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Austrovenus stutchburyi, common name the New Zealand cockle or New Zealand little neck clam, is an edible saltwater clam. Its Māori name is tuangi (North Island) or tuaki (South Island).
Order: Venerida
Superfamily: Veneroidea
Family: Veneridae
Genus: Austrovenus
They live in the subtidal to intertidal zone, and when they are in the intertidal zone they live between the low tide mark and the mid tide mark. Cockles prefer to live in soft mud and fine sand, however they can be suffocated by extremely fine sand. Cockles are a major food source for South Island oystercatchers. An individual oystercatcher is estimated to eat around 200,000 cockles in a year. If not eaten by birds or humans, Austrovenus stutchburyi can live up to 20 years.
New Zealand cockle - традиционный источник пищи для маори. Исторически сложилось так, что за грядками моллюсков ухаживали из-за риска чрезмерного вылова, и rāhui часто накладывалось на участках обитания моллюсков в качестве меры, позволяющей восстановить их популяцию. (В культуре маори, rāhui это форма ограничения доступа или использования области или ресурса). Раковины ракушек традиционно использовались в качестве пинцета для удаления волос.
10 Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630
7PMX+XP7 Auckland
-36.7150780, 174.7492860
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South Island oystercatchers
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animalplanets-world · 2 years
γιγάντια αχιβάδα, το μεγαλύτερο από τα μαλάκια
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Ικανός να ζήσει ένας αιώνας, η γιγάντια αχιβάδα ξοδεύει ολόκληρη την ύπαρξή της προσκολλημένη στον ίδιο βράχο, αρκούμενη στην αναπνοή, τη διατροφή και την αναπαραγωγή. Από το μέγεθός του πελώριοςη τρυφερή του σάρκα και οι μαργαριταρένιες ανταύγειες, τα περισσότερα μεγάλο μαλάκιο στον κόσμο διεγείρει την απληστία.
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Η γιγάντια αχιβάδα: έως 250 κιλά
Η γιγαντιαία αχιβάδα (Tridacna gigas), επίσης λέγεται γιγαντιαία αχιβάδα, είναι δίθυρο μαλάκιο που ανήκει στην τάξη των Veneridae και στην οικογένεια Tridacnidae. ο δίθυρα χαρακτηρίζονται από ένα κέλυφος που σχηματίζεται από δύο βαλβίδες που αρθρώνονται από έναν ελαστικό σύνδεσμο. Η ιδιαιτερότητα της γιγαντιαίας αχιβάδας βασίζεται στο εντυπωσιακό της διαστάσεις : μπορεί να ξεπεράσει το 1 m σε διάμετρο και να ζυγίζει έως και 250 κιλά, γεγονός που το καθιστά το μεγαλύτερο μαλάκιο στον πλανήτη. Το ζώο οφείλει το όνομά του στο σχήμα του κελύφους του, που θυμίζει το βάσκες συνήθιζε να κρατάει αγιασμό στην είσοδο των εκκλησιών. Η γιγάντια τριδάκνη βρίσκεται σε βάθος έως και 15 μέτρα στους βραχώδεις ή κοραλλιογενείς πυθμένες του Ειρηνικόςτον Ινδικό Ωκεανό και την Ερυθρά Θάλασσα.
Σαρκώδης μανδύας για τη γιγάντια αχιβάδα
Φτιαγμένος από ανθρακικό ασβέστιο για να προστατεύσει τα εσωτερικά του όργανα, το κέλυφος της γιγαντιαίας αχιβάδας περιλαμβάνει δύο μέρη συμμετρικά που συνδέονται με έναν ε��αστικό σύνδεσμο και μύες προσαγωγών που είναι υπεύθυνοι για το κλείσιμο και το άνοιγμά τους. Αυτό το μεγάλο κέλυφος αυλακωμένος έχει 4 ή 5 καλά σημειωμένες νευρώσεις αλλά είναι δύσκολο να τις δεις γιατί γενικά καλύπτονται με βλάστηση. Εν μέρει εσοχή στον κοραλλιογενή ύφαλο, το μαλάκιο επιτρέπει πράγματι μόνο μια ματιά του παλτό, μια σαρκώδης μάζα μερικές φορές σε σημείο να ξεχειλίζει από τις βαλβίδες της. Αυτού του είδους τα μεγάλα χείλη με διακυμάνσεις οι έντονες άκρες εμφανίζουν άκρες με πράσινο-μπλε ή πολύχρωμες αντανακλάσεις: αυτή η απόχρωση προέρχεται από ζωοξανθέλλεςμικροσκοπικά φύκια που ζουν σε συμβίωση με το κοράλλι και επίσης ευδοκιμούν με το μαλάκιο.
Η φωτεινή τροφή της γιγάντιας αχιβάδας
Η γιγαντιαία αχιβάδα χρησιμοποιεί δύο λειτουργίες Προμήθεια: - Οι άκρες του παλτό του χαρακτηρίζονται προεξοχές που περιέχει όργανα που συγκεντρώνουν το φως στα βάθη των ιστών και δημιουργούν τον πολλαπλασιασμό τουμερικοί μικροσκοπικός. που ονομάζεται ζωοξανθέλλεςσυνθέτουν υδατάνθρακες και πρωτεΐνες επιτρέποντας στα είδη να καταλαμβάνουν περιβάλλοντα φτωχά σε ΘΡΕΠΤΙΚΕΣ ουσιες. Για να επιβιώσουν, αυτά τα μικροφύκια απαιτούν ενέργεια φωτεινός εξηγώντας την παρουσία της αχιβάδας σε μικρό βάθος και την έκθεση του μανδύα του προς την επιφάνεια. Η συμβίωση που δημιουργείται έτσι καθιστά δυνατή την ανταπόκριση στοουσιώδης τις διατροφικές ανάγκες της γιγαντιαίας αχιβάδας· - Ανάμεσα στους λοβούς του μανδύα του βρίσκονται δύο τρύπες. Το πρώτο - ένα σιφόνι εισπνευστικό σε σχήμα επιμήκους σχισμής – έχει βλεφαρίδες που κατευθύνουν το νερό στα βράγχια και φιλτράρουν τα θρεπτικά συστατικά (πλαγκτόν). Ο δεύτερος σωλήνας, ένα σιφόνι αποπνέωαπορρίπτει το ρεύμα του νερού, αλλά διατηρεί την τροφή που στέλνεται στο στόμα και στη συνέχεια στο στομάχι ή σε μέρος του πέψη επιτυγχάνεται. Το περιεχόμενο του στομάχου στη συνέχεια περνά στο έντερο και τα υπολείμματα μετατρέπονται σε κόπρανα αποβάλλονται.
Γιγαντιαία αχιβάδα: 100% καθιστική ζωή
Κατά την ανάπτυξή του, το ζώο εκκρίνει α byssus, όπως τα μύδια. Αυτό το σετ περιλαμβάνει έναν λεγόμενο βυσσαίο αδένα και τον σύνδεσμο που εκκρίνει αποτελείται από υγρά νημάτια που σκληραίνουν σε επαφή με το νερό, σχηματίζοντας α ακόλουθος πρεσβείας πολύ ανθεκτικό με τη στήριξη. Το μαλάκιο επιτρέπει σε αυτή τη τούφα νηματίων να περάσει από το άνοιγμα του κελύφους του και προσκολλάται στον βυθό της θάλασσας με μεντεσές έδειξε προς τα κάτω. Καθώς μεγαλώνει, η τριδάκνη δεν εκκρίνει πλέον βύσσο και σταθεροποιείται μόνο από αυτήν βάρος. Είναι καλυμμένο με κοράλλια, σφουγγάρια, φύκια, κρύβοντας μέρος του κελύφους του που εκθέτει το μανδύα του στο φως. Η γιγάντια αχιβάδα δεν αποδίδει καμία κίνησηη δραστηριότητά του ουσιαστικά συνίσταται στο φιλτράρισμα του νερού για να αναπνέει και Να ταϊσωόπως όλα τα δίθυρα.
Αναπαραγωγή σε δύο πράξεις
Η γιγάντια αχιβάδα είναι είδος ερμαφόδιτος πρωτάνδρος δηλαδή είναι πρώτα αρσενικό μετά θηλυκό. Το αρσενικό μπορεί να αναπαραχθεί μεταξύ 2 και 6 ετών τότε, να γίνει ενήλικας, παράγει ωοκύτταρα. Η αναπαραγωγή πραγματοποιείται σε δύο φάσεων : με κινήσεις συστολής που διαρκούν δύο έως τρία λεπτά, το ζώο απελευθερώνεται σπέρμα ταυτόχρονα ως βιοχημικό μήνυμα που προειδοποιεί τους συγγενείς του για το φαινόμενο. Περίπου μια ώρα αργότερα, ωοκύτταρα εκδιώκονται από άλλες γιγάντιες αχιβάδες, πυροδοτώντας έτσι την γονιμοποίηση. Μετά την ωοτοκία, το αυγό γεννά προνύμφες μπορεί να κινείται σε ανοιχτά νερά. Ζώντας σαν πλαγκτόν, χρειάζονται 3 έως 6 μήνες για να έχουν μήκος μεταξύ 1 και 2 cm. Μια συγκεκριμένη περίοδο επικίνδυνος όταν τα αρπακτικά βρίσκονται σε τροχιά. Στη συνέχεια, οι προνύμφες βυθίζονται στον πυθμένα και εγκαθίστανται σε ένα υπόστρωμα για να γίνουν δίθυρα.
Υπερεκμετάλλευση γιγάντων αχιβάδων
Η γιγάντια αχιβάδα είναι λεία από κάποιους σαλιγκάρια της θάλασσας ικανή να μπει στο καβούκι της για να φάει τη σάρκα της. ο χταπόδια ή τροπικά ψάρια με δυνατά δόντια όπως η σκανδάλη είναι επίσης μεταξύ τους αρπακτικά. Αυτό το βρώσιμο ζώο -που είναι δημοφιλές πιάτο σε όλο τον Ειρηνικό- είναι επίσης θύμα α εντατικό ψάρεμα διευκολύνεται από τη ζωή του σε μικρό βάθος. Παράλληλα, με την ενίσχυση του αγώνα κατά ΚΙΝΗΣΗ στους ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ από ελεφαντόδοντο, οι λαθροκυνηγοί στρέφονται τώρα στην τριδάκνη του οποίου το κέλυφος, κάποτε σκαλισμένο, μοιάζει με τοελεφαντοστού. Προικισμένο με όμορφες μαργαριταρένιες αντανακλάσεις, το υλικό είναι ιδιαίτερα περιζήτητο στην Ασία, ειδικά στην Κίνα, όπου δουλεύεται σε διακοσμητικά αντικείμενα. Όλοι αυτοί οι παράγοντες επιδεινώνουν την ήδη κρίσιμη κατάσταση του είδους που, εξάλλου, παρουσιάζει πολύ αργή ανάπτυξη. Θεωρούνται ευάλωτοι από τη Διεθνή Ένωση για τη Διατήρηση της Φύσης (IUCN), το μαλάκιο απειλείται εξαφάνιση. Η μακροζωία του είναι περίπου 100 χρόνια. Read the full article
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animalids · 4 years
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Wedding cake venus (Bassina disjecta)
Photo by Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Lioconcha Hieroglyphica is a clam with beautiful secret writings on it. Lioconcha hieroglyphica is a species of saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusc in the family Veneridae, the venus clams.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
A Tarot Reader’s Utensils
☞ Here go some classic paraphernalia that can aid your reading process or serve as multi-purpose decorations.
disclaimer ✸ none of those are obligatory, all they do is make card reader life easier and prettier 😄 this post serves to inspire whatever serves your taste, convenience, and affinity. 
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- a latin dictionary. trust me, it’ll serve you well. 
- little treasure chests and mason jars. every tarot reader becomes an apothecary down the line. mason jars are great to put battery-driven fairy lights in, it’s a quick and easy tarot table decoration to light up your spreads.
- standard notebook. everyone regrets not photographing or writing down their reading results every time.
- plants. i feel like us tarot readers are drawn to cacti in particular. maybe it’s because their maintenance is easy and they give powers of self-protection. i mean what does a cactus do: guard itself with spikes and a stable exterior. every energy worker can benefit from that. we naturally gravitate towards it anyway.
- for some of us, runes are the next step and i honestly can’t recommend making your own set enough once you researched the essentials. they are so helpful and great to carry with you. portable magic if you will. mix VERY well with pulling tarot cards. 
- candles, you know the deal. homely lighting is one aspect, but it’s also great for inviting the energy of wands i.e. fire. needs proper 30cm distance to other utensils and 10cm between each other, keep that in mind.
- an item that connects you to your family lineage. the tarot likes people who know their roots. if you ask the cards about your ancestors, such an item is even more beneficial. pick something with extra use. example: my father’s family is connected to italy — that’s where the tarot came from, no item needed. but for my mother’s side, i have a matryoshka doll. i can put little folded spells and affirmation notes into it. the dolls in a row also circle my tarot table so they look like protectors 😅
- clear quartz and tarot decks are best friends. a larger point rested on top of the card pile will amplify it energetically and keep it together physically. a crystal’s benefits are derived from its physical setup, so in this case clear quartz makes your readings clear. don’t look for it, the stone comes into your life out of nowhere.
- magnifying glasses. the LWB (little white booklet) that comes with some decks is printed in tiny font.
- shells are great. not just for keeping crystals, pendulums, or smudge sticks in them. also, shells for casting yes or no questions in addition to the tarot, cowrie shells (e.g. cypraea tigris) are the usual pick. 
- for tray-like shells, e.g. look for: all types of pectinidae (classic scallops), haliotis (abalones), pinctada (blue mother-of-pearl inlay), hyriopsis (shell halves with enclosed pearls), veneridae (venus shells), mimachlamys sanguinea or potamilus purpuratus (pink).
- if the star, empress, high priestess or moon show up in your self-readings, a star map you can rotate comes in handy. all these cards have references to constellations. you wanna see what the night sky shows you on the horizon that night.
- books on deities, angels, ascended masters, and spirit guides. whatever pops up in your day-to-day life often. e.g. the tarot has a lot of cards with angel references, it’s good to know. if you work with oracle cards, i bet my cactus you will need all four types of books sooner or later.
- pretty boxes and baskets. for your decks, it’s good to keep it all in one spot. boxes without a lid however, keep your cards in sight so you use them regularly. using decks equals charging them.
- empty old perfume bottles (smaller ones) and vintage ceramic pieces. if your clear quartz is busy elsewhere, you can put them on resting decks. i also found worn-out keys to be just perfect for that. 
- paper, pencils, scissors, rulers, stickers, labels. gotta love making DIY decks.
- a large juice mug. repurposed as a huge glass of water. you forget time when you do readings and need prolonged focus. keeping it close will save you from having to get up grumpily. also: making gem water is the shit. check which crystals you can use for it. 
- fossils. a statement piece or several smaller ones (you’ll be surprised, they are quite cheap). fossils activate ancient knowledge which is what the tarot is all about. great to put into crystal grids, too. choose whatever you’re guided towards. maybe something found in your country to make it even more personal.
- tarot cloth. a huge duh but you can’t actually find it. it’ll come to you.
- a book of world religions and mythology. the tarot has so many references. e.g. the hierophant’s insignia. or the high priestess with the tora. the hanged man representing saints. the hermit being a druid. the wheel of fortune being karma. the sphinx depictions on the chariot. even if you’re not religious, knowing about these details can help you understand the full imagery.
- let me be a pop culture victim: selenite towers. a modern tarot reader’s antenna crystal. it’s in every pick-a-card youtube reading and all over ig. i think it’s clever marketing, but still not a hoax if you know what greek tradition it has. it’s connected to the moon and the high priestess because selenite shimmers just like our lunar friend in the sky. selene (Σελήνη) = greek for moon. it was said to change according to the moon phases. be careful because it’s more porous, selenite is a saline structure with a mohs hardness of merely 2 out of 10. 
- a meditation pillow. energy work and introspection/awareness go hand in hand. it’s great to chill out and observe your breath for a little while. tarot readings can be taxing, grounding is the right thing to do.
- if you don’t look it up online, an astrology book. so many astro details in tarot. e.g. the emperor has an aries-inspired throne. or, swords represent air signs.
- salt lamps. they’re affordable, their vibes are great, they’re beautiful. tarot readings with candles, fairy lights, and salt lamps on are a different level. salt has so many properties physically and metaphysically, where to start. you can only win if you have a salt lamp.
- fake fur. perfect for your tarot table if you don’t use candles. crystals, shells and runes will never roll away. it’s the ideal decor and easy to repurpose on your tarot chair, altar, or shelf if you want to change it up.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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Concept art from Dark Souls--Man Eater Shell. Accessed at pinterest here
[Commissioned by @goluxexmachina, based on the song “The Legend of Reuben Clamzo and His Strange Daughter” by Arlo Guthrie. My first song-based commission! The name is an anagram of “Veneridae”, the clade that includes most of the clams eaten on the American East Coast.]
Deinevare CR 11 CE Aberration This immense creature looks something like a clamshell, with a host of spindly legs growing from its underside. It opens its shell, revealing it to be a razor-toothed maw.
Deinevares are sometimes called “humongous clams”, but that does not do justice to their malice or maneuverability. Unlike true clams, which are nearly sessile, deinevares can swim rapidly, walk on both the land and the surface of the water, and even fly for short periods of time. A deinevare can survive out of the water for several hours at a time, and make feeding raids both above and below the water’s surface. They are ravenous predators that enjoy a challenge, and so go out of their way to hunt sapient creatures.
In combat, a deinevare snaps with its razor-edged shell and strikes with its spindly, aberrant legs. Creatures grabbed by the shell are gobbled up and digested while still alive, although the deinevare must remain sealed shut until its prey stops squirming. Their siphon can be protruded from the shell even when it has a victim, however, and they use powerful jets of water to dissuade enemies from attacking it while it has a swallowed prey item. Although deinevares typically prefer making hit and run attacks, grappling a single choice morsel and making a retreat, they can be driven to distraction by music. For some unknown reason, deinevares hate music, and will fight to self-destruction if they hear so much as a whistle or a sea shanty.
A deinevare stands twenty feet high and has a diameter of 10 feet. They are long-lived creatures, capable of surviving for centuries unless slain in combat.
Deinevare           CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Huge aberration (aquatic) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +12, tremorsense 30 ft. Defense AC 26, touch 7, flat-footed 26 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +19 natural) hp 147 (14d8+84) Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +11 DR 10/bludgeoning; Resist cold 10, fire 10 Weakness musical frenzy Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee bite +17 (2d8+9/19-20 plus grab), 2 slams +17 (1d6+9) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks shell trap, siphon spray, swallow whole (2d6+13 bludgeoning, AC 26, hp 28) Spell-like Abilities CL 11th, concentration +11 Constant—water walk 1/day—fly Statistics Str 28, Dex 9, Con 23, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 10 Base Atk +10; CMB +21 (+25 bull rush, grapple); CMD 30 (32 vs. bull rush, 40 vs. trip) Feats Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Step Up, Vital Strike Skills Perception +12, Swim +27 Languages Aquan SQ reduced water dependency Ecology Environment coastlines Organization solitary, pair or shoal (3-10) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Musical Frenzy (Ex) Deinevares hate music, and the sound of it drives the creatures into a rage. A deinevare that can hear music must succeed a DC 20 Will save or become affected as by a rage spell and compelled to attack the source of the music. This effect lasts until the music stops or it is slain. A deinevare that succeeds on this save is immune to being enraged by that source of music for the next 24 hours. Reduced Water Dependency (Ex) A deinevare can survive out of water for up to 10 minutes per point of Constitution. Beyond this limit, the creature runs the risk of suffocating as if it were drowning. Shell Trap (Ex) A deinevare gains its full natural armor bonus to its stomach for the purposes of swallow whole, and a swallowed creature must deal damage equal to 1/5 the deinevare’s total hp (28 damage for the average deinevare) in order to cut its way free. However, a deinevare with a swallowed opponent cannot make bite attacks without release its swallowed victim into an adjacent square. Siphon Spray (Ex) As a standard action three times per day, a deinevare can spray water in a 60 foot line. All creatures in the area take 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. A successful DC 23 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the prone condition. The save DC is Constitution based.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
SeastarsMermaidsCove MENU AND WIDGETS Day 21~ Sea Shells, their Meanings and Magick
Long before fancy new-age tools became readily available through specialty shops, our magic-using ancestors turned to nature for their power objects. Natural objects are imbued with spiritual energies that we can harness for our own use in spells and charms. Seashells in particular have a long history of magical uses, as they were associated with the powers of various sea gods and goddesses of different cultures.
Being born of the ocean, shells are strongly associated with the element of water. They are also associated with the moon, which drives ocean tides. Both the element of water and the moon have strong feminine energies that are receptive in nature, so shells are primarily used in magic to draw things you desire into your life.
Shells taken from the ocean need little ritual preparation for magical uses; however, if your shells were bought from a store or have been stashed in a box for a while, they may benefit from cleansing and recharging. To do this, place your shells in a bowl of water mixed with sea salt. Set them aside to soak for a day or overnight. Recharge them by setting the bowl in the sun or under the light of the full moon for several hours.
One of the main symbols for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, is the seashell. Invoke the power of Aphrodite for love spells using shells by wearing seashell jewelry or hair ornaments to attract a mate. Use a hinged seashell with the two parts still attached as a powerful love talisman to keep two lovers together. Write the initials of the lovers on the inside of the shell, one on each side, then seal it shut with glue.
Many cultures used shells as a form of currency. Cowrie shells were used in Africa and North America, and Native Americans used wampum—beads made from clam shells—as money. Because of this, shells are suitable for money spells. Fill a small green or gold pouch with seashells, a silver coin and mint, which is a money-drawing herb. Hang the bag where you do business, and rub it when you desire prosperity. Place a small seashell in your wallet or purse to continually keep money coming to it.
Protection is a shell’s primary purpose in nature, as it is made to keep small, defenseless sea creatures safe from harm. Because of this, shells have strong protective energies. Many cultures in coastal areas use shells in folk magic to protect the home by placing strings of shells over windows and doors. Necklaces of strung shells can be worn by children to keep them close to home and safe from harm. Placing a small, round shell on the collars of your pets will keep them safe should they wander from home.
Seashells that wash up on the shore come from a netherworld where ocean meets land. Because of the Moon’s influence on the tides, these seashells hold the energy of the Moon goddess. Many shells, particularly sea snails and the chambered nautilus, form or contain a spiral—the powerful symbol of the Great Mother Goddess. Spiral shells can be used to stimulate energy in your home or in ritual. Other shells have a calming effect because of their smooth surfaces. Shells can be placed anywhere singly, or they may be in jars, bowls, and baskets. A summer wreath for the front door could include a few seashells to add their magic to the energy that enters your home.
“Shells are gentle healers and messengers, and very powerful tools of transformation. Each seashell was created as its home by an individual animal who had their own package of DNA and their own consciousness. Each shell, therefore, has its own bundle of information to share with us. That information is waiting to be accessed whenever we hold a particular shell, or even just look at one in a photograph.”  Tracy Holmes Shells and their Meanings
Sea Shells can be used as a magical component for any spell. Naturally, each type of shell has its own particular associated which lend itself more to some spells than others.
Abalone Shells have a strong elemental bond with the Earth and it’s healing capabilities. Abalone is closely connected to that of the Water element and the vibrations of Love, Beauty, Gentleness, Caring, Compassion and Peace.
Abalone Shell has been used in jewelry making and religious spiritual ceremonies for countless ages. It is also known as “the Sea Ears” because of it’s flattened, oval shape with iridescent interior. It was used by Native Northwest American Indians for cleansing, offerings and prayers. Usually Abalone is found off the coasts of South America, Japan and China.
On an intuitive level, Abalone helps to stimulate psychic development and intuition while promoting the power of imagination. It has a soothing vibration that can help calm emotions during deep healing and will emotionally support the growth of Self.
Physically, Abalone can heal the body within the Chakras but resonates most with the Third Eye, Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Within Third Eye Chakra, it will stimulate psychic intuition. Within the Heart Chakra it will help to gently clear and release emotions of fear, sorrow or any other negative feelings held. Within the Solar Plexus, it will use the power of Nature to re-instill the Power of Self.
Abalone can be used for chakra balancing because abalone has all of the colors of the rainbow, abalone can be used with almost any chakra balancing techniques you have learned.
Abalone will help with anxiety and stress related issues in high strung individuals. It will also help with relief with arthritis, joint disorders, muscular problems, the heart and the digestive system. It is very helpful for athletes that would like to help build and protect healthy muscle tissue while strengthening the heart muscles!
I use mine as a Smudge pot!!
Lined the bottom with a bit of tin foil to protect the shell from being scorched and made cleaning it much easier!!
Abalones power to protect from negativity helps protect your magick spells and rituals. Incense burned in an abalone shell incense holder is empowered for any kind of magick.
You can also use to contain empowered herbs, and stones.
The Abalone is useful for finding things hidden and good fortune. It is also a good shell for meditating upon inner beauty and strengthening self love.
 Common Atlantic Auger shells Auger: Frequently found on local beaches, lovely shades of purples and periwinkle blue.
This is a large family of very long and slender shells, ranging in size and with numerous whorls. Due to it’s phallic shape it may be used for any male oriented magic, e.g. fertility, courage, power and in the aid to healing male ailments.
 Knobby Cerithium Shells Ceriths-also plentiful on Gulf beaches
Most species of this major family are also small, long and thin. Due to its phallic shape it may be used for any male oriented magic, as well.
 Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus (c. 1486) Clam (Many families of Clams, Tridacna, Mactra, Solenidae, Cultellidae, Veneridae)
The giant clams are a small but well known family of large to very large shells. The Goddess Venus is often depicted standing in a Clam (the Tridacna Gigas). This shell is perfect for Goddess related spells and rituals. It is also ideal for love and friendship spells.
Used for purification and love. A small clam shell may be etched with a rune and made into a potent talisman.
Cockle: The basis of the expression “warming the cockles of the heart,” this shell is best used in spells for love, friendship, relationships, emotions.
This is a large and very well known family, composed chiefly of edible bivalves, which live in worldwide locations in both shallow and deep water. This shell is suitable for spells of love, friendship, family and emotions and we are reminded of it with the saying “to warm the cockles of my heart”.
THESE are plentiful in January and February here!! I use them as dishes for everything!!
 Queen Conch Conch: When blown, this shell produces a loud noise. It can be used effectively in spells of summoning, for difficulties in communicating, and as an aid in clearing up misconceptions.
The conch shell was one of Buddhism’s eight auspicious symbols, signifying truthful  speech and strength.  It also appears in the Hindu tradition of prayer, and was the weapon of choice of mystical mermaids and mermen, looking up to the magnitude of waves across the ocean.  As such, its mystical meaning  alludes to strength and fortitude.
The Queen Conch is the epitome of the femaleness of the sea!! She stands in for the Goddess on my altar alongside the Horse Conch for the God.
 Horagai The conch, or shankh, is the most ancient musical instrument known to man.
Horagai  are large conch shells that have been used as trumpets in Japan for many centuries. They are used for religious purposes or as a signal for samurai.
Obtained as a gift from the great ocean, it was held as sacred, and reference is found all over ancient Indian literature.  It is seen in the hands of almost all gods and goddesses, whenever they were happy or going off to war.  In Buddhism the conch shell’s call is meant to awaken one from ignorance, and is a sign of victory over suffering.  In Chinese Buddhism, the conch shell signifies a prosperous journey, and in Islam it represents  hearing the divine world.
The spiral formation inside the conch is symbolic of infinity.  The space , which gradually expands in a clock-wise direction.  The shell is like the human journey of life.  The hard casing protects life.  The pearl inside (a scallop or oyster), and its aquatic nature associates it with the feminine, lunar, and virginity that is symbolic in music. The conch shell’s spiral form and relation to water cause it to represent the beginning of existence.
 Horse Conch Horse Conch, Florida’s official state shell since 1969. This large conch is called a ‘horse’ for a good reason. The Horse has long held deep and rich symbol meanings which would apply to the Horse Conch.
Power Grace Beauty Nobility Strength Freedom Forward Movement  Fighting Conch The Fighting Conch has a richly deserved reputation. A small, scrappy shell it is very aggressive in its defense. If you find one of these the Message is to ‘stand your ground’ and even ‘put up your dukes’. Sometimes we have to defend what we believe in, what matters the most, what our principles stand for.
 Crown Conch Crown Conch is a small royal purple shell with a ‘crown’ of protruding spines. Reminds us to remember our own Royal Divinity, as Daughters and Sons of the Sea Goddess.
Cones– May suggest it is time to “take charge” of a situation you have been hoping someone else would address. Conversely, it may suggest that it is time to “give up command “ of a situation, retreat or take cover… “circle the wagons”, or just plain, “lead by example”
There are many cone shell varieties but they are similar in their appearance and the meaning remains the same for each.
Cowry: Just look at a cowrie shell and you can guess why it has traditionally been used as a symbol of fertility. If you look closely you will see that it resembles the female genitalia.   Shaped like labia, small cowries were sewn into the hems of Indian women’s dresses to encourage love and fertility.
This shell can be used for female magic, in particular fertility, pregnancy, birth, menstrual problems, difficult menopause and female sexuality.
 Jingles Jingles-Money and Prosperity
Put a handful loosely in your hand and see why they are called ‘jingles’. Like a pocket of change they tinkle!!
 rough key hole limpet LIMPETS: Courage, confidence, physical strength. These funny looking little shells look like a volcano , with its conical shape and opening at the top.
There are certainly situations which require endurance, confidence, courage and physical strength just dont go overboard. Finding a Limpet is either saying more is called for or less is  more. You’ll know which is which.
Lettered Olives are just that, markings that look like an ancient script.
They are Messengers of Friendship, Hope and Healing.
A Love Letter from the Sea!
 Tigers Eye Moon Snail Moon snail: As its name implies, the shell resembles a small moon.
It can be used for lunar magick of all types.
Psychic awareness, purification, and peace.
It’s spiral pattern speaks of the Continuity of Life reminding you life is ever unfolding, developing and progressing.  The final chapter has yet to be written.
Murex: The sharp spikes of the murex shell immediately suggest it can be used for protection, defense, and preservation.
We call these ‘jewel boxes’ because of the soft pink interior, like the velvet inside a jewelry boxes. They always remind me of my own ‘treasures’, to not take one day, one friendship for granted. Then someone comes to mind who needs a call, a visit, a reminder of their own that they are treasured by me!!
Nautilus: (meaning “sailor” in Greek) Most of its existence is spent in some of the deepest regions of the sea, and when seen, only seems to come out at night. The Nautilus shell, being a sacred representation for growth and rejuvenation, forms into progressively greater chambers throughout its life, and they are coated with mother-of-pearl.
The Nautilus has in fact been around since the time of the dinosaurs. It starts as a very small shell to protect the animal inside. As the animal grows, it outgrows it’s safe chamber and the Nautilus shell grows a new chamber to accommodate it (slightly larger). This continues until the animal dies. If you have ever seen a cross section of a Nautilus shell you will notice all the small chambers that spiral around and around. These are all the ‘homes’ the shell has created.
In Hindu mythology, the sacred Nautilus Shell symbolized the multiplicity of creation. The internal elegance of nature can also be represented by the Nautilus Shell. The golden mean number (known as PHI – 1.6180339…) can also be found in the shape of the Nautilus Shell.  The universal design of the golden mean seems to be a geometrical blueprint for life itself. PHI can be seen in all biological configurations such as the seed pattern of a sunflower, the spiral pattern of a sea shell, the proportions of human and animal skeletons, and in the patterns of certain types of cactus plants. This value was known by Plato as being “the key to the physics of the cosmos.”
From a symbolic viewpoint, it is interpreted that the Nautilus is therefore about growth and evolution.This shell, which is shaped almost exactly like the brain, can be used for any mentally related spells. This would include term papers, examinations, and writings of any kind.
Oyster: Due to their pearl generating abilities, oysters are best used in spells for good fortune and also banishment.
In order to protect itself from irritating grain of sand, the oyster will quickly begin covering the uninvited visitor with layers of nacre — the mineral substance that fashions the mollusk’s shells. Layer upon layer of nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, coat the grain of sand until the iridescent gem is formed.
This is the Oysters greatest message. To take our irritants and make them into something beautiful.
 Pen Shell Pen Shell– These interesting creatures feed in wet shallow sands, the tip dug down deep looking for smaller mollusks. Usually you find them in pieces but on a good day you may well find one more or less intact. On a GREAT day you will find the entire shell, void of occupant, just waiting for you to scoop up and take home to place on your altar!!
Shaped like a quill or “pen” they are excellent for writers, artists and other creative types to help dig in and draw from that well deep within to bring forth the beauty we are called to do.
They are often covered with barnacles which writers, artists and other creative types know are those nagging voices of self-doubt and self-criticism. Let it remind you that if you couldnt do it, then it wouldn’t have been given (inspired) to you to do.
Scallop: Scallop shells are good all-purpose shells. They can be used in place of any other shell.
Because of the diversity of pattern and colour, and because they are easy to store, the scallops are very popular with collectors. It is a large group with several hundred species, occuring worldwide. Most are found in tropical waters. Because of its diversity, the Scallop Shell may be used in any form of magic, especially when you can’t find just the right shell for the job.
Their meaning relates to Travel and movement and could speak of temporary move “a trip” or an actual change of address.
 Sundial Sundials These lovelies speak to the Power of the Sun, of Solar timing, Success and Victory.
They are Messengers of Hope and Encouragement.
If you’ve been struggling, then Dawn is just around the corner. Hold on just a little bit longer. Your answer is on its way. Victory is assured.
Banded Tulip– these little beauties are found in grassy beds and among mangrove roots. They speak to the ‘ties which bind’ (bands) and those who ‘encircle’ us, our ‘posse’ as it were. If a Banded Tulip comes into your life it is telling you to look at your ties, are there some who are tied too close? Other ties which need ‘tightening’ which happens when life gets in the way. Or perhaps you are feeling ‘hemmed in’ and needing a longer (or less) leash.
Whelk: A curved shell that is easy on which to get a grip, whelk shells are used for spells when you need to ‘get a handle’ on things and gain control of a situation. They make great ‘dippers’ and I have one which had a hole on the bottom, turned over, filled with lamp oil, add a wick and I have a great Lamp for my altar!!
There are a great many Whelk varieties. All but one rotate clockwise, all but the Lightning Whelk, it rotates counter clockwise. Just hold it up by its ‘stem’ with the opening facing you and you will see which way is which.
 Lightning Whelk The lightning whelk  is an edible species of very large predatory sea snail or whelk.  This species has a left-handed or sinistral shell. It eats mostly bivalves.
Sometimes when you think you need to go right, left is better. Don’t see those detours in life as you losing your way. Rather choose to see the Universe working in your favor, preventing you from falling in a hole or  making a mistake. Sometimes Left is Right!!
 Pear Whelk Pear Whelk
Smooth and right hand whorled, like other Whelks it tells us to ‘get a grip’, take charge and move forward!
Egg casings are a great find, their spiral form full of the potential of new life.
Sign of happy Whelks who find the waters more than satisfactory to meet their needs. Happy Whelks means healthy Ocean.
Worm snail-not the prettiest of seashells but the most tenacious, these little buggers are they which bore through other shells and slurp up the contents (hence the holes seen on other shells found). Thus is the cycle of life! We owe a great debt of gratitude to the Worm snail for many of the shells we find (seabirds account for many of the rest).
This shell grows, at first as a corkscrew but the older it gets the more elongated it becomes.
Our life is like that, at first full of twists and turns, as we find ourselves, our way. If this turns up in your beach bucket either you or someone you love is going through seemingly twisted and turned life but the Worm Shell sends out a Message, all is not lost. You (or they) will soon find their way.
These are a ‘few’ of my favorite things!!
Waves of Blessings~~
Reposted by, PHYNXRIZNG
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Paphies donacina (Spengler, 1793) Tuatua Southern
Venerida (Order)
Mactroidea (Superfamily) Mesodesmatidae (Family) Paphies (Genus)
Низкая литораль и неглубокая сублитораль до 5–10 м, но чаще 2–4 м. Предпочитает чистый песок. Обычно встречается в устьях эстирий заливов.
Favoured prey of the Black Back Gull (Larus dominicanus), who fly up with the shell and drop it onto rocks to break open the shell. A popular recreational fishery.
Beach Front Lane, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630
7PPX+2JX Auckland
-36.7148780, 174.7491220
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genefish · 6 years
New in Pubmed: Transcriptome profiling suggests roles of innate immunity and digestion metabolism in purplish Washington clam.
Related Articles
Transcriptome profiling suggests roles of innate immunity and digestion metabolism in purplish Washington clam.
Genes Genomics. 2018 Oct 10;:
Authors: Kim BM, Ahn DH, Kim H, Lee JS, Rhee JS, Park H
Abstract The purplish Washington clam (Saxidomus purpuratus) in the family Veneridae is distributed widely along the intertidal zones of northeast Asia and is increasingly being utilized as a commercially important food resource. Bivalves maintain homeostasis by regulating their food intake and digestion, innate immunity, and biotransformation in a mollusk-specific organ, the digestive gland. To understand digestive gland-specific pathways, we generated a high-quality de novo assembly of the digestive gland transcriptome of this clam using the Illumina Miseq platform. A total of 9.9 million raw reads were obtained and assembled using the Oases assembly platform, resulting in 27,358 contigs with an N50 of 433 bp. Functional gene annotations were performed using Gene Ontology, Eukaryotic Orthologous Groups, and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analyses. In the transcriptome, many crucial genes involved in innate immunity and digestion metabolism were detected. A number of enzymes associated with drug metabolism were annotated, as much as that identified from the whole transcriptome of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. We provide valuable sequence information of S. purpuratus to predict functional understandings of the bivalve-specific digestive gland. This resource will be valuable for researchers comparing gene compositions and their expression levels in the digestive glands of bivalves.
PMID: 30306501 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
from pubmed: crassostrea gigas https://ift.tt/2IVDBjC via IFTTT
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punkatcarkeek · 7 years
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Drawings of invertebrates I found today.
Top to bottom:
I’m like 98% sure this is a bumblebee specifically, order Hymenoptera, family Apidae, genus Bombus
Some sort of fly, order Diptera
Nice: a slug Less nice: A British species, which means it’s technically invasive : ( Large black slug / British black slug, family Arionidae, genus species Arion ater
A shore crab, order Decapoda, family Varunidae, genus Hemigrapsus
A bivalve, class Bivalvia, probably order Veneridae
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vquocloaivat · 4 years
Sò Mía giá bao nhiêu tiền 1Kg? Làm món gì ngon? Mua, Bán ở đâu
Với vị thơm ngon, giàu chất dinh dưỡng sò mía là nguồn thực phẩm được nhiều người yêu thích nhất hiện nay. Khác với những loài tôm cá quen thuộc khác, khai thác sò mía tương đối vất vả. Những thông tin dưới đây chắc chắn sẽ rất hữu ích cho quý vị.
1. Sò Mía là con gì?
Sò mía là loài nhuyễn thể hai mảnh. Chúng còn được biết đến với tên gọi ngao hai cồi hay sò lụa 2 cồi. Thuộc họ Veneridae.
Loài động vật biển đặc biệt này thường được tìm thấy ở các vùng đáy biển. Ngày nay, chúng trở thành một trong những loài hải sản được yêu thích nhất bởi chất thịt cực kỳ ngọt và thơm. 
2. Sò Mía sống ở đâu?
Loài hải sản hai mảnh này có khả năng thích nghi dễ dàng với nhiều môi trường sống khác nhau. Trong đó, ở những khu vực có nước sạch thì sò mía thường xuất hiện nhiều hơn.
Chúng thường thích ẩn mình dưới lớp cát ở đáy biển. Sò mía thường ăn các loài sinh vật phù du, mùn bã hữu cơ,... 
3. Đặc điểm hình dáng Sò Mía
Sò mía là loài động vật thân mềm có vỏ dạng hình bầu dục và 2 mảnh cứng. Có nhiệm vụ bảo vệ phần cơ thể bên trong.
Vỏ sò thường có màu vàng nhạt, xen một chút sắc trắng nhẹ cùng với các đường vân hình răng cưa, nhỏ, san sát và khá dày.
Phần viền đường bụng có xu thế cong đều, phần sau lại cong lên dạng mái nhà. Phần thân bên trong có màu trắng sữa. Nổi bật bởi 2 cồi to, dai và khá to.
4. Tập tính sinh sản của Sò Mía
Cũng giống như nhiều loài thân mềm khác, có một số cá thể sò mía là lưỡng tính. Khi đến mùa sinh sản, cá thể đực và cái bắt cặp với nhau để giao phối và cho ra đời thế hệ mới.
Chúng có tuyến sinh dục giai đoạn chín muồi xuất hiện vào tất cả các tháng trong năm. Nghĩa là chúng sẽ có khả năng sinh sản vào tất cả các tháng.
Tuy nhiên, thực tế cho thấy, tỷ lệ tuyến sinh dục chín chiếm số lượng lớn vào tháng 3. Lúc này sự sinh sản sẽ diễn ra mạnh hơn bao giờ hết.
Mùa sinh sản sẽ tập trung từ tháng 9 cho tới tháng 4 năm sau. 
5. Sò mía có độc không?
Mình xin trả lời là nó không có độc nhé, ngoại trừ khi chúng đã chết và cơ thể biến đổi. 
Ngao hai cồi được đánh giá là một loài hải sản vô cùng bổ dưỡng. Bởi cơ thể của chúng có chứa nhiều vitamin và chất khoáng.
Trong đó, vitamin B12 và C cũng chiếm thành phần lớn, tốt cho trí nhớ cũng như tăng sức đề kháng cho con người.
Bên cạnh đó, chắc chắn rằng chúng ta không thể bỏ qua lượng protein có trong cơ thể của sò mía được.
Hàm lượng pr, đạm cao cung cấp nguồn dinh dưỡng cho cơ thể, giảm thiểu các bệnh về thần kinh, thiếu máu hay tổn thương xương khớp do thiếu khoáng chất,...
6. Sò Mía làm món gì ngon?
Với hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao, chất thịt ngon đã giúp sò mía chiếm được tình yêu của nhiều bạn trẻ. Vậy làm thế nào để chế biến sò mía thành các món ngon? Cùng tham khảo một số công thức chế biến cực chuẩn sau nhé:
Sò mía hấp sả
Nguyên liệu: Sò mía tươi sống, sả, hành lá, ớt, nước mắm, đường, chanh,...
Cách thực hiện:
Để làm được món sò mía hấp ngon trước hết bạn phải ngâm rửa chúng thật kỹ trước khi chế biến.
Sau khi đã trải qua công đoạn ngâm nước gạo, tẩy sạch bùn đất bên trong hãy chuẩn bị một chiếc nồi hấp
Hãy xếp sả, gừng đã thái lát vào đáy nồi. Sau đó, đặt sò mía vào phía trên.
Tiếp đó, cho ớt đã thái chỉ vào trên cùng, cho thêm gừng, sả đập dập.
Đỏ lửa và hấp sò trong quãng thời gian 10 - 12 phút. Khi thấy chúng đã mở miệng thì tắt bếp. 
Cho sò mía ra đĩa, nhớ múc thêm chút nước hấp và rưới lên cùng với rau răm nhé.
Pha chế nước chấm:
Để món sò hấp ngon và đậm đà hơn thì không thể bỏ qua công thức pha nước chấm được nhé.
Hãy xay nhuyễn tỏi, gừng, ớt. Sau đó pha thêm một chút đường, nước lọc và khuấy kỹ.
Thêm nước mắm vào cùng với bột ngọt, chanh là hoàn thành một chén nước chấm đủ hương vị.
Sò mía nướng mỡ hành
Nguyên liệu: Sò mía tươi sống, hành lá, đậu phộng, dầu ăn. 
Quy trình chế biến:
Sau khi đã ngâm kỹ lưỡng sò khi mua về nhằm lọc sạch các lớp bùn đất bên trong.
Ngâm sò vào nước sôi khoảng 2 - 3 phút, vớt ra để chúng tách lớp vỏ, thuận tiện cho quá trình chế gia vị vào. 
Tiếp đó, phi thơm hành lá, thân hành với dầu ăn. Đặt sò lên vỉ nướng rồi rưới dầu ăn. Chú ý tránh để dầu chảy ra ngoài nhé. 
Nướng với bếp than hồng, khi dầu sôi, thịt gần săn lại thì rưới mỡ hành đã phi vào.
Để tăng hương vị, bạn có thể thêm chút đậu phộng xay nhỏ vào trong thịt sò nhé. 
Chú ý thời gian nướng, tránh quá kỹ gây dai và mất đi vị ngọt của sò.
Cháo sò mía
Nguyên liệu: Sò mía, gạo, hành lá, lá dứa, gừng, muối, hạt nêm, bột ngọt, tiêu,...
Quy trình chế biến:
Khi đã sơ chế sạch sò. Bạn hãy luộc sơ qua chúng với nước sôi. Tách lấy phần thịt, bỏ riêng ra dĩa. Dùng phần nước luộc sò để làm nước cốt nấu cháo.
Cho gạo vào nồi vo kỹ, thêm nước luộc ốc (bạn có thể thêm nước vào nữa nếu ít quá nhé).
Sau đó, cho một chút lá dứa vào để tạo mùi thơm mát cho cháo nhé. Ninh kỹ cho đến khi gạo nhừ.
Lấy phần thịt sò, rửa sạch. Phi thơm hành rồi cho chúng vào xào cùng. Nêm nếm gia vị vào cho vừa miệng
Khi cháo chín, cho ra bát, thêm thịt sò vào. Đừng quên xắt nhỏ ngò gai và bỏ thêm chút tiêu vào bát cháo nhé.
Vị thơm ngậy từ lá dứa, gạo quê kết hợp với vị ngọt của sò sẽ làm nên món cháo sò đậm đà, bổ dưỡng và cuốn hút.
7. Sò Mía giá bao nhiêu tiền 1Kg?
Với giá trị dinh dưỡng cao của mình, sò mía ngày càng thu hút người tiêu thụ. Hơn nữa, việc đánh bắt sò cũng khá khó khăn, vì vậy chúng có giá trị ngày càng cao hơn.
Hiện nay, sò mía được bán với giá từ 70K - 110K/kg.
8. Mua, Bán Sò Mía ở đâu rẻ nhất tại Hà Nội, Tp Hcm?
Sò mía là loài hải sản được đánh bắt, khai thác tương đối phổ biến tại nước ta. 
Tại Hà Nội và Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, bạn có thể tìm mua sò mía giá tốt tại các khu chợ hải sản hay tại các cửa hàng kinh doanh hải sản tươi sống.
Thậm chí, bạn có thể đặt hàng trên các trang web online để được cung cấp hàng tươi sống tận nơi nhé.
Xem nguyên bài viết tại: Sò Mía giá bao nhiêu tiền 1Kg? Làm món gì ngon? Mua, Bán ở đâu
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haisantrungnam · 4 years
Hướng dẫn cách làm món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt hấp dẫn
Ngao không chỉ nổi tiếng là mặt hàng hải sản mang đến giá trị kinh tế mà còn là loại thực phẩm có độ thơm ngon, ngọt lành. Đặc biệt loại hải sản này chứa hàm lượng chất dinh dưỡng cao. Chính vì vậy, những món ăn được chế biến từ ngao luôn luôn nhận được rất nhiều sự yêu thích của thực khách. Theo dõi bài viết sau cùng Hải Sản Trung Nam để biết cách chế biến món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt hấp dẫn nhé!
Giới thiệu đôi nét về loài ngao
Ngao là loại nhuyễn thể hai mảnh vỏ thuộc họ Veneridae và thường sinh sống ở những vùng nhiều đất cát sỏi hoặc khu vực ven biển có độ mặn cao. Đặc biệt là ở những vùng biển nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới. Trong môi trường biển tự nhiên có đa dạng loại ngao khác nhau như: ngao trắng, ngao biển vằn, ngao hoa, ngao 2 cồi…
Theo nhiều nghiên cứu khoa học cho thấy rằng trong 100g thịt ngao sống chứa chứa 10.8 g chất đạm, 1.6 g chất béo. Bên cạnh đó, nó cũng cung cấp đa dạng nguyên tố vi lượng như: kẽm 180 mg, sắt 24 mg, calcium, selenium, mangan, đồng, i-ốt, selen và các vitamin B1, B6, B12, C. Vì vậy, ngao được đánh giá loại hải sản có giá trị dinh dưỡng cao, chứa nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất rất tốt cho sức khỏe con người. 
Loài ngao sinh trưởng nhanh và có sức sinh sản lớn nên sản lượng khai thác mỗi năm luôn ở mức cao. Ở Việt Nam hiện nay, Vân Đồn, đảo Cô Tô có một trữ lượng ngao tự nhiên rất lớn. Với hương vị thơm ngon đặc trưng, giàu giá trị dinh dưỡng nên ngao được nhiều người yêu thích và chế biến thành nhiều món ăn hấp dẫn. 
Ngao có đa dạng các loài khác nhau như: ngao trắng, ngao biển vằn, ngao hoa, ngao 2 cồi…
Hướng dẫn cách làm món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt hấp dẫn
Loài ngao không chỉ có phần thịt thơm, ngọt tự nhiên, không bị bở mà còn chứa hàm lượng dưỡng chất rất dồi dào. Đó là lý do loại hải sản này được rất nhiều người ưa chuộng và lựa chọn để sử dụng cho những bữa ăn hàng ngày. Bạn có thể dùng ngao để chế biến thành đa dạng món ăn hấp dẫn. Sau đây là những hướng dẫn chi tiết về cách làm món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt mà bạn có thể tham khảo để trổ tài chiêu đãi những người thân yêu:
Nguyên liệu cần chuẩn bị
Ngao tươi sống: 1kg (bạn có thể lựa chọn loại ngao nào cũng được)
Dứa chín: 1 quả
Sả: 4 cây
Gừng: 1 nhánh
Ớt sừng: 2 quả
Gia vị: Giấm gạo, bột canh, bột ngọt, muối, đường,…
Nguyên liệu cần chuẩn bị để chế biến món ngao xào sả, ớt, dứa thơm ngon, hấp dẫn
Cách chế biến
Bước 1: Sử dụng bàn chải nhỏ để kỳ cọ hết mọi vết bẩn trên vỏ ngao và ngâm ngao vào nước vo gạo có cắt vài lát ở trong 1 tiếng để ngao nhả hết chất bẩn. Sau đó vớt ra, rửa lại với nước sạch và để ra rổ cho ráo nước.
Bước 2: Sả rửa sạch, đập dập và cắt khúc khoảng 4 – 5cm. Ớt sừng rửa sạch và thái nhỏ. Dứa gọt bỏ vỏ, cắt mắt, thái miếng nhỏ và xay nhuyễn. Gừng cạo vỏ và đập dập.
Bước 3: Pha hỗn hợp gồm dứa xay nhuyễn, gừng, sả, ớt, 2 thìa canh giấm, 2 thìa canh nước, 1 thìa cà phê bột canh, 2 thìa canh đường và khuấy đều.
Bước 4: Cho hỗn hợp ở bước 3 lên bếp và đun sôi.
Bước 5: Cho ngao vào hỗn hợp ở bước 4, đậy vung lại đến khi miệng ngao bung ra thì nêm nếm lại gia vị cho vừa ăn.
Bước 6: Tắt bếp, múc ra đĩa và thưởng thức nóng cùng chút rau răm. 
Ngao xào dứa là món ăn thơm ngon, hấp dẫn và cung cấp nguồn năng lượng dồi dào
Bật mí địa chỉ mua ngao chất lượng nhất hiện nay
Ngao là loại hải sản thơm ngon, giàu dinh dưỡng và được nhiều người yêu thích nên bạn có thể dễ dàng tìm mua tại những cửa hàng, siêu thị hay các chợ. Nhưng không phải địa chỉ nào cũng mang đến những con ngao tươi ngon và đảm bảo được chất lượng. 
Vì vậy, bạn hãy nhanh chóng đến với Hải Sản Trung Nam để mua được những loại hải sản chuẩn ngon nhất. Tất cả các mặt hàng hải sản của chúng tôi được thu mua từ những ngư dân đánh bắt trực tiếp tại những vùng biển nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam, không qua trung gian nên hoàn toàn đảm bảo về chất lượng cũng như giá cả phải chăng, cạnh tranh nhất trên thị trường. Chính vì thế khi mua ngao hay bất cứ loại hải sản nào tại Hải Sản Trung Nam chắc chắn bạn sẽ vô cùng hài lòng. 
Bạn hãy nhanh chóng liên hệ với Hải Sản Trung Nam để mua được những loại hải sản chuẩn ngon nhất
Thông qua bài viết trên đây Hải Sản Trung Nam đã chia sẻ đến bạn những thông tin thú vị về cách làm món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt hấp dẫn. Đây là món ăn thơm ngon, hấp dẫn và cung cấp nguồn năng lượng dồi dào mà bạn không nên bỏ qua. Và để có được những loại hải sản tươi ngon, chất lượng phục vụ cho bữa ăn hàng ngày của gia đình bạn đừng quên liên lạc với Hải Sản Trung Nam để được phục vụ tận tình nhất nhé.
Thông tin liên hệ:
Website: haisantrungnam.vn
SĐT: 0937499646
Bài viết Hướng dẫn cách làm món ngao xào dứa chua ngọt hấp dẫn đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Hải Sản Trung Nam.
source https://haisantrungnam.vn/ngao-xao-dua/
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Cuisines Halong plus célèbres
Chaque fois que visite une destination touristique dans tous les pays du monde, la plupart des voyageurs passent beaucoup de temps à explorer et profiter des merveilles sauvages de cuisine là - bas. Circuit Vietnam 20 jours est non seulement pour vous faire découvrir la nourriture, le paysage , mais aussi plus, vous pouvez découvrir la vie avec les populations autochtones, profiter de la nourriture qu'ils ont fait.
Chaque fois que la visite toute destination touristique dans tous les pays du monde, la plupart des voyageurs passent beaucoup de temps à explorer et profiter des merveilles sauvages de cuisine là - bas. Les visiteurs de Ha Long peut - être ne sont pas une exception, et ils seraient certainement surpris par la gastronomie incroyable de cette baie charmante. En outre, non seulement les fruits de mer vaut la dégustation, mais une abondance de Vietnamiens aliments traditionnels et styles internationaux de cuisine est apparu dans les restaurants de luxe serait ici de satisfaire les touristes pickiest. 
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fruits de mer du Vietnam a pris de la mer Au cours du circuit Vietnam 18 jours vous passez 2 jours à visiter Ha Long Bay, en plus de visiter les célèbres sites de l' Unesco, découvrir la cuisine de cet endroit avec des plats uniques et exotiques.
Mer SNÅLIS - une moitié de la cuisine Ha Long
Il est peut - être un peu exagéré de dire que la moitié des Ha cuisines longues sont plats préparés avec des escargots de mer, mais cela est de souligner la contribution importante de ce genre de choses de la nourriture irrésistible à Ha gastronomie longue. Il n'y a pas d' estimation précise sur le nombre de types d'escargots de mer sont comestibles dans cette magnifique baie. Huan, un pêcheur local a dit qu'il avait vu environ 20 sortes de voir les escargots jusqu'à présent. Le pêcheur a continué son histoire sur les escargots de mer en inscrivant leur nom , respectivement, cependant, au bout de trois fois répéter, ce tour-guide non professionnel a décidé d'essayer directement cette créature extraordinaire serait le meilleur moyen de « goût » Ha Long. 
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Sea Halong Escargots - Essayez et l' aimer Marché Cao Xanh et le marché Bai Chay sont les endroits les plus populaires où les escargots de mer sont censés être vendus avec la meilleure qualité. Errant autour de Bai Chay, qui est remplie de gens qui mangent sur les trottoirs, chacun peut voir un panneau avec le titre: « Ha Long escargot super marché » qui attire excitingly les yeux des visiteurs. Avoir un regard à travers les menus de restaurants, les visiteurs seraient sûrement surpris par la diversité des escargots de mer ici. Avec seulement un bol de sauce à base de poisson sauce, le gingembre, le piment et la citronnelle, chaque type d'escargots avec différentes saveurs uniques et différentes façons de profiter rendrait l'eau à la bouche de tout le monde. Eaters appréciant les escargots sont invités à boire des boissons dures telles que l' alcool pour éviter les maux d' estomac.
L'autre moitié des cuisines de Halong: dérivés de fruits de mer
Les visiteurs doivent être excités au moment de servir liqueur spéciale nommée « Ngan - Arca Vin » ( « Ngan » est une espèce de Veneridae). Cette boisson spéciale est en fait un mélange de vin de riz typiquement vietnamien et le sang « Ngan », qui est censé bénéficier de la capacité sexuelle des hommes. Une fois le mélange terminé, le vin se transforme en une couleur rouge clair avec tout à fait une saveur différente. Adeptes de l' Esprit ne peut pas attendre de boire, de se sentir un absorbant immédiatement dans leur corps. 
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Ngan ou Arca pour faire le vin ne doit certainement pas manquer nommé « Hoanh Bo » Un autre alcool bien connu lors de la visite d' Ha Long. Avec un faible volume d'alcool, la liqueur est pas difficile à conquérir, mais des gens qui consomme trop Hoanh Bo besoin 2-3 jours sobre. Ha Long est également célèbre pour squid-saucisses, qui est dit d'être délicieux et parfumé que lorsqu'ils sont traités par les restaurants ici. La nourriture est une fusion de calmars hachée et d' épices mystérieuses que seuls les chefs savent, moulé en morceaux ronds puis frits dans l' huile bouillante. Ce plat spécial se trouve nulle part le long de la rive de Quang Ninh à Hai Phong, mais nulle part a le même niveau de deliciousness comme à Ha Long. 
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saucisse Squid - plat le plus célèbre de Halong La diversité des crevettes, du luxe comme l' un des homards aux autres crevettes communes, est une autre caractéristique de la cuisine exceptionnelle à Ha Long. Pour beaucoup de gens locaux, un plat de crevettes streamées, servi avec du sel lemonadized et un plat de légumes fraîchement épicés, est un repas idéal pour une union amicale joyeuse.
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Learn how to pronounce Venus in English correctly - pronunciation of Venus ★ http://Learn2Pronounce.com ★ Click show more for definition of Venus ___________ VENUS Pronunciation: /'vinəs/ - ve-nus - Definition: (1) (noun) type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells; (2) (noun) goddess of love; counterpart of Greek Aphrodite; (3) (noun) the second nearest planet to the sun; it is peculiar in that its rotation is slow and retrograde (in the opposite sense of the Earth and all other planets except Uranus); it is visible from Earth as an early `morning star' or an `evening star'; Venus pronunciation and definition: https://youtu.be/bdiMWeR_AuI
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Dosinia lambata, or the silky dosinia, is a bivalve mollusc of the family Veneridae, endemic to New Zealand. It lives in depths of up to 60 metres (about 200 feet) and can grow to be 28 millimetres wide.
Comparison: Dosinia lambata is smaller and has a much thinner shell, very much finer sculpture, and a much narrower hinge than all other New Zealand Neogene to Recent Dosinia species, and its subgeneric position has been uncertain. The small size, circular shape, very fine, silky-looking commarginal sculpture, and the hinge and pallial line details of D. lambata agree with those of Fallartemis amina from North Queensland (although the correct name for this species requires considerable research; Iredale mentioned two earlier names for similar shells). The only other named species that is so nearly circular is D. (Phacosoma) maoriana, which differs in its very much thicker shell, wider hinge, and much wider commarginal ridges.
-The very protuberant yet blunt umbo;
The steeply sloping posterior margin;
Numerous fine (almost silky) lamellae;
Deep and conical pallial sinus with its apex more than halfway across the shell;
White colouration externally;
Sheltered inner harbour location (Browns Bay). All the other Dosinia spp. (except D. subrosea) occur in more open situations.
Неправильное предыдущее определение:
Dosinia anus, ( ringed dosinia, coarse dosinia, coarse biscuit shell and tuangi-haruru, in the Māori language), family Veneridae, the venus clams. The species is common to both of the main islands of New Zealand, where it is the largest and heaviest species in the genus, occasionally exceeding 80 mm in diameter. It buries itself in clean fine sandy substrata, sub-tidally down to 15 m deep. This species is the most abundant 'surf clam' (an informal grouping based on habitat) in the North Island, being replaced by members of the Mactridae in more southerly latitudes.
And its not Dosinia maoriana.
10 Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630
7PMX+XPM Auckland
-36.7150330, 174.7493030
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Phylogeny !
This Pismo Clam is in Kingdom Animalia, Class Bivalvia, Order Veneroida, Family Veneridae, Genus Tivela and Species Tivela stultorum.
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