#NEM inhibitor
bidstrupmcpherson56 · 4 months
Ligand-modulated aqueous activity involving color-tunable copper mineral nanoclusters for the photoluminescent analysis of Hg(II).
Although there are operates exhibiting that will, regarding your Fourier-Bessel time frame (cylindrical-wave growth), the application of an inverse factorization rule can offer more rapidly convergence as compared to Laurent's tip, these kind of works overlook the indisputable fact that various other principles are also achievable. Below, We mathematically illustrate 4 different factorization rules pertaining to resolving Maxwell equations inside cylindrical harmonizes using the Fourier-Bessel development in unlimited as well as finite websites. I assess their particular convergence for the step-index fibers (which has a identified exact solution and so enables the total mathematical mistake to be established), and for several VCSEL buildings. My partner and i demonstrate that your cylindrical-wave expansion differs from the actual plane-wave growth knowning that the usage of the inverse factorization guideline for that electric field portion vertical with respect for the discontinuities may lead to damage associated with numerical convergence. Last but not least, My spouse and i find out the factorization guideline which gives the easiest unity from the modal technique with all the Fourier-Bessel time frame.The particular temporary dynamics regarding integrated rubber resonators continues to be modeled by using a pair of equations combining the interior electricity, the actual heat and also the free company population. Due to their ease, Newton's law involving air conditioning may be the traditional decision for talking about the thermal development of which programs. Within this perform, all of us theoretically and experimentally demonstrate that this might be inferior within monolithic planar gadgets, resulting in erroneous forecasts. A new selleck products formula that people educate to breed the proper temp behaviour will be unveiled in resolve the discrepancies together with the trial and error final results. We all discuss the constraints and the array of quality of our refined product, discovering individuals cases where Netwon's legislation supplies, nonetheless, accurate alternatives. Our own custom modeling rendering explains the phenomena main winter along with no cost provider instabilities and is an invaluable application to the design regarding photonic systems which in turn rely on resonator dynamical claims, for example almost all visual spiking nerve organs systems or even reservoirs regarding neuromorphic processing.Using an atomic/molecular vapor being an spray obstructing filtering regarding atmospheric heat proportions which has a Cabannes lidar is revisited. Distinct problems throughout previously used barium along with iodine filters stopped these people through delivering the actual 81 instances signal advantage (Eight.7 periods less anxiety) over spinning Raman lidar. All of us deduce which, despite the level of responsiveness optimisation inside spinning Raman lidar, the recommended Cabannes lidar employing blood potassium steam filtration systems might have Some.1 times significantly less heat doubt. By focusing your laser beam rate of recurrence cyclically in order to above along with below the blood potassium D1 cross over, the actual lidar method can easily calculate temp along with breeze concurrently.
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sronti · 1 year
Ez így elég kontextus nélküli, pedig ez egy sokkal jobban kutatott dolog, mint a cikkből gondolnád.
Például ha a skizofrénia gyógymódjaira gondoltál, eszedbe jutott, hogy az aszpirin nem a legesélytelenebb köztük?
"There is a lack of data to determine if aspirin is truly effective in schizophrenia to date"
Vagy hogy az SSRI esetében a pozitív mellékhatásnak gondolt gyulladáscsökkentő hatás akár az alapvető működési mechanizmusnak is része lehet?
És akkor még az agy-gyomor kapcsolatról nem is beszéltünk.
A pszichiátria nagyon komoly áttörések előtt áll és elég kíváncsi vagyok ennek hatásaira.
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hikikomorichapado · 5 years
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Pam, the Monk 
Chaotic Neutral 
Pam was the first human to see a Shadow Being. No one believed her because they said they were expelled from the Continent many years ago. But only she saw the creatures. Pam discovered that she saw the remnants of Beings, and they acted by interfering with human life with malice. She fled her village and tried to hide in the Yoba Temple in the mountains. But until then the spirits followed her. She spent years training with the monks, and using her CHI to fight the beings, but every fight she had with a spirit, she got weaker and older. Living in extreme bitterness, Pam began to drink, and realized that alcohol inhibited her sixth sense, and lived a few years of peace, always drunk. But with the Great Gate open, Pam's greatest enemies returned, and stronger. She could choose between dropping her inhibitor and facing her opponents, or remaining drunk and ignoring it all. Not even the stars could predict Pam's decision.
Pam, a Monge
Caótico neutro
Pam foi a primeira humana a ver um Ser das Sombras. Ninguém acreditou nela, pois diziam que eles foram expulsos do Continente há muitos anos.Mas só ela enxergava as criaturas. Pam descobriu que via os resquícios dos Seres, e eles agiam interferindo a vida humana com maldade.Ela fugiu de seu vilarejo, e tentou se esconder no Templo de Yoba, nas montanhas. Mas até lá os espíritos a seguiram.Ela passou anos treinando com os monges, e usar seu CHI para lutar com os seres, mas cada luta que ela tinha com um espírito, ela ficava mais fraca e mais envelhecida.Vivendo em extrema amargura, Pam começou a beber, e percebeu que o álcool inibia seu sexto sentido, e viveu alguns anos de paz, sempre embriagada.Mas com o Grande Portal aberto, os maiores inimigos de Pam voltaram, e mais fortes. Ela podia escolher entre largar seu inibidor e enfrentar seus adversários, ou continuar embriagada e ignorar tudo aquilo. Nem as estrelas poderiam prever a decisão de Pam.
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aitolvaso · 7 years
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Új ESC irányelv: Kettős thrombocitaaggregáció gátlás (DAPT) koronáriabetegségben
Az anesztézia és általános intenzív terápia szempontjából legrelevánsabb ajánlások:
Elektív műtét DAPT-ot kapó betegeknél
Halasztható a műtét?
Ha lehetséges a műtétet halasszuk a DAPT kezelés tervezett idejének utánra. Egy nem-kizárt sérv esetén ez nem probléma, de például tumor műtéteknél néhány hónapos várakozás is probléma lehet. 
Az újabb DES stenteknél tapasztalt alacsonyabb trombózis rizikó és a témában napvilágot látó vizsgálatok alapján úgy tűnik mindössze egy hónap, amíg abszolút esszenciális a DAPT fenntartása. Ez újabb DES stentekre és BMS stentekre egyaránt vonatkozik.
Akiknél nemrég ACS miatt került be a stent vagy magas rizikójúnak számítanak (erre külkön táblázat van) továbbra is érdemes 6 hónapot várni.
Sürgős műtét esetén? Az irányelv sajnos ezt nem tárgyalja
Ha tényleg fontos, hogy a műtét megtörténjen 6 hónapon belül, akkor az iszkémiás és vérzés rizikó végiggondolása a legfontosabb (Milyen stent? Miért? Mikor? Vérzéses rizikó? Kell-e transzfúzió?). Legjobb kardiológus kollégánkat megkérdezni.
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Mindkettőt abba kell hagyni?
Alacsony vérzéses rizikó (biopsziák, endoszkópia, fogkivétel, kisebb ortopédia vagy sebészeti műtétek): folytassuk a DAPT-ot
Közepes vérzéses rizikó (ide tartozik a legtöbb): csak Aspirin
Magas vérzéses rizikó (komplex érműtétek, intrakraniális, intraokuláris, transbronchiális műtétek): mindkét thrombocita gátló abbahagyása
Sajnos az irányelv részletesen nem tárgyalja a kérdést műtéttípusonként.
Mikor kell abbahgyani?
Clopidogrel 5 nap
Prasugrel 7 nap
Ticagrelor 3 nap
Ezek a számok egyébként szívsebészeti műtétek vizsgálatából származnak, tehát a valós vérzéses rizikó nem-szívsebészeti műtéteknél még alacsonyabb
Igen magas iszkémiás rizikó esetén híd terápia cangrelorral, epitfibatiddel vagy tirofibannal lehetséges.
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  Egyéb témák az irányelvben röviden
Vérzés DAPT-on
A vérzés súlyosságától függően különböző intervenciót javasolnak triviális vérzéstől, életet veszélyeztető vérzésig DAPT-on és Hármas terápián levő betegeknek.
Az alábbi szép táblázatban, jelentő újdonságot nem találtam.
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DAPT hossza?
A stent típusától, indikációtól és vérzéses rizikótól függően 3 hónap - 6 hónap – 12 hónap – 30 hónap – és tovább.
- Használjuk a PRECISE-DAPT vagy DAPT score-t
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Melyik P2Y12 inhibitor (clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor)?
- Jelen posztba nem fér be a részletek ismertetése, de az irányelv hosszasan és érthető grafikákkal tárgyalja a témában elmélyedni vágyóknak.
Ticagrelor: ACS bármilyen kezelési stratégiával
Prasugrel: ACS, ha PCI a terv, nem kapott még clopidogrelt vagy nem nagyon magas a vérzéses rizikó
Clopidogrel: a legjobb mellékhatásprofil, de változó hatékonyság. Indikációja: stabil koronáriabetegség - elektív PCI, thrombolysis, illetve, ha a másik kettő nem elérhető
Váltás egyik P2Y12 inhibitorról a másikra
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nemzetinet · 5 years
Ezek a gyógyszerek segítenek Magyarországon
Sok gyógyszert fogyaszt a magyar lakosság, de milyeneket? Cikkünkben a “slágerlista”
A jogszabályok miatt a gyógyszerek neve nem közölhető, a bennük lévő hatóanyagokról azonban részletes statisztikákat szokott közölni a Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK).
Az Index által közölt listában a receptre felírt, tb-támogatásban részesülő gyógyszerek toplistáját látni, amelyeket háziorvos vagy szakorvos rendelhet, és általában komolyabb betegségekre utalnak. Mindez azért is fontos, mert ezek kiváltásakor regisztrálják a taj-számokat. Így jön létre az a nyilvántartás, ami megmutatja, hogy tavaly hány beteg váltott ki legalább egy alkalommal egy adott hatóanyagú gyógyszert.
Nem meglepő, hogy az 1. helyen egy antibiotikum áll, amelyet tavaly 1,3 millió embernek írtak fel.
Ezt felnőtteknél és gyermekeknél alkalmazzák súlyos fül-, orr- és torokfertőzésekre, légúti-, húgyúti-, bőr- hasüregi és lágyrész-fertőzésekre, nőknél a nemi szervek fertőzéseire, de ezt adják a fogorvosok a begyulladt fogak kezelésére is.
1. antibiotikum (amoxicillin és enzim-inhibitor)
2. D3 provitamin csontritkulás ellen
3. antibiotikum (azitromicin)
4. vérhigító stroke és infarktus megelőzésére (acetilszalicilsav)
5. gyomorsav-termelést gátló szer (pantoprazol)
6. értágító
7. szívgyógyszer (nebivolol)
8. húgysavcsökkentő köszvényeseknek
9. koleszterinszint-csökkentő
10. szívgyógyszer (amlodipin)
Ezek a gyógyszerek segítenek Magyarországon a Nemzeti.net-en jelent meg,
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globlenews-blog · 5 years
Morpholine Market To Witness Steady Growth Through 2017-2025
Morpholine is a hydroscopic liquid. It is colorless and clear in appearance, with amine odor characteristics. Generally, it is produced by the dehydration of diethanolamine with sulfuric acid. Morpholine has maximum water content of 0.3%, i.e. it is completely miscible in water and also in organic solvents. Morpholine is a versatile chemical, as it is a hydroscopic liquid and also a solvent for various organic materials such as dyes, resins, waxes, casein, and shellac. It is used in many applications owing to its versatility. For instance, morpholine is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of rubber chemicals and as optical brightener in the detergent industry. It is also employed extensively as a corrosion inhibitor in steam boiler systems. Rise in demand for morpholine in end-use industries such as automotive, household care, pharmaceutical, biocides and fungicides, and agrochemicals is expected to augment the morpholine market during the forecast period. However, health hazards related to the production of morpholine are anticipated to restrain the market.
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Based on derivative type, the morpholine market can be segmented into N-methylmorpholine (NMM), N-ethylmorpholine (NEM), N-methylmorpholine oxide, aqueous solution (NMMO), and Aminopropylmorpholine (APM). NMM is used as stabilizer for chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is also used as an extraction solvent. Furthermore, NMM is employed in the chemical preparation of self-polishing waxes, corrosion inhibitors, oil emulsions, and pharmaceuticals. APM is used as an intermediate for printing dyes, and also as an additive for fuels and lube oils. NMM and NEM segments are estimated to expand at a fast pace during the forecast period owing to the rise in demand from the pharmaceutical industry. NMMO also accounts for significant share of the morpholine market, due to the increase in its demand in films and fiber applications.
In terms of application, the morpholine market can be divided into rubber chemical intermediates, catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, separating agents, optical brighteners, antioxidants, wax emulsifiers, and surface active agents. Morpholine is primarily used as an intermediate form, especially in the rubber chemical market. Under the catalyst application, morpholine is used as a gelling agent in the preparation of alumina catalysts for the treatment of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, physical and chemical properties of morpholine make it useful in various purification procedures. It is also an important intermediate in the manufacture of optical brighteners. Thus, increase in demand for morpholine in soap and detergent applications is projected to boost the morpholine market during the forecast period.
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In terms of end-use industry, the morpholine market can be split into automotive, textile, pharmaceutical, household care, and agriculture. High demand for rubber chemicals in the automotive industry is likely to fuel the morpholine market. Additionally, rise in need for morpholine derivatives in the pharmaceutical segment is expected to augment the market during the forecast period. Household care and agriculture segments also hold significant share of the morpholine market.
Based on region, the global morpholine market can be segregated into Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is estimated to be the major region of the morpholine market during the forecast period. China accounts for the prominent share of the market in Asia Pacific, led by the presence of major manufacturers in the country. Additionally, large production capacity in countries such as India, China, Taiwan, and Japan is anticipated to propel the morpholine market in Asia Pacific. Europe and North America also constitute key market share. This can be ascribed to the increase in demand for morpholine in various end-use industries in these regions.
The morpholine market is highly competitive as there is presence of major players in the market and also the market experiences a major contribution from the local supplier and manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region. Some of the key player identified in the morpholine market are, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Huntsman Corporation, BASF SE, and DSW Chemical.
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yourpooja123-blog · 5 years
Global Morpholine Market Production, Revenue, Price, Growth Rate, Type and Applicability
Morpholine is a hydroscopic liquid. It is colorless and clear in appearance, with amine odor characteristics. Generally, it is produced by the dehydration of diethanolamine with sulfuric acid. Morpholine has maximum water content of 0.3%, i.e. it is completely miscible in water and also in organic solvents. Morpholine is a versatile chemical, as it is a hydroscopic liquid and also a solvent for various organic materials such as dyes, resins, waxes, casein, and shellac. It is used in many applications owing to its versatility. For instance, morpholine is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of rubber chemicals and as optical brightener in the detergent industry. It is also employed extensively as a corrosion inhibitor in steam boiler systems. Rise in demand for morpholine in end-use industries such as automotive, household care, pharmaceutical, biocides and fungicides, and agrochemicals is expected to augment the morpholine market during the forecast period. However, health hazards related to the production of morpholine are anticipated to restrain the market.
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Based on derivative type, the morpholine market can be segmented into N-methylmorpholine (NMM), N-ethylmorpholine (NEM), N-methylmorpholine oxide, aqueous solution (NMMO), and Aminopropylmorpholine (APM). NMM is used as stabilizer for chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is also used as an extraction solvent. Furthermore, NMM is employed in the chemical preparation of self-polishing waxes, corrosion inhibitors, oil emulsions, and pharmaceuticals. APM is used as an intermediate for printing dyes, and also as an additive for fuels and lube oils. NMM and NEM segments are estimated to expand at a fast pace during the forecast period owing to the rise in demand from the pharmaceutical industry. NMMO also accounts for significant share of the morpholine market, due to the increase in its demand in films and fiber applications.
In terms of application, the morpholine market can be divided into rubber chemical intermediates, catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, separating agents, optical brighteners, antioxidants, wax emulsifiers, and surface active agents. Morpholine is primarily used as an intermediate form, especially in the rubber chemical market. Under the catalyst application, morpholine is used as a gelling agent in the preparation of alumina catalysts for the treatment of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, physical and chemical properties of morpholine make it useful in various purification procedures. It is also an important intermediate in the manufacture of optical brighteners. Thus, increase in demand for morpholine in soap and detergent applications is projected to boost the morpholine market during the forecast period.
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In terms of end-use industry, the morpholine market can be split into automotive, textile, pharmaceutical, household care, and agriculture. High demand for rubber chemicals in the automotive industry is likely to fuel the morpholine market. Additionally, rise in need for morpholine derivatives in the pharmaceutical segment is expected to augment the market during the forecast period. Household care and agriculture segments also hold significant share of the morpholine market.
Based on region, the global morpholine market can be segregated into Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is estimated to be the major region of the morpholine market during the forecast period. China accounts for the prominent share of the market in Asia Pacific, led by the presence of major manufacturers in the country. Additionally, large production capacity in countries such as India, China, Taiwan, and Japan is anticipated to propel the morpholine market in Asia Pacific. Europe and North America also constitute key market share. This can be ascribed to the increase in demand for morpholine in various end-use industries in these regions.
The morpholine market is highly competitive as there is presence of major players in the market and also the market experiences a major contribution from the local supplier and manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region. Some of the key player identified in the morpholine market are, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Huntsman Corporation, BASF SE, and DSW Chemical.
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Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The company’s exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.
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cmfelatestarticle · 6 years
Morpholine Market  Progresses for Huge Profits During 2025
Morpholine is a hydroscopic liquid. It is colorless and clear in appearance, with amine odor characteristics. Generally, it is produced by the dehydration of diethanolamine with sulfuric acid. Morpholine has maximum water content of 0.3%, i.e. it is completely miscible in water and also in organic solvents. Morpholine is a versatile chemical, as it is a hydroscopic liquid and also a solvent for various organic materials such as dyes, resins, waxes, casein, and shellac. It is used in many applications owing to its versatility. For instance, morpholine is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of rubber chemicals and as optical brightener in the detergent industry. It is also employed extensively as a corrosion inhibitor in steam boiler systems. Rise in demand for morpholine in end-use industries such as automotive, household care, pharmaceutical, biocides and fungicides, and agrochemicals is expected to augment the morpholine market during the forecast period. However, health hazards related to the production of morpholine are anticipated to restrain the market.
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  Based on derivative type, the morpholine market can be segmented into N-methylmorpholine (NMM), N-ethylmorpholine (NEM), N-methylmorpholine oxide, aqueous solution (NMMO), and Aminopropylmorpholine (APM). NMM is used as stabilizer for chlorinated hydrocarbons. It is also used as an extraction solvent. Furthermore, NMM is employed in the chemical preparation of self-polishing waxes, corrosion inhibitors, oil emulsions, and pharmaceuticals. APM is used as an intermediate for printing dyes, and also as an additive for fuels and lube oils. NMM and NEM segments are estimated to expand at a fast pace during the forecast period owing to the rise in demand from the pharmaceutical industry. NMMO also accounts for significant share of the morpholine market, due to the increase in its demand in films and fiber applications.
  In terms of application, the morpholine market can be divided into rubber chemical intermediates, catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, separating agents, optical brighteners, antioxidants, wax emulsifiers, and surface active agents. Morpholine is primarily used as an intermediate form, especially in the rubber chemical market. Under the catalyst application, morpholine is used as a gelling agent in the preparation of alumina catalysts for the treatment of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, physical and chemical properties of morpholine make it useful in various purification procedures. It is also an important intermediate in the manufacture of optical brighteners. Thus, increase in demand for morpholine in soap and detergent applications is projected to boost the morpholine market during the forecast period.
  In terms of end-use industry, the morpholine market can be split into automotive, textile, pharmaceutical, household care, and agriculture. High demand for rubber chemicals in the automotive industry is likely to fuel the morpholine market. Additionally, rise in need for morpholine derivatives in the pharmaceutical segment is expected to augment the market during the forecast period. Household care and agriculture segments also hold significant share of the morpholine market.
  Based on region, the global morpholine market can be segregated into Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is estimated to be the major region of the morpholine market during the forecast period. China accounts for the prominent share of the market in Asia Pacific, led by the presence of major manufacturers in the country. Additionally, large production capacity in countries such as India, China, Taiwan, and Japan is anticipated to propel the morpholine market in Asia Pacific. Europe and North America also constitute key market share. This can be ascribed to the increase in demand for morpholine in various end-use industries in these regions.
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  The morpholine market is highly competitive as there is presence of major players in the market and also the market experiences a major contribution from the local supplier and manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region. Some of the key player identified in the morpholine market are, Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Huntsman Corporation, BASF SE, and DSW Chemical.
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bidstrupmcpherson56 · 4 months
Endoleak and also Pseudoaneurysm Development in the Placing of Stent Graft Disease Following Endovascular Uretero-Arterial Fistula Fix: The particular Dreadful Side-effect.
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romeoremedio1 · 7 years
Fluoxetina – Daforin
Fluoxetina 20 – 40mg / Daforin Emagrece Mesmo, ou Engorda? Veja para que serve, a Bula e Efeitos Colaterais, como Tomar e Preço.
Você já ouviu falar que Fluoxetina, também conhecida pelo nome comercial Daforin ou Prozac, emagrece? Se a sua resposta é sim, saiba que muitas pessoas tentam perder peso utilizando esta medicação. Na verdade trata-se de um antidepressivo severo. Ele pode mesmo causar muito mal, se for usado inadequadamente. Sua fórmula foi desenvolvida para tratar estados depressivos e outras doenças nervosas. Por isso, nem sempre o uso para emagrecimento funciona como esperado. Se você tem vontade experimentar este medicamento, com objetivo de perder peso, ou mesmo se deseja apenas saber mais sobre ele, continue lendo o post e fique por dentro de muitas informações. Este remédio é controlado pela ANVISA. Trata-se de antidepressivo da categoria dos SSRI, sigla da expressão em Inglês “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors” ou seja Inibidores Seletivos de Recaptação da Serotonina.
Para que serve
Constitui fármaco capaz de provocar o acúmulo de serotonina, entre as células nervosas na hora da transmissão.
Isto aumenta o percentual disponível deste elemento, fazendo eliminar a ansiedade, depressão e regulando o humor.
Desta forma a fluoxetina consegue tratar diversas síndromes do sistema nervoso, como por exemplo:
• Depressão;
• Irritabilidade;
• TOC- Transtorno Obsessivo Compulsivo;
• Ansiedade;
• Bulimia;
• Disforia;
Emagrece mesmo?
Também conhecido pelo nome do princípio ativo presente em sua composição: Cloridrato de Fluoxetina.
Trata-se de um remédio que tem sido usado como estratégia para acelerar a perda de peso.
Isto ocorre porque entre os efeitos colaterais que provoca, está a perda de apetite e consequentemente a redução de peso.
No entanto, tomá-lo com este objetivo de diminuir a fome é ato desaconselhado por muitos profissionais da saúde, inclusive Nutricionistas e Nutrólogos, pois este efeito colateral esperado não vem só.
Muitas outras reações indesejáveis e prejudiciais ao organismo, podem acometer pessoas que usam Fluoxetina.
O fato é que a medicação induz a uma diminuição do estado ansioso, impedindo o comer compulsivo emocional, que afeta a tanta gente.
Apesar desse aspecto positivo, são tantos os outros efeitos e reações inesperadas, que uma das questões que se impõe, é a discussão sobre se vale a pena lançar mão deste medicamento apenas com a finalidade de reduzir o sobrepeso e frear a obesidade.
Quem toma Fluoxetina está sujeito a sofrer respostas pouco agradáveis do corpo.
Observe abaixo algumas reações adversas produzidas por este medicamento, quando em interação com o organismo.
Efeitos colaterais
• Astenia (Onde a pessoa perde a força nos músculos) e fadiga;
• Náuseas, vômitos;
• Calafrios, tremuras, taquicardia;
• Distúrbio do sono, neste caso a pessoa passa a sofrer de insônia ou ao contrário, dá sono;
• Cefaleia;
• Diarreia e desconforto gastrointestinal;
• Visão embaçada;
• Perda de peso;
• Falta de fome, paladar alterado;
• Distúrbios de atenção, raciocínio lerdo;
• Redução do libido;
• Micção excessiva;
• Disfunção erétil;
• Urticária, coceiras erupções, entre outros.
Como tomar
Pode ser encontrado em gotas, sendo cada gota equivalente a 1ml da substância ou em cápsulas, contendo de 14 a 60 comprimidos.
A dosagem pode variar.
Pode-se encontrar em doses de 10mg, 20mg ou 40mg.
O preço depende da dosagem e da quantidade de comprimidos.
Mas, saiba que para comprar você precisará de receita médica especial, pois é um fármaco controlado severamente pela ANVISA.
Ao comprar esteja atento à validade para saber por quanto tempo pode ser guardado.
Não é um medicamento aconselhado para:
• Pessoas que apresentam alergia ou intolerância aos compostos da fórmula;
• Grávidas e mulheres amamentando;
• Pessoas portadoras de Diabetes não devem fazer o seu uso, pois esta pode desregular seriamente a glicemia;
• Quem faz uso de ácido acetilsalicílico; (AAS, Aspirina entre outros);
• Também está contra-indicado para quem tem convulsões e faz uso de anticonvulsivos;
• Não pode ser ingerida ao mesmo tempo que medicamentos como diazepan haloperidol, alprazolam, carmazepina e outros que interferem com o Sistema nervoso central;
• Anti-inflamatórios não esteroides também podem causar reações inesperadas quando usados junto a este medicamento. Alguns exemplos destes são: Feldene, Voltaren, Clinoril, Cicladol, Aspirina, Profenid, entre outros. (Se você está usando algum anti-inflamatório peça orientação medica).
• Uso concomitante com bebidas alcoólicas.
Toda atenção deve ser dada às recomendações acima, pois constituem alerta para impedir problemas graves.
A associação destes compostos pode causar coma, danos irreversíveis ao organismo, podendo inclusive ser fatal.
Como você pode constatar este remédio foi criado para atender à casos específicos de problemas neurológicos e distúrbios emocionais.
Não deve ser tomado como emagrecedor, a não ser que isto seja uma recomendação médica.
Dá para perceber que, há sérios riscos por trás do uso indevido deste medicamento.
Se deseja, portanto emagrecer, há muitas outras estratégias saudáveis que não implicarão com sua saúde.
Cuide-se e não deixe de comentar sobre as informações.
Queremos saber sua opinião.
Clique aqui agora para ver se a Bupropiona – Zyban faz perder peso de verdade
from http://remedio.eco.br/para-emagrecer/fluoxetina-daforin/
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aitolvaso · 5 years
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Hogyan használjuk a diuretikumokat szívelégtelen pangó betegnél?
 - Javaslat ’position statement’ az ESC szívelégtelenség részlegétől
Érdekes pontok
1) Mely klinikai és ultrahangos paraméterek mennyire korrelálnak a folyadék többlettel?
Részletes táblázat található szenzitivitási és specificitási értékekkel. Néhány kiemelés:
vigyázni kell az alsó végtagi ödémával. Noha szenzitív (94%), nem specifikus (10%), mivel rengeteg nem kardiális
pangásos szörtyzörejek a tüdő felett: noha 90% specifikus, alig szenzitív 10%. Nagyon szívelégtelennek kell lenni, hogy tüdőödémát tapasztaljunk.
IVC-nél kiemelve, hogy lélegeztetett betegeknél nem megbízható. Az összeesés 12% szenzitív, 27% specifikus
Hasznos ultrahangos paraméterek:
DcT < 130ms 81%, 80% szenzitív és specifikus
tüdővéna S/D < 1 83%, 72% szenzitív és specifikus
Diffúz B vonalak 85% szenzitív, de sajnos sok más oka is lehet, így 40%-ban specifikus
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2) Szép táblázatok a diuretikumok farmakokinetikájáról és farmakodinámiájáról
ld. az eredetiben
3) Diuretikum rezisztencia
Szívelégtelen, pangó betegeknél már az elejétől fogva hasznos lehet MRA (pl. spironolakton) adása. Azért is fontos a korai kezdés, mert ez pro-drug, hosszú hatásbeállással. Egy friss vizsgálat alapján 25mg elégséges kezdő dózisnak tűnik ebben az esetben. A spironolaktonnál nem elsősorban a diuretikus hatást, hanem a szívelégtelenségben bizonyított jótékony hatást és a kálium vesztés mérséklését használjuk ki.
3/1 Első lépés: még több furosemid
A javaslat a furosemid dózisának eszkalálását javasolja duplázással a terápiás hatás eléréséig. Fontos, hogy nem egyszerűen szabadvizet szeretnénk eltávolítani, hanem nátriumot és vizet. A terápiás cél a javaslat szerint 100-150ml feletti óradiurézis és 50-70 mEq feletti nátriurézis.
Ha a fenti stratégia nem segít a következő lépcső a hypothiazid. A thiazidok a disztális kanyarulatos csatorna nátrium visszaszívását gátolják. Ez különösen hasznos lehet hosszú ideje diuretikumon lévő és ITO-n fekvő betegeknél, ahol a csatornák számának megnövekedése, illetve kritikus betegségben endokrin változások miatt általában só visszatartó állapotot alakul ki. Itt is fontos, hogy a időben megkezdjük az adagolást, mert a behatási idő hosszabb, mint a furosemid esetében.
3/3 segítség, így is pang még
!Ha ez sem segít a következő lépés az acetazolamid. Meglepően hangzik, de emellett több evidencia szól, mint az ismertebb thiazidok mellett. Kacs diuretikum mellé adva, hatékonyan növelték a só- és ezen keresztül a folyadék vesztést.További opcióként a diabétesz kezelésében használt, cukorvisszaszívást blokkoló SGLT2 inhibitor és amilorid merül fel.
4) És nem szívelégtelen, kritikus állapotú, ödémás betegek?
Szívelégtelenekkel szemben nálunk általában nem csak volumen vagy nyomásterhelés okozza az ödémát, hanem áteresztő kapillárisok is. Ezen kívül a különböző gyógyszerekkel bevitt sóterhelés és az endokrin változások által kiváltott sóvisszatartás gyakran vezet hipernatrémiához.
A furosemid természetesen az elsőként választandó és legjobban ismert diuretikum. De emellett gyakran a disztális kanyarulatos csatonában visszaszívott nátrium miatt, csak szabadvizet tudunk eltávolítani. Ilyenkor súlyosbodik a hipernatrémia és kezdjük a hypotón oldatok adagolását, miközben a beteg még mindig ödémás.Evidencia nélkül, csak a fenti rációra hivatkozva felmerülhet, hogy hipernatrémia és masszív ödéma esetén már korán kombináljuk hypothiaziddal (nátriurézis), spironolaktonnal (K megtartás). Eddig ezt szekvenciális nefron blokádnak hívják. További opcióként pedig ott van, az általam kevésbé ismert acetazolamid, amilorid és aminophyllin valamint az SGLT2 inhibitorok.
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aitolvaso · 6 years
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Az Oseltamivirt és Zanamivirt hajlamosak lehetünk, úgy kezelni, mint a többi antibiotikumot, ám korántsem ennyire biztos a hatékonyságuk. Az 1999 Roche gyógyszercég által pénzelt vizsgálatok a tünetes időszak 1.3 napos csökkenését találta. A madár, H1N1 és egyéb súlyos influenza járványok pedig kedveztek a gyógyszer elterjedésének, annyira, hogy a WHO az esszenciális gyógyszerek közé is felvette, hiába, hogy a Roche a vizsgálatok teljes adathalmazát sohasem hozta nyilvánosságra és friss vizsgálat sem nagyon született. 2014-ben 2 systematic review is napvilágot látott, melyek már tartalmazták a korábban nem publikált adatokat. Ezek szerint: Az oseltamivir 16.8 órával rövidíti meg a tünetek időtartamát. Semmilyen szignifikáns hatása nincs a mortalitásra, kórházi tartózkodásra, tüdőgyulladás kialakulására vagy transzmisszióra. Gyakori mellékhatásai viszont fejfájás, hányás, zavartság NNH 20-90) Ennek megfelelően 2014-ben a WHO el is távolította a gyógyszert az esszenciális listáról. Sajnos kritikus állapotú betegeknél még kevesebb információnk van. A legpozitívabb vizsgálat egy nagy amerikai, a H1N1 járványt is magába foglaló meta-analízis. Itt minden metodológiai probléma ellenére 25%-os mortalitás csökkenést találtak, ami szignifikáns volt. Ennek alapján a jelenleg érvényes irányelvek (CDC, WHO, Brit) javasolják a használatukat komplikált influenza fertőzésben, így minden emiatt intenzív osztályon fekvő betegnél. De ha adjuk, adjuk korán (tünetek kezdetétől számítva 48 órán belül a leghatékonyabb), ha kicsúsztunk az időablakból, akkor is adandó, de a hatékonys��g kisebb lesz. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/635596/adult__seasonal_influenza_critical_care_guidance.pdf https://www.aliem.com/2014/04/neuraminidase-inhibitors-influenza/
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