bidstrupmcpherson56 · 4 months
Ligand-modulated aqueous activity involving color-tunable copper mineral nanoclusters for the photoluminescent analysis of Hg(II).
Although there are operates exhibiting that will, regarding your Fourier-Bessel time frame (cylindrical-wave growth), the application of an inverse factorization rule can offer more rapidly convergence as compared to Laurent's tip, these kind of works overlook the indisputable fact that various other principles are also achievable. Below, We mathematically illustrate 4 different factorization rules pertaining to resolving Maxwell equations inside cylindrical harmonizes using the Fourier-Bessel development in unlimited as well as finite websites. I assess their particular convergence for the step-index fibers (which has a identified exact solution and so enables the total mathematical mistake to be established), and for several VCSEL buildings. My partner and i demonstrate that your cylindrical-wave expansion differs from the actual plane-wave growth knowning that the usage of the inverse factorization guideline for that electric field portion vertical with respect for the discontinuities may lead to damage associated with numerical convergence. Last but not least, My spouse and i find out the factorization guideline which gives the easiest unity from the modal technique with all the Fourier-Bessel time frame.The particular temporary dynamics regarding integrated rubber resonators continues to be modeled by using a pair of equations combining the interior electricity, the actual heat and also the free company population. Due to their ease, Newton's law involving air conditioning may be the traditional decision for talking about the thermal development of which programs. Within this perform, all of us theoretically and experimentally demonstrate that this might be inferior within monolithic planar gadgets, resulting in erroneous forecasts. A new selleck products formula that people educate to breed the proper temp behaviour will be unveiled in resolve the discrepancies together with the trial and error final results. We all discuss the constraints and the array of quality of our refined product, discovering individuals cases where Netwon's legislation supplies, nonetheless, accurate alternatives. Our own custom modeling rendering explains the phenomena main winter along with no cost provider instabilities and is an invaluable application to the design regarding photonic systems which in turn rely on resonator dynamical claims, for example almost all visual spiking nerve organs systems or even reservoirs regarding neuromorphic processing.Using an atomic/molecular vapor being an spray obstructing filtering regarding atmospheric heat proportions which has a Cabannes lidar is revisited. Distinct problems throughout previously used barium along with iodine filters stopped these people through delivering the actual 81 instances signal advantage (Eight.7 periods less anxiety) over spinning Raman lidar. All of us deduce which, despite the level of responsiveness optimisation inside spinning Raman lidar, the recommended Cabannes lidar employing blood potassium steam filtration systems might have Some.1 times significantly less heat doubt. By focusing your laser beam rate of recurrence cyclically in order to above along with below the blood potassium D1 cross over, the actual lidar method can easily calculate temp along with breeze concurrently.
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utruckvn · 10 months
Hướng dẫn cách vào số xe Howo 4 chân, 3 chân
Xe tải Howo 3 chân và 4 chân thường sử dụng hộp số 2 tầng nhanh chậm HW12 với 12 số tiến, 2 số lùi. Do đó cách vào số xe Howo 4 chân và 3 chân sẽ giống nhau. Trừ một số xe Howo VX 3 chân sử dụng hộp số 9 số tiến, 1 số lùi. Cụ thể cùng U-TRUCK tìm hiểu trong bài viết dưới đây nhé!
Cách vào số xe Howo 4 chân, 3 chân 12 số tiến, 2 số lùi
Xe Howo sử dụng hộp số 2 tầng, có nghĩa là bạn có thể chọn số nhanh hoặc số chậm cho từng cấp số. Số nhanh ở tầng trên và số chậm ở tầng dưới. Điều chỉnh bằng cách bật lẫy chuyển tầng trên cần số, khi đi nhanh thì bật lẫy lên vị trí trên, còn khi đi chậm thì ấn lẫy xuống. Trên cần số có ghi 1-7, 2-8, 3-9, 4-10, 5-11, 6-12 chung một ô có nghĩa là các số này chung một cửa. Chú ý nguyên tắc vận tốc dưới 10km/h đi số 1, 20km/h đi số 2, 30km/ đi số 3, 40km/h đi số 4, 50km/h đi số 5, số 6.
Cách vào các số lần lượt như sau:
Vào số 1: Đảm bảo cần số ở vị trí MO bằng cách lắc nhẹ cần số. Lẫy lúc này phải ở vị trí trở xuống (tầng chậm). Chân đạp côn (đảm bảo đủ hơi trên 6kg) tay phải nhẹ nhàng kéo cần số về hướng người lái và có xu hướng kéo về phía sau theo vị trí cửa 1-7 trên cần số.
Vào số 2: Đạp côn về MO rồi nhả côn tiếp tục đạp thêm một lần nữa và kéo cần số về vị trí số 2 rồi nhả nhẹ chân côn, từ từ xe sẽ chạy.
Với số 3, 4, 5, 6 tương tự với vào số 2.
Để vào số 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, lẫy mỏ vịt trên cần số cần được bật ở vị trí phía trên. Khi đó, bạn sẽ nghĩ thấy tiếng xì hơi to và 2 tiếng lách cách ở hộp số. Đây là dấu hiệu cho thấy bạn đã chuyển tầng nhanh thành công. Lúc này cách vào số 7 bạn thực hiện như đã vào số 1 vì 2 số này cùng cửa. Tương tự số 8 vào như số 2, số 9 vào như số 3, số 10 và như số 4, số 11 vào như số 5, số 12 vào như số 6.
Ngoài ra, để chuyển từ số tiến sang số lùi, bạn cần đạp chân côn hết hành trình, gạt cần số về vị trí số R và nhả từ từ chân côn.
Cách vào số xe Howo 4 chân, 3 chân trên đây không chỉ áp dụng cho xe Howo mà có thể áp dụng cho các dòng xe tải được tran bị hộp số 2 tầng khác.
Lưu ý quan trọng khi sử dụng hộp số
Khi sử dụng hộp số, chuyển số cần lưu ý:
Khi chuyển số cần đảm bảo rằng xe đã dừng hẳn hoặc đang chạy ở tốc độ chậm.
Không chuyển số khi xe đang chạy ở tốc độ cao, điều này có thể làm hỏng hộp số.
Nên sử dụng số phù hợp với tốc độ xe để đảm bảo xe vận hành hiệu quả và tiết kiệm nhiên liệu. Sử dụng số quá cao hoặc quá thấp có thể khiến xe bị giật hoặc mất lực kéo.
Nên đạp 2 lần chân côn khi vào số. Nhả chân côn từ từ và đều đặn khi chuyển số. Nhả chân côn quá nhanh có thể khiến xe bị giật, nhả chân côn quá chậm có thể khiến xe bị chết máy.
Đạp ga nhẹ nhàng sau khi chuyển số. Đạp ga quá mạnh có thể khiến xe bị giật hoặc mất lực kéo.
Hy vọng những thông tin hữu ích trên đây sẽ giúp bạn biết cách vào số xe Howo 4 chân, 3 chân một cách dễ dàng và an toàn. Nếu có thắc mắc cần giải đáp, liên hệ U-TRUCK qua Hotline 081 680 8899 nhé.
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orange1896 · 1 year
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4120002674017 前壳体毛坯 6900008721 机罩电气总成 28230009001 刀具 L148C-22-0902 4110003226260 胶管 4110001164002 固定座24C003010 29290042951 ELBOW_WELD 90 4041001389 固定座 29170094801 SEALING STRIP 11212325 钢管 29240023121 贴盘LGB315-60M*90*22M 28210008391 保险丝和继电器中央接线盒 58917014 主阀支架 F612600011263 接触器3TH82.44.110V 11217703 PLATE 4120004036 压路机外胎GB2980-23.1-26-14 26130024131 SDLG品牌标识 4190000028111 高压熔断器 29031008391 软管LGB129-010240 29240040691 胶管 4041003722 加油弯管 29290045161 活塞杆 4130001833 胶管 MT80C 29330059551 压刀扳手 11218707 液压操纵总成 4110003115012 钢板吊钩 28180006561 接头 LG2810000700101 消音器 28140008451 进油块 11212893 B系列驾驶室装配件总成6225F 4110002409073 胶管 4110001121030 下隔板 26331043991 导引器123907-11820 26370009551 推杆 11224946 加水管 6303000624 环箍38 Q67638 L955 1690600099 压力开关 6216000309 方头锥形螺塞 90017010001 11215540 风扇 F00001CD P-O形圈GB3452.1-28.0*3.55G 6410005423 支架612600192019 6410006532 软管20411-22-08TZ/20441-22-08TZ*FC687-08*1 29240017741 气罩IGM 6410004813 前大灯(右) 3110800098 装载机 LG2990000019 内胎1030-61410 F3030900094 PLATE-DRIVE ARM MTG-750/780 26350003221 海绵 28070004842 管接头13023156 21906005682 车架 29220025531 PLATE 4110001922048 车轮倾斜拉杆总成 FJQGDIB 整流器181219-1250 29120039641 端盖70002742 4110002247058 左平衡箱壳体半成品 LG7300000414-1 非公路自卸车 4120000718055 胶管F381CACA101005-930-PG930 F952DXTDB GPS总成 29240004281 密封海绵 4030000239 操作模式注意标志 LG7300001174A 凸轮焊接总成 29120023511 胶管F481CACF101005-4030 FQCJZCZ70 轴承箱,总组件1G687-07042 14614824 HOSE ASSEMBLY_LGB127-412100 YJ315X-10000 11220499 PLATE_CTR BASE RR LH 29080000021 电动拉铆枪 29050006571 尼龙套 LG2617002399 零部件图册 6233000122 圆板 29270015701 左门下合页 11221405 PLATE 29370021451 微动开关VX-56-1A3 4110000846182 胶管F481CACE282816-1000 MT86H 26030008821 停用-胶管 6900020524 拉手总成 29341005151 稳定模块预埋线束模块 6220000103 阀杆(H350)R908150085 4110000047055 行星架毛坯 F612600020655 内六方套筒10mm-1/3霹雳马64826010 4110001950007 电源电气总成 28430002171 下止推片2027800 14598949 6212000145 前桥-装配件ZFAP-411/HKZP 11219064 销轴LGB301-70*185*395-1000Y 28250008681 bucket 29030010401 铰链 29050041671 油水分离器 944124 4190001627029 非公路自卸车 2050900065002 接头A EFJ 29170037511 CHAIN_ASSY 900MM X 51 14880937 板 28010015021 切管器 世达97301 4110015615067 弹垫圈04512-50060 4120016453017 O型圈129486-42140 26240006861 软管LGB128-405088 4120001962 链轨护板 6261000274 排水管JD4123-0010 29120016371 PLATE 7200002534 转向泵驱动齿轮 4110000499260 筋板 FXKAH-00855F 螺栓M10*l00半丝01030017 6420002323 CABLE 29030013131 油路块 29390000911 管夹 4011000447 限位块 4110002925048 重机 6900007942 螺栓GB16674.1-M16*35EpZn-8.8 F11211887Y CR海绵5 4110002975106 支重轮螺栓 6242000068 托架 29260101591 胶管 11221628 支架 6299000417 寒冷地区防冻液和液压油模块(34/127) 4110000727189 行星轴 4110003022015 销 4110000924149 砂轮GB2485-60*32*20 F000000001 支重轮 29250009921 清洁剂西卡Sika205/1000ml LG953L 4110000998006 卡环-第一轴滚柱轴承1701119-680 29170040951 ECU线束Ⅱ 4110002276006 固定板 29290049271 LG750矿用自卸车 26130100451 活塞24A680080 21909006891 燃油滤支架 4110015593030 膨胀水箱1311-00034 LG2637000121 海绵 26291005911 筋板 4110001100005 销轴 29380017411 DH220销子 7117-34340 4041001139 冬常服 29290046701 轴承 4120001033 上夹片焊接部件26AB640 158*85*45 29290030801 从动盘BZ1560161090G4-2 9300000185 记事本 28010014081 直接头M27-M36 4120015718 支架 L955F 4110015460003 软管LGB128-010112 26330009891 Link+600mm triple gr shoe X 49_HD F11QE-00200 停用-减震器12273121 4110001164013 管夹D70 55A2572 4043000019 L型黄色滑块 3mm 长*高50*22 4120001943 车架电气总成 28300004601 CLAMP-CT-550 L TS SS 4043017035 WIRING HARNESS_REAR VIEW CAM 990615 29340035911 手刹罩(短款) E6215F 28250025791 换挡手柄总成 26241010904 开槽螺母M20*1.5 ZL15F.2.5.1-14 6303006712 斜盘 21909010021 减压器13050448 F31Y1-25440F 组合密封垫圈1001251573 29180015001 联接节105A-0.44KG 2905002917102 接头 11212161 板 E635FS 6220000525 动臂油缸HSGF-160*90*805-1355 14406752 胶管20411-22-08TZXSR16SC-08X1400 FX520-110013 驾驶室总成系统 LG2190901694-1 笔记本电池 DELL E7440 51-3660-108 螺栓92703-14400 4120001423 前车架附件 I1-2636000469 胶管总成 11212638 世达旋具头59322 26360100811 斗壁 29220017361 风扇托架总成612700060021 FZ0000180 钢管 29170052841 铁木结合箱-12mm MT86H 6220000595 止退销00800SP 23B0010 28160004301 风扇 14408164 螺栓GB5783-M20*120EpZn-8.8 29260016391 1.93米操纵软轴 26380020841 接近开关转换线束 3070600023 摇臂 11215295 E680FS液压挖掘机 4110000036031 下架 4041003445 卡箍612600114668 29250015761 消声器垫块 BYAS3-1201001 4120002050001 REAR PLATE 6212001898 贯穿螺栓半圆螺母00800TBRN 26240025611 右支架 11212738 气缸盖罩橡胶垫A498B-11002 11221637 小箱总成 1690100228 前车架电气总成 2617002823019 山东临工挖掘机6300 26050001791 连杆机构 ZJ4130000257 PLATE 26260023322 溢流阀 4110002548 工作装置附件 LG2938003332 天线线束 11217689 盖板 11214199 支架 4120005803011 软管20411-30-10TZ/20441-26-10TZXFC686-10X2 26171007581 铲斗总成 4045000031 印度灯架换上模块 959261 左座 4110003513151 电磁阀插座612600180137 4130001075 停用-轮胎 GB2980-23.5-25-16PRTL-L3 ZL50F3.8.4.1 A106-4110001015 皮带1G772-97020 26380003001 BRACKET_CTR BOOM PIPE 29030034901 板 29330025271 定柱式悬臂吊 26441001621 垫片 4110002122020 大隔板 4110000970171 洗车机喷油嘴(凯驰HDS12/18-4 S洗车机,加热功能时使用的喷油嘴 ) 29030022721 衬套 14696536 F30FQUAN 角钢50*50*4 16256714 静音破碎锤HB85 4041003479 胶管F481CACF080804-770 LG9140000412 闷头D04-316-01+A 26240027381 空调线束GK33-5.0J7-70 4120005080004 阀块 28230019291 断路器HNM2-63S/3300 16A 26170011101 锁紧螺母 2060900759 回油阀YJ265-40000 29290053003 连杆小头衬套C4891178 4110002126052 O型圈8135-MD- A4006 29200009131 长支杆 4110015182002 LG6250/LG6300液压挖掘机操作及保养手册(英) 28080001110021 软管LGB165-005188 6410007729 加油管总成 28230019281 驾驶室附件 L955 4110000481107 轴承 28250006281 LG660农用挖掘机操作保养手册 ZJ4110001828012 电池BR-AGCF2W 2120900575 电子自动排水阀 0200D 220VAC 11221261 废气涡轮增压器13054112 4041003298 转向缸总成 2090400317 减速器壳体153370 29220022261 气缸套610800010503 29240009411 螺栓 4120008128 增压器油管垫片612600114857 Mail:[email protected] FXKAQ-00215 SWING MOTOR_ASSY SE20E_137 29240101141 密封海绵 29340026881 前桥总成 26361000861 停用-油封SG75×95×12 FA30-1004019 机油标尺B01182823 4110000125H 胶管 29260037671 曲轴前油封 26170003391 垫片 11212027 挡环Ⅰ 249000146 29120011271 齿轮4644 351 089 4110000003QC 板 4110016542 倒车镜 26430003381 梯形环13022348 11222888 PIN_6*30 DIN1484 GB/T879.1-2000 29330076621 碗形塞90003989288 26240020091 空压机接头 4110001121018 真空泵油L13 28230011901 固定座 4110001058086 滚子轴承150000*225000*48000 0750.120.264 FZ0000544 钢板t16*3700-SM490A 29090009351 调整垫-喷油泵D02113055 3120901134 备料中心机加工自检、互检表质记33-3号 4110001947038 接线端子JH1-10 26020010741 O型圈24321-000750 8286151 前顶照灯 4120006960006 上盖 11215021 齿轮 4644 253 050 29250008951 活塞6108 29340021661 垫圈 4110000081264 后传动轴 LG7300000966-1 DUCT_ASSY RH REAR PILLAR 9300000037 右立柱风腔 26170012191 936B多路阀 4110001143 螺栓M8*20-8.8LG660E 29220020251 加固型轮胎压条取出器 29260040626 后桥右油管 E6812213A36 管 E680H 971099 转向器1000 21720097 29360017391 隔套 26020005651 软管20411-26-10TZ/20491-22-10TZ×FC687-10×4 11214202 废轮胎皮 4120010344037 板 7200000203 左支撑 4120010529 PC56-张紧缸油封 LG2190901138-1 连接管 29280015601 硬件模拟USB键盘 二次开发 28350000861 板 6410006287 调整垫片0730 003 502 21061000 4043017729 三通SPB12 FHZJSQZC( R60-7) 后耳板右 4041002509 缸体24A133160 LGM0950WA10 按钮指示标牌框 Φ30 4110004256002 六角螺钉 4030000064 衬套座 15079041 4110000036042 涡流环 120925 6303902517 软管LGB128-010080 LG29440000151B 100小时保养包 14407259 81针ECU线束 29140013221 35241282024线圈罩 26090003291 负载敏感多路阀左5000CC-E84 4120006377 发电机支架M11BL001 1146-08150 6410001298 油门拉线支架13052772 1090200136 行星架总成(19:28) 4110000560128 后车架 F31NB-12070 三极管 4110002851023 行走马达壳 4110002618 定位轴 11210435 外壳 28280005961 垫片 4041001321 下架JL660 6244000159 动臂 ZJ27130118781 锁定杆 14742364 28310006241 钢管 29180011702 工具箱锁 2936001199001 衬垫141002 Read the full article
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pineroh · 2 years
Wireless verifone credit card terminal
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Bluetooth local area with communication.
Paper roll 38mm with core (2.25 in.) x 15M, single ply.
Integrated thermal with graphics capabilities.
Single multi-port connector, which supports RS-232, USB Host, USB Slave, and Integrated Charging.
3x4 numeric keypad, plus screen-addressable keys can be simulated on resistive touch screen.
ISO 7816, 1.8V, 3V, 5V synchronous and asynchronous cards.
Triple track (tracks 1, 2, 3), high coercivity, bi-directional.
8 soft-function keys and 4 screen-addressable keys via resistive touch screen.
240x320 pixel color TFT (QVGA) supports up to 26 lines x 26 characters.
192 MB (128 MB of Flash, 64 MB of SDRAM) standard, can exceed up to 500 MB.
Note: Includes power supply a roll of paper The VeriFone VX 680 Wireless has everything you’ve come to expect from the leader in payments. The VeriFone VX 680 Wireless is designed to meet the latest PCI PED 2.0 and optional PCI PTS 3.0 and even offers end-to-end encryption capabilities with VeriShield Total Protect. Ample memory supports applications that allow merchants to offer a customized payment experience, including coupons and loyalty programs. The VX680 is ideal for merchants on the go and pay-at-the-table scenarios, enabling you to accept payment wherever your customers are. The color screen can also display graphics, logos or promotional messages for added customer engagement. A touch screen with intuitive buttons allows your customers to interact directly with the VX 680 without ever handing over their credit cards. It comes with a 3.5" touch display of vibrant color and is backed by the VX platform. Merchants using the VX 680 keep lines moving so consumers don't have to wait. The VX 680 is powered by an ARM11 processor for ultimate processing speed. Merchants on the move - from delivery services and stadium vendors to restaurant pay-at-the-table service providers - can process on-the-spot transactions with minimal consumer waiting time. Carry brilliance and complete transactions in a small, portable, handheld device: the VX 680 Portable. The VeriFone VX680 refurbished wireless credit card terminal is a small, full-function, portable, handheld payment device with a large, color, touch screen.
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xadegahihu · 2 years
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VX 680 is equipped with HSPA+ 3G and 192 megabyte storage to ensure portability and ease of access. It also gives you the option to add GPS allowing you to track all your devices and managing their placement locations efficiently.
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velformsblr · 5 years
POS is Big Solution for Small Merchant
Small merchants can offer a wide range of customer service options with the Vx 510. This entry-point countertop solution comes in a sleek, compact design, and offers dynamically-managed memory for seconds-fast processing of debit, credit, EBT and EMV cards.
The Vx 510 offers built-in connectivity options.
The VeriFone VX 520 gprs with Smart cart, contactless reader, with battery backup wireless credit card machine is a reliable, rugged countertop device that’s built to last. It handles encryption, decryption and processing at lightning speeds thanks to its powerful processor and expandable memory. Integrated NFC capabilities support alternative payments and also support value-added applications such as loyalty or gift card acceptance.
This vx520 with EMV, SmartCard Reader has a full range of connectivity options, from dial up to GPRS, with a battery backup allows the VX 520 to go wherever you go. A uniquely designed communication port area underneath the device keeps countertops neat and free of clutter.
The VeriFone VX 520 gprs with Smart cart, contactless reader, with battery backup wireless credit card machine is a reliable, rugged countertop device that’s built to last. It handles encryption, decryption and processing at lightning speeds thanks to its powerful processor and expandable memory. Integrated NFC capabilities support alternative payments and also support value-added applications such as loyalty or gift card acceptance.
This vx520 with EMV, SmartCard Reader has a full range of connectivity options, from dial up to GPRS, with a battery backup allows the VX 520 to go wherever you go. A uniquely designed communication port area underneath the device keeps countertops neat and free of clutter.
VX675 GPRS Pay-Anywhere Performance
The smallest portable, all-in-one, wireless handheld payment device comes with extra-large benefits.  Advanced technology, sleek design and incredibly durable construction combine to make the VX 675 ideal for restaurants, hospitality, delivery, transportation or for any other business that thrives on pay-anywhere, pay-anytime convenience. And it’s all protected by the industry’s most impenetrable security.
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The VX 675 with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio capabilities offers merchants flexible connectivity options. The integrated printer allows you to complete payment transactions with speed and convenience. The VX 675 provides powerful performance at the point of sale.
Key Benefits: Wireless and Compact
Accept payment wherever, whenever. The VX 675 is the smallest, full-function, portable device on the market. It’s the device that can take you places.
New Design
Ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in even the most petite hands, the VX 675 features sleek lines and elegant features that are fully protected by a drop-resistant case.
Highly Secure
Along with its tamper-resistant construction, the VX 675 is PCI PTS 3.0 compliant, EMV Level 1 and 2 Type approved and features VeriShield Total Protect.
Delivers wireless connection through GPRS, WiFi/Bluetooth combo, or 3G. Case Study … The VX 680supports value-added apps, giving merchants new revenue opportunities. Color-display … NFC/CTLSenabled.
The Verifone VX 680 is a small, portable payment device designed to help you accept payments anywhere, including at tableside dining businesses, or while making deliveries.
The terminal offers wireless connectivity through GPRS, Wifi, or 3G and is lightweight for easy carrying. The terminal also has a power save mode, to help lengthen the battery life while away from the charger.
The VX 680 can accept a wide range of payments, including newer technologies such as NFC mobile wallets and EMV chip cards. For customers with traditional cards, the VX 680 accepts magnetic strip credit cards, and PIN debit using an internal PIN pad.
In addition to accepting payments, you can also process voids and refunds. For times when a connection isn’t available or goes down, the VX 680 offers an offline mode, also known as store and forward. In offline mode, you can accept payments, and they will be held for authorization until a connection is available. Once transactions are uploaded for approval, authorization can occur.
The Verifone VX 680 also offers transaction reconciliation directly from the terminal. After reconciling, you can print a reconciliation report and clear the daily transactions out of the system. You must be in online mode to use the reconcile function. If there are any offline transactions that haven’t been processed, you will be prompted to upload the transactions for authorization before using the reconcile function.
The VX 680 offers a high level of security and features end-to-end encryption. Additionally, the terminal is PCI PED 2.0 and PCI PTS 3.0 approved.
The VX 680 terminal provides a variety of features for convenience, including wireless connection options, a large touchscreen display, spill-resistant keys, and a built-in printer.
Connectivity and Communication
The Verifone VX 680 offers multiple connection options. The VX 680 is ideal for businesses on the go and for pay-at-the-table scenarios. You can connect the terminal wirelessly with GPRS, Wifi/Bluetooth, or 3G connections. Wired connections are available through Ethernet or dialup.
Additionally, the terminal has several ports for connecting optional peripherals. The VX 680 has both serial ports and USB ports.
Display and Keypad
The generous 3.5” color touchscreen makes reading easy in any lighting conditions and can display graphics, logos, or promotional messages to customers. Intuitive buttons allow your customers to interact directly with the VX 680 without handing over their credit card. The color screen can also display engaging graphics, logos or promotional messages.
In addition to an intuitive touchscreen, the Verifone VX 680 includes a 15-button backlit, spill-resistant keypad with durable alphanumeric keys, command keys, and special characters.
The VX 680 is designed to be easily carried. The small terminal measures 172mm L x 82mm W x 62mm H. The terminal weight varies depending on model (GPRS, Wifi, or 3G version.) The VX 680 GPRS weighs 479g, the VX 680 Wifi weighs 481g, and the VX 680 3G weighs 502g.
The Verifone VX 680 provides 192MB of total memory, split into 128MB flash memory and 64MB SDRAM.
The built-in printer takes 38mm paper rolls and can print customer receipts at up to 18 lines per second.
Hypercom Optimum T4220
The Hypercom T4100 has been called “…a better, more powerful device than any other card payment terminal in its class.” This credit card processing terminal features an easy setup process, and offers speed and security in a compact 9 inch x6 inch package. Hypercom T4100 credit card readers offer super-fast transaction handling while operating securely to ensure uncompromised processing payments.
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vaynat · 4 years
En İyi Yazar Kasa POS Cihazı Hangisi?
En İyi Yazar Kasa POS Cihazı Hangisi?
En iyi yazar kasa POS makineleri, Ingenico İWE 200, Verifone Olivetti VX 680, Vera Delta Plus, olarak sıralanırlar. Bu POS cihazları yeni nesil özellikleri ile eski tip POS cihazlarını geride bırakan ve hızlı işlemler sunana makinelerdir. Özellikle ödeme işlemlerinde sıklıkla tercih edilen temassız işlemleri destekleyen yapıları ile ödeme işlemlerinde zamandan tasarruf sağlanmasını desteklerler.
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rahakone · 5 years
Mikä on paras maksupääte yritykselle?
Oletko etsimässä parasta vaihtoehtoa maksupäätteeksi yrityksellesi? Tältä sivulta löydät kattavan vertailun markkinoilla olevista maksupäätteistä.
Yrityksen perustamisen jälkeen on hyvä miettiä, kuinka yritys ottaa maksuja vastaan. Käteisen rahan vieminen pankkiin muuttuu koko ajan kalliimmaksi ja onneksi myös asiakkaat käyttävät enemmän korttimaksua, joten yrittäjän on hyvä miettiä korttimaksun hyväksymistä yhtenä maksutapana, koska se on jo ollut arkipäivää pidemmän aikaan. Olen itse toiminut kivijalkayrittäjänä vuoden verran ja silloin meillä oli käytössä kaksi maksupäätettä. Kuitenkin myimme liiketoiminnan eteenpäin ja uusi omistaja tarvitsi vain yhden maksupäätteen, niin meillä jäi toinen itselle ja siinä sattui olemaan 2 vuoden määräaikainen sopimus. Jouduimme maksamaan siitä siis vuoden verran turhaan, vaikka meillä ei ollut enää mitään käyttöä sille.
Halusin tehdä tämän vertailun juuri sen takia, että mahdollisimman moni yrittäjä pystyisi tekemään parempia valintoja, eikä sinun tarvitsisi maksamaan turhia maksuja korttipäätteen käytöstä.
Maksupäätteiden hintavertailu
iZettle Go -maksupääte, vain 19 € (0 €/kk)
Tässä paketissa on kaikki, mitä tarvitset myynnin aloittamiseen. Go-sovelluksella teet älypuhelimestasi tai tabletistasi kassajärjestelmän, joka helpottaa käteis- ja korttimaksujen vastaanottamista. Ominaisuuksiin kuuluu myös tuotevalikoima, myyntitulojen talletus pankkitilillesi päivittäin, tekstiviestikuitit, ilmoitukset varaston hupenemisesta ja paljon muuta. Sovelluksen käyttö on täysin maksutonta. iZettle Readerilla käsitellyistä korttimaksuista peritään kiinteä 1,95 %:n maksupalkkio kortista riippumatta. Asiakastuki on avoinna arkisin klo 09-17. Saat maksupäätteen tarjoushintaan 19 € + alv. (norm. 79 €).
Katso lisää!
Bambora One -maksupäätepaketti (25 €/kk)
Bambora One sisältää laadukkaan maksupäätteen ja korttitilityssopimuksen, jolla voit vastaanottaa maksuja Visa- ja MasterCard -korteilla. Kannettava maksupääte - sis. 3G datayhteyden, 25 € / kk (alv. 0%) + 1,45% korttitapahtumista.
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Nets SPC5 -maksupääte (39,50 €/kk)
Nets:n uusi yrittäjille suunnattu maksupääte. Laitteen hinta 60,00 €, jonka lisäksi 39,50 €/kk kuukausimaksu. Suunniteltu etenkin aloittavien kauppiaiden tarpeisiin, vaikka hinta on aika arvokas siihen tarkkoitukseen. Maksupääte toimitetaan esiasennettuna ja käyttövalmiina Nets-tilityspalvelun kanssa. Tämä tekee siitä ihanteellisen valinnan kauppiaille, jotka haluavat hankkia kerralla valmiin työkalun päivittäiseen käyttöönsä.
Katso lisää!
Verifone VX680 -maksupääte (36,90 €/kk) 24 kk:n sopimus
Hyvä maksupääte, mutta tämän palvelun ongelma on 24 kk:n pituinen määräaikainen sopimus. Joudut siis maksamaan 24 x 36,90 € = 885,60 € laitteesta sopimuksen ajalta. Verifone VX 680 on käteen täydellisesti istuva kannettava maksupääte, joka sopii kaikkeen kaupankäyntiin. Roisketiivis ja iskuja kestävä pääte sopii myös vaativiin olosuhteisiin. Se sisältää värillisen kosketusnäytön, NFC-lukijan ja akun.
Katso lisää!
Tässä taulukossa on esitetty tällä hetkellä Suomen käytetyimmät maksupäätteet ja omaksi suosikiksi listalta nousee ehdottomasti iZettle, joka on edullisin vaihtoehto aloittelevan tai pienen yrityksen tarpeisiin.
Jos korttimaksuja kertyy kuukaudessa yli 10 000 eurolla, niin silloin Nets:n ja Verifonen paketit ovat kokonaishinnaltaan edullisempia. Näissä vertailuissa on aina kuitenkin tärkeä muistaa, että osa palveluista tarkoaa korttimaksupäätteen kahden vuoden sopimuksella ja osa vastaavasti ilman määräaikaisia sopimusjaksoja.
Edullisin maksupääte? Mihin hintaan sen saa?
Vertailun edullisin vaihtoehto pienelle yrittäjälle on iZettlen korttimaksupääte, joka on mahdollista saada tarjoushintaan 19 € (norm. 79 €). Tarkemmat tiedot tarjouksesta näet täältä. Tässä iZettlen palvelussa ei ole mitään kuukausimaksuja, vaan laitteen käyttö maksaa vain 1,95 % kortilla maksetuista summista.
Tätä maksupäätettä on helppo käyttää ja se on todella pieni ja kätevä käyttää. Jos käytät sitä kiinteästi, niin sen kanssa on hyvä käyttää kuittitulostinta, mutta jos myyt paljon tapahtumissa ja olet liikkeessä, niin voit lähettää kuitit asiakkaalle kätevästi sähköpostilla.
Kannattaako korttimaksupääte hankkia omaksi vai vuokrata?
Maksupäätteiden vuokraus on suosittua, mutta laitteiden vuokrahinnat ovat korkeita, joten se voi tulla kalliiksi. Omien laskelmieni mukaan ainakin nykyisin korttimaksulaite kannattaa ostaa omaksi. Esimerkiksi aiemmin mainittu iZettle maksaa vain 19 € (tarjoushinta). Usein maksupäätteen vuokraaminen viikonlopuksi voi helposti maksaa 60-100 euroa, eli silloin se ei ole kovinkaan järkevää.
Tuetut kortit
Tällä hetkellä varmasti kaikki maksukortinlukijat tukevat ainakin Visaa ja Master Cardia (credit ja debit). Näillä pääsee varmasti ainakin alkuun. Lisäksi kannattaa miettiä, että voiko maksupäätekumppanin kautta saada sopimusta myös American Express -kortille (Amex), koska monet henkilöt, jotka matkustavat tykkäävät käyttää Amexia. Tämä johtuu siitä, että Amex tarjoaa hyviä etuja kortin käyttäjille ja jokainen kortilla maksettu ostos kerryttää myös lentopisteitä. Tätä kannattaa miettiä, jos yrityksesi kohderyhmä on liikematkaajat tai muuten paljon matkustavat henkilöt.
The post Mikä on paras maksupääte yritykselle? appeared first on Rahakone.
Lue alkuperäinen teksti täältä: http://bit.ly/2TUwZqf #tienaarahaa #tienaanetissa
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appstarjobs · 6 years
Appstar Financial is a leader in the electronic payments industry. Appstar Financial  has  excellent reviews/ratings in electronic payment processing services, careers growth and Job opportunities. Hiring procedure at Appstar is high level. Appstar has successfully assisted Career / Jobs hundreds of people that entered the business with little or no industry experience.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
VX-680 induces p53-mediated apoptosis in human cholangiocarcinoma cells
VX-680 is one selective small-molecule inhibitor of the Aurora kinases. It has been shown to disrupt motosis and induce apoptosis in a wide variety of tumor cell lines. However, its effect on human cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) cells remains uncharacterized. In the current study, we observed the effects of VX-680 on the human CCA (QBC939 and HCCC-9810) cell line. In cell culture, VX-680 inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis of tumor cell growth in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner, and exerted the most effective cytotoxicity against HCCC-9810 cells. The proliferation inhibition rate increased from 5.39 to 51.74%, whereas the apoptosis rate increased from 9.59 to 50.02% when HCCC-9810 cells were cultured with 5 µmol/l VX-680 for 48 h. Immunoblot analysis showed that the expression of phospho-p53(Ser-15) was upregulated after 48 h treatment of the cancer cells with VX-680. This activation in p53 was associated with a decrease in Bcl-2 and an increase in Bax, which led to the expression of its downstream effectors (caspase-9 and caspase-3). We further found that pifithrin-α, a p53 inhibitor, attenuated the anticancer effects of VX-680 and downregulated the expression of apotosis-related proteins (Bax and caspase-9). These results suggest that VX-680 could mediate cell death by acting on a P53/Bax/ caspase-3-dependent pathway in human CCA cells. Correspondence to Cheng-Yong Qin, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, 324 Jingwu Weiqi Road, Jinan 250021, People’s Republic of China Tel: +86 531 8688 1009; fax: +86 531 8706 8344; e-mail: [email protected] Received April 5, 2018 Accepted July 13, 2018 Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. https://ift.tt/2OfCfkW
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scitechnetwork · 7 years
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Latest Keio University Highlights: Chromosomal chaos gives cancer a survival advantage
Image Copyright: 2017 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Source: Keio University
Cancer cells adapt to genomic abnormalities by producing a protein that confers drug resistance
Resistance is a vexing problem in the world of cancer therapy, with many patients either failing to respond or benefiting only temporarily from a given drug. A recent study by Kohji Noguchi and colleagues at Keio University has uncovered a survival mechanism that tumor cells use to elude destruction, and a potential avenue for designing more effective cancer treatments1.
Drugs that sabotage cell division, or mitosis, can help to slow down and stop tumor growth. “Classical anticancer drugs, such as vinca alkaloids and taxanes, target mitosis,” explains Noguchi. “And mitotic aurora kinases have also been considered as a novel pharmacological target.” These enzymes help manage the appropriate redistribution of genetic material during cell division, and several aurora kinase inhibitors are showing promise in cancer clinical trials. “However, we lack predictable biomarkers for these inhibitors to understand their effectiveness,” says Noguchi.
Noguchi and his colleagues therefore exposed colorectal cancer cells to increasing doses of an aurora kinase inhibitor, VX-680, in order to isolate a variety of drug-resistant clones for closer study. One effect of aurora kinase inhibitors is the accumulation of abnormal numbers of chromosomes, a state known as aneuploidy. Aneuploidy is often observed in cancer cells, but this condition typically triggers a self-destruct mechanism in healthy cells. The researchers observed that their VX-680-resistant cells had become highly aneuploid, containing 70–80 chromosomes rather the normal complement of 46, but they had clearly acquired a mechanism that allowed them to survive despite their condition.
A closer examination revealed that four of these five drug-resistant cell lines were producing excessive levels of a signaling protein called AKT3. A series of experiments in other cell lines subsequently provided compelling evidence that AKT3 prevents both the cell death and chromosomal abnormalities caused by aurora kinase inhibition. According to Noguchi, this was unexpected. “The AKT family has multiple oncogenic functions and is usually considered to work in cell survival mechanisms, which would provide resistance to cytotoxic drugs,” he says. “However, there were no reports connecting AKT with aneuploidy.”
Aneuploidy is not uncommon in malignant cells, and Noguchi believes that these results reveal a connection between this characteristic and the emergence of drug resistance via AKT3. This highlights an important potential escape mechanism for tumors being treated with aurora kinase inhibitors, but it also shows a vulnerability that could be exploited in future treatments. “I hope to find novel molecular targets for the selective killing of aneuploid cancer cells,” says Noguchi.
Noguchi, K., Hongama, K., Hariki, S., Nonomiya, Y., Katayama, K. & Sugimoto, Y. Functional effects of AKT3 on aurora kinase inhibitor-induced aneuploidy. Journal of Biological Chemistry292, 1910–1924 (2017). | article
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Fluorescence imaging of aurora kinase inhibitor–resistant cells reveals that aurora kinase B (green) and AKT3 (red) overlap at the center of the cell during cell division. The blue label indicates chromosomes.
© 2017 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Provided by: Keio University
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