simondmikaeldsen · 21 days
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Velebit. Croatia. Photos by S.N.
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mirtadraws · 2 years
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“Novi Bokanjac” (check the “razglednice” tag) extras - some speedpaints that didn’t make the cut, but I still like.
1 Kondom/condom - one of many bunkers
2 passion fruit
3 towards Velebit
4 hole with bones (I assume someone threw a dead sheep in the hole)
5 sunburst lichen
6 sheep path
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mirtapersonal · 1 year
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2 shots of Goli otok, a former prison camp for political prisoners. Taken from the bus on the Adriatic Highway
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zeljkorukavina · 2 years
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philatz · 2 years
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darko-pribeg · 7 months
Napokon propjevala
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Iskustvo intenziva Tri principa na Velebitu
"It's been a while. Sretan Božić i Nova godina? :D Pffff. Evo ga 3,mjesec skoro sjeo za vrat pa uskoro i formalno proljeće, a gdje je zima zapela i da ,gdje je ljubaaav (ooooo,a gdje je ljubav, kaži gdje je ljubav)?
Ovaj vikend išla sam na retreat u Baške Oštarije. Darko Pribeg, tata Mystic Mountain Festival-a i moj vječni šef je organizirao svoj intenziv Tri principa i bio je uporan da me nagovori da dođem. Koprcala sam se u svojoj neodlučnosti, kako to već biva, ali sam odlučila stat si na taj (vrti)rep i donijeti odluku pa sam si rekla da idem i gotovo. Haha. Koja borba s tom vagom u podznaku. Al bolje je s godinama i sviješću, je. ;) Već neko vrijeme sanjarim da odem baš tamo jer nema čarobnijeg mjesta od Velebita i baš tih Baških Oštarija, mjesta križanja puteva između planine i mora i mjesto početka mnogih planinarskih staza. Mjesto gdje vile dirigiraju svojim šljokastim čarobnim štapićima i nikoga ne ostavljaju zakinutim za malo magične prašine.
I tako, uz Darkovu (ne)organizaciju :D <3, puno vremena za odmor i samo osjećanje, jer nigdje se ne žuri i ništa se ne mora, ja sam isto stala i samo počela otpuštati. Napetosti su se samo počele topiti pod utjecajem tog nemoranja, nežurenja i samog bivanja. Rekla sam mu, nije mi problem postići taj state of mind u takvom okruženju, kad napustim svakodnevnicu i užurbanost gradskog života, ono što mi je problem je preslikati taj način funkcioniranja u svaki dan. Pogotovo kad zagusti. Eh, to je vještina! Pa evo, neka to sad bude i javna namjera- omekša(va)ti kad je sve oko mene tvrdo.
I tako, napustim ja svoju velebitsku grupicu ranije ne bih li se stigla pripremiti za nastup koji smo imali sa školom pjevanja u nedjelju navečer. (Spomenuto omekšavanje je na mom mentalno-fizičkom meniju već neko vrijeme. ;)) "Peco, samo mekano, nemoj forsirati, ne koristi snagu, samo pjevaj"- mantrala sam svoje i profine riječi pripremajući se.
I evo ga, kaže profa da sam napokon propjevala i da me prvi put čula da pjevam cijeli svojim bićem. (iako bi ja to rekla za svaki svoj nastup, naravno :D) Al kuži se razlika, stvarno se kuži. 🙃💖🙏
Pa poslušajte! ;)
Kakav vikend! ☺️😇
Hvala Darkec, hvala profa Mirela Brnetic <3
Vokalni Studio Bacchabundus ➡️za sve koji žele raditi na svom glasu i naučiti pjevati.
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geaghost-blog · 1 year
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itsnothingbutluck · 2 years
The real life story of Paul Balenovic's astonishing relationship with a wolf pack
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Next time you bitches get lost on Velebit call Sweden for help
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simondmikaeldsen · 22 days
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Tulove Grede. Velebit. Croatia. Photos by S.N.
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ditezadarsko · 5 months
forgot to mention that i visited luka's childhood house last month!! still can't believe i saw it honestly🥲
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there's a little flag inside, probably got blown away by the strong winds
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the surroundings though...
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here's a short video of it too!!
and the road to it, with beautiful views of the Velebit mountain
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mirtapersonal · 1 year
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photos taken from the bus on the RIjeka-Zadar section of the Adriatic Highway, on the slopes of mt. Velebit
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propalitet · 1 year
Sve pet, ako ništa uvijek mogu ić ovce čuvat na Velebit 👍🏼
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philatz · 2 years
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jirihrdy · 2 months
Mali Alan, Tulove Grede (Velebit, Croatia) - Winnetou
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cithaerons · 2 years
It was there, heading up towards the Velebit mountains, that the man who would captain a country that didn’t officially exist yet and would become its most successful footballer spent almost every day until one morning his grandfather was murdered by what Modric describes as the Chetniks – Serb forces. Mown down in machine-gun fire, alone and barely a few hundred yards from his front door, Luka Sr was 66. His grandson was six. He is 35 today.
“I remember my father asking me to kiss him when he was in the casket,” Modric says. “What happened to him is part my own memory, part family story. I have that memory of him, but also memories of spending so much time with him. I slept at his house, played with him, went hunting with him, everything. I spent a lot of time with my grandpa when my parents were working and I have a lot of amazing memories from my time with him.
“At that age, you just don’t realise why are these things happening, you know? You are not aware of everything happening around you because [your] father is also trying to protect you, to not think about these things. They saw that something was coming. And you see something is happening when you see your parents are worried, but when you are [a] kid you don’t understand. You think about it a moment but you want to play, be with your friends. And then, it was…”
There is a pause. “A tragical moment,” Modric says. “But war never brings good to anyone.”
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