kitschypixels · 7 years
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kitschypixels · 7 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
HELP MY FRIEND PLEASE!!!! She is such a wonderful person and given the opportunity she’d help you too. Anything would help. <3
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On Tuesday night at around 8pm, my little 2000 Toyota Echo got stuck really bad on some very deep train tracks at night in a run-down side of town. I was picking up something I forgot from a friend’s house and was on the way home on a road I was unfamiliar with, lost control of my vehicle on a turn that I was confused about, and ended up completely wedged in these tracks. It was a horribly frightening night, as I was alone and the cops never came despite calling (however my boyfriend, his dad, my mom, and eventually a tow truck did come) (and the cops DID stop any oncoming trains in case they were in transit). The process of getting my car unwedged from these deep tracks took a grueling two hours. I thought I was so lucky though, because apparently all I needed were two new tires and a  new wheel. However, I was heartbroken to find that was not the case. With minor damage to the underside of the car  and the ‘check engine’ light which magically appeared, plus towing fees + the new tires/wheel, I owe a whopping $900. I’ve been on food stamps for as long as I can in NC (I can’t anymore, being an “Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents” I can only get it for 3 months, feel free to research that in NC), am unemployed, and have a single senior citizen parent. This is really tough for me. So I’m hoping anyone out there can help on my YouCaring page.
Thank you.
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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Pixel art by Mark Ferrari (*) (**)
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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New Alola Form Comparisons!
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kitschypixels · 8 years
HELP A Disabled, Chronically Ill, Queer Woman!
Hey everyone! Within the past 6 months, I’ve fallen quite ill. I had sharp pains in my hips that make it hard for me to sit, stand, or walk. After tons of medical procedures we found out Endometrium has traveled outside of my uterus and has attached itself to my intestines (Endometriosis). In addition, the scar tissue and constant ovarian cysts that have occured have resulted in extreme pain, and further uterine issues (PCOS).  On top of that, I began vomiting sporadically throughout the day. I sleep maybe 30 mins to 2 hours every night. My gallbladder was not functioning normally but due to the hormonal issues thanks to PCOS and Endometriosis, it has caused gallstones. I’ll need immediate and emergency surgery. With this all being said, my job that promised to keep my employment through medical leave decided to terminate me. I have medical bills, copayments, medicine, surgeries (they are removing scar tissue, endometriosis, my appendix, and gallbladder), a car, insurance, and money I’ve been lent that needs to be paid back.
If ANY amount could be spared it would be a great help. I am currently stuck in a situation where I am too sick to work, but as soon as i have these surgeries they will drastically improve my life.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this.
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kitschypixels · 8 years
HELP A Disabled, Chronically Ill, Queer Woman!
Hey everyone! Within the past 6 months, I’ve fallen quite ill. I had sharp pains in my hips that make it hard for me to sit, stand, or walk. After tons of medical procedures we found out Endometrium has traveled outside of my uterus and has attached itself to my intestines (Endometriosis). In addition, the scar tissue and constant ovarian cysts that have occured have resulted in extreme pain, and further uterine issues (PCOS).  On top of that, I began vomiting sporadically throughout the day. I sleep maybe 30 mins to 2 hours every night. My gallbladder was not functioning normally but due to the hormonal issues thanks to PCOS and Endometriosis, it has caused gallstones. I’ll need immediate and emergency surgery. With this all being said, my job that promised to keep my employment through medical leave decided to terminate me. I have medical bills, copayments, surgeries (they are removing scar tissue, endometriosis, my appendix, and gallbladder), a car, insurance, and money I’ve been lent that needs to be paid back.
If ANY amount could be spared it would be a great help. I am currently stuck in a situation where I am too sick to work, but as soon as i have these surgeries they will drastically improve my life.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this.
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kitschypixels · 8 years
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Springfield Jewelers from The Simpsons, by Konami.
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