#Vennie the hedgehog
spiritsonic · 8 months
Alright, lemmie ask about the girl on the wheelchair
Can she make cool skateboard tricks on it?
I found this doodle while I was prepping for the stream
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Can she do tricks? Absolutely. Should she? That's another question.
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marionedde · 6 months
Dadow but with SIlver's siblings
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Sicily and Vennie are from Ghosts of the Future by @spiritsonic
I was thinknig that if shadow raised Silver it'd be really funny if he raised Vennie and Sicily too, and since I think Silver and GOld are siblings I added her too
Rouge: why do you have so many kids
Mug: World's best dad
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vennyriz22 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday and Thanks for 33 years
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cloudychao · 3 months
Ok real lore incoming with the youngest sonadow kid but also some fun-
Ventus "Venny" the Hedgehog | they/it | asexual
The mini-Shadow. They are all black with white stripes on their arms and legs like Shadow. The arm stripes travel to their neck and splotches on their cheek. Their stomach is all white with no fluff in sight other than on top of their head. Arty likes to style the tuff on top herself and Venny sometimes does not like the styles picked. They have a long, alien tail like their older siblings. They were named for their bright green eyes like Sonic.
Ventus has a star shaped scar on their neck from an accident. They later have star shaped jewelry like piercings on their ears and face to have it all blend together. Arty gifts them a star choker to go with it.
They wear a short vest or sleeveless tops around. When they visit bars, they wear a trailing vest that partially hides their face.
Their main weapon are throwing stars and darts that is calibrated to their chaos energy (specialized by uncle tails). The sharp objects come back and move because they react to Venny's specific chaos signature.
They often use the chaos darts at bars which gets them in trouble.
Ventus has the most chaos energy out of all the siblings, almost a perfect clone of Shadow and Sonic. They are stronger than Helios, but could be toe-to-toe with Papa Shadow.
Hates their nickname, but it stuck because Helios and Arty would not stop using it (and so the dads did too)
Very insecure about their appearance and how they look. Just wants to look cool. Arty tells them they look fine, but Helios says they are not as good as he is.
Really likes the color green (manic approves)
The cheeky younger sibling that steals from the other two. Helios hates this, but Arty lets them get away with it because she cannot say no to that face.
Secretly has an ego of being good at chaos energy.
Embarrassed by their family and their popularity in town. Ventus cannot do fun things in public like pranking adults, stealing candy, or gambling.
They are a master at cards and are actually banned from most places because they cheat.
With their high amounts of chaos energy and being such a perfect clone, they died before they could open their eyes.
Arty and Helios were witnesses to this horrific experiment that broke the whole family apart. Papa Shadow and Sonic were even more distant with the kids because of this incident.
Shadow disappears fully after this while the siblings can only see Sonic on TV
Arty pledges to become a full time hero like Sonic after this while Helios goes down a different path . . .
The siblings are not as close as they used to afterwards, sealing off their telepathy for a long time
Below is not an accurate picture of Ventus
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sonadowyaoi · 2 years
my name is vennie/murcie
- i am 18
- DNF if ur one of those weird proshipper freakazoids, if you're 15 or younger, just don't be a freak
-i'm a mixed black lesbian who loves silly things (any prns)
-i like sonic the hedgehog, pokemon, splatoon, seals mgs, mlp (and a lot more)
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Some good ol’ Ghost of the future for day 3
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Day 3/31 “what if” absolutely love this fan comic!
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chibiuniverse2000 · 7 years
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Some Silhouette silver doodles with their sister vinnie. In this comic they're only one year apart. Vinnie blongs to @spiritsonic!!! I only gave her a different design😅
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zapcamon · 5 years
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x2gbar replied to your post: shadow the hedgehog is just vanitas’s fursona...
sora is sonic
is tails venny or roxas
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daniibogaming · 5 years
Gamer Life | Pokémon: Detective Pikachu
Legyen bármekkora is a hype egy film vagy játék körül, elég ritkán szoktam felszállni a hozzá vezető vonatra, amíg saját szememmel szemügyre nem vettem a kész terméket. Ez alól kivételt képez a Pokémon frenchise, aminek immáron 19-20 éve iszom a szavait és vásárolok meg szinte mindent, ami ezzel fémjelzett. Azonban a filmek terén nagyon nehéz eset vagyok. Ha valami tetszik képes vagyok rengetegszer megnézni (nem viccelek, több film is van, amit 50+ alkalommal láttam), de nagyon hangulat függő, hogy egyáltalán esélyt adjak valaminek (lásd pl. hogy nem rohantam fejvesztve az Avengers miatt, mert who cares?!). A Pokémon viszont más volt, ott már a trailerek meggyőztek. Próbáltam persze a lehető legkevesebbet látni, de rá tudtak venni, hogy elvonszoljam magam a moziba. Spoiler mentes kritikám következik!
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A Pokémon: Detektív Pikachu nem kell túl gondolni és nem akkor nem fogunk csalódni. Egy első sorban gyerekeknek szánt filmet olyan izgalommal ültem végig, hogy magam is elcsodálkoztam. Igazából nem is az érdekelt, hogy mi fog történni, hanem hogy melyik újabb pokémont fogom látni. Mert, hogy a kis zsebszörnyek animálása valami zseniális lett! Életszerű, mégsem estek bele a Sonic the hedgehog hibájába (pl. lehetett volna [SPOILER]-nek is emberi fogakat adni, de nem kapott és így szuper volt). Az eredeti szinkronról nem tudok nyilatkozni, hogy Ryan Reynolds mit alakított, de Pikachu még németül is imádnivaló és vicces volt, több jelenetnél is egy emberként nevetett fel az egyébként teljesen betelt mozi terem.
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Az ajándék promo TCG csomagok és a Pikachu párna, amit a mozi büfében vettem
Szintén meglepő volt látni, hogy bár egy szerintem még gyerekbarát időben kezdődő filmre (20 óra) inkább a fiatal-felnőtt korosztály váltott jegyet és nagy üdvrivalgások közepette bontották ki a mellé járó promo TCG csomagot, amelyben egyébként 2 db kártya található.
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Pokémon: Detective Pikachu játék figurák (Burger King)
A közép szintű történetet leszámítva a nosztalgia faktor hatalmas a filmben és minden valaha volt pokémon rajongónak ajánlom, hogy nézze meg! Ezennel végre kijelenthetem, hogy megszületett az első valóban nézhető videojáték adaptációs film!
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spiritsonic · 8 months
Hi, I know you’re probably super burnt out about answering GOTF questions after that stream, but I guess my question didn’t come across the way I wanted it to.
I actually wasn’t talking about Vennie’s physical body at all - I agree with you that disabled characters don’t need to be “cured” to have a happy ending. I was asking specifically about her *ghost form* getting legs.
Back in Issue 12, when Sonic helped Vennie solidify her identity as a spirit, he mentioned that they’d worry about giving her legs later. Was sonic ever going to follow through with that, or would Vennie be comfortable with her ghost form as-is?
Ahh I see, sorry for the misunderstanding!
The answer is still a no, because of how her spirit form was created as an accidental side-effect of Tikal's unsuccessful healing. Her spirit form literally has no legs; the Chaos Energy copy of her body Tikal was making as part of the healing process didn't get that far. Sonic, who can form his own legs at will, assumed that Vennie hadn't gotten the hang of it yet.
She's happy with her spirit form as-is though, so it's no big deal. The only drawback is that if she were to possess someone else's body, she would have no control over their legs...
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vennyriz22 · 10 months
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Sonic OC while I was away
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vennyriz22 · 2 years
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Canon Silver vs AU Silver (How I normally draw him)
Wanted to do side-by-side comparison of the two
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vennyriz22 · 2 years
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Canon Shadow vs AU Shadow
Because I forgot to post it last time
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spiritsonic · 3 years
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Commission (upgraded to color) for MsFeliciaRondo!
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spiritsonic · 3 years
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Commission for MsFeliciaRondo!
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spiritsonic · 3 years
Do you by any chance have a Sonic OC people can draw fanart of?
My sona is over a decade out of date, so no not really. The closest I have are my OCs Sicily and Vennie from Ghosts of the Future, who are basically my personality split up between two people... but I don't use them to represent my actual self. Really any GOTF character would be neat to see.
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