#Veronica Palazzo (OC)
autobot2001 · 1 month
Medical Emergency
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Sunstreaker X Lily (OC) Description: Veronica's stress being around Sunstreaker causes her to have an asthma attack.
Day 7 @augustofwhump Alt: Collaspe @augusnippets - path of hurt: choking
Lily is happy her friend Veronica came to the base. She tries to start a conversation but is unsuccessful. "V, are you ok?" Lily asks as she watches Veronica searching for something. "Sunstreaker, did Ratchet give you an inhaler even though she bit your charge?"" "No." The two worry the medics aren't in the cafeteria. Sunstreaker texts Ratchet. Sunstreaker: medical emergency, cafeteria, Veronica. He knows he needs to keep the two femmes calm. Hating that's all he can do. What further complicates this is he knows Veronica is still afraid of him. Hearing Veronica wheezing. He sees she's panicking. Sunstreaker crouches down beside her. The femme feels like she's choking, but she knows it's her asthma. "Easy, I alerted Ratchet. Do you know where you left your inhaler?" Sunstreaker knows it doesn't matter if he can get the inhaler, but he's hoping to distract her. He realizes Veronica's lips are turning blue. Frag, do I rush her to the medbay? Sunstreaker worries. Ratchet and Jolt rush in with the stretcher. They immediately get Veronica on the stretcher and leave the medbay. Sunstreaker is concerned about seeing Lily afraid. He knows she's seen Veronica have an asthma attack before, which tells him this was the worst Lily has seen. "She'll be ok," Sunstreaker assures her, "they can take care of her." He didn't think Lily would start crying. Due to the situation, everyone is already watching them, and now they see Lily crying. Optimus approaches them, hoping to help. He suggests taking Lily to the medbay waiting room.
The three wait twenty minutes before Ratchet walks into the waiting room. The medic is concerned about seeing Lily hugging Sunstreaker. He sees how afraid she is. "She'll be ok," Ratchet assures her, "I'll keep her here for an hour. I have her on non-invasive ventilation. You can see her." "Come on, Lily." Optimus takes Lily's hand to take her into the medbay. "What happened?" Sunstreaker asks. "Anxiety because she's afraid of you. I told her she can trust you and will have to learn to since Lily is her friend and you are Lily's boyfriend. Once she's better, I suggest you three talk to Rung. I want you to have an emergency inhaler just in case." Sunstreaker nods. The two go into the medbay, and Sunstreaker enters the ICU room where the others are.
He sees Veronica has a pad of paper. I'm sorry. "It's ok," Lily assures her. Veronica sees Sunstreaker in the room. He's tempted to leave. Stay. "No, I shouldn't." "Sunstreaker," Optimus comments. Sunstreaker sighs and sits in the chair next to Lily's. He sees that Veronica's heart rate is elevated and her oxygen level is a bit low. Veronica writes nothing else and the only sound is the ventilator. Lily hopes this is the beginning of her boyfriend and friend becoming friends, while Sunstreaker is uncertain.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Day 5; It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt
Fadnom; transformers Characters: Lily (OC), Veronica (OC), Jasmine (OC), the preschoolers; Audrey (OC) Leah and Hannah ( twins, OCs), Ratchet, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Sarah Lennox Rating: E Description; a fun game retelling the story of Princess Fiona ends with Lily getting injured. After she's taken care of, the group of friends end up joking while eating candy.
Angstober; dried and cracked Whumpober; "It's broken." AI-lesstober; hostage OC-tober; (skipped) Flufftober; create a fairytale retelling (I might not have done the fairytale retelling prompt right. ) Comfortober; treehouse
"You want us to what?" Lily asks. "Recreate a fairytale," Veronica explains, "but in a fun way for the three little kids. I think this is a fairytale only in the Shrek movies, but close enough." "You have this planned out, don't you?" "Yup," Veronica smiles, "we just need Sunstreaker." Oh boy. Lily thinks as she watches Veronica go into the house. I'm glad she's not trying to avoid him, but this might be too far. Even if Sunstreaker sometimes plays with the little kids. She goes into the house.
The three preschoolers and Sunstreaker are in the kitchen. Sunstreaker isn't bothered that he's eating with them. He's more focused on how Lily's friend is actually approaching him. With the struggle to get to this point, this is still a surprise for him. Sunstreaker isn't sure what Veronica is talking about. "Oh, I know what she's talking about," Sarah Lennox jumps in, "a kid's movie." Sarah explains the story of Princess Fiona in the Shrek movies. Also questioning what Veronica is thinking. "I think she's inspired by her drama club," Lily adds, "though it seems childish for a high school drama club." Veronica explains how she got the idea during drama club. She knew this would be more like playing since she will have three preschoolers involved. Sarah is more interested than Sunstreaker; who doesn't get why he would pretend to save Lily from a pretend dragon? As much as he'd rather the two femmes ask Sideswipe, Sunstreaker agrees with the idea. While this conversation is happening, Sunstreaker observes how often Lily licks her lips. "Come here," he pulls Lily closer, "what's wrong with your lips?" Sunstreaker does see that Lily's lips are dried and cracked. "Happens every year with the colder weather," Lily explains, "you never noticed before?" "And she licks off the chapstick she puts on," Veronica comments, "which definitely adds to the question, how did you not see this since you met her?" "Ok, let's go play this game before dinner," Sarah insists and goes to get the three girls ready. "How long does she think this will take?" Veronica asks.
Lily laughs upon hearing Veronica's idea, while Sunstreaker is displeased. "You want me to pretend three kids are a challenge?" "Oh, come on, it's just a game," Lily argues. "Fine," Sunstreaker sulks.
The little girls follow what Veronica is doing. Pretending to be the dragon protecting the treehouse. Sarah and Veronica didn't think Sunstreaker would let the kids tackle him to the ground. Lily stands by the banister, laughing. She misjudges he footing and goes cover the banister. Everyone watches Lily fall over the railing onto the ground. Lily says she's ok until she tries to get up. Realizing she has an injury to her right arm. "Shit," she says as she sits on the grass. Sunstreaker looks at Lily's arm, noticing the swelling in her wrist. Resulting in crying as he touches her wrist. "Definitely going to have to call one of the medics," Sunstreaker concludes, "Jasmine isn't here?" Sarah shakes her head to say no. Hopefully, one of them will come here. Sunstreaker hopes. Lily is in too much pain to move. I hope it's not a sign this is serious. The preschoolers get toys from the tree house, thinking that'll make Lily feel better. Everyone smiles at their cute attempt. Sarah tries to get the girls back inside, but they refuse. The best she can do is get them to sit on the ground.
Jasmine and Ratchet walk through the portal. Immediately greeted by Audrey. "Hurt," the little girl says, pointing to Lily while holding Ratchet's hand and leading him to Lily.
Sunstreaker explains what happened and how Lily doesn't want to be touched. Ratchet already came prepared with local anesthesia. Sunstreaker carries Lily into the makeshift medbay in the large barn ten feet from the back of the house.
Lily is calm while Ratchet does x-rays. She sits on Sunstreaker's lap while Ratchet looks at the X-rays. "It's broken," Ratchet comments, "and with the swelling, it's better to put a splint on for at least a day." Ratchet gets a bedside table to use to work.
As Ratchet finishes, Jasmine walks in with Audrey, who walks over to Lily with a lollipop. "What are you guys teaching her?" Sunstreaker asks, "also, where's mine, Audrey?" "You're not hurt," Audrey argues. "This helps when dealing with little kids who are scared of doctors," Ratchet explains, "even while I'm Audrey's doctor, she still gets scared. Ok, Lily, we'll take a look at your wrist tomorrow. Take over-the-counter pain relief. The local anesthesia isn't going to last much longer." "Play," Audrey says while trying to make Lily get up. "Just be careful," Ratchet says. The five leave the barn and go into the house.
Sarah, the twins preschoolers, and Veronica are in the kitchen when the others enter the house. They see Sarah gave the little girls lollipops, and Veronica has one. Sunstreaker sees the container of candy on the counter and gets a lollipop. "That's going away," Sarah says. "Hopefully, before Sideswipe sees it," Lily jokes. "Sees what?" They hear Sideswipe asks, before he sees the container, "that you're not sharing the candy?" "Get out of here," Sunstreaker argues, trying to shove Sideswipe out of the kitchen. The preschoolers, Lily and Veronica laugh, "you're a pain. Fine, a few pieces." Sunstreaker gets the candy as Sideswipe realizes what's on Lily's arm. Hating what happened and that she'll be getting a cast tomorrow. The twins decide to return to D.C. with Lily and Veronica since Lily still has school. "I doubt they would be staying here if you didn't get hurt," Veronica comments, making Lily laugh. Sunstreaker turns away, hoping no one sees him blushing. What's to be embarrassed about? We know you love her. Sideswipe asks. "Isn't Sideswipe your guardian, Veronica?" Sarah asks. "So we both have to go back anyway," Sunstreaker comments, "even if the Decepticons have been quiet, and we have groundbridge technology." "Oh, just say you don't want to be away from me longer than while I'm in school." Sunstreaker didn't think Lily would kiss him. "Ewe!" The preschoolers exclaim. "Let me interrupt to give Lily these," Jasmine comments, giving Lily pain relief. After Lily takes the pills, she, Veronica, and the twins take the three preschoolers to play. Sarah quickly hides the candy. "Well, this turned out good. I mean, Lily getting hurt sucks, but I think she's distracted," Jasmine comments.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Medical Emergency
@themerrywhumpofmay: lost @mediwhumpmay: oxygen (A snippet from another story. Questioning title now)
Lily and Veronica plan for a weekend of camping and hiking. The two want this to be a weekend without their Autobot friends and guardians. Both their families are ok with this, but not their guardians, especially Lily's. "He's not going to admit it, but I think he's traumatized after what you dealt with during spring vacation," Sideswipe tells Lily, "no matter how prepared you two are. I can't say he'd be more relaxed if you two were bonded." "I don't fully understand what bonded is, but I say he wouldn't relax," Veronica adds, "more like he'd have an easier way to ask Lily if she's ok." "He wouldn't be nagging, but he does worry about you as he does me and Jamie. I think he worries about Jasmine and Audrey. He's still learning. So don't take that as he doesn't care about you, Veronica."
Lily goes to the kitchen to get some snacks and the cooler they prepared. "Hey," Sunstreaker approaches Veronica, "do you have enough inhalers, or whatever it is for your asthma?" "I get a new inhaler every month because it's prefilled with medication," Veronica explains, "I'll be fine. This isn't my first hike or camping trip." It's the last week of the month. Sunstreaker worries but says nothing. What has you worried before they even leave? Sideswipe asks through the bond. Veronica's asthma. Even if she has gone camping and hiking many times, it's the end of the month, and I'm worried her inhaler will run out. She knows to be prepared. They'll be ok. Sideswipe assures his twin. Worrying about humans still feels new to Sunstreaker. He knew he was coming off as over-worrying, but the close calls with Jamie and Lily terrified him. Worried he'll watch Veronica go through something medically. Knowing how serious asthma can be, he's more worried about her than when Jamie and Lily ended up in the medbay. "I'm not spying on them," Mirage says from behind Sunstreaker. "I know we'd both be in trouble with both of them if we got caught. You'd think I'd be used to all this by now." "You know how much Crosshairs and Drift worry about Jamie. You'll figure out the balance."
The two girls didn't tell Sunstreaker they were going to his spot, knowing he'd likely spy on them if Mirage didn't agree. Veronica can't believe Sunstreaker would pick a nice spot to claim as his property, even if it's not legally his. The area is off the map of camping spots and hidden by dense woods. "Sunstreaker hasn't said anything about finding other humans using this area, so I think it's safe to say the trees keep this area hidden," Lily explains. The two suspect Sunstreaker does check to see if humans have used the area regularly or even has security measures in place, and they're cleared to use the spot. "One good thing about having a bot with us is their subspace," Lily comments, "I think of how they can carry a ton of stuff and even large items."
(time skip)
The girls plan a hike after breakfast. They take water, a few whacks, phones, and portable chargers for their phone, and Veronica has her inhaler. They hide the rest of their stuff in case people will come by. "A five-mile hike should be good," Lily comments. The girls pick a trail that's fifteen miles. Veronica knows they'll be a little slower than the average hiker, depending on how her asthma is during the hike. Lily is used to this and knows when they should start returning to the camping spot.
What Lily doesn't know is Veronica misjudged how much medication she has left in her inhaler. Veronica thought she could continue further than the five miles until she realizes her inhaler is empty. She only used it three times and believes she'll be fine the rest of the way. Believing the trail is flat.
Both girls discover their portable chargers are not functioning properly and dead much sooner than expected. Even while using GPS, they think they'll be fine. "This is a long trail, but straightforward," Lily comments, looking at Google Maps on her phone.
The two girls didn't know that someone made a path off the main path. The man-made path starts off turning slightly from the main path but then turns into a maze of paths. Neither question the paths for ten minutes. 'Something is not right here," Lily comments, "shit, Gooogle Maps saying we're not on a path. Who knows if we can just walk straight to the path." "Let's try."
The girls try to find their way using Google Maps for ten minutes. Their location seems close to the path, but they're not getting closer to the main path. "I think we're going to have to walk through the woods," Lily comments. "If it's our only option." Veronica starts coughing, which Lily tries not to worry about until Veronica starts wheezing, and Veronica tells her the inhaler is empty and she didn't pack her emergency inhaler. It's Veronica's difficulty telling her this that has Lily worried. With two percent battery left, Lily sends a message to Sunstreaker. Hoping the Autobots can figure out the girls' location with that. She's more worried about Veronica than herself if the Autobots take too long. Even if they're staying in the same location, she knows Veronica is struggling. Lily is terrified more than livid that Veronica thought she'd be ok without her rescue inhaler. You should know. It's not like this is our first hike. Lily thinks, knowing they've been on many hikes together. Regretting she can't be ready for situations like this. Knowing Ratchet can't easily give her an inhaler with Veronica's prescription, just in case.
Sunstreaker is horrified reading the text from Lily. Sideswipe is worried about the two femmes and Sunstreaker.   "I'll tell the medics," Mirage tells Sideswipe. "No, I'm going with them," Sunstreaker argues. The two know there's no time to argue but worry about Sunstreaker's anxiety. Both are happy that the base has groundbridge technology, hoping this will mean they get to Veronica before she's critical.
Sunstreaker hugs Lily as they watch Ratchet help Veronica. Sunstreaker is more worried hearing Veronica struggle to breathe, and both are worried Ratchet will need to rush her to the medbay. Even as they watch Ratchet get the nebulizer from a capsule. "You two can go back to base," Ratchet tells them, "she'll be ok after treatment." They see Veronica giving a thumbs-up. Knowing the two femmes' stuff is still at the camping spot, Sunstreaker opens a groundbridge to the spot.
Sunstreaker is bothered by the fact that he was right, even if he knows little about asthma. Hoping there's something he can do. Would Ratchet let me have an emergency inhaler? Sunstreaker wonders. If I'm not with the femmes, that would be pointless. I hope this was a screw-up Veronica can easily fix.
"You know how dangerous that is," Ratchet sighs, "and I don't think I can get an inhaler for Lily for emergencies. You have to be more responsible, and you likely scared Lily." Veronica doesn't tell Ratchet she saw both Lily and Sunstreaker were scared, but the medic already knows. Ratchet has Veronica sit in his office with him for thirty minutes. He fills out the required paper to put in her file and to send to her doctor. Veronica hopes her parents don't find out. Not like her primary care doctor won't be lecturing her and possibly insist on an appointment within the next week. She's had enough lecturing about her mistake already.
Lily and Sunstreaker are back when Veronica is allowed to leave the medbay. Lily rushes to hug her. "I'm sorry," Veronica apologizes. "How stupid can you be?!" Lily scolds, "sure, you can't make sure your inhaler is full, but to not bring your rescue inhaler! Do we need to ensure we don't do anything that could cause this during the last week of the month?!" "You had us both worried and Sideswipe," Sunstreaker adds. Knowing Veronica has been lectured a bit, Sunstreaker tells the two they should get lunch since it's noon.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: sedation @themerrywhumpofmay: waiting room ( Snippet from A Lily in Winter)
"...I see why it seemed she disappeared," the femme says, "because she's always hurt and unable to attend school. Glad she wasn't allowed to return here, but why now?" Scrap, Lily's parents, and her brother will be informed. Sunstreaker worries as memories of the challenges he and Lily dealt with in their relationship, like most being against it. The time he struggled with anxiety. Sunstreaker?! I don't like what I'm feeling. Sideswipe worries through the bond.
With no response from Sunstreaker, Sideswipe rushes to find Drift. Knowing he's likely still upstairs while Ratchet is in the medbay.
"Something is wrong. I feel that feeling like before...Sunstreaker suffered a serious anxiety attack," Sideswipe explains, worried. "I'll stay here; go," Lightning tells the three mechs. The three rush out the door. Jamie doesn't know the three left, and Lightning hopes she won't ask where Crosshairs and Drift went. More because just hearing about Sunstreaker's anxiety attacks is scary enough, but to watch him deal with one.
Sunstreaker tries to get to his room but sits on the floor, feeling like he's being stepped on, but he knows the feeling is an anxiety attack. He can't even concentrate to tell Sideswipe to get help. Hoping his brother feels something is off and believes he can't just let this pass.
Ratchet and Veronica both worry, seeing three mechs approach worried. Ratchet is concerned, while Veronica is confused, hearing Sunstreaker is having an anxiety attack. She's told not to follow as the four mechs rush to Sunstreaker. Ratchet becomes worried as he realizes where Sunstreajker is and where he and Veronica were while talking five minutes ago. What the four see is concerning. They try to get Sunstreaker to talk but worry about the unusual passing out that occurs. "I'm sedating him before he passes out," Ratchet tells the three. He works quickly to get his medical supplies out of the capsule while the other three try to get Sunstreaker to calm down. Knowing they won't be able to get him to fully calm before Ratchet is ready to inject sedation drugs. The four skip the debate if this is better than Sunstreaker passing out and get Sunstreaker on the stretcher to get him to the medbay., They want to talk about something other than how the capsules are helpful.
While Veronica doesn't trust Sunstreaker enough to call him her friend, she worries about him and thinks Lily needs to know what's happening. "Lily! Open the door!" Lily panics, hearing the urgency in Veronica's voice, and hurries to the door. Her heart skips a beat when Veronica tells her something is wrong with Sunstreaker. She knows the two aren't friends, and Veronica still isn't sure about Sunstreaker. To hear her friend panic about her boyfriend is concerning. Add Veronica thinks he's being taken to the medbay. The two rush to the medbay.
"You didn't?" Drift sighs, seeing Lily and Veronica in the medbay. "Something is wrong with her boyfriend, so yeah, I did," Veronica argues. "Seriously, Drift?!" Lily asks, angry, "actually, all of you!"
Jasmine hears Lily from the room Sunstreaker is in. This tells her and Sunstreaker how loud Lily is yelling since the doors separate the waiting room from the rest of the medbay. "Get her," Sunstreaker tells her, "she's panicking." Sunstreaker would go to the waiting room, but he is uncertain if he can get off the bed. Jasmine asks Ratchet, who tells her it's fine. Ratchet hoped to keep Lily from knowing Sunstreaker had an anxiety attack, but now she knows.
Jasmine sees Lily is upset and her friend Veronica with her and the three mechs in the waiting room. Figuring out quickly how Lily found out. "Lily," Jasmine calls, "come with me." Lily is worried she's being led to Ratchet's office.
Lily runs onto the bed and lies on Sunstreaker, who hugs her. Sideswipe, who told her? Sunstreaker asks. Veronica, thinking Lily should know since you two are together. She doesn't know why you're here, but Lily figured it out. We'll talk later with Ratchet; the others will also want to know what happened. Veronica likely won't believe me if I let her hear what triggered my anxiety attack, even if she's worried about me. Sunstreaker believes. Sunstreaker hugs Lily, worried about why she's crying, and knows she won't believe he's ok.
The three mechs and Veronica are allowed to enter his room. Sunstreaker suspects Lightning is aware of the situation and is with Jamie. Good, one less femme that is worried about me, I hope. Sunstreaker thinks, relieved Jamie doesn't know about his anxiety attacks but worried his anxiety attacks will be frequent again. Sunstreaker had to tell Ratchet what triggered his anxiety. He didn't care Crosshairs, Drift, and Sideswipe are hearing what happened, but he was hoping Lily and Veronica would be told to leave the room before he said anything. He knew Lily would argue when he told her to leave, but he didn't think Veronica would argue.   Veronica feels guilty that Sunstreaker accidentally overheard what she told Ratchet, and Lily hears Sunstreaker repeat what she said. Oh boy, I screwed up. Veronica worries, seeing Lily's expression. Though she worries about what the others are thinking.
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autobot2001 · 5 months
Medical Emergency
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: None Description: Lily and Veronica running laps turns into a medical emergency.
@whumpril day 21; "just hold on."
Lily smiles as she runs with her friend, Veronica, around the track at the base. They are running laps equaling one mile. Lily is happy that Veronica comes here on weekends. Veronica still won’t stay the entire weekend even after learning about the Autobots and trusting them, but she thinks Veronica needs more time.
The two run two laps, and Veronica is struggling to breathe. Lily knows not to panic, as she’s seen this happen a few times. Veronica does her best with prevention, but an asthma attack still happens. The two girls are calm until Veronica realizes he doesn’t have her inhaler. “Just hold on.” Lily runs towards the base, knowing it’s better to leave Veronica sitting than have her walk to the medbay. Veronica is mad at herself for forgetting her rescue inhaler. How could she forget after getting dressed to run?
Lily’s rushed entrance into the medbay, out of breath and sweaty, alarms Ratchet. Lily explains what’s happening before Ratchet goes to the supply closet. While no one with asthma can be a soldier, he has decided he needs to be prepared, knowing Veronica has permission to come to the base. He knows she’s careful, but things happen. Ratchet also grabs two bottles of water. He and Lily rush to Veronica.
Ratchet helps Veronica with the rescue inhaler. Veronica is expecting Ratchet to lecture her. “I’m sorry, I-.” “I know you’re careful, but things still happen,” Ratchet assures her, knowing she forgot to put her rescue inhaler in her pocket. A mistake that shouldn’t occur often, but it still happens. Once the medication is working and the femmes drink some water, Lily and Veronica go shower and Ratchet returns to the medbay.
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