#Vedette Film
monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
Dorothy Gish by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: Vintage Swedish postcard. Nordisk Konst, No. 853. Triangle Film, '1919'. American actress Dorothy Gish (1898-1968) was the sister of silent film star Lilian Gish. D.W. Griffith discovered the two girls in 1912 and they starred in his epics Hearts of the World (1918) and Orphans of the Storm (1921).
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selenabarbiedoll · 1 month
Bienvenidos a mi primera página de Tumblr es la primera vez que me hago una página de estas y me parece una fantasía 😍 durante el tiempo que esté aquí iré actualizando mi perfil con mis cosas frikis fetiches entre otras cosas espero que os guste ❣️
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o-link · 1 month
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The Artist
Hollywood 1927. George Valentin est une vedette du cinéma muet à qui tout sourit. L'arrivée des films parlants va le faire sombrer dans l'oubli. Peppy Miller, jeune figurante, va elle, être propulsée au firmament des stars. Ce film raconte l'histoire de leurs destins croisés, ou comment la célébrité, l'orgueil et l'argent peuvent être autant d'obstacles à leur histoire d'amour.
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francepittoresque · 11 months
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31 octobre 1925 : mort de l’acteur, cinéaste et maître du burlesque Max Linder ➽ http://bit.ly/Max-Linder-Cineaste Véritable créateur du comique d’écran, inspirateur du célèbre Charlie Chaplin, Max Linder crée le personnage de « Max », jeune dandy élégant, beau parleur, séducteur, sportif, cascadeur, et devient l’une des premières vedettes du cinéma mondial
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encantomexicano · 2 years
 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”
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leszackardises · 2 years
Rihanna chantera « Lift Me Up » à la 95e cérémonie des Oscars
(more…) “”
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Faye Dunaway (Bonnie and Clyde, The Thomas Crown Affair)—iconic diva, incredibly beautiful and made a name for herself immediately
Zulma Faiad (La cama)—ZULMA! Zulma Faiad! I haven't seen her movies but my god she is SOOOOO HOT. I can't even breathe when I look at those pictures. Just. Her hips. Her eyes. Her face. Dfggffggfftygc! She makes me pass out. Like the absolute archetype of the sexiest woman who ever lived. I wish I were more articulate, but I can't think straight. Gonna go watch that video one more time and maybe expire. PLEASE EVERYONE LOOK AT THE PROPAGANDA! [editor's note: no video was attached, but there are pics under the cut]
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut—NSFW]
Fay Dunaway:
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"Watch Bonnie & Clyde"
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"I know she is more known for her later works, but she did a few good films in the 60's and she's VERY hot so..."
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Zulma Faiad:
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Argentinian-born actress of Lebanese descent. She was an actress in the Mexican film industry, then later a vedette (showgirl). Aside from being stunningly gorgeous, she has a burlesque-dancer type of vibe, and she is still alive (and gorgeous!) at 80.
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gunnersden · 10 months
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Lily St. Cyr is an American stripper, vedette, burlesque performer, fashion model, and film actress. 1940´s.
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marlindotzip · 5 months
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French posting !!!
Des pages autour de l'au de nos ocs avec @miss-sarena @fixkuwili et @misternara
Dans les années 50, marlin et edwood recrute accidentellement avran, petite frappe essayant de fuir son gang, pour être la vedette de leur prochain film musicale.
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citizenscreen · 8 months
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Baby Peggy French postcard in the Les Vedettes de Cinéma series by A.N., Paris, Photo: Universal Film.
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dragbunart · 4 months
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Another pass on Vinyl (Radiostatic Fan'kid')
I REALLY Wanted to do a limited pallet for her for some reason? And i wasn't happy with the Original designs. Now she has a mostly black, white (meant to be silver), red, and blue pallet making her kind feel like '3d' inspired.
While Vinyl Film (like cinema) is a thing, it largly looks like vinyl records but I always loved the film reel aesthetic for her.
TECHNICALLY her name should be Visio, but I thought Vinyl sounded better So Visio is Vox's last name. She's basically a recording demon.
If she hears or see's something she can record it and edit it later. She has a photographic memory (almost literally)!
She was somehow made by melding Vox's and Alastor's magic while the two of them were on good terms.
I generally have just liked the idea of a film reel being used as tailor tape, so I gave it to Vinyl, it just fit her aesthetic.
Alastor and Vox gave her an actual name beyond Vinyl, but it's meant to be used ONLY by family. Vedette Hartfelt-Visio. One of the Meanings of the name Vedette is 'Star Actor' which felt fitting.
Alastor an Vox ABSOLUTELY SPOILED Vinyl when she was first made, and being THEIR child, she acts alot like them. Short tempter, self-entitled, full of herself.
She usually acts like this sweet 'southern belle' type of lady, taught to doso by Alastor and her Auntie Rosie.
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monkeyssalad-blog · 2 months
Francesca Bertini and Marcella Sabbatini
Francesca Bertini and Marcella Sabbatini by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: Vintage Italian postcard. Ed. Vettori, Bologna, No. 2007. Francesca Bertini and Marcella Sabbatini, possibly in La ferita (Roberto Roberti, 1920). They also played together in L'ultimo sogno (Roberti, 1921). Marcella Sabbatini (1914-2001) was a child actress who performed in many of the diva films between 1919 and 1930, such as La ferita (1920) and L'ultimo sogno (1921) with Francesca Bertini, All'ombra di un trono (1921) and La cavalcata ardente (1925) with Soava Gallone, IL focolare spento (1925) with Carmen Boni, and La casa sotto la neve (1922) and La bocca chiusa (1925) with Maria Jacobini. Francesca Bertini (1892-1985) was a majestic diva of the Italian silent cinema. She often played the 'femme fatale', with men devouring eyes, glamorous attire, clenched fists, and in opulent settings.
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camera-flash-vintage · 5 months
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Juanita Martinez - (Natality)
Juana Martínez (Buenos Aires, May 10, 1925 – May 12, 2001), better known as Juanita, was a film, television and theatre actress, vedette and wife of actor José Pepe Marrone.   https://flashvintage.co.uk/2023/07/04/juanita-martinez/
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months
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Emilio Federico Schuberth
Moda e media ai tempi della dolce vita
Dorothea Burato
Electa, Milano 2023,128 pagine, 17,2x24cm, ISBN 9788892824317
euro 24,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Il volume è l’esito di una approfondita ricerca sulla figura dello stilista di origini napoletane attivo a Roma a partire dagli anni Quaranta. Emilio Federico Schuberth si impone sul territorio nazionale e internazionale grazie soprattutto al sapiente uso di strategie di promozione del suo marchio attraverso il medium cinematografico e quello televisivo. Nel panorama della moda italiana, che si afferma a partire dal dopoguerra, Schuberth rappresenta una voce fuori dagli schemi: il suo atelier è stato una tappa obbligata per le dive del cinema, le soubrette del varietà e le donne più eleganti del jet set internazionale. Schuberth veste le più grandi dive del cinema, come Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren, Martine Carol, Valentina Cortese, Alida Valli, Anna Magnani, Bette Davis e Gloria Swanson, sia dentro che fuori dallo schermo, recita in alcuni film e partecipa a trasmissioni televisive di grande popolarità come Carosello, Il Musichiere e La via del successo. Nel volume la storia dello stilista-star viene raccontata attraverso quattro macro-sezioni: la prima è dedicata alla biografia del sarto, fino ad oggi poco indagata; la seconda alla ricognizione del proficuo rapporto che Schuberth ha instaurato con il mondo del cinema in venti anni di attività, dalla partecipazione come attore in alcuni film, alla promozione del proprio marchio grazie alle più famose dive del cinema; la terza si focalizza sul lavoro di Schuberth come stilista al servizio del grande schermo; la quarta sezione è dedicata alle esperienze nell’ambito radiotelevisivo e all’uso strategico che lo stilista fa del neonato medium televisivo promuovendo le sue creazioni anche al pubblico di massa. Chiude il volume l’analisi del filmato promozionale Vedette 444, brillante analogia tra la creazione di moda e l’industria meccanica cui prende parte anche Schuberth. Il materiale dell’archivio CSAC, nello specifico i figurini del Fondo Schuberth e le fotografie del Fondo Publifoto Roma, si è rivelato uno strumento di studio fondamentale per la ricostruzione dell’attività del sarto in oltre due decenni di attività e ha fornito un ricco repertorio di immagini e documenti per il libro. Ne è testimonianza l’album dei figurini di moda, in chiusura del libro, con una selezione di materiale particolarmente rappresentativo della vivacità e varietà che ha caratterizzato l’attività dell’atelier di Schuberth nei decenni centrali del Novecento. Il volume è il quarto di una serie di pubblicazioni e iniziative in collaborazione tra la casa editrice Electa e CSAC – Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione dell’Università di Parma. Lo studio, e il prezioso lavoro di riordino e catalogazione di cui questa pubblicazione offre testimonianza, ha dato a CSAC l’opportunità di catalogare e digitalizzare tutti i bozzetti e le fotografie del sarto in modo da rendere fruibile il patrimonio del fondo all’esterno.
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francepittoresque · 2 years
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31 octobre 1925 : mort de l’acteur, cinéaste et maître du burlesque Max Linder ➽ https://bit.ly/2oxvS53 Véritable créateur du comique d’écran, inspirateur du célèbre Charlie Chaplin, Max Linder crée le personnage de « Max », jeune dandy élégant, beau parleur, séducteur, sportif, cascadeur, et devient l’une des premières vedettes du cinéma mondial
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À vos agendas pour noter ‘Johnny Depp à la 81è Mostra de Venise entre le 28 août et le 7 septembre 2024’ !!! 🗓️
Selon Variety, la prochaine [La Biennale di Venezia 2024 (Mostra de Venise)] s’annonce comme une affaire de stars avec Lady Gaga, Joaquin Phoenix , Angelina Jolie, Daniel Craig, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Gal Gadot et Ana de Armas parmi les meilleurs talents hollywoodiens susceptibles de lancer des titres de haut niveau du Lido.
Johnny Depp pourrait […] revenir à Venise après avoir fait son retour à Cannes l’année dernière pour son interprétation du roi Louis XV dans « Jeanne Du Barry ». Cette fois, Depp serait à l’affiche en tant que réalisateur de « Modì », son biopic de l’artiste italien Amedeo Modigliani, mettant en vedette l’Italien #RiccardoScamarcio dans le rôle du mauvais garçon peintre et sculpteur, qui a travaillé principalement en France et est devenu célèbre pour le style moderne et révolutionnaire de ses portraits et nus. #AlPacino incarne le collectionneur d’art international Maurice Gangnat.
Il sera intéressant de voir si le deuxième film de Depp, plus de 25 ans après son film néo-occidental de 1997, tourné en dérision par la critique et le commerce, « The Brave » – dans lequel il a joué aux côtés de Marlon Brando – fait l’affaire à Venise, et si oui, dans quelle mesure section. […]
Article intégral sur archive.vn : http://archive.today/ySpsi
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