viandnyl · 3 years
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Rakiyah Singer/Song writer
Based in New Jersey, United States
Genre:Alternative, Experimental R&B
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
It’s funny because creating music wasn’t planned in my future. My life’s long passion was maths and sciences, and I predictably attended college as an engineer major. It was a path that my family and I thought for sure would be my future. I dabbled in music a little bit during college but it wasn’t until I lived abroad in South Korea in 2018, when I really started to find a love for music, recording my first EP abroad. I returned to the US in 2019 with a different state of mind. I was already gaining professional experience as an Aeronautical Engineer but turned down job offers because I just didn’t want to do that anymore for the rest of my life. I wanted more for myself, I wanted to be a creator, a songwriter. In 2020, I officially quit engineering and decided to pursue music full time. I initially wasn’t too great at making music but with everything else, time and practice made me better. By 2020, I knew I was on the right path. I released my first Korean - English single “Like You” and released my first concept EP “Into The Cosmos”. Since then, I’ve completely fell in love with making music and have grown so quickly in my craft. Music allows me to be myself and have full creative freedom. It’s an amazing process and the best part is being proud and brave enough to share it with the world.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
I love the whole “Into The Cosmos” EP honestly, but I do have my favorites that stand out for me. The two tracks “Whoa” and “Mars” were probably my best songs, even lyrically. These two songs I truly challenged myself by creating music with fullness and various back up vocals, harmonies, and unique adlibs. The track “Mars” literally sets you on a magical, cosmic ride from beginning to end, with a great tempo change. I think this song really showcased my ability and uniqueness of creating a song from start to finish.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
“Naughty x Nature” is my latest single. I wanted to release a fun, vibrant R&B track with melodic chords and keys, and a fun drum pattern. My good friend and producer DaBlackMic showed it to me early 2021 and I knew I had to have it. This was another song that I wanted to showcase my ability. So I decided to give it a 90’s vibe rap verse too and then a mellow tempo change as an outro. You get a full musical experience as a listener. It was so much fun creating this one! I think it’s a song that many of my listeners enjoy, when they’re looking for a fun, sexy vibe.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
I’m super excited to be releasing my upcoming EP “The Cosmic Queen”. I’m expecting to release it early 2022. This EP connects to my latest “Into The Cosmos” but this story is a little different. This upcoming project showcases more variety in R&B as well as my growth. This EP will be the last and final transformation of Rakiyah, the Cosmic Queen, the cosmic siren. Displaying my confidence I feel as a woman and my intelligence, as while giving sexy, ethereal vocals. I think this EP could be my breakthrough project in my new music career. I’ve been working so hard on it, and it’s coming a long so brilliantly! I think my fans are in for a huge surprise!
Q:What is important to you when making music?
Production and melody are most important for me when making music. As of late this year, I’ve become close to another amazing producer and artist, Koa Ho. He’s beyond brilliant in his craft, and plays various instruments, as he’s classically trained. His production style and ability allows me to really take chances and challenges my melodies. It’s like we make the perfect duo, and create magic every time we link up. For most of my upcoming music, you’ll hear my growth because of his help. He’s made creating music even more enjoyable for me honestly. I hold great pride in my melodies and vocal layering. I think that’s what kind of sets me apart as a R&B singer. Although I’m no longer in my engineering field, I still feel like I’m creating scientific experiments but with music instead. I don’t think I have one particular style or sound. I think the scientist side of me wants to keep creating and experimenting with my sound in R&B. I feel like I can create just about anything so why not. The duality of my brain shows immensely in my craft.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
“The Cosmic Queen “ EP , expected to release top of 2022, is all I’ve been working on. It’s such a big step up from my latest works, and it’s so important to me. Soon after wrapping it up, I’m working on my first album too. So I’ve been quite busy creatively. Another first this year is, that I’ve been starting songwriting for other artists and groups, mostly kpop. A good friend and fellow kpop songwriter brought me in to a few writing camps. I’m most excited to keep growing as a songwriter for others. It’s really fun to write for other artists because you can be fully creative with their genre style in mind. And writing for kpop groups is very different than writing for myself. It also takes patience. Every song you write may not get chosen, and that’s just part of the game. However, you keep going until the right one hits. That’s what I’m doing now. No matter what, I foresee myself growing more and more and becoming a well known songwriting. Well, So I hope. Outside of music, I’ve also decided to continue my Korean language study, and return to South Korea just for a little while, sometime next year if I can. And if I can return for a songwriting opportunity, that would be the best case scenario. So I’m doing things to help maybe make that come to fruition. I’m also trying to create a new show on my YouTube channel “Rakiyah In Space” which has had a recent rebranding. Focusing more on my life and music but I want to create a few fun and entertaining series. I’m still working out the kinks and creative planning. I guess I just want to create in different ways as much as I can. Traveling and creating seems to be the best stimulates for me. I have so much in store to come!
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Q:What is the story behind your artist name?
I decided to go by my real name, Rakiyah, because that’s what everyone knows me as. I’m actually happy I’m going by my real name because I feel like, in a way, I’m being my real self if that makes any sense. It’s the most authentic name I can go by. I was originally an YouTuber before I was a music artist, and I went by my nickname Raki since it was easier for people to say. However, now I want to be addressed by my full name instead. It just feels better. You’re getting to see and know “Rakiyah”.
Q:What is music to you?
Music to me is an outlet and a creative medium. It feels like Im turning an empty canvas into a beautiful painting. It’s a safe space for me to create a story. Outside of creating melodies and vocal layering, my favorite part is writing the lyrics that conveys the story in my mind. It’s cool because sometimes it’s my story, someone else’s story, or my pure imagination. Music is a way to tell any story you want. What makes music good, is how well a person tells that story. Seeing something go from start to finish is the best feeling for me. Using my imagination is my favorite thing to do. I’m 29 years old now, and my imagination is the most vivid and powerful it’s ever been. I thank music for that.
Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
Growing up, my mother played a lot of music by Erykah Badu and Lauryn Hill. I think they definitely were my first musical influences. And overtime that influence transpired into my own thing. A reflection of what influenced me yet a lane and style of my own. I think my free spirited and sensual confidence in my music and lyricism was inspired by Donna Summer. These three ladies were the start of it all for me musically. Before music though, dance was my creative outlet for almost a decade as a child and teen. Raised mostly by a single mother, I was still blessed to get into ballet. My mother did all that she could to still keep me and my siblings creative and active and drove across towns where the resources were available. I’m so thankful and appreciative that she introduced me to the arts. My mom actually influenced my writing too. Growing up, I would sneak and look at her poems and as I got older, I started writing poetry too. In a way, it was the influence to my songwriting. Thanks mom.
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
Honestly, I’d probably still be designing aircrafts as an aeronautical engineer currently. But I’m sure at some point I would’ve still changed my career to something on the creative side. Despite my love for maths and sciences, the right side of my brain will eventually take over haha. Which is dope honestly.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
Seeing people listen and fall in love with my music is what makes it all worth it. As a new independent artist, I’m experiencing all the trails and tribulations that come with it. To be candid, it’s not as easy I thought it would be. I didn’t know this at the time I started, but there’s so much time, effort, and money involved. It’s a forever moving cycle, especially when you don’t have label help or influence. But no matter the difficulties I face, I still persevere. When I finish a project or song, and release it, that’s all that matters. That I did it. That I did something that many people can’t do. My fans and listeners give me the feedback I need and it just drives me to create more and more. I genuinely have a love for this. Glad I took the leap of faith and a 180 degree turn in my career. It’ll always be worth it to me.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
I don’t listen to music often while working on a project, so that my creativity stays fresh and my own, but I can’t help but to still notice Doja Cat. She has such unique personality and is honestly amazing in her craft. She works hard and her fans adore her. She’s the current “it” girl to be honest. I have a lot of respect for her as an artist.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
I use to spend so much money at recording studios so I’m glad I now have my own home studio. It’s nothing extravagant but it’s functions beautifully. I use a Bluebird SL microphone by Blue and a Focusrite Scarlett audio Interface to record my vocals. I sometimes use an AKAI MPC or midi keyboard to produce but as of late I use the Dubler Studio Kit 2 for voice to midi by Vochlea. I’m not one to know how to play instruments and chords but my voice can. This software allows me to “sing” my production out through any instrument plugin I have, even drums.
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Q:How were you as a child?
Let’s just say I was a very interesting child haha. I was the oldest of three siblings so I had to help raise my siblings with my mom. Very responsible, extremely smart in school but I got in trouble often for being a distraction or silly in school. Mostly because I was very advanced and bored but I was still a good kid. I was shy and reserved, and super “nerdy”. Was the type of student who always participated in school science and math fairs and competitions. I wore glasses my whole life and felt insecure growing up, so the shyness took a while to fade away. Everyone knew me for being really smart and creative at an early age. Once I was introduced to the arts, my personality started to unfold, contributing to the person I am today. To see how confident, bright, and bold I am now, I sometimes forget that I was the total opposite as a child. I guess your experiences really do shape you.
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
My curiosity and ambition to learn something has never left me. Anything I want to learn about or do, I do it. No matter the challenges or how hard it might be, I always give things a try. As an adult I was curious about foreign languages, so I taught myself Korean. I wanted to get into aerospace and I did. Even though I was actually an Industrial Engineer. And now I’m making music. Crazy but I think I just do whatever my heart wants. I want to try acting and film production and wouldn’t be surprised if I do in my future. Seems like I never changed. I’m the same Rakiyah I was as a child; ambitious and curious.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be?
“Do and try everything to your heart’s content, no matter the idea, no matter what others may say or think” is the best advice I would give to my younger self. I was known in my family as a busy body. Was joked at a lot in my childhood for “wanting to do everything”. I wanted to be to do and be a million different things. And the judgement of others made me hesitant to try so many things growing up. Part of it was because people didn’t want me to dream too big and get hurt. I was raised in a urban, black community with little to no resources. So for some, dreaming big was hard to fathom. “You can’t be an astronaut, a meteorologist, and a ballerina Rakiyah” is what I heard a lot. But look at me now. I’m a rocket scientist that writes and sings songs, sometimes in Korean. Was a YouTuber, lived in South Korea, all while designing aircrafts. What was so impossible? Nothing. Nothing is literally. What YOU can and can’t do is all in the mind. I wish I knew that more as a child.
Q:What are your hobbies?
I love watching anime, documentaries, and doing different types of crafts. I’ve dabbled in clay sculpting and now I’m getting into resin art. I was a big video gamer a few years back, mostly played Call of Duty. Music was once a hobby, but here we are haha. I like to try new hobbies every so often. Keeps me stimulated!
Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
I watch a lot of Asian dramas and anime on Netflix. Mostly Chinese and Korean dramas. I’m really into international shows more than American dramas if I’m being honest. As of lately I’ve watched Alice in Borderland, Squid Game, Princess Weiyoung, and currently Hell Bound. Demon Slayer was really good and I’m now watching Jujitsu Kaisen!
Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
Absolutely. I think I’m more aware of my mortality and focus on getting the best out of life. My dream chasing has only increased in these last two years. It’s only human to question our existence and our purpose. There’s no legitimate answer to what it is, so I’m making my own purpose. I value life more, I’m more conscious of others too. I feel like my experiences while living abroad and my musical journey plays a big role in my change. But it’s all changes for the better. Guess I’m striving to be the best human I can be.
Q:What is the best news you’ve had recently?
I’ve recently been contacted by a touring agency about touring possibly for 2022. I’m super excited for that and hope it all works out. I think touring will make a huge shift my musical career. I love performing more than just releasing music. So I’m really looking forward to that. I’ve also recently wrote a song for a huge artist, one of my favs. I can’t share too much about it, but my fingers are crossed! This could be a life changing opportunity, so praying to hear back good news.
Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?
It’s a few things. Just two months ago I remodeled my bedroom, which was much needed. My environment is super important to me so I did my best to decorate it to give myself the best vibes. I love my room so much more now. The vibes are there haha helps so much with my music making too.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication?
Transparency and honesty. I feel like the more honest you are with yourself and transparent you are, the better you can communicate to someone else. I think communication is extremely important. I think it’s something I’m very good at now, but it took me some time to get to this point. I’ve experienced quite a few hurtful and difficult situations in my early 20’s and those experiences have helped me move forward better with difficult things I may face. Healthy communication is a healthy life. Now, anything that feels negative, whether that’s habits, relationships, etc, I remove it if it’s not healthy or positive.
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress?
I actually want to find more outlets to relieve my stress but the only ones that come to mind is either traveling somewhere to decompress, taking a walk to think, or writing a song. Music will always be my safe haven, so whenever I’m feeling stressed, which k do often with this career, I just write. Let it out, regardless if the topic of my lyrics. Creating something makes me feel more at ease. Once I’ve started it completed a new song, I feel so much better.
Q:What is your dream?
Get ready, because this may be a lot. I dream big and I don’t put limits on myself. I know what I want, know what I’m capable of, and then I build towards it. I want to first make a name for myself as a singer-songwriter. Besides my genuine love for making music, it’s also a way to leave something behind on this earth long after I'm gone. Something my future generation can follow and see, and learn from. I want to make sure that I leave a positive, inspiring impact for different people around the world. Another dream of mine, is to see the world more and more. I change for the better every time I travel outside of my norm or comfort zone. I’m comfortable with assimilating to a new environment. I think it builds character. While I hope to stay within the Entertainment industry, there’s a safety mechanism for vehicles, that created I originally planned in college, that I want to actually invent one day. This one might be the hardest, but it’s not impossible. Remember, I’m a busy body. My dreams will only grow and change, and I’m just here for the ride.
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021.
 *All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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viandnyl · 3 years
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ヒップホップ/R&Bマナーのビートとアップリフティングなダンストラックの上をシームレスに歌いこなすシンガー・ソングライター。2016年ビクターよりメジャーデビューし、iTunes Storeでトップ10入り、ヒップホップ/ラップチャートでは1位を獲得。翌年にはNikeのキャンペーンソングを手掛け話題となる。ChloeやVALENTINOなどハイブランドのパーティーでライブするなど多方面から注目される気鋭女性アーティスト。近年フランスのフェスや中国でツアーを開催するなど海外でのライブにも出演。
ー個人的にはプロデビューのきっかけとなった、ファッション誌NYLON JAPANとSony Musicとのオーディション(※2014年開催、iriはグランプリを獲得)の時から拝見しているのですが、あの時が最初のオーディションだったのでしょうか?
今も根っこは内気です。小学生の時に支えてもらったスクールカウンセラーの先生みたいに、誰かに寄り添える仕事がしたいと思っていて、Alicia Keysだったり、Jennifer Hudsonだったり、Beyoncéみたいに歌で人を感動させる存在に自分はなりたいと思ったので、足を踏み入れようという決意はありました。ただ、そこに自信はなかったです。自信はなかったけど、やりたいっていう気持ちの方がすごく強かったです。
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ーそういった葛藤を経て、2016年に1stアルバム『Groove It』でメジャーデビュー。もともとのメンタリティーとして内気だと、どんどん目立っていくという矛盾は消化できていましたか?
気付き出したんですよね。ジャケもMVも含めそうなんですけど、中途半端はいりませんっていうメンタルになってきて、それがちゃんと繋がったときに良い作品ができるんだと思います。それをすごく思うようになったかな。なんかたぶんずっと、曲を作るっていうことが楽しいって感覚を忘れそうになるタイミングが何回もあって、売れるためとか、目的なんだっけっていう時期が結構続いて、それで何やってるのか自分でもよくわからないようになってきた期間がありました。アコースティックな弾き語りのiriを求めている人もいれば、ダンストラックな曲を求めてる人もいれば、ジャジーなのを求めてる人もいるし、ポップスを求めてる人もいるとか。みんなの求めてるものに、自分が付いていくみたいなことをやっていたら、何やるんだっけ? みたいになって、自分の中でも色々見直したんです。まず「何をやりたいか」を見つめ直して、「やりたいことやらせてください」って。それを周りのスタッフさんも信じてくれるようになった。それが大きいですね。だから、求められていることをやるのはやめようって一回「Sparkle」ではなったんです。結果、意外といい作品になったじゃん! となって、じゃあ別に求められているとか考えなくていいんじゃないかなって。
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ーでは次なる5年はどんなイメージ? どうなっていそうですか?
何が起きるかわかんないですねー(笑)。 でも、アーティストではない部分での自分自身のことがここ数年で少しずつわかってきたし、それを知ることがすごく大事であることもわかりました。いろんなことが鮮明になってくるんだろうなって思います。無駄なものも省かれていくだろうし、だからまぁ楽しみですかね。5年後もまた同じように「スタート地点に立てました」って言う気がします。本当に少しずつ、焦らないようにしようと思っていて、改めて「rhythm」という曲が表現してるなって。この曲が一番軸になっていて、本当に“私は私のリズムで”っていうのがずっとテーマになっているなと思います。自分自身の人生のテーマでもあるし、歌手人生のテーマでもある。そこが乱れた時に全部ダメになるから、大事にまた5年進んでいきます。
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*このインタビューは2021年12月30日に発売されたVI/NYL #002のために実施されました。
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viandnyl · 3 years
#002-Don Malik
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Don Malik Rapper
Based in Korea
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
I have a sister who’s older than me. She had a MP3 player when I was little. There were Drunken Tiger, Dynamic Duo 은지원, Epik High and many other artists and as I remember that was the first time that I heard the hip hop music. And at that time I started writing some lyrics on a notebook which it was terrible thinking now. But still I keep some of those notebooks
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
I recommend listening the whole album first.Then you’re gonna find the track of your taste.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
‘Paid in Seoul’ is collage of my perspection who born , grow, live in seoul I wanted show what living in Seoul is like. Fast life, struggle, job, career, burned out, aggression, depression, anxiousness, etc.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
My interest. Amusement is my first priority.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
I can’t tell you as for now, but it would be dope anyway.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
don’t have exact plan but im working on it.
Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
I used to have part time jobs and rap lessons.
Q:What is the story behind your artist name?
I received infant baptism and it’s from my baptismal name, Don vosco.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music? When music comes out well I’m really glad that I make them and they are actually things of my own.
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Q:How were you as a child?
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
When I was a kid I always asked why, and that made me shown like a mischief. And I still do.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be?
You are gonna be ok.
Q:What are your hobbies?
Workout at gym, watching anime.
Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
The Netflix show ‘Arcane’ is well-made.
Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
Stabled, making senses, handled. They said practice make perfect so I practicing myself right now
Q:What is the best news you’ve had recently?
I’ve got rare shoes what wanted to get, Reebok x Vetments fury modified in blue color.
Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?
Besides the shoes that I mentioned, Margiela jacket, Junya Watanabe jeans.
Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?
Besides the ones I mentioned, Nike, Supreme, Kapital, Needles, Our Legacy, Greg Lauren, A.P.C, Martin rose.
Q:What is something that has caught your interest recently, and why? (For example: NFTs, an election, Climate change, or some other general topic that you have been interested in recently)
Healthy lifestyle in overall, something like how to stay healthy, diet hacks, workout.
Q:Any social issues you have been paying extra attention to lately?
I really don’t know how the world is going on right now.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication?
Rational understanding of each other
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Q:Tell us something good about your country.
Everything is fast. You can order the everything in a second, and they are delivered faster than you might ever imagine. It’s amazing.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication?
Rational understanding of each other
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress?
I just get some sleep. It works.
Q:What is music to you?
Love and Good income.
Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
Anime and manga really influence me a lot.
Q:Who is a person who has influenced you?
Everyone who I met.
Q:What was the first song/album (and from which artist) you bought, and why did you buy it?
Verbal jint - 누명
It is Korean hiphop classic album so I think I was trying to learn what dope music is.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
I’m big on Isaiah Rashad these days.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
MacBook neumann tlm 102 in studio
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
Well, I don’t want to imagine my life without music but if I were to do something else, it must have been doing something creative perhaps
Q:What is your dream?
Staying good.
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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viandnyl · 3 years
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BLOO ラッパー
1994年生まれ、韓国・ソウル在住のエモなラッパー。BLACKPINKやITZYなどのアートワークに参加するデザイン会社LAUNDRY OFFICEと韓国の人気ヒップホップレーベルMKIT RAIN RECORDSの親会社であるUNCUTPOINTに所属。代表曲「Downtown Baby」はコリアン・ヒップホップシーンのビッグヒットとしてあまりにも有名。
ーあなたが住んでいる街について教えてください。 韓国のソウルです。愛犬のMaxと一緒に、音楽を作る大好きな友人たちがいるところに住んでいます。
ーあなたの周りではどんな音楽がトレンドですか? よくわからないですね……。でも強いていうならレトロ・ミュージックかな? レトロ・ミュージックにも色んなジャンルがあるけど、僕は最近昔のジャズをよく聴いています。
ー音楽を始めたきっかけは? 「Bloo Story」という曲で、僕が音楽を始めたきっかけについて歌ったことがあります。10代の頃、母と行った教会で見た楽器たちと、舞台、バンド、歌う人たちを見て、単純に自分も「舞台に立ちたい!」って思ったのがきっかけですね。その後、自分と同じ夢を持つ友人たちに出会い、ここまで来たという感じです。
ー今はどんな音楽を作っていますか? 毎回“どんな音楽か”という説明が必要のない曲を作っているつもりです。歌詞やメロディー自体がとても直接的で、いつ誰が聴いても“僕の曲”みたいな、ジャンルそのものが“BLOO”、そんな音楽です。今作っているたくさんの曲たちも、もちろんそうですね。
ー様々なジャンルがありますがヒップホップを作るようになった経緯は? またこれから挑戦していきたいジャンルはありますか? アメリカに留学に行った時に、環境的にも自然とヒップホップに触れる機会が多かったんです。周りの友達がヒップホップが好きで、次第に自分も好きになって、ごく自然な流れで僕も始めることになった。これから挑戦してみたいジャンルはロック・バラード。アメリカに行く前からずっと好きだったジャンルで、必ず一度挑戦してみたいと思っています。
ー今後、音楽活動以外にも挑戦してみたいことはありますか? 挑戦してみたいことはファッションモデルですね。ファッションにはすごく興味があります。モデルになったら色々なブランドに触れてみることが出来そうだし、色々なブランドの服を自分だけのスタイルで自由に着こなしてみたい。
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ーこれまで影響を受けた作品を教えてください。 今思い出せる作品は Netflix の『ピーキー・ブラインダーズ』、James Cameron監督・脚本の映画『タイタニック』、日本のアニメ原作の映画『NANA』。それ以外にも音楽、映画、ドラマ、アニメ……色んな作品たちから影響を受けましたね。大きく言えば人生に影響があった作品もあるし、音楽的な影響はもちろん、洋服のスタイリングとか映像やビジュアル的な影響とかもたくさんあります。
ー制作のインスピレーションはどこから受けていますか? 女の子たち。アルコール。そして愛犬のMax。
ーあなたにとってのメンターはいますか? 友人たちとマイチーム。嬉しいときや悲しいときにいつも感情を分け合い、悩みについていつも真剣に話をしてくれる私の友人たち。そして仕事や私生活でも大きな力になってくれる私のチーム。みんなが私の友達でありメンターですね。
ー幼い頃から変わらない自分の性格は? 誰とでもすぐに仲良くなれる。周囲からはムードメーカーってよく言われるかな。幼い頃からの一貫した性格であり長所だと思ってますね。
ー今注目しているファッションブランドは? Saint Laurent、Vivienne Westwood、Thom Browne、CHANEL。
ーいつも音楽はどんなガジェットで聴いていますか? AppleのAirPods Pro。使用してるスピーカーは多いけど、音楽を聴くときはほとんどAirPods Proを使ってますね。いつでもどこでも使えるから。
ー次の活動・リリース予定を教えてください。 2021年10月にフルアルバム『BLOO IN WONDERLAND 2』をリリースしました。読者の人たちにもたくさん聴いてほしいですね。これまでのアルバムと同じように、僕自身の話を落とし込んだまるで自分のダイアリーのようなアルバム。他の説明は必要ない、聴いてみたらすぐ私の感情に共感できるような、そんなストーリーを盛り込んでます。
ーご自身以外の曲でおすすめの3曲を教えてください。 友達と一緒に飲むときにおすすめなのはTravis Scott (feat. Young Thug & M.I.A.) の「FRANCHISE」。理由はシンプルにめっちゃくちゃいい曲だから。一人の時はChet Bakerの「My Funny Valentine」がおすすめ。気持ちよく雰囲気に酔える曲なので、シャワーの後のウィスキー一杯に似合う曲です。そして雨の日にはHeizeの「You, Clouds, Rain(Feat. Shin Yong Jae)」。曲名通り“You, Clouds, Rain”、雨が降ったときに聴く曲です。この曲と一緒に雨の降る窓の外を見ながらお酒を飲むと、雰囲気にもっと酔える気がするんですよね。
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viandnyl · 3 years
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17歳にして、K-POPシーンに降臨したレジェンド・グループ2NE1のフロントウーマンとして爆発的人気を獲得。2016年にソロ活動に乗り出し、2019年「People’s Choice Award」で“最もインスパイアされるアジア人女性”を受賞、本年はファッション界最大の祭典「MET GALA」にK-POP女性アーティストとして初参加。この冬、待望のソロデビュー作『ALPHA』でシーンへの帰還を果たした。
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 世界にセンセーションを巻き起こしたK-POPムーブメントの中でも、ひときわ存在感を放っていたガールズユニット2NE1。“ガールクラッシュ”という言葉・定義が浸透する随分前、まだ女性に対する偏見やディスアドバンテージも残っていた2009年にデビューし、そのファッション性の高さやエッジの効いたサウンドメイクで、韓国や日本はもちろんアメリカからヨーロッパまで、インターナショナルなスケールでフリークスを拡大していた。  制服で均一に整えられたかわいらしさや、過剰にボディコンなセクシーさでもなく、あくまで、いちアーティストとして権利拡大を主張するその姿勢は、ことアジアにおいては特に稀有な出来事だった。そのレジェンド的存在である2NE1のリーダーがCLだ。2016年のグループ解散後、アメリカに渡りソロとしての活動をスタート。水面下で着実にスキルアップと制作を重ね、2019年にはミニアルバム『In The Name Of Love』をリリース、 2020年には独立レーベル「Very Cherry」を発表し本格的な再始動を予感させた。そして2021年夏、満を持して『ALPHA』プロジェクトを投下、この冬自身初のソロアルバムをついに完成させた。  2NE1としてのデビュー2年前(2007年)にソロデビューを果たしていたCLは、ここまで実にキャリア13年。タフでインディペンデントな象徴として君臨した彼女が、初となるソロアルバム『ALPHA』の完成をどう捉えているのか、心境を語ってくれた。 「自分の様々なパフォーマンス、全てのクリエイティブ、映像に触れてくれた人たちに私が思い描く通りのインスピレーションを伝えたい。今はただそのことに全力を注ぎ込んでいます。父はいつも「大きなことのために小さな一歩、小さなことのために大きな夢を持たなければならない」と言ってくれました。今はこの『ALPHA』の完成について、そんな風にフォーカスしています」
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 完成の喜びを真摯に喜びつつもふつふつとたぎらせる想い、さらなる境地へと邁進せんとする強い意志。一世を風靡しながらも、決して楽な道のりではなかったであろうここまでの13年間は、様々な変化を繰り返した年月だったのではないか。 「私たちはみんな変わる。みんな成長していく。変化という言葉が正しいかわからないけれど、私たちは経験から学び間違いなく成長していく。そう、この13年間、私も変化し成長してきました……もしそうじゃなかったら困っちゃいますね。さらに大きな視点や別の観点から振り返ると、本当に変化だらけでした。2NE1からソロになって、K-POPだけの世界からツアーで世界中を飛び回るようになり、新しい人と出会い、音楽だけでなくファッションも一緒に作り上げていくようになったり、そんな様々なレイヤーが折り重なってる。そして今ようやく、私は独立したアーティストとして、自分のレーベルからファーストアルバムを出しています。これこそが最も大きな変化です」  先行して公開された「SPICY」では、気鋭プロデューサーBaauerとSokodomoによるハイパーポップ×トラップのような激しいサウンドに、自身を刺激的なソースに例えた緩急自在なフロウとセルフボースティングで、改めて自らのアイデンティティーを高らかに示した。本人役で出演した『マルコヴィッチの穴』や『二十日鼠と人間』でも知られる演技派・ベテランハリウッド俳優John Malkovichが、冒頭のモノローグで参加したのも話題に。 「彼は私にとって多くの意味を持つ人。メンターという表現が適切かわからないけど、私にとって彼はただただJohn Malkovichという存在。彼の共有してくれる話は共感することが多く、学ぶこともたくさんあり、とても気に入っています。私がアメリカに一人で滞在するときは、いつも面倒をみてくれるんです。彼のファミリーも歓迎してくれるし、とても親しくさせてもらっています。本当にありがたいし恵まれていることですよね」  同曲は「THE BADDEST FEMALE」「Hello Bitches」などの系譜を継ぐ、女性であることやアジアンであること、コリアンであること、偏見にさらされることもあったであろう自身のアイデンティティを、その代表として堂々と歌い上げる真骨頂のような楽曲。 「「The Baddest Female」から「Hello Bitches」へ辿り着く過程、これはGZBのアンセム(女性賛歌)なの。常に私はGZBとして代表であり続ける。それは自分が常にCLであるということ。「Hello Bitches」のセカンドバースには文化的なエッセンスがたくさん溶け込んでいたけれど、新作の「SPICY」では、さらにたくましく、強いアジア人女性像が色濃く表現されています。そうしたエレメントが私を進化させ、より溶け込ませていくんです(※GZBは韓国語の発音の英語表記で女性の意。ひいてはCL自身のアイデンティティーを指している)。自分に誇りを持ち、自分を受け入れ、そして良いお手本になれたらと。自分自身のことやライフストーリーを音楽にして伝える。当然ながら韓国人女性として表現しています」
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一方、昨年時点でリリースしていた「HWA」では、韓国では馴染み深い“ムク���ノ花が咲きました”というフレーズを引用。���米で戦う上で、改めてコリアンとしてのプライドも強く誇示。(※ムクゲノ花が咲きました=日本の“だるまさんがころんだ”) 「これが私のファーストソングであり、アーティストとして独立した時のファーストシングルでした。「In The Name of Love」プロジェクト後、インディペンデントアーティストとして自分を紹介するための曲にしたかったんです。この曲にはたくさんのレイヤーがあるけど、端的に言えば「Everyone freeze!! I'm back!!」てこと。そして韓国の伝統的な遊びを���界中に紹介したいと思い、この曲に「ムクゲノ花が咲きました」を取り入れました。内容的には「Don't try me!!」 (逆説的な挑発/自分がイケているということの誇示)」   正直ミュージシャン、アーティストのみならず、他のジャンルを見ても、ここまでアジア人女性としてガールズエンパワーメントを貫く存在はいないのではないか、と思う反面、その重責にさいなまれてしまうのではないかという杞憂さえ浮かんでしまう。 「責任は感じないようにしています。それよりもっとお互いを高め合えるような……そういう感じになれたらと。みんなにそう伝わってくれるなら、私にとってのエネルギーとモチベーションになります。そうですね、なんていうか私だけがやっているのではなく、一緒に刺激し合えたらと思いますね」  とっくに達観した境地に辿り着いていて、その覚悟さえもポジティブなバイブスに満ちている。なんて頼もしいんだ。その音楽性の発露はどこから生まれてくるのか。 「私が伝えたいストーリーやメッセージから始まります。多くの場合、普段の生活やフェーズを通過する過程の中における自分との対話の中から生まれます。自分自身に向き合い恐れに立ち向かう。それこそがフェーズ。『ALPHA』はまさに、それらのストーリーやメッセージが内在する問題を克服することがテーマです」  ヒップホップ、アジアン、フィメール、そしてエンタメ。そうしたカテゴリーでの可能性全ての希望となり得る新たなリーダーとも言えるのではないか。でも決して強いだけではない、内包された儚い人間味の部分にも多くの共感が集まるのだ。
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「私はパワフルな楽曲を歌うけれど、それだけが自分の持ち味ではないんです。もちろん色んな側面があります。「SPICY」が“私”の唯一のキャラクターではなく、『ALPHA』にもアーティストとしての“CL”がいます。今では、このCLと素顔のChaelinが上手くバランスを取っています。もちろんメディアに映し出されることは様々ですが、そういうものと戦わずしてバランスを取る方法を見つけたんです」  生身の自分自身も尊重しながら、アーティストとしての女王CLとしての強さもしなやかに併せ持つ。理想と現実のギャップに葛藤するのではなく、どう立ち向かい乗り越えるのか。CLはそれを示してくれている。 「人は誰しもそう(ギャップに葛藤する)だと思います。『ALPHA』は実際そういうテーマで、恐れることに直面したとき、どうやって克服するかをテーマにしています。恐怖を乗り越えるために経験した色々な感情についての私自身のストーリー。恐怖を感じ向き合うことから始まる。誰にでもそういう時はあるし、そこからどうやって克服し、何を生み出すかが重要なの。『ALPHA』はそのためのもの。このアルバムが、その感情を乗り越えるきっかけになれば嬉しいです。今、CLとChaelinは同じくらいの時間を過ごしてきました。ようやくバランスを見つけることができたんです」
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Q  音楽を始めたきっかけは? A  ダンスがきっかけです。ダンスが好きで、自然と音楽を聴くようになりました。一緒に歌ったり踊ったり。つまりダンスから始まったということですね。
Q  幼い頃の自分にアドバイスするなら? A  特にアドバイスはないけど自分を信じて、ただ生きていく!
Q  音楽がなければ何をしていたと思いますか? A  考えたこともないですね。もし音楽以外でやりたいことがあれば間違いなくやっていたと思います(笑)
Q  制作のインスピレーションはどこから受けていますか? A  映像的な意味でいえば、パフォーミングがすごく重要な要素です。映像や舞台の演出を考えるときは、自分の姿をイメージしてパフォーミングやダンスを構成し、そこにファッションや他のビジュアルなどを加えていきます。
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Q  イライラしているとき、余裕がないときはどう解消する? A  まず、そういう経験をするのは当たり前だと自分に言い聞かせます。あとは体を鍛える! 走ったり、エクササイズしたり、踊ったり。そういう日は体を動かすのが好きです。
Q  最近ハマっているものは? A  正直なところ、今は時間がなくてそういうことからはかなり遠ざかってしまっています……。
Q  今年買ったお気に入りの物は?(日用品、家電なんでもOK) A  実は、新しいシーズンに入ると新しい下着を買うのが大好きなんです。
Q  最近ハマっているアーティストは? A  自分自身!
Q  初めて購入した曲(アーティスト)は? A  Lauryn Hill
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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viandnyl · 3 years
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9m88 Singer-Songwriter
Based in Taipei,Taiwan
Q: Can you describe the city where you live and based?
I’m now living in my hometown Taipei,Taiwan. I moved back to the city from NY 3 years ago. It’s a fun city, pretty good food and night life here. Yet, as COVID hits the world, I haven’t gotten out and had any form of entertainment or so. I guess it’s like that at many places too.
Q: What kind of music is being popular right now where you’re based?
Hmm, it’s R&B and HipHop I would say. It comes a bit late but as a participant of the genres, it’s a good thing!
Q: What did prompt you to start playing music?
I’ve always love singing. I didn’t start wanting to write my own music until I finished my BA in fashion. I covered many songs but at that point I had an urge to write something myself, so I moved to NY and started my music exploration. NY city plays a big role in my music career.
Q: What kind of music are you creating now?
Soul-R&B slash singer-songwriter slash Jazz-influenced sounds.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Foods and Plants these days. I figured I have to live my life to feel things so inspiration may arrive at the door.
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Q: Do you have any mentor? And why she or he is your mentor?
Erykah Badu is a mentor in my music life even though I don’t personally know her. Reggie Workman and Jane Ira Blooms are two of the musician professors who influenced me a lot when studying at The New School Jazz.
Q: Do you have any social issues that you pay attention to recently? And why?
I mean there’s so much happening right now. From the pandemic to Afghanistan. Sometimes I feel our brains are cramped with information and news. We sure need to pay attention to what’s going on around the world. But if you are too overwhelmed by information, you might need to take care of yourself first.
Q: What aspect of your personality haven’t been changed since your childhood?
Very stubborn and want things to be done my own way.
Q: Do you have any fashion brands that you like?
Chanel, Jacquemus, Peter Do…I try to check out  some fresh brands whenever I can.
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Q: Any music genres that you are really into right now?
I started to dig some indie/alt pop songs with a bit folklore touch. And I also listen to a lot more Brazilian music these days.
Q: How/what equipment/gadgets do you use to listen to music? (earphone, headphone etc)
I’m pretty good with my AirPods and a SONY basic sound system at home. Sometimes I listen to vinyls, but I haven’t had much interest in buying expensive
Q: Do you have any forthcoming release of music?
Hopefully at the end of this year! A few different projects are waited to be shown to people.
Q:Please pick up 3 songs following the concept “MOOD NOW”. We also need the raw, pure and very moody reasons for each.
1) record: "Jazz Samba Encore" by Stang Getz and Luiz Bonfá I've been listening to this record throughout last year and this year. I used to listen to many vocal records before, but I realized music without vocals can be as expressive and powerful as vocals. "Jazz Samba Encore" is my summertime jam. As we know Stan Getz is more of a melancholic person, it brings a deeper and sentient feeling to the record. The mixing of this album is enchanting to me as well. They put a shaker and stick really in the front and hard-pan to one side. It almost sounds too stiff, but I love it. Some vocals arrive and depart throughout songs that are so make-sense and beautiful! Not to mention Luiz Bonfá's extraordinary guitar playing that brings the record alive. I recommend his solo record "Solo in Rio 1959" as well.
2) Record:"Blood Loss" by Puma Blue I didn't listen to this kinda moody, sensual music until the lockdown arrived. I guess quarantine really urged me to listen to more music! I describe Puma Blue as the male version of Sade. It's chill, sexy, and you feel a sense of infinity in his voice. The on-going midnight drive kinda vibe. I love how he uses his voice combined with moody saxophone playing in a classy way, not aggressive, causing no pressure to the listeners. This can be a nice netflix and chill record, just saying!
3) Song: "Tell Me" by 9m88 and Mitsu the Beats I worked on the song with Mitsu San at the end of last year. I've always wanted to work with him, and luckily, he generously made some beats for me to write this song"Tell Me". I was feeling down during that time. At the same time, the reality show "Terrace House" member Hana Kimura committed a suicide that stroke me. I decided to write the song trying to encourage people who suffer from life or other people's criticism. We have to come back home and think about what really matters to us. Not any others' thoughts, it's YOUR thoughts. I was glad Mitsu San was supportive to the idea and made a beautiful track that embodies his style and didn't take away the HipHop touch from it. I love the music video too!
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. *All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
#002-Cosmo's Midnight
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Cosmo's Midnight Duo
Based in Sydney
Q:Can you describe the city where you live and based?
Pat and I both live in Sydney, Australia. Personally I wouldn't live anywhere else in Australia, since Sydney is mostly a harbour/coastal city we have so many lovely things, like the beach, outback, rainforests and national parks. Also because of multicultural society we get to enjoy amazing food. Also most of our friends live in Sydney. Although I love it here I really love travelling so I can appreciate coming home and being in a familiar space again. Sydney isn’t the best place to be stuck indoors and unfortunately due to lockdowns we've been sitting inside for quite some time. Hopefully we'll be out by summer!
Q:What kind of music is being popular right now where you’re based?
As far as I can tell, Australia is still super into bands although over the years it's spread out to more electronic and EDM music, like bassline house and rap, most of the festivals are usually a mix of all these genres as it's what's most popular right now. To be honest though I'm not really sure what’s popular I'm just guessing, right now we've personally been listening to a whole range of genres new and old, so it's hard for me to say what other people listen to and enjoy.
Q:What did prompt you to start playing music?
We both learned instruments growing up, however, we didn't start writing music until middle school. Our older brother started using his laptop to write music and we got really interested in it because of him. We started mucking around with it and eventually we formed a style and sound and arrived at where we are at now.
Q:Where do you get your inspiration from? 
We get inspiration from travelling to different locations when we write. We always try to go to a remote location to write our albums, so we can focus and have a lovely surrounding when we write. We sometimes go to the south coast of New South Wales or to the Blue Mountains, depending on the season. Being amongst nature as you write makes it hard to get bored and feel like you're working. We also try to listen to many different genres from different generations, sometimes older songs can sound so fresh and interesting in comparison to contemporary pop. Recently I've been listening to The Flaming Lips, Sade, Sam Gelliatry, Aphex Twin and Axel Boman. I also try to listen to alot of pop just to see what people are doing currently.    
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Q:Do you have any mentor? And why she or he is your mentor?
I would say our Mum is our mentor, she taught us piano growing up and is also a music composer for her career. We'd often ask her for advice with songs, asking if she thought certain ideas were strong or if we could do anything to make a certain idea more compelling. Often she'd give advice that was far too complicated for what our style of music is, especially considering the style of a-tonal music she likes to write. Also our Dad is a great point of reference, he constantly emails us albums he used to listen to when he was younger so we always have new music to listen to from his encyclopedic knowledge of the 60-80 music scene.
Q:Do you have any social issues that you pay attention to recently? And why?
There are so many issues going on right now it's hard to focus on any particular one, but right now I'm really invested in all my friends, and Australia as a whole getting vaccinated so we can get back to our normal lives. It's been almost two years of uncertainty, not knowing whether or not we can perform and do our jobs, so it would be great to be able to get back into working outside again.
Q:What aspect of your personality haven’t been changed since your childhood?
I'd like to think I haven't changed that much, I still feel very sheltered and childish, despite all the things I've experienced and I'm glad I havent lost that feeling yet. As one gets more responsibility it seems that you can often lose your sense of exploration and joy of simple or mundane things and to this point I still really enjoy my day to day life and routine, I hope I don't stagnate at some point.
Q:Do you have any fashion brands that you like?
We've been buying a lot of second hand clothes, but we often get lots of basics from UNIQLO, they are well cut and fit nice, I really like the designs of PAM, this tattoo artist/ clothing designer Peace On The Sun, Pelvis, to be honest i rarely buy first hand clothes, it's hard to think of brands! I like to find cool pattern shirts that are one of a kind, I actually found a really cool Ken Done shirt when I was in Osaka in 2019. The idea of having the only version of something is an idea I like to apply to all the things I buy. Whether it be art, furniture or clothes.
Q:Any music genres that you are really into right now?
We love ambient and sometimes write it ourselves just for the practise. One of my favorite ambient collections is Aphex Twin's ambient works, classic house music, hip-hop, hyper pop, and just great pop tracks overall.
Q:How/what equipment/gadgets do you use to listen to music? (earphone, headphone etc)
We don't use too much to write music, our set up is very simple. We have a Mac laptop, Focusrite soundcard and Presonus speakers which are cheap and portable, we also have Audio Technica M50x headphones, SM7B Microphone and our instruments. We acquired this setup pretty slowly, but all one really needs to write music is a laptop and a decent pair of headphones.
Q:Please tell me a reason for your 3 recommend tracks for ‘MOOD NOW’?
Pink Pantheress - Just for Me    
Tseba - Surrender      
 Aphex Twin - Alberto Balsalm
Q:Do you have any forthcoming release of music?
We just dropped our song Titanic, but we hope to release more music very soon!
Q:What kind of music are you creating now?
Right now we're trying to write music that is reactive and fun to perform. After reintroducing instruments into our live show when we perform, we decided that we would like to jam more when we were writing music as well. Our music is centered around funky rhythmic basslines and catchy vocals, everything else in between tends to differ from track to track. We can't wait to show what we've been working on!
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
#002-ego apartment
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ego apartment Band
Based in Osaka
*D=Dyna / P=Peggy Doll / Z=Zen
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
Z: I was driving with my family in Sydney, and there was the Doobie Brother's "stampede" playing. I remember being so excited by the transition between "I cheat the hangman" and "precis". I wanted to do something like that.
D: when I was in middle school, I saw a video of Red Hot Chili Peppers playing live and I realized that I wanted to do something that made people feel. I also was amazed with how EDM can move people with nothing but sounds. living a normal life was also something I didn't want to do and music was my way out.
P: I loved singing since I was little. When I was in middle school I started listening to a lot of soul and R&B. The way that they express themselves through music made me want to do it myself.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
Z: up to some of our newer releases I felt we were still exploring sonically but we really came together on our newer single "weigh me down".   My boss at the time always asked me to push myself to do something I didn't want to do, or something I didn't think was right. It really weighed me down. All I wanted to do was focus on the things I loved and was passionate about. I think a lot of people feel the same way especially with the current climate.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
Our latest single is called “Sensation”. After all the frustration I was feeling in “weigh me down” I felt free and this pure bliss was pumping through me. It was really fun to make and we wanted people to dance and have as much fun as we had making it.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
Right now we are working on a few songs with more of a rock oriented sound. All of us come from different roots musically, but I think punk is an attitude that we all share. Not being able to fit in, not being able to be who you are or being looked down on for who you are based on standards that are wrong really puts you in a chamber of self doubt. Our band wants to create a space for all the people in between and I think rock exemplifies where we are now.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
Z: personally I think it's emotion. I'm usually uncomfortable in my own skin but when I play or make music I can forget about everyday anxiety or stress. It's a release 
P: for me its dramatic transitions and catchy melodies that make people feel good.
D: I like to find sounds that are fresh to me. There are endless possibilities on music, so I always want to push myself to make something I've never heard of.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
We have a new single coming out on December 29th called "N o o N" It's a mellow love song for the afternoon.
Q:What is the story behind your artist name?
When we first started making music together, we all went to Dyna's room to record, and make music. Basically all of our ego in one space coming together.
Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
Z: It really depends on the day but recently I've been listening to a lot of riot grrrl music, Joni Mitchell, Arto Lindsay, David Bowie and anything with Nile Rodgers. Music that can challenge social norms or is a confession, is something that attracts me to an artist. I also love Alfred Hitchcock.
P: I've been influenced by a lot of indie musicians like Mac Demarco, and a lot of R&B and soul.
D: my mum often played movie soundtracks for me when I was little. Each song is a story. So in expressing myself, I want to tell stories like a movie.
Q:Who is a person who has influenced you?
Z: I've been really lucky with the people around me. My parents gave me a lot of different kinds of music to listen to and my friends always push me to be experimental.
P: I don't really have a person that influenced me. When I was starting music especially, a lot of people didn't get me. I liked to blend newer sounds and push my boundaries so I was often alone. 
D: My dad taught me to rock.
Q:What is music to you?
Z: music is like bleeding. Melting all the things that are a part of you into something that feels right.
P: It applies a soundtrack to everyday living. Though it's something that doesn't need to exist it makes life beautiful.
D: How people express themselves on social media is the same thing towards music for me.
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Q:What was the first song/album (and from which artist) you bought, and why did you buy it?
Z: The first album I bought was when I was maybe 8 or 10, and it was the Veronica’s first album. I just remember the whole record being catchy 2000’s emo pop and loving it.
P: I bought Jamiroquai’s “space cowboy” and Maroon 5’s “songs about Jane” when I was in high school. I really liked some songs they had on YouTube so I found the CD’s at a record store near my house to listen to the whole thing.
D: my first CD was a B'z best album. There was a tv show when i was in primary school with a B'z song so I wanted to hear what other songs they had.
Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
Z: I teach English part time and go to a university in Kyoto
P: I organize the belongings of the deceased.
D: I don't work on anything outside of music.
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
Z: I would like to do something with pottery I think creating something with your own hands is something im good at.
P: I love planes and cars so a pilot or a racecar driver would be something I would have liked to do.
D: I would probably want to be an astronaut because I want to see sights that I've never been before.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
Z: Working with music has given me the opportunity to meet so many talented people, like my band mates. Having best friends that you can experiment musically is an experienced.
P: I used to do a lot of covers and people would tell me it was great but having people love something you created is a really good feeling. 
D: I love to make people move. Music can change peoples lives and I have this opportunity to do it.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
Z: when I was in my teens I first listened to King Krule and it just felt right. His music really helped me through my teenage years and even now with his booming vocals and punk jazz sound.
P: I love Steely Dan. Their crisp production is something I want to incorporate into our music. 
D: I really love Sakiyama Soshi. His lyrics and choice of sounds. When I first listened to "Samidare" I felt a fragility with his music.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
I used to make everything on garage band until I met Dyna and Peggy. We record with logic and mix with ableton.
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Q:How were you as a child?
Z: I liked to strictly eat green things and tomatoes and didn't like conforming with things that were popular. I always liked the antagonist in a story.
D: I was the popular kid in primary school and then in middle school I was in a “BØWIE” copy band. I was wild and ambitious.
P: I was shy and pretty average kid but I really liked exploring. Whether that be an area outside of my school district or restricted areas like some ponds around my area.
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
Z: Then and now I like to go my own way at my own pace. I'm never on time and I'm not good with commitments.
D: people often tell me that nothing changed about me since I was little. 
P: I loved watching people ever since I was little. I like to imagine what they do everyday and what kind of life the lead.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be?
Z: You're on the right path, don't be scared and keep going with the things you love 
D: Study properly, because it's actually fun.
P: worrying about what other people do or think makes you worry about yourself and stops you from doing what you want to do. Don't worry about it.
Q:What are your hobbies?
Z: I usually always have my earphones in so recently I've been into listening to everyday sounds without my earphone on.
D: I like watching movies, drawing and reading. It's been the same from when I was a kid.
P: I like looking at maps. For example I like finding canals and seeing where they lead. Or looking at airports from all around the world.
Q:What is a word you like?
Z: balance for me is something I wanted to achieve in life.
P: 眼高手低 really shows who I am now.
D: I love the word honesty because I don't believe in it.
Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
Z: I'm really into Carolina reaper Chilis. Our manager has a little vial filled with chili flakes. It's amazing.
D: I watch a lot of horror movies but “Cold Fish” was something really schematically stimulating.
P: I love winning eleven. Even though I’m not really good at playing soccer.
Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
Z: we just started the band this year and already we're playing gigs all around Japan. We've also recently made a studio in Osaka so our whole life right now revolves around the band. It's been a big shift from working by the hour.
Q:What is the best news you’ve had recently?
Z: we are planning on doing a gig overseas within 2022 which has been really exciting.
D: I felt recently that I know who I am now. 
P: I found the perfect jeans and they're getting distressed because I wear them too much.
Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?
Z: I really love my silver accessories that I bought at my friends store in Osaka 
P: I bought these Sony headphone a little while back which I love because it has a balanced sound
D: I bought perfume that smells like Sweet osmanthus. Also John Frusciante's solo CD was a great buy.
Q:What is something that has caught your interest recently, and why? (For example: NFTs, an election, Climate change, or some other general topic that you have been interested in recently)
P: I've been reading about the lack of silicone and it's effects on society.
Z: I've been watching a lot of shows about neuro divergent people's everyday life.
D: I'm so focused on everything going on with the band that I don't think about anything else.
Q:Any social issues you have been paying extra attention to lately?
We really love and support the movements for gender equality and minorities. With the internet now it's become easier for people to talk about these social issues. There is so much to learn from people's personal experiences.
Q:Tell us something good about your country. I love how expressive the youth in Japan is Looking at their Instagram for example, is like a collage of all the things that they're interested in and what represents them as an individual.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication?
Z: respecting and listening to the person you talk to is key to really get to know someone
P: also being open to other people’s ideas is something important 
D: looking into the other persons eyes and reading their vibe. I always want to make people feel comfortable.
Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?
We all love clothing but we don't really have the budget so we often visit vintage shops around Osaka.
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress?
Z: I like to listening to really loud music and screaming in the studio.
P: I don't really know how to release stress. Solving the root of my problems is the only way for me to get past stress.
D: for me it's a cycle of watching horror movies, reading and sleeping.
Q:What is your dream?
Z: playing a festival is my goal for next year.
P: I want to be comfortable enough to be able to eat all the things I want.
D: Everything that's been going on with the band is already like a dream to me.
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
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RIZ LA VIE Rapper/Musician
Based in Sparta, New Jersey, USA
Genre:Alternative Hip Hop
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
I’ve been around music my whole life, and from my mom and older sisters’ playing music, to playing music in band in school, to listening to underground music and watching underground music get made, to making my own projects, always was in love… it makes it really easy.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
I really love the symbolism behind Saturn. It is about the planet.. our relationship with ourselves, our relationship in love, and our relationship with the planet. She Said is also really indicative of my symbolism, and has a really good message, and just feels like a really whole song.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
My latest single is a song called “Hot Rod.” It’s got a pretty funny story to it. “Hot Rod” is like a very throw-your-body like song. We made it in Malibu, California. I actually went to the studio that day - we rented that studio because it had a Sony C800, and I knew I wanted to make a song on a Sony C800 that day. I had no idea what I was going to make a song about. Dan had made the beat while watching the movie Hot Rod the night before - all of us. We went in, freestyled most of it- the whole beginning and all that stuff is pretty much one take, figuring it out.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
I’m working a lot in130 bpm, lot of drum and bass samples, and kind of like jungle inspired samples. I’ve just been making the album - this glossy, metallic black.. and white color palette is kind of inspiring.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
Just the flow, as long as the flow is there. As long as you feel connected and present… Sometimes it’s a lot of stress, sometimes it’s no stress, sometimes it’s eustress versus distress that makes me feel present. Staples are definitely some candles, definitely some incense, some tea, lots of honey.
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Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
So I’m coming out with new music…. Some songs that really make my soul sing, make my heart happy, and jumping. And just happy. I have an album coming out, and I have new music coming out with videos and merch and all sorts of beautiful things. I’m going to keep making music and meditating.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
Constant motivation for people, for others, for yourself. It never fades, it’s always there. And that’s really good - makes you get up out of bed in the morning, and at night, maybe very late at night, or early in the morning. I’m grateful for the energy.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
Lately I’ve been making music in my bedroom again which has been awesome. The most beautiful thing about 2022 is that you can make music anywhere with an Apollo, and a mic, and a MIDI cable and controller. Rooms with a good amount of air and sunlight, I’ve been working in. Sometimes I like to be shut off, in a dungeon, underground somewhere. Lately I’ve been working with sunlight a lot. It’s been good.
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Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
We been eating good lately.. As a pescatarian, it’s hard to admit, but I got really into cooking like New York strip steaks. Is that bad? That’s been the last thing I’ve been thinking about every day. A routine, I’ve been trying to develop my routine. Also mushrooms - I’ve been really enjoying mushrooms.. Both kinds, edible and mycelium networks. And I guess Web3. And leather. And mules. What else? Just like shopping for clothes. After being on tour and having the same 10 shirts and 5 pairs of pants, I’ve been really into putting new clothes on my body that aren’t those clothes.
Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?
Essentials, cdg, marine serre, youths in balaclava, Sandro Paris, nanushka, Andersson bell, Alyx, dries van noten and about 10000 amazing independent designers I’ve met through tiktok.
Q:What is your dream?
My dream is for a more soulful world. My dream is for schools that teach meditation, so that more people can spend more parts of their day in quiet, and in the endless potential that is a well rested mind. My dream is for people to experience less stress, or better stress. For us to connect with the Earth more and what it has to show us and teach us, more than just what we have to take from it. And that goes both within ourselves, within our interpersonal relationships, and with our relationship with the world. Just bettering and understanding those relationships.
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
#002-Girls of the Internet
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Girls of the Internet
Based in UK
Genre:Deep House/Soul/Techno
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
Music was always my first love. I tried many times to do something else with my life, but it never seemed to work out. I initially planned to study and work in the visual arts as I didn’t think a career in music was something somebody like me could have. I just began to tread the path of least resistance, and this is where I found myself.
Q:What is the story behind your artist name?
We are named after Eighties Ladies, and their ‘Ladies of the 80’s’ album. They are a group of incredible singers who didn’t have such big careers themselves, but Roy Ayers got them all together to make this weird little album in 1980. It felt like they were this enigma from an alternative reality; this jazz-inspired girl group - they always stuck in my mind. I think there are only 2 pictures of them, and they look ghostly and ethereal which added to the mysterious world surrounding them in my head. The biggest name from the group is Sylvia Striplin, whose ‘Give Me your Love’ is one of my favourite albums of all time.
Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
I have many influences that have guided Girls of the Internet. Visually I’m inspired by Leigh Bowery, Rammellzee, Francis Bacon. Musically, it’s 90’s Chicago House like Casual and Guidance, Homework by Daft Punk, Stereolab, Luther Vandross’ productions and arrangements, Basic Channel, Talking Heads work with Brian Eno.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
‘When U Go’ - it was the first full track I made, and it remains one of our biggest tunes. It’s the one everybody sings along to loudest when we play live.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album)
Girls FM came out at the end of 2020 - we wrote and recorded it over lockdown, and it was a blessing. It’s the album that really changed things for us.
Q: kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
Right now, it’s less about inspiration, and more about trying to stamp and develop our own sound. We have worn our inspirations on our sleeves from the start, and they will always be there, but moving forward, developing what we have created is the main motivation.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
I do not want to make music like anybody else. I try to ignore what other producers are making and just do what feels right. I think house music gives me a structure to work within, but I want to fill that space with something unique. I want to show that house and electronic music is not just about tracks for DJ’s to play this week, and forget the next - it can be real music with longevity.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
I record a lot of instruments, voices, and synths, drop them into Ableton Live, and loop and edit things in the box. I also take old drum machine sounds and warp them with a sampler.
Q:Who is a person who has influenced you?
Right now, it’s my boss Luke Solomon. We’ve both treaded similar paths in the industry, though he’s obviously done it on a higher level than I have. It’s great to be able to work alongside him.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
I go less for artists, and more for tracks. I love ‘Autumn Changes’ by Hiro Ama which came out recently. I think Blawan’s new single ‘Under Belly’ is one of his best. Glacher Lustwerk always impresses me, and i love his new single ‘Barnsby’.
Q:What was the first song/album (and from which artist) you bought, and why did you buy it?
I think artists often lie when they answer this question - they try to make themselves look cool, but most of the music we listen to as children is not that cool. I am not 100% sure, but I think the first thing I actually purchased myself was the soundtrack to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I was obsessed with TMNT at the time, so I got anything and everything relating to it. Before this, I stole by brother’s Madonna records and scratched them on a cheap record player.
Q:How were you as a child?
Chubby and happy.
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
My excitability.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be?
Help yourself before you try to help others. Don’t let people walk over you. Don’t be a people pleaser.
Q:What are your hobbies?
I feel like I’m being paid to do my hobby! I quite enjoy cooking.
Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?
I don’t buy too many things - my house is cluttered enough. I have bought a few prints and pieces of art I love recently. I’m also looking for a new sofa, which I am very excited about! I love a good sofa.
Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
No, this is my job!
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
I tried many times to work in other fields, but music always drags me back in.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
To see people singing songs I have written at our gigs.
Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
Girls of the Internet happened because of a change in my life, so the entire thing is built on change. The project started after a number of traumatic experiences I had previously - the failure and collapse of my previous life led me to this. It was difficult to live through, but I am so much happier now.
Q:What is the best news you’ve had recently?
The best news we had this year was when our debut live show sold out back in July.
Q:What is something that has caught your interest recently, and why? (For example: NFTs, an election, Climate change, or some other general topic that you have been interested in recently)
We’re in the process of putting some NFT’s together. I don’t think many people in music have really considered the possibilities of NFT’s, much like how the music industry didn’t react quick enough to digital files; which resulted in the first big recession in the industry.
Q:Any social issues you have been paying extra attention to lately?
I think the whole energy of things right now is amazing, with the #metoo movement and abusers getting called out, BLM, queer art and artists being recognised on a global scale. The music industry I worked in previously was misogynistic and made me miserable, but things are so different now. Just the presence of more women and queer artists in our spaces makes me feel so much safer. Hopefully we’re starting to build a world that works for everybody.
Q:Tell us something good about your country.
The UK has a lot of issues, but I think we really excel in music, art, and fashion. Some incredible artists were created here.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication?
Honesty and openness.
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress?
Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?
I am very tall and broad, so most fashion brands do not make clothes that fit me, so I often customise my own clothes, or have people make my designs for me. The only brand I’m faithful to is Nike footwear.
Q:What is your dream?
To have no worry or stress.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
We’re finishing our next album right now, which has the working title of ‘When I Was Lost, I Found Myself’
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
#002-Angelo Mota
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Angelo Mota
Based in West Orange, NJ
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
Besides my mother and father playing music in the house, I got the chance to get into music in the 3rd grade when they started introducing classes like Band and Orchestra. I played the drums for my entire school career and I think it really opened a lot of doors sonically for me. It definitely shows in the music I make today. One day in high school I went to my friend Shuan's house and recorded my first song, and the rest is history.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.

I would say the vulnerability of my song Do Not Disturb represents me the best because it's true to who I am and contains a lot of different stylings that I both grew up with and incorporated into the music I make today.
Q: What is the story behind your artist name?
My artist name is my real name that I was born with! I had a few others but eventually found myself wanting to truly be myself in name and in my message.
Q:What is music to you?
Music is healing to me; I think without it we as a society would not have been able to overcome certain obstacles. The arts give escape to the day to day problems we face, and they make people happy.
Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
I would say Kanye West and Earl Sweatshirt really influenced some of my earlier music, but my list of inspirations could go on for days.
Q:Who is a person who has influenced you?
My mom has really influenced my creativity; she is really creative and I think that's where I get my desire to create from.
Q:What was the first song/album (and from which artist) you bought, and why did you buy it?
College Dropout by Kanye West; my dad recommended it to me when I was real young so I heard it and I've been a fan ever since.
Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
 Thankfully, music is my only job at the moment. I'm really grateful.
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
I would probably be a designer or working with computers.
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
The feeling that making music gives me is the biggest reason I do it to this day.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
 I really like Flying Lotus and I just recently rediscovered his catalog. I think the way he structures his albums and songs is genius.
Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
I work out of my apartment with my laptop and a MIDI keyboard at the moment, but I think I'll always work this way. I love it.
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Q:How were you as a child?
 I talked a lot. I was really interested in researching a lot of different things and learning new stuff.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be? 
  Don't change anything you're working on but always strive to be your best self, and everything will be okay in the end.
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
 I still talk a lot. Haha.
Q:What is a word you like? 
Q:What are your hobbies?
 I like playing videogames, photography, graphic design, and going different places to eat.
Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
 I've really been into playing Rocket League, I've gotten very good over quarantine haha.
Q:What is the best news you’ve had recently?
 That my best friend was having a baby.

Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?

  I just got a bunch of shoes, I've been excited about Nike Dunks lately and I got a few.
Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?

 I love Maharishi, I have a lot of their cargo shorts and I love the way they fit.
Q:What is something that has caught your interest recently, and why? (For example: NFTs, an election, Climate change, or some other general topic that you have been interested in recently)
 NFT's have really caught my attention but I have no clue how they work or what they are. The concept seems groundbreaking though so I'd love to learn more.

Q:Any social issues you have been paying extra attention to lately? 
  I need to feel more comfortable going out and interacting. I think I've become reclusive recently but I'd love to work on that.

Q: Tell us something good about your country. 
 I think there's a lot of things my country needs to improve on in terms of how we take care of people, but I do appreciate that most people I meet every day here have that care inside them.
Q:What do you think is important when it comes to communication? 
 Honesty and grace.
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress? 
 I like to take long walks. Or smoke. Haha.
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Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
I think I've worked on myself a lot and changed for the better. The support of my loved ones help me be the best I can be and work through some things I've been struggling with.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
It's really important that I don't become too critical of myself when making music, because it can really hinder the creative process and make me get down on myself before whatever it is I'm working on has a chance to become the best it could be. I like working by myself but the company of those I care about also makes for some really great music.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
Right now I'm still working on my studio album, but I just dropped a project with my artist friend WELL$ titled "ZAÏRE". It's an album we made to celebrate the birth of our "nephew". We made it in a week and drove down 8 hours to our friend's baby shower to play it for the parents-to-be.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
Right now I'm making some of my favorite music I've ever made. It's really cool that I get to do this for a living now, and I think with that it brought a very freeing feeling that I could truly get my sound and my ideas out there in the way I want them to be consumed. I've been getting a lot of great inspiration from day to day life and conversations I have with the people closest to me.
Q:What is your dream?

 My dream is to help others and to be comfortable with myself.
*photo 1 (red gloves covering eyes) shot by Shannon Linderphotos 
2 and 3 shot by  Elena Ganz
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
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Yaeger Singer
Based in London
Genre:Alternative Pop 
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
I guess I’ve always been singing and performing around the house when I was a kid, just creating my own spotlight. When my parents used to have parties I’d always tell everyone that ‘MY SHOW STARTS IN 5 MINUTES’ , and I’d create tickets by ripping apart some piece of paper. Then I’d hand them out and let them give them back to me before I put on my ‘Hits For Kids’ CD on my silver shiny stereo and started improvising some dance choreography and sing along to either Britney or Christina Aguilera, not understanding a word of what they said. It was the dream of the pop star that got me here. I've just followed that gut feeling and kept creating moments and opportunities for myself to end up in that same spotlight. Now it’s just a bigger crowd and I’m singing my own songs.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
There’s this UK producer/DJ called Duskus that I listen to a lot, his sound is so fresh and chill but you still wanna bang your head to it. And I’m really inspired by Starrah atm, this songwriter/artist from America. I’m a huge fan of her songwriting, you can tell she’s having fun with her music. She’s got this ‘never ending mixtape’ on her Instagram where she posts loads of unreleased tracks, and they’re all sick. She’s sort of keeping it lowkey by not keeping it lowkey, if that makes sense, haha.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
I try to make music that I know I’d love to perform live. So if I can’t see that in front of me while listening back to an idea I’ve started, I just start from scratch. Writing with people who have similar references as me is a plus too, then you sort of speak the same language and can go straight for the gold. And of course, having good people around me where we can vibe off each others energy. Open minded people who love what they do basically. I can’t deal with bitterness, I try to keep those people far away from me.
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Q:Any social issues you have been paying extra attention to lately?
The homeless situation in Sweden is getting worse, and that is something I’ve paid attention to now when all the Christmas celebrations have started. I’m going back to Sweden for Christmas, and get to celebrate in a warm and safe house with my family, grandma, grandpa, cousins, etc. But where do all the homeless people go? I talked to my mom last week about wanting to do something to help, that we should reach out to an organization who organizes soup kitchens for the homeless. She got really excited and told me she’d do some research on what we can do. I was thinking we could make my mom’s famous soup, or just bring all of our clothes we don’t use. Just to make sure it goes straight to the people who need it.
Q:What is the story behind your artist name? It’s actually my surname, just different letters. My real name is Hanna Jäger.
Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid? That I’m so damn stubborn when it comes to certain things, haha. I don’t think that’ll ever change.
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Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
‘I’m gonna say ‘I Don’t Even Know What I’m Saying’ (that’s the title btw lol), and ‘ocean’. They’re a combo of me being naive and quirky and just going with it, and then me writing a huge pop single with clear direction being more business minded. You need both sides to keep it fun. 
Ocean is my first single and I put it out myself. The whole process with that one was so different -I wrote it in my room and then did a writing session with a producer (Simon Lundgren) that I looked up to. At the end of the session I asked him if I could do a recording of a song I had (without chords because I don’t play any instruments). So I just recorded the song to a metronome, and then Simon added all the production when I left. Then we decided to put it out together, and it all happened pretty quick! I like how free and creative that whole process was, so naive. And for me to write lyrics with such depth when I was just 18 is pretty cool now when I think about it: ‘This is the ocean, where the gods are drowning. Devotion, put your coin in the fountain. Strive, thrive, dive, yeah you got it now. This is the ocean where the gods are drowning’. It’s about the music industry and its effects on everyone in it, especially the ones at the top. We put people on such high pedestals that we forget they’re human, literally drowning them with high expectations. I knew what I was getting myself into, knowing that it’s a job and not glitter and fairytales, and prepared myself that I might not find my ultimate form of happiness here. ‘Ocean’ represents that part of me. 
Then we have the opposite part of me in ‘I Don’t Even Know What I’m Saying’ - This was the first time I released a song with a record label. I wrote it with two of Sweden’s most successful pop producers (Avicii, MØ, Selena Gomez, One Direction, etc). I wanted to write about the feeling of working with what I love, and all the aspects of it. That it’s the best feeling in the world when everything is going well, and the worst when it’s not. Like a relationship with my biggest dream, that even though it will hurt as hell sometimes I will always put my music first. In the chorus I’m singing ‘Loving, hating, fucked my makeup crying. Uh-uh, no stopping. Pushing through I’m fading. Breathing, bleeding, freaky life we’re living. I love it, I love it, I don’t even know what I’m saying’. That’s me just giving in to the mess of this industry. I feel lost a lot of the time but that’s when I feel most present, somehow I find my focus in the chaos. And I honestly wouldn't want it any other way.
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Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
My latest release was with this Australian DJ called Hayden James! The track is called ‘Waiting For Nothing’ and was released November 5th. It’s my first dance/edm collaboration so I was pretty nervous! But the reactions have been really good and people seem to love it! I wrote it here in London with a production duo called Punctual, and we didn’t have anyone special in mind when we wrote it so it’s very true to my own sound and type of songwriting. And that’s important to me! So when Hayden did his magic on the track and asked me to stay on the song it all made sense. It’s been a really fun release, I can’t wait to go to Australia and perform it live with him. Youtube: Hayden James l Waiting For Nothing (feat. YAEGER) [Official Music Video] 
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example) 
Well as sad as it sounds, I’m going through a breakup right now, so naturally that’s what I’m writing about at the moment. And when I need a break from that I write about the aftermath - being single in London trying to escape my head = parties, clubs, meeting new people, etc. The classic stuff isn’t it, haha. In general the sound is very electronic, but I do like to combine it with organic sounds like acoustic guitar and live base. It’s both the straightforward pop thing and the ambient/indie/electropop world. I have a playlist I update every month with the tracks I listen most to, so if you have Spotify go save it to your library:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Hzcesf8vRET1E9vXZKaSy?si=ffbdbc2d62364c09
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
I’ve got a single coming out in mid January called ‘See You Dance’ + music video. I shot the video with my two friends on the streets of Stockholm, so if you wanna see what Stockholm is like you’ll love this one. Then I’ve got more tracks prepared to drop during the coming year, and hopefully a couple of collaborations with other artists. Can’t wait to release it all!!! I just started working with a new live agent as well, so once I’m releasing music again I’ll be back on stage performing. It’s been a while so I’m feeling nervous!!! Like, can I still deliver under pressure after being isolated for so long?? Am I able to get a whole club dancing? How did I do it before? But I know those doubts will always be there in the back of my mind and I just need to become friends with those thoughts. I know that I can do it and it’s what I love to do, those doubts will go away the second I’m on a stage again and start singing. And then they’ll come back. Until I’m on stage again. Lol. But that’s life.
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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viandnyl · 3 years
#002-Priya Ragu
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Priya Ragu Singer
Based in Switzerland
Q:When did you start making music?
I have been doing music all my life. I did background singer but I never created my own songs. So, in 2017 I went to New York and wrote my songs in New York. I lived there for 6 months.
Q:Do you think you were influenced by your family to make music?
Yes, definitely. My father when I was 10 years old told me you should sing in my own band. We song Tamil songs not English songs. So, it’s from our own culture. So, he just decided he said OK you’ll be singing, it was not even a question. So, I started singing and that’s how I got into music.
Q.Have you tried other instruments, guitar drum bass?
Yes, I learned the violin when I was 7 years old, for seven years. I was a big fan of vanessa may. She plays the electric violin. And I told my father I want to get the same violin. He bought me the same violin which was very expensive at the time. And a year after that I stopped.
Q:Were you born in Switzerland? Yes, I was born and raised in Switzerland and I got signed with Warner last year in the UK so I am traveling back and forth right now.
Q: Can you describe the city where you live and based? Zurich is like a metropole of Switzerland. I was actually born in Zinkaland. It’s about an hour from Zurich. I moved to Zurich because the music scene is bigger. I was able to connect with other musicians and build up community like that. I also worked for Swiss airlines for the longest time as an accountant and purchase so I lived in Zurich for the past 10years.
Q:Were you recording? No, I was just there for 6 months to see if I could write songs to have time to be creative and write new songs. My brother, Japhna Gold, he is my producer. He also writes songs together with me so it’s a family project.
  Q:How long have you made music with your brother? Since 2017.
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Q:What kind of music is being popular right now where you’re based?
In Switzerland, I would say more Swiss German music. So, it’s basically Swiss German language but it can be hip-hop or pop music. It’s mostly pop music that is popular in Switzerland but electronic music is also popular. Traditional music is also popular but R&B and Soul is small among listeners.
Q:Is R&B famous in Switzerland?
Yes, it is famous but it is mostly from the UK or America. Not by Swiss artists.
Q:What kind of music are you creating now?
I call it “Ragu-Ravy”(or Ragu-rave). I created my own genre because there is little bit of everything from hip-hop to R&B, folk, Jazz. Sometimes its hard to define it so I just call it Ragu-ravy so it’s easier. It’s a particular sound.
Q:What do you mean by particular sound?
I want to create music that when you hear it, you know that its s Priya Ragu. Like my own kind.
Q:Where do you get your inspiration from?
It’s hard to say where inspirations come from.  Mostly its things that you experience in real life, and watching documentaries. For example, ‘Kamali’ was inspired by a short film we watched. So, it’s different.  
Q:By experience, does that include relationship with family and friends or seeing nature?
Yes, also getting to know yourself, like who you are and where you’re from. Everything that I’ve gone through in life is an inspiration.
Q:Do you have any mentor? And why she or he is your mentor?
Yes, my brother is my mentor. He’s 4years older than me. He is my mentor because he’s been doing music for a very long time. I always had a secure job and income and he was always like ‘music is everything’ ‘this is what I’m going to do, and I know.’ So, he was very confident and never gave up. That is also when I started to believing in trying my own thing with him. So, everting I have doubt or feel insecure or feel a blockage or something, I go to him and talk about it.
Q:Do you have a lot of discussion with him when you make your music? Maybe fighting?
No there is no competition because we want the same thing. At the beginning it was difficult because he had different ideas and I had different ideas so we were arguing when we did the first song. It was “Leaf high”, the mixed tape. And then we did the second song light house and from there it was always easy to make music together.
Q:Any music genres that you are really into right now?
I like Snoh Aalegra, Cleo Sol, Anderson Paak, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye west.
Q:How/what equipment/gadgets do you use to listen to music? (earphone, headphone etc.)
What I usually do is, I wake up in the morning and meditate for 20minutes and then go out to the park listen to music and go for a walk. That’s my favorite thing to do, listen to music and also podcasts.
Q:What kind of podcast are you into?
My favorite one is “Hip Hop Saved My Life“ with Romesh Ranganathan. It talks about how artists got into hip-hop. It’s funny and also informative.
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Q:Do you have any social issues that you pay attention to recently? And why?
What’s happening in Afghanistan, with the refugees I am following that. Also, what’s happening in Shiri Lanka with the Tamil people, they’re still getting oppressed. So, there are several things I am following. I also use my platform to talk about it.
Q:Do you have any forthcoming release of music?
The mix tape is coming out this Friday. Its ten songs and I’m excited about it and we are playing the songs live for the first time in the brix academy show. So, we are rehearsing with my bands so we are excited.
Q:When did you start making the album?
It started when I went to New York. I slowly slowy started write these songs, with my brother. So, all the songs on the mixed tape are produced by and written by us two. And there is one song the last song, which my parents wrote. It’s a family project.  
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. 
*All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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viandnyl · 3 years
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2018年『SHOW ME THE MONEY 777』で頭角を表し、2019年には興隆を極める韓国ヒップホップシーンにおいて、重要なポジションに位置するレーベルHi-Lite Recordsの初の女性ラッパーとして電撃所属。当時まだ未成年だったこともあり、センセーショナルなデビューとなった。エッジーなトラックをゆうゆう乗りこなす、攻撃的なライミングが刺激的。
ーあなたが住んでいるところは? 今はソウルに住んでいます。私が好きな日本の作家の吉本ばななさんが、ソウルを例えた時に「ソウルは命が目の前にあるようだ」とおっしゃってましたが、その言葉にすごく共感できます。生命と活気を強く感じる都市だと思います。
ー最近あなたの周りではどんな音楽がトレンドですか? ヒップホップをベースとした曲が流行るようになってから結構経ちますね。K-POPもヒップホップビートを使用することが増えたと思います。
ー音楽を始めたきっかけは? 音楽自体への興味はすごく幼い頃からありました。両親の影響でクラシック・ロックに子供の頃から触れていて、13歳頃まではロックシンガーになるのが夢だったんですけど、ある日YMCMB(Young Money Entertainment)を通じてヒップホップを知り、ヒップホップの曲を作りたい! という夢を持つようになりました。
ー今はどんな音楽を作っていますか? 現在アルバムを準備中です。自分自身についての正直な話をすることができるアルバムになるように努力していて、サウンド的にも色んな挑戦をしています。
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ー最近の若い世代の中には、したいことに“挑戦する”より安定的な職業を選択する人も多いですが、Swervyさんが音楽に挑戦し続けられているのには何か特別な理由がありますか? 私にとって音楽は、むしろ安定的な仕事に近い気がします。収入面では必ずしも一定とは言えないですが、私にとっては15歳の頃からやってきたことが現在の職業になっただけなので、この仕事が他の仕事よりもっと馴染みがあり安定的に感じられます。そんな感じなので、音楽以外だと、最近は数学の勉強に挑戦してみたいです(笑)
ー韓国の社会特性上、有名大学を出て有名企業に就職する道を目標とする人も多いかと思いますが、音楽の道に進む時、両親や周りの人たちからの反対はなかったですか? 母も父もみんな音楽が大好きなので、私が音楽を好きで趣味として楽しむ分には一切反対されなかったのですが、ヒップホップをやるために学校を退学して高卒認定を受けたいと最初に伝えた時には、韓国ドラマの1シーンのように水をかけられました(笑) ですが、今は母が私の歌の主人公になれたことが一番幸せなことだと言ってくださったり、父の着信音や待受画面など全てが、私の写真と歌になってるくらい2人とも私を応援してくださっています。
ー今後音楽以外にも挑戦してみたいことがあるとすれば何ですか? さっき言ったように数学の勉強かな……。なんか小さい頃から数学が上手なイメージを持たれたい! て思っていたので、それは一度叶えてみたいです。最近は写真とデザインをしているので、そのシーンの人たちとも交流して視野を広げてみたいですね。
ー影響を受けた作品は? 15歳頃に見た『KIDS』(1995年作)に出てきたChloe Sevignyに大きな衝撃を受けました。あとPatti Smithからは毎日インスピレーションを受けてます。彼女は私のミューズです!
ー制作のインスピレーション源は? 状況や感情からくることが多い気がします。好きなアーティストを見て何か思い浮かぶこともありますし、好きなデザイナーのランウェイを見ながら思い浮かぶこともある。(NUMBER (N)INE)の2005年S/S ランウェイを見て曲を作ったこともあります。
ーあなたにとってのメンターは? 私のメンターは母です。強く、厳しいときもありますが優しい面も持っていて、母にのようになりたいと思ってます。
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ー気になっている社会問題は? 最近は環境について調べています。地球が人類に少しずつやめろと信号を出しているので、私も友人たちと一緒に、地球を汚染しないような生活を心掛けていけたらと思っています。
ー幼い頃から変わらない自分の性格は? 創作するのが好きなこと! あと良くも悪くも感情豊かです。
ー注目しているファッションブランドはありますか? 私はきっと生涯TAKAHIROMIYASHITAファンでいると思います。彼が運営してた時の(NUMBER (N)INE)も、現在のthe soloistもとても好きです。
ー今気になっている音楽ジャンルは? 最近はEDMを制作しているからなのか、EDMというジャンルをとことん追求したいです。
ー音楽はどんなガジェットで聴いていますか? Focalのスピーカーが好きです。ヘッドホンはSennheiser HD 600を使っていて普段外に出るときなどはAirPodsを使用しています。
ー今後の活動・リリース予定を教えてください。 現在アルバムを急いで制作していますが、来年秋前には皆さんにお見せできればと思っています。
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0 notes
viandnyl · 3 years
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Mereba Singer
Based in LA
Genre:Alternative R&B/Folk-Soul
Q:How did you first start doing music? (For example: what made you fall in love with music, how did you start working with music)
I fell in love with music before I can remember. My parents noticed my love for music early and my Mom would play me her favorite records like Stevie Wonder and Whitney Houston. It was a since-birth kind of love that grew into my career bit by bit.
Q:What is the story behind your artist name?
Mereba is my paternal grandfather's name.
Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
Yes! I'm a Mama to the most incredible baby boy.
Q:Which of your songs do you recommend the most? (a song that represents you as an artist) and please explain the reason why you chose it.
I don't really have a song that represents me most, because I make a wide range of music and each song is like a piece of a larger puzzle. But I do think my song "Stay Tru" is one that feels like a great representation of me as an artist. It just makes me feel at home inside of myself when I listen to it, like I conveyed a lot of different parts of me and my style of sound in those 3 minutes.
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Q:What is something about you that hasn't changed since you were a kid?
My curiosity, love for people and nature, and my passion for self-expression. Also living in imaginary worlds in my head.
Q:If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would that be?
TRUST. YOUR. GUT. It will save you so much time and heartache. God is ins that feeling in your stomach telling you if something feels right or wrong. Your gut is there to help you, and anytime you don't listen, you'll regret it.
Q:What is a word you like?
"Nuance."  It's one of my favorite words, the sound and the meaning. The art of not being too obvious, leaving room for imagination and mystery.
Q:What do you do to relieve frustration or stress?
Firstly I don't let much stress me out to begin with. I feel like that's key. Care enough, but not too much about the things that don't matter most to you. I tend to go with the flow of life and trust in God to guide me.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
Cleo Sol & Tems
Q: In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
I start most of my songs at home, in ableton, producing and writing the demos myself. It starts very personal, very quietly. Then I finish them in the studio with my friends. It has to be a fun environment once I get to the studio, opposite energy from at home. It's just open, loud, and allowing everyone to add their special magic to the music.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
I released an EP called AZEB in May. It was a project I mostly wrote in quarantine... and it touches on all of the emotions I was experiencing throughout. Falling in love while the world is at war with itself, taking time to myself to grow, and finding the light in the darkness that was 2020.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now? (For example; a current source of inspiration, a certain sound you are into, or some other specific example)
Right now I'm more into writing poetry again. Whenever melodies aren't coming to me as much, I go back to the root of writing how I feel through poetry. I just wrote one about fog. It's been really foggy in LA. I tend to think in metaphors and driving through the fog reminded me of many chapters of my life, where I couldn't really see ahead of me except for brief moments of clarity that reminded me that I was still on the path meant for me.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
Having fun! Being honest. And making something that excites me in the process.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
I'm finally getting back on the road again in 2022. It's been such a long time, and so much has changed in my life in the meantime, so it should be interesting. I'm balancing preparing for tour and being a new mom, singing my son songs to pass the time.
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*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #002, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. *All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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