sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
it's 4am, I'm WIDE awake, I haven't eaten anything since noon, and I just spent eight hours writing almost 12000 words of the vmhpau
This is why I should not have caffeine
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
Regarding going beyond first year- you could do significant years in their lives, not necessarily going in chronological order (I’m saying this partly bc can you imagine all the angst of years 5 6 and 7 lord jesus) You are an excellent writer!
thats a really good point, though im not sure if i could do it because i am such an insane completist by nature! yeah the eleven year old angst im writing right now doesn’t hold a candle to what the later years would look like. and thank you so much for saying that! most of the time it feels like i suck so a little positive reaffirmation is always appreciated :)
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
“Siblings, two feathers from the same phoenix, a rarity. They’ve been sitting up there for longer than I can remember, unusual combinations them both.” He opens the boxes slowly. “One, holly, ten and a half inches, nice and supple, the other, pine, nine and three-quarter inches, unyielding. So different, yet at their cores, the same.” Scott stands to join her at the counter. His fingers creep forward towards the wand, curious. “Of course, the third…”
I’m assuming this is for the DVD commentary thing i rb’d the other day so THANK YOU SO MUCH :) this is gonna be a lot but im not gonna apologize for it. you picked a hell of a paragraph to send me
Siblings,Rowling calls this ‘brothers’ but obviously i couldn’t use that. hp is surprisingly gendered when you start to break it down two feathers from the same phoenix, a rarity. the whole basis of this fic is their connection (like many others lol) so to have a very literal representation of that was just a gift They’ve been sitting up there for longer than I can remember, unusual combinations them both.” this line of dialogue is paraphrased directly from Philosopher’s Stone if i remember correctly, though the book or the movie i can never tell. i almost didn’t write this scene, originally i was just going to start at the sorting. then when i started thinking about plot things and i realized that they’d need to be in diagon alley, i couldn’t not have them buying wands. i really love wandlore, its such a beautifully subtle way to reflect your characters. He opens the boxes slowly. “One, holly, ten and a half inches, nice and supple, this is essentially Harry’s wand except just a bit shorter (to make it more similar to Tessa’s), i kept it as Scott’s wand because it serves him in much the same way it serves harry. Holly is traditionally considered protective and works well for those who need help overcoming their temper (scott much?) there’s also some stuff about how holly wands favour wizards destined for dangerous quests but maybe spoilers? the other, pine, nine and three-quarter inches, unyielding. i spent a LOT of time fussing over tessa’s wand. mostly because there was so many good options for her. ultimately, i settled on pine because its wizards are often independent and can be seen as loners and because pine encourages creativity and is very adaptable. all of which suits tessa in nature and in plot purposes. she gets ‘unyielding’ for the exact opposite reason scott gets ‘nice and supple’ flexibility is the most vague aspect of wands but here it represents how comfortable they are in their personalities so to speak. Scott may seem outwardly confident in himself but inwardly his nature is still very adaptable in youth, there are several people he could end up being depending on outside influences. Tessa is less like this, she already has a handle on who she is and who she wants to be, not to say she won’t grow but her internal self is already pretty much in place. also it’s a nice contrast to the flexibility of the pine aspect. So different, yet at their cores, the same.” this line is very clearly reflective of vm themselves. their outer layer attributes may be different but they’re both driven by the same forces Scott stands to join her at the counter. His fingers creep forward towards the wand, curious. “Of course, the third…” of course, the third… if you know where im going with this you know where im going with this but if you don’t just enjoy the ride
send me a paragraph of any of my fics and i’ll write a commentary for it!
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
oh my god you’re back with the Harry Potter au!!! I legit gasped when I saw it on my dash, youre so amazing!!
heyyyy! Yes I’m back lol thanks so much 😊😊
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
saw you updated and now I’m YEEPY
Haha I’m glad you’re enjoying it😊
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
37 ??
37.  First sentence of your current WIP
The actual first sentence of the HPAU is posted, so here’s the first (probably) sentence of chapter five :)
All through dinner she ignores his desperate attempts to catch her gaze and he barely manages to pick at his cottage pie.
ask me writing questions!
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
Your update was so good!!! We have been blessed 🎉🎉 also I have a theory about where this is going but like at the same time I don’t think it makes sense?? Anyway I’m so excited and you’re amazing
thank you!! that so incredibly nice of you to say :)
I’m super curious about your theory but at the same time i’m not gonna give anything away so i guess we’ll both just have to wait and see!
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
hey there! i just binge-read your vm Harry Potter au and YES you should absolutely continue it out! (: i, myself, am not super knowledgeable of hp, but i love this story so much!!
pt2. and if you need any additional eyes / hands to help you out with writing, i could offer some help with editing and all that Jazz!
Hi! Thanks so much! I’m so glad people still want that fic around! I’m kinda going it solo re: editing at the minute because I want to get it finished if not out before I move home in 6 weeks and I don’t want to rush and stress at anyone else. Only myself lol. But feel free to come off anon if you wanna chat about it some more!!!
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
I love all the fics you’ve been producing, the recent one is so angsty I love it. I also started reading your Harry Potter AU, and it’s one of the best HP AUs I’ve read for any fandom, it’s so amazing!
thank you!! that’s so nice I’m glad you’re enjoying them :)
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
I’m loving your Harry Potter AU!! So their magic is connected OMG. I wonder how powerful they can be together I AM SO EXCITED
Thank you!! I’m glad you’re enjoying it 😊
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
“and the third...” WHAT DO YOU MEAN AND THE THIRD? There’s another wand ??? eVIL?
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
Ahhhh!! Thank you 😊😊
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