#Ven is s1 Jon
venear-tmblr · 10 months
Rae Morningstar and Venear Atlan of Fable SMP are two sides of the Jonathan Sims coin, and I’m sick and tired of pretending they’re not.
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venear-tmblr · 5 months
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actually,,, im coming back to this bc im hyperfixating on TMA rn;
c!Ven is someone who is ultimately run by his own fear. Like S1 Jon, he collects evidence and analyses it apatheticly, as looking too hard at the situation he’s in would cause more fear. He won’t admit it, but he’s terrified of the world he’s been put in. But at the same time, he won’t step away from his job, because deep down he knows that he can’t. He has to do this, he’s the only one who can.
Rae Morningstar consistently gets The Horrors thrown at him, and usually comes out the other side with a new scar or a changed body part. Like S4+ Jon, sometimes he wonders if he’s still the person he used to be before he experienced all of this, and that weighs on him a bit, but he tries to ignore that feeling. He’s also ran by his need to fix things, even though it’s a job that was forced upon him. He can’t stop now, he’s so deep in it all, and it’s so tied to his past. He’s channeling the pain he’s felt into changing the world for the better, and keeping others from feeling that pain. But god, he’s so exhausted, and just wants to have something for himself to come home to.
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