#transformers Sideswipe
devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
The bad attitude twins 🚘🚘
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More TF Reforged redesigns :3
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ny000mdraws · 2 months
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Look at them go! 💙❤️
Art trade with @/ill_green on Instagram!
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shroombell · 5 months
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im really normal about these guys i promise
progress shots below!
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my lines arent the greatest on this one (because if i do proper line, my probability of completing something decreases by like 50% lmao) but if you wanna have a go colouring them, go ahead! just make sure to credit me for line if you post it <3
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guttercoop · 6 months
Can you please draw RID15 sideswipe he’s like one of my faves and I want more fan art of him and your art style would look delicious with him
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mariacrow · 1 year
Hello there!!! I was wondering if perhaps you could do either Cybertronian seeker or human reader that is female and she (you could change it to gender neutral) where she is from the TFP universe and ended up in Bayverse and she TFP’s Optimus’ lover and she spends time with the bots (all of them survived they didn't die) and she has grown close to the humans. She also has been treating Bay Optimus in a very similar way that she treats her Optimus but the thing is she has trouble telling him that they are sparkmates or married in TFP. Therefore, when a conversation arrises amongst the bots in a meeting with Simmons, Galloway and Mearing, asking about her joruney here, it ends up slipping she is in love with Optimus and ends up explaining they're conjuxed... I wonder how the other bots will react and how Optimus would be and the humans? 😭 I love your writing and thank you! Bonus if it's hinted throughout that she was taken when Sideswipe tried flirting with her but it didn't stick.
That’s so creative! I think I know how to make this spicy ;)
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BTF x TFP reader who’s Optimus’s lover and ends up in Bayverse
2nd person
female reader
malfunctions, drama, crossovers
romance, flirting, realization, last goodbyes
abbreviations: BTF = Bayverse Transformers; TFP = Transformers Prime
takes place in Transformers Prime AU where everyone lives and is protecting Earth
takes place in Transformers: Dark of the Moon AU where Ironhide and Jazz are alive
added characters: Simmons, Galloway and Mearing
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“Stay safe.” Optimus said to you while holding you in his servos. He softly smiled as he brought you closer to his face.
“Don’t worry boss, I will!” you joked as you gave him a hug. You gave his face plate soft kiss, right under his optic, making his spark lit up.
A low hum escaped his chest as he gently stroked your head.
“Are you two done?” Ratchet say enviously, holding the ground bridge ready.
Optimus gently placed you on the ground. You rolled your eyes at Ratchet and chuckled as you walked to the ground bridge
“Someone’s jealous-“ Bulkhead said.
“I AM NOT- would you stop with that?!” Ratchet shouted, making everyone have a good laugh. Optimus didn’t budge though, he was looking at you, your beautiful smile and beautiful figure.
“See ya guys!” you said before you gave Optimus a special little wave before stepping into the portal. Optimus gave a cute little wave back as a tiny smile couldn’t leave his face. So wholesome!
You went farther inside, ready to go home, to Washington DC. Ratchet had everything ready and didn’t think anything could go wrong, no one thought. But oh… they had no idea…
Suddenly the ground bridge started making weird high frequency pulsing noises that were getting louder and faster. A sudden force, like stronger gravity, pushed you down onto your knees. You were groaning, holding your ears shut.
“RATCHET!!!” you exclaimed, trying to get up but the force was getting stronger as well as the noises.
Mass panic took over the base. They could hear you yelling.
“Ratchet, bring her back!” Optimus yelled. It’s odd to hear him yell like that which means he was extremely scared…
“I am trying, Optimus!” the medic panicked while desperately trying to fix whatever happened with the portal.
“Hurry up!!!” Miko yelled. She was scared she was gonna lose her bestie… “Guys! It’s changing colors!!!”
The ground bridge was now blue. Ratchet has never dealt with something like this. They kept hearing you begging for help. Then suddenly…
The portal aggressively closed, almost like an explosion, making the whole base shake. Everything went quiet. Ratchet tried turning it on again but it wouldn’t budge.
“Oh no…” the medic said. He frantically tried tracking you, looking all over the globe but… no signs…
Sorrow and fear were all over Prime’s face. He felt his spark ache.
“Wh-wh-what do you mean “oh no”???” Jake panicked.
“I-I don’t think she’s coming back…” Rafael said.
Bumblebee buzzed in fear, Arcee was asking questions as well as Bulkhead.
“She’s not in this dimension anymore…” Ratchet barely mouthed those words, trying to think of how to bring you back but… that’s gonna be a very difficult and long process…
“There must be a way!” Optimus said.
“There is..” the medic continued, “but Optimus.. this has never happened before… It might take days.. weeks.. months..”
“MONTHS???” Miko shouted.
“I-I just need to concentrate, alright!? I can fix this! I can fix this…” Ratchet tried to settle down and not lose hope.
Optimus was at loss of words… His lover, his sparkling… Gone. No one knows where, no one knows how. Everyone was flabbergasted, trying to think of any possible answer how this could happen…
“One way or another… we shall bring her back…” Optimus said. He lost everything already… he can’t lose you as well…
<> Washington DC, Bayverse <>
You found yourself in an alley in the center of DC. Getting up with a headache, you tried your best to scan your surroundings. You went forward to the main street, looking around.
“Looks like DC alright” you thought as you made your way to the right, heading home while thinking what the hell happened to the ground bridge.
Suddenly you heard a rumbling engine approaching, revving as the car slowed down, driving next to you at your speed. You looked to your left to see a metallic Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Stunning. You chuckled to yourself and rolled your eyes, continuing to walk as you ignored whoever was in the car, thinking it’s just a guy trying to win you with his expensive car. IF there was anyone in the car…
You heard a seductive whistle, “Ey what’s up sweetheart~? Care for a ride~?” as the door opened.
“No, thanks.” you said, not even looking at the car.
“Oh come on cutie, it’s rude to reject a car like me~”
A car… like “me”? You heard that one before, Smokescreen has the same way of picking up girls. That made you look. You saw there’s no one at the driver’s seat. You stopped in your tracks… Putting 2 and 2 together…
“Sideswipe at your service, m’lady~”
All of the autobots should know you and you should know them hence they know Optimus. You realized the ground bridge’s malfunction meant yeeting you to a whole another dimension… In your case, some kind of a parallel universe. You decided to keep yourself together and act cool. You needed to investigate all this. And this certainly isn’t the time to tell a random autobot who are you and what is actually happening.
You took a deep breath and smiled, “Alright though guy~” you said as you got in. He closed the door for you and drove off.
“M-m-m~ Wait till you meet my crew~ They’re gonna be sooo jealous~ What’s your name beautiful~?”
“Hey, I’m not here for you to show off.”
“Well then, I’m here for YOU to show off~” he chuckled, his beauty breaking people’s neck.
He made you hide a giggle, “I’m Y/N. And what about that.. crew you mentioned?” carefully choosing your words, trying to meet your surroundings.
“You haven’t heard about my crew? We saved your planet more than once! And we’re still protecting it.”
“O-oh yeah! Yeah I know, of course, pft! Our heroes. But uhm.. what are the names of your teammates, I was never really able to memorize all.” act cool, act cool.
“Ah well there’s Ironhide, weapon specialist, he’s a stubborn fella. Then there’s Ratchet, the medic,”
“Ratchet…” you thought.
“Jazz, Dino, Bumblebee- you probably heard of Bumblebee, that sucker got real famous.” your heart skipped a beat when you heard “Bumblebee”…
“And, of course, our leader, Optimus Prime~” he said that with pride.
This confirmed your theory that you’re in an alternative universe… You acted cool and chill, excited to meet them all. Deep down you were hella nervous… Some hope bloomed inside of you, considering there’s at least 3 autobots you already know.
The moment Sideswipe drove you into the base, you couldn’t stop looking around. So many cars and… people…
“So they managed to take advantage of them here huh… What a disgusting species we are…”
“I brought company!” Sideswipe transformed and said happily.
“Sideswipe, how many times do we need to tell you to stop bringing females into the base!?” Ratchet shouted, in his bot form, working on something with humans.
“Oh come oh man, look at her! How can you say no to such a cute faaace~?” he was gently pinching your cheek.
“Ow- ow ow ow! Sideswipe!” you laughed, trying to push his servo away.
“This is not a party garage, this is a base! Take your urges elsewhere.” Ratchet scolded Sideswipe.
A giant truck with Optimus’s colors caught your eye real good… Suddenly, he transformed, approaching you and Sideswipe as the ground shook a little with each step he took. He was ready to shoo both of you out but then he made eye contact with you…
Your eyes locked in his optics and vice versa… He slowly stopped in his tracks as he frowned and as his optics widened… You looked extremely familiar. Too familiar… As if he was getting flashbacks of something he never even knew he experienced. He felt like he knows you. His spark warmed at the sight of you… He slowly lined up with you, putting his knee on the ground.
“Do I know you, girl?” he asked.
“I.. uh..” you could barely speak, you felt waves of adrenaline strike your body, “Perhaps, sir… M-maybe I just remind you of someone.” you awkwardly chuckled.
He hummed and straightened. Confused and suspicious, he walked to the platform where Galloway and Mearing were working with Ratchet.
“Let her stay. She has valuable information.” he lied. For the first time in his life he lied… There’s something special about you he needs to confirm…
It’s been weeks. Months. You got closer with everyone, Sam even. You were an important member of the crew now. Everyone was surprised by your Cybertronian tech knowledge that Ratchet passed onto you back in the base in Jasper…
Optimus and you got extremely close as well. You treated him with kindness. Not just any kindness. You didn’t only have high respect for him as a leader, you were ready to lie down your life for him and vice versa… It seemed as if he became your guardian in this universe too…
He let you climb his shoulder, have relaxing rides with him, stay up late, watch the sky and discuss about endless subjects… He wouldn’t take his optics off of you. Scanning your beautiful face whenever he had a chance, trying to find you in his memory but his recognition system was not responding positively…
One day…
“I need a group meeting, ASAP!” Mearing commanded, walking into the base furiously as her assistant, Galloway and Simmons were barely catching up to her.
“A-are you sure, ma’am?” Galloway said.
“Yes, I am sure! And don’t call me “ma’am”. I am not a “ma’am” “ she said while going through all of her purses.
“I knew there’s something odd about her- I just knew it! Optimus told us he feels as if he knows her- and now the big guy is in love!” Simmons said like the alien nerd he is.
“Please, do not say that, it’s disgusting.” Mearing said while going up the platform.
“How would they have intercourse anyway- it’s impossible!” Simmons continued.
“Shut up, agent.” Mearing said before quickly organizing a meeting.
And there you were, sitting along with everyone while all the autobots stood there.
“Agent. Let’s stay calm.” Galloway said.
Simmons sat down, rubbing his face, biting his nails and bouncing his leg.
You looked at Optimus. “You told them..?”
“Y/N, please understand that I had to. There’s something strangely odd going on. I feel like my system had deleted you from my memory… but I can still feel like I know you.”
“We’ve checked your ID, tried tracking you, your home, family… We couldn’t find anything. You’re not in the system.” Mearing said. “So where do you come from? Are you even human? Who sent you?”
All of this was getting you extremely nervous. You sat there, occupied with questions and so many glares…
“Okay…” you took a deep breath, “okay. I will explain. No one sent me, let’s start with that. It was all an accident… Apparently I come from a parallel universe where the Cybertronian war was also brought. And no I’m not talking about another planet, I’m talking about Earth- like a- a mirror! But with some minor changes. There’s an autobot base in Jasper, Nevada where I’m with my three other human friends and the crew… There’s Bumblebee and Ratchet and Arcee and Bulkhead a-and… You, Optimus…”
The whole base was silent… They couldn’t believe what they were hearing… Optimus walked closed to you, listening carefully.
“I moved to Washington DC recently and we’re using something called a ground bridge to teleport where we need to. When I wanted to go back home, the portal started malfunctioning and… here I am, I guess…”
“Agent, let her finish.” Optimus said calmly.
“Because I… I don’t know! Okay!? I was scared! I was hoping they would get it fixed in a few days so I could just leave with a status of Sideswipe’s ex girlfriend or something but…” you exhaled in frustration, “It’s been months… Who knows if they’re gonna get it fixed at all… That’s why I wanted to analyze everything you have here and see if I can ask for ANY help…”
Mearing and Galloway were aggravated while Simmons was like “I TOLD YOU SO!!!”. Ratchet was trying to calculate everything in his head while everyone else was just speechless.
“That’s why I was feeling this way since we met…” Optimus said.
“Yes… and probably because.. we have something special going on where I come from…” you said with a tiny smile.
A deep hum rumbled in his chest, “Special…” he also smiled a little.
“Aw man, there goes my girlfriend!” Sideswipe said. He made Dino and Bumblebee laugh.
“You’ll find a chick.” Ironhide nudged him, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea.”
“How do we get you back?” Ratchet asked.
“The only thing I can think of is that we somehow make contact with them. I have the coordinates but we will definitely need more than just that…”
“Hm… yes.. yes. I think we can-“ Ratchet got interrupted
“Or maybe she can stay.” by Jazz who now got all of the eyes on him in silence, “…Just- just a suggestion-“
“As much as I would love for Y/N to stay with us, we need to think about her safety. We must get her home.” Optimus started, “She is not safe with us. As similar as her life might be here, she belongs in the universe she came from.”
“Agreed! Agreed.” Galloway interrupted, “If we manage to make this portal, it would mean a huge step for humanity!! Do you realize how much we could do with it!? We could-“
“With all due respect,” Optimus interrupted him back, “this is not the time to speak about the advantages humans can take from this.” irritated by him.
Ratchet and some other autobots were already working on the ground bridge.
“Y/N.” Optimus leaned closer to you, “It is very difficult for me to say goodbye…”
“I know… It was nice while it lasted…”
“I hope I treat you the same way in every universe our paths cross… I hope you will keep warming up my spark back home.” Optimus said softly, quietly talking to you.
“I will… I promise…” you got emotional, stepping closer, hugging his face plate… Your heart aching, you were torn apart between two universes… But you knew none of this is right. You need to get back.
You made him smile, his optics spinning and expanding before closing as he sunk into your tender touch…
“I will forever remember you, Y/N… Now it is time for you to go home, my love…”
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Well this ended up being longer than I thought lmao and way more emotional
Dividers belong to @patches-1105 ❣️
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phoenixisobsessed · 3 months
Sideswipe 17 and/or Sunstreaker 72 pls!! :3
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Silly!! (Original post: here)
Extra: >:3
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deceptigoon · 1 year
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‘84 reds
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glitterr-ghoul · 5 months
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Felt like drawing Sideswipe because he's prettyyy. Also wanted to make my own TFA design for him because mans was just a Rodimus recolor. And doodled my tfsona here for the funzies. - Also thank you for 58 followers I love you all ;; - shshhhh don't ask how he smokes without actually having lungs because idk -
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kinig1 · 6 months
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I drew the vashmeryl, and I drew Sideswipe.
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kajira-kreations · 2 months
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❤️ T H E M 💙
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captainremond · 2 years
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ny000mdraws · 11 months
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revisiting that one personal project/story i mentioned before and the characters for it. it'll basically be about orion pax and the people he meets and the struggles each individual face
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shroombell · 8 months
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sunny and sides art piece for an au where they have aerial sparks (but are in grounder frames) and travel all over a apocalyptic cybertron :3 specifically the towers of Vos in this one - sideswipe yeets himself off a tower and sunstreaker dives after his idiot brother in a panic <3
also they have awesome energon swords that i had a lot of fun designing
link to pt2 bitlet sunny and sides in tarn
link to pt3 exploring praxus
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guttercoop · 6 months
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randomposts-27 · 1 year
Arcee: Hey Boss Bot, thought I’d let you know Stratosphere is bringing in two other bots from Spain
Optimus: always a pleasure to have more Autobots to fight for humanity, which bots are they?
Arcee: not sure, Mirage said twins
Optimus: Oh…….Dear……Primus……
Sideswipe & Sunstreaker: WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!
Arcee: …..I’m gonna, go help Bee….with…..something…..
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that-creature-thing · 11 months
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We can post our Slice of Cybertron zine pieces now! I did a lot of experimenting with this since I am still new to drawing backgrounds! I think I would do things differently now but I am still proud of it :3 Zines are a great way to get yourself to try new things!
If you want to check out the other zine pieces, you can access the full zine here
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