female-malice · 2 years
One hundred and nine Democrats—many of them members of the corporate-friendly New Democrat Coalition—joined with every Republican lawmaker in voting to approve the resolution. Prominent Democrats who voted "yes" include: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), and House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn (S.C.), all of whom played prominent roles in defeating Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vt.) presidential campaigns, which were based on popular democratic socialist policies and principles.
New Dumbass Coalition strikes again
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evoldir · 3 months
Fwd: Graduate position: UVermont.DrosophilaEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UVermont.DrosophilaEvolution > Date: 11 July 2024 at 05:11:05 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > The Nunez Lab invites applications for two PhD student openings (the > starting date would be in the Fall of 2025). The students would contribute > to two active projects in the field of Drosophila population genomics. > > The first project is part of an NSF-funded study seeking to characterize > rapid seasonal evolution in the invasive insect Drosophila suzukii. > > The second project will study the neurological basis of > temperature-dependent feeding phenotypes as a function of the presence > or absence of the seasonal inversion, In(2L)t, in Drosophila melanogaster. > > Both these projects will capitalize on, and make contributions to, > the DEST dataset (https://dest.bio/). > > The complete job ad for these opportunities can be found here: > https://ift.tt/pQft0lr > > cheers > > Jcbn > > > Joaquin C. B. Nunez, Ph.D. (he/him) > Henderson-Harris Fellow & Principal Investigator > Department of Biology > University of Vermont > Marsh Life Sciences, Rm. 337B > 109 Carrigan Drive, > Burlington, VT 05405 > 802-656-8286 (office) > [email protected] > > Nunez Lab Website: https://ift.tt/iwbJcmo > Drosophila Evolution in Space and Time: https://dest.bio > Biological Data Science: https://ift.tt/BUqQ6vE > > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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uicscience · 3 years
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Julia Komarova
UIC awarded $6 million to develop potential COVID-19 treatment
Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago are developing a potential treatment for COVID-19, thanks to a $6 million technology and therapeutic development award from the U.S. Department of Defense.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which can result in severe inflammatory and respiratory complications like acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS. In ARDS, fluid from the bloodstream leaks into the lungs, creating difficulties in breathing and reduced blood oxygen levels. It can also develop into a serious infection, which can cause the body’s immune system to overreact in a cytokine storm, which can further damage lung tissue through out-of-control inflammation.
These complications often require artificial ventilation and are thought to be contributing factors to mortality among patients with COVID-19 — ARDS has a high mortality rate of about 50% and there currently are no treatments for ARDS or the cytokine storm that can result from ARDS.
The new funds are being used to test a drug candidate that has been shown to help restore function to damaged lungs and reduce cytokine levels in animal models of ARDS. Now the drug will be tested in pre-clinical animal models of COVID-19 to determine its efficacy, toxicity, and possible dosages before human trials are considered.
“Our drug candidate, VT-109, can prevent lung damage by tightening the barrier between the bloodstream and the lungs, preventing leakage of fluid into the lungs,” said Yulia Komarova, UIC associate professor in the department of pharmacology and regenerative medicine at the College of Medicine and principal investigator.
Komarova identified VT-109, which is administered as an intravenous treatment, after screening dozens of small molecule drugs for the potential to tighten the endothelial barrier that separates circulating blood from lung tissue. The drug interacts with microtubules, which are structures that regulate the endothelial barrier. VT-109 binds to these microtubules and helps to restore the endothelial barrier, thereby reducing leakiness.
Based on the pre-clinical findings from earlier studies, the researchers hypothesize that VT-109 has the potential to treat pulmonary edema and restore respiratory function in COVID-19 patients, improve oxygenation of the organs, reduce lung and systemic inflammation, and reduce all-cause and hospital mortality due to respiratory complications.
“To date, we have already optimized the therapeutic candidate, developed a clinically relevant formulation suitable for COVID-19 patients with respiratory illness, and collected preliminary safety and ARDS efficacy data in mice and rats. Our new pre-clinical efficacy, toxicology, and pharmacology studies of VT-109 should be sufficient to satisfy the FDA, and we are hopeful this research will culminate in acceptance of an IND application,” Komarova said.  
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Investigational New Drug, or IND, program oversees the process by which all potential drugs and biological products are evaluated for administration to humans in a clinical trial. Komarova estimates it may be three or more years before VT-109’s IND application.
The funding (W81XWH2110639) will also be used to investigate the best processes for development, optimization and scale-up feasibility of VT-109 and manufacturing the drug for future first-in-humans clinical studies. The University of Minnesota will be awarded $500,000 of $6 million to produce VT-109 for use in Komarova’s research and future clinical trials.
Prior research on VT-109 has been supported by awards from the National Institutes of Health, UIC, and the Harrington Discovery Institute, which also recently selected VT-109 for further investment and commercialization support.
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Roll Call Tally on the Expulsion of Preston Brooks, 7/14/1856
After Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane in the Senate chamber, the House voted on whether to expel him from Congress. They failed to reach the two-thirds majority needed. 
Series: General Records, 1791 - 2010
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789 - 2015
July 14. 1856
On LD Campbells 1st Resn from Sel Com
[column one]
|William Aiken...S.C. | 1
1 | Charles J. Albright...Ohio. |
| James C. Allen...Ill. | 2
2| John Allison...Penn. |
3 | Edward Ball...Ohio |
4 | Lucian Barbour...Ind. |
|David Barclay [struck through] |
| William Barksdale...Miss. | 3
| P.H. Bell...Texas. | 4
5 | Henry Bennett...N.Y. |
| Hendley S. Bennett...Miss. | 5
6 | Samuel P. Benson...Me. |
7 | Charles Billinghurst...Wis |
8 | John A. Bingham...Ohio |
9 | James Bishop...N.J. |
10 | Philemon Bliss...Ohio |
| Thomas S. Bocock...Va. | 6
| Thomas F. Bowie...Md. | 7
| William W. Boyce...S.C. | 8
11 | Samuel C. Bradshaw...Penn. |
| Lawrence O'B. Braneh...N.C. | 9
12 | Samuel Brenton...Ind. |
| Preston S. Brooks [struck through]...S.C. |
13 | Jacob Broom...Penn. |
14 | James Buffinton...Mass. |
15 | Anson Burlingame...Mass. |
| Henry C. Burnett...Ky. | 10
| John Cadwalader...Penn. | 11
16 | James H. Campbell...Penn. |
|John P. Campbell [struck through]...Ky. |
17 | Lewis D. Campbell...Ohio |
| John S. Carlile...Va. | 12
| Samuel Caruthers [struck through]...Mo. |
| John S. Caskie...Va. | 13
18 | Calvin C. Chaffee...Mass. |
| Thomas Child, jr [struck through] ...N.Y. |
19 | Bayard Clarke...N.Y. |
20 | Ezra Clark, jr...Conn. |
21 | Isaiah D. Clawson...N.J. |
| Thomas L. Clingman...N.C. | 14
| Howell Cobb...Ga. | 15
| Williamson R.W. Cobb...Ala. | 16
22 | Schuyler Colfax...Ind. |
23 | Linus B. Comins...Mass. |
24 | John Covode...Penn. |
| Leander M. Cox...Ky. | 17
25 | Aaron H. Cragin...N.H. |
| Burton Craige...N.C. | 18
| Martin J. Crawford...Ga. | 19
| Elisha D. Cullen [struck through]...Del. |
26 | William Cumback...Ind. |
27 | William S. Damrell...Mass. |
| Thomas G. Davidson...La. | 20
| H. Winter Davis...Md. | 21
28 | Timothy Davis...Mass. |
29 | Timothy C. Day...Ohio. |
30 | Sidney Dean...Conn. |
| James W. Denver...Cal. | 22
31| Ale["xander" struck through] De Witt...Mass. |
[Column Two]
32 | John Dick...Penn. |
33 | Samuel Dickson...N.Y. |
34 | Edward Dodd...N.Y. |
| James F. Dowdell...Ala. | 23
35 | George G. Dunn...Ind. |
36 | Nathaniel B. Durfee...R.I. |
37 | John R. Edie...Penn. |
| Henry A. Edmundson [struck through] ...Va. | 1
38 | Francis S. Edwards...N.Y. |
| John M. Elliott...Ky. | 24
39 | J Reece Emrie...Ohio. |
| William H. English...Ind. | 25
| Emerson Etheridge...Tenn. | 26
| George Eustis, jr...La. | 27
| Lemuel D. Evans...Texas. | 28
| Charles J. Faulkner...Va. | 29
| Thomas T. Flagler [struck through]...N.Y. |
| Thomas B. Florence...Penn. | 30
| Nathaniel G. Foster...Ga. | - 31
| Henry M. Fuller [struck through] ...Penn. |
| Thomas J. D. Fuller [struck through] ...Me. |
40 | Samuel Galloway...Ohio. |
41 | Joshua R. Giddings...Ohio. |
42 | William A. Gilbert...N.Y. |
| William O. Goode...Va. | 32
43 | Amos P. Granger...N.Y. |
| Alfred B. Greenwood...Ark. | 33
44 | Galusha A. Grow...Penn. |
| Augustus Hall...Iowa. | 34
45 | Robert B. Hall...Mass |
46 | Aaron Harlan...Ohio. |
| J. Morrison Harris...Md. | 35
| Sampson W. Harris...Ala. | 36
| Thomas L. Harris...Ill. | 37
| John Scott Harrison...Ohio. | 38
47 | Solomon G. Haven...N.Y. |
| Philemon T. Herbert...Cal. |
48 | John Hickman...Penn. |
49 | Henry W. Hoffman...Md. |
50 | David P. Holloway...Ind. |
51 | Thomas R. Horton...N.Y. |
52 | Valentine B. Horton...Ohio. |
| George S. Houston...Ala. | 39
53 | William A. Howard...Mich. |
54 | Jonas A. Hughston...N.Y. |
| Joshua H. Jewett...Ky. | 40
| George W. Jones...Tenn. | 41
| J. Glancy Jones...Penn. | 42
| Lawrence M. Keitt...S.C. | 43
| John Kelly...N.Y. | 44
55 | William H. Kelsey...N.Y. |
| Luther M. Kennett...Mo. | 45
| Zedekiah Kidwell...Va. | 46
56 | Rufus H. King...N.Y. |
57 | Chauncey L. Knapp...Mass. |
58 | Jonathan Knight...Penn. |
59 | Ebenezer Knowlton...Me. |
60 | James Knox...Ill. |
61 | John C. Kunkel...Penn. |
[Column Three]
| William A. Lake...Miss. | 47
62 | Benjamin F. Leiter...Ohio. |
| John Letcher...Va. | 48
| James J. Lindley...Mo. | 49
| John H. Lumpkin...Ga. | 50
| Daniel Mace [struck through] ...Ind. |
| Alexander K. Marshall...Ky. | 51
| Humphrey Marshall...Ky. | 52
| Samuel S Marshall...Ill. | 53
63 | Orsamus B. Matteson...N.Y. |
| Augustus E. Maxwell...Fla. | 54
64 | Andrew Z. McCarty...N.Y. |
| Fayette McMullin...Va. | 55
| John McQueen...S.C. | 56
65 | James Meacham...Vt. |
66 | Killian Miller...N.Y. |
| Smith Miller...Ind. | 57
| John S. Millson...Va. | 58
67 | William Millward...Penn. |
68 | Oscar F. Moore...Ohio. |
69 | Edwin B. Morgan...N.Y. |
70 | Justin S. Morrill...Vt. |
71 | Richard Mott...i o |
72 | Ambrose S. Murray...N.Y. |
73 | Matthias H. Nichols...Ohio |
74 | Jesse O. Norton...Ill. |
75 | Andrew Oliver...N.Y. |
| Mordecai Oliver...Mo. | 59
| James L. Orr...S.C. | 60
76 | Asa Packer...Penn. |
| Robert T. Paine [struck through] ...N.C. |
77 | John M. Parker...N.Y. |
78 | John J. Pearce...Penn. |
79 | George W. Peek...Mich. |
80 | Guy R. Pelton...N.Y. |
81 | Alexander C.M. Pennington. N.J. |
82 | John J. Perry...Me. |
83 | John U. Pettit...Ind. |
| John S. Phelps...Mo. | 61
84 | James Pike...N.H. |
| Gilchrist Porter...Mo. | 62
| Paulus Powell...Va. | 63
85 | Benjamin Pringle...N.Y. |
86 | Samuel A. Purviance...Penn. |
| Richard C. Puryear...N.C. | 64
| John A. Quitman...Miss. | 65
| Edwin G. Reade...N.C. | 66
| Charles Ready...Tenn. | 67
| James B. Ricaud...Md. | 68
| William A. Richardson [struck through] ...Ill. |
87 | David Ritchie...Penn. |
| Thomas Rivers...Tenn. | 69
88 | George R. Robbins...N.J. |
89 | Anthony E. Roberts...Penn |
90 | David F. Robison...Penn. |
| Thomas Ruffin...N.C. | 70
| Albert Rust...Ark. | 71
[Column Four]
91 | Alvah Sabin...Vt. |
92 | Russell Sage...N.Y. |
| John M. Sandidge...La. | 72
93 | William R. Sapp...Ohio. |
| John H. Savage...Tenn. | 73
94 | Harvey D. Scott...Ind. |
| James L. Seward...Ga. | 74
95 | John Sherman...Ohio. |
| Eli S Shorter...Ala. | 75
96 | George A. Simmons...N.Y. |
| Samuel A. Smith...Tenn. | 76
| William Smith...Va. | 77
| William R. Smith...Ala. | 78
| William H. Sneed...Tenn. | 79
97 | Francis E. Spinner...N.Y. |
98 | Benjamin Stanton...Ohio. |
| Alexander H. Stephens...Ga. | 80
| James A. Stewart...Md. | 81
99 | James S.T. Stranahan...N.Y. |
| Samuel F. Swope...Ky. | 82
| Albert G. TAlbott...Ky. | 83
100 | Mason W. Tappan...N.H. |
| Miles Taylor...La. | 84
101 | James Thorington...Iowa. |
102 | Benjamin B. Thurston...R.I. |
103 | Lemuel Todd...Penn. |
104 | Mark Trafton...Mass |
| Robert P. Trippe...Ga. | 85
105 | Job R. Tyson...Penn. |
| Warner L. Underwood...Ky. | 86
106 | George Vail...N.J. |
| William W. Valk [struck through] ...N.Y. |
107 | Edward Wade...Ohio. |
108 | Abram Wakeman...N.Y.
109 | David S. Walbridge...Mich. |
110 | Henry Waldron...Mich |
| Percy Walker...Ala. | 87
| Hiram Warner...Ga. | 88
111 | Cadwalader C. Washburne, Wis. |
112 | Ellihu B. Washburne...Ill. |
113 | Israel Washburn, jr...Me. |
| Albert G. Watkins...Tenn. | 89
114 | Cooper K. Watson...Ohio.|
115 | William W. Welch...Conn. |
116 | Daniel Wells, jr...Wis. |
| John Wheeler...N.Y. | 90
117 | Thomas R. Whitney...N.Y. |
118 | John Williams...N.Y. |
| Warren Winslow...N.C. | 91
119 | John M. Wood...Me. |
120 | John Woodruff...Conn. |
121 | James H. Woodworth...Ill. |
| Daniel B. Wright...Miss. | 92
| John V. Wright...Tenn. | 93
| Felix K. Zollicoffer...Tenn. | 94
[end columns]
MAY 21, 1856
NATHANIEL P. BANKS, JR., of Massachusetts, Speaker.
ex [sideways]
Y 121
N 95
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soulmatesabroad · 3 years
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Location Prompts:
We are in need of location prompts for this fic fest! For our fest the fics MUST take place outside of the UK. You do NOT have to be writing for this fest to send in a prompt! The location prompt can simply be a country or city, or it can be a more specific location, as long as it is outside the UK. (For example, you could send in “Mexico” OR “Tokyo, Japan” OR “The Louvre Museum in Paris, France”)
 More info can be found at @soulmatesabroad​! 
AFRICA 1 Alexandria, Egypt 2 Cairo, Egypt - Khan el-Khalili bazaar 3 Cape Town, South Africa - Cafe/coffee shop 4 Egypt 5 Kenya 6 Madagascar 7 Marrakech, Morocco - Yves St. Laurent Musee 8 Seychelles 9 South Africa 10 Tristan da Cunha ANTARCTICA 11 Antarctic cruise 12 Antarctic research station ASIA 13 Assam, India 14 Dharamshala, India 15 Dubai - Jumeirah Mosque 16 Everest 17 Fiji 18 Goa, India 19 India 20 Jaipur, India 21 Kerala, India 22 Marina Beach in Chennai, India 23Mumbai, India 24 Nara, Japan 25 North Korean Labor Camp 26 Palace of Queen Arwa, Jibla, Yemen 27 Seoul, Korea 28 Socotra/Soqotra Archipelago 29 Tokyo, Japan 30 Vietnam AUSTRALIA/OCEANIA 31 Aoraki / Mount Cook - New Zealand 32 Australia 33 Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse which we call Louie’s lighthouse 34 Kangaroo Island Australia 35 New Zealand 36 Perth, Western Australia 37 The Super Pit, Kalgoorlie 38 Rottnest Island 39 Wellington EUROPE 40 The Algarve, Portugal 41 Amalfi coast, Italy 42 Amsterdam 43 Baltic Sea, Germany/ Denmark 44 Bergen, Norway 45 Berlin, Germany 46 Capri!! With a trip to the grotta azzurra 47 The Colosseum, Rome, Italy 48 Copenhagen, Denmark 49 Croatia 50 Eiffel Tower in Paris 51 Florence, Italy 52 Garda Lake, Italy 53 Germany 54 Giethoorn, Holland 55 Greece 56 Gröna Lund, Stockholm 57 Iceland 58 Icelandic Phallological Museum  59 Krakow, Poland 60 Lapland 61 Louvre Museum 62 Madrid 63 Marettimo 64 Milan!! With the dome and the pretty gallery (Italy) 65 North Sea, Germany/ Netherlands 66 Nuremberg, Germany 67 Osnabrück, Germany 68 Oslo, Norway 69 Pamplona, Spain 70 Paris Catacombs 71 Prague, Czech Republic, Europe 72 Rouen, France! There's a gorgeous cathedral on which they play artistic videos 73 Santorini, Greece 74 Sark (English Channel Island) 75 Shakespeare and Co bookstore, Paris, France 76 a sheep farm in Sardinia 77 Trans-Siberian train, Russia 78 Transylvania, Romania 79 Uppsala University, Sweden 80 Venecia 81 Venecia’s Carnival 82 Verona 83 Wrocław, Poland NORTH AMERICA 84 Alaskan cruise 85 Appalachian Trail USA 86 Basketball match 87 BC, Canada - lakeside cabin in the woods 88 Canada 89 Canadian ski resort (like Big White or Whistler) 90 Cancun, Mexico 91 Cancun, Mexico - All-inclusive resort (poolside) 92 Central Park, NYC 93 Cerro Gordo Mines 94 Chicago 95 Conundrum Hot Springs, Colorado, USA 96 Crater of Diamonds State Park 97 Detroit Zoo 98 Disneyland/Harry Potter world 99 Dollywood theme park, Tennessee 100 Dublin 101 El Capitan in Yosemite National Park 102 Fairmont Hotel at Lake Louise, Canada 103 Ferry between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia, Canada 104 Fort Worth TX USA 105 Ghost tour in Savannah, GA, USA 106 Hawaii 107 Honolulu, Hawaii 108 Jasper, Canada 109 Joshua Tree National park, California 110 Maui, Hawai'i - Lahaina (Banyan Court) 111 Mexico City 112 MoMA, NYC, US 113 Montreal, Canada - Notre-Dame Basilica (in the pews) 114 New Orleans, US 115 Pacific Crest Trail 116 Pacific Northwest 117 Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, USA 118 Olympic Village, Lake Champlain, NY 119 Rocky Mountains, Colorado 120 Rutland VT, USA 121 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 122 San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico City, Mexico 123 Seattle, WA, US 124 Seattle Central Library, United States 125 St. Lucia - Diamond falls mineral baths 126 The Spy museum in Washington DC, United States 127 Vancouver, Canada 128 Williamsburg, Virginia, United States 129 ZAYN’s Pennsylvania farm SOUTH AMERICA 130 Atacama desert, Chile 131 Buenos Aires, Argentina 132 Cape Horn while circumnavigating the earth 133 Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 134 Henderson Island in the Pitcairn Islands 135 llama farm in South America 136 Macchu Picchu 137 Torres del Paine , Chile 138 Valle del elqui, Chile OTHER 139 Across time (in America) 140 Atlantis 141 baseball match 142 The best bakery in town 143 a castle of the middle ages 144 Cruise 145 Different locations around the world on a food show like Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (one could be the star or work behind the scenes, they could be coworkers or meet on location) 146 Heaven 147 Hell 148 Inside a virtual reality game 149 Magic School 150 Mars 151 Plane 152 Purgatory 153 Safari 154 Snowy beaches like that place in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 155 Sucked into an American movie. 156 Train 157 World Tour
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usafphantom2 · 4 years
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When NAF Litchfield (now Goodyear Airport) closed, many of these airframe were transferred to MASDC. Here 139531/4B-109 North American AF-1E Fury (209-151) Navy/Marine of VT-86sq is on display by the perimeter fence in an early version of "Celebrity Row".
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nerdyblizzardsoul · 4 years
Uno Reverse Card With Hearts
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ASCII control characters non printable :
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This is how you break UNO. Hey, I've recently started to upload again. Check out my channel and give this video a watch! Emoji Meaning The joker in a deck of cards, usually appearing like a court jester. Emoji Meaning A heart symbol emoji, which is used in card games for the hearts suit. Generally shown in red, despite the name. Not to be ️ Envelope. Emoji Meaning The back of an envelope, as used to send a letter or card.
ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ( HTML entity = ♥ )ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card suit ) ASCII code 07 = BEL ( Bell ) ASCII code 08 = BS ( Backspace ) ASCII code 09 = HT ( Horizontal Tab ) ASCII code 10 = LF ( Line feed ) ASCII code 11 = VT ( Vertical Tab, male symbol, symbol for Mars ) ASCII code 12 = FF ( Form feed, female symbol, symbol for Venus ) ASCII code 13 = CR ( Carriage return ) ASCII code 14 = SO ( Shift Out ) ASCII code 15 = SI ( Shift In ) ASCII code 16 = DLE ( Data link escape ) ASCII code 17 = DC1 ( Device control 1 ) ASCII code 18 = DC2 ( Device control 2 ) ASCII code 19 = DC3 ( Device control 3 ) ASCII code 20 = DC4 ( Device control 4 ) ASCII code 21 = NAK ( NAK Negative-acknowledge ) ASCII code 22 = SYN ( Synchronous idle ) ASCII code 23 = ETB ( End of trans. block ) ASCII code 24 = CAN ( Cancel ) ASCII code 25 = EM ( End of medium ) ASCII code 26 = SUB ( Substitute ) ASCII code 27 = ESC ( Escape ) ASCII code 28 = FS ( File separator ) ASCII code 29 = GS ( Group separator ) ASCII code 30 = RS ( Record separator ) ASCII code 31 = US ( Unit separator ) ASCII code 127 = DEL ( Delete )
Printable ASCII characters : ( alphanumeric, symbols and signs )
How To Play Uno Hearts
ASCII code 32 = space ( Space ) ASCII code 33 = ! ( Exclamation mark ) ASCII code 34 = ' ( Double quotes ; Quotation mark ; speech marks ) ASCII code 35 = # ( Number sign ) ASCII code 36 = $ ( Dollar sign ) ASCII code 37 = % ( Percent sign ) ASCII code 38 = & ( Ampersand ) ASCII code 39 = ' ( Single quote or Apostrophe ) ASCII code 40 = ( ( round brackets or parentheses, opening round bracket ) ASCII code 41 = ) ( parentheses or round brackets, closing parentheses ) ASCII code 42 = * ( Asterisk ) ASCII code 43 = + ( Plus sign ) ASCII code 44 = , ( Comma ) ASCII code 45 = - ( Hyphen , minus sign ) ASCII code 46 = . ( Dot, full stop ) ASCII code 47 = / ( Slash , forward slash , fraction bar , division slash ) ASCII code 48 = 0 ( number zero ) ASCII code 49 = 1 ( number one ) ASCII code 50 = 2 ( number two ) ASCII code 51 = 3 ( number three ) ASCII code 52 = 4 ( number four ) ASCII code 53 = 5 ( number five ) ASCII code 54 = 6 ( number six ) ASCII code 55 = 7 ( number seven ) ASCII code 56 = 8 ( number eight ) ASCII code 57 = 9 ( number nine ) ASCII code 58 = : ( Colon ) ASCII code 59 = ; ( Semicolon ) ASCII code 60 = < ( Less-than sign ) ASCII code 61 = = ( Equals sign ) ASCII code 62 = > ( Greater-than sign ; Inequality ) ASCII code 63 = ? ( Question mark ) ASCII code 64 = @ ( At sign ) ASCII code 65 = A ( Capital letter A ) ASCII code 66 = B ( Capital letter B ) ASCII code 67 = C ( Capital letter C ) ASCII code 68 = D ( Capital letter D ) ASCII code 69 = E ( Capital letter E ) ASCII code 70 = F ( Capital letter F ) ASCII code 71 = G ( Capital letter G ) ASCII code 72 = H ( Capital letter H ) ASCII code 73 = I ( Capital letter I ) ASCII code 74 = J ( Capital letter J ) ASCII code 75 = K ( Capital letter K ) ASCII code 76 = L ( Capital letter L ) ASCII code 77 = M ( Capital letter M ) ASCII code 78 = N ( Capital letter N ) ASCII code 79 = O ( Capital letter O ) ASCII code 80 = P ( Capital letter P ) ASCII code 81 = Q ( Capital letter Q ) ASCII code 82 = R ( Capital letter R ) ASCII code 83 = S ( Capital letter S ) ASCII code 84 = T ( Capital letter T ) ASCII code 85 = U ( Capital letter U ) ASCII code 86 = V ( Capital letter V ) ASCII code 87 = W ( Capital letter W ) ASCII code 88 = X ( Capital letter X ) ASCII code 89 = Y ( Capital letter Y ) ASCII code 90 = Z ( Capital letter Z ) ASCII code 91 = [ ( square brackets or box brackets, opening bracket ) ASCII code 92 = ( Backslash , reverse slash ) ASCII code 93 = ] ( box brackets or square brackets, closing bracket ) ASCII code 94 = ^ ( Circumflex accent or Caret ) ASCII code 95 = _ ( underscore , understrike , underbar or low line ) ASCII code 96 = ` ( Grave accent ) ASCII code 97 = a ( Lowercase letter a , minuscule a ) ASCII code 98 = b ( Lowercase letter b , minuscule b ) ASCII code 99 = c ( Lowercase letter c , minuscule c ) ASCII code 100 = d ( Lowercase letter d , minuscule d ) ASCII code 101 = e ( Lowercase letter e , minuscule e ) ASCII code 102 = f ( Lowercase letter f , minuscule f ) ASCII code 103 = g ( Lowercase letter g , minuscule g ) ASCII code 104 = h ( Lowercase letter h , minuscule h ) ASCII code 105 = i ( Lowercase letter i , minuscule i ) ASCII code 106 = j ( Lowercase letter j , minuscule j ) ASCII code 107 = k ( Lowercase letter k , minuscule k ) ASCII code 108 = l ( Lowercase letter l , minuscule l ) ASCII code 109 = m ( Lowercase letter m , minuscule m ) ASCII code 110 = n ( Lowercase letter n , minuscule n ) ASCII code 111 = o ( Lowercase letter o , minuscule o ) ASCII code 112 = p ( Lowercase letter p , minuscule p ) ASCII code 113 = q ( Lowercase letter q , minuscule q ) ASCII code 114 = r ( Lowercase letter r , minuscule r ) ASCII code 115 = s ( Lowercase letter s , minuscule s ) ASCII code 116 = t ( Lowercase letter t , minuscule t ) ASCII code 117 = u ( Lowercase letter u , minuscule u ) ASCII code 118 = v ( Lowercase letter v , minuscule v ) ASCII code 119 = w ( Lowercase letter w , minuscule w ) ASCII code 120 = x ( Lowercase letter x , minuscule x ) ASCII code 121 = y ( Lowercase letter y , minuscule y ) ASCII code 122 = z ( Lowercase letter z , minuscule z ) ASCII code 123 = { ( braces or curly brackets, opening braces ) ASCII code 124 = | ( vertical-bar, vbar, vertical line or vertical slash ) ASCII code 125 = } ( curly brackets or braces, closing curly brackets ) ASCII code 126 = ~ ( Tilde ; swung dash )
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Chỉ tốn 1 triệu đồng tha chồ check in vũng tàu trọn ngày
Có một Vũng Tàu mùa hoa nở cũng xinh đẹp không kém gì Đà Lạt mộng mơ. Vậy, chỉ với 1 triệu đồng, bí quyết nào giúp ta có thể khám phá trọn vẹn Vũng Tàu đây, hãy đọc bài viết review sau nhé.
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Đây là lịch trình của mình: Sáng 7h tụi mình bắt đầu đi từ TPHCM di duyển bằng Xe Máy đi đường phà cát lái rồi tiếp tục di chuyển đến thành phố Vũng Tàu.
Buổi sáng tụi mình ăn sáng trên dọc đường, thích ăn gì thì tấp vô ăn đó. Đến VT tầm 10h, kiểu ở TP mà thấy biển lộng gió mà thích gì đâu luôn á, dạo dọc theo đường biển 1 hồi mình tấp 1 quán cafe trên đường Trần Phú để nghỉ ngơi và cốt ý thay đồ đẹp để đi chụp hình (mấy bạn đam mê chụp ảnh thì lúc đi xe mặc đồ cùi bắp thôi lên tới hẵng thay đồ). Đến số tầm 109 đường Trần Phú bạn rất dễ để ý thấy khung cảnh đang Hot Trend, chỗ này nhìn đơn giản vậy hoy chứ chụp hình lên đẹp xuất xắc.
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Trưa tầm 12h bụng đòi ăn rồi nên mình tìm đến quán bánh khọt Miền Đông, có rất nhiều quán bánh khọt, nhưng mình ăn chỗ này 2 lần rồi rất ưng ý. Ăn bánh không thôi bạn cũng cảm nhận được vị thơm, béo béo, cuốn với rau cắn miếng giòn tan như tan chảy ra trong miệng luôn á. Tụi mình kêu 2 phần+1 sâm lạnh+1 pepsi. Mà đi về mình thấy nhiều bạn review chổ ngon hơn.
No bụng bạn người yêu đèo lên ngọn Hải Đăng. Ta nói cung đường lên ngọn Hải Đăng mùa nó như đang ở Korea vậy. Gần lên ngọn hải đăng các bạn sẽ thấy quán Yogurt cô tiên,kiểu như chụp hình lả người lên múc hũ sữa chua mát lạnh như được hồi sinh vậy. 2 đứa mình tấp vô ăn mỗi người 1 hủ và thay đồ đi chụp hình tiếp.
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Tranh thủ chụp nốt tầm 15h, tụi mình về Hồ Đá Xanh ở Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu. Nếu các bạn đi Tây Nguyên thì trên đó có rất nhiều hồ đẹp, nhưng ở Bà Rịa cũng có hồ và đúng với cái tên của nó, nước rất là trong xanh khi tới gần bạn có thể nhìn thấy đá luôn ở dưới nước.
Hồ Đá Xanh thiết kế 1 số view để chụp hình nên có giá 40k/người. 15h30 tụi mình xuất phát về khu vực gần đồi cừu suối nghệ. Tại ở đây gần nhà mình nên tụi mình không chụp hình cừu mà quyết định ăn 2 món ngon rẻ đó là Bánh Canh Chả Cá và Chả Giò Cá Lá Lốt.
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Hai món tuổi thơ của mình ăn không chê vào đâu được luôn ấy. Bánh canh chả cá viên nhỏ nhỏ giòn tan, Chả giò cá lá lốt cuốn với rau ăn thơm đặc trưng vị lá lốt, ăn đồ ăn TP nhiều về ăn đồ ở quê gây nhiều cảm xúc ghê luôn. Huhu thật sự rất là ngon,cho bạn Ny ăn mà cái mặt nó kiểu phê phê, không thèm nói chuyện với mình cứ cắm đầu ăn thôi . Mình có chụp hình đồ ăn ở phía dưới nhé. À đồi cừu vẫn rất đẹp nhé mình cốt ý đi đường này để ăn món ngon, với ngắm đồng diều với cừu nữa ấy. Thời tiết lúc chiều lại se se lạnh, trời hoàng hôn đỏ ửng hồng.
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Cuối cùng,18h tụi mình di chuyển về TPHCM theo hướng Mỹ Xuân-Long Thành- PHÀ CÁT LÁT-TPHCM. Kết thúc hành trình. Mình thêm chi tiết tổng chi phí nha:
Chi phí: Ăn sáng hủ tiếu mực: 78k ( 39k/tô). Này tụi mình tấp vô quán mới nên giá hơi mắc xíu mà hông ngon lắm, nên bạn nào muốn tiết kiệm chi phí thì ăn mấy món đơn giản mà chất lượng nheee.
Nước uống dọc đường: 43k ( 2 chai suối 20k+ 1 cam ép lớn 23k) Café nghỉ trưa: 50k ( tụi mình kêu 1 café sữa 25k+1 trà tắc 25k) Ăn trưa bánh khọt: 78k ( 2 phần 60k+Sâm, sting 18k) Yogurt cô Tiên: 20k ( 1 hủ 10k) Vé chụp hình hồ đá xanh: 80k ( 40k/người) Ăn chiều chả giò cá: 30k ( phần 10 cái) Bánh canh chả cá: 30k ( mỗi tô 15k) Xăng: 100k ( đi lẫn về) Phà cát lái 2 chiều: 8k
  Hoang Lien
from danhgiavungtaumarcom’s blog https://ift.tt/3bph3Ei via IFTTT
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enanabrip-blog · 5 years
Langdetect listIdentifiableLanguages
Langdetect ListIdentifiableLanguages ⬅
  SilentFlame Language Identification. Google language detection apixaban. English spanish french detect language to english. Detect user language php en.
Language identification: a solved problem suitable for undergraduate instruction.
ESPA P Tuesday, 31 December 2019 07:52:24 SMOE ZDOT BA VMZ 795 VT PO 12 43 KWAU 142 CHD KADS 947 718 27 46 84 95 18 160 98 54 533 30 Oct 2019 02:52 PM PDT 149 553 28 561 866 82 24 MED 11/13/2019 27 243 27 261 384 326 18 RSA 436 764 590 IQID
Textcat language identification sheet. ElasticSearch language detection plugin, with spaces edit.
11/11/2019 15:52 HQG CIAM 2019-11-23T18:52:24.9983874+01:00 KKJR BPIS Sat, 16 Nov 2019 06:52:24 GMT A UQFK U Language Identification textcat language 2019-10-15T19:52:24.9983874+03:00 14 378 74 551 901 325 919 692 526 74 ZZWG October 20 856 Detector 3 google language kids cld3: Compact 170 765 94 114 65 800 XW DT 70 10 65 22 Nov 2019 04:52 AM PST 73 72 365 35 801 28 14 63 297 437 Y MDH 12/19/2019 16:52 11 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PST 66 18 33 379 92 2019-11-25T20:52:25.0003809+05:00 Friday, 06 December 2019 77 43 733 plugin, with spaces 808 KD 498 FT 361 421 831 SUG QA 981 86 19 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PDT 6 4 426 69 46 24 90 694 identification sheet ElasticSearch language detection 56 548 44 184 Q 325 386 16 35 UAKO 01 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PDT Language Detector 3 google 695 VYSG 20 139 1 S 14 17 16 836 92 Wednesday, 23 October 2019 713 847 L 87 16 67 152 39 21 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PST future of programming languages listIdentifiableLanguages X 83 99 109 37 974 63 JH Q 41 JVK DJQL 875 3 22 944
XO TE November 01 321 255 616
  Auto detect language website kids. Predict the future of programming languages. PDF Language Identification of Short Text Segments with N gram Models. Cld3: Compact Language Detector 3 In cld3: Google s Compact Language Detector 3.
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dulichviet123 · 2 years
Kinh nghiệm du lịch Vũng Tàu 2 ngày 1 đêm chỉ từ 700k
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Vũng Tàu được xem là một điểm đến du lịch hấp dẫn, có sức hút lớn với du khách. Với vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, Vũng Tàu luôn nằm trong danh sách những điểm du lịch lí tưởng cho các bạn thích phượt. Tham khảo ngay kinh nghiệm du lịch Vũng Tàu 2 ngày 1 đêm vào dịp cuối tuần để tận hưởng không khí biển, thưởng thức hải sản tươi nhé.
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1. Phương tiện di chuyển
Xuất phát từ Sài Gòn nên đi tới Vũng Tàu bằng xe máy. Khoảng cách chỉ 100km nên thời gian di chuyển chỉ khoảng 2 tiếng thôi. Từ Sài Gòn tới Vũng Tàu có nhiều tuyến đường. Bọn mình lựa chọn tuyến phà Cát Lái – Nhơn Trạch – Đồng Nai – Ngã tư Vũng Tàu – QL51. Tuyến đường này thì hơi lồi lõm một chút nhưng bù lại có thể giảm đi 20km so với đường ô tô. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể đi ô tô, bắt xe khách hay đi tàu biển để có trải nghiệm đặc biệt 🏖 – Phà Cát Lát (5k/chuyến/2 người): 10k
– Xăng (đi-về tổng 200km và thêm 50km đi ăn, đi chơi tại VT): 100k
=> Tổng chi phí di chuyển: 110k
2. Nơi ở
Ở gần bãi sau có rất nhiều khách sạn giá cả bình dân nhưng không kém tiện nghi, sang trọng. Giá dao động từ 190k – 300k / 1 đêm. Tùy vào nhu cầu cũng như túi tiền mà bạn sẽ chọn cho mình khách sạn phù hợp.
=>Chi phí khách sạn khoảng: 250k
3. Ăn uống
Ốc Tự nhiên – 34 Trần Phú
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Đồ ăn ở đây đa dạng, tươi ngon, giá ok, 1 phần ăn quán làm khá nhiều luôn. Đi VT nên ăn ở đây nhé.
– Ốc giác chả giò: 70k
– Cơm chiên hải sản: 70k
– Tôm chiên bột: 75k
– Hàu nướng phô mai/mỡ hành (15k/con): 60k
– Nước ngọt (10k/lon): 20k
– Gửi xe: free
=> Tổng: 295k
Bánh khọt Miền Đông – 59 Bà Triệu 
– 2 dĩa lớn (30k/dĩa): 60k
– Nước mía (8k/ly): 16k
– Gửi xe: free
=> Tổng: 76k
Bánh mì xíu mại – 564 Trần Phú
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– 2 dĩa lớn (20k/ổ): 40k
– Gửi xe: free
=> Tổng: 76k
Bánh canh ghẹ – 43 Lê Lai
– 2 tô thường (35k/tô: 70k
– Gửi xe: free
=> Tổng: 70k
Cafe SOHO – 66 Hạ Long
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– Dừa tươi: 39k
– Cafe sữa: 29k
– Gửi xe: free
=> Tổng: 68k
Sữa chua, trứng lòng đào Cô Tiên – Đường lên ngọn Hải Đăng
– Trứng lòng đào (7k/trứng): 35k
– Sữa chua (10k/hủ): 20k
– Gửi xe: 5k
=> Tổng: 60k
4. Các điểm chụp hình
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– Bãi Dâu đường Trần Phú: free, gửi xe free.
– Đường lên quán cafe Lightroom: free, gửi xe free.
– Mũi Nghinh Phong, số 1 Hạ Long: free, gửi xe 7-10k.
– Cổng Trời (chung chỗ với Mũi Nghinh Phong).
– Hẻm thông ra biển, 107-109 Trần Phú: free, gửi xe free.
– Các bục ngồi dọc đường biển ở Bãi Trước, Bãi Sau.
– Đường lên ngọn Hải Đăng: free, gửi xe free.
– Đồi Con Heo: free, gửi xe free hoặc 10k.
– Hẻm 444 Trần Phú: free, gửi xe free.
– Công viên Tao Phùng: free, gửi xe free.
– Ngọn hải đăng mini đường Trần Phú, gần quán Gành Hào 1: free, gửi xe free
Và trên đây là toàn bộ lịch trình cho chuyến du lịch Vũng Tàu 2 ngày 1 đêm dành cho 2 người chỉ tốn khoảng 700k/người mà được ăn chơi tẹt ga !!! 
> Xem thêm tour tại Aspatourist: https://aspatourist.com/
> Xem thêm: https://aspatourist.wixsite.com/retell/blog
0 notes
meadowoodmedia-blog · 2 years
Video Tour of VT-109 Belvidere Vermont Land for Sale from Meadowood Media on Vimeo.
Real estate video tour with drone footage of land for sale on VT-109 in Belvidere, VT. Video created for The Trombley & Day Group by Meadowood Media.
For Vermont video and drone creation projects contact:  [email protected] Meadowood-Media.com/contact
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ĐÓN SÓNG ĐẦU TƯ GẦN CÁC KCN BÀ RỊA VŨNG TÀU, NÊN HAY KHÔNG? Bất chấp dịch Covid-19, giá bất động sản ven khu công nghiệp vẫn tỏa nhiệt khi tăng trung bình 20% từ đầu năm 2021 đến nay. Chiến lược kinh tế tại BRVT đang có xu hướng chuyển mình hút vốn đầu tư mạnh vào công nghiệp nặng và nhẹ, nên vì thế thị trường BĐS quanh các khu công nghiệp cũng sôi động theo. Vậy, tài chính trên dưới 1 tỷ có cơ hội đón sóng đầu tư KCN không?-----⬇⬇⬇----- CƠ HỘI MANG TÊN “GIA AN LAKESIDE” KDC Gia An Lakeside, Tỉnh lộ 765, Long Tân Đất Đỏ BRVTSiêu phẩm đầu tư tọa lạc liền kề gần 10 Khu công nghiệp lớn, sở hữu 3 mặt tiền đường, đã có pháp lý 1/500 và giá chỉ từ 10,9 triệu/m² Gia An Lakeside là khu dân cư tại Đất Đỏ, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu Sở hữu 3 mặt tiền trên tỉnh lộ 765, được bao quanh bởi 2 hồ điều hòa lớn là Suối Môn và Đá Bàng Và có tiềm năng sinh lời cực lớn khi liền kề các khu công nghiệp sau đây:- 2 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Đá Bạc- 8 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Đất Đỏ- 12 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Châu Đức- 30 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Long Sơn, Phú Mỹ 1-2-3- 35 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Mỹ Xuân- 50 phút đến Khu công nghiệp Nhơn Trạch Bắt đáy đầu tư chỉ với 1,09 tỷ/sản phẩm vừa có thể cho thuê (nhà nghỉ, nhà trọ, mặt bằng, văn phòng,..) và các dịch vụ ăn uống, giải trí để phục vụ các khu công nghiệp. Để lại thông tin để được chuyên viên tư vấn liên hệ và gửi thông tin chi tiết về tiềm năng của Gia An Lakeside nhé!------------------------------------------Chuyên viên tư vấn BĐS PKD Phúc Điền Land - Nguyễn Hoàng Phúc Hotline: 0395383450
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#MuabannhadatBaRiaVungTau #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/don-song-dau-tu-cao-toc-bh-vt-va-cac-kcn-tai-brvt-chi-tu-109-trieum2-2071997.html
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evoldir · 3 years
Fwd: Other: REU_MultipleInst.Thermofly.May30-Jul31
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Other: REU_MultipleInst.Thermofly.May30-Jul31 > Date: 17 February 2022 at 07:02:28 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates in Physiological Genetics > and Evolution > > We are currently accepting applications from undergraduates who live > or attend college in EPSCoR jurisdictions (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, > Delaware, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, > Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North > Dakota, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, > Vermont, Virgin Islands, West Virginia, or Wyoming) to participate in a > National Science Foundation-funded summer research program in genetic, > physiological, and evolutionary mechanisms of temperature tolerance in > Drosophila from May 30 - July 31, 2022.  Students will join a laboratory > at one of our five participating institutions, The University of Kentucky, > University of Vermont, Providence College, Salve Regina University, or > University of Nevada Las Vegas, and work in teams on research projects > that will include both field and laboratory components as well as training > in data analysis and visualization.  No prior research experience is > required; all you need is a year of college-level biology coursework, > enthusiasm for biology, and a desire to engage with the exciting process > of scientific discovery. > > To find out more and to apply, please visit thermofly.org and fill out > the online application form.  Members of traditionally under-represented > groups in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.  We will begin > reviewing applications on March 1. > > To find out more about our laboratories, please visit: > Dr. Nicholas Teets, University of Kentucky: https://ift.tt/IhvyqDe > > Dr. Seth Frietze, University of Vermont: > https://ift.tt/6I5EpQm > > Dr. Brent Lockwood, University of Vermont: https://ift.tt/9PgCKAu > > Dr. Sara Helms Cahan, University of Vermont: https://ift.tt/6NTauAr > > Dr. James Waters, Providence College: https://ift.tt/zsB4tau > > Dr. Donald Price, University of Nevada Las Vegas: > https://ift.tt/cMrbATH > > > > > Dr. Sara Helms Cahan > She/her pronouns > Associate Professor > Department of Biology > University of Vermont > 109 Carrigan Dr. > Burlington, VT 05405 > (802)656-2962 > [email protected] > > > Sara Cahan > via IFTTT
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Schedule 2018
1 - Jimin Day
2 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.34
9 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.35
10 - 32esima Edizione dei Golden Disc Awards 
11 - 32esima Edizione dei Golden Disc Awards 
13 - Happy Ever After - 4° Muster (Gocheok Skydome)
14 - Happy Ever After - 4° Muster (Gocheok Skydome)
16 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.36
23 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.37
25 - 27esima Edizione dei Seoul Music Awards (Gocheok Sky Dome)
30 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.38
6 -  [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.39
12 - Global Vlive Top 10 (Pre-registrato)
13 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.40 + Tuesday Surprise (Jimin & J-Hope)
14 - Gaon Music Chart Awards (i BTS non parteciperanno)
18 - Compleanno di J-Hope
20 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.41
27 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.42
28 - J-Hope Day
2 - Uscita di Hope World
3 - Jin Day
5 - R no Hōsoku [(Jimin & J-Hope) Pre-registrato]
6 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.43
9 - Compleanno di Suga
13 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.44
20 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.45
27 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.46
28 - Burn The Stage - Ep.1 & 2 (17 🇮🇹)
3 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.47 (14 🇮🇹) + Face Yourself (17 🇮🇹)
4 - Burn The Stage - Ep.3 (17 🇮🇹)
8 - Fansign Puma a Seul (Gangnam)
10 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.48
11 -  Burn The Stage - Ep.4 (17 🇮🇹)
14 - Handshake a Osaka
15 - Handshake a Chiba
17 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.49
18 - Fanmeeting a Tokyo + Burn The Stage - Ep.5 (17 🇮🇹) + Prevendite LOVE YOURSELF 轉 'Tear'
19 - Fanmeeting a Tokyo
20 - Fanmeeting a Tokyo
21 - Fanmeeting a Tokyo
23 - Fanmeeting a Osaka 
24 - Fanmeeting a Osaka + [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.50 
25 -  Burn The Stage - Ep.6 (17 🇮🇹)
28 - SONGS (pre-registrato)
1 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.51
2 -  Burn The Stage - Ep.7 (17 🇮🇹)
9 - Burn The Stage - Ep.8 (17 🇮🇹)
18 - BTS Comeback Preview Show (9:00 🇮🇹) + Uscita LOVE YOURSELF 轉 'Tear' (11:00 🇮🇹)
20 - Billboard Music Awards
24 - BTS Comeback Show - Highlight Reel (13:30 🇮🇹) + Conferenza Stampa
25 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show + Music Bank
27 - Inkigayo (5:10 🇮🇹) + Fansign (11 🇮🇹) 
31 - Mnet M! Countdown (11 🇮🇹) 
1- KBS Music Bank (10 🇮🇹)
2 - MBC Show Music Core (8:30 🇮🇹) + Fansign (11 🇮🇹)
3 - Fansign
4 - Apertura ufficiale BTS FESTA
6 - Apertura negozio VT Cosmetics x BTS (Shibuya 109)
7 - Fansign + Speciale NTV JP
12 - The Late Late Show + Speciale di sette ore per anniversario su MBC Music (17 🇮🇹)
13 - 5° Anniversario + 2018 BTS Prom Party (13 🇮🇹)
22 - Lotte Family Concert
26 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.52 (14 🇮🇹)
27 - [V LIVE] BTS NEWS in LA <Behind Mission> (13 🇮🇹)
3 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.53 (14 🇮🇹)
6 - We Love BTS ~Harajuku Sweets Party~
7 - SBS Super Concert a Taipei (13 🇮🇹)
10 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.54 (14 🇮🇹)
17 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.55 (14 🇮🇹)
24 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2018 - Ep.56 (14 🇮🇹)
6 - We Love BTS ~Las Vegas Edition~
16 - Suga Day
24 - Uscita LOVE YOURSELF  結 'Answer' 
25 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Seoul (Olympic Stadium) + Inizio mostra [ 오, 늘 ]
26 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Seoul (Olympic Stadium) 
29 - Bangtan News: Behind The Answer (13 🇮🇹) [V App/V Live]
30 - Soribada Best K-Music Awards (11.30 🇮🇹) + Mnet M! Countdown (11 🇮🇹) - (Pre-registrato)
31 - KBS Music Bank (10 🇮🇹) 
1 - Compleanno di Jungkook + MBC Show Music Core (8:25 🇮🇹)
2 - Inkigayo (5:10 🇮🇹) 
5 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Staples Center)
6 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Staples Center)
8 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Staples Center)
9 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Staples Center)
11 - A Conversation With BTS (GRAMMY Museum LA)
12 - Compleanno di RM + LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Oakland (Oracle Arena)
13 - Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 0 (14:00 🇮🇹)
15 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fort Worth (Fort Worth - Convention Center)
16 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fort Worth (Fort Worth - Convention Center)
18 - Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 1 (14:00 🇮🇹)
20 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hamilton (First Ontario Centre) + Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 1 (14:00 🇮🇹)
22 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hamilton (First Ontario Centre)
23 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hamilton (First Ontario Centre)
24 - Generation Unlimited (BTSxUnitedNations)
25 - Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 2 (14:00 🇮🇹) + Fallon Tonight
26 - Good Morning America - Live a Time Square
27 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 2 (14:00 🇮🇹)
28 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Newark (Prudential Center)
29 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Newark (Prudential Center)
2 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Chicago (United Center) + Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 3 (14:00 🇮🇹)
3 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Chicago (United Center)
4 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 3 (14:00 🇮🇹)
6 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: New York (Citi Field)
9 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Londra (The O2 Arena) + Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 4 (14:00 🇮🇹)
10 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Londra (The O2 Arena)
11 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 4 (14:00 🇮🇹)
12 - The Graham Norton Show 
13 - Compleanno di Jimin + LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Amsterdam (Ziggo Dome)
14 - Concerto Dell'Amicizia Corea-Francia
16 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Berlino (Mercedes-Benz Arena) + Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 5 (14:00 🇮🇹)
17 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Berlino (Mercedes-Benz Arena)
18 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 5 (14:00 🇮🇹)
19 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Parigi (Accorhotels Arena)
20 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Parigi (Accorhotels Arena)
23 - RM Day + Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 6 (14:00 🇮🇹) + Uscita di Mono
24 - Ordine al Merito Culturale
25 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 6 (14:00 🇮🇹) 
28 - Fine mostra [ 오, 늘 ]
30 - Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 7 (13:00 🇮🇹)
1 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 7 (13:00 🇮🇹)
6 - Bon Voyage S3: Ep. 8 (13:00 🇮🇹) + Genie Music Awards
7 - Uscita del nuovo Single Album giapponese 
8 - Bon Voyage S3: Behind Cam Ep. 8 (13:00 🇮🇹)
12 - Bon Voyage S3: Bonus Clip for A.R.M.Y 1 (13:00 🇮🇹)
13 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Tokyo (Tokyo Dome) + Bon Voyage S3: Bonus Clip for A.R.M.Y 2 (13:00 🇮🇹)
14 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Tokyo (Tokyo Dome) + Uscita album Drunken Tiger
15 - Rilascio di Burn The Stage: The Movie
17 - Handshake Event a Chiba per l’uscita del Single Album (4:30 🇮🇹)
18 - Handshake Event ad Osaka per l’uscita del Single Album  (6:00 🇮🇹)
21 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Osaka (Kyocera Dome)
23 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Osaka (Kyocera Dome)
24 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Osaka (Kyocera Dome)
28 - 2018 Asia Artist Awards (i BTS parteciperanno) (9:00 🇮🇹) 
1 - Melon Music Awards (i BTS parteciperanno)
4 - Compleanno di Jin
8 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Taoyuan (Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium)
9 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Taoyuan (Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium)
10 - Mnet Asian Music Awards (i BTS non parteciperanno)
12 - Mnet Asian Music Awards in Giappone (i BTS parteciperanno)
14 - Mnet Asian Music Awards ad Hong Kong (i BTS parteciperanno)
20 - Korea Popular Music Awards 2018 (i BTS non parteciperanno)
22 - LG hi-touch event a Tokyo 
25 - V Day + SBS Gayo Daejeon (i BTS parteciperanno) + Speciale Natalizio BBC Radio 1 (pre-registrato)
28 - KBS Gayo Daechukje (i BTS parteciperanno)
30 - Compleanno di V
31 - MBC Gayo Daejejeon (i BTS parteciperanno)
La schedule può essere soggetta a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
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brattbeatweekly · 6 years
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Bright yellow signs compete with a multitude of greens along Vermont's roads enticing visitors to the studios of craftspeople and other artists across Vermont during the 2018 Spring Open Studio Weekend taking place over May 26 & 27, Memorial Day Weekend.
Open Studio Weekend is a statewide celebration of the visual arts and creative process, offering a unique opportunity for visitors to meet a wide variety of local artists and craftspeople in their studios, and purchase high quality, handmade artwork.
The self-guided Open Studio tour features the work of glassblowers, jewelers, printmakers, potters, furniture makers, weavers, ironworkers, painters, sculptors, quilt makers and wood carvers. Many participating galleries will host gallery talks and feature special exhibits in conjunction with this event.
This year visit over 220 artists at 179 sites across Vermont.
Take a look at all these great studio’s open in our area this weekend!
89. Mary Procter, Bill Matuszeski. Colorful landscape paintings of Vermont scenes. 488 Faulkner Rd, Whitingham VT 05361. (802) 368-7750. Travel south on Rte 100 from Wilmington, pass through Jacksonville, in 3 miles turn right onto Maple Dr before reaching Whitingham Village or travel north from Readsboro on Rte 100, pass through Whitingham Village and take the first left on Maple Dr. From Maple Dr, take the first right on Faulkner Rd and cross Lake Clara on the causeway. Number 488 is the first house on the right after the lake.
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90. * Jen Violette Designs - Jennifer Violette. Sculptural blown glass, Vermont landscape paintings. 12 New England Power Rd, Wilmington VT 05363. (802) 464-5206. On I-91 take exit 2 and go west on Rte 9 for 18 miles to the center of Wilmington. Travel 2.8 miles beyond the traffic light in downtown Wilmington. Turn left at Woods Rd across the bridge to Medburyville and turn right onto New England Power Rd. Find my studio behind the first house on the left, in the restored barn.
91. * Eric Sprenger Fine Woodwork - Eric Sprenger. Handmade, original, contemporary furniture. 72 Castle Hill Rd, Wilmington VT 05363. (802) 464 8392. In the center of Wilmington, Rte 9 intersects with Rte 100. At the intersection, turn onto South Main St which jogs slightly left and becomes Castle Hill Rd. Travel about 0.3 mile to my studio on the left.
92. Vermont Pressed Flowers - Ellie Roden. Pressed flower creations; originals, prints, cards and bookmarks. 32 Ray Hill Rd, Wilmington VT 05363. (802) 464-5265. On I-91 take exit 2 in Brattleboro. Go west on Rte 9 for 18 miles. Go through the traffic light in the center of Wilmington and take an immediate right turn at Dot's Restaurant onto Ray Hill Rd. My house is the fifth house on the left, white with green shutters. The studio is around the back.
93. * Applewood's Woodworking Studio and Gallery - David and Michelle Holzapfel. Tables, benches, burls and spalted wood. PO Box 66, 2802 Rte 9, Marlboro VT 05344. (802) 254-2908.holzapfelwoodworking.com. On I-91, take exit 2 and travel 8 miles west. We are right on Rte 9 at the turnoff toward Marlboro College.
94. * Matthew Tell Pottery - Matthew Tell. Wood-fired pottery, with earth tones and overlays. PO Box 232, 163 Potter's Rd, Marlboro VT 05344. (802) 254-8057. From Rte 9 going west, turn right onto Sunset Lake Rd. Go 4.6 miles, road will turn to gravel. Look for yellow sign (North Pond Rd) on the left. Studio is at the second driveway on North Pond Road on the left.
95. Chris Lann Designs - Chris Lann. Contemporary handcrafted fine sterling jewelry. 1420 Sunset Lake Rd, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 254-0383. From I-91, take exit 2 and head west. Follow Western Ave (Rte 9) for about 3 miles. Immediately after the Chelsea Royal Diner, turn right onto Sunset Lake Road. Studio is 2.75 miles on left.
96. Greg Moschetti, Painter - Greg Moschetti. Landscape oil paintings from imagination. 623 Kelly Rd, Dummerston VT 05301. (802) 689-0676. From Brattleboro take Rte 9 west for 2.7 miles. Just past Chelsea Royal Diner turn right on Sunset Lake Rd. Go 2.7 miles to Kelly Rd on right. Go through a barnyard and up a hill for 1.3 miles to the studio (the road ends here). The studio is a small building on the right of the drive. Park in the parking area just past the house on the right.
97. Orchard Street Pottery - Walter Slowinski. Woodfired salt-glazed pottery, branch handles. 658 Orchard St, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 257-1030. On I-91, take exit 2 onto Rte 9. Travel west on Rte 9, 0.1 mile and turn right onto Orchard St, the second street on the right. Travel north for 1.1 miles. The studio is on the left in the old brown barn, first house past the cemetery.
98. * Lesley Heathcote Studio - Lesley Heathcote. Pastels of animals, birds, and landscapes. 32 Larkin St, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 257-0951. From Rte 9, turn onto Williams St. Head down the hill past two houses and turn right onto Larkin St. We are in a three-story red house on the south side of the street.
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99. Vermont Mosaics - Susan Rosano. Mosaic artworks, jewelry; handmade musical instruments. 82 Country Drive, Guilford VT 05301.(802) 254-6201. From Rte 9, Western Avenue, in West Brattleboro, turn onto Greenleaf Street at the intersection next to the 7-Eleven store. Stay on Greenleaf for about 0.75 mile when Greenleaf becomes Hinesberg Rd. (Continue for a total of about 3.75 miles on Hinesberg Rd.). When you see the sign for The Robb Family Farm turn left to stay on Hinesberg Road until you see Briggs Rd on the left. Briggs is a narrow dirt road. Turn at the first left onto Country Drive and find us in the first house on the right.
100. Jason E. Breen, Fine and Custom Woodwork - Jason Breen. Furniture, turnings, woodenware, accessories, cabinetry. 1197 Bonnyvale Rd, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 257-9993. From Rte 9W, turn south onto Bonnyvale Rd. Go 2.3 miles up and over a very steep hill. Driveway is on the right, uphill. Shop is on the right at the top of the driveway.
101. Vitriesse Glass Studio - Lucy Bergamini. Blown glass, functional, sculptural, colorful. 122 Birge St #21, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 379-0024. From Main ST in the middle of Brattleboro, turn west onto Canal St and travel to a right turn onto Birge ST. Find my studio on the left.
102. * Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2. Distinct, unique, eclectic Vermont crafts. 106 Main St, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 257-7044. From I-91, take exit 1 and go east on Rte 5 to Main St. Find us on the left side once the street levels out. Additional parking behind the gallery.
103. * Colorquilts - L. Carlene Raper. Hand-dyed quilts, pillows, wooden puzzles. 62 Spruce St, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 246-1313. Take exit 2 from I-91 and go east on Western Ave. Turn left onto Spruce Street; #62 is a purple house on the left.
104. R.U.S.T. - Darlene Eisenhuth. Smile-inducing, repurposed assemblage from wood and metal. 911 Dover Rd, South Newfane VT 05351. (802) 348-7141. From Rte 30 in Newfane, turn onto Grimes Hill Rd across from the Newbrook Elementary School. Grimes Hill Road becomes Dover Road in Williamsville. Follow through the Williamsville covered bridge and into South Newfane. Bear right at the stop sign, in front of the one-room schoolhouse, staying on Dover Road. Studio is located in the barn of a red farmhouse, circa 1850, 2.25 miles on left, and about 5.5 miles from Rte 30.
105. * Caryn King Studio - Caryn King. Paintings of animals, mixed media, giclees. 16 Miller Lane, South Newfane VT 05351. (802) 380-7006. In South Newfane, off Rte 30, turn left onto Williamsville Rd. Continue to its end, a concrete bridge, and turn left. At the post office (on the left), turn right onto Baker Brook Rd. Turn left onto Parish Hill and follow as it turns to the left and continues. Almost at the top of Parish Hill, turn left onto Miller Lane. Find our studio in the first house on the right with a big #16 on the garage.
106. Partridge Road Pottery - Ahren Ahrenholz. Woodfired functional stoneware pottery. 228 Partridge Rd, Dummerston VT 05346. (802) 257-4060. From I-91 traveling south, take exit 4 and go south on Putney Rd (Rte 5) toward Brattleboro. Turn right on School House Rd and travel 2 miles to Partridge Rd, a private road. My studio is the 4th driveway on the right. From 1-91 traveling north, take exit 3 and travel north on Putney Rd (Rte 5) toward Putney. Turn left onto East West Rd and travel 2 miles to Partridge Rd, a private road, and the fourth driveway on the right.
107. * Alchemy Arte - Fiona Morehouse. Unique handbuilt and wheel-thrown pottery. 659 West Hill Rd, Putney VT 05346. (802) 387-2252. From Westminster Rd in Putney, turn onto West Hill Rd and travel for 3.5 miles. Alchemy Arts studio will be located on your left just past the point where the road transitions from pavement to dirt.
108. Robert Du Grenier Glass Art Gallery - Robert Du Grenier. Handblown glass, sculpture, drinkware, decor. 1096 Rte 30, Townshend VT 05353. (802) 365-4400. On Rte 30 1.0 mile south of Townshend Village or 3.5 miles north of Newfane Village.
109. * Kim Eng Yeo. Floral, still life and landscape watercolors. PO Box 217, 628 Peaked Mountain Rd, Townshend VT 05353. (802) 365-4521. From Rte 30, in Townshend, turn onto Rte 35 (Grafton Rd) and head north for 0.1 mile. Turn right onto Peaked Mountain Rd (TH 29), opposite Grace Cottage Hospital. Drive up Peaked Mountain Rd for 0.6 mile and turn right into driveway at #628.
110. McBride & Rosser Studios - Robert McBride and Phyllis Rosser. Dynamic abstract paintings and sculptures. 17 Rockingham St, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 463-1992. On I-91 traveling south take exit 6, traveling north take exit 5 and follow signs into downtown. 17 Rockingham Street is an old firehouse building, just off the square. The studio is located on the second floor.
111. Flat Iron Exchange - Group show, paintings, drawings, mixed media. 51 the Square, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 460-0357. Flat Iron Exchange is a coffee shop located in downtown Bellows Falls at the corner of Bridge and Westminster streets.
112. Project Space 9 Gallery. George Norris-Brown & Jeane Cannon paintings. 9 Canal St., Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 463-3252. On I-91 traveling south take exit 6, traveling north take exit 5 and follow signs into downtown. Find the Exner Art Block off the downtown square on the way to the train station.
113. * Sherwin Art Glass - Christopher Sherwin. Unique collectible, hand-sculpted, blown glass. 33 Bridge St, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 376-5744. From I-91 traveling north, take exit 5. Make a slight right onto the I-91 access Rd/Westminster Street Hwy and go for 0.6 mile. Turn left onto US Rte 5/Calvin Coolidge Mem Hwy and go for 2.5 miles. Bear right at light onto N Westminster St and go 0.3 mile into the center of Bellows Falls. Turn right onto Bridge St, pass the post office on the right, cross canal bridge, and find me at #33 on the right. Traveling south on I-91 take exit 6 and bear right onto Rte 5S. Follow signs to Bellows Falls. Go left onto Bridge St and follow directions above.
114. * Tsuga Studios - Nicholas Kekic. Decorative and functional blown glass. 33 Bridge St, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 875-1825. Located next door to Sherwin Art Glass. Follow directions in that listing.
115. Flying Canvas Studio - Jeanette Staley. Prints, paintings, floorcloths, murals, collage. 201 Church Ave, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 463-9530. From the center of Bellows Falls, take Rte 121N toward Saxtons River, and travel for 1.1 miles. Turn at the sharp left onto Church Ave. My studio is on the right.
116. Canal Street Art Gallery - Emmett Dunbar. New cooperative gallery showing local artwork. 23 Canal ST, Rockingham VT 05101. (802) 289-0104. Traveling north on I-91, take exit 5 and travel five minutes on Rte 5 to the village of Bellows Falls. Canal St is just below and north of the main square and the gallery is located in the Exner Block on the canal. Traveling south on I-91, take exit 6 and travel to the village of Bellows Falls. Follow directions above.
117. Dellamano Glassware - Cathy Tretler. Hand-painted functional glassware. 7 Rockingham St, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 376-3264. From I-91S take exit 6, or traveling north take exit 5, and follow signs into downtown Bellows Falls. My studio is located on the first floor of 17 Rockingham St near the downtown square.
118. Clare Sullivan Adams. Oil paintings, monoprints, block prints, landscapes. 664 Cambridgeport Rd, Grafton VT 05141. (802) 380-5089. Located off Rte 121 in the village of Cambridgeport.
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119. Mark Goodenough Metalworks - Mark Goodenough. Fabricated sheet metal wildlife sculpture. 4 Meeting House Rd, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (603) 313-0192. . Travel 5 miles north of Bellows Falls on Rte 103. Turn onto the south entrance of Meeting House Rd. We are the first house on the left, #4.
120. Ailyn Hoey - Charcoal, oil and pastel landscapes. 4 Meeting House Rd, Bellows Falls VT 05101. (802) 376-6333. Follow directions in the listing above.
The Vermont Crafts Council publishes a free map booklet with directions to participating sites. The Vermont Open Studio Guide is available throughout the state at Tourist Information Centers, galleries, and studios. Request a map on the VCC website, http://vermontcrafts.com/OSW/springmap.php or by calling 802-223-3380.
The Vermont Crafts Council premiered Open Studio Weekend in 1993 to increase the visibility of artists and craftspeople in Vermont and to foster an appreciation for the creative process and the role that artists and craftspeople play in the vitality of Vermont's communities.
The Vermont Crafts Council is a non-profit organization serving the Vermont visual arts community. Open Studio Weekend is supported by the Vermont Arts Council, the Point Radio station and by the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing.
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tinyhousecalling · 4 years
640 Sq Ft Rustic Log Cabin in the Woods on Over 5 Acres in Brandon VT $75k
640 Sq Ft Rustic Log Cabin in the Woods on Over 5 Acres in Brandon VT $75k
Picturesque and rustic small log home in the woods. This is a great spot for a hunting camp or artistic get away.
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109 Owls Way, Brandon, VT 05733 $75,000
3 beds
1 bath
640 sq ft
5.3 acre lot
Build date 1974
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Property Listing Realtor: Martin Feldman Rowe Real Estate
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About This 640 Sq Ft Rustic Log Cabin in the Woods on Over 5 Acres in Brandon VT Picturesque and rustic small log home…
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