#VII: my forever (sfw version)
uselesssomebody · 2 years
𝕍𝕀𝕀: 𝕞𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 (sfw version) (high school sweethearts | eddie munson x reader)
complete masterlist | stranger things masterlist | eddie munson masterlist
words || 𝟜𝕜
summary || in which dustin helps the reader rethink her relationship with eddie
series masterlist || high school sweethearts 
a/n || part seven, i'll let it speak for itself ➵ while this is the sfw version, if you are interested in an nsfw version, you can find it here (keep in mind you must be over 18, and heed the content warnings) ➵ thank you to the anon who betad this for me! ➵ part of miniseries; check the masterlist ^! ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
taglist || @natashaashleymarvelromanoff @hamartohierophobia @alinepichi @hqtetsurou @aedicn @vampfvngz @joequinn94 @lidsmcgee @preciousbabypeter @spencestyles @1800-fight-me @greetings-and-salutations @bellevsoares (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, comment or p.m. me!)
warnings || smidge of angst/fluff ➵ abuse of parental power (?)
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she’s not really sure where to go. she looks over her options, wondering if the best place to go knocking would be family video, robin’s place, or any other public building. she’s not really sure what she’s meant to do now—the net of security (only in the legal sense) that her parents provided her something she could not fully understand the importance of. 
she didn’t want to explain her situation to someone like robin, or steve—knowing that, although she loved them, she wasn’t exactly sure they’d understand. 
she found herself walking a little aimlessly, and she’d followed the road to another neighborhood. it was familiar—of course it was—and, without a concrete reason as to why she was doing so, she walked up the steps to the henderson’s house. she hesitates to knock, but a reason to falls into her lap when she sees tews trying to stumble onto the road. as much as she loved the furry thing, it always had been a little bit of an idiot when it came to situational awareness. although the road’s empty, she wastes no time in scooping the furball into her arms, uncaring of the hair it was shedding all over her dress.
balancing the cat in one hand—a struggle, as it was a little heavy—she used the other to knock on the door. after a moment, it opens to the inquisitive face of mrs. henderson, obviously curious as to who was knocking at her door. recognizing her, the older woman smiles widely, before noticing tews in her lap.
“oh! thank you! where’d you go, tews? what’ve you been up to?” she scoops the cat out of her arms, rubbing its nose as she asked it the questions, with tews’ face betraying a semblance of understanding and light noise emitting from it, as if it wanted to respond. setting it down, mrs. henderson brushes her clothes, before stepping aside and nudging her inside. she’s grateful for the gesture, and, as she places her things away, the older woman is quick to produce a slice of key-lime pie, “sorry, honey, dusty’s not home right now.” she takes the pie with a small thanks, taking a bite. it’s fantastic—as it always is, but she’s quick to shake her head.
“no—um, i mean, i’m not really here to speak to dustin.” mrs. henderson’s smile drops just a little, betraying her confusion, and she clears her throat, avoiding looking at her, “um—do you mind if i speak to you?”
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it’d been easier than she thought—detailing her plight over the last few months. she’d never really seen mrs. henderson so somber, pressing a hand over hers as she observantly listened to her story. 
it depressed the mother beyond belief—unable to comprehend parenting a child that you didn’t love with all your heart. she imagined if her son had ever been in the young girl’s position, and it made her shiver. the woman glanced back at the bag she was carrying, knowing the question on the tip of her tongue that the girl was just too worried to ask. 
having already burdened so much onto mrs. henderson, she finds herself unable ask the woman to carry her woes any farther. it had been a stupid idea, seeing if she could live with the hendersons until she figured everything out, but she was still grateful that she had come, finding it extremely therapeutic to bare her thoughts so blatantly. she looked at the floor as she finished her story, unsure of how mrs. henderson would feel with the impromptu trama-dumping.
the older woman shifted in her seat, moving forward and lightly placing her arms around her. she smelled strongly of the key-lime pie that she baked, and she felt warm and soft—safe and homely. she sinks into her hug, unable to stop the gush of small tears from the corners of her eyes. as mrs. henderson pulls away, she finds a deep sadness encase her at seeing the young girl’s reaction to such a simple expression of love. she smiled kindly, lightly patting at her cheeks to wipe away her tears. 
“stay with us if you need to, honey.” she’s earnest, her tone making it seem almost as though it were a request, as she gestured to the bags that the young girl was carrying.
she’s shocked by mrs. henderson’s forwardness, and—almost instinctively—shakes her head.
“no—no, you’ve already done so much. it wouldn’t be fair for you or dustin—” she’s cut off by a dismissive wave from the older woman, a small smile present on her lips.
“oh, hon, dustin talks about you all the time whenever you tutor him. he adores you, tews adores you, and i adore you—none of us mind.” she swallows deeply, still a little unsure. though, remembering the warmth of her hug, she realizes she’d want nothing more. 
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dustin was—as she already knew—shockingly mature for his age, immediately understanding and embracing their situation after he’d come home from hanging out with steve and robin. he was quick to show her the ropes of the house—warning her of the sink only spewing hot water until noon, and the tendency of the refrigerator to leak occasionally. she’d been as big of a help as she could be, flitting between tending to tews—a shockingly needy cat—helping mrs. henderson around the house, or helping dustin with his homework. 
Dustin, the sweetheart, had offered his room to her on multiple occasions, but she’d been quick to shut down that idea quickly, absolutely against him giving up any more for her. in turn, she made him promise not to say anything about where she was and what was going on to anyone. well, truly, it was only eddie who she didn’t want to deal with, but she knew that telling any of the others would simply lead to the information getting back to him. dustin had contested the request, immediately warning her of his inability to lie effectively. she smiled at him, finding the quality endearing, before she simply told him to try. begrudgingly, he agreed. 
she’d phoned into the school’s receptionist, letting them know that she’d come down with something serious, and that her attendance would not be recorded for the next few days. she wasn’t ready to go back, as she knew that the added stress would do nothing but hurt her.
that monday afternoon, dustin came back home with a supremely worried robin at his heels, and she looks at the blonde and brunet, appalled at the fact that he truly couldn’t lie.
“you told her?”
“she interrogated me!” dustin looked every bit as upset as her that the information had slipped, but robin’s moving too fast, walking up to her with concern plastered on her face.
“you okay?” robin asks it in a quiet voice, and her annoyance softens at her friend’s worry. she nods, letting her know she was okay. the blonde pulled her into a hug, hoping it could provide her some semblance of comfort.
“don’t tell eddie.” she whispered, and robin looked at her with wide eyes. 
“did you guys?” she’s shocked—she remembered that the pair had been acting stand-offish, but she couldn’t fathom the possibility of it becoming something serious. as a response, she just nods, swallowing thickly to stop the memories from that night overwhelming her. dustin eases robin aside, worried by his friend’s expression.
“is everything okay?” she’d conveniently missed that part of the story, and she signaled for robin not to mention it behind dustin’s back.
“i-i’m fine dustin.” she gives him a unconvincing smile.
“oh.” he tries not to make his confusion evident, not wanting her to feel more stressed. robin’s quick to change the subject, diverting her attention to the homework from that day that the blonde had been kind enough to pick up for her.
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it had become routine over the past week—dustin going off to school, her spending the day doing schoolwork or helping around the house, before dustin would come back with her homework or with robin in tow, her maintaining their company until robin would leave for a shift. 
thus, when someone was knocking in the middle of the morning on that friday, she’s quite shocked, yelling to mrs. henderson that she was going to open it.
she’s greeted by the shiny badge of a mustached deputy, a cigarette hanging from his lip. immediately, he said her name, and she looked at him quizzically.
“yes, that’s me. can i help you?” he sighed deeply, obviously unhappy with his job, before he flicked the cigarette, stomping it out with his food.
“your parents have filed a missing persons’ case.” she’s aghast by the revelation—unbelieving in the idea of her parents going to the police over a decision she’d made, while also not very shocked.
“i—uhm, i’m right here, sir.” he gives her a weak smile—one that says of course you are. 
“alright, then should this be registered as a runaway case instead?” he’d seen it often—parents filing missing persons’ cases when, really, their child had run away. it was a waste of time to return them to their parents as many of them would just try over and over again. though, considering the legal inability for the minors to live alone, it was a necessary evil.
“i’m not a runaway. i’ve moved out.” she says it with a strong tone, enjoying the heaviness of it, “sir, i’m 18. i have the right to leave my parents’ house.” upon that revelation, the officer scoffs, turning on his heel and walking away faster than she could say goodbye. 
“alright, have a nice life!” it’s so nonchalant, but so earnest, that it makes her laugh, waving him off with a loud i will!
mrs. henderson, who had been tending to tews’ bed, had finally come in, wondering what had happened. 
“nothing important, no need to worry.” it’s vague, but mrs. henderson smiles, taking it at face value, before inquiring if she could check on the mutton stew that the woman was making. 
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with every passing day, dustin was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her situation a secret. after an unfortunate situation on wednesday, eddie had been practically non-stop hounding the freshman with questions.
it had started when mike had innocently asked where she’d been for the past few days.
“oh, she’s just not feeling well.” dustin lets it slip, happy he was sticking to the story she gave him, before eddie had inquired how exactly the freshman knew that, “oh—uh, i had to drop off some books for her.” it was a nice save—you’re on a roll, henderson—and everyone else slips back into normal conversation. eddie’s eyes narrowed, fixated on dustin. 
later, when dustin had requested a ride to the family video from the senior, the topic came back up.
“i swung by her place the other day. i’m pretty sure that she’s not there.” he hadn’t really walked in, knowing her father might actually shoot him should he try to, but that doesn’t stop him from recognizing the general silence in the house. her father was probably at work, her mother was out running an errand yet, still, her sick, bed-ridden self was nowhere to be noticed. 
dustin clams up, fully unsure how to answer that.
“i’m—uh, i’m not sure. she told me she’s been going on walks recently, so maybe that’s why she wasn’t home. you know how healthy walks are? they can make—” eddie drowned out the freshman’s words, but duly noted the action as dustin nervously rambled about the health benefits of walks. by this point, eddie knew that his good friend had a terrible tendency to ramble whenever he lied, so he was instead focused on a much more pertinent question. 
why did he lie?
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dustin, after that atrocious performance, had made it home later that evening and made a beeline to her. 
“will you please tell eddie what’s going on? he’s started guessing and it’s getting really hard to lie to him.” she’d been reading a book when he’d greeted her with the barrage of words, and she looks up at, lightly shocked.
“eddie—he’s starting to catch on that you’re not at home, and that you’re not sick.” she swallows thickly. 
“dustin, i-i’m not ready for something like that. i—uhm, i just can’t tell him.” she’s not sure how to defend herself without simply telling dustin. 
“oh, come on. you two did everything together—the guy put you over hellfire! our last campaign was painfully short and, honestly, really shit, but none of us had the heart to complain, because we knew that eddie was too focused on you!” she blinks in surprise, having never heard about something like this from the others. hellfire was eddie’s life, his utmost priority, and she can’t fathom a thing that dustin’s saying, “i’ve—look, i’ve known eddie for a while, and i’ve never seen him care about anything like i’ve seen him care about you. you shouldn’t be worried about what he’ll think—all he wants is to make sure you’re alright.” she doesn’t respond, and dustin, unsure of what else to say, smiles reassuringly at her. giving her her space, he mumbles about finishing latin homework, leaving for his room.
her eyes drift back to her book, but she’s not really reading any of it. instead, she’s thinking over dustin’s words, contemplating his plea, and imagining its outcome. it festers in her reaching a resolve, knowing that what had happened between the both of them that night needed to be fully ironed out. if that meant revisiting those horrid feelings again, she figured she’d simply have to make that sacrifice. 
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it’s evening by the time she leaves the henderson residence. she’s told mrs. henderson she’s going to see a friend, and dustin had accompanied her out, on his way to meet up with lucas. they don’t speak much, but they don’t have to—dustin knows what she’s going to do. 
she’s donning just a sweater to keep her warm—along with her crippling worry, making her sweat paradoxically in the cold weather. the sunlight and heat had really started coming out in the mornings, but the evenings and nights remained winter-y in nature. 
the bus drops her off just a few minutes from the trailer park, and she’s reminded of leaving his house that night by the dim streetlights on the road. it makes her throat dry. 
at least his van’s out front, and she hopes mr. munson isn’t home, worrying that his presence would make this more awkward than she was already sure it would be. 
she raps lightly on the door, still hesitant—even when committing to the action. god, she’s worried, but she’d already come this far, right?
when he opens it, she can see the crush in his spirit, marked by the eyebags under his eyes and his more-matted-than-usual hair. for a moment, he looks at her through tired, half-lidded eyes. he’s not sure if what he’s seeing is real, taking a moment to process it.  
then, without a second thought, he’s scooping her into his arms. he presses her as closely to him as possible without actually passing through her, relishing in being able to feel her against him again. 
“princess—what happened? are you alright? god, i’m so sorry, i should have never said anything—i should have never acted like that—” his apologies are drowned out by the sound of her thudding heart, as her eyes prickle in the knowledge that he—just as dustin had said—truly still cared for her. upon feeling her tears against his chest, the liquid evident on the material of his shirt, he immediately looks at her, dismay evident in his doe eyes, “no, god, princess, please don’t cry—i can’t see you cry—” 
the overwhelming emotion makes her stammer through her words, and he lightly runs a hand through her hair as she tries to tell him something she should have weeks ago.
“i-i, eddie—i’m in love with you.” her tears are still streaming a little, and she looks at him with glossy, wet eyes. he’s taken aback, and searches her face for even the slightest hint of uncertainty. he doesn’t find any. taking his silence to mean the worst, she turns away, unable to bear his impending rejection, chastising herself for her stupidity, her arrogance, her impulse—
“i love you, too,” he pauses, sighing deeply as she turns back to him in shock, “i have since—uhm, since you kissed me.” the memory made her tear-stricken face crack into a smile, and he smiles along with her. she clutches at the back of his neck, pulling him in until their foreheads were touching.
“why—” she doesn’t want to revisit the night of their fight, but she can’t help but feel severely confused by his change of heart, “why didn’t you tell me that day?” he sighed, his breath fanning over her face. it made goosebumps flit over her arms.
“and don’t say that i won’t understand.” he smiles, but it’s almost pained. 
“i didn’t think that i deserved you.” his voice is so quiet, it’s like he’d hoped she wouldn’t hear him. immediately, her confusion plasters on her face, pulling away in order to properly see his. 
“deserve me?” her voice was incredulous, unable to believe what she was hearing. eddie removes his arms from her waist, letting them flop rather defeatedly to his sides. 
“come on, princess. you know that this isn’t the life you’re meant to have.” he gestured to the walls of the room—the room she’d grown to love and consider a home, “you deserve someone who can give you the world.” and i can’t. it’s the unspoken truth he’d never failed to convince himself of, unable to look at her in the worry that her face was pitiful, or worse, contorted in realization. he felt her hands detach from his neck, and his breath stops—truly believing the latter was true, and that she was now realizing she shouldn’t have come back to him. 
instead, though, he feels her grasp at his hands, bringing them up to rest on her hips once more. as her touched her, he looked down at her, seeing the soft smile on her face. 
“eddie—you already have.” she means it. the books he’d introduced her to, the friends that he’d helped her make, the things he’d taught her—they were all her world. knowing him so innately: his hobbies, his personality, his touch was her world. he looked unconvinced, shaking his head. 
“i ran away from my parents,” she interrupts him. it takes him a moment to process it, before his mouth hangs open in shock. there’s a joy in his eyes that she can’t miss, though, “and if i’d never met you, i’d still be stuck in that fucking hellhole.” his face hardens a little, not wanting to play into this when he knew it was still fruitless, “ed, please. you think i deserve you? you think i deserve your passion, your intelligence—your love?” he blinks at her.
“i don’t—”
“people love you, ed. i love you—and i didn’t deserve yours, but you still gave it to me.” he goes to protest for the umpteenth time, so she stopped him, leaning up to catch his lips with hers. 
he can feel the dampness of her cheeks pressing against his. he doesn’t notice, though, far too enamored by the feel of her soft lips, the desperation in their actions and the need to fix every single mistake he made with that one kiss. his hands wrap around her waist, pulling her into him as closely as he can, and she cradles his neck in her hands.
she tastes like the saltiness of her cheeks, but also like homemade apple pie and just the lightest hint of a minty toothpaste. the taste of cigarettes is unmissable on his tongue, but she likes it a lot more than she probably should have, finding it almost addictive. maybe that was just him, though.
even when their lips finally separate, he can’t find it in himself to move away, nor can she fathom being any farther from him. that was the sense in which, she supposed, he was addictive—finding the withdrawal of him leaving her empty and without true joy. 
with him back in her arms, it had reignited. 
“i’m so, so sorry, princess. i never should have shouted at you, i never should have let you leave.” the whisper tickles her skin, and she smiles softly. 
“you got your—your second chance, munson.” she says it cheekily, hiccuping mid-way through the sentence—and it makes him smile. she’s right, and the realization of the concept sparks him with a new thought.
he wasn’t letting her go anytime soon. 
“i love you.” it’s a whisper into her mouth, and he can feel her grin against him. 
“i need you.” she whispers back, and it makes every molecule of his brain reminding him that he didn’t deserve her, that she was better than him, that he ruined her life halt simultaneously, quelled by her admission. 
she needed him. and maybe, he thought, he was good enough to deserve her. 
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it’s the next morning, and he’s up early. ‘never early for anything, eh?’ it makes him smile, remembering the first time she’d approached him at the clearing, with her haughty glares and snobby tongue.
she looked the same—of course, but he couldn’t help realizing how much happier she looked. she had such a beautiful, real smile, and it was a damn shame she’d faked one for so long instead. 
the sunlight streamed in through the window next to them, illuminating her stray hairs and exposed skin. he smiles at her soft features, leaning back as he wondered how exactly he’d been this damn lucky. he never did believe in a god—especially after meeting her—but, if there was one, they’d been kind enough to drop this blessing straight into his lap.
she shifts a little, her eyes blinking open as she catches his loving gaze. she smiles shyly, going to hide her face in her pillow, but he’s quick to maneuver her chin towards him, kissing her softly to wake her up. her smile turned giddy as he lifts off her, and she turns to face him.
“do you always watch people while they sleep, freak?” it’s a joke—an endearing spin on the mocking term. she’s tracing shapes into his chest, averting her gaze.
“if it gets them like this, i can make it an always,” it makes her blush a little, as she glances at the assortment of rings on his bedside table. he’d taken them off per her request—something about the circulation and blood flow. he’d humored her, slipping them off—still so caring, even in her wrecked state last night. she picks up the one with the skull emblem, slipping it onto her ring finger. it doesn’t fit quite right, but, nevertheless, she brandishes it proudly.
“you were right, they do look better on me.” he laughs, pulling her back into the sheets with him. she lets out a noise of shock, before laughing, allowing his frame to engulf hers.
“i’ll get you something similar then… for the real thing.” there’s a smile in his voice, but no humor in his tone. she looks at him, and he’s looking back in earnest—deadly serious.
“if you want it, i’ll do anything.” it’s corny, but he really does mean it. after the joy she’s brought him, he finds it fair to reciprocate it for her. she pulls him into her, appreciating his warmth in spite of the warm spring weather.
“i love you.” she whispers, her breath tickling him. the words feel imprinted into his skin, “i think i always will.” 
she never believed in forevers—she was too short-sighted for it. people sucked too much for her to latch onto it. this time was different, though. he was different
“my forever.” he mused, adoring the way it sounded, “my dream come true.”
it was an early morning for hawkins. the town was still asleep—the wildlife, the buildings, the people.
yet, for two souls in hawkins’ trailer park, that morning was their first time waking up.
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jeonsdear · 6 years
It’s you - (IX)
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↬ Parts:  I , II, III, IV, V , VI, VII, VIII, X, XI
↬ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader (oc: female)
↬ Genre: college!au, noona!reader, soulmate!au, fluff, angst, smut
↬ Rating: sfw
↬ Warnings: salvia (lol)
↬ Accompanying song:  HENRY 헨리 ‘It’s You’ (Live Ver.) (check out the                                    spotify version too!)
↬ Chapter Summary: 
Jungkook couldn’t help but to throw his friends a panicked look and his panic only grew as Yoongi’s face was plastered by a shit-eating grin.
“Y/n! We were just about to play a game in one of the rooms back there. Grab some bottles of beer, will you?“
↬ Notes: Hey! Here’s the 9h part. Hope you enjoy, loves. Also, have you seen the fake love comback stages? I’m shook. Goodbye wow. Also do the roman numbers confuse you or is it okay?  ♡ And please let me know what you think, that’s a great motivation for writing - and I love talking to you.  Likes and especially reblogs are always appreciated ♡     —  Read this part on AO3 if that’s easier for you —  English isn’t my first language so excuse any mistakes  —  I track jeonsdear fanfiction (follow the tag for updates)
↬ Word Count: 3.0 K
When you are not fed love on a silver spoon you learn to lick it off knives.
Starting your senior year at college you promised yourself to make the most of it. But after watching your best friend taking her boyfriend Jungkook for granted and your own soulmate drowning in despair, you find yourself caught in a web of lies and heartbreak. How can you believe in love when the one destined for you doesn’t want you?
read my stories here request imagines, reactions and text messages here find me on archive of our own here
You could feel Jungkook’s glare from across the room. The tall boy leaning against the dark walls of Professor Lee’s office seemed to try burning holes into the side of your head. But you ignored his irritated huffs and instead focused on the insane plan Mr. Lee so enthusiastically rambled on about.
“You are going to dress up nicely. Mingle with the people and Mr. Jeon should use his charms for future connections. Miss y/s/n, you are a senior, everybody is going to expect you to set your foot properly into politics about now anyway.“
“And what about my charm?“
“What charm?“, piped up the annoyed voice from across the room. Your eyes shot daggers at Junkook, already deciding you wouldn’t share your favourite blanket with him tonight.
“Use your charm as well, Miss.“
“With all due respect, Professor. I don’t see how this is going to get us any kind of information about a possible soulmate archive.“
Ever since you had agreed to the old man’s plan, you knew why you were doing it. Essentially to protect Jungkook from his own stupidity. You still thought sneaking your way into politics would be no use.
“And I don’t understand why you involved Y/n in this, Professor.“
Mr. Lee let heaved a long sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose that was decorated with the imprints of his round glasses.
“Because Miss y/s/n is a well-known figure in local politics already. “
“Don’t you think I should be involved when you decide to find out my soulmate’s identity?“
Crossing your arms over your chest you turned your body to Jungkook as he took two steps towards you.
“Besides, who gave you the right to dig into my business?“
Jungkook quite audibly growled at you and a guarded expression took over his face.
“The right of being your best friend. I have to live with your sorry ass every day. And just because you are not questioning the system doesn’t mean I don’t. “
“I didn’t force you to live with my sorry ass. You can move out anytime.“
Jungkook had the audacity to roll his eyes at you before he turned towards the old man who had watched the scene with interest while taking notes.
“She doesn’t even want to find out the truth. I’m sure we can find someone else with…connections.“
You stretched your arm to pinch the skin around his elbow.
“And who is supposed to protect you? You’re most likely going to get yourself evicted because of sticking your stupidly cute nose in business people get killed for.“
You didn’t expect his deep belly laugh and even Mr. Lee had his eyebrows raised at his student when he doubled over from laughing.
“Protecting me? You're a girl.“
The old man shot you an excusing look but you had had enough. You didn’t even fully understand his anger, but arguing with a sexist phrase wasn’t something you were willing to accept.
“Well, this girl is going to make sure you’re not drowning in an unfamiliar environment, and this girl is sleeping on the couch tonight.“
You grabbed the bag hanging over the rest of a very old velvety chair and threw it over your shoulder.
“I have a 5 thousand words essay to write, goodbye Professor Lee.“
The man only held up one of his hands and watched you storm out of his office.
The stupidity of men was visible in every generation, he mused as he watched his male student huff in annoyance.
At first he had tried to keep it a secret from Jungkook. The reason why he had brought you into the team at first didn’t seem too important and easy to disguise. But somewhere along the lines he had realized that his explanation of your presence had too many loopholes. So fearing his true attention with this project might be discovered, ruining all the work he had done so far, he had stuck with the surface truth of his motivations to bring you into the team.
And really, observing the two young people in a natural environment had proven to be extremely beneficial.
So with a small smile he stood up from the chair that was about to wreck his bad back forever, and motioned for Jungkook to leave.
“I know you have an evening class, Jungkook. You should go before you’re too late.“
And with a small bow Jungkook left.
 It was quarter past 1 in the morning when you realized that you didn’t have to sleep on the sofa because Jungkook still hadn’t come home.
While a defeated sigh you shut off your laptop and rubbed your temples. You hadn’t meant what you said about sleeping on the sofa. Not only because you hadn’t had nightmares since sharing a bed with Jungkook, but because you adored falling asleep next to him. It just felt right. And you tried not to dwell on that too much.
But there was still Yeonseo, and as you stood up from the spot on the floor you had sat on you realized that that was where he probably was staying for the night.
You knew the coil in your stomach was jealousy. Not exclusively jealousy, but you had developed a certain kind of possessiveness towards your best friend. You had grown so close that it was only naturally to fear his loss.  And that was the threat his girlfriend embodied.
At least that was what you’ve been telling yourself.
Without thinking about it, you picked up your phone to check whether you had any messages from him.
You didn’t.
For a hot second you thought about calling him but you growled in frustration at your hideousness. You had no right to demand him to be home and you sure as well weren’t a baby who needed their stuffed animal to sleep.
Despite your affirmations you didn’t sleep that night.
 Over the course of the next week a new kind of tension found its peak between you two.
Jungkook’s grunts filled the gym as he worked his already sore back muscles. But the burn in his muscles overshadowed the burn in his heart and the irritation coursing through his veins. Apparently his soulmate was in a similar mood to him, making the fire inside him ten times worse.
So he tried working it out. With heavy weights and sweat coating his entire body. A few days ago he had tried letting some steam off through rough sex, but somehow it had left him even more aggravated.
He was pissed at himself and he didn’t even know why. But he can’t get the hurt in your eyes out of his head when he came home in the morning after a night at his girlfriend’s.
God, he felt dirty. Dirty and frustrated.
So when his hyung’s had suggested going to that terrible frat party, he had jumped on the chance to get you off his mind.
He realized that that was a hopeless wish when he walked into the crowed livingroom full of drunk college students just to spy you sitting on his classmate's lap.
What the hell.
You were dressed in a short skirt paired with knee-high boots and a red blouse. You looked absolutely gorgeous, but that didn’t make that boy’s hands on your thigh acceptable.
Jimin followed Jungkook’s eyes and he grabbed his sleeve to keep him from storming away.
“Let go of me, Hyung.“
“So you can rip her off that dude’s lap? She’s been looking at you with daggers in her eyes the whole week. She’s going to kill you. What the hell have you done?“
Jungkook growled and ripped his arm from his friend’s hold.
He felt Yoongi’s hand on his shoulder and his deep voice filled his ear when he moved his head closer to his.
“You two have been dancing around each other for weeks now. Fuck it out.“
Taehyung sounded absolutely horrified and Jungkook was sure his face showcased the same emotion.
“He isn’t wrong.“, Jimin chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders and caught your eyes from across the room. A smirk played on his lips as he watched you making your way towards him and his friends. Jungkook, oblivious to your approach, rolled his eyes and huffed.
“Don’t even dare think this, Yoongi.“
“Think what?“, your sweet voice peeped up and the boys all turned around.
Jungkook couldn’t help but to throw his friends a panicked look and his panic only grew as Yoongi’s face was plastered by a shit-eating grin.
“Y/n! We were just about to play a game in one of the rooms back there. Grab some bottles of beer, will you?“
You raised your eyebrows at the older boy before throwing Jungkook a questioning look when you saw him squirm.
“Uhm Hyung, what game?“
“The kissing game. Collect some of your friends as well.“
It was almost comically how both your’s and Jungkook’s eyes simultaneously widened in presentiment and Jimin had to keep from laughing when his friend’s hand automatically found yours and suddenly all the anger between you two was forgotten when your eyes met in mutual understanding.
Yoongi apparently picked up on his friend’s intentions as well and before anyone could run away he had you both pushing towards the room he had been talking about earlier.
You struggled against his hold but it was no use – 7 minutes later you were sat in a circle on the floor with Jungkook’s friend and some of yours. The girls were buzzing in the prospect of getting to kiss the boys and especially your friend Sunghee couldn’t keep her eyes off Seokjin. You watched as he winked at her and almost scoffed as she turned bright red. You elbowed him into the side before throwing him a warning glance, but he only smirked.
Jungkook sat across from you and you could feel his eyes on you. You knew exactly how this would end and so did he. So why were his eyes glistening with anticipation?
“What game exactly are we playing?“, one of the girls piped up while handing around the bottles of beer. You wrapped your fingers around the cold beverage but otherwise didn’t bother to open it.
“Too hot.“, Yoongi said. “Do you all know the rules?“
He was met with collective head shaking so he started to explain: “We will let a bottle decide the couples. This couple has to kiss without stopping or touching each other. The one who touches the other first, loses. The winner?“, he smirked before continuing, “gets to do whatever he wants to the loser and get’s to exit the game. If not, the winner gets to play against the other winners. Resulting in one person winning.“
Yoongi made sure everyone understood the rules before he chuckled mischievously and added “Make it as steamy as possible. This is about being the best kisser in this group.“
“Fuck, I hope I get Jungkook. I’ve heard he’s fun to kiss.“, a girl whispered and another one giggled.
“I might lose willingly if that means I can touch those abs.“
Your low growl shut them up and you were busy killing Yoongi in your imagination. You were positive you were about to win this game, knowing there wasn’t a single guy you’d really enjoy kissing beside Jungkook. And the universe couldn’t possibly be that cruel, right?
But then again, one of these girls would get to kiss him and the thought alone made you angry.
“But some of us aren’t single.“, you randomly threw into the conversation and all eyes laid on you as you were being a party bummer.
“She won’t mind.“, Jungkook’s voice cut in and his eyes were challenging when you frowned at him.
You really, really didn’t want him kissing anyone but you.
“Alright then let’s get started!“
Yoongi laid a bottle in the circle and looked up. “Let’s see who the first players are.“
 The bottle took four spins to land on you.
Your eyes were trained on the spinning bottle and the only noise came from Jimin who was distinctively murmuring Jungkook’s name. In the corner of your eyes you saw Yoongi leaning forward in anticipation and suddenly the room erupted in yells and laughter.
The universe, in fact, was cruel.
You didn’t even have to look up to know the bottle had landed on Jungkook but when you did, his eyes were widened in shock. Yoongi silenced the room as he smirked at you two before motioning to get it on.
“Are you gonna go through with it, Jungkookie?“
Taehyung’s words ripped him out of his thoughts and a certain kind of want took over his mind and body. Here was the truth: He wanted to kiss you. God, he had been dreaming about it for a while now. But when would he ever be able to get a taste without any consequences? This game was perfect to explore forbidden waters and he was planning on winning this one. He was damned if he didn’t manage to make you want him for once. But when he searched your eyes in consent he noticed the longing in them and his eyes dropped down to where you bit your lip.
“If y/n is okay with it.“, he said with a voice dropping lower in excitement.
You only nodded slowly before clearing your throat and sitting up upright, faking confidence.
“Sure.“, you said nonchalantly, but your emotions were running havoc. While you were dreading kissing Jungkook you were also longing to kiss him. And if his eyes were anything to go by, so did he.
You both looked around before shuffling towards each other while the others moved backwards to give you enough space.
You gulped as you felt Jungkook’s hand on your thighs pulling you closer to him, a light smile playing on his lips as he noticed how nervous you were. Then he placed his hands on either side of your legs, making sure he wasn’t touching you.
He wet his lips with the tip of his tongue.
“Have fun losing.“
The start of your protest was cut short when he moved his face close to yours and his dark doe eyes starred into yours. He was so close you could count his thick eyelashes and his breath fanned over your slightly opened lips. You gulped as Jungkook’s eyes fluttered shut and then you felt his plush lips brush gently over your own. Your eyes closed at the unfamiliar contact and your whole body shivered at the softness of his lips as he increased the pressure.
Since there was no time limit, Jungkook made sure to savour the moment of feeling your lips against his for the very first time. And he loved it. He loved it way too much. Your shaky breath had him moving again, placing another soft kiss against the swell of your lips before catching your lower lip between his teeth and slightly pulling at it. Then he caressed the abused lip with his tongue and suddenly you sprung into action, biting his lip and whispering his name before forcing his lips apart with your tongue.
The low whine that filled the room was unmistakenly male and both of you tilted your heads to deepen the kiss. What had started off as a careful and testing kiss, turned into a passionate one as your tongues battled for dominance. Your hands twitched at your sides, longing to bury themselves into his soft hair, but you wanted him to lose. You wanted him to moan. Just once you wanted him to moan your name, and not Yeonseo’s.
So you let go of your reservation and you kissed him how you had wanted to for a very long time. It wasn’t just lust but affection. And you wanted to him to feel it. But somewhere in that was also anger and the whole irritation you both had felt for the last week.
Your breaths were ragged and uneven as Jungkook leaned even closer to you. He felt like his head was swimming, he wanted to swallow you, taste you, mould together. A mewl escaped you as you pulled at his bottom lip, struggling with keeping your hands to yourself and your body flooded with heat as you finally heard his high-pitched moan.
Jungkook felt way too hot in his skin and it bordered on torture keeping his hands to himself. He wanted them all over your body. In your hair, on your waist, everywhere.
“Oh fuck.“, he murmured in realization and somewhere someone in the room laughed amused at the pained exclamation.
He didn’t stop kissing you. Even during his breathy moans and whispers, your lips kept on moving together and he could have sworn his heart was about to burst with all these emotions. He felt overwhelmed as if he could feel your emotions as well. He imagined he could feel the goosebumps on your skin as he sucked your tongue into his mouth, taking over the kiss. He didn’t want to stop kissing you, oh no, but he wanted to take this to somewhere else. With fewer eyes prying on you two.
And he was determined to win.
So he put all the dominance he had in his bones into the kiss and could feel you melt into him. And suddenly he felt your fingers in his hair and your body pressed against his and he was about to laugh in triumph when he realized that his hands were already grabbing your waist.
Coming up for air, you two starred at each other, slowly blinking away the daze and realizing that the only one chuckling was Yoongi. Jungkook couldn’t tear his eyes away from yours and just in that moment he realized what you two were doing here. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Neither of you could blame alcohol for the want in your eyes and you knew it. This wasn’t solely physical either, Jungkook realized, as your fingers drifted from his hair sidewards to caress his cheeks. The grip on your waist tightened as he almost purred under your caress, eyes fluttering shut before they bore down into yours once again.
“I guess you both lost.“, Yoongi teased with amusement latched in his voice as the air was pregnant with astonishment.
“No, Hyung, I think both won.“
You have won tons more of complications.
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
high school sweethearts masterlist (eddie munson x reader)
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :
in which the reader wants to teach her controlling parents a lesson. unfortunately, that means teaming up with the one guy that she hates.
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 :
this story follows the main tropes of enemies to lovers and fake relationships. eddie's sorta described as a little more cocky than he is in the show, but cocky (respectful) guys >>>>>.
the reader struggles a little with her religion, and there is criticism of institutional aspects of christianity. i am not personally religious, and am realistically only criticizing the way that religion can be used to demean and hurt marginalized groups; religion in and of itself can be completely peaceful, uplifting and helpful, instead of a means of degradation. if you are uncomfortable with this criticism, this may not be the story for you.
there may be one or two chapters containing smut, those will be explicitly denoted as such. the rest does not contain many mature themes, except for some discussion of drugs/drug dealing. those will be listed in each chapter's individual warnings.
this story is based on lyrics from melanie martinez's high school sweethearts.
as of 29.07.22, this series is incomplete. updates should be somewhat regular. if you wish to join a taglist, send me a p.m. or leave me a comment and i will try to add you to following posts. 
hope you guys enjoy!
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 :
↳ i: the prologue - ♜
summary || in which eddie needs more customers, and the reader wants to piss off her parents
↳ I: ground rules - ♞
summary || in which eddie and the reader set up some ground rules
↳ II: not anymore - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which eddie and the reader start fleshing out their fake relationship, and all the highs and lows that come with it
↳ III: the hideout - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which eddie and the reader start having to face the issues that came with a fake relationship
↳ IV: ground rules (take two) - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which eddie and the reader need to rethink the foundations of their plan
↳ V: i hate you - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which eddie and the reader can't handle the way that their relationship had changed
↳ VI: the cross on her neck - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which the reader's parents give her an ultimatum
↳ VII: my forever (nsfw version) - ♞ / ♜ / ♝
summary || in which dustin helps the reader rethink her relationship with eddie
! this fic is 18+, please do not interact if you are under 18 !
↳ VII: my forever (sfw version) - ♞ / ♜
summary || in which dustin helps the reader rethink her relationship with eddie
474 notes · View notes