#andrei rosu
displayheartcode · 1 year
“ you're good to me, you know. really good. “
i wrote about my weirdo ocs. behold, touch-starved and one came back wrong.
Emmett is never sure how his body reacts. Cerebral palsy means that everything is almost too much. A stranger bangs their shoulder against him in a grocery store. The sudden noise of a car alarm near the campus. Touching down on an uneven step for the stairs. Everything goes tight, the crackle of a surprise sending his nerves on the edge.
Even from family, physical touch is a conundrum. It's something Emmett craves and is desperately afraid of.
But this? Rosu's head on his shoulder, with cemetery dirt and blood still crusted under their fingernails… Dragging Rosu out of the grave had felt impossible, but Emmett knew the importance of holding him tight. An arm casually draped over his shoulders as they walked to class, fingers knotted together as one leads the other out of an old mausoleum. Touch has remained their constant since the fated day in the corn maze.
Emmett sighs into Rosu's damp hair, absentmindedly stroking his shoulder. The fear is still there, but he thinks, You came back. You came back to me.
"You're good to me, you know. Really good," Rosu says suddenly.
His eyes are pewter gray beneath the dull lights of the bathroom. His features no longer carry the inhuman sharpness from the cemetery. It's enough to make whatever has cracked inside Emmett's chest open wider. His nerves dance on the edge of excitement.
There's no need to say anything.
One way or another, Andrei Rosu always returns.
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Almost To the Weekend and It's Alec Throwback Thursday, Everyone!
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Here is a screencap from the student film Matasari in 2011, directed by Ilija Piperkoski.
Here we also see Andrei Rosu, who worked with Alec in Pariu Cu Viata, one of the Romanian soap operas.
Interestingly, Ilija Piperkoski, who wrote and directed this short film, won Best Foreign Language Film last year at the prestigious Independent Film Awards in London, as well a slew of other accolades at other festivals for their film "Grandfather and Grandson."
From small beginnings!
Thanks for reading, take care, and I hope to see you tomorrow!
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aquathelita · 6 years
Oh? U got OCs?? Tell me bout them
OH B O I!!!! O W O
This is gonna be a long post so bear with me. Also please note some of the links below lead to their OC bios on the amino app (you should be able to view them in browser tho without the app), while others lead to sites like Wattpad.
Okay so as a writer I have plenty of "OCs" which are just characters from my novels. Most of my early primary protags were just different versions of myself or my personal Aquailita (which is where my online handle derived from, because people kept mispelling it as aqualita).
When I mention OCs nowadays, I mostly mean the roleplay characters I have.
There's Victor/Valeriu/Bakuro, various versions of the same character translated into different universes. The jist of him is that he's an introverted bastard with a love of art and animals that had a lot of pressure put on him by his father to be more than just an introverted bastard with a love of art and animals, and that pressure made him a DEPRESSED bastard with a love of art and animals that also hates himself and uses acting as a coping mechanism to be literally anything other than his true self. He's an asshole that loves pranking and I love him so much. (There's also a Victor in my novel College Sucks but he's so different from the original that I can't QUITE count him in this.)
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Those two started off (as Bakuro and Akio) in my anime I'm writing called Prisoner of Fear, in which a young woman with a fear of vampires gets kidnapped by vampires for a month. They have such a fantastic dynamic because they're opposites but also like super close and they're shitheads and I fuckin love them. I love writing them together.
Then there's his brother Adrian/Andrei/Akio, who's a sadistic heterosexual asshole (btw both of them are vamps) that loves tormenting humans. He has basically been the golden child of the family because he has the most ambition and discipline. But somehow he is best friends with the family rebel and edgelord (his brother). He's a huge flirt and kind of a slut but he's like lowkey a gentleman. It's a grey area and I fuckin love him even though I hate roleplaying/writing him sometimes because of how he treats humans and how sexual he is.
I have so many others that I've created over the years for various novels and fandoms and roleplays and I can't possibly fit all of them in one post, so maybe if people care I'll make another post talking about a few more.
There's also my daughter Cassandra, another DL OC. She's an italian fire mage who was trained to be a vampire hunter by her parents...but would rather dance and draw than make art. She's feisty and fantastic.
Then there's my B E A N Izumi. They're an introverted genderfluid bookworm with a deep interest in the supernatural and fantastical. They have a little red notebook that they write about their experiences with such things in, and a little white notebook with all of the new/full/blue/etc moon dates written in them because they're just that kinda nerd. They also have social anxiety, and have a strained relationship with their mother. They have a good heart but my god does their anxiety get in the way at times. I love roleplaying/writing this bean so much!!!
Izumi originally started off by name as a background character in PoF, but I took the name and made a new OC for Diabolik Lovers, and now I just love using this bean in all sorts of fantasy/supernatural roleplays and writings. I have a Wattpad story of them if you're interested.
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(If anyone wants to ask directly, I have Nerina, Oleksandr, Wesley, Victoria, Victor (from my novel), the original Aquailita, fairy Aquailita (the first picture included), the rest of the Rosu/Akagawa brothers (Bakuro and Akio's brothers), Morty (Sangy's darker half, or a 2P in Hetalia terms), and Claudi (also PoF), all of which I'm willing to talk about!)
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One of my older OCs is Sangy, the personification of Happy Tree Town (where Happy Tree Friends takes place). He's a polar bear and an anxious precious sweetheart and I just love him.
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Anyway thanks for asking! I love talking about my OCs and it's so nice and refreshing to talk about them with someone other than my friends and roleplay partners. It's also good to get a chance to link my writing stuffs and get a bit more exposure. :)
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lucianatamas · 3 years
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S-a calculat că, în unele zile din perioada de vârf a pandemiei, s-a pierdut un număr aproape la fel de mare de vieți ca în timpul Revoluției de la 1989. Războiul sanitar, deci, combinat cu tot felul de alte forme de război hibrid, a dus la răsturnări / mutații greu cuantificabile. Anul 1989 a determinat căderea unor ziduri și frontiere. Pandemia determină reapariția altor ziduri, garduri de sârmă ghimpată și limitări / distanțări de tot felul. După 32 de ani de la Revoluția Română, cu începere de vineri, 26 noiembrie 2021, de la orele 17:00, în incinta Muzeului de Artă din Satu Mare, sub titlul „Bienala Alb/Negru: Jurnal de virus”, ni se oferă posibilitatea de a „răsfoi” viziunea unor artiști, scriitori și curatori despre ceea ce este – și se pare că va mai rămâne, pentru o perioadă – „homo pandemicus”. Proiectul a fost conceput, dezvoltat și promovat de Dan Perjovschi, împreună cu artista și curatoarea Alina Andrei, fiind un work in progress publicat online pe rețelele de social media ale Galeriei White Cuib din Cluj-Napoca. Bazându-se pe bunele sale relații personale, artistul român Dan Perjovschi a invitat să participe la proiect creatori din România, Spania, Germania, SUA, Marea Britanie, Austria, Italia, Portugalia, Grecia, Cehia, Bulgaria, Uruguay, Indonezia, Columbia, Franța, Malaiezia, China, Japonia, Polonia, Republica Moldova, Ungaria și Muntenegru. În anul 2020, proiectul a mai fost expus de Galeria White Cuib din Cluj Napoca, apoi a putut fi vizitat în cadrul Romanian Design Week din București. Recent, a fost expus și în Madrid, la ABM Confecciones (curatoarea evenimentului fiind Gloria Luca). Artiştii implicaţi în proiect: Dan Perjovschi (RO) Ana Kun (RO) George Roşu (RO) Aldo Giannotti (AU) Olivier Hölzl (AU) Gloria Luca (SP) Tudor Pătraşcu (RO) David Böhm & Jiří Franta (CZ) Cosmin Haiaş (RO) Răzvan Cornici (RO) Cathy Burghi (UY) Benedek Levente (RO) Oana Lohan (FR) Cristian Răduţă (RO) Minitremu (RO) Bartha Sándor (HU) Restu Ratnaningtyas (IN) Marishka Soekarna (IN) Magdalena Pelmuş (RO) Luciana Tamas (GE) Zara Alexandrova (GE) Zoran Georgiev (GE) Roberto Uribe Castro (GE) Alina Andrei (RO) Invitații speciali: 3 137, Cristian Alexa, Sabina Aldea, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Daniel García Andújar, Florin Arhire, Isa Balog, Ion Barbu, Lucian Barbu, Beagles & Ramsay, Andra Beligan, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Naomi Bildea, Brent Birnbaum, Alex Bodea, Daria Borsa, Răzvan Botiș, Luchezar Boyadijev, Vlad Brăteanu, Michele Bressan, Cosmin Bumbuț, Dan Burzo, Frank Bz, Radu Carnariu, Squeak Carnwath, Banu Cennetoğlu, Simion Cernica, Ramona Chirica, Ciprian Ciuclea, Eduard Constantin, Larisa Cont, Oana Coșug, Mihail Coşuleţu, Alicia Crasiuc, Lavinia Creţu, Ştefan Radu Cretu, Andra Cati, Dana Catona, Suzana Dan, Hans D. Christ, Megan Dominescu, Andrei Dosa, Latifa Echakhch, Farid Fairuz, Andrei Flocea, Alexandru Faur, Diana Filimon, Dora García, Cristina Gagiu, Cristi Gaspar, Bogdan Gârbovan, Bogdan Georgescu, Diana Grigorescu, Gergely Hory, Ovidiu Hrin, Andreea Harabagiu, Mihai Iepure-Gorski, Lucian Indrei, Susanna Inglada, Tadija Janičić, József Bartha, Quentin Jouret, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Rie Kawakami, Kispál Ágnes, Attila Kispál, Szabolcs Kisspál, Takehito Koganezawa, Jadranka Kosorcic, Eva Koťátková, Dana Koťátková, Levente Kozma, Ute Krafft, Mischa Kuball, Karolina Kubik, Raphaël Larre, Eirini Linardaki, Natalia Marc, Andreea Mare, Tincuța Marin, Alina Marinescu, Andreea Medar, Alex Mihăileanu, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Milan Mikuláštík, Isola Milano, Alexandra Mocan, Bianca Mocan, Emilian Mocanu, Niță Mocanu, Eliodor Moldovan, Vlad Moraru, Ivan Moudov, Tudor Mureşan, Alexandru Munteanu, Simona Nastac, Cătălina Neculai, Mona Nicoară, Tuan Nini, Cătălina Nistor, Oberliht Association, Yuki Okumura, Miklós Onucsán, Andrei Pacea, Eugen Palagub, Daniela Palimariu, Vincent Parisot, Manuel Pelmuș, Gluklya, Mihai Plătică, Cristi Pogăcean, Delia Popa, Camelia Popescu, Caterina Preda, Ioana Preda, Silviu Preda, Andrei Pungovschi, Abel Rad, Lea Rasovszky, Saddo, Matei Rădulescu, Oliver Ressler, Cristian Rusu, Patrick Roussel, Șerban Savu, Dimitar Solakov, Nedko Solakov, Alexandru Solomon, Ada Stan, Raimar Stange, Iza Tarasewicz, Oana Tănase, Krassimir Terziev, Tudor Toader, Iulia Toma, Remus Țiplea, Tomáš Vaněk, Jaro Varga, Sorina Vazelina, Casandra Vidrighin, Dăruieşte Viaţă, Simona Vilău, Iuliana Vîlsan, Elena Vlădăreanu, Ioana Vreme Moser, Trevor Yeung, Laurenţiu Zbîrcea, Fani Zguro. Curatori: Alina Andrei Felicia Grigorescu Luciana Tămaș (Text de Luciana Tămaș)
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aly126 · 7 years
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Photos from RGF’s new campaign launch
Romanian gymnastics may be going through tough times, but no one can accuse us of not being festive af about it I guess
(I wrote about the campaign here) - (x)
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Rosu Alexandru-Andrei (Romanian, *1987)
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shyobjectangel · 6 years
Adriana Istrate, Restart Energy Ambassador
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.co/adriana-istrate-restart-energy-ambassador/
Adriana Istrate, Restart Energy Ambassador
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We are honored to announce that World Record holder Adriana Istrate, the most resilient marathon runner in the world, has joined Restart Energy as our newest ambassador.
Before redefining the impossible and setting a new world record, by completing 14 marathons on all 7 continents, Adriana had a normal day to day life, a regular job, and average hobbies. One day she realized that there is more to life and started chasing her dreams.
How it all began
Adriana’s story is an inspiring one, showing everyone that nothing is out of your reach as long as you believe in yourself and are not afraid to work towards achieving your goals. Being a regular woman over 30 one day and setting world records the next, is certainly a very impressive turnover that shows everyone that we can do amazing things if we work for them.
Realizing that her life was spent too much at the office working late and paying for gym memberships that she could not use due to lack of time, she discovered the strength to change her life — and more importantly, herself — for the better.
Her eyes were opened to her true potential by Andrei Rosu in a presentation about energy and vitality. She was so impressed with what she heard that by the end of the presentation her mind was made up: she was going to start running.
Like all beginnings, it was hard at first. She had to train every day and started to run in a few local marathons in Bucharest. Her training paid off in just 9 months though, finishing her first major sporting event after her sixth month of training — the 21 km Transmaraton — and going on to pass the finish line of the 42 km Bucharest International Marathon and running for 52 km in the 1000 km Balkan Challenge.
In her own words:
“Sport has been an extraordinary tool to gain confidence in my own person, to get out of the mud of comfort in which I dived every day and seek my true identity: that of the normal person with extraordinary energy. From now on, I will do sport as a way of life, in order to keep my energy at maximum levels and to become a model for my family, that I have already started to work on.”
The first big competition
After her success, she had time to think and ponder: “I will continue running, but how, when, why, and what for?” — to these questions, she had no answer… yet. With determination in her heart, she crafted for herself a plan and a purpose: to run 7 marathons and 7 ultra-marathons, on 7 continents, in 777 days — the now-famous 7–7–7 Project.
The first step was also the most treacherous: running 100 km in -25 degrees through the most inhospitable terrain on Earth — this was the Antarctic Ice Marathon and in November 2014, Adriana was going to face it head-on.
Most people enjoy spending their birthdays with friends and family at home, and in the past, this would have been the case for her as well. This time she chose to spend it running for 100 km in Antarctica, in order to raise 15,000 euros for the care of children suffering from cancer (HOSPICE House of Hope Foundation). It was hard, and Adriana even admitted that no training could have prepared her for what was ahead, but in the end, she summoned the will to persevere and won the Antarctic Ice Marathon in less than 24 hours for her 34th birthday, as the only runner that “resisted extreme conditions” that year.
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Before she competed, only 5 other women ever entered and finished the marathon. She was the 6th woman to complete it and the first Romanian-born woman to ever do so and win.
Becoming a legend
Continuing on her journey to become the most resilient woman in the world, Adriana competed in and finished the King George Island Penguin Marathon in Antarctica, then went further north to Patagonia and ran both the Chile Punta Arenas Southern Marathon and the Chile Punta Arenas Ultra 50 km marathon.
With two continents down, Adriana crossed the Atlantic in order to run in Africa. Her first destination where the vast and blistering-hot dunes of the Sahara Desert, where athletes from around the world challenge themselves to finish the Sahara Desert Marathon. Afterward, she set her sights on the Cape Town Two Oceans Ultra 56 km marathon, held on the bejeweled tip of the African continent.
The next leg of her journey took her back to the Old Continent, where she first ran in the French Eco Trail de Paris 50 km — starting near the Grand Canal and past the Parc de Versailles, crossing the finishing line next to the Eiffel Tower, in the very heart of Paris — and then much closer to home, entering and finishing the Chisinau International Marathon.
Following Europe, Adriana ran in New Zealand’s Christchurch Marathon — an event renowned for its fast courses, based on the classic Commonwealth Games marathon of 1974. After New Zealand, she went on to run in one of Australia’s premier marathons, the Australia Ultra 50 km. Interestingly, Adriana might have actually run on two continents here instead of one, as while not yet fully-accepted, there is evidence that geographically Zealandia is a distinct, but mostly submerged continent (also called a ‘drowned continent’ — only New Zealand and a handful of islands are above sea level), that differs from its more established neighbour Australia not only through its geological formation timeline but also ecologically.
After Australia, it was time for her to run in North America. Once there she embarked on the 50km-long Run on the Sly marathon, in Pollock Pines, California — a woodland area at an elevation of over 1,200 meters, within the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Once completed, she undertook the Los Angeles Rocking Summer Marathon and finished that as well.
Nearing the completion of her 7–7–7 project, Adriana Istrate went to Asia and joined the Singapore Marathon — an annual international IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) Gold Label road race that has been held since the early 80s. In 2013, the year before Adriana’s run, the marathon welcomed 60,000 runners from across the globe.
Finally — the last endurance race of the 7–7–7 project — the 70 km Vietnam Mountain Marathon in Asia. The last run proved to be even harder than the first; the Asian tropical jungle turned out to be more treacherous than the frozen wastes of Antarctica and Adriana ran 10 km in 18 hours — most of it ankle-deep in mud. It was a grueling experience, but one she triumphed over.
The 7–7–7 Project was a resounding success.
Adriana Istrate managed to compete in and conquer 14 marathons and ultramarathons in just 10 months — much faster than her goal of 777 days. By doing so, she set a new world record and beat Ziyad Tariq Rahim’s performance.
Adriana’s achievements didn’t stop there — she participated in many other local competitions as well as an Iron Man contest, but her list of accomplishments is simply too great to put it all into one article.
Restart Energy Ambassador
Restart Energy highly values contributions to humanitarian causes, especially when done while bringing the global community closer together — something we also aim to achieve through the Restart Energy Democracy (RED) platform. Adriana has our utmost respect for her contributions to both noble causes and her dedication to pushing the limits of what we know we, as humans, are capable of.
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The next step in Adriana’s distinguished sports career is quickly approaching — on April 15th, this year, Adriana is planning on running in freezing conditions again; this time on the opposite side of the world to where she started her legend. She will be competing in the North Pole Marathon and this time, she will be wearing RED across the finish line.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and its impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the buying and selling of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. Upon completion of registration on the platform, an initial loyalty bonus of 0.11 kWh is applied. Producers send out monthly loyalty bonuses through the RED Loyalty System, totaling 1–5% of traded on-grid energy in exchange for access to the RED Platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
A year of blursdays: how coronavirus distorted our sense of time in 2020
Does it really feel like 2020 went on endlessly? Did lockdown drag, and may you even bear in mind the way you spent your time if you weren’t dwelling underneath coronavirus restrictions? You aren’t alone. For a lot of, 2020 has been the 12 months during which the fidelity of time was misplaced to the upheaval of coronavirus.
Objectively, time passes at a continuing, linear price. Subjectively, nevertheless, time waxes and wanes with our actions and feelings. Generally, it flies by, different instances it drags so slowly that it virtually stands nonetheless.
That is backed up by analysis I performed in April, which explored how the early months of the coronavirus pandemic had affected individuals’s experiences of the passage of time. Of specific curiosity was how shortly time felt prefer it was passing throughout lockdown compared to “regular” (that long-ago time earlier than lockdown).
I surveyed 604 individuals about how shortly time felt it was passing that day and that week compared to earlier than the lockdown. Individuals additionally answered questions on their temper, household life and the way busy they had been to present context on the elements, which made time extra more likely to pace up or decelerate for various individuals.
Tempus fugit?
My outcomes confirmed that there was widespread distortion time throughout lockdown, with greater than 80% of individuals reporting that point felt prefer it was passing in a different way. However lockdown didn’t distort time in the identical approach for everybody. As a substitute, time sped up throughout lockdown for 40% of individuals and slowed down for the remaining 40%.
Why was this? My evaluation means that the perceived pace of time in the course of the day was affected by an individual’s age, how glad they had been with their degree of social interplay, how harassed they had been and the way busy they had been. Basically, the times handed extra shortly for youthful individuals who had been socially glad, busy and experiencing low ranges of stress. Conversely, the day handed extra slowly for older individuals, significantly these over the age of 60, who had been socially dissatisfied, harassed and missing duties to occupy them.
Comparable patterns had been noticed for the subjective pace of the week. A quick week was related to being youthful and extra socially glad, whereas a sluggish week was related to being older and fewer socially glad.
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À la recherche du temps perdu … Alberto Andrei Rosu/Shutterstock
A second unpublished examine I performed in the course of the November lockdown revealed that, of the 851 individuals surveyed, greater than 75% skilled distortion to time and 55% reported that the beginning of the primary lockdown felt longer than eight months in the past. A slower second lockdown was related to shielding, dissatisfaction with social interplay and higher melancholy and tedium.
The UK is just not alone in its lack of time throughout lockdown. Research performed in France, Italy and Argentina additionally present widespread distortion to the passage of time in periods of strict COVID-19 restrictions.
Not like within the UK, in France and Italy lockdown handed extra slowly than regular for most individuals quite than being break up 40/40 as in my April examine. As within the UK, nevertheless, boredom was an essential predictor of time slowing down in Italy and in France. In France, time additionally handed extra slowly with rising disappointment.
Feelings and time
Why does being older, bored, harassed and socially dissatisfied make time go extra slowly? This query is troublesome to reply.
Not like different senses, we don’t have an apparent organ for time. As a substitute, time is skilled as a part of different sensory inputs, equivalent to sight and listening to, and this has made it troublesome to establish exactly how the mind processes it.
One risk is that after we are bored and socially dissatisfied we’ve got a number of spare cognitive capability and that we then use a few of that capability to extend our monitoring of time. This elevated monitoring then ends in time passing extra slowly than regular, just because we’re extra conscious of time than regular. One other risk is that the emotional consequence of lockdown altered the best way the mind processes time.
Particularly, the unfavorable feelings related to isolation, boredom, disappointment and stress might have contributed to a slowing of time. Nonetheless, inconsistent results of melancholy and anxiousness throughout research means that the impact of emotion on time is advanced.
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Vaccine ahoy. Lightspring/Shutterstock
So what of 2021? Will time regain its common rhythm? It’s troublesome to say. With the primary vaccines at present being deployed, we possibly extra hopeful than ever that normality is simply across the nook. The truth could also be that normality is many months away.
Regardless, whereas we will’t change the precise time it takes for the vaccination programme to be accomplished, there are some issues which we will do to hurry up the wait. By protecting busy, minimising stress, partaking in as a lot face-to-face or on-line social interplay as we will and by decreasing our stress ranges, we may also help the journey again to normality go extra shortly than regular.
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Ruth Ogden doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or group that may profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their tutorial appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/a-year-of-blursdays-how-coronavirus-distorted-our-sense-of-time-in-2020/ via https://growthnews.in
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Cine este Cristi Borcan de la Chefi la cuțite. Ultramaratonistul poreclit Superman a alergat 151 de kilometri în casă
Poreclit Superman, Cristi Borcan a impresionat juriul Chefi la cuțite printr-un preparat tradițional. Însă, performanțele sale sportive sunt cu atât mai uimitoare, având în vedere că acesta a alergat 151 de kilometri în casă.
Ultramaratonistul Cristi Borcan a reușit un lucru ieșit din comun în materie de alergare: a alergat 101 kilometri în apartamentul său de 2 camere din cartierul Rahova, o locuință unde stă în calitate de chiriaș, împreună cu soția, cele două fete și animalul lor de companie (un cățel). „Superman” se pregătește intens pentru competițiile de atletism și ultramaratoanele la care participă constant.
“Am vrut să demonstrez că se poate alerga în condiții ce par imposibile. De multe ori găsim o minciună călduță pentru a nu face mișcare, iar eu am vrut să demonstrez că se poate să faci mișcare în orice condiții dacă vrei cu adevărat”, a spus Cristi Borcan.
Cristi Borcan a alergat pe un traseu de 20 de metri pe care a făcut 5.050 de tururi. În total a parcurs 132.000 pași, iar pulsul mediu a fost de 142 bpm (pulsul a ajuns și la peste 184 bpm). După ce a schimbat 7 tricouri, “Superman” a consumat în total aproximativ 8.000 de calorii.
Cristi Borcan, concurentul Chefi la cuțite, este de meserie nutriționist, antrenor personal de fitness și ultramaratonist. În timpul în care nu este în sala de sport, aleargă pentru a se menține în formă pentru a face față cu succes competițiilor dure, unde se enumeră printre câștigători, potrivit spynews.ro.
Sportivul susține că în perioada izolării, a alergat în locuința sa 151 de kilometri, pe un traseu de 20 de metri, ca să se pregătească pentru un maraton de 24 de ore și susține că deține recordul mondial pentru cel mai lung traseu parcurs în casă. De asemenea, sportivul nonconformist povestește cum inițial a dorit să devină obez pentru a reuși să slăbească printr-o metodă personală și inedită.
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„La vârsta de 46 de ani mă îngrășasem 65 de kilograme, făcând experimente pe mine. M-am îngrășat cu bună știință, să fac un ultramaraton interior corpului meu, să înțeleg ce se întâmplă în corpul unui om când se îngrașă și încă lucrez la cea mai ușoară metodă de slăbire.”, a spus Cristi Borcan.
Dacă palmaresul său sportiv este impresionant, nu la fel de bine se descurcă și în bucătărie. Cristi Borcan a dorit să le readucă aminte bucătarilor de gustul de odinioară și le-a pregătit o rețetă delicioasă de fasole cu ciolan. Cu toate că nu a obținut măcar două cuțite pentru a trece mai departe, povestea lui de viață i-a impresionat pe chefi.
Acum trei ani era obez
În urma cu trei ani Borcan avea 120 de kg, era obez și sedentar, dar a demonstrat că dacă îți dorești suficient de mult, îți poți schimba viața.
„Conform statisticilor, polonezii sunt printre cei mai buni ultraatleti din lume. Mi-am dorit sa-mi verific adevaratul nivel cu ei. Mi-am conservat energiile, dupa cum m-a sfatuit Nicu Buceanu, am stat cumintel la cutiuta, pe locul 20-25, timp de cateva ore, mi-am studiat adversarii! Am evaluat „galacticii” cu care nu am nici o sansa si apoi am inceput atacul. Ma luptam cu cate unu pana ceda, apoi treceam la altul. Bateam 1-2 pe ora! La 24 de ore ajunsesem pe locul 3. Dar depasisem si 2 „galactici” care m-au depasit in ultimile ore!”, spunea Cristi Borcan, care a alergat 307 km si a depasit cu 4 kilometri fostul record al lui Nicu Buceanu. Performanta a fost facuta in Polonia, la concursul Ultra Park Run, 48H, Pabianice, în 2019.
Cristi Borcan este recordman dupa o lupta cu sine insusi.
„De fiecare data dispare planul undeva dupa 1/2 sau 3/4 din cursa si apare supravietuirea, improvizatia!In timpul supravietuirii apar „monstri” in psihic!!! Care urla!!! Ba!!! Opreste-te!!! Ca „te strici”!!! Apar in schimb si Prietenii!!! Nicu Buceanu – 1600K, Ady Bontiu – 1114K, Tibi Useriu – Ultra Polul Nord, Andrei Gligor – Ultra 7 Deserts, Robert Hajnal, Andrei Rosu, Avram Iancu si altii! Ma gandesc ca lor le-a fost mult mai greu si raman in cursa!!! Ba poti!!! Striga toti in urechile mele. Din cauza problemelor: adidasi SH prea uzati, mancare prea ieftina si proasta, lipsa echipa de suport, lipsa creme, neodihna (o noapte am dormit sub cerul liber, alta in cort) au aparut altele mult mai mari: diaree, rosaturi ingrozitoare la sub brat, o eruptie ciudata pe piele, bataturi ingrozitoare.”, spunea Cristi Borcan pentru aimx.ro.
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Sportul, o armă eficientă în lupta împotriva COVID-19. Studiile dovedesc importanța exercițiilor fizice în prevenirea infectării cu noul coronavirus
5 alimente care NU trebuie mâncate la micul dejun. Îți pot pune sănătatea în pericol!
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displayheartcode · 2 years
I am asking about your OCs with my whole heart
We’re going to ramble about the vampire project
Andrei Rosu: A dhampir who is in way over his head when he learns that a cult of monsters like him are linked to the murders at his college.
Emmett Hayes: A wayward human on the hunt for vengeance who has no clue what’s ahead when he runs into a reminder from his past.
What happens when their paths cross…
Rosu is actually a variation of one of my older OCs from a project I had back in high school. Lmao remember when fallen angels were big? I still love the idea of a character trying to figure out the line between monster and human, struggling to stay balanced. Plus, I love messing around with the vampire mythology. He’s human! He’s human-ish! He’s steadily craving for more human blood! Emmett, however, is a fun reference to a lot of monster hunter type characters, but what if he was alllllllllll alone and desperately needed friends. I also really want to explore the typical urban fantasy landscape through the eyes of a Jewish character. Could a Star of David work on a vampire? What monsters from Ashkenazi urban legends could exist?
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jurnal123 · 7 years
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zaturk · 5 years
Am fost la eventul Luna Amara – Din cercuri Live Limited Edition
Salut. Joi 5 martie am fost in Club Control Bucuresti unde baietii de la Luna Amara au sustinut un show special. Evenimentul Luna Amara – din cercuri |BT Live Limited Edition a constat in interpretarea a mai multor coveruri facute de trupa. Coveruri ale unor melodii care le-a influentat lor cariera si poate viata.
M-am identificat foarte usor cu acest show deoarece o mare parte din piese m-au influentat si pe mine ajutandu-ma chiar, sa ma dezvolt si sa creez persoana care sunt eu astazi. Evenimentul Luna Amara – din cercuri |BT Live Limited Edition a inceput in jurul orelor 21:00 si a fost Sold Out (adica un concert cu “casa inchisa”/very multi oameni, ca sa zicem asa).
In acea seara am putut asculta piese cunoscute de la trupe precum TOOL, Audioslave, Deftones sau Rage Against the Machine interpretate in maniera Luna Amara. De asemenea pe scena au fost foarte multi invitati unii dintre ei fiind DJ Hefe de la formatia Coma sau Oigan de la Robin and the Backstabbers.
De asemenea a fost organizata o tombola, prin care in urmatragerii la sorti a numerului de pe biletul de intrare puteai castiga o chitara electrica Gretsch hallowbody. O actiune foarte misto iar din partea mea ar trebui facute mai multe tombole de genul, astfel motivand muzicienii (cat mai tineri daca se poate).
Te poate interesa si: Servicii Foto-Video
Per total a fost o seara de joi faina, alaturi de trupa Luna Amara si multi oameni misto. Sper sa va placa si fotografiile pe care le-am facut in seara respectiva. Daca va plac puteti da si un share, like si alte nebunii care ar putea ajuta la cresterea platformei Contemporary-Establishment.
Urmeaza si materiale video din seara respectiva.
Luna Amara este o trupa romaneasca din Cluj-Napoca. Aceasta s-a format in an sub numele de Tanagra Noise. In prezent este formata din Mihnea Blidariu (voce, chitara, trompeta), Nick Fagadar (voce, chitara), Sorin Moraru (chitara bas), Razvan Ristea (tobe) si Andrei Botan (chitara).
Numele este tradus din limba engleza Bitter Moon si este inspirat din filmul lui Roman Polanski cu acelasi titlu. Trupa Luna Amara are lansate sase albume (Asfalt, Loc Lipsa, Don’t Let Your Dreams Fall Asleep, Pietre În Alb, Aproape and Nord.
Trupa a fost formata initial din Nick Fagadar (voce si chitara) si Gheorghe Farcas (chitara bas) in Cluj Napoca, in septembrie 1999 sub numele de Tanagra Noise. In 2000 numele trupei a fost schimbat in Luna Amara.
Luna Amara abordeaza un melange de stiluri de la metal progreseiv la rock alternativ. Aceasta a fost prima trupa care a introdus trompeta in stilul rock alternativ. Membrii incearca sa sprijine si sa promoveze o societate europeana moderna in Romania, iar versurile lor contin adesea mesaje politice.
Luna Amara este in prezent una dintre cele mai de succes trupe din Romania. Acestia au fost cei mai de succes artisti de top vanduti in lantul national de magazine de muzica (Hollywood Music & Film) din iulie 2004. Single-urile lor Folclor, Gri Dorian, Rosu Aprins si Egon nr.4 au ajuns pe primul loc in toturile de pe posturile radio din tara.
Luna Amara au cantat in deschiderea mai multor trupe internationale precum Paradise Lost, Clawfinger, Apocalyptica, Toy Dolls, HIM, The Exploited, Amorphis si Faith No More. Toate aceste trupa abordeaza stiluri diferite, de aceea Luna Amara dovedeste ca sunt intersectia sufletelor rock.
Sustine proiectul => Contemporary-Establishment
Servicii Foto-Video => https://bit.ly/2NHdcIX
Colaborari foto => facebook.com/TurcuDanielAlexandru
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Luna Amara – Din cercuri Live Limited Edition in Club Control Bucuresti Am fost la eventul Luna Amara - Din cercuri Live Limited Edition Salut. Joi 5 martie am fost in…
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sportivi · 7 years
Sportiv intrat in Cartea Recordurilor.
Cele 7 maratoane (42 de kilometri): Australian Outback Marathon (Australia) Eurasia Marathon (Europa) Maraton Costa del Pacifico (America de Sud) Antarctic Ice Marathon (Antarctica) Sahara Marathon (Africa) Everest Marathon (Asia) Mayor’s Marathon Alaska (America de Nord) Cele 7 ultramaratoane Antarctic Ice 100 km (Antarctica) Eco-Trail de Paris 80 km (Europa) Dead Sea Ultra 50 km (Asia) Two Oceans Mutual Ultra 56 km (Africa) Creemore Vertical Challenge 50 km (America de Nord) Bedrock 52 km (Australia) Supermaratona Cidade do Rio Grande 50 km (America de Sud)
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Andrei Rădulescu, senior economist BT: Activele bancare au ajuns la maxime record
Andrei Rădulescu, senior economist BT: Activele bancare au ajuns la maxime record
22 aug 2017
Roxana Rosu
Volumul total al activelor bancare a crescut cu 1,3% în primele şase luni ale anului, faţă de finalul lui 2016, la 398,6 miliarde lei (87,5 miliarde euro, un nivel record.
Totodată, profitul anualizat s-a majorat cu 13,1% an/an, la 2,7 miliarde lei (0,6 miliarde euro) în prima jumătate a anului curent.
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alexsavescu · 7 years
Zilele Municipiului Fălticeni 2017 s-au încheiat sâmbătă, 22 iulie, cu un important eveniment sportiv organizat anual la Fălticeni, înscris în calendarul național al Circuitului AmaTur.
Secția de tenis ACS Șomuz Fălticeni, prin implicarea directă a coordonatorului Cătălin Cozma, a organizat, cu sprijinul Primăriei Fălticeni, a șasea ediție a turneului de vară Cupa “Zilele Municipiului Fălticeni”.
Competiția s-a bucurat de participarea a peste 140 de pasionați ai tenisului de masă, de la copii până la persoane trecute de mult de prima tinerețe. În premieră, tradiționalul concurs de la Fălticeni s-a bucurat de prezența unor sportivi din Ucraina ( și Republica Moldova.
Turneul a fost organizat în Sala de sport “Gabriel Udișteanu”, pe patru categorii: Începători, Avansați, Open și Elite. Pentru copiii cu vârsta până în 14 ani a fost organizat un turneu separat.
Concursul a durat mai bine de 12 ore însă participanții s-au arătat foarte mulțumiți de condițiile de organizare și de calitatea jocurilor. Mulți dintre ei au făcut eforturi considerabile pentru a fi prezenți la Fălticeni.
Clasament Elite
1.  Rosca Mihai – Galanesti 2.  Mosneagu Marius – Falticeni 3 — 4   Hasna Cosmin – Straja  Ilies Ioan – Radauti 5 — 8  Valeanu Vlad – Bacau Valeanu Cosmin – Bacau Georgiu Dragos – Vatra Dornei Onufrei Ciprian – Botosani 9 — 2v gr.sup. Orza Catalin – Suceava 10 — 13 1v gr.sup. Ditu Daniel – Onesti Toporas Cosmin – Suceava Rojnita Sebastian – Bacau Calenciuc Dumitru – Radauti 14 — 16 0v gr.sup. Irimia Sorin Jr – Moinesti Rusti Catalin – Suceava Sengoz Mehmet – Botosani 17 — 19 2v gr.inf. Polocoser Cristian – Suceava Bujoreanu Neculai – Falticeni Carpovici Sergiu – Falticeni 20 — 21 1v gr.inf. Blanariu Dionisie – Baisesti Crutarciuc Alexandru – Chisinau 22 — 23 0v gr.inf. Firu Marian – Vatra Dornei Carpovici Boris – Falticeni
Clasament Open
1.  Ticu Dorin – Bacau 2.  Ciubotariu Ioan – Preutesti 3 — 4   Valcu Alin – Botosani  Zamfiroaia Sorin – Dolhestii Mari 5 — 8  Braniste George – Bacau Colesniuc Romeo – Botosani Nicolaiciuc Ovidiu Sebastian – Iasi Mironescu Adrian – Botosani 9 — 10  Ursulescu Ioan – Bacau Baisan Paul – Roman 11 — 13 2v gr.sup. Albu Catalin – Pascani Purdila Dan – Falticeni Atomei Armand – Piatra Neamt 14 — 16 1v gr.sup. Marcu Vasile – Vatra Dornei Rosca Niculai – Galanesti Cebotari Alexandru – Iasi 17 — 20 0v gr.sup. Vlaisan Vasile – Vicovu de Jos Condur Iulian – Suceava Leteanu Marius – Bacau Stroe Ionel – Bacau 21 — 23 2v gr.inf. Ivanov Sorin – Piatra Neamt Corocaescu Cristian – Suceava Bogza Dragos – Iasi 24 — 27 1v gr.inf. Ciortescu Cristi – Iasi Sofian Corneliu – Suceava Morosan Marian – Suceava Munteanu Silviu – Suceava 28 — 30 0v gr.inf. Aldea Iulian – Falticeni Miculescu Alexandru – Piatra Neamt Morar Artur – Ucraina
Clasament Avansati
1.  Mahu Bogdan – Pascani 2.  Corneanu Sorin – Botosani 3 — 4   Plamada Lucian – Iasi  Turcu Viorel – Piatra Neamt 5 — 8  Pralea Marius Dan – Botosani Butnaru Madalina – Vatra Dornei Ailioaie Gheorghe – Comanesti Burghelea Florin – Piatra Neamt 9 — 16  Muraru Ioana – Vatra Dornei Rosu Gabriel – Comanesti Filip Dan – Comanesti Bubulac Cristi – Piatra Neamt Lovin Eusebiu – Comanesti Vieru Costica – Botosani Robu Valentin – Botosani Pinzar Alin – Suceava 17 — 20  Vaculisteanu Ionut – Suceava Macovei Cristi – Iasi Ignatescu Bogdan Ionut – Siret Cazanel Gheorghe – Comanesti 21 — 2v gr.sup. Zepciuc Marius – Granicesti 22 — 32 1v gr.sup. Cazacu Florin – Vatra Dornei Aldea Nelu – Falticeni Nemaciuc Ovidiu – Suceava Fotia Iulian – Bacau Maftei Catalin Doru – Comanesti Palamaru Emil – Vatra Dornei Simionese Sorin Gabriel – Granicesti Volostiuc Catalin – Suceava Robu Mihai – Mogosesti Donisan Costel – Pascani Ghita Andrei Danut – Targu Neamt 33 — 40 0v gr.sup. Petrescu Claudel – Putna Mihaila Gabriel – Radauti Chiriac Marius – Botosani Balau Laurentiu – Falticeni Plamada Iulian – Putna Cibotariu Bogdan – Piatra Neamt Morosan Ionel – Granicesti Zamfirache Ioan – Botosani 41 — 42 2v gr.inf. Aparaschivei Marcel – Botosani Pacuraru Cristian – Suceava 43 — 53 1v gr.inf. Lucic Corneliu – Suceava Dior Dorin – Iasi Morosan Mihai – Granicesti Lupu Cristian – Botosani Ujeniuc Dan – Suceava Pavlenko Iustina – Ucraina Bejinariu Constantin – Siret Darie Gabriel – Comanesti Tanase Gabi – Suceava Mihut Benone – Pascani Duman Iulian – Halaucesti 54 — 60 0v gr.inf. Mosneagu Mihnea – Falticeni Mesinschi Radu – Botosani Foca Ciprian – Radauti Buzila Ioan – Botosani Anastasiu Constantin – Comanesti Purdila Andrei – Falticeni Baluta Tyty – Targu Neamt
  Clasament începători
1. Cracana Lucian – Vatra Dornei 2.  Mirt Alexandru – Pascani 3 — 4  Margineanu Florin – Botosani Calancea Dragos – Siret 5 — 8  Vacariuc Mariana – Vatra Dornei Albu Iulian – Comanesti Sisca Nicusor – Comanesti Tkaciuk Mihail – Ucraina 9 — 2v gr.sup. Simionese Ovidiu – Granicesti 10 — 12 1v gr.sup. Mita Augustin – Dorohoi Babiuc Nicusor Ionel – Siret Cirsmar Catalin – Siret 13 — 16 0v gr.sup. Bordianu Bogdan – Falticeni Filip Cristi – Comanesti Grusca Narcis – Gura Humorului Pintescu Teodora – Vatra Dornei 17 — 19 3v gr.inf. Pohaci Claudiu – Dorohoi Oghinciuc Cristi – Tisauti Mihai Adrian – Botosani 20 — 21 2v gr.inf. Capra Claudiu – Suceava Iordache Catalin – Comanesti 22 — 24 1v gr.inf. Buzila Robert – Vatra Dornei Petrescu Vlad – Fratauti Lita Constantin – Putna 25 — 28 0v gr.inf. Husarciuc Beniamin – Suceava Vaculisteanu Ana – Suceava Olariu Vasile – Brusturi Buzila Tamara – Botosani
Turneul AmaTur “Cupa Zilele Municipiului Fălticeni” Zilele Municipiului Fălticeni 2017 s-au încheiat sâmbătă, 22 iulie, cu un important eveniment sportiv organizat anual la Fălticeni, înscris în calendarul național al Circuitului AmaTur.
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shyobjectangel · 6 years
Adriana Istrate, Restart Energy Ambassador
New Post has been published on https://restartenergy.info/adriana-istrate-restart-energy-ambassador/
Adriana Istrate, Restart Energy Ambassador
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We are honored to announce that World Record holder Adriana Istrate, the most resilient marathon runner in the world, has joined Restart Energy as our newest ambassador.
Before redefining the impossible and setting a new world record, by completing 14 marathons on all 7 continents, Adriana had a normal day to day life, a regular job, and average hobbies. One day she realized that there is more to life and started chasing her dreams.
How it all began
Adriana’s story is an inspiring one, showing everyone that nothing is out of your reach as long as you believe in yourself and are not afraid to work towards achieving your goals. Being a regular woman over 30 one day and setting world records the next, is certainly a very impressive turnover that shows everyone that we can do amazing things if we work for them.
Realizing that her life was spent too much at the office working late and paying for gym memberships that she could not use due to lack of time, she discovered the strength to change her life — and more importantly, herself — for the better.
Her eyes were opened to her true potential by Andrei Rosu in a presentation about energy and vitality. She was so impressed with what she heard that by the end of the presentation her mind was made up: she was going to start running.
Like all beginnings, it was hard at first. She had to train every day and started to run in a few local marathons in Bucharest. Her training paid off in just 9 months though, finishing her first major sporting event after her sixth month of training — the 21 km Transmaraton — and going on to pass the finish line of the 42 km Bucharest International Marathon and running for 52 km in the 1000 km Balkan Challenge.
In her own words:
“Sport has been an extraordinary tool to gain confidence in my own person, to get out of the mud of comfort in which I dived every day and seek my true identity: that of the normal person with extraordinary energy. From now on, I will do sport as a way of life, in order to keep my energy at maximum levels and to become a model for my family, that I have already started to work on.”
The first big competition
After her success, she had time to think and ponder: “I will continue running, but how, when, why, and what for?” — to these questions, she had no answer… yet. With determination in her heart, she crafted for herself a plan and a purpose: to run 7 marathons and 7 ultra-marathons, on 7 continents, in 777 days — the now-famous 7–7–7 Project.
The first step was also the most treacherous: running 100 km in -25 degrees through the most inhospitable terrain on Earth — this was the Antarctic Ice Marathon and in November 2014, Adriana was going to face it head-on.
Most people enjoy spending their birthdays with friends and family at home, and in the past, this would have been the case for her as well. This time she chose to spend it running for 100 km in Antarctica, in order to raise 15,000 euros for the care of children suffering from cancer (HOSPICE House of Hope Foundation). It was hard, and Adriana even admitted that no training could have prepared her for what was ahead, but in the end, she summoned the will to persevere and won the Antarctic Ice Marathon in less than 24 hours for her 34th birthday, as the only runner that “resisted extreme conditions” that year.
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Before she competed, only 5 other women ever entered and finished the marathon. She was the 6th woman to complete it and the first Romanian-born woman to ever do so and win.
Becoming a legend
Continuing on her journey to become the most resilient woman in the world, Adriana competed in and finished the King George Island Penguin Marathon in Antarctica, then went further north to Patagonia and ran both the Chile Punta Arenas Southern Marathon and the Chile Punta Arenas Ultra 50 km marathon.
With two continents down, Adriana crossed the Atlantic in order to run in Africa. Her first destination where the vast and blistering-hot dunes of the Sahara Desert, where athletes from around the world challenge themselves to finish the Sahara Desert Marathon. Afterward, she set her sights on the Cape Town Two Oceans Ultra 56 km marathon, held on the bejeweled tip of the African continent.
The next leg of her journey took her back to the Old Continent, where she first ran in the French Eco Trail de Paris 50 km — starting near the Grand Canal and past the Parc de Versailles, crossing the finishing line next to the Eiffel Tower, in the very heart of Paris — and then much closer to home, entering and finishing the Chisinau International Marathon.
Following Europe, Adriana ran in New Zealand’s Christchurch Marathon — an event renowned for its fast courses, based on the classic Commonwealth Games marathon of 1974. After New Zealand, she went on to run in one of Australia’s premier marathons, the Australia Ultra 50 km. Interestingly, Adriana might have actually run on two continents here instead of one, as while not yet fully-accepted, there is evidence that geographically Zealandia is a distinct, but mostly submerged continent (also called a ‘drowned continent’ — only New Zealand and a handful of islands are above sea level), that differs from its more established neighbour Australia not only through its geological formation timeline but also ecologically.
After Australia, it was time for her to run in North America. Once there she embarked on the 50km-long Run on the Sly marathon, in Pollock Pines, California — a woodland area at an elevation of over 1,200 meters, within the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Once completed, she undertook the Los Angeles Rocking Summer Marathon and finished that as well.
Nearing the completion of her 7–7–7 project, Adriana Istrate went to Asia and joined the Singapore Marathon — an annual international IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) Gold Label road race that has been held since the early 80s. In 2013, the year before Adriana’s run, the marathon welcomed 60,000 runners from across the globe.
Finally — the last endurance race of the 7–7–7 project — the 70 km Vietnam Mountain Marathon in Asia. The last run proved to be even harder than the first; the Asian tropical jungle turned out to be more treacherous than the frozen wastes of Antarctica and Adriana ran 10 km in 18 hours — most of it ankle-deep in mud. It was a grueling experience, but one she triumphed over.
The 7–7–7 Project was a resounding success.
Adriana Istrate managed to compete in and conquer 14 marathons and ultramarathons in just 10 months — much faster than her goal of 777 days. By doing so, she set a new world record and beat Ziyad Tariq Rahim’s performance.
Adriana’s achievements didn’t stop there — she participated in many other local competitions as well as an Iron Man contest, but her list of accomplishments is simply too great to put it all into one article.
Restart Energy Ambassador
Restart Energy highly values contributions to humanitarian causes, especially when done while bringing the global community closer together — something we also aim to achieve through the Restart Energy Democracy (RED) platform. Adriana has our utmost respect for her contributions to both noble causes and her dedication to pushing the limits of what we know we, as humans, are capable of.
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The next step in Adriana’s distinguished sports career is quickly approaching — on April 15th, this year, Adriana is planning on running in freezing conditions again; this time on the opposite side of the world to where she started her legend. She will be competing in the North Pole Marathon and this time, she will be wearing RED across the finish line.
About Restart Energy
Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 27,000 household and 3,000 corporate clients, expanding at more than 2,000 clients per month (5,000 new customers in the first two months of 2018), and its impressive growth: 1700% from 2015 until today.
Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I, Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise and RED-MWAT Tokens.
The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.
MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the buying and selling of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, though free-market practices. Upon completion of registration on the platform, an initial loyalty bonus of 0.11 kWh is applied. Producers send out monthly loyalty bonuses through the RED Loyalty System, totaling 1–5% of traded on-grid energy in exchange for access to the RED Platform.
Importantly, it should be noted that potential franchise partners will need to own (this is not a form of payment to us) a certain number of MWAT tokens, in order to qualify for our various franchise tiers — the secret to our award-winning growth as a business!
For more information, please visit our website, our Telegram, and read the Restart Energy whitepaper. Join our announcement channel for updates regarding Restart Energy Democracy.
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