#Verlag Friedrich Pustet
mioritic · 3 months
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Thrilled that this new volume, Rumänisch-deutsche Spiegelungen. Die diskursive Darstellung Deutschlands und der Deutschen in Rumänien (1918–1940), is now available for pre-order through Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
I contributed a chapter titled "Charlatan, Agitator, Terrorist, Loser: Early Portrayals of Adolf Hitler in the Romanian Press (1919–1929)" You can pre-order the book here, set for release in October
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Having built few but influential buildings Johann Georg Gsteu (1927-2013) nonetheless was as significant as his peers Wilhelm Holzbauer, Friedrich Kurrent or Friedrich Achleitner with whom he also studied architecture at the Vienna Fine Arts Academy under Clemens Holzmeister. With the Oberbaumgarten Parish Church (1960-66) in Vienna Gsteu early in his career designed his most important work that also represents the enduring strands of his architecture: making it visible and palpable, i.e. communicating through construction and materials the intentions behind his buildings instead of making many theoretical statements. Accordingly his buildings are characterized by a noticeable craftsmanship and comprehensible construction. This approach of making his architecture visible and palpable also is the focal point of Claudia Enengl’s little book “Johann Georg Gsteu - Architektur sichtbar und spürbar machen”, published in 2010 by Verlag Anton Pustet. The book contains a comprehensive overview of Gsteu’s career and design philosophy that is studded with numerous quotes from the architect himself. and which reveals that his rather small oeuvre also is due to his committed teaching at Gesamthochschule Kassel (1983-93). Unlike many of his colleagues Gsteu during this decade realized only a handful of projects in Austria because his main place of residence was Germany where in turn his projects remained unbuilt. Only after his return to Vienna in the early 1990s and the reactivation of old contacts did Gsteu again realize projects in Vienna, among them the Steinitzsteg bridge (1994-95) and the hazardous waste collection center (2004-06) at Meidlinger Markt. These projects just as well as the aforementioned Oberbaumgarten church or the Bildhauerhaus in Sankt Margarethen are documented in the profusely illustrated work catalogue that makes up roughly two thirds of the book and also includes drawings and plans. A handsome publication!
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hoerbahnblog · 4 years
Rezension: "Die bayerische Stadt" – Klaus Hübner spricht im Bayernspiegel über das neue Buch von Thomas Götz.
Rezension: “Die bayerische Stadt” – Klaus Hübner spricht im Bayernspiegel über das neue Buch von Thomas Götz.
  Rezension: “Die bayerische Stadt” – Klaus Hübner spricht im Bayernspiegel über das neue Buch von Thomas Götz.
Eine Rezension von Klaus Hübner
Städte spielen für bayerische Selbst- wie Fremdbilder eine weniger prominente Rolle als Berge, Seen und Königsschlösser, die nach…
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 years
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With the short remark that „Every site is different, every building task is different“ architect Othmar Barth (1927-2010) in a 2008 interview laconically outlined his design philosophy. Based in the alpine landscape of South Tyrol Barth paired a particular sensibility for the genius loci with a love of experimentation and a keen sense for clear forms and surprising details. As professor at Innsbruck University Barth from 1975 on also influenced an entire generation of students into whom he sought to undogmatically instill an open-minded, artisanal attitude towards architecture that was less based on premeditated know-how and more on collective problem solving. 
But despite his significance for the architecture in South Tyrol there is surprisingly little substantial literature on his work, a circumstance that makes the present monograph even more precious: „Othmar Barth“, published in 2007 by Verlag Anton Pustet, came about in close collaboration with the architect himself and besides essays by e.g. Friedrich Achleitner and Kenneth Frampton emphasizing the significance of the architect contains a thoroughly illustrated work catalogue. Supplemented with texts, plans and drawings key works like the Cusanus Academy (1960-62) in Brixen, the Seehotel Ambach (1970-73) in Kaltern or the Schigymnasium (1977-82) in Stams unveil the previously described qualities of Barth’s architecture as well as the often almost landscaped interiors of his buildings. Also included are photos of the models Barth produced in advance of a project that helped him situate it within its future context and which in tandem with the countless drawings provide insights into the genesis of the individual projects. 
The monograph is the must-have reference to an architect’s work that only few know but which is highly worthy of exploring.
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 years
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In the best Viennese tradition Oswald Haerdtl (1899-1959) was more than an architect but a total designer, a Gesamtkünstler, whose postwar interiors epitomize the carefree spirit of the time. Haerdtl was trained at Vienna’s Kunstgewerbeschule by Oskar Strnad and Josef Frank, two protagonists of Austrian architecture who instilled a clear sense of modernism in the young architect. In 1924 he joined Josef Hoffmann’s atelier and became his long-term associate but never an epigone of the master. One of the most striking talents of Oswald Haerdtl was his ability to translate his design ideas, no matter if architecture, furniture, lettering or fixtures, into beautiful drawings on squared paper that also make up a good part of the present book: „Oswald Haerdtl - Architekt und Designer (1899-1959)“, edited by Adolph Stiller and published by Verlag Anton Pustet in 2000, is a comprehensive monograph and work catalogue that offers multifocal perspectives on his short but fruitful career. Friedrich Achleitner provides a very vivid account of Haerdtl’s role in Vienna’s architecture scene and the authority he undoubtedly was, also qua the important commissions he received, e.g. the postwar reconstruction of the Vienna Chancellery or the Wien Museum. Bruno Reichlin in turn elucidates his role as architect and designer of countless interiors, especially those of cafés and Espresso bars, designs that often only in retrospect received their due appreciation as ingenious representations of their times. Haerdtl’s architecture, as Siegfried Mattl points out, is one of subtle differences, of serene nobility, characteristics perfectly embodied by his Austrian pavilion at the 1937 world fair in Paris, a transparent rectangle so much more subtle than the brutally pompous pavilions of the USSR or Germany. 
„Oswald Haerdtl - Architekt und Designer“ is a fabulous, in-depth monograph on an often overlooked but undoubtedly important architect both in interwar and postwar Austria who with the present book received a long overdue appreciation.
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hoerbahnblog · 5 years
Reportage: München – Weltstadt der Literatur – Bericht einer Buchvorstellung der „Literaturgeschichte Münchens“ 1000 Jahre Literatur in München vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
Reportage: München – Weltstadt der Literatur – Bericht einer Buchvorstellung der „Literaturgeschichte Münchens“ 1000 Jahre Literatur in München vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
    https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Reportage-Literaturgeschichte-Münchens-upload-.mp3 Reportage: München – Weltstadt der Literatur –  „Literaturgeschichte Münchens“ 1000 Jahre Literatur in München vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Buchpräsentation mit den Herausgebern Waldemar Fromm, Marcel Schellong und Gabriele von Bassermann-Jordan(in Vertretung von Manfred…
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hoerbahnblog · 5 years
Interview: Uwe Kullnick spricht mit der Literaturwissenschaftlerin Ingvild Richardsen über Münchner Frauenrechtlerinnen, Künstlerinnen und Schriftstellerinnen von 1894-1933
Interview: Uwe Kullnick spricht mit der Literaturwissenschaftlerin Ingvild Richardsen über Münchner Frauenrechtlerinnen, Künstlerinnen und Schriftstellerinnen von 1894-1933
https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Interview-Ingvild-Richardsen-X-upload.mp3 Interview: Uwe Kullnick spricht mit der Literaturwissenschaftlerin Ingvild Richardsen über Münchner Frauenrechtlerinnen, Künstlerinnen und Schriftstellerinnen von 1894-1933
Das Gespräch fand am Rande der Präsentation des Buches “Literaturgeschichte Münchens” in der Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus…
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