#Valeriu rosu
aquathelita · 6 years
Oh? U got OCs?? Tell me bout them
OH B O I!!!! O W O
This is gonna be a long post so bear with me. Also please note some of the links below lead to their OC bios on the amino app (you should be able to view them in browser tho without the app), while others lead to sites like Wattpad.
Okay so as a writer I have plenty of "OCs" which are just characters from my novels. Most of my early primary protags were just different versions of myself or my personal Aquailita (which is where my online handle derived from, because people kept mispelling it as aqualita).
When I mention OCs nowadays, I mostly mean the roleplay characters I have.
There's Victor/Valeriu/Bakuro, various versions of the same character translated into different universes. The jist of him is that he's an introverted bastard with a love of art and animals that had a lot of pressure put on him by his father to be more than just an introverted bastard with a love of art and animals, and that pressure made him a DEPRESSED bastard with a love of art and animals that also hates himself and uses acting as a coping mechanism to be literally anything other than his true self. He's an asshole that loves pranking and I love him so much. (There's also a Victor in my novel College Sucks but he's so different from the original that I can't QUITE count him in this.)
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Those two started off (as Bakuro and Akio) in my anime I'm writing called Prisoner of Fear, in which a young woman with a fear of vampires gets kidnapped by vampires for a month. They have such a fantastic dynamic because they're opposites but also like super close and they're shitheads and I fuckin love them. I love writing them together.
Then there's his brother Adrian/Andrei/Akio, who's a sadistic heterosexual asshole (btw both of them are vamps) that loves tormenting humans. He has basically been the golden child of the family because he has the most ambition and discipline. But somehow he is best friends with the family rebel and edgelord (his brother). He's a huge flirt and kind of a slut but he's like lowkey a gentleman. It's a grey area and I fuckin love him even though I hate roleplaying/writing him sometimes because of how he treats humans and how sexual he is.
I have so many others that I've created over the years for various novels and fandoms and roleplays and I can't possibly fit all of them in one post, so maybe if people care I'll make another post talking about a few more.
There's also my daughter Cassandra, another DL OC. She's an italian fire mage who was trained to be a vampire hunter by her parents...but would rather dance and draw than make art. She's feisty and fantastic.
Then there's my B E A N Izumi. They're an introverted genderfluid bookworm with a deep interest in the supernatural and fantastical. They have a little red notebook that they write about their experiences with such things in, and a little white notebook with all of the new/full/blue/etc moon dates written in them because they're just that kinda nerd. They also have social anxiety, and have a strained relationship with their mother. They have a good heart but my god does their anxiety get in the way at times. I love roleplaying/writing this bean so much!!!
Izumi originally started off by name as a background character in PoF, but I took the name and made a new OC for Diabolik Lovers, and now I just love using this bean in all sorts of fantasy/supernatural roleplays and writings. I have a Wattpad story of them if you're interested.
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(If anyone wants to ask directly, I have Nerina, Oleksandr, Wesley, Victoria, Victor (from my novel), the original Aquailita, fairy Aquailita (the first picture included), the rest of the Rosu/Akagawa brothers (Bakuro and Akio's brothers), Morty (Sangy's darker half, or a 2P in Hetalia terms), and Claudi (also PoF), all of which I'm willing to talk about!)
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One of my older OCs is Sangy, the personification of Happy Tree Town (where Happy Tree Friends takes place). He's a polar bear and an anxious precious sweetheart and I just love him.
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Anyway thanks for asking! I love talking about my OCs and it's so nice and refreshing to talk about them with someone other than my friends and roleplay partners. It's also good to get a chance to link my writing stuffs and get a bit more exposure. :)
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stiri-noi · 6 years
Zavo a venit la politie cu ochelari de sudor de 500 de euro
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