gf ur literally on stage
@/woosungpiercing: lol jungkook keeps on eyeing the upper level during their concert tonight in new york
@/CARTERSBASS: louise chu should give her stylist a fucking raise! her dress looks so good!! #DenimJungleNY
@/swingingguitars: oomf said a princess attended tonight Replying to @/swingingguitars @/friskywhiskey: pics or it didn’t happen @/denimjunglesz: omg is it princess astrid??? I heard she’s a big fan
@/woosunginaday: im betting twenty dollars jungkook’s gf is in tonight’s concert Replying to @/woosunginaday @/woosunginaday: i mean he can’t stop smiling and walking to the right side of the stage tonight
@/PopCrave: Sweet September performs their own cover of Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.
@/coldjeon: @.PrincessYNOfZafiro what r u doing here 🤔🤔🤔🤔 [insert video]
@/calliessong: omg louise is here again!! she’s at the vip standing
@/jkslouise: now we know why there’s a special song 👀
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“Is everyone having a great time?”
Jungkook asked with his wired microphone and the whole audience roared with screams and cheers. The bright lights pointed at him made it hard for him to see you in the crowd. He offered you a VIP Standing ticket earlier but you declined, opting for a seat more secluded. 
“Now, is there anyone here up for a surprise?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
Every member smiled with the excitement from the crowd. They don’t really do surprise songs at every stop of their tour. So it thrills them too when Jungkook brings up a surprise song idea last night for them to play tonight. They only rehearsed the said song this morning.
“Seems like everyone is up for it.” Jungkook turned his head to his bandmates, silently signaling them to get ready.  He looked back to the audience. His eyes stopped at a specific spot, “By the way, I would like to greet the beautiful lady in–”
Cutting him off, Woosung began playing the drums for the song’s intro and so did Carter and Mingyu with their guitars. They all smiled when they heard a small “aww” of disappointment from their fans. Jungkook combed through his damp hair with his fingers before singing the first line.
“You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you.”
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honeeybee3 · 5 days
Tangled in Webs
Miguel O'hara x reader
You had always known that loving Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man of 2099, was like dancing with fire. His presence was a whirlwind—both intoxicating and terrifying. The jagged edges of his existence were carved from loss, guilt, and unshakable responsibility. And you? You were the soft touch, the counterbalance to the shadows that plagued him. Or so you had believed.
It wasn’t enough.
You should have known the end was coming. There were signs—small cracks in the dam, glances that lasted a fraction too long, clenched jaws when you tried to reach him. His words became clipped, his touch fleeting. Where once you felt like the tether to reality he so desperately needed, now you were nothing more than a distant echo.
But you held on.
One night, the sky over Nueva York was heavy with rain. Thunder rumbled, vibrating through the steel and glass landscape of the futuristic city. You sat on the edge of Miguel’s apartment, watching droplets race down the windows. The air was thick with the storm, much like the tension between you. He hadn’t come home yet—again.
And your heart clenched with every passing minute.
This wasn’t unusual. He was always out there, swinging through the city, battling anomalies, and trying to hold the fragile fabric of the multiverse together. You admired him for it, loved him for the strength and dedication that defined his very being. But lately, it felt like he was slipping through your fingers, like the silk threads of a web dissolving in your hands.
Finally, you heard the door slide open. His familiar, heavy footsteps echoed against the polished floor. You didn’t move, afraid that if you turned to face him, you’d see the truth written across his expression—his distance, his coldness. You weren’t ready to confront it. Not yet.
Your name on his lips was low, almost strained. It carried the weight of a man who bore the weight of a thousand worlds, and suddenly, you were terrified of what was coming. You clenched your fists, nails biting into your palms as you turned toward him.
There he stood, soaked to the bone, his dark hair clinging to his forehead. His suit, that familiar, daunting black and red, clung to his powerful frame. But what shattered you wasn’t his appearance; it was the look in his eyes.
Empty. Hollow.
“Miguel,” you whispered, standing. “What’s going on?”
He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he moved closer, his presence both magnetic and suffocating. When he finally spoke, his voice was thick, gravelly. “We need to talk.”
Your heart dropped.
“I—” He paused, running a hand through his hair, his jaw clenching tight. “I can’t do this anymore.”
The world beneath you tilted. You blinked, trying to process his words. “What are you talking about?”
His amber eyes, usually filled with fierce determination, now looked haunted. “Us. This… thing between us. I can’t keep doing this, (Y/N).”
It felt like your breath had been stolen from your lungs. A painful silence hung between you. “Why?” It was all you could manage, your voice breaking.
“Because it’s too dangerous,” he growled, fists clenched at his sides. “Every time I look at you, I’m reminded of everything I could lose. Every time I care, it makes me weak. I can’t afford to be weak. Not with the multiverse on the line. Not when every anomaly could destroy everything.”
You took a step back, the distance between you growing like a chasm. His words sliced through you, leaving invisible wounds in their wake. “So, what? You’re just going to walk away? Push me aside like none of this mattered?”
“I don’t have a choice,” he spat, though his tone wasn’t filled with malice—it was laced with frustration, with grief. “I can’t afford distractions, (Y/N). You of all people should understand that.”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. “I’m not a distraction, Miguel. I’m here because I love you. Because I believe in you. I thought we were in this together.”
He flinched at your words, the harsh reality of what he was doing beginning to set in. But his expression hardened. “That’s exactly why I have to do this. If something happened to you because of me, I wouldn’t survive it.”
“And what about me?” you shot back, voice rising in desperation. “You think walking away is going to protect me? Miguel, I’m already part of your world. I’ve been part of your life. You can’t just shut me out like I’m nothing.”
He exhaled sharply, his gaze dropping to the floor. “I’ve already lost too many people,” he muttered. “I won’t lose you too. Not because of my mistakes.”
Your heart shattered, splintering into pieces that were too sharp to hold onto. “You think this is for me, but it’s not. This is for you. You’re afraid, Miguel. You’re terrified of letting someone in, of loving someone and having to face the possibility of losing them again. But that’s not living. That’s just running away.”
He didn’t deny it.
The storm outside raged on, matching the tumult of emotions swirling between you. Miguel took a step forward, his eyes locking with yours for what felt like the last time. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
And that’s when you realized it wasn’t just an apology. It was a farewell.
You felt the tears slip down your cheeks, but you didn’t bother wiping them away. “Please don’t do this, Miguel,” you begged, hating the way your voice cracked. “We can figure this out. We always do.”
He shook his head, his expression tortured. “Not this time.”
Before you could respond, before you could even reach out to him, Miguel turned and disappeared into the night. The door slid shut behind him, the sound echoing in the hollow space he left behind.
And just like that, he was gone.
You collapsed to the floor, knees hitting the cold surface as sobs wracked your body. The rain outside blurred against the window, matching the tears that refused to stop. You had always known that loving Miguel O’Hara was like dancing with fire. You just hadn’t realized that you’d be the one left burned.
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theharddeck · 1 year
your love is the love i need || chapter 3/4
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pairing: javy machado x femme reader (no y/n), callsign Cross
summary: Mrs. Machado is on a plane home, so there's no need to keep pretending...but it's awful tempting when you wake up in bed with someone you've been in love with for months.
warnings: 18+, minors please DNI – the smut starts here, folks. it's not PiV not yet but come back for ch5, but there's mutual masturbation, swearing like you'd not believe, and questionable sanitary decisions who am i
length: 3.8k
A/N: *appears after four months with 1.8k words of smut* thank you to everyone who reached out to check on this fic, who asked for updates, and who encouraged my lunacy. so excited to continue to tell their story!
chapter one / chapter two
Monday Morning
You woke up slowly, the sun shining through your blinds, and your arms wrapped around a sleeping Javy Machado. 
You lay still for a second, cataloging the moment. 
You’d both shifted in your sleep; Javy had rolled over and you’d followed him, your chest against his back and your nose pressed into the nape of his neck. You didn’t think of yourself as a big spoon, and you’d bet anything that Javy wouldn’t publicly admit to being the little spoon, but it felt so comfortable this way, to be wrapped around him, holding him.  
You knew he was a heavy sleeper, from the time he’d fallen asleep in one of the common rooms, and Bob and Fanboy had started stacking things on top of him, to see how long it’d take him to wake up (four coffee mugs, two couch cushions, nine folded flight suits, six F/A-18 manuals, a carefully balanced Halo, and it’d been one of the coffee mugs falling to the floor and shattering that’d done the trick).
But you still held your breath when you pulled away from him, hoping he wouldn’t wake. When he didn’t stir, you propped yourself up on your elbow, looking down at him. 
He really was just so beautiful. 
Curled on his side, he looked sweeter than normal, but sleep had done nothing to diminish his handsomeness. He nuzzled deeper into one of your silk pillowcases, an endearing gesture that had you wishing you didn’t have drills in a couple hours. He still didn’t wake, but he did mumble something when the bed shifted, and you kept your steps light as you walked out of the room. 
No need to wake him until it was necessary. 
You ran through an abbreviated morning routine in the bathroom, before padding though the house to look for some tea. The sun shone in a slender patch through the morning shadows in your small kitchen, and you hefted yourself onto the countertop into that sliver of light, humming contentedly as you felt the warm rays over your skin. The kettle was within arms reach, as were the cinnamon rolls and your ipad, and you opened the sticky pastries as you flipped through your apps until you found the New York Crossword puzzle.
You were a couple bites into your second cinnamon roll when you heard the floors creaking in the hallway, getting louder. 
“What’s an eight letter word for Roger the Dodger?” you asked, not looking up. 
“God, I hate that I know this,” Javy mumbled to himself, from the door, before he sighed dramatically. “It’s Staubach.”
You typed the name in, your eyes widening when it completed the row. “Didn’t know you were a football guy.”
“I’m not,” he still sounded somewhat chagrined, “Jake idolizes the man more than Cyclone.”
You looked up at him, prepared to make some quick quip, but as you took in the sight of Javy standing in your doorway, eyes still sleepy, body still lax, you genuinely forgot words. 
He looked like a dream. 
The tshirt he’d slept in was wrinkled, and he rested a shoulder against the doorframe, slouching slightly. He looked comfortable, he looked like it was normal for him to be in a tshirt and boxers in your kitchen, first thing in the morning, fresh-faced and almost-smiling at you. 
 After everything in the last two days, after spending the night with the man, you knew you had nothing to feel bashful over, but it was still a lot to process—the reality of Javy being here, like this. 
“Hi,” you said, stupidly. 
“Hey,” he said, and his lips spread in a smile. The sun on your skin seemed cooler, like it was a lesser force than the light of his smile, and you shifted in your seat, brushing at your mouth with the back of your hand, hoping you didn’t have frosting all over your face.
“Want one?” you offered, gesturing to the pyrex of cinnamon rolls. 
“Sure,” Javy shrugged, pushing away from the door. 
You didn’t think you could look at him, barefoot in your kitchen and walking slowly towards you, without combusting, so you nudged the cinnamon rolls closer to him, and looked back at the crossword. 
In your peripherals, you saw Javy pull a roll out of the dish, and start unwinding it with his fingers. His shoulder was practically leaned against yours, and he seemed content with the silence, so you went back to your crossword. You could feel his attention on the screen, but you didn’t mind, and the sun felt nice against your skin as it crept higher in the sky. 
“Hmph,” Javy went to say something before he remembered his mouth was full of frosting, chewing aggressively for a second or two until he was clear. “This isn’t fair.”
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “What isn’t?”
Javy frowned down at the last bit of cinnamon roll in his hands, before popping it into his mouth with a shrug. “Too good of a morning,” he said, like that made any sense at all.
When you didn’t react to that, Javy looked up at you, like he was waiting. He also was licking frosting off his fingers, like that was casual, and you shook your head, letting him know you needed more context. 
“Just like,” he started, his tongue ghosting over his thumb, “waking up in your house, that smells like cinnamon because you made cinnamon rolls after you met my mom yesterday, before we made out and, you know, cuddled to sleep…I don’t know, it just sounds fake. Like, too good.”
You pressed your lips together, but you knew it wouldn’t hide your smile. 
“Now what?” Javy asked, and you shook your head. 
How did you say hey you’re too pretty to be real and also say things like that and also look like THIS with pillow marks on his face or wasn’t standing barefoot in your kitchen with frosting on his fingers?
So you leaned forward on the counter and kissed him, pressed your lips to his and licked the frosting off his tongue. And maybe you got what he was saying, because it wasn’t fair, it was too good, now that you knew how Javy tasted like first thing in the morning. 
Javy pulled a long breath in through his nose, his shoulders rising as he pushed away from where he’d been leaning on the counter to stand in front of you. One of his hands ghosted over your knees, now digging into his stomach, and you parted them, so he could stand closer to you. It was kind of like that first night on your stoop, where the steps had given you extra height you didn’t have normally, but this time Javy was physically between your legs, and you decided that was nice too. His other hand was on the back of your neck, his thumb stroking up your jaw as he cradled your head with the rest of his hand.
“Why isn’t the weekend longer?” Javy mumbled between kisses, his words lingering between your lips. The momentary separation caused by his words gave you an excuse to kiss the corner of his mouth, then down his jawline.
“It should definitely be longer,” you whispered back, your tongue teasing down his neck, and Javy leaned more heavily into you. You peppered his neck with light kisses, knowing the last thing either of you needed was to leave him with marks, but too enchanted by the way his breathing quickened to stop. 
“Fuck,” Javy gritted, the words punched out of him when your lips grazed over his pulse point in his throat. God, you liked the sound of that, his surprise and his desire, his gorgeous voice gone rough. You hummed in response, and at the vibrations, Javy’s hand tightened on the back of your neck, and you knew you were playing with fire, but you wanted to hear more of it.
“And if the weekend were longer,” you asked, pressing your lips to the place where his pulse was racing, not at all surprised that your own voice sounded breathless, “what would we do about it?”
Javy laughed, something darker than a chuckle, and he pulled back to capture your mouth with his again. There was something urgent in this kiss, hungrier than before, and you felt yourself pulling closer to the edge of the counter, closer to him. 
You felt warm all over, felt heat pooling low in your stomach, felt your body reacting faster than it had any right to. You didn’t know if Javy could taste your desperation on your kiss, but you pressed closer to him, and he made a low sound in his throat, like he approved. 
But then he pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. His thumb stroked up your neck, his other hand still settled on your knee, and he pulled in a deep breath through his nose. 
“You’re not playing fair,” he said, but he sounded more awed than upset.
You blinked your eyes open, your skin heating when you realized he was watching you already. 
“We’ve an hour before we have to be on base,” you whispered, not an excuse, but an offer. Your skin still felt so hot, and you could feel your pulse pounding in your fingertips, in your core.  
Javy groaned, his eyes fluttering shut and you felt him shake his head from the way his forehead moved against yours. 
“Baby, you know an hour’s not enough for what I want to do with you.”
You shivered, either from the deep timbre of his voice, the serious meaning his words held, or the sweet way he’d said ‘with’ instead of ‘to’.
“Well now you’re not being fair,” you muttered, and you could hear something like a pout on your voice, but it wasn’t your fault. Not when Javy was giving you ideas for over-an-hour activities for the two of you.
He laughed again, warmer this time, and pulled you to him again. This kiss was chaste, comfortable, the kind of easy like you knew there was a next time. And as much as you wanted to sink into it, you knew he was right. 
“Let me take you to dinner,” he said, and the implicit “first” wasn’t lost on either of you. “Better, I can make you dinner.”
Your eyes narrowed, and you were dangerously close to asking him to pinch you, to make sure you were still awake.
“You can make me dinner, Coyote,” you accepted, keeping your voice light, since he was apparently determined to be a gentleman this morning. 
Of course, using his callsign had Javy’s head dropping to your shoulder, and another half-hearted groan escaping out of him. 
“’m trying to be a good person, here,” he said into your shoulder, and you patted his chest lightly, consolingly.
“One of us has to be,” you muttered, and he huffed into your sweatshirt. “Alright, let me down.”
He stilled, almost imperceptibly, but you got the feeling he’d gone from nuzzling into your sweatshirt to hiding in it. 
“Give me a sec,” he mumbled, shifting his hips slightly. The motion drew your eyes downward between the two of you and—ah. 
You shouldn’t be surprised. 
Javy was tall, it was early in the morning, boxers were thin material...but the sight of his impressive erection brought back the heat of your make out session, and then it was your turn to shift on the counter. It wasn’t even entirely lascivious, it was just nice to know you were wanted, that there was physical proof of it. 
“Sorry,” Javy’s voice was still muffled in your sweatshirt, as he mistook your arousal for discomfort. “I’ve just been thinking about this for so long.”
He trailed off, and you thought quickly about the time left in the morning, how you both needed to be focused at work today, and if there was a way to compromise–take the edge off, so to speak, without leading further down distraction. And you thought of how he’d barely touched you this morning, but his voice and the way he moved were dizzying enough, and your hand that’d been on his chest wound up to rest along the side of his face. He turned into your hand, a small gesture that made your heart flutter, and your decision solidified. 
“Do me a favor?” you asked quietly, and you felt when Javy nodded. “Sit at the table?”
Javy lifted up from your shoulder, confused, but when you smiled at him, he moved to do as you asked. 
You didn’t close your legs, still spread from where he’d stood between them, but you covered the cinnamon rolls and pushed your ipad away from you. You watched him cross the small width of your kitchen, settling into the chair facing you. His legs were somewhat spread still, and you knew you could do this.
“What have you thought of,” you asked, nervousness and anticipation mixing in your voice, “when you thought of this?”
For a moment, Javy was still, confused, and then his eyes fell to where your hand was running along the hem of your pajama shorts. He let out his breath slowly, and then his chin lifted as he sat back in the chair. He pushed his shoulders back as he settled, preening, his feet flat on the floor, and his eyes watched you intently. 
“You want me to talk you through it?” he asked, his voice somehow even deeper, and it was like you could feel it washing over you. 
You nodded, not trusting your voice to come out steady, and were rewarded by a gorgeous, slow smile spreading across the face of the man at your kitchen table. 
“Yeah, I can do that, honey,” he said, his voice soft enough to make you hold your breath, desperate to catch every word. He looked at you for a long moment, his gaze heavy, like he was committing this sight to memory, and you got the feeling it wasn’t going to be as simple as him telling you his fantasies. 
Namely because he was going to be the one giving directions.
“Pet yourself,” Javy said, voice steady and deep, “over your shorts.”
You couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped you when you did as he asked, your hand sliding between your legs. The contact was muted through the cotton, but your body still reacted to it, or maybe just to the fact that it was Javy who’d asked. 
You stroked your hand between your legs, feeling your arousal building, feeling the slide of your hand shift as your body warmed to your touch. 
“That’s it,” Javy breathed. “Press down, just like that…fuck, honey.”
He broke off, and you looked up at him, to find him pressing a hand over himself. Your legs twitched, and you felt your fingers grow wet, as your arousal soaked through the thin material of your shorts. 
“You’re wet for me, already,” Javy said, his voice awed. “I can see it from here, baby, damn. Damn, I wish those were my fingers between your pretty thighs.”
You whimpered again at the curses falling past Javy’s lips, after all his restraint and chivalry. He sounded so good, he sounded like he had it as bad for you as you did for him. 
“This isn’t what I thought about,” he said, his voice low, answering your question. “Because when I thought about it, I’d be right there, between your legs. It would be me feeling you soak through your panties. I could touch you, smell you, taste you, whatever I wanted, and you’d be looking at me–fuck, just like that, honey.”
His words were heady, and you could see the way he meant them. His eyes were intense and you looked away, your touch now feeling more like a tease than a beginning. 
“Need more, Jay,” you managed, your voice shaking. “Please.”
“Anything, honey,” Javy said immediately, “anything. Bet you don’t know you could have anything if you asked like that, looking like this. I always imagined–okay, slide your hand into your panties, now, you can touch yourself.”
As you drew your hand back up to your waist, Javy kept pressing down on his dick through his boxers. It looked uncomfortable, but he was so focused on you, that you didn’t push him, not yet. 
At the first brush of your fingers over your clit, you sighed in relief, and Javy groaned. 
“You sound so pretty, baby, fuck. Just like I imagined, so sweet. Does that feel good? Your fingers on your pussy, for me?”
You nodded, feeling feverish. 
“So good, Javy,” you gasped, your fingers finding a familiar rhythm. “I’m so wet, I feel—fuck, it feels so good.”
Javy’s hips jerked up, and you licked your lips, knowing what you needed. 
“Let me see you,” you asked, your voice bordering on a whine.
His head fell back as your request registered, his hips rising of their own accord again. 
“You’re gonna kill me,” he said to the ceiling, but then he shifted his hips to slide his boxers down to his knees, and pulling his hard dick out.
You moaned, a wanton sound that seemed to echo around the quiet kitchen, but fuck, look at him. Proportions were one thing, but he was so thick, and when he wrapped his big hand around himself, you shivered imagining how your hand would look in comparison. You watched a tremor work across his chest as Javy pulled his hand over himself, and your thighs spread wider of their own accord. 
“Fuck, honey, how you’re looking at me right now…” Javy’s words pulled your eyes back to his, and you knew what he meant. 
His eyes were dark, so intense, focused on you and you could feel his desire for you, palpable. His jaw clenched as he stroked himself, and you wondered absently if you could come just from the sight of him. 
Then you realized his hips were moving.
 It was subtle, just the flex in his thighs, but you could see a steady motion he was trying to disguise as he pumped into his hand, and you felt it in your core. Your own hips were shifting, then, pressing into the circling motion of your fingers in time with Javy’s movements. 
“Are you moving with me, baby?” Javy asked, his voice rough. “Fuck, it should be me; I want you on my fingers, on my thighs; God, honey, the way you move–”
You whimpered at his words, working your hand faster. 
“I want that so bad, Jay,” you managed. “You’d make me feel so good.”
“So fucking good,” Javy said, like a promise. “Can you slide a finger in, honey, feel how tight you are.”
You did as he asked, moaning as you clenched down on the intrusion, your hips still rocking. Your body adjusted, and it was good but then you looked over at Javy. His thick cock, a pearl of precum appearing at the tip of it, the hefty width of it, fucking steadily into his hand…his broad hand, wide fingers, also so thick…and the your hand felt small, felt insufficient, and you whimpered, shaking your head. 
“’s not enough,” you whined, your voice sounding pitiful, wanton, and Javy groaned across the room. That sound was the most beautiful thing you’d heard, masculine and needy and perfect, and you added another finger, like that would satisfy the ache in your core. 
“Did you add another one, honey?” Javy asked tightly. “You need my hands, don’t you, need me to make you feel full? Fuck, baby, you’d take me so well, I know it.”
You fought the irrational need to cry; you wanted that too, wanted it desperately. But you thrust your fingers into yourself, let Javy’s beautiful voice wash over you, and it could be enough. 
His chest was rising and falling quickly as his breathing got more labored, and you felt like you were coming out of your skin; you’d give anything to feel his panting breath over your skin, his chest heaving as he worked both of you higher. That hand around his leaking cock, how it would feel over your pussy, playing with your breasts, on your throat–
“You’re doing so good for me, baby,” Javy groaned, his eyes glued to where your wrist emerged from the hem of your shorts. “Those whimpers are killing me, shit, you sound so good. Can’t wait to hear how you’ll sound on my dick, when it’s so fucking deep in that pussy.”
You moaned, you felt so taught, like everything was hanging on Javy’s words, on how good you were doing for him, on how much he wanted you. Your hand was aching, and this was so much sooner than you expected, but you felt your toes curl and your thighs started to tremble as Javy’s thrusts into his hand sped up. 
“I’m so close, Jay,” you cried, your head falling back and your hips starting to lose their rhythm, and Javy groaned at whatever he saw when he looked at you. 
“Fucking beautiful, honey, you’re so gorgeous. Let me see it, please, come for me. Come for me like you’re going to tonight, after I’ve fed you and fucked you, after we’ve spent all day imagining my dick so deep in that pussy, after I get to taste those moans off your lips, come on, honey–”
Your fingers pressed deep into your cunt and the promise and pleading of Javy’s words with the steady thrust of his hips sent you over the edge. Your back arched and your orgasm screamed through you, summoned by Javy’s gorgeous voice and his thick fingers and he hadn’t even touched you but you felt him, you felt that it was for him, and you came hard, the world blurring as Javy praised you from across the room.  
“Oh, fuck, baby, that’s it. So good,” he was panting, but you could hear his pride like a caress. “You did so good. Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, honey, you’re just so pretty like this, fuck–”
Javy cut off and you opened your eyes to see his hips still as he thrust into his palm, and then ribbons of cum spurted over the front of his tshirt. 
You clenched down on your fingers, still slowly soothing yourself, your emptiness magnified with the sight of him finding his release. God, he was so beautiful. 
His chest heaving, his strong thighs flexed, his brow tense and his eyelashes fluttering, he looked like a work of art, like something divine. His jaw loosened as he finished, his lips parting and a soft sound of satisfaction eased out of him and you felt it settle under your skin. 
The kitchen was quiet, the air thick with pleasure and relief and so much unsaid, and your eyes drifted shut, still trying to catch your breath. When Javy laughed again, it was musical, light and sweet. And when you looked over at him again, he wore the softest smile on his face, a million kind things in his eyes as he looked at you. 
“Shit, Cross,” he sighed, laughter in his voice. “How are we supposed to make it through the day, now?”
You smiled back, tired and sated, with no idea in hell.
taglist (folks who always humor me, folks who reblogged the last chapter, or folks who sent asks to be tagged): @laracrofted @mxgyver @callsign-fangirl @bradshawsbitch @ninaxwaffles @blowmymbackout @daggerspare-standingby @javihoney @sebsxphia @princessphilly @roosterforme @maddiemunson333 @vallyb @hearttohearteyes @bioodforbiood @gretagerwigsmuse @rae-gar-targaryen @hangmanbrainrot @beyondthesefourwalls @mandylove1000 @blckgrl-sunflower
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
the damn ceo
pairings: ceo!natasha x reader
warnings: 18 minors dni anal sex, rough kissing, hair pulling, dirty talk, and pet names. 
notes: it’s a little short but i’ll make my other kinktober one-shots longer i promise. enjoy!
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Working for the CEO of Widow Industries was impeccable as it seemed. To my surprise, the woman who's in the big chair; Natasha Romanoff, was one of the most prominent CEOs in New York. I was pleased working with her; most especially since I'm her assistant. You'd say, well, everything seems swell! When it isn't. You might think Ms. Romanoff is some big meanie with no life when actually; she can be more than that. It's like whenever I'd come up to her and give her the papers that she needs, her mouth would be so close that I could tell we were going to kiss each other on the mouth.
She tends to be a big flirt; even though she doesn't mean to.
Now, alone in her office, I decided to let my imagination roam in my head as I think about Ms. Romanoff walking towards me with that sly grin of hers that gets me unaware of being aroused. Remember when I said she could be a flirt? Well, she does it with me a lot of times. There are remarks that she would give like, you're so pretty today or; am I dreaming? Because you look dazzling, my darling. Which gets my cheeks warmed up like a fire is through my bones. I imagine her hands–those damn warm hands–going slowly up inside my thigh as she kisses my neck with her dark red lips that taint my skin. My, have I gone insane? Maybe, I can't help it.
Just as I was about to touch my crotch to calm myself down, a sudden bang from the door swung open. I see Ms. Romanoff striding herself inside, giving me a quick smile, and sitting on her office chair; removing her dark brown coat. Perhaps she was out getting coffee? Her chest was slightly heaving, and her mouth was sort of gaping. I asked, "Were you outside, Ms. Romanoff?"
"I was," she said. "I had to buy myself a cup of coffee, I'm a little stressed out today." I was right. She continued, "Anyway, have you done the documents that I asked you to do?"
I nodded and approached her with a small stack of paper on top of my hands, placing it on her big black wooden desk. Ms. Romanoff reaches for my wrist and gently tugs at it, pulling me closer to her so that I almost stop breathing.
"You smell good today," she mentions slyly; I smiled.
"T-Thank you, Ms–"
"Why so modest? You've been my assistant for almost a year," she chuckles, rather deeply, and whispers close: "You can always call me Natasha, sweetheart. Won't you be a darling kitty?"
"I'm sorry?" I quirked an eyebrow, not too sure if this was work appropriate. She lets out another chuckle that rattles my bones and stands up, facing me as she cups my face; her hands were warm that mend with the coolness on my skin.
"Don't act like you don't want me, baby," she sighs in my ear and brings both of her hands down to my waist; groping my butt. "So tender, aren't ya? You're so pretty, so fucking pretty..."
"Oh my god–"
She interrupts me with a laugh, "Keep your voice down, little one. You don't want me punishing you, do you?" I felt her lips grazing on my neck and I knew that was it for me. I would give everything up, only to be kissed by Natasha Romanoff; who seemed like she couldn't keep her hands off of me, which I don't mind. I would let her touch me without my command or tell, I'd let her do anything despicable to me; I knew I'd never complain, so why would I complain such a thing?
Natasha lifts me up until I'm sitting on the edge of her desk and felt her hand massaging my left boob, bringing her mouth on my clothed shirt as she munches through my bra; I could feel her teeth touching my nipple, I could feel everything. I let my hand thread through her silk-red hair; grinding my hips on her pelvis for more friction until she pinned both of my wrists down on her desk hard – making me yelp.
"Shh," she grins like a devil and pushes my skirt up with her calloused hand trailing inside my thigh, almost touching my crotch. "Gonna do the most unspeakable things on you, kotenok. You have no idea how much I have desired for this moment."
I couldn't believe it; she desired this moment just as much as I did. I felt utterly speechless. Before I could say anything, her mouth was pressed against mine and I could feel her tongue slipping through my lips. We kissed each other hungrily; as if we couldn't waste this moment whatsoever. I grabbed her by the neck and tried humping my clothed cunt against hers, moaning her name in between her lips.
"Please," I whimpered; shutting my eyes tight. "F-Fuck me, I want you to touch me..."
"Do you want me to touch you?" she coaxed, which made me let out another whimper and watched her as she created a smirk. "Oh, baby... you're going to be the death of me."
She turned me around until my breasts were pressed against the cold desk. I felt her hands pulling up my skirt, making me squirm beneath the table when the cold air hits my ass. Natasha looks down at the sight and bites her own lip, trying to regain consciousness and not hurt me. But she did; oh, she did. The image of her hand smacking my ass gets her cunt clenching and wet, what would it feel like? She wonders. Her willpower must take her, she couldn't hurt me. She knows that she can't.
"I want to spank you so bad," she growls into my ear while palming my left cheek. "Do you know how much I want to spank my little girl?" Smack! "...This much. God, I want to put my cock up in your ass."
"W-what?" I looked from behind and saw a dildo hanging out from her pants, begging to be inside my tight ring. She groans loudly as she kisses the back of my neck while still squeezing my cheek; asking me: "Can I push in, sweetheart? 'M promise I'll take good care of you, please? Look what I can do for you, baby girl..."
She prides my ass open and spits on my ring, blowing into it as if tempting me to push my ass and let the tip of her faux cock rip inside of me like a virgin. I have never been fucked in the ass, and I dearly hope not to, but for her; some things can change. Natasha leaned again close to my ear and asked, "Can I push it inside of you? Please?"
It took me a bit of time to regain my thoughts and when I finally let her plead to sink into my brain; I nodded in a simple matter. She cracks up a vile smile and uses two fingers to push inside my asshole, making me shriek. Quickly enough, she covers my mouth as she whispers down on my head, "Baby, shh! Does it hurt? Come on, nod if it does." I nodded but moaned to give her a sign that I was merely enjoying the pain that is ravishing my veins.
"I think you'd like it better if I use my cock," she chuckles, giving open-mouth kisses on my bare shoulder; my blouse was loose. "Tell me, would you love it when I use my dick inside of your cute little asshole?"
"Words baby," she said. "Use your pretty mouth to speak up. Come on, don't be shy, let me use you."
"Please!" I moaned through my teeth as I gripped the edge of her desk so hard that white was showing up on my knuckles. "Please, f-fuck me in the ass Natty..."
Natasha didn't waste a second and pushed the tip of her strap inside my ring hole, which had that burning sensation that aroused my veins. I knew I was holding on for my dear life, I could hear her grunts and moans of pleasure while slowly – leisurely – pushing inside of my asshole while her other hand was palming my right cheek. She groans gutturally into my ear, kissing the shell of it.
"You're so fuckin' tight," she breathes hard into me; her hand still groping my ass. "I'm going to ruin this pretty little asshole until it's gaping for me."
It hurts, but my god – it felt amazing to be fucked in the ass.
Natasha runs her fingers through my hair and pulls back, making my scream that fills up her entire ginormous room. She pounds into my ass, watching closely as her cock begins to lubricate from her saliva just as much as my ass. She slaps my cheek hard, she breathes hard, and she fucks hard into me like there's no tomorrow. I squirmed beneath her, trying to get some relief; but it was complicated when my hair was being pulled back.
"Fuck..." she sighs loudly, kissing my neck. She continues to pound, but this time at a rather faster and harsher pace; you could hear the smack of our skin filling up the atmosphere. I whimpered quietly, "I'm your good girl, I promise I'll be your good girl."
"Mmph, you better..." she chuckles, grunting each time she thrusts inside of me. "Although I like little brats like you, you're so easy to manipulate."
I was no longer her assistant; I was more of her whore.
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asylum natasha one-shot will come soon...
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toomanyrobins2 · 7 months
Our Manhattan
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Summary: An orphan all her life, Y/N is simply too old to remain at The Bowery Home any longer. That is where an anonymous patron has swooped in to send her off to college and all he requires…a monthly letter of her academic progress.
Based off the book and musical “Daddy Long Legs”
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
last part // series masterlist // next part
Notes: I'm finally getting around to updating this fic! If you would like to catch up and get more consistent updates to this story and others I would go to by AO3!
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24th March, maybe the 25th
Dear Batman,
I don't believe I can be going to Heaven—I am getting such a lot of good things here; it wouldn't be fair to get them hereafter too. Listen to what has happened.
Y/N Abbott has won the short-story contest (a twenty-five dollar prize) that the Monthly holds every year. And she's a Sophomore! The contestants are mostly Seniors. When I saw my name posted, I couldn't quite believe it was true. Maybe I am going to be an author after all. I wish Mrs. Lippett hadn't given me such a silly name—it sounds like an author-ess, doesn't it?
Also I have been chosen for the spring dramatics—As You Like It out of doors. I am going to be Celia, own cousin to Rosalind.
And lastly: Harriet and Barbara and I are going to New York next Friday to do some spring shopping and stay all night and go to the theatre the next day with 'Master Brucie.' He invited us. Harriet is going to stay at home with her family, but Barbara and I are going to stop at the Martha Washington Hotel. Did you ever hear of anything so exciting? I've never been in a hotel in my life, nor in a theatre; except once when the Catholic Church had a festival and invited the orphans, but that wasn't a real play and it doesn't count.
And what do you think we're going to see? Hamlet. Think of that! We studied it for four weeks in Shakespeare class and I know it by heart.
I am so excited over all these prospects that I can scarcely sleep.
Goodbye, Bats.
This is a very entertaining world.
Yours ever,
PS. I've just looked at the calendar. It's the 28th.
Another postscript.
I saw a street car conductor today with one brown eye and one blue. Wouldn't he make a nice villain for a detective story?
7th April
Dear Batman,
Mercy! Isn't New York big? Worcester is nothing to it. Do you mean to tell me that you actually lived in all that confusion? I don't believe that I shall recover for months from the bewildering effect of two days of it. I can't begin to tell you all the amazing things I've seen; I suppose you know, though, since you live there yourself.
But aren't the streets entertaining? And the people? And the shops? I never saw such lovely things as there are in the windows. It makes you want to devote your life to wearing clothes.
Barbara and Harriet and I went shopping together Saturday morning. Harriet went into the very most gorgeous place I ever saw, white and gold walls and blue carpets and blue silk curtains and gilt chairs. A perfectly beautiful lady with yellow hair and a long black silk trailing gown came to meet us with a welcoming smile. I thought we were paying a social call, and started to shake hands, but it seems we were only buying hats—at least Harriet was. She sat down in “front of a mirror and tried on a dozen, each lovelier than the last, and bought the two loveliest of all.
I can't imagine any joy in life greater than sitting down in front of a mirror and buying any hat you choose without having first to consider the price! There's no doubt about it, Bats; New York would rapidly undermine this fine stoical character which the Bowery Home so patiently built up.
And after we'd finished our shopping, we met Master Bruce at Sherry's. I suppose you've been in Sherry's? Picture that, then picture the dining room of the Bowery Home with its oilcloth-covered tables, and white crockery that you can't break, and wooden-handled knives and forks; and fancy the way I felt!
I ate my fish with the wrong fork, but the waiter very kindly gave me another so that nobody noticed.
And after luncheon we went to the theatre—it was dazzling, marvellous, unbelievable—I dream about it every night.
Isn't Shakespeare wonderful?
Hamlet is so much better on the stage than when we analyze it in class; I “appreciated it before, but now, dear me!
I think, if you don't mind, that I'd rather be an actress than a writer. Wouldn't you like me to leave college and go into a dramatic school? And then I'll send you a box for all my performances, and smile at you across the footlights. Only wear a red rose in your buttonhole, please, so I'll surely smile at the right man. It would be an awfully embarrassing mistake if I picked out the wrong one.
We came back Saturday night and had our dinner in the train, at little tables with pink lamps. I never heard of meals being served in trains before, and I inadvertently said so.
'Where on earth were you brought up?' said Harriet to me.
'In a village,' said I meekly, to Harriet.
'But didn't you ever travel?' said she to me.
'Not till I came to college, and then it was only a hundred and sixty miles and we didn't eat,' said I to her.
She's getting quite interested in me, because I say such funny things. I try hard not to, but they do pop out when I'm surprised—and I'm surprised most “of the time. It's a dizzying experience, to pass eighteen years in the Bowery Home, and then suddenly to be plunged into the WORLD.
But I'm getting acclimated. I don't make such awful mistakes as I did; and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore with the other girls. I used to squirm whenever people looked at me. I felt as though they saw right through my sham new clothes to the checked ginghams underneath. But I'm not letting the ginghams bother me anymore. Sufficient unto yesterday is the evil thereof.
I forgot to tell you about our flowers. Master Bruce gave us each a big bunch of violets and lilies-of-the-valley. Wasn't that sweet of him? I never used to care much for men—judging by Trustees—but I'm changing my mind.
Yours always,
10th April
Dear Mr. Rich-Man,
Here's your cheque for fifty dollars. Thank you very much, but I do not feel that I can keep it. My allowance is sufficient to afford all of the hats that I need. I am sorry that I wrote all that silly stuff about the millinery shop; it's just that I had never seen anything like it before.
However, I wasn't begging! And I would rather not accept any more charity than I have to.
Sincerely yours,
Y/N Abbott
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Bruce stared down at the check. He had barely thought about it when they had been out in the city and once Y/n had sent the letter, he’d dispatched the check without a second thought. 
Clark Kent, who had been present during the discussion about Y/N's shopping woes, entered the study with a knowing expression. "Having trouble with the whole 'helping' thing?" Clark quipped, a  smile playing on his lips.
Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to make things a bit easier for her. She didn't have to return the check."
Clark leaned against the desk, crossing his arms. "Bruce, you know Y/N at this point. She's independent and proud. Accepting help might not come naturally to her, especially from someone like you."
Bruce frowned, the frustration evident in his eyes. "But I want to help. She shouldn't have to feel lesser than her peers."
Clark nodded, understanding Bruce's genuine concern. "Maybe it's not about the help itself, but how it's offered. Try sending her a letter with a short note explaining why you sent the check. Make it personal. Sometimes, a few carefully chosen words can make a big difference."
Bruce considered Clark's suggestion, recognizing the wisdom in his friend's advice. "You think that might work?"
"Y/N's a writer, Bruce. Words matter to her. A thoughtful note can make the gesture feel less like charity and more like a friend looking out for another," Clark explained.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce reached for a pen and paper. 
Miss Abbott, I go against my rules by penning this letter but I find myself unable to let this matter go. This check is not charity but a gift from a friend who wishes to see you excel in all matters. I wish you to be able to experience all that your peers are able to. I have never sponsored a woman before and I confess that I lack the knowledge to ensure that you are equal to your peers.  I kindly request that you keep this cheque as an apology for my own failings as your patron.  Mr. Smith
As Bruce sealed the letter, he handed it to Alfred, who was passing by. "Alfred, make sure this gets to Miss Abbott. And let's hope this time, she accepts it."
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l0mljeonjungkook · 2 years
Odd One Out | JJK / KTH / KNJ
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⋙ Summary - Being friends-with-benefits with Jungkook was already messy until the universe introduces him as your stepbrother.
Namjoon has your heart in his clutches, and pity he's getting married soon.
And, Taehyung, is just not interested in your sister.
⋙ pairing: Taehyung x reader -? / Namjoon x reader -? / Jungkook x reader -?
⋙ rating: 18+
⋙ genre: fake dating to lovers, childhood bestfriends; fluff, angst, smut (more to come, won't reveal yet... Shhhh🤫)
⋙ warnings: no warnings in the prologue, will be added in future chapters.
⋙ word count: 1.7k+
A/N - I really have forced myself to post this, my sis (pain in the ass) too though, thank you B, for motivating me, and iloveyou. So, I hope you guys enjoy reading this, though it's just a prologue but do set a base for the series. I'd very much appreciate your feedback, it'll motivate me to no extent. Do leave your thoughts. And, thank you, angels, for reading💕
Also, cross-posted on Wattpad and ao3
Masterlist | series masterlist
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Instagram, scrolling through it makes you cringe. The worst app, a zone for the nerds posting pictures or say it vaunting their spotless, seemliest, apt snippets exclusive of their messy life behind the camera. That’s what every walking moneybag, tycoon, and trouper does on this shitty app.
It’s one of the reasons you hate this app.
Right now, you ain’t scrolling for any baron or trouper or any love birds from your friends' group to pop on your screen. Clicking on this app seconds ago once your dad and mum left your room, intending to search for the one your father happily informed you, his exact words - “Well, I’m sure kid you’ll like him”, he was beaming, and studying his face, this one might be the one, he seems in no doubt.
And, that beam on his face makes you want to search --- Will Carter, you’re sure, you heard that name before yet can’t recall.
Your stepdad made an arrangement or just call it a blind date for you to meet this person, just another silk-stocking of New York City.
Apparently, it’s Saturday evening, and you’re so in for meeting new guys for the sake of your heart. If anything, you want to think about the one who will love you back one-sided love is shriveling your heart into a raisin. Only love can swell it back which has evaporated from it or say you've poured it on the one who never needed yours.
Whys and Wherefores, about clicking on the app with the end to gain some deets about Will Carter. Your date. Because this Instagram is good for nothing but stats about the one who posts their flashy life on here.
That's how you're left, bottoms up, zero drop left. For the sake of your shrinking to-raisin heart, you want to move out of the barricade you kept yourself into.
If that means, taking a step and meeting the silk stockings of New York City, you're ready with a pure vibranium shield like the one Captain America holds. However, with a slight change, no star but a heart in the center. 
And before you get a chance to search deets on, your date tomorrow, on the app, with zero intentions, zip anticipation, and no image of the two men in your head, the picture popped on your phone’s screen makes your eyes shine but that shine fades seeing his love by him.
Posted three minutes ago it’s written below... the caption says - She said YES!
Now, coin it as the second reason to hate this app.
Okay, so thing is, USA’s most eligible bachelors, majestically statuesque with hearts brimming with goodwill, shockingly - befall upon you to be the most treasured men in your life. It’s stimulatingly the most unbelievable truth of your life.
The Foxy Holy Trinity is what your heart screams upon seeing them together.
The first one, Kim Namjoon, whose girlfriend said YES, minutes ago. So, nothing is arduously uneasy for you when it comes to him, merely thinking about him pumps your frozen blood into sweltering, circulating to every corner of your body. The man you yearn for and envy his girlfriend for being by him every time you eye the two. Whether on news articles or social media each time you log in to your account, it's not uncommon for their picture to pop up.
Not only he’s the CEO of the KIMS Group, one of the globe’s largest companies in the video game industry but also he’s the Romeo of your life. It’s not only you who envy his girlfriend of six years, there are uncountable single women out there wishing to spend a mere night with him well some drool over his money. However, that’s not the case for you. Neither his money nor his body is what you drool over, lets's just tag the latter one on you, howbeit never for just a night.
It’s a bit late for him to propose to her when you thought he might have done that. This also means you had time to go on your knees for this man with a platinum ring and propose to him.
Shame you’re late.
Shame, there’s no one like him.
Shame, even if there is, he ain’t your Romeo.
The picture your eyes are flukily glued on, is a picture of him, his girlfriend Heejin - now fiance, and your childhood best friend. Namjoon, on his knees holding her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles with so much content in his twinkling brown eyes and smile touching them. Heejin looks happier than ever you’ve seen her. And, why won’t she?
You didn’t know you were crying until a tear streaks silently down your cheeks, blurring your vision, you quickly wipe it off. But a smile swipes on your face, wiping away the ache of your heart upon seeing your best friend, Kim Taehyung. He looks high under the starry sky on the cruise, wearing a champagne tuxedo, holding a flute of champagne in the air, between his fingers while staring at the couple, broadly grinning.
The second - Kim Taehyung, the man with an angelic face who has been cherished by you, to no extent among the three men in your life, is your childhood best friend. Also, brother of the former man, the love of your life. He’s been with you in all those darkest rooms when you gave up on yourself when you were left alone like a doormat yet he picked you up, hugged you wiped off your tears until his shirt soaked in tears until you left with zero, cleansed your brain once flooded with agony and fed you with affection until one day his dream came between you two. In situations where you zipped your lips from letting out stuff even to your mother and sister, it was him who stayed by you.
Everything was glittery until the enormously thick granite wall of his dream stood between your friendship. Following his dream is something that was meant to be.
Sanely, still pointing imaginary daggers to the picture, you notice the cruise isn’t the one, Taehyung gave you a surprise birthday party on, it’s junior you reckon. Also, the smile on his face isn’t the same as your birthday, he was practically glowing that day.
Not only your heart but your uterus too, contracting awfully right now. Perhaps you’re PMSing randomly crying your heart out, you reckon. “Shit not tomorrow. Shit shit, how did it slip,” you twist for the drawer beside your bed, yank it open pulling out the norethisterone bottle, you’re pretty sure and it’s even written in bold to take one but you pop out four, eyes on the screen and swallow them without water. It pokes inside your throat but you’re blind in love, eyes fixed on him. 
Seems unfair to you, you’re currently clenching your fist, so terribly in pain, granted you’re alone and them - enjoying the night on cruise. You wish to be there, Taehyung invited you but you denied it, as a rule. It’s how you mechanically work, to keep yourself sane. On the flip side, regretting in the eleventh hour, and the next stop for you - to loathe yourself all over again for always choosing options that make you kick your guts out of the universe.
But that’s not your fault, declaring yourself guilty can’t be the third stair.
Wishing that you might have said yes, but you’d have to miss the date tomorrow and above all seeing them together would’ve only broken you to bits of a bit, and you’re not never up for that. 
After that dream proposal, you don’t know how to react, but one thing’s for sure beyond a doubt - being happy isn’t on the list. However, faking that is the first bullet. Pretending is left.
You feel, might throw up, trying to find patience when impenetrable thoughts congest your mind. Locking your phone, you hurl it off as far from your sight to the end of your bed, looking at how slackly you are at present, in such an awful ache you won’t bend to hoist it up.
Your teary eyes forcing your brain to erase the memory of the past few minutes, tend to search for something around your enormous room only to show you something for which you wish nothing but a Ctrl+D for piles of unfortunate memories that you no longer ought to warm. Because at that very moment, your eyes fix on the huge picture on the blank wall, chilling your warm blood, skipping your beats, and choking breaths. You never hide the distaste that gets mixed with your blood every time you catch the sight of that picture, and to be honest, it’s just growing.
A picture of your parent's wedding night.
You lie down huffing out a deep sigh, next second you close your eyes, finding him smiling at you, and again a tear courses down your eyes melting away into your hairline, God these mood swings will be the end of me.
The third, once precious but now you change your route upon seeing him, Jeon Jungkook, where will you start about him? Once a friend twisted into a stepbrother by the grace of fate. It's that awfully easier for anyone to understand but to you - it's another dreadfully unpleasant memory marked on the darkest corner of your soul for the rest of your life
Although you're to be blamed for it.
Ache, written gracefully in your story.
It almost dies you, curling your toes and curling your trembling fists at the same time, every time your brain takes you to fly back to the time when there was something more. It gets hard to face, but that’s your reality, now.
So, these men are out of your league, given the reasons.
One is engaged today.
The other one, your best friend, you never saw him in the way your mum wants you to see him, perhaps it’d be impossible for you to even envisage such an irrationally illogical future with him and surely beyond your senses. It will only create awkward situations and complex everything in between.
For the third one, you won’t say much, barely two words popping in the back of your mind, to burn the bridge of imagination - moonshot.
Tomorrow it’s date night, and your period cramps are making you think if you’ll even see the light of day.
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popcornforone · 11 months
The Cabin
A Dave York Fan Fic
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Happy Dave York Saturday my besties. We good? Well you won’t be… I’ve written this & I know it’s good it’s too good. I’ve had moments writing this at points. But I am my main audience so that’s surely a good thing right. So I hope you adore this pure smut like I do. Also this is part of my autumnal vibe.
Synopsis:- Dave has a cabin where he takes the family for trips, but this weekend it’s all about you & how he is going to enjoy every single second of you.
Word count: 5400
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! DAVE YORK AS ALWAYS COMES WOTH HIS OWN WARNING! Unprotected PIV&A Sex, oral & fingering, cum play, tasing, drinking, swearing, affair & adultery, established pleasure relationships, fuck buddys, talk of masterbating, tie & choking, Dom & controlling vibes for Dave, recording your exploits but just for the two of you. It’s full on smut. Daddy is used but I only ever write about Dave as Daddy no other Pedro character gets that treatment.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. If this is too much my bad but I had fun writing it. All feed back is welcome. I hope you enjoy it.
As the taxi pulls up the drive, the leaves fall, the rain pours & you slowly realise what you are doing & who the person is that you’ve become, as the driver gets your two weekend bags into the cabin. Your own week has been crazy. What you actually could do with is a weekend at home with no distractions. But after the last few weeks of carnage at work you do need 3 days of complete nothing because even at home there’s still adulting stuff to do. Just loving yourself & your man. His flights already been delayed due to the weather, but you know when he arrives you’ll be inseparable & the way he will take you in every room, will be incredible. That’s what he promised on Wednesday after an impromptu visit.
The bath is large & so inviting so once you’ve unpacked everything into the master bedroom, you throw your bath bomb in & soak. You instant feel it soothe your soul. A large glass of red wine in hand you sip away & slowly feel a little more normal. The bath is you time though, a more personal experience. Time to endulge. He won’t like that you have seen to yourself without him, he likes to watch. He likes it when you put on a show for him, be it your fingers or any toy you have, the way he eyes dilate as he watches you touch yourself, how he licks his lips. That turns you on even more, seeing him beg for you.
That’s kind of how Wednesday happened. He FaceTimed you to check your flight details for the weekend & you were getting ready for bed as he called. His “late shift” over. He watched on his phone as you took off your dress & bra & put on your nightdress. How the silk made your nipples hard & the gasp he made when you bent over to take your knickers off afterwards had him begging. He was around in 10minutes. Into your apartment without hesitation. Clothes discarded across the floor, slamming hard into you, he movements relentless as he fucked you like a whore. Your body quivering watching your man be desperate to touch you. The way he took your knickers you’d taken off on the face time & stuffed them in your mouth to keep you quiet so you didn’t scream his name.
“You did that on purpose baby” he panted. He’s gripping your wrist hard above your head. “You knew I couldn’t resist, you know I’d have to scratch my itch. You’re a brat, but damn you wear it well” he growls. His penis thrusting inside you, & the way he nips at your bottom lip.
Buzz Buzz. Your phone goes as you remember wednesday & almost go to touch yourself in the Bath. The noise stops you. There it is in black & white on the phone.
*landed, be with you in 30mins, D is on route
You smile & slowly get out of the bath & dry off. The D could stand for Dick, Desire, Desperation, Daddy, or a Dominant. He knows you’ve at least thought about him once with one of those names. But it’s also for Dave & damn that man gets what he wants.
Once dry & in the master bedroom you wonder what to wear for the perfect first impression for the weekend. Should you just be naked laying in bed for him, holding your new vibrator asking him if he wants a show? No that’s too slutty even for you. You never meant to get into a relationship with a married man, not that he’s happily married, but there’s just something about Dave & his job that makes it seem alright. You know you’re not the first dalliance, or his last but this has been going on for 6 months now & this is the first time you’ve been to the cabin. The one where, he in his office, has picture of his family at thanks givings gone by. But for this 3 day weekend, the kids are at home, his wife’s not here. He’s got you & he’s going to enjoy being Dave who gets sex on tap when he wants.
You are in your towel & go to find blankets when you open a draw & realise Dave already has some clothes here. The perfect idea fills your mind, what a fantastic cozy idea you have for your lover. One you hope will turn him on. Provide the desire he needs & take you to the height of pleasure. No one makes you cum like Dave does, not that you’d ever tell him that. It’s bad enough that you are sleeping with a married man.
Dave arrives. He’s brought a small backpack. He has a few essentials in there. He told Carol he was On a special job this weekend. One where he wouldn’t be able to contact anyone, & he’d be so preoccupied he wouldn’t get a time to FaceTime the girls good night, for his own safety. He’s good at lying it’s his job. He’s eaten earlier, which you’d both agreed to do. So when he’s arrived at the cabin, & the front door is locked, the bag drops to the floor. He can hear that fire crackle & the soft music coming from the lounge. He doesn’t just want to charge in like he did on Wednesday. He enjoyed it on Wednesday, but he knew that was going further than he should do with his affair. It’s just sex. That’s what he always tells himself. Be it hes doing it on a mission or it’s a one night stand to let off steam if carols not around or it’s a fuck buddy like you. He keeps the wedding ring on, to remind you both this isn’t forever. He always does that. He hopes that when he sees it, as he fingers or chokes you that it will make him stop, but it’s actually a turn on for him because Dave York always gets exactly what he wants. He takes his shoes off & jacket & then checks himself out in the mirror. He took the tie off on the plane but he knows you like to wear it when you intimate with each other. It’s even Moss green today, the colour that goes best with your hazel eyes. He then heads into the living room. He stops in the door frame, & leans, & trys not to moan at the sight in front of him.
You’re on the large family sofa. Feet bare overhanging the edge furthest away from him. Your legs look cleanly shaven, your long luscious pins. He can just about see the grey from his boxers on your thighs, but it’s covered up from his Boston university hoodie which is which is navy. He’s pretty sure you have no underwear on. Your hair is frizzy & still slightly damp from your bath, your lips pouting as you sip your red wine & read your book. A bowl of m & ms sit on the side, which you lean in to pick up & lick the outer coating off first before sucking the chocolate. Two blankets are in the arm chair which is about a foot away from you, along with the bottle of wine & an empty glass in the table.
You heard a soft gasp but haven’t looked up. You want him to suffer to start with because the more Dave is pent up, the more passionate he will be when he fucks you. You rub your knees together & let out a shallow giggle at the book you are reading. It’s not actually a funny book but you know that always makes his groin twitch. Makes him want to be in between your thighs. Dave stares for a bit too long at the view of you completely in a trance. Your relationship is all about sex & lust it really is an affair for the two of you & if your going to sleep with a married man it may as well be the best sex you ever are going to have in your life.
Eventually Dave slips properly into the room. Already hot & flustered & not just from the fire roaring.
“Evening” he says & you finally look at him & acknowledge him.
“Mr York you made it” you only call him Dave when you have sex. He kisses your forehead as he leans over the sofa & then picks up the wine & glass from the table & pours himself a large glass but only after he tops yours up. You lick your lips as you watch over the top of your book as he gulps it down. Those crimson lips now a deeper shade & now will taste even more delicious than they already do.
“Every room?” He asks based on your previous messages.
“Depends how many rooms you have?” You still try to read the book even though you’ve been on page 38 for the last 4mins. You push your reading glasses up your nose slightly. The smirk is undeniable from him. He wants you.
“Are we counting the boat house?”
“You have a boat house?”
“What?” You actually give him attention now. “Well let’s start with a more standard room & then work up to more.” You finish your sentence & see Dave undoing the top button of his shirt. “When would you like to start?”
“About 3mins ago” Daves firm in’s his answer as he sits down at the other end of the sofa & pulls your feet into his lap.
“Ooooh” the feel of those large deadly hands massaging your feet, getting the knots out the balls of your feet, pushing your pressure spots. Ooh it feels good. Those hands were made for more than killing. They can be tender too. You put the book down on the side & take your wine. “What a way to start the weekend” you say admiring his side profile. He’s freshly shaven for you. He’s even had a hair cut. Who even is this man?
“Enjoying this?” He asks his eyes dart at you, undressing you in his mind instantly, wondering how wet you already are. If he saw the state of his boxer already at this stage, he’d discover they were a little sticky & moist.
“Enjoying the wine”
“& the hoodie?” He raises a bratty eyebrow at you knowing that you’re about to do that to him. You giggle.
“It smelt of you after my bath, & you weren’t here yet” you reply put your wine down on the table & suck on your thumb. You’re doing that to not cum at just him touching your feet. You’re completely at peace & so relaxed, but also feral, stupidly feral.
“Well let’s make sure your whole body smells of me, not just some hoodie” he winks & you rub your legs together again. He holds you by your feet & drags you nearer to him on the sofa now lying down. His boxers go up your arse & give you a wedgie. It feels good.
“This was what you wanted?” He asks just to make sure.
“Dave…” you whimper as your hand rubs his cheek”why would I be here if I didn’t want this” you bite your bottom lip & see the seductive smirk on his face.
“Good girl, that’s my good girl”He leans down & takes your glasses off, putting them on the side. “Now do as I say” before you can agree his lips find yours. Your head rises to keep the kiss going. It’s full of life. Maybe all assassins have to go to a make out school because the way in which Daves kisses make the world stop everytime, is a remarkable feet. His hand has made its way under the hoodie & is already fumbling your breasts. “Does the bottom match the top?” He asks to make sure you have no underwear on at all. You nod. Your hands are dealing with his buttons on his pale blue shirt. “Oooh baby then let’s not waste anymore time” his hands reach the bottom of the hoodie. “I have to see”.
Dave tuts at the state of you. He can see a dampening patch on his Hugo boss boxers from your arousal. He always coos when he sees you topless. You do wonder if he does this with his wife & other partners too. But the way he licks his lips before he latches on to your right nipple is a sight.
“Fuck Dave” you groan. You’re not sure how you’ve not cum yet. You’re so turned on & aroused. Maybe removing his shirt is what’s keeping you sane as his mouth moves onto your left breast. “So good oh fuck”
“& I’ve not even got going, we’ve got 3 days of this” his head poped up to say. Your hand is now trailing down his bare back, going inside his trousers & boxers to try & squeeze his arse. He moans at that sensation & then lifts his head up. “You’ve got far too many clothes on” he whispers before he then does his usually kisses treck.
Forehead, nose, lips, chin, neck, shoulders, both breasts, ribs, belly button, lower tummy. Each kiss a simple peck but you’re squirming at them & when they mean will follow. He doesn’t ask permission. His teeth sink into the waist band of his boxers that you are wearing & he drags them off your body. You lock your legs together when you’re free of them, you know what he will want. Your eyes also light up when Dave turns the boxers inside out & he sucks the damp patch, which was very white a sticky.
“This tastes better than that wine” he says before he throws them behind him & sits next to your face as you’re still lying down he’s on the floor. He kisses you & then spits what he just licked off into your mouth. The tang instantly recognisable as your own. The number of times you’ve cum & sucked Dave off straight afterwards & licked a toy clean, you know what you taste like & the spit, well it just adds to the whole dirty nature of the man. Dave then moves after seeing your swallow stands up & removes his trousers. This is also usually the point where he gets a condom out but you can’t see one anywhere. He moves back to the other end of the sofa, palming himself inside his own boxers as he sits down.
“I want you, I want to see you” you giggle as he says this menacingly. “All of you” that’s your key words. You lower your knees & spread your legs. You use your fingers & he blushes as little but you can see the want in his eyes. Dave York wants you in this state all weekend. A small amount already oozing from your cunt, he also sees that you are trying so hard not to start touching yourself.
“This is all for you Dave”
“So it bloody should be” He then grabs his phone that he put on the table earlier. “We’re going to try something this weekend okay” you nod & coo. “I can’t hear you” his hand is then around your throat.
“Yes Dave” you love it when he chokes you. That’s also the exact moment he lets go & slips his tie around your neck, it’s loose to start with.
“You see…” Dave says inquisitively”I know you can take my three fingers, but your pussy is so tight, I’m intrigued how.” Dave click the record button” can I record this, I can delete it before we leave but I want to watch it back with you in the morning, I want you to see how feral you make me & how much you gush, & how much of a cum hungry slut you are.” You jaw drops your mouth dry.
“David” you never say his name like that. His eyebrow raises & you try to look shocked but those brown eyes as having you clamping at nothing. “I thought you’d never ask”
“There she is, my special spoilt brat” & he moves the phone near your face along with his other hand. “Suck” your mouth deals with bigger than his fingers so you sloppily suck them. Saliva escaping, you throw in a gagging noise. “Look at you so desperate to make me happy.” The pop the fingers leaving your mouth make is loud. But the squelch as he records them going inside you is louder. Not that you can hear it as you moan Daves name. He’s starting with 2 while he strokes your clit.
“Fuck in deed girl, you have no idea, How beautiful this looks.” Daves not taken his eyes off his fingers. “Tell me, does it feel as good as it looks? What’s it like feeling my fat long fingers inside you? Does it make you feral, plead for more? You Want my leaking cock?” Dave loves to get you wound up but you’re sure this is more on purpose that normal for just wearing his clothes & being so seductive without even trying.
“Yyyyeee…yeaaaa” it’s drawn out. You’re growling slightly. You feel so full as his fingers curl inside you. “I want you, so bad”
“Time babygirl, all in good time” the fingers almost draw out of you entirely. The video will show them already damp. He sighs “perfect.”
The third finger has your body convulsing a few minutes later, desperate to let go. To drench your lover, you know he likes it but Daves up to his usual tricks.
“Not until I say so sweetheart”
“But…” you lift your head & then pause before you really get the sentence out. He’s no longer using his thumb on your clit. Daves tongue is masterful & his mouth is now taking that ever so sensitive spot & it’s making you go all unnecessary. Wet long stokes flicking away at it. Your quivers & gasp. He is the best lover & his fingers are pumping you like you’ve never felt before. Over stimulation is an understatement. & this is only the beginning of the weekend.
“Cum baby, let me taste….” Dave then feels the change in your body. It tenses so much that every muscle contracts before releasing in pleasure. The added wetness. the new sensation on his mouth. You’ve cum hard, almost feeling your soul leave your cunt.”that’s my girl, my naughty girl” he laps away at the slick escaping & starts to suck. Slowly withdrawing his fingers as you come down. He grabs the tie around your neck & pulls it so you jolt up & gasp. “No rest for the wicked” he says. He slowly sticks his fingers into your mouth & you suck & lick away as he talks to you. “Look at you, licking my fingers, sucking them clean, wanting more, do you want more, do you want my cock?” Your eyes are wide & you nod. Desperate to be filled. His fingers are good but nothing beats his penis pulsing away, making you flutter.
He pulls the tie a little more your almost sat up. Still panting from your exquisite high you just had. The way he rubs your lips with his thumb once his fingers are freed from your mouth has you wanting to suck that. He looks frenzied.
“You want to suck more.”
“Yes Dave” he jolts you again with the tie.
“Come” he says & he takes the 5 or so paces to the fire place. You sit on your knees & look up at him towering over you. God the man is broad buff & handsome. He’s leaking you can see the stain on his boxers.
“May I?” Your reach up to his waist band.
“Am I gonna say no?” You shuffle onto the fluffy blue rug & see Dave put his phone which is still recoding on the table. It’s in line with his groin. His length springs free & you lick your lips.
“It’s always a pleasure Dave…” you say as your hands grip his length & start to stroke it. He kicks away his own boxers. “…to suck any part of you.” You don’t want him to cum while you give him head, but you want him to no longer cope & fling his penis inside you. Your spit & his precum will be the perfect lube. You gobble him up & you look up at him as you bob on your knees taking him past your reflex point & suck him.
“Fuck. Oh fuck fuck” Daves eyes roll in the back of his head. His hips already finding their own rhythm. “God girl, you know how to do this” looking down at you as you look up at him makes you both go faster. It’s more than the fire place heat that’s making you both red. After only a few minutes, he has his hand on your head, pushing himself further into your mouth. You are gagging, saliva trickles out of your mouth. It has no where else to go as he keeps pushing you down on to him. “Fuck, balls deep girl, take all me” he’s almost using the same pace as when he fingered you. Your eyes stream with tears. This is vigorous but damn your aroused. He is using you as an outlet, for everything.
“Jesus fucking Christ” he says knowing he likely to cum soon & quickly with draws his cock. You splutter everywhere looking a complete mess. “All 4s” he screeches & you turn around drop down as he instructs. He licks his hand to add extra lube to you & then scream yourself.
“Fuck Dave” you were not expecting him to go for your arse, but here you were. You’re rocking back onto his cock on all fours as he slaps your arse.
“Pucker oh fuck oh fucking hell. It’s tight heaven” & he withdraws after only about a minute & cums across your arse cheeks. “Fuckkkk yessssss” it’s deep & low as his lashings of cum cover your bum. It doesn’t make you cum but damn you feel sexy that your mouth & a few thrusts inside your arse can have such a controlled & meticulous man cumming in seconds. Imagine how good he’s gonna feel inside your pussy.
“Wow” He mumbles as he gets his breath back. “& that… that” as he reaches for the phone to turn off the recording he’s already got more than he expected. “… was just the warm up, now we can have a real private show”
“You sure Dave?” You go to turn around but a large hand grabs your shoulder, keeping you facing away.
“Oooh im sure, I’m more than sure. Do you trust me?” He says & you raise a bratty eyebrow over your shoulder. “Take it that’s a yes” he leans over your shoulder & kisses you fierily on the lips. Your face a glow form your exploits & the heat from the flames. He trails a hand around your face as his kisses continue. But with Dave there is always an alternative motive. You gasp as he pulls the tie around your neck. “Face the fire, on your knees, spread.” He admires you as you get In this position. Looking at how peachy your naked bum is. How smooth your skin is, how your hair slightly moves. You have a tattoo of a line of stars just above your bum. He can see the base of your feet & he can also see his cum splattered over you. “The best sight ever is you like this” he gulps his words before another tug in the tie.
“Dave” you moan. You can feel how aroused you are. Your thighs & flaps are sticky & moist desperate for Dave to fully take you. Your hand starts to trail down your body. Your skin already shiny from the exploits so far.
“Yea I know baby” he sees where you hand is moving. “Did you have pleasure in the Bath earlier” you shake your head but there’s no auditable answer as your breath is already shallow. A quick jolt of the tie again has you whimpering & replying.
“You sure?”
“I thought about it & then you told me you were on your way”
“Wow such self restraint” Dave says. “ if I had as soft a pleasure, I’d be rubbing that clit furiously all the time. I’d have naughty panties that would increase pleasure. It’s almost a shame that you can’t do that all the time” his hand grabs yours & moves it to your clit. “Play baby, get all worked up, drip & then I’ll see to you” & so he takes your hand & looks down as he makes you touch yourself. Friction quickly starts to build & you whines echo more.
“Dave… fuck oh yes yes yesssss” your head rolls into his that’s resting on your shoulder as he looks down & removes his hand from yours. You continue stroking.
“That’s it baby, my girl, being all slutty, happy to touch herself just for me” his damp hand that’s not clutching the tie leisurely strokes his length, before he slides it through your slick. “Oooh this is gonna be good… ahhhhh” his sigh & your gasp combine as he fills you in a slow thrust. Opening you up. Filling you as always. You feel exquisite.
He sees you lean forward a bit so takes the length of the tie & pulls it behind you to make sure you stay up right.”let’s get this moving baby”
Every kiss as he thrusts deeper inside you has you wishing for more than this. Yes it’s an affair but when it feels this good, as you furiously rub your clit, & his hand grips your hip, you can’t help but wonder. Does his wife get this or are you his outlet of passion? Is he a different man at home? Maybe domestic Dave isn’t a man you’d like. Maybe keeping him as sex on tap is exactly what you both need. But as you grind around his cock, clamping, each movement having you feel so full you don’t care that you’re a home wrecker. He is large, he might show well but he’s also a grower & the girth is always a pinch as it rubs against you. It amazes you how he fits inside you every time. & he is always so complimentary of your body especially your cunt.
“Keep going girl, look at you taking me all” he’s purring.” You like the feel don’t you, you’re so tight yet Damn, you take me so well” he’s into dirty mode now he’s going to get all derogatory as he pulls the tie. “What would your parents say huh?” He’s tugging on the tie every few thrusts what has you m gasping as it gets tighter “imagine you going home, your parents knowing exactly what you spend your spare time doing. Fucking a married man. Letting him fuck your arse. The gagging noises you make. Yea imagine If your father knew how his sweet & innocent little girl turned out. He’d be so disappointed.” He’s ramped up the pace as you whimper no longer in control of your hips they rock & roll around him. “Well I’m your daddy now girl, you answer to me.”
“Dave…” he tugs hard, it’s almost completely tight now the tie”Daddy”
“Say it again” he growls & thrusts & pulls harder.
“Daddy oooh daddy”
“God it sounds erotic as you moan it” you look Dave straight in the eye as you turn your head.
“Oooh fuck me Daddy oooh fuckkkkk” You really moan it & your lips engulf each others. Tongues exploring where they want. Your hand in his hair keeping him in place as your body’s move in sync. Your sweet spot is being pummelled & it won’t be soon before this rug is covered in your slick. The sweat from the vigorous sex & the warmth of the fire is oozing from your naked bodies which are fucking away at each other. If anyone walked in on you, it would be the most sensual sexual erotic sight. Two people full of lust & desire, fucking each other to oblivion. A sexy sweaty mess which is so perfect. Your freshly washed hair sticking to your face. You don’t care. You’re in paradise & Dave knows he’s gonna cum as well soon.
“No need to wait baby, let go if you have to, all permission is out of the window.” He whispers before he once again finds your tonsils with his tongue. He slowly let his grip on the tie slide, one hand now flicking your nipple, the other is attending your clit as you grasp his thigh behind you & hold his mouth in place.
“Don’t be shy baby”
“Oooh fuck Dave fuck fuck oh fuck” it’s like a grenade has just gone off. You experience such an intense high as you clamp & gush around his penis. You bite his bottom lip & pur & he needs no more encouragement.
“Fucking fuck oh shit” always amazed with the size of him there’s enough room for his cum to spill inside you. He licks the side of your face as he pants desperate for air in this hot & sticky room. His eyes close in euphoria, as yours flutter open. You love looking at Dave’s blissed our face when he cums. His neck always so long. That little dimple appears. How his lips pout. It’s enough to get you ready for another round. Looking at your lover, seeing him experience such a high which you helped happen. It’s the perfect come down for you.
The tie slides off your neck as you turn to face Dave, slowly removing his still hard cock from inside you. He throws his arms around you before you do with him.
“Incredible” he whispers in your ear.
“Phenomenal” you reply & smile. That little cute smile he adores. He kisses your nose & you rest your foreheads together as you hold each other close & smile. Small pecks helping you calm down.
“Every room huh?” Daves still asking you from earlier.
“Have you got the stamina baby” you ask Dave as your hand caresses his chest.
“Well not to do it all tonight…” he’s smirking “but considering what we just did we can definitely do each room in the cabin” he winks.
You lie in bed the next morning. Your body aches but it’s one you enjoy. Dave had continued to fuck you in front of the fire last night until you were both exhausted. You are guessing one of you extinguished it before making your way to bed. As you stretch your arms up with a big yawn you hear Dave.
“Ouch” he says rubbing his face from where you caught him. He’s sat in the bed straight looking at his phone.”morning beautiful”a small kiss finds your lips. “Well rested?”
“Yes Mr York” your sit up & wrap your arms around him & sigh. Your eyes then widen. Dave is watching you back from last night. He’s at the point where you’re just about to cum on his fingers & mouth. You turn bright red & go to look away & then you hear the noise you make & that turns you on. Dave can see the glint in your eyes. His hand is under the sheets pumping away at your exploits.
“See you look good, baby, so sexy” he kisses your forehead.
“I guess I do”
“& we’re not even upto the point where I fuck your arse.” You then hit pause on the video & look up at Dave.
“I don’t need to watch that, I want to experience that again…” you bite your bottom lip”… right now”
“You sure?” You nod in reply
“yes daddy”
“Well who am I to deny such a pretty innocent girl” he smiles & put his phone down. “Especially when you pucker & moan so well”
“Oooh Daddy” it’s a deep moan you make as your lips collide before he slowly turns you over for the next round of passion. This Cabin weekend will be one you both always remember.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 26
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, angst, fem x fem smut, poly relationship, pet names
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
ELIZABETEH FELT OVERWHELMED. SHE hadn't put the dots together until she'd descended the staircase, heard the whispers emerge, and had realized she was the only other person wearing green.
Except Loki.
She knew that the Queen had something to do with it, after all Frigga was the one who had given the dress to her. It had felt like silk over her body, especially the long cape that draped her bare shoulders and sparkled. Though there had been several hundred pins stuck in her hair, she couldn't feel anything at all, except that the curls that were on the sides of her face tickled a little.
She hadn't dared hesitate to take Loki's hands, not with the whole of Asgard watching. And his own hand, she noticed, seemed the same temperature as hers whereas everyone else was hot. She felt relief when he led her over to Hogun and the whispers had not ceased, but simply grown louder into conversation.
"You look stunning." Hogun greeted her and she smiled as he leaned down and kissed her.
Elizabeth desperately wished to ask Hogun what he knew. He seemed unperturbed that Loki had been the one to greet her from the stairs. He'd even winked and now was completely friendly with Loki. She couldn't help but feel as though everyone knew something that she didn't.
"How is your shoulder feeling?" Hogun asked. He had left the training room before the incident and had only heard of it later.
"Much better. Queen Frigga healed it like magic." Elizabeth replied.
Loki chuckled. "That's because it was magic kitten. Who do you think taught me?"
"You can heal too?" Elizabeth asked in surprise, looking over at him.
"Yes." Loki admitted. "Though it is my less widely known magic. I prefer conjuring knives up out of midair or turning into snakes to try and bite my brother."
Elizabeth grinned. "And you could be so nice."
Hogun chuckled beside her. "He could. But what is mischief without trouble?"
"Stop hogging her." Fandral complained, play pushing Hogun aside. "Greetings once more fair Ice princess."
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Why do people call you dashing again?"
"I'm wounded!" Fandral cried dramatically and Sif rolled her eyes too before smiling gently at Elizabeth.
"May I have the first dance?" Loki asked, holding his hand out. Elizabeth's eyes darted very quickly to Hogun, but he was just smiling and she looked back to Loki.
"Okay." She whispered, suddenly self-conscious again, letting her hand slip into his. He led her away from the group, slipping in easily with the rest of the dancers. Loki towered over her and she suddenly felt small and insignificant, unlike the way that she'd felt when they were just friends in New York.
"I can't dance." She blurted out as her hands were placed firmly on his shoulders, unable to reach all the way around his neck without standing on her tip toes, even in heels.
Loki grinned. "That's alright kitten. You only need a strong lead for an adequate dance. If you'd rather, you can step on my feet, but kick your heels off first."
Elizabeth laughed, though she wasn't entirely sure what was funny. All she knew was that Loki was making her feel lighter than she'd felt in weeks.
She quieted a little as they had no more conversation between them. He looked down at her, and she looked up at him, both silent in their thoughts. She was trying to read his eyes, which for her was near impossible. She had never been great at reading people. But she thought he looked longing or longing for something.
As the dance came to a close, Loki led her back over to the main group and she found that Thor and Y/N had joined.
One look at her sister and something inside of her popped like a balloon. Her sister was gorgeous. Flawlessly gorgeous. She was wearing a dress that was shimmering and gold, her makeup and hair down in a way to make her look like a Queen. Like she could really be Queen Frigga's daughter.
"You look beautiful Y/N." She said warmly, immediately masking her self-pity, jealousy, and self-loathing. "The dress looks absolutely breathtaking on you."
"Thank you." Y/N replied, smiling back at her. "You look wonderful Elizabeth, this really is your colour."
Elizabeth smiled and let Hogun take her out onto the dance floor next. Hogun made her laugh and for brief moments she forgot how ugly she was compared to her sister. She she danced with Loki, Hogun, Tony, Stephen, Fandral, Sam several times around and even some of the surprising ones like Rhodey, Pietro, Volstagg, Fury, and Vision once. Thor had even taken her for a spin as his future sister-in-law. And they all made her forget that self-loathing.
But she never forgot that, for a moment, she'd selfishly wished Loki truly was hers.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"THAT WAS THE BEST FUN I'VE HAD IN weeks." You breathed out as you and Thor made your way out of the ballroom. Your feet were killing you and you took the advantage to slip them out of your heels. Thor bent to pick them up and carried them by the straps in the opposite hand of the one that was holding your own.
"I'm glad you had fun my Queen." Thor said, squeezing your hand. "How are you feeling? Would you rather relax or perhaps have more fun in the bed?"
You grinned, looking up at him. "I can't think of a better way to finish tonight off than in bed."
Thor smiled and then asked seriously. "How would you feel, if Sif and Fandral wanted to join? You can say no, of course and they will understand. As will I, of course. But I thought the option should at least be open to you if you'd want it."
You thought of the dark headed woman and the dashing man. The idea of having both of them in bed, along with Thor, seemed both exciting, yet almost foreign like it was illegal. Exhilarating.
"I'd love that." You said brightly. "They'll be okay with me joining?"
"Do not worry, I have already asked if they would be okay with you joining." Thor replied boisterously. "They were rather excited. It's been a long time since the three of us have brought anyone else into our bed."
"I feel flattered," You joked to hide the nerves.
Thor kissed your cheek. "Do not be nervous my love. Sif is my other soulmate and Fandral is a fine fellow. Neither will make you uncomfortable, I swear. And you can always say no."
"Thank you." You said softly and let him lead you to a bedroom you had not seen yet. Fandral and Sif were already inside, the room decorated in dark reds and silvers. It was clearly Fandrals' room.
The bed was rather large, which would easily fit the four of you, especially with Sif and you both have slighter figures than the males. Sif was already completely naked on the bed, giving you a good view of her pale, flawless skin glowing in the moonlight which streamed in through the windows.
Fandral was half-naked, his pants tight and his bare chest firm with chiseled abs. His red blond hair was in a sexy mess around his face and he grinned as you and Thor entered the room.
"You're just in time!" He said warmly as Sif leaned forward to undo the buttons on his pants.
"Remember," Thor said as he removed his own armor and shirt, his chiseled abs now in competition with Fandrals'. "She's fairly new to the entire thing and I'm not sure. . ." He glanced over at you sheepishly. "Have you ever been with another woman?"
"Once, but it wasn't really much more than kissing and a little touching." You admitted, shivering slightly as his fingers brushed down your shoulders before he started to unzip the back of your dress.
"Just be gentle with her." Thor commanded.
"I'll try." Sif purred before throwing you a wink. You could already feel the heat pooling at your core.
Thor chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder before letting the dress come down. After a majority of it got past your waist, it pooled on the thick carpet floor and Thor lifted you up in his arms, carrying you over to the bed.
You blushed self-consciously as you sat between Thor and Sif. Sif reached over, her eyes asking for permission which you gave, and she pulled you to her so that you could kiss her.
Kissing Sif was unlike anything you'd ever experienced with the men. Her lips were gentler, smooth, and tasted like strawberries. Her hands were smaller, though they had the same slightly calloused feeling as she spent a majority of her time wielding a sword.
You reacted, closing your eyes, but letting your hands run over her body. Her arms were firm with muscle, but the entirety of her skin was as smooth as it was flawless. You cupped her breasts in your hands as she sucked your bottom lip into her mouth, low moans and sighs coming from the both of you.
Her breasts were large and soft, her nipples hard and firm. You felt a hand touch your back and you were fairly certain it was Fandral as the hand seemed just slightly smaller than Thor's.
You opened your eyes as the two of you pulled apart. Her dark eyes were twinkling and you blushed again under her gaze. You could smell lavender, but also the husky scent of Fandral. Thor was near as well, you could see him lingering by the beside, clearly waiting for you to be completely comfortable with the other two before he joined.
Sif gently pushed you onto your back and you went with her motions, laying down on the soft comforter of the bed. Thor stood at the foot of the bed by your head, leaning over to kiss you while you felt the dips and movements in the bed, letting you know the other two were moving.
"You alright love?" Thor asked softly, nipping at the skin under your ear.
You nodded, feeling Sif and Fandral each moving your legs apart. Thor stroked your hair and you were already starting to feel light and you'd barely even started.
Sif and Fandral worked as a flawless team, attaching both of their mouths to your cunt. Fandral sucked your clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue while Sifs' darted in and out of your folds.
Thor held your hands in one of his, pulling you just a little closer so that your head was hanging off the edge of the bed. You opened your mouth, tongue flicking out to tease him before he gently started to fuck your mouth.
Fandral pushed two fingers into your pulsating cunt and your walls immediately clenched tightly around his fingers. Sif made quiet noises against your folds, which vibrated pleasantly and mixed with the overwhelming feeling of Fandrals' tongue on your nub.
"You're being so good for us princess." Fandral chuckled and you squealed, twisting as his words vibrated directly against your button.
"I'm going to cum." You whined- or tried to whine- around Thor's large pulsating cock.
Fandral sucked harder, fingers thrusting deep inside of you and you came quickly while Sif lapped your essence up through his fingers.
When Fandral pulled away from you, Thor reached out and sucked the rest of your juices off of Fandrals' fingers. You could feel yourself getting needier if that was possible. You'd never seen Thor interact with another man before and it was sexy as fuck.
"Alright princess, up we go." Fandral said, and you soon found yourself speared on Thor's prick while Fandral fucked Sif. The two of you girls faced each other and you caressed and touched and kissed as they fucked you.
The room was filled with soft and loud moans, four bodies twisted together as one, and enough love, passion, and lust to last a week.
Thor was the last to get tuckered out and once that was over, washcloths were produced to clean all of you up, and tossed to get rid of. Fandral and Thor both produced shirts for you and Sif to wear and then you all snuggled up together in bed, pressed between Sif and Thor.
"That was amazing." You mumbled against Thor's chest. "We have to do that again sometime."
Sif's laugh was a soft breeze against your neck. "Don't worry, we will."
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
ELIZABETH SPENT HER NIGHT IN A LESS pleasant fashion. She wasn't sure what brought the nightmare on. Perhaps the fall, perhaps Frigga's words, perhaps old emotions from her youth being stirred up again. Whatever the case, it brought on familiar nightmares.
She was hanging from the cliff again, as she always was. Y/N was standing over her, wearing a pink dress this time. It was the sort've baby pink that was always used for baby girl aesthetics. Her blond hair was long again, the way that it had been before she'd cut it. Y/N had pulled it into pigtails and fix two large pink bows in them.
"What's wrong little sister?" Y/N asked, her voice chirpy like a bird. The sun was setting behind her, hidden behind her older sister's head, giving her a halo sort've look. Like a fallen angel.
"Please help me up." Elizabeth begged, digging her nails into the Earth. She could feel the blades of grass breaking off from the ground, the dirt under her nails was gritty and unstable.
"I can't help you." Y/N said pleasantly. "I'm not what's stopping you from getting up. I'm not holding you down, am I?"
"But you could help me!" Elizabeth begged, kicking her feet slightly, trying to find purchase against the cliff side to hoist herself up. Realizing that her sister was not going to help her was making her heart start to constrict.
Suddenly, Loki was standing there, pushing Y/N back a moment and kneeling by the cliff side. He was dressed in green and gold, an actual crown on his head. His black hair was shorter, slicker as well, curling around his ears in straight waves instead of curly ones. He looked younger, his face smoother, eyes softer.
"Elizabeth, take my hand." He said gently, blue eyes staring into hers.
"I-I can't." Elizabeth said, though she itched to take it. "If I let go, I'll fall."
Loki reached further. "I will never let you fall. Take my hand."
Elizabeth wanted to, but Y/N's eyes were piercing her from where she stood in the background. And Y/N spoke then, like Loki could not hear her. Perhaps he didn't hear her. "Loki is mine little sister. You cannot touch him. Your hand will fall through his like he isn't even there. He is mine."
"Let me help you." Loki said.
Elizabeth reached out and their fingers met and he gripped to pull her up off the cliff. But Y/N was there and Loki dropped Elizabeth's hand so that she had to clutch hard at the earth with her other hand so she didn't fall.
Red blossomed around the cloth by Loki's heart as Y/N retracted the dagger. The blood dripped to the soil and the flowers where the blood landed turned brown, shriveled, and died. Loki's eyes looked upwards and Y/N said. "You betrayed me." She looked at Elizabeth. "If I can not have Loki, no one can."
Only now she dropped Loki's body, tossing the knife so that the point was stuck upright in the soil. She grabbed Elizabeth's hands and Elizabeth screamed in fear. This could not be her sister in front of her. It couldn't.
"Long live the Queen." Y/N sang and threw Elizabeth backwards off the cliff.
She was still screaming when Hogun jerked her out of the dream, latching onto him and her screams choked off and turned into sobs as she cried into his shoulder, shaking. Another hand was there, and a few more voices, of all she recognized.
When she recovered, she found she was hugging Hogun, with Tony behind her and a hand on her back. Stephen and Rhodey were standing at the foot of the bed, looking completely concerned. Sam came bursting into the room at that second, completely disheveled and pale.
"L-Loki. Is he okay? Is he dead?" Elizabeth finally choked out.
Hogun wiped her face with his hands. "Loki is perfectly fine Elizabeth. I promise." He looked over his shoulder and Stephen and Rhodey left the room.
"You're worried about Loki?" Tony asked softly.
"I dreamed he was k- that he died." Elizabeth shuddered. "I mean, I know it was a dream but it felt so. . ."
"Real." Tony finished, hugging her tightly from behind. "But he's alright. Heimdall for one would know if any danger was coming to reindeer games, okay?"
Elizabeth nodded, rubbing her eyes, feeling exhausted once more.
Sam sat down at the edge of the bed to take one of her hands and she squeezed it for comfort.
"Thank you for checking on me." She murmured to all of them.
"Of course sweetheart." Tony whispered.
"You scared me." Sam said hoarsely, the first thing he'd said since he'd been in the room. Elizabeth could feel that he was still shaking slightly. "I thought-" His voice cracked "I thought you were being taken again."
"I'm okay Sam." Elizabeth whispered, leaning forward a little so that Sam could wrap his arms around her. "It was just a stupid nightmare."
Sam just nodded, holding onto her for dear life.
Stephen came back, though Rhodey didn't, and brought Loki along with him. Unlike the others, Loki didn't look as though he'd gone to bed yet, despite it being nearly three in the morning. Though he had shadows under his eyes, he was still dressed in the ball clothes minus the armor.
Sam let her go for a moment and Loki came to stand in front of her, taking one of her hands into his. "Are you alright kitten? The wizard said you had a nightmare where I died."
"Murdered." Elizabeth choked out. "You were killed right before me and I couldn't. . . I couldn't do anything. And it was my fault that you died."
Loki rubbed comforting circles onto the back of her hand. "But I'm right here. It was just a nightmare. Believe me Elizabeth, people have tried to kill me before and they've never succeeded. Thanos even tried to snap my neck and I escaped from his grasp. And you could never be responsible for my death."
Elizabeth took in another shuddering breath, feeling calmer now that Loki was right in front of her. She didn't want to tell him that the dream was symbolic. It wasn't Loki that was dying in the dream, it was the connection between her and her sister. That accepting Loki would ruin her relationship with her sister.
But she didn't want to explain that in front of Tony, Stephen, and Sam. Loki leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She felt a warmth sweep through her, the same way as when Hogun did it. "Get some better sleep. And have better dreams as well."
She could both see and also feel the slight green haze and knew he'd worked some sort of magic to make sure of just that. He left the room in a puff of green smoke.
"Are you going to be okay? I. . ." Sam hesitated. "I have to. . ."
"I'm going to be alright." Elizabeth said, squeezing his hand one more time. "I understand you have to go back to them."
Sam looked almost guilty and Elizabeth smiled. "They're your soulmates Sam. I would hate if you stopped being with them to prove something about me. Besides, they make you happy and that's all I want for you."
"I want you to be happy too." Sam murmured and Elizabeth leaned forward, pecking him on the lips.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Elizabeth whispered.
He left the room softly and she looked at the others. "I don't think I can sleep by myself tonight."
"Okay love." Hogun whispered, picking her up in his arms. Tony pulled the covers back. Elizabeth was nestled between Tony and Hogun, Tony making sure to wrap his arms tightly around her. Hogun on the other hand made sure to grab one of the fluffy blankets to wrap her with, so that she would be warm.
They fell asleep quickly but Elizabeth did not. Instead, she watched the solar system that Stephen projected on the ceiling. Only after Stephen fell asleep, the system slowly blinking out of existence, did she finally fall asleep between them.
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