#Varnhold's lot spoilers
outeremissary · 2 years
Hey for those OTP asks...6 and 17 for Balthazar and Tristian? Those are my favorites on the list 👀
Responding to this prompt list, which genuinely jumpscared me in December when it posted from queue. ^^;; I appreciate the faith you put in me asking about it when I was already nearly a month behind answering your other ask, as well as your patience when it took this long to get together... I'd been so focused on the ones from November I forgot this one a little, and when I dug back up the prompt list to answer it was a moment of "wait, THAT'S why I've been thinking so much about this for a solid month?!" Anyway. Enough rambling from me.
(note: there are really Kingmaker spoilers in this)
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Hm. There was some good space between the two realizations, so I suppose I'll be answering separately, if I'm understanding the question right?
Tristian realized some time between the end of the Bloom and the disappearances in Varnhold. That was a space where the two of them were spending much more time together than they had previously and moving from "people who tolerate each other, mostly" to "friends but no one else understands how." Somewhere in there was a moment- or maybe more than one- where it suddenly clicked. Some bright, unguarded smile or a nose wrinkled in an impatient huff or maybe some vague tuneless hum overheard in a moment of quiet. He'd already sabotaged Nyrissa's assassination attempt during the Bloom without being able to explain why besides an ambiguous sense of guilt, but this was where he truly realized that if he was asked to hurt Balthazar he'd never be able to go through with it.
Balthazar didn't realize that he was in love until Tristian betrayed him. In the aftermath, he realized that he didn't feel angry about it at all, just hurt and afraid that in some way this meant he'd never really known Tristian at all. The journey back from Vordakai's tomb was long and there was a lot of time together process what that meant. It felt like too much time to think, and then far, far too much time to be stuck with the realization after the "oh." moment. Balthazar hadn't really been in love before- there was something very frightening and vulnerable about it. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that the deadly circumstances didn't leave much space for overthinking it!
For the record, most of the party was aware of Balthazar's crush long before he was. Embarrassing... On the other hand, somehow no one was really sure about Tristian until afterwards.
17. Who fell in love first?
It was close, but Tristian... perhaps. There was some point around or after the Bloom where he began to see Balthazar in a different way. The way he tirelessly worked against the plague without ever thinking to flee, his ability to think steps ahead of disaster to save lives, and his fierce insistence that somehow, the disaster would be solved. He also placed his trust in Tristian again and again- something unexpected and deeply relieving. There were a lot of moments of deep, genuinely vulnerability from Balthazar during the Bloom that Tristian was witness to, especially when in a moment of true desperation he went to meet Nyrissa deep in the Narlmarches and barely escaped with his life. Seeing Balthazar risk his life and then being the one at his side when he was still weak and slowly recovering was a kind of revelation. As much as he was upset that Balthazar had suddenly done something so terribly reckless at the critical moment and nearly ruined all of Tristian’s efforts to save him and undermine the Bloom, it was also the kind of surprise that touched him and drew him in. Somewhere along the way from there the feelings started to change.
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momoconteng · 6 years
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You’ve come back to me.
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evilrevan · 6 years
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I truthfully adore how they get married and then go back to being mercs, at least, until the two of them feel the need to settle down for some peace and quiet. Prob many years down the line for him and my tiefling lady, Xiansia, but still sweet nonetheless. Just sadfasdfasdf.
Fuck it. Imma write some shit about these two odd babies. Xiansia and Varn deserve some fluff and shit after all they went through!
Edit: Here is Xiansia drawn by a friend of mine.
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galagraphia · 6 years
Oh... My... God.
Owlcats you are demons! 😭
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
throwing the question back at you ;) Jas, how do you feel about your companions?
(answering as things currently stand in her game, so 5/6 of the way done, just finishing up with Irovetti, timeline wise)
“Let’s see, how do I feel about my companions…” She taps her chin with one fingers and swings her feet as she considers her reply. “Well, Amiri’s pretty cool,that’s for sure. Totally reckless and kinda bloodthirsty, which has been fun and frustrating by turns if I’m honest. But I love her enthusiasm, and she’s always ready for a fight, which is handy when you have so many people out for your hide.
“I appreciate Valerie’s… intensity? I guess you’d call it?” She shrugs and curls a lock of hair around her finger, tugging as she picks her next words. “She’s very stubborn and very loyal, both of which make her great to have watching your back. At first I thought she was being a little unreasonable with the paladins of Shelyn, but when I saw how far some of them were ready to take their devotion…. I can definitely see how that would be a wearying atmosphere if you were less gung-ho and not similarly minded. After our confrontation in the temple, I can’t really blame her any more. Still think she could be a little less vitriolic about the order as a whole; it was just a few of them who got really nasty where she was concerned.
“Linzi is the best! We talk all the time, and she’s such a talented writer, and I love having someone else around who’s almost always cheerful–well, Octavia does a pretty good job there, too-and of course, I’m honored she wants to tell my story.” Her lips quirk in a small, wry smile. “She does…. embellish a little more than I would in some spots, but that’s just Linzi. She’s so enthusiastic and excited about everything, it all gets cast in the most dramatic light possible, which I guess is part of why she’s such a great storyteller.” She giggles, bites her lip,.
“Um, who’s next…. “ Her nose wrinkles. “Y’know what, let’s get this out of the way. Jaethal always creeped me out. We disagreed about almost everything, and honestly, I’m surprised she stuck around long enough for things to end… the way they did.” She shifts uncomfortably in her chair and looks down at her lap. “And if I’d known they were going to end… like that, I never would’ve agreed to help her. So much death for absolutely nothing. It was awful and gave me nightmares for days. 
“On a less grim, if still somber, note, Harrim’s a gloomy gus, but I think he cares more about his people than he admits. Or maybe even realizes. And Groetus has given him a lot of neat and really useful abilities that Tristian and I don’t have, so that’s really helpful.” She winks. “For all his groaning about death and the end of the world being inevitable, he’s sure saved me from it enough times since we met.
“Octavia and Reg… I kinda have to talk about the two of them together, don’t I?” She laughs. “They’re fun to have around, ‘specially Octavia. Reg doesn’t know when to stop sometimes, and” –she leans forward to whisper conspiratorially–”I’ve been really tempted to shove him in water troughs more times than I can count. But I’m too short, so I just roll my eyes and deal with it. I know he means it in fun. Most of the time. And Octavia’s really fun and sweet and had some really great ideas for things I could do with my hair.” She tugs on the loose lock again. “She’s one of only a few people who can handle this mess. And she somehow makes it look gorgeous whenever I let her do her thing to it. But great as it is to have a friend who can actually help me look the part of, well, Queen now, what I really love about her is her heart. She’s been through hell and came out determined to keep others from suffering like she did. She cares so much about people, especially the ones most would forget. It makes her a wonderful person to serve as regent and that’s a decision I’ve never regretted.
“Jubilost…. Jubilost is a piece of work, He’s a pompous, sarcastic ass, half the time his tongue might as well be coated in the acid he throws at people, and Dreamer save me, I’ve definitely wanted to strangle him on more than one occasion. But the man’s one of my best friends in the world, one I’ve thrown myself in front of various massive beasties to protect with neither regret nor hesitation.” She pulls up one side of her shirt, showing a scar along her ribs.  “Manticore thought gnome steaks sounded good for dinner ‘til I smashed its face in. It wasn’t too happy with me, and magic can only do so much. Jube’s honest–to a literal fault, sometimes–principled, bold, determined, and loyal. Wouldn’t trade his friendship or knack for treasury-keeping for all the gold in Golarion.
“People are surprised at my friendship with Ekun , b’cause we’re so opposite; tall and short, quiet and loud, loner and social butterfly” –she giggles at the comparison, playing with her holy symbol–”but I think we’re friends to balance each other out. He’s loyal and driven and I think he’s so strong to keep going after what happened to his family. If I lost mine…. I’d probably curl up in a ball a straight week and cry a new river.
“Kalikke and Kanerah… They’re both something of a mystery, if I”m honest. I haven’t really spent much time with either of them, especially Kanerah. Kalikke and I get along pretty well, but I still haven’t spent much time talkin’ to them.” She wrinkles her nose. “I should prob’ly fix that. It’s kinda rude.
“Nok-Nok’s exasperating and I gotta be honest, Lamashtu kiiiiiinda turns my stomach, especially after…” She clears her throat. “Well, anyway. He’s really good to have in a fight, but I mostly just tolerate havin’ him around. 
“Guess that just leaves Tristian.” Her whole face lights up like she swallowed the sun. “It’s not really any kind of secret any more that we’re together, and let me tell you, despite everything that’s happened since I established Sparrows’ Nest, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. He’s so sweet and cares so much about everyone–even people who tried to kill us, he’s interceding for their lives–and he’s such a good healer. I’ve never more than halfway gotten the hang of healing myself, so his talents in that area are extremely useful.” Her smile dims slightly. “What he went through with Nyrissa’s just… awful, and I don’t really like dwelling on it b’cause it makes me so damn angry how she treated him. Not trying to absolve his responsibility for what he… what he did, but….” the words trail off and she bites her lip. “It’s not important anymore, anyway, ‘cause he’s confessed and sincerely apologized and is trying to help me set things right, stop Nyrissa. The strength that takes…. how could I do anything but forgive him,  welcome him back?”  She giggles, then add, “And fall even more in love with him. I’ll take however much time we get, however we get it to have it, because meeting him, falling in love… it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. And whatever I have to fight to keep that, Ill tear its damned head off. ….Assuming I can reach.”
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vedunia · 5 years
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<3 DLC “Varnhold's Lot” - “Pathfinder: Kingmaker” SPOILERS
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ladyarrowhead · 5 years
so i recently started pathfinder kingmaker, as you do a few days before an exam, and i looooove it? the redhead female aasimar portrait is like...gorgeous? so i broke to my knees during the steam summersale and got varnhold’s lot and i know part of it has like influences on the main story but when am i supposed to start it? trying to get through this spoiler-free but thought “aye, might as well take this thing :D” atm i am after the prologue and currently trying to find tartuccio in the kobold-mite-sycamore tree and basically making hearteyes at linzi, amiri, valerie, octavia, regongar, tristain like really just take your pick i love them all
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springagainafter · 5 years
I can’t believe that there’s an actual comment from another NPC if you go for Gunderson’s romance (such as it is) but there’s nothing for Varn’s romance.
Kjerdi the quartermaster pops up before the last dungeon with some feels-like-there’s-some-sort-of-storm-coming-and-also-everyone's-having-nightmares exposition and also mentions that Gunderson is even weirder than normal and also looks awful.
And if he was romanced, you get this:
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Which is cool for the people who went for Gunderson! It’s just weird that Kjerdi or Cephal have absolutely nothing to say to the general or to Varn if Varn’s romanced.
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galagraphia · 6 years
I finished Varnhold's Lot with Maegar romance, and it broke my heart in so many ways. One of the unexpected things was that I saw how much Cephal cares about Maegar. They always fight, they have completely opposite views, but you can tell they are really good friends and rely on each other. So after that knowing what happened to Cephal later is heartbreaking.
And the romance... Two people have known each other for years, fought together, cared about each other. And as soon as they start thinking about life together, they are ripped from each other's arms. ;___;
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galagraphia · 6 years
Just think: my stupid blue bard Aria was told Maegar Varn, the love of her life, is taken by the evil lich. She agrees to take the reward from the trickster fey lord, hoping that she could use it to rescue her love. Instead she becomes cursed and stuck on her post, until her man comes back to free her. But she knows he won't come. Because she can't save him. She stands there and fights for his memory. What are these tears?
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galagraphia · 6 years
Loot is great, but I think Maegar Varn is the one who found the most precious treasure
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galagraphia · 6 years
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I see Aria is in good mood :)
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galagraphia · 6 years
I got the feeling the whole barony idea was more Cephal's than Maegar's. The moment Cephal was gone, Maegar went full "fuck baroning!" mode, switched to being an advisor first, and then went back to leading a gang of adventures. And I kind of envy him. He pretty much rode into the sunset with his young wife to be heroes together. Funny how he wanted to settle down with her at first, but I guess it was too boring for them, so they decided to be full-time heroes instead. Looks like being kidnapped and imprisoned by a lich and being cursed by a wicked fey lord made them appreciate having each other here and now instead of waiting for a perfect time to be together. It's beautiful 😭
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galagraphia · 6 years
Aria thought having a barony would be like wearing pretty gowns and having a bath every day. But some fey assholes had other plans...
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
When Skies Are Grey
Have a Jas/Tristian fic that leans heavily into the ‘hurt’ part of hurt/comfort. I apologize in advance. :D Set early Varnhold Vanishing, so after the “Full of sunshine” conversation, but before, uh, *cough* the next conversation in the romance progression. (spoilers for the end of Varnhold Vanishing in the endnotes, jsyk)
Jas had a love-hate relationship with watch duty. On the one hand, lots of time to think, and she could even daydream a little so long as she kept an eye on her surroundings. On the other there was a careful balance of awareness without drifting into paranoia she was still trying to nail down. Being ready for anything to happen while hoping nothing did. She could never get back to sleep after hours of that mindset. That was why she always claimed second watch. Well, that and it meant only having to put her armor back on once. 
None of her friends minded her preference, far as she knew; in fact, since she usually brought the same group with her, they’d all settled into favored roles. Hers just happened to be last watch. Which started in just a couple minutes. She’d almost overslept; lingering grey skies made things darker than they should be, even at night.
Jas checked the buckles for her breastplate one last time and ducked out of the tent to switch off with Tristian. True, she probably wouldn’t need it; this was a safer part of the barony, but she’d rather play it safe. Even the areas not plagued by highwaymen or something had wildlife, and the Stolen Lands seemed to breed everything big and dangerous.
When she caught sight of Tristian, he was perched on a rock, fingers idly toying with his holy symbol as he kept his gaze on the surrounding darkness beyond the banked campfire’s glow. She tried not to walk in complete silence, so as not to startle him, but she didn’t want to wake anyone up, either. Octavia and Ekun were both light sleepers. Apparently she hit the right balance; she didn’t hear anyone stir behind her, but Tristian turned to look at her as she reached him.
“Expecting trouble?” he asked with a small smile, the campfire’s dim light accentuating his cheekbones and throwing his eyes into shadow as he nodded at her breastplate and the mace strapped to her hip.
Jas shrugged. “It never hurts to be prepared,” she whispered back. “Anything exciting happen?”
Tristian shook his head. “Not so far. Do you want it to?”
“No, no,” she giggled, struggling to keep it quiet. “I prefer my excitement to be during daylight hours. And my choice.” Her hand came to rest on the mace’s hilt. “But sometimes you don’t get to pick, and I wanna be at least sort of prepared.” She rested her shield against the rock.
“A wise outlook.” Tristian nodded and stood. He tried to stifle a yawn and Jas smiled.
“Get some sleep,” she said softly, gesturing toward the shelter. “Need everyone well-rested so we can cover more ground-”
A branch broke somewhere in the nearby woods and she cut herself off as they both swiveled toward the sound. Nothing came of it and she shrugged as she reached up to pat his hand.
“Like I said,” Jas whispered, “get some rest. You look like you need it.” Not that she’d been staring intently at him enough to notice or anything. (She had.)
Tristian flashed her a very tired, very grateful, smile. “I would be lying to deny it. Goodnight, Jasiri.”
Desna save her, if her insides could stop doing a little flip whenever he said her name like that, that would be great. “G’night, Tristian. Sweet dreams.”
Something flickered in his eyes Jas couldn’t quite read in the low light before he nodded and headed for the tent with a murmur of thanks.
He hadn’t made it more than three steps when there was a thunderous crash and earsplitting screech from the woods, and a full-grown venomhydra came storming into view from among the trees. Not--Jas had just enough time to notice--the same direction as the earlier broken branch, which meant there might be more coming.
She freed her mace, scooped up her shield, and charged toward the hydra, bellowing a savage cry that was intended equally to rouse her sleeping companions and throw the monster off-kilter. It succeeded at both; the hydra was clearly not accustomed to small prey meeting it with such ferocity, and she could hear her friends scrambling for their equipment and weapons--not to mention Tristian’s footsteps not far behind her--even as she closed the distance.
Two of the heads snapped down at her, and Jas flung herself into a somersault to avoid them. She whispered a prayer for aid to Desna as she righted herself and slammed her mace into one clawed foot.
The hydra screeched in pain at both the impact and the snarls of lightning that sparked from the mace to singe its flesh. It jerked away and lashed at her with one of its heads again.
This time as she dodged, Jas heard the unmistakable sound of a blunt weapon striking scaled flesh, joined by Tristian’s voice rising in a prayer for Sarenrae’s blessing. Despite the danger, she felt a surge of relief, both knowing he had her back and because he always waited until everyone was ready to offer that prayer. Which meant both his goddess and their friends would be helping very shortly.
Indeed, even as the thought formed in her mind, Amiri came barreling past.  “Save some for me!” she hollered, grinning maniacally as her sword sliced deep into the hydra’s flank. Even as it yowled and recoiled, the barbarian swung her sword in a wide arc and sliced the lower jaw off one head.
The remaining heads bellowed yet louder as it was peppered with arrows, crossbow bolts, and a spray of acid. It recovered quickly, however, and slavering jaws snapped down toward both Jas and Amiri. Jas flung her shield up as she dodged backwards and felt the satisfying impact as it slammed into the hydra’s chin. She quickly twisted sideways and cracked her mace down on its snout. A snapped-off fang tinged against her shield before falling to the ground. 
Jas took the split-second’s respite as the head withdrew to dart a glance at her friends, confirm they were all okay. (She definitely wasn’t extra worried about Tristian, fighting with markedly less sleep than the rest of them, and how much that might slow down his reflexes.) Everyone seemed fine; Ekun and Jubilost had found a spot most of the way across their campsite that both kept them out of the hydra’s reach and gave the necessary range for their weapons, while Octavia was somewhat closer, where her spells could reach as well as her arrows. And Okbo was just joining the fray, his fangs sinking deep into the base of one sinewy neck.
Even as Jas returned her full attention to the venomhydra, two new heads came crowding out of the one Amiri had de-jawed moments earlier.
Well, that’s just unfair, she had time to think before one of the new heads darted down and latched on to her shoulder. She let out a sharp cry of pain even as she rammed the edge of her shield into the side of its head. Bone cracked and it squawked in an echo of her pain as it let go and reeled back. There was the soft weight of a hand on her left shoulder, the warm pulse of healing magic, and the throbbing wounds closed up before she even had time to worry about maintaining her grip on her mace.
“Thanks!” Jas said breathlessly, wishing she could spare half a second’s attention to shoot Tristian a grateful smile. But the hydra was pissed now, angry it hadn’t encountered an easy meal. And it was unwise to look away from a pissed-off monster, especially one with four heads. Verbal gratitude would have to be enough.
A crackling ray of ice lanced over her head, gouging a frost-edged wound down the hydra’s side. It shrieked and tried to bull forward after Octavia, but Jas and Amiri stood firm in its path to force it to deal with them first.
The head that had bitten Jas snaked toward her again, only for Amiri to whack it with the butt of her sword so hard it hit the ground, then stomp on it with enough force the already-compromised skull shattered under her weight.
“Take that, you fucking snake!” she gloated as the neck whipped back, almost knocking her over, destroyed head hanging limp.
That’s one way to do it... Jas smirked as she dodged the hydra’s attempt to stomp on her. Her dodge nearly ran her into Tristian, and she stumbled as she checked her momentum. He caught her arm to keep her upright. This time she spared a fraction of a second to smile her gratitude before throwing herself herself back into the fray.
The venomhydra had shaken off Okbo, leaving deep gashes down its chest, and Jas charged in close enough to slam her mace into the wounds with an eruption of ice and lightning that made the hydra reel. That sign of weakness increased her determination and she repeated the blow as a pair of arrows and a crossbow bolt sank into its neck. The hydra recoiled and swung at her with its tail. It went high and caught Amiri across the face instead
The barbarian grunted, spat out a tooth, and chopped off half of the tail when it swung at her again.
The hydra actually backed up a step. And then two. Another set of arrows lodged in the same neck as before and that head began to droop.
Yes. That change brought victory in sight. Not bad for a fight that had started with most of them asleep. When the head drooped low enough, Jas smashed her mace right between its beady eyes. With a horrible gargling sound, the head went limp, swaying with the hydra’s movement as it thrashed. We can do this, we can do this.
Her mental pep-talk was interrupted by a bellowing roar underscored with snapping branches.
“Oh, Desna, not another one,” Jas begged under her breath, wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand as she spun. Desna granted the request; it was not another hydra.
It was a manticore.
The downdraft from its wings bowled Octavia over and it landed practically on top of Ekun and Jubilost. Even as they scrambled for new positions, it backhanded Ekun hard enough to send him flying into a tree and its tail whipped toward Jubilost. He tripped as he dodged, turned it into a better than decent roll, but dropped his crossbow in the process.
The manticore let out an anticipatory snarl and without a backwards glance at the hydra(or Amiri and Tristian), Jas flung herself into a full charge toward the new threat looming over her friend. No, you don’t, you hairy bastard! “Get away!” she shrieked, cracking her mace into its jaw.
The snarl dissolved into a yowl of pain as the manticore’s head jerked sideways. It gave a low and dangerous growl and refocused with her as its target.
“Duck!” Jubilost snapped and Jas obliged without hesitation. The acid flask he lobbed caught the top of the manticore’s head and shattered, its contents spreading down the length of the beast’s back.
The manticore gave an almost human--deeply unsettling--scream and twisted away. Its jerky motions served only to spread the acid further and Jas wrinkled her nose in disgust(mingled with just a drop of pity) as she watched one of the leathery wings fall limp and flop off.
When it realized it couldn’t get rid of the acid, the enraged manticore swung back toward the two of them. It swiped at Jubilost, who had just gotten to his feet, and Jas swiftly moved in between. She swung her shield up just in time to block the blow. The move bought Jubilost time to reclaim his crossbow, and he fired a bolt from just beyond point blank into the monster’s eye.
It yowled and stumbled back as a pair of arrows from different directions lodged in its shoulder. Octavia and Ekun were on their feet again, albeit shakily in the latter case.
Jas swung her mace underhand into the manticore’s jaw as she glanced back toward the still-screeching hydra. Amiri and Okbo seemed to be handling it while Tristian offered support from just out of bite range, which was fine by her.
“Jas!” Jubilost barked, pulling her focus back in time to deflect a swing from the manticore’s tail. “Pay attention!”
She made a face at him and swiped away something wet that hit her cheek. Water, not blood or ichor. Oh, don’t tell me... More raindrops followed the first, increasing in frequency as the overcast sky that had threatened all of yesterday picked the absolute worst blasted moment to burst.
Octavia and Jubilost swore viciously in unison and Jas agreed with the sentiment even if she was too distracted to utter the words. This fight was hard enough in the dark and mostly caught off-guard. They didn’t need to add rain to the mix.
But the big fat drops continued to patter down, quickly soaking the ground as well as Jas and her group. She batted away another swipe from the manticore with her shield and wiped rainwater out of her eyes. Another shot from Ekun pierced where the beast’s neck and shoulder met. It roared and swung toward him, but Octavia hit it with a fire spell.
The reek of burning hair hung around them as the menticore gave a frenzied howl. It lunged toward Octavia, its tail knocking Jas and Jubilost aside. Jas hit the ground hard enough she heard something crack, and white hot pain flared through her hip. The manticore swung at Octavia, catching her shoulder. 
With a glance at her nearby friends, Jas decided things were dire enough to call for serious measures. She dropped her mace and knelt in the mud, clutching her holy symbol as she murmured a hasty but heartfelt prayer to Desna for healing--and watched Ekun stand straighter, Octavia’s wounds knit closed, and felt the pain in her hip diminish. She picked her mace back up and pushed to her feet, feeling the first tug of fatigue as she did. This fight was dragging on too long.
The incantation of a seldom-used but devastating spell spilled from her lips. She hated this one--it seemed cruel--but it was good to have for emergencies like this where she needed to finish something off fast. For half a second, nothing seemed to have happened. Then the manticore trembled and lurched a couple feet to the side.
It gave an anguished yowl and whirled to pounce on the pint-sized source of its pain. It moved so fast, Jas barely got her shield up in time to block the blow. Her stance was less steady than usual, and the top edge of her shield bobbled back under the hefty strike to hit her forehead. She stumbled and sat down hard, head swimming as blood trickled in her eye from the resulting gash. Nonono, get up!
The manticore’s glittering, furious eyes filmed over to milky white as it crouched for another attack.
‘Focus on your own monster!’ Several things happened in the molasses-slow moment Jas struggled to her feet and turned to holler the warning to Tristan.
The blinded manticore gambled on another enraged lunge toward her, only for an incredibly well-timed (or incredibly lucky) shot from Ekun to pierce just below its ear and out through the mouth. The corpse flopped to the ground and skidded to a halt less than a foot away from Jas.
The hydra, frustratingly resilient, tottered and let out a scream as Amiri cut off one of its legs. One of the battered but surviving heads drew back and lashed out--but not at her.
And with his attention still on Jas, Tristian didn’t notice in time to dodge.
Jas froze in horror, heartbeat loud in her ears as she felt the impact of iron jaws and foot long fangs as if they’d closed around her chest instead. The entire world seemed to halt for a minute as her focus was consumed by the pain that flickered sharply in his eyes before they started to go dim.
 Things stuttered back into motion as Okbo lunged, snarling, to sink his fangs into the hydra’s neck. A chunk of flesh tore free and the hydra keened angrily, releasing Tristian in the process. Jas’ heart skipped a beat--or several--as he crumpled.
No no no nonononono
Amiri belted out a cry of rage, using both hands to drive her sword into the hydra’s chest. Jas ignored her, and the cries from her other friends, as she finally found her voice--”Tristian!!”--and bolted across the campground battlefield as fast as the muddy terrain would allow. She knew there wasn’t likely much she could do, not after... that, but Dreamer save her, she couldn’t not try. And even knowing, it hurt clean down to her soul when she got close enough for her eyes to confirm the sick fear worming in her gut. 
She slipped just a few feet away, but didn’t even feel the impact, senses already going numb to shield her from what those huge horrible red stains against white robes meant. She crawled the remaining distance, mace and shield abandoned in her wake. She didn’t need them anymore; the hydra had collapsed when Amiri eviscerated its chest cavity.
Nobody could have survived that... “Tristian?” she sniffled nevertheless--one could almost call it a whimper--as she dashed water and blood from her eyes with one hand and reached toward his shoulder with the other.
He rolled limply toward her with only a slight nudge, half-lidded eyes dim and fixed on nothing. His holy symbol rested half in one palm, his fingers partially curled around it. Disconcertingly, he was still warm. No breath, no heartbeat under her frantic touch, but still warm as the day she’d leaned over his shoulder to peek at what he was reading.
“Your hands are so warm...”
Jas clapped a hand over her mouth in a futile attempt to catch the choked sob that boiled up her throat. No.
“Jas?” Octavia knelt next to her and rested a compassionate hand on her shoulder.
Jas jolted at the touch and her head snapped up to meet her friend’s gaze with wild eyes. “I need your pack. And Jubilost’s. Now!”
Octavia didn’t even pause long enough to ask the reason, just pushed to her feet and darted toward the shelter.
Instead, it was Jubilost who gave voice to curiosity. “What good will those do?”
She welcomed the distraction, even as desperation had her close to snapping the answer. “I don’t have any spells to help,” Jas explained shakily, reaching over the still form to rescue his holy symbol from the mud. It was warm, whether from his hand or Sarenrae’s power she couldn’t tell. Either way made her words falter. “Tris-Tristian does most of the healing...  An’ I-I can’t cast the one thing I do know that might help with... with this” --she cupped Tristian’s jaw with one hand, thumb caressing his cheek--”b’cause I’m still too spent from healin’ the group of us.”
Octavia returned with the requested packs, and Jas nodded her thanks as she unceremoniously upended them both.
Jubilost winced, but was kind enough to bite back any smart comments about the way she was treating his stuff. “I still haven’t heard how our packs--or, clearly, their contents--will help with that.”
Jas was already fumbling frantically through the pile of clothes, cosmetics, writing paraphernalia, and various other trinkets. “I don’t remember which one it’s in,” she said tautly. Please be here, please be here, tell me I didn’t sell it. “Ah!”  She tugged the scroll free of the gold necklace tangled around it and unrolled the parchment enough to skim the beginning before clutching it to her chest as her eyes fluttered closed in relief. “Oh, thank Desna,” she breathed.
She unfurled the scroll and held it open against Tristian’s chest with one hand, tamping down another wave of hysteria at how still he was.She could fix this, she could. Her free hand curled around both their holy symbols. Desna and Sarenrae were on good terms, and she was pretty sure she knew what to say to persuade both into helping her bring him back.
The angel and butterfly warmed in Jas’ grasp, increasing her confidence as a desperate prayer fell from her lips in a rush. “Dreamer help me revive one whose company has made my adventures infinitely more enjoyable, Dawnflower grant me aid restoring life to your beloved and faithful, whose presence brightens my... my life...” The glyphs scribed on the scroll started to glow gentle gold, making her hand tingle. “I’m not ready to lose him yet,” she whispered, her voice faltering as it sank barely audible. “Tristian, please come back...”
The scroll’s glow increased under her palm, light radiating between her fingers. It brightened for several seconds, until she was watching through squinting eyes, before the scroll disintegrated with a flash of light. In tandem, the holy symbols pulsed warmer in her hand, the heat spreading all the way up her arm and through her chest to the other arm.
And even as she blinked away the spots across her vision, Jas felt Tristian’s chest rise and fall.
Fresh tears, these of relief and gratitude, tracked through the mud and blood smearing her face. She slid her hand up to cradle his cheek again, felt his pulse thrumming as she did. “Tristian?”
He shifted, blinked to refocus his eyes as he opened them, and then frowned ever so slightly, his gaze fixed just above her eyes. “...You’re hurt...” He pushed himself semi-upright, swayed a little, and cupped the side of her face with a feather-light touch.
His hand was so warm... Jas’ eyes fluttered half-closed on instinct as he tenderly ran his thumb along the gash her shield had left in her forehead. It was a small enough thing--nasty as it surely looked--Jas’ forehead tingled with healing warmth and the skin knit back together.
“Thank you,” she murmured, breath catching in her throat as she pulled him into a hug. Several ragged, almost sobbing, breaths escaped her, muffled by his hair as she clung to him.
Tristian leaned into her, heedless of her muddy state, one hand braced against the ground as the other encircled her shoulders. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
Jas gave a strangled sob and held him tighter. “Don’t scare me like that,” she mumbled, voice cracking.
He briefly matched her grip, then rubbed her back until she disengaged from the hug. “Thank you,” he said, lightly touching her tear-stained cheek.
Jas nodded, letting out a deep, shaky breath. “Of course. Oh!” She sniffled and wiped her nose on the one remaining clean patch of her sleeve. “Here.” She handed back his holy symbol, relishing the warmth of his hand around hers as he took it.
“Again, thank you,” Tristian said with a soft smile. He rubbed absently at his chest with his other hand, and her heart clenched at the bloodstains even if she knew the skin underneath was healed. “I should go... change. And then get some rest.”
“Both excellent ideas,” Jas agreed. Heartbeat finally slowing at the conviction he would be alright, she breathed a prayer of thanks to both goddesses as tension bled out of her shoulders. She glanced around to check on the others as Tristian stood and headed, shakily, for the shelter.
Jubilost and Octavia were still nearby, sorting through the mess Jas had made of their things and repacking their packs. Neither had made much progress, which made her suspect that whole conversation had had an audience. Amiri was busy cutting slabs of meat from the hydra carcass, and Okbo was sitting watch while Ekun skinned the manticore. It seemed sleep would be delayed for all of them. Which meant Jas had some time to clean up before her watch. They could sleep in, get a late start tomorrow.
When she looked back over, Octavia was watching her with a small smile pulling at her lips, holding out an old shirt. “I think you’re safe to go clean up, if that’s what you’re looking to do.”
It’s like you read my mind. Jas flashed a wobbly smile, stood on even wobblier feet, and took the shirt. “I won’t take long.”
Octavia shook her head. “Take as long as you need,” she said, giving Jas a significant look.
The wobbly smile widened and she nodded, the lump in her throat as she caught her friend’s meaning preempting actual thanks. She darted toward the nearby creek and made it through cleaning her hands and most of her face before the numbness of adrenaline wore off and emotions surged through.
It was, of course, when she got to the right side of her forehead and started cleaning off the blood where the wound had been. The skin beneath was flawless and smooth, as it it hadn’t been torn open by a heavy, curved piece of metal not ten minutes earlier. There wasn’t even a scar.
She wondered if Tristian had scars now. If resurrection healing worked the same as the more conventional kind. Were the results as complete if you were dead at the outset?
Dead. The weight of the word finally fully hit her, and Jas dropped the shirt and covered her face with her hands as the sobs followed full force.
Dead. Tristian had been dead. She’d lost him and only by the miracle of not selling a particular--highly valuable--scroll  had she gotten him back so quickly. She tried to focus on that part, the “gotten him back”, as the hysteria she’d held in check thundered through her. But her brain kept replaying that moment the hydra’s jaws closed around him, the way his eyes had flickered before going dim, and she could still feel the weight of his body on her lap.
There were bloodstains on her skirts. Jas sniffled and blinked away tears as she snatched the shirt-rag back up and soaked it in the creek before scrubbing at the stains until she could feel the damp soaking through to her legs. They only lightened fractionally. She might have to throw out this dress. Which sucked, because it was her third favorite thing to wear. But she couldn’t very well walk around in bloodstained clothes, this wasn’t Numeria. And she wouldn’t want the reminder-
She sniffled again, took and held a deep breath, counting to ten like Mama had taught her until she felt herself calm. She pressed the back of one hand to her mouth as a fresh wave threatened, and it did subside.
A throat cleared behind her as she dipped the shirt in the creek again. “Jas.”
“What, Jubilost?” she asked without turning around. She twisted the shirt to wring out excess water before cleaning off her breastplate. It needed to be polished again, but she could do that in the morning.
There was the rustle of fabric and she pictured him crossing his arms. “I can take the watch if you would like. I’m sure that fight was quite tiring-”
“I don’t need coddling, Jubilost,” Jas bristled. “And I’m not gonna fall asleep on watch, if that’s what you’re worried about. Way too much adrenaline for that.”
“I meant nothing of the sort,” Jubilost returned dryly, and she turned to raise a skeptical brow at him. “Doubt me if you like. You did a lot in that fight, most of it to protect me.”
“So this is, what, a gesture of gratitude?” The corners of her mouth twitched toward an actual smile as she teased, “That’s not like you.”
He rolled his eyes and coughed into a fist. “That, and reorganizing my pack is going to take a while.” He arched a brow at her. “I thought if I was to be up anyway, I might as well offer.”
It was a tempting offer, she had to admit, when looked at minus the emotional rawness that made her snap at him initially. She was tired under the adrenaline, and gods only knew how long that would keep her going. And sleeping would put her close enough to hear Tristian breathing, which would do wonders for her skittering nerves. But all told, Jas had to reluctantly shake her head. “I’d love to, but I’m pretty sure I couldn’t sleep if I tried; my dreams would likely be ugly things tonight.”
Jubilost nodded, lips twisting in what might have been a sympathetic smile. “I take your meaning. Keep a good eye out for monsters then, yes?”
She snorted, wringing muddy water out of the rag. “That goes without saying, I think. G’night, Jubilost.”
He nodded again, accepting the dismissal. “Goodnight, Jas.” He turned and headed back to the campsite, leaving her alone once more.
It only took a few minutes longer for Jas to be clean as she could get under the circumstances, and she made her way back toward the group as well. The hydra corpse was gone--where, she couldn’t tell and didn’t care to ask. Amiri and Octavia had returned to their bedrolls, and Jubilost was just following suit (apparently he’d decided pack organization could wait until tomorrow), leaving Ekun the only one still up, carefully at his task of skinning the manticore. 
Jas nodded at him, and received one in return as she took up a perch on the same rock Tristian had been using earlier. If she did crash hard from the adrenaline while she was out here, it was good to know there was back-up. But like she’d told Jubilost, she really didn’t see that happening. Between the adrenaline and the still-falling rain, not to mention the threatening bad dreams, sleep would not be a worry tonight. Whatever her love-hate relationship with watch duty, she was going to be wide awake for the duration of this one. Maybe by morning her racing heart would calm down. 
Not morning, a little voice chuckled. Whenever he wakes up and you finally believe he’s alright.
Jas couldn’t really argue that, didn’t even try. Instead she settled in to watch the surrounding shadows and protect what mattered most to her, fingers curled tight around her holy symbol so she was ready for anything.
Sleep definitely wasn’t a worry tonight.
I am so, so sorry, and yes, that physically hurt me to write. But I’ve had the idea circling a long time--based off some stuff that actually happened in-game, even--and when it finally started coming to me, I had to write it down. 
Especially because this incident does affect Jas’ views on everything that happens during the Vordakai fight and after. Of course it hurts more, of course losing him shakes her to her core, of course she’s desperate to follow/rescue him and takes him back easy as breathing. He took a huge risk and literally died trying to protect her at one point. Whatever he did for Nyrissa, Jas knows he cares about her more. (Hence the level in barbarian when she found out about the torture and manipulation etc etc. Girl was PISSED)
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
OC Interview
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. 
I was tagged by: @haledamage Thanks! (I have so many freaking OCs, I’m always a safe bet for these things xD) Not going to tag anyone else though, unless @captainofthefallen still needs an excuse? Consider this a tag, if so. :D
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This time around I’m gonna answer with Jas, circa where she currently is in-game(tail end of 4711, mid-Varnhold Vanishing; tracked down two of the three Defaced Sisters for Along the Cold Trail, so no spoilers, please. I’ve already seen some big ones and wanna avoid any more)
1. What is your name?
She swings her legs for a minute, seemingly tickled by how far they are from the floor, before registering she’s been asked a question. “Huh? Oh! Sorry, Jasiri Swallowtail. But please, call me Jas.”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“Well, Jasiri’s from a.. ridiculous number of greats-grandmother or aunt who was an explorer” --she waves one hand with a laugh--”and Swallowtail’s the family name.” A wink. “Though that did work out well when I pledged myself to Desna.”
3. Are you single or taken?
The infectious joy dims significantly, and her expression is pensive as she devotes all her focus to twisting one of her rings. “Um.... that’s complicated right now.” 
4. Have any abilities or powers?
She brightens. “Desna gave me a whole bunch of cool stuff I can do through my faith in Her; healing people, curing stuff like poison and blindness, protect people, throw fire at bad guys.... it’s a really long list. And my parents used to joke I’m supernaturally curious and energetic, so maybe those count, too?”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
She cocks her head, twirling a loose wisp of hair around one finger. “I’m not; I’m Jas. Don’t know anyone named Mary Sue, though I did have a friend named Susanna growin’ up.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Grey-green, though which one stands out more depends on the light and what I’m wearin’.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Dark red.” She tugs on the wisp she’s twirling as if to emphasize the words.
8. Have any family members?
“Oh, lots,” she nods happily. “Both parents are still kickin’, last I heard, and I have five sisters, all but one older’n me,”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“OH! You haven’t met Ember yet?!” She hops down from the chair and almost skips to the doorway, giving an unusual trilling whistle. “Em! C’mere, there’s a new friend!” A few moments pass before a frankly adorable red panda somersaults into the room, and she beams as she scoops it up, careful not to step on the tail trailing between her feet. “There you are! Say hi to a new friend.” She “helps” it wave one paw, then scratches it under the chin before setting it down again to climb back in the chair. It amuses itself playing in the corner as she continues, “There’s also a cat named Tiger hiding somewhere, and this really cute stray dog that followed Octavia home from one of her ventures out to Spruceheart, but I dunno if that one counts as mine, since he likes her a little bit better.” 
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now, tell me something you don’t like?
She purses her lips in thought and taps one finger against her chin. “The standard stuff, I guess. Y’know, people who hurt innocents or take advantage of them. Also, being stuck inside too long. Snow. And peaches.” She makes a face. “Can’t stand peaches. Don’t ask me why.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Climbing trees, exploring, reading....” She ticks them off on her fingers. “I enjoy pretty much anything if I can do it with a couple really good friends, honestly.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
She shrugs, pick at a scab on one knuckle. “Some, yeah. Mostly good ol’ physical violence if I couldn’t solve things with talking--I’m a really good talker--but I’m sure there’s people I’ve hurt with things I said.” .
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Same as I just said; ones I couldn’t talk down, yeah.”Another shrug. “Some people are just lookin’ for a fight. Or I say the wrong thing.” She wrinkles her nose. “I do feel kinda guilty for those.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“You mean, what would I be if I was an animal? ‘Cause, I mean..” she gestures at herself. “Pretty sure I’m a halfling. But if I was an animal, I’d either wanna be an otter or a red panda like Ember. Look at her, she’s so cute.”
15. Name your worst habits?
She snorts good-naturedly. “I talk too much, leap before I look, and say things without thinking.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
She snorts and grins mischievously. “Almost everyone; I’m not even four feet tall.” A pleased wiggle follows the joke. “Or is that not what you meant?”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“Straight,” she says with an airy shrug.
18. Did you attend school?
“Yeah, for a while.” She giggles. “Sitting still was torture, though, and I managed to persuade my parents I could learn just as much from explorin’ the world as I could from a book.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
That pensive looks flickers again, and she starts twisting the ring, though she does keep eye contact this time. “I... wouldn’t be opposed if the right guy wanted to.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“Oh, yeah. They almost manage to balance out the detractors,” she says with a self-deprecating grin. “I’m very popular.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Drowning, I guess?” She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Yeah. It’s a scary way to go, and between my height and the fact I usually wear heavy plate armor, it’s a.. present concern for me around water.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“Somethin’ comfortable,” she shrugs. “Shirt and pants, dresses, whatever fits my mood. Gotta be bright colors, though.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“What’s one that doesn’t?” a new voice mutters out in the hall--miraculously still loud enough to be heard.
Jas rolls her eyes and twists around to kneel on her chair so she’s facing the door. “No one asked you, Jubilost!” She returns to a proper seated position, flashing an angel-innocent smile, “I do love all things sweet, but there’s an extra special weakness for chocolate ice cream. And kameberry pie.Oh, no, my biggest temptation would be sweet pancakes. Yeah, that.”
24. Am I annoying you?
“Oh, not at all!” She grins. “I love talking to people.”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Well, as Baroness, I’m pretty sure I’d count as high class?” Her nose wrinkles. “But I’m still confused by the ins and outs of nobility and politics and all that, so maybe upper end of middle? My family’s pretty solid middle class, though.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Lots, though the exact number varies by how many people are in the room,” she jokes, toying with the carved butterfly talisman that hangs around her neck.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Give it to me, all of it, right now.” She laughs and half-grimaces. “Unless it’s peach pie. Then the opposite, keep it away from me.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Never really thought about it,” she admits breezily. “I like a lot of things. Maybe milk? Or honeyed mead, that’s really good.” 
30. What’s your favorite place?
“There’s this flat rock that overhangs the river out behind Willowmere that’s the perfect distance from the surface to hang your feet in the water or skip stones.” She starts to smile, then gets distracted by a clearly less pleasant thought. “Up a tree’s always good, too. You can see for miles. It’s great.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
She clears her throat and fidgets, looking down into her lap as she fiddles with her ring again. “...Yes.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Not really, everyone wants to know if I’m spoken for.” She flashes a reassuring smile, dazzling as the sun. “I’m used to it, you’re fine.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“Hmm... Lake, I guess. Less chance of being swept off never to be seen again.”
34. What’s your type?
“Quiet’s good, to balance me out. Blond’s nice. And sharing a passion for seein’ the world. Oh, compassionate, that’s a big one...” Her voice trails off, and she looks toward the window as a figure clad in white passes below. “Can we move on?” 
35. Any fetishes?
Her face colors ever so slightly and she clears her throat. “If I had any, I wouldn’t share them with a stranger.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Yes to both, as often as possible.” She bounces a little in the chair. “Sleeping under the stars is so much better than indoors. And on that topic, I’ve hit my limit for sittin’ inside when it’s so nice out. Maybe we can talk more later.” 
And with that, she hops down from the chair and darts out the door.
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