memedong · 5 years
Who the fuck are you. What the fuck is this. Why did i follow you. Why is this a good blog. Im calling the police.
who the fuck are you. this is my ask box. you followed me because i am incredible sexy & my meat is huge. ive brainwashed everyone into thinking this is a good blog. good luck calling them when ive already cut all the phone wires.
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aquathelita · 6 years
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I made an oof
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yourfavesparksjoy · 6 years
Asking this for those who might not be able to see it. Assuming that the "description" is the blog's rules page and isn't just the part that says "requests are closed", how do we view it on mobile?
But that is the description. And you can see that on mobile. 
It’s also not in the rules page if that’s what you’re asking.
However, you’re right. You can't see the rules page on mobile, but Idk what to do about that, so if anyone can tell me, then that would be appreciated.
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aquailita · 7 years
I'm going to be making a new blog soon. This one is only accessible on my iPod cuz of some password fuck-ups from like 2-3 years ago, and the app is extremely outdated. So I'll make a new blog with the name AquaTheLita and have it on my laptop and my phone. Maybe I can start posting semi-regularly again. Maybe not. We'll see. Anyway, this will be my last post on this blog until I make the new blog. My last last post on this blog will be a link to my new blog. See ya guys~ 💙
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musicalbrainrot · 3 years
I got an ask from @aquathelita but for some reason it didn't go through ^^; I still wanted to reply though, so:
she asked for a song that has green/gamer/villain vibes, and I instantly thought of this:
it's mostly a dark red/purple, but there's a bit of green in there too when the bass kicks in! the yellow from the bells tolling on top lightens everything to keep it from getting too dark.
this remix cranks the villain vibe up a notch:
thank you for the ask! ^^
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themelodeeartz · 6 years
Oof I don't really know whats going on-
4-a song from the end of a school musical I watched earlier
5-pink purple blue
10- Taurus
28-my fam + Cat! + Drawing/doing hobbies
63- Shuckle + Litten
I've re-written this 3 times now.
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collegiate-trash · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Oh wow! Thanks for tagging me @long-leg-boy​, I’d reblog the original post but it’s gotten a little too long lol 
What’s your favorite color?
I enjoy black and white but since they’re apparently not colors... I’ll pick the sort of pink that appears during sunrise and sunset! No idea what that’s called though so... Gold and violet it is
Tell me something about your ethnicity or culture or somewhere you’re from
♪ ♫ In Southeast Asia born and raised // In the Philippines is where I spent most of my days  ♪ ♫
...so yeah. I’m a Filipino, ta-da~ Don’t ask me about my specific ethnicity because nobody got time fo’ that. Just be content knowing that my middle name is literally Portugal haha
Know any weird or interesting facts??
If you clench your fist, that’s the size of your heart. Two fists if you’re an adult.
What are you scared of?? If it’s not a thing what’s the scariest event that happened to you?
What I fear the most is an abstract thing so... I guess the scariest thing to happen to me was when I was in grade school. My grandma and I were sitting on the porch when a drunk guy passed by and pointed a knife on us. No idea what he was saying, probably because he was slurring, but yeah. That’s the scariest thing that happened to me.
I had worse experiences but that’s the only one that directly impacted me. I don’t really care much for the other ones, even if they are, technically, more horrible that this lol 
What’s your favorite ships??
Oh boy, I got tons! So long as they have great dynamics, odds are I’m gonna end up shipping it!
But, um, UsUk will always be important to me since it is the one that opened me to the whole lgbt+ community... And there’s also thief/citronshipping, and yes! My current children, kamukomahina.
What fandoms are you in? (Please do talk about them in details if you want)
I’m the sort to lose interest in something as soon as I obsess on a new one. So yeah. Tons of fandom, but only one of two that I actually talk about. Like, I still enjoy it, but it’s not on the same level as when it was the main focus of my attention, you know?
That said, I currently have just one foot left in Yu-Gi-Oh and everything else in Danganronpa lol
Opinion on bread?
Bread is good. I like bread. The toastier, the better.
What’s your favorite season??
Which show? //shot
I like autumn for the aesthetics and those massive leaf piles. Although we don’t have those here so... guess I’ll pick summer! Yey! Swimming on the beach! Vacation months! Fiesta meals!
What’s your favorite character at the moment?
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This useless fluffy boi, Nagito Komaeda
How are you doing rn? What’s going on in your life??
Just recovered from one of my usual calls of the void, no biggie lol. Although, I’m currently stressed about my upcoming application for work. I really don’t wanna do it, but I got to..  But I really don’t want to... ・゜・(ノД`)
Which character do you relate to the most?
Me: Don’t. Make. Me. Say. It.
My traitorous brain:
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Okay! So, I’m tagging @ijustwantacue​ @zaiaiaiduck​ @pharaohzeth​ @notcoolhajime​ @wereana​ @bidoofgodofdestruction​ @dailyservingofhope​ @hoshihime04 @hopeboi-ko​ @nekopride @fangirl39​ @aquathelita​ and anyone else that wants to do it.
I mean, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but it is kinda fun I guess. Staves off boredom at least lol
It’s gonna be a pain to copy-paste from that, so!
Alright here’s 11 questions:
What’s your favorite color?
Tell me something about your ethnicity or culture or somewhere you’re from
Know any weird or interesting facts??
What are you scared of?? If it’s not a thing what’s the scariest event that happened to you?
What’s your favorite ships??
What fandoms are you in? (Please do talk about them in details if you want)
Opinion on bread?
What’s your favorite season??
What’s your favorite character at the moment?
How are you doing rn? What’s going on in your life??
Which character do you relate to the most?
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I havent written a yugioh fic in Years but all these soft asks are tickling my uwus and makin me wanna write a fluff fic like right now
I feel u bud ;w;
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aquathelita · 6 years
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I love and hate these outlandish explanations in these games
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aquathelita · 6 years
New "hacked" epidemic?
I keep seeing blogs that I'm following reblogging posts that are advertising/selling graphic t-shirts and sweaters and sweatshirts. Blogs that otherwise don't reblog such things.
Below are two examples:
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I'm actually really concerned about this? Are these posts hacking/bugging our blogs and making people reblog them? Honestly what the fuck. I'm so concerned???
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aquathelita · 6 years
Luke, while Sycamore is in the room: I bet Descole stole stuff from the museum.
Layton: You're probably right, but let's not jump to conclusions.
Sycamore, as if he isn't Descole: Yes. Luke's probably right, but we don't have concrete evidence yet.
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aquathelita · 6 years
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For once, Pavel is in the right place.
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aquathelita · 6 years
Can one of my followers tell me what my icon looks like? I changed it recently but the only place it seems to have changed is at the top of my blog, and I'm hoping this is just a me thing or a mobile thing.
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aquathelita · 6 years
I'm not sure what the fuck happened to tumblr but now the app is in the default font for it instead of the font I specifically picked for my phone and it's really upsetting and unsettling. Also it's DARKER now and I very much dislike it.
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aquathelita · 6 years
I gotta be real fuckin honest man the only things that keep me going through life are love, hunger, and creativity
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aquathelita · 6 years
Ramble about Flora Reinhold
Keep in mind I'm not completely done with replaying Unwound Future yet so I don't know if all of my info is correct here.
I very much like the character of Flora. She grew up spoiled (in a good way) by a very loving and doting father, and did face some losses in her life, but she didnt end up as a self-entitled angsty brat. She ended up as a very sweet and mature and strong young lady. I would love to see more of her character in the series...
I gotta be completely honest...I don't like what the series does with Flora. She is very much a background character running around with the protagonists. She deserves so much more than that.
Even in Curious Village she didn't do much but watch Layton and Luke from the tower/shadows.
In Diabolical Box she gets kidnapped in the second main location and we dont hear from the real Flora for the rest of the game.
In Unwound Future she kinda just tags along for the ride and doesn't exactly do much but solve a few puzzles and act as a hostage.
Flora is very much a plot device, much more than she is an actual supporting character. She is more than just a damsel in distress.
I don't think this is intentional. I think it's simply the effect of the nature of the series itself. It is a puzzle/mystery/adventure series, and Flora is not the best character for those kinds of situations. She's mostly a passive character. Even if she does actively follow the dynamic duo, she doesn't DO much but follow them, and unfortunately she is usually the damsel in distress thanks to her nature and a need for there to be someone to be rescued.
If the series were to focus more on the day-to-day life that the trio lives, I'm sure we would see a lot more of her character. We might get to see her and Layton having guardian-ward bonding time, Flora and Luke having sibling-like friendship bonding moments, and even Flora interacting with Rosa or running errands and solving puzzles on her own. She could even have moments where she helps out Luke or Layton in a more emotionally supportive way. She could very well be seen as a very strong and useful and dynamic character...if the series actually showed situations that would allow her to do that.
TL;DR: The Professor Layton series (at least the main trilogy) doesn't give enough screentime, utility, or charactarization to Flora. This isn't necessarily intentional; it's likely a result of the nature of the series and the events that take place in the games. What I would love to see is a game that sort of focuses on a more mundane story that doesn't involve grand adventures to other towns, so we have the chance to see Flora doing more than just tailing Luke and Layton like a lonely puppy and being more than just a damsel in distress.
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