#Victorian Homes for Sale in CT
🏃‍♀️💨 Don't Miss the Window of Opportunity to View 👀 6 Crockett Street, Rowayton CT this Week! ✨🏡
View video clip! They say good things come to those who wait, and this treasure is now here for you in Rowayton! 😍 A stunning, romantic antique Victorian home nestled on enchanting 6 Crockett Street is now available to see after its windows were restored to their original glory! 🪟🔨 Added bonus: It is now sporting its best festive Halloween 🎃 decor. Imagine sipping your morning coffee on the…
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The Willow Avenue Christmas Sale. Held in their beautiful Victorian home, the Coates would empty the rooms all the way back to the kitchen and fill ...
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estately · 7 years
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Follow the white rabbit to this lovely Gothic Victorian for sale in New Haven, CT. View the rest of the home here!
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magicwingslisten · 5 years
The Reluctant Pixie Poole (A Recovery of Helen Adam's San Francisco Years) by Kristin Prevallet In October of 1923, the Dundee Advertiser published an article called "Scot's Prodigy" which announced: "Scotland has given birth to many infant prodigies, but surely none has given more promise of future greatness than little Helen Douglas Adam gives."1 And indeed, the child's future would be great, not as Scotland's heir to Tennyson, but as America's godmother of the San Francisco Renaissance. She perplexed the beats with her persistence of writing nothing but ballads, and embodied for the San Francisco scene the spirit of Romanticism. It is not difficult to find the sources for the ballad tradition that became ingrained in her and that fueled her energy and creative passion during her entire 83 years of writing. She grew up in Dundee with her younger sister Pat, daughters of a country minister, in a thatched house surrounded by the fairy pools and haunted woodlands of old Scotland, and a library filled with the great Victorian eccentrics like Andrew Lang, George MacDonald, and Arthur Rackham. Her Grandfather on her mother's side, William Douglas Dunn, was a famous Evangelist for the United Free Church of Scotland, who developed a unique conversion technique involving not just preaching, but picking up a hoe and digging, or taking a rod and casting, thereby winning the confidence of even the most stubborn fishermen and gardeners. Then, he would discuss his teachings using their own imagery. "Before ingrafting. . .cut the vine and then cut the little scion or branch; bring the two bleeding or wounded parts together. . .and tonight, the life of Christ is flowing through this little scion or branch to you."2 In 1924 her uncle, Theodore Douglas Dunn, a scholar of the "Orient's Influence on Shakespeare," was appointed to the prestegious position of Minister of Education in Bengal, India. That same year in February, he was crossing the Hoogley river and had a seizure which threw him over the edge of his boat. He drowned and his body was never found. A monument was erected at that spot to mark his passing, and there can be no doubt that the event had a profound effect on the 13 year old Helen. Images of drowned sailors and creatures lost at sea continued to haunt her writing and art for the rest of her life. By the time that she was 20, Helen had published three books of poetry with a major English press, Hodder and Stoughton: The Elfin Pedlar and Tales Told by Pixie Pool (1923), Charms and Dreams from the Elfin Pedlar's Pack (1924), and Shadow of the Moon (1929). Her first book, The Elfin Peldar, was published when she was 14 years old, and includes 120 ballads composed from the time that she was two, at which time, according to the book's forward, the child "talked to her dolls in rhyme. She would tell them stories of fairies and flowers all clothed in beautiful language and in faultless rhythm."3 The 35 odd columns from different newspapers throughout Scotland and England that reviewed the book loved recounting certain anecdotes about the child's precocious mannerisms: "Sometimes, her mother, overhearing this casual flow of dainty rhymes would say 'Helen, can you repeat that? To which the child would answer, Oh No Mummy; but I shall say some more."4 The book was met with enthusiasm, and Helen was hailed as having "an extraordinary sense and handling of rhythm and rhyme."5 with a "perfect ear and a delicate imagination"6 and "a mind elect"7 which was "entirely free from self-consciousness or any thought of posing."8 Indeed, for whatever reasons that a country needs its prodigies, whether for the pride of Nationalism or for the moral support that comes from a strong youthful spirit that re-embodies the rhythms of its history, Helen Adam became the pride of Scotland. The Elfin Pedlar was graced even by a note of praise from the Queen of Scotland herself. Her younger sister, Isabella Theodosia Patrick, later known as Pat, was a remarkable illustrator, and also known as a prodigy. In 1932, at the age of 20, Pat wrote and illustrated a book called Letters to Teg,9 which tells the story of a young woman's search for sophistication and ladylike manners, in spite of her fascination with playing tricks and games on the people she meets, who are all dumbfounded by her audacity. This book also was met with favorable reviews, one remarking: "the book is a splendid tonic for anyone who has become a victim of our modern depression."10 In 1934, the year after their father, the Reverend William Adam, was tragically hit in the head by a golf ball and died (karmic retribution, according to Helen, who despised her father for being more interested in golf than in writing his sermons and preaching),11 the sisters along with their mother, Isabella Douglas Dunn, packed their bags and moved to London where Helen and Pat became successful journalists. They collaborated on a correspondence column for the Weekly Scotsman called "Jottings from London" which informed everyone back home of all the news from the big city: the latest film scandals (like the censorship of Snow White based on its potential to frighten children); the whereabouts of flower shops, gown sales and boat races; and reports of the Royalty's various outings. In one article they remarked, without any irony of course, that "both the King and Queen love a country life, if only in contrast to their crowded and hardworking days in town. . . ."12 In 1939, for reasons that still remain unclear, the Helen, Pat and their mother, left Europe for Hartford, CT to be bridesmaids in a cousin's wedding. Because of the war, they never returned to live in Scotland. They settled in New York, and had some luck finding work: Helen as a governess, Pat as a publicist for Variety Shows, and Isabella for Cheeney's Silk Mills, which had converted its operations into making wool for the wings of fighter planes. Seven years later, after they tired of life in New York, they all packed their bags and headed West, finally settling down in San Francisco. * * * Another story of Helen Adam begins here, one that is entirely severed from her past, if only because she was embarrassed about all the fuss that was made over her as a child.11 But her strong ties to the magical folklore of Scotland were never lost. And for Helen Adam, San Francisco in the 1950s could not have been a more perfect place to settle down. There, poetic majesty and the mastery of form were combined with the breaking free of social expectations and rebellion against the mundane. She was among the oldest of the poets living there and may have been the "team godmother,"13 but the magic and knowledge she brought to San Francisco startled the young wild sages of its Renaissance with a special kind of madness. "Dear Helen: This letter is more to exclaim. That we found you all-the Adam family such a special revelation. It is the kinship one feels with those however and wherever that live in an enchantment of the imagination-antiques, we are, of the 19th century?" Robert Duncan.14 The kinship that Duncan, Jess and Helen formed was one of creative inspiration and mutual support, and the Adam sisters were frequent guests at the Jess/Duncan household. Duncan claimed that it was her 1954 reciting of Blake's "Song's of Innocence and Experience" at a poetry reading that changed the direction of his entire sense of poetics. Helen claimed his play Atlantis as the major inspiration for her play San Francisco's Burning. And when Duncan would write to her of critics that were harsh on his writing, she would threaten to put curses on them, saying of one "if I ever meet this character I am going to put a spell on it to rot its bones. Daring to condescend to Duncan, the cheap, trashy, brainless rat."15 And judging by her reputation as an expert tarot card reader, her seriousness can hardly be doubted. Her circle of friends and confidants extended throughout many different groups of artists and writers in San Francisco during the 1950s and 1960s. She was very fond of Jack Spicer and was a participant in his Magic Workshop, and yet judging from the notes she took in it, was sometimes skeptical at his claims to understand magic, just as he perhaps was of her theatricality. She wrote a short play called "Initiation to the Magic Workshop" in which most of the participants, including Spicer himself, had a part. In it, Spicer is usurped by his students from his status as mage because he is a demon from hell, and is then cooked to a crisp: "Before the circle can spit complete / My burning babe you must cook and eat. / Will it taste nicer / than roasted Spicer?" Upon thus exorcising him, Duncan is hailed as the true magician. And when Spicer comes back to haunt his mutinied ship with the intention to command it, once again he is met with resistance. "Some things magic does not dare to mock. / It's time for Duncan to stop the clock. And call up Kore with his earth-quake shock." 16 She also collaborated on experimental films, one in particular called Daydream of Darkness with William McNeill. The film was thought lost until Ernie Edwards, friend of McNeill, resurrected it from his closet. The Poetry Collection is now working on its restoration. It is a grand menagerie of dream images, such as statues of mythological animals from Golden Gate Park, a candle-lit deer's head, and the trademark "moon-maiden" head. Helen plays the seer/witch who is beckoning the viewer to follow. It is a silent film, and the script was spoken by Helen live, while the movie was being projected. The debut for this performance was Nov. 22, 1962, at the Peacock Gallery, the very day that Kennedy was assassinated. It was performed in spite of the audience's complaining that it should have been canceled to observe the tragedy.17 The "moon-maiden head," mentioned above, was the symbol of the Maidens, a group that formed spontaneously on January 6, 1957 and included Jess, Madeline Gleason, Duncan, Eve Triem, Helen, James Broughton. Robin Blaser would occasionally attend as an honorary guest. This was a group that met sporadically for elaborate dinners and evenings filled with discussions and readings, with the intention of creating a vibrant, childlike and imaginative communal space in which the ideals of poetry could be made manifest. Blaser wrote a poem about the group called "Harp Trees": "the cast-iron moon on the wall / vibrates a kind of speech / at the edge of thought / in the dark."18 All the various friends she made in San Francisco, from poets to actors, sustained her passion for folklore, ritual, and the ways of the "old religion" (witchcraft), which constitutes the theme of so much of her work. Indeed, the pixies and warlocks of Old Scotland, the fairy stories from Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Book, and the complete set of George MacDonald novels that she had partially memorized and often read out loud-all of these she brought with her to San Francisco where she found a community that incorporated the significance of ancient folklore, primitivism, and magic into an approach to poetry that was radical in its attempt to, as Michael Davidson wrote, "use language to go beyond language" by creating poetry that "'performs' what it describes."19 In spite of this seeming ideal poetic flurry of energy, the San Francisco Renaissance was plagued by the quest for authenticity. It was as if there were a need to distinguish the real magician and the true dictator of the voices of the muses, in order to separate pure inspiration from charlatan fakery. Helen Adam, who was adored by everybody, was unfortunately caught in the middle of all this. Although there were many conflicts in San Francisco at this time, the one that most involved Helen was the tension between Duncan and Broughton. Primarily, their rivalary was based on aesthetic differences involving Duncan's intolerance for Broughton's theater space, The Playhouse, featuring Kermit Sheets as the main director. Helen was extremely close with James Broughton, was the godmother of his child, and was very active with his theater, especially since it was where her play, San Francisco's Burning, premiered. Broughton helped Helen and Pat revise the play, gradually turning it into a musical, which Duncan detested. He made very clear his outrage of Broughton's revisions to the play, claiming that they altered the purity of the original. In a letter to Helen, Duncan wrote: "Gail [Chubb, one of the main actors], Broughton, Sheets and that 'composer' [Warner Jepson] are gnenues of the porne imagination that stood against song, in ignorance-but also, struck out, altered, 'improved' the authentic."20 This cross-fire in which Helen was forced to prove her loyalty to both Broughton and Duncan simultaneously could not have been easy. This period of her life was further complicated by her getting fired from the filing job she had held for ten years, as well as the torment she endured from the failure of the "composer" of San Francisco's Burning to create the music that perfectly corresponded to her vision. Partly as a consequence of this stress, in January of 1962, at the age of 53, she was hospitalized for several months where she received four shock treatments to heal her of thoughts of suicide. Three months later, in March, San Francisco's Burning premiered at the Playhouse, and this was an event which must be regarded as a one of the most significant productions to come out of San Francisco during this time. This is a play in which the dialogue is written entirely in ballads. Later, taking Broughton's suggestions, it became a musical in which Helen played the Worm Queen, a mysterious presence who lured men into its cove, gave them the best love they ever had, and then let them die. "I am the Fair Forgetfulness/Whom men seek only in pain./Who sleeps in the bed of the Worm Queen/He never will weep again."21 It is a story centered around the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, and loosely portrays a mythical rendition of the contemporary scene. As Michael Davidson wrote, the play "is a play not only "about" the mythical city of San Francisco but about the historical community in which that myth was played out."22 It would not be easy to match the various characters with their contemporary counterparts, for the play has a unique cast of characters, among them, Spangler Jack, the gambling man who breaks the ladies' hearts; Neil Narcissus, the dilettante, who will never love anything but his reflection; and Susan Pettigrew, who falls in love with the ghost of the drowned Scotch sailor whom she met while sleepwalking. The play was a glorious success, ran for 12 weeks, and sold out every night. The euphoria of this, along with Broughton's urgings and a much needed grant which Duncan helped secure from the Merrill foundation, would push Helen and her sister to leave San Francisco for New York in 1964. The desire to see the play break Broadway would obsess them for the next 20 years. The fate of the two sisters, who never parted or married for their entire lives, is one of both tragedy and admiration, of Scottish determination and mad complexity. When they left for New York in 1964, they had only $4,000 from the Merrill grant, and being in their late 50's, had hard times finding work. Helen at one time had a job at a jewelry carving store, sorting on her hands and knees the gold and diamond flecks out of dust and cockroach shells, while Pat was signed up with a secretary's temporary agency. In a letter to Duncan Pat wrote, "I sometimes brood very darkly on the thought that if it hadn't been for San Francisco's Burning, we wouldn't be here."23 San Francisco's Burning was finally staged in an off-Broadway production, where it was received enthusiastically in spite of the Village Voice critic, Michael Smith, who bashed the play. However, contrary to the sister's wishes, the play was never picked up by a major composer who had contacts to Broadway. Even with this disappointment, Helen did go on to achieve some success in New York. She met the filmmaker Rosa Von Pronehim who featured her in several of his films, became close friends with many artists and writers, including Samuel Delany, who based the main character of his now famous story "Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones"24 on her. Helen also acted in many other small theater venues, and published many books, notably Stone Cold Gothic, published by Lita Hornick. And of course, she put a curse on the Voice critic, writing to Duncan "I hear from several sources that he is badly frightened, and it serves him right. Let him watch out, for I have never before been in such a splendid position to curse."25 She was known among her friends for her delight in "giving you the grue"26 (a spine-tingling shudder) and it was this that she attempted to conjure up in her ballads, short stories, plays, and collages. If there was one theme that runs through much of her work, it is that the body is only a vehicle for all sorts of magical transformations and rites of possession that serve the purpose of liberating their victim from worldly and social limitations. Her ballads, which remained for her entire life her primary passion, may be rigid in their form, and yet their subject is always the breaking free from worldly constraints, casting aside mortality, and accepting the unknown: "She dreamt she walked in the forest shade, / Alone, and naked, and unafraid. / The bonds of being dissolved an broke. / Her body she dropped like a cast off cloak."7 From its roots in pagan festivals, the form of the ballad is a gradual building of rhythm, that pushes the narrative into frenzy, ecstasy and chaos.28 We should not assume that this form is any less radical than the more experimental ones being written in her day. For in her determination to perpetuate the ballad tradition, she became the master of her form, passing its magic to others not only in her dynamic performances, but through her entire persona. This assertion influenced many others in the community to write ballads, which became an inevitable affirmation of some of the political ideals that poetry was to take in the 1950s and 60s. Helen Adam was the passer-on of the knowledge and tradition of forms, that, like the tales of transformation in so many of her ballads, adjusts its significance from antiquity into a contemporary usefulness. Helen Adam was not an "aside" of the San Francisco Renaissance-she was a vital and central figure who had a unique influence on poetry and the way it was performed during that time. As Norman Finkelstein so eloquently stated, "it is not only the poet's intense devotion to the visionary experience that makes her work so vital; it answers a historical necessity, completes and extends a poetic need that has arisen within the tradition. . . .One is almost tempted to claim that had Helen Adam not existed, Romanticism itself would have had to invent her."29 Hers may be an existence marked by desire and residing within the imagination, but luckily her mark has been left, not only with her ballads, but with her scrapbooks and collages as well. The collages mostly depict images of women undergoing various processes of transformation, always to the complete surprise or utter ignorance of their male counterparts. "In the world of the imagination," Finkelstein wrote, speaking of Helen's ballads, "desire, when it cannot achieve its object, will transform itself into a terrifying supernatural power."30 In the case of the collages, the imagination, no matter what its motives, is made manifest in images that tell tales, either actual or imagined, of inhabitation by weird or disgusting creatures such as preying mantises, spiders, snakes, and bats. All are captioned, some with fragments from the multiple poems that she had entirely memorized, others with strange proclamations, as seen in the examples. The collages are erotic while at the same time hilarious-terrifying as well as compositionally stunning. To read them psychologically, which is exceedingly tempting, it becomes apparent that the women who are in the contact with these creatures are not afraid of them in the least,31 and have reconciled them as an intimate part of themselves. Many of the images come from fashion magazines but unlike the original pictures, the women in Helen's collages are not looking for male approval or fulfillment. Rather, their desire is fulfilled through the power that comes from their ability to control and accept their own fears. The collages may be humorous in the way in which they deal with larger social issues for women in the 1950s, and yet they do reveal a personal side of Helen that was serious. Namely, that she had the sense that tangible love with a mortal man was impossible for her, because she, being both mortal and a creature of the other side, could only love a being who was also a visitor of both realms. The impossibility of this may have been her madness, and yet, she created, genuinely and without presumption, a realm of living and writing, of eroticism and passion, that was all her own. "The sharp stars swing around I get a slip beyond The wind & there I am I'm odd and full of love."32 NOTES: 1 The Dundee Advertiser. October, 1923. 2 "Gods Husbandry" Church Leaflet. c. 1920? 3 Adam, Helen.The Elfin Pedlar and Tales Told by Pixie Pool. Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., London. 1921. pg. 2. 4 Glasgow Evening News. October 11, 1923. 5 Manchester Guardian. December 5, 1923. 6 Glasgow Evening News. October 11, 1923. 7 London Chronicle. October 5, 1923. 8 Glasgow Record. October 5, 1923. 9 Adam, Patrick. Letters to Teg. Hodder and Stoughton, 1932. 10 "The Weekly Scotsman," December 14, 1922. 11 Interview, June 1995, Ida Hodes. 12 The Weekly Scotsman. December, 1934. 13 Robert Duncan as quoted in The San Francisco Renaissance: Poetics and Community at Mid-Century by Michael Davidson. Cambridge UP, 1989. pp. 176. 14 Letter from Robert Duncan to Helen Adam, April 8, 1955. 15 Letter to Robert Duncan from Helen Adam. Saturday, 1956. 16 "Initiation to the Magic Workshop." Unpublished. c. 1956. 17 From the research of Kevin Killian. 18 Blaser, Robin: The Holy Forest. Coach House Press, 1993. pp. 155. 19 Davidson, pp. 21. 20 Letter from Robert Duncan to Helen Adam, May 22, 1962. 22 Adam, Helen and Pat. San Francisco's Burning. Oannes Press: San Francisco, 1963. 23 Davidson, 184. 24 Letter from Pat Adam to Robert Duncan. 25 From the research of Kevin Killian. 26 Letter from Helen Adam to Duncan and Jess, January 19, 1968. 27"The Fair Young Wife" in Turn Again To Me. The Kulchur Foundation: New York, 1977. pp. 13 28 Interview with Jess, June 1995. 29 Graves, Robert, English and Scottish Ballads. Heinemann: London, 1957. 30 "Helen Adam and Romantic Desire" by Norman Finkelstein. "Credences," Fall 1985. pp. 130, 137. 31 ibid, 127. 32 Conversation with Maureen Owen. 33 Unpublished fragment, c. 1960. Acknoweldgement: All photographs and quoted letters used by permission of The Poetry/Rare Books Collection, SUNY Buffalo, where the Helen Adam Archive is located. My thanks to Robert Bertholf for graciously supporting my research. © 1995 Kristin Prevallet
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
6 Millennial Pink Homes Proving This Color Is Here to Stay
If you’ve never heard of millennial pink, don’t worry - you aren’t that out of the loop. Though the term was coined recently, it’s been popping up for years, and Pantone’s selection of Rose Quartz as one of its 2016 colors of the year was just a preview of the pink craze to come (yes, there’s a hashtag). Stars from Rihanna to Harry Styles have embraced light pink hues, though it’s more about the vibe than a distinct color, and its popularity goes beyond the 20-something crowd.
Millennial pink has put rosy-colored homes on the map as well. While painting a house pink is nothing new - several historic, stucco and adobe homes sport the hue - it’s certainly on trend.
Check out these six homes for some millennial pink inspiration, and see what all the fuss is about.
Key West, FL
914 Grinnell St, Key West, FL
Photo from Zillow listing.
Tropical color schemes are a trademark of Key West design and architecture, as embodied by this delightful revival-style duplex. Bright blue shutters pop against a pale pink exterior with white trim, while the interior bursts with cheerful, vibrant blues, yellows, greens, and – of course – more pink.
Find homes for sale in Key West.
Montpelier, VT
24-26 Loomis St, Montpelier, VT
Photo from Zillow listing.
A former mayor’s home, this restored Victorian is millennial pink inside and out. With a whimsical two-tone pink façade and a few light pink rooms in the interior, the bright paint choice is architecturally on point. “We often see a color similar on Victorian homes throughout Vermont,” explains listing agent David Parsons, “and I believe it has a historical precedence.” Because of an increase in the number of pigments available and a reduction in the cost of paint, brightly colored homes became de rigueur in Victorian New England.
Find homes for sale in Montpelier.
Charleston, SC
18 State St, Charleston, SC 29401
Photo from Zillow listing.
This historic home full of Southern charm proves that millennial pink is nothing new. Built around 1815, the current owners bought the pink house in 2004 and simply repainted it the same color since it worked so well. “There are many pink houses in Charleston, including one on Rainbow Row which is a block away,” explains Adam Edwards, who listed the home for sale last year. “Pink is a longtime popular color because it helps keep the interiors cooler in the hot summer months.” Black shutters and white trim give the house an elegant, refined look.
Find homes for sale in Charleston.
Seattle, WA
920 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA
Photo from Zillow listing.
For a prime example of a bold millennial pink, check out this 4-bedroom, 3,080-square-foot gem close to all the action in Seattle. The exterior is painted a solid shade of warm, earthy pink called “New Pilgrim Red” and is complemented with off-white woodwork in “Navajo White.” “We had seen that on another Colonial Revival house years ago when we were just about to repaint,” former owners Clint and Elizabeth Miller recall. “It looked dramatic to us and suggested a New England sort of look.”
Find homes for sale in Seattle.
Albuquerque, NM
1323 Narcisco Ct NE, Albuquerque, NM
Photo from Zillow listing.
Stucco exteriors are common in the Southwest because they’re durable and – most importantly, for a desert climate – energy efficient. This pink-hued home shows that stucco doesn’t have to be drab. Here, the pink provides a dose of personality while maintaining a neutral, earthy vibe that meshes with the landscape.
Find homes for sale in Albuquerque.
New Orleans, LA
326 Warrington Dr, New Orleans, LA
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Orleans is no stranger to colorful homes. In fact, this cute, single-story house is subdued in comparison to many in the Big Easy. But that’s part of its appeal - and of the appeal of millennial pink in general. It manages to straddle the divide between playful and refined, youthful and classic.
Find homes for sale in New Orleans.
Originally published July 19, 2017.
10 New Orleans Homes to Inspire Mardi Gras Magic
Red, White and Blue Homes for July 4th
Baby Boomers: Here’s How to Sell Your Home to Millennials
0 notes
juliasmathewus · 7 years
25 Houses Under 50K: November 2017 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
I’m so smitten with this collection of houses for sale for under $50,000 that I couldn’t wait a second past the 1st of November to share them with you. I’ve rounded up 25 beauties, plus a couple bonuses! Don’t miss #16, an eclectic historical gem that’s for sale for just $9,000.   And remember, if you LOVE cheap old houses as much as we do, make sure to follow our other Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  7 Van Buren St, Antwerp, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Lori Gervera Team – Keller Williams Northern New York   $35,900   Amazing opportunity for you to restore a “One of a Kind – Historic Stone House” ! Just picture it … Deep window sills accent the large sunlight filled windows, Beautiful wide plank floors, Original fireplace, formal living room / formal Dining room / Library / Eat-in “summer kitchen” – endless potential both upstairs and down – the footprint /shell of the house is quoted in the tax records as having over 4000 sq ft ! Bring your vision … this may just be the project you’ve been searching for!  
    2  130 W Church St, Americus, GA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Frison Realty & Construction Co. $30,999   For the renovator at heart. This is the one. Filled with history. On the historic society registry.  
        3  402 E 1st Ave, Hutchinson, KS   Source: J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc.   $34,900   Two houses being sold together! Main house is a 2,941 square foot two-story on a corner lot with alley access. Five bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, 4 bonus rooms/areas, large wrap around porch and a detached two car garage. Second house is a 600 square foot, one bedroom, one bath cottage with a loft. Both properties will sell “As-Is” and are subject to a short sale.  
        4  1163 E 12th St, Douglas, AZ   Source: Estately, courtesy of Douglas Realty Group   $48,000   This house was built in the early 1900’s and it is a fixer upper opportunity. It has the potential to become a very charming traditional house. It is located in center of Douglas, AZ. It is close to local schools and churches.  
        5  707 Sherman Ave, Ackley, IA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Homestead Realty   $44,900   Tons of charm with this beautiful 2 story home! The roof was replaced in 2016 along with an updated breaker box. The woodwork throughout is stunning along with original hardwood floors adds lots charm! This home is located on a large lot with beautiful grown trees & a cemetery behind the property. The main floor offers a large kitchen, 3/4 bath, formal dining, living room, & family room. The 2nd floor offers 4 large bedrooms with a full bath & laundry. The attic is unfinished with potential for another large living space or bedroom. A small balcony off the 2nd floor offers a view & character to the home. Call Homestead Realty to schedule your showing at (641)648-4206 today!  
        6  20 Grove St, Norwich, CT   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Housepad Llp   $44,900 (foreclosure)   Large single family home in Norwich, CT. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Home has great potential. Lots of beautiful details throughout. Wood floors look in good condition. Home will need work and repairs before move in ready.  
        7  201 W South Avenue, Sumner, IL   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Scherer Real Estate   $25,000   4 bedrooms, 2 baths on large shaded yard. Bedroom and bath on ground level. Original Sears mantel fireplace. Some hardwood floors. Basement and usable attic area. Needs TLC.  
        8  206 Park Ave, Fulton, KY   Source: Trulia, courtesy of NCB Realtors   $48,900   This stately historic home boasts a foyer, living room with fireplace,built-in bookcases,brass repousse cornices,dining room,kitchen w/ range & refrigerator,2 bedrooms(1 with fireplace),tiled bath,den,utility,basement.period mantels, hardwood floors,high ceilings,hedge lined front lawn,intricate ironwork,original front door & many other original features exist in this remarkable home on corner lot in Fulton’s historic district.  
        9  27 Saint Pauls Pl, Liberty, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Elliott & Pomeroy, Inc.   $48,500 (foreclosure)   Once a grand Victorian, now in need of repairs, this old word charmer is just what you are looking for, formal dining room, parlor, 2 fireplaces, wood floors, balconies, easy access and more.  
        10  118 E Franklin St, Quitman, MS   Source: Realtor/a>, courtesy of Winstead Realty, Inc.   $36,000   CORPORATE OWNED- Beautiful Victorian home located in the heart of Quitman. This 5 bedroom 2 bath home is something to see. This home offers gorgeous hardwood floors, soaring ceilings, unique architectural features, and a beautiful front porch. Property is listed on the Historical Registry. Buyers to verify all information to their satisfaction.  
        11  128 Cliff St, Canajoharie, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Krutz Properties   $40,000   This home can be stunning again! A brick home with original woodwork, wood floors, high ceilings and a center hall. Property needs some work, but the price is right!        
  12  200 Rossing Ave, Bode, IA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Humboldt Realty   $35,000   **New roof 2014** Vinyl siding except for front porch. Main floor features kitchen, dining room with pocket doors to the living room with built ins and colonades, main floor laundry room, enclosed back porch and open front porch. Upstairs features three bedrooms, 3/4 bath, extra room could be a bedroom but no closet, enclosed porch and open 2nd story porch.  
        13  607 N 7th St, Vincennes, IN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of F.C. TUCKER EMGE   $39,990   Take a look at this Victorian style 2 story home! Off street parking in the back, fenced area for yard, lots of character including beautiful wood staircase, several fireplaces, lovely ornamental built in’s and more! Nice front porch and enclosed back porch with laundry mud room.  
        14  1777 State Route 95, Bombay, NY   Source: General Real Estate   $49,000   FIXER-UPPER” FULL OF OLD FURNITURE & UNKNOWN TREASURES. With the right buyer, this 1910 home can be restored to its original splendor with many original features including high ceilings, beautiful crown moldings, woodwork, hardwood flooring, plank flooring, cornices, columns. 2252 SF includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal dining, 14×31 living room, 16×22 sunroom, laundry room, formal foyer, two stairways, walk-up attic, attached garage. Basement walls & floors covered by Basement Systems with Super Sump Pump & SaniDry System. This is an Estate with no property information available. THIS HOME IS BEING SOLD AS IS AND INCLUDES ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY.  
        15  632 Monroe St, Macon, GA   Source: Keller Williams Realty Middle Georgia   $50,000   Make this your home or your business office space! Lovely historical home with high ceilings and gorgeous antique hard pine wood floors. Insulation in attic and underneath, new plumbing and new duct work. Exceptional price and has been zoned commercial. Street parking is also available. Call today for your personal viewing.  
        16  407 S First St, Pierceton, IN   Source: Hatcher Real Estate   $9,000 (I’M NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE!)   Affordable brick home located down town Pierceton. Within walking distance to bank, stores and businesses. Large bedrooms with high ceilings throughout, original wood work, large kitchen, convenient first floor laundry and first floor half bath, city water and city sewer with free trash pickup. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. First Time Buyers, complete the HomePath Ready Buyer homeownership course on HomePath.com. Attach certificate to offer and request up to 3% closing cost assistance. Check HomePath.com for more details or ask listing agent. Restrictions apply.  
        17  438 Forest Avenue, Maysville, KY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Phillips Realty and Associates, LLC   $20,000   This is a Handy Man’s Fixer Upper! Wood cabinets in kitchen —wood floors need sanded. –3 fireplaces—-pocket doors—-gas forced air/c/air downstairs -electric baseboard up Storm Door on front.  
        18  508 Monroe St, Henry, IL   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Jim Maloof Realtor   $39,000   Great 1st time buyer or flip for investors. Finish your dream home. Stately 2 story home with amazing wrap around porch and large fenced family sized yard and 2 car attached garage inside you will find a home that is partially finished but still leaves a great opportunity for a personal touch to finish the layout with the possibility to have two master suites or as many bedrooms as you wish. Beautiful open staircase making an impressive grand entrance & marble fireplace. Upstairs has additional rear entry. Lots of possibilities here.  
        19  618 W State St, Centerville, IA   Source: Bogle Realty   $44,900   This 3 bedroom home is centrally located in town, within walking distance of the Centerville Historical Square, and has a ton of charismatic charm. Walking into the home, you’ll notice the beautiful dark, wooden staircase. In the main dining area, you will see lots of original wood work, along with the beautiful stained glass windows. There is a mudroom off of the kitchen leading into the back deck. Mudroom is spacious with some shelving. Bedrooms are nice size with good sized closets with a full bath on the 2nd floor. Adorable front porch, as well as a nice back deck over looking the spacious back yard. A 2 car detached garage with extra space for storage or wood-working.  
        20  1016 County Road 258, Five Points, AL   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Reliance Realty, LLC   $49,500   Includes this home and one other home and a store building on 3 acres of land.  
        21  2207 Lincolnway W, South Bend, IN   Source: Inspired Homes/ REMAX 100   $49,000   Beautiful woodwork and character in this home. Roof was completely replaced a few years ago for over $20,000 with more work done on the chimney and flashing. Full bath was recently updated and another half bath of kitchen. Some newer windows. Hardwood floors throughout. Crown molding in the dining room and master bedroom. Nice front yard. All newer stainless steel appliances stay! Basement has some drywall in place and a half bath started.  
        22  280 2nd St NW, Primghar, IA   Source: Northwest Iowa Realty   $42,500   Sturdy well-built with great character! This 4 bedroom home is situated on a large corner lot. Beautiful woodwork and space for the family. Call for your private showing today.  
        24  309 E Indiana Ave, Elkhart, IN   Source: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices   $40,000   Beautiful Traditional 2 Story Home. Main Level features 1 Bedroom. Full Bath, Kitchen, Living Room. Upper Level has 3 Possible 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath, 13 x 13 Finished Attic. Possible extra living space. Full Basement with washer & Dryer hookup, Boiler Heat throughout. Detached Garage with Alley Access. Lots of Beautiful woodwork throughout this home. Fence in Back Yard. Great Home or investment / rental property. Home was a former Duplex and can be converted back.  
        25  304 E 7TH St, Woonsocket, SD   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Montgomery Agency   $49,000   Classic colonial exudes charm & character. Spacious open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, main floor laundry, wood burning stove, detailed wood work throughout, including hardwood floors. Both ally and street access, with a rocking chair front porch you can call home!  
        Bonus #1!  216 S 7th St, Coshocton, OH   Source: HER Realtors   $39,900   3 Story Brick Home! The wood and character explodes throughout this 3 story home! The main floor has huge family/living room with built in bench seating- gorgeous french doors, fire place, open staircase and nice hard wood flooring throughout. Not to mention when walking up to our home you will enjoy the huge front porch and stylish front door. There is additional space on the main floor, at one time set up as a beauty shop. Explore as you walk up the first flight of stairs to the second story with 3 oversized bedrooms with nice wood floors and closets throughout. Don’t stop there – head on up another set of stairs to the loft bedroom and two closets! Must see.  
        Bonus #2!  206 W North St, Grayville, IL   Source: Integrity Realty   $24,900   Looking for an investment opportunity with income potential? Take a look at this three-to-four bedroom home with remodeled three-quarter bath and half bath on main level and full bath with cast iron clawfoot tub upstairs. This project house also features original wood floors, trim, doors and loads of character throughout.  
        Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from Home Decoration Ideas https://circaoldhouses.com/25-houses-under-50k-november-2017-edition/
0 notes
kylejosephus · 7 years
25 Houses Under 50K: November 2017 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
I’m so smitten with this collection of houses for sale for under $50,000 that I couldn’t wait a second past the 1st of November to share them with you. I’ve rounded up 25 beauties, plus a couple bonuses! Don’t miss #16, an eclectic historical gem that’s for sale for just $9,000.   And remember, if you LOVE cheap old houses as much as we do, make sure to follow our other Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  7 Van Buren St, Antwerp, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Lori Gervera Team – Keller Williams Northern New York   $35,900   Amazing opportunity for you to restore a “One of a Kind – Historic Stone House” ! Just picture it … Deep window sills accent the large sunlight filled windows, Beautiful wide plank floors, Original fireplace, formal living room / formal Dining room / Library / Eat-in “summer kitchen” – endless potential both upstairs and down – the footprint /shell of the house is quoted in the tax records as having over 4000 sq ft ! Bring your vision … this may just be the project you’ve been searching for!  
    2  130 W Church St, Americus, GA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Frison Realty & Construction Co. $30,999   For the renovator at heart. This is the one. Filled with history. On the historic society registry.  
        3  402 E 1st Ave, Hutchinson, KS   Source: J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc.   $34,900   Two houses being sold together! Main house is a 2,941 square foot two-story on a corner lot with alley access. Five bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, 4 bonus rooms/areas, large wrap around porch and a detached two car garage. Second house is a 600 square foot, one bedroom, one bath cottage with a loft. Both properties will sell “As-Is” and are subject to a short sale.  
        4  1163 E 12th St, Douglas, AZ   Source: Estately, courtesy of Douglas Realty Group   $48,000   This house was built in the early 1900’s and it is a fixer upper opportunity. It has the potential to become a very charming traditional house. It is located in center of Douglas, AZ. It is close to local schools and churches.  
        5  707 Sherman Ave, Ackley, IA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Homestead Realty   $44,900   Tons of charm with this beautiful 2 story home! The roof was replaced in 2016 along with an updated breaker box. The woodwork throughout is stunning along with original hardwood floors adds lots charm! This home is located on a large lot with beautiful grown trees & a cemetery behind the property. The main floor offers a large kitchen, 3/4 bath, formal dining, living room, & family room. The 2nd floor offers 4 large bedrooms with a full bath & laundry. The attic is unfinished with potential for another large living space or bedroom. A small balcony off the 2nd floor offers a view & character to the home. Call Homestead Realty to schedule your showing at (641)648-4206 today!  
        6  20 Grove St, Norwich, CT   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Housepad Llp   $44,900 (foreclosure)   Large single family home in Norwich, CT. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Home has great potential. Lots of beautiful details throughout. Wood floors look in good condition. Home will need work and repairs before move in ready.  
        7  201 W South Avenue, Sumner, IL   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Scherer Real Estate   $25,000   4 bedrooms, 2 baths on large shaded yard. Bedroom and bath on ground level. Original Sears mantel fireplace. Some hardwood floors. Basement and usable attic area. Needs TLC.  
        8  206 Park Ave, Fulton, KY   Source: Trulia, courtesy of NCB Realtors   $48,900   This stately historic home boasts a foyer, living room with fireplace,built-in bookcases,brass repousse cornices,dining room,kitchen w/ range & refrigerator,2 bedrooms(1 with fireplace),tiled bath,den,utility,basement.period mantels, hardwood floors,high ceilings,hedge lined front lawn,intricate ironwork,original front door & many other original features exist in this remarkable home on corner lot in Fulton’s historic district.  
        9  27 Saint Pauls Pl, Liberty, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Elliott & Pomeroy, Inc.   $48,500 (foreclosure)   Once a grand Victorian, now in need of repairs, this old word charmer is just what you are looking for, formal dining room, parlor, 2 fireplaces, wood floors, balconies, easy access and more.  
        10  118 E Franklin St, Quitman, MS   Source: Realtor/a>, courtesy of Winstead Realty, Inc.   $36,000   CORPORATE OWNED- Beautiful Victorian home located in the heart of Quitman. This 5 bedroom 2 bath home is something to see. This home offers gorgeous hardwood floors, soaring ceilings, unique architectural features, and a beautiful front porch. Property is listed on the Historical Registry. Buyers to verify all information to their satisfaction.  
        11  128 Cliff St, Canajoharie, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Krutz Properties   $40,000   This home can be stunning again! A brick home with original woodwork, wood floors, high ceilings and a center hall. Property needs some work, but the price is right!        
  12  200 Rossing Ave, Bode, IA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Humboldt Realty   $35,000   **New roof 2014** Vinyl siding except for front porch. Main floor features kitchen, dining room with pocket doors to the living room with built ins and colonades, main floor laundry room, enclosed back porch and open front porch. Upstairs features three bedrooms, 3/4 bath, extra room could be a bedroom but no closet, enclosed porch and open 2nd story porch.  
        13  607 N 7th St, Vincennes, IN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of F.C. TUCKER EMGE   $39,990   Take a look at this Victorian style 2 story home! Off street parking in the back, fenced area for yard, lots of character including beautiful wood staircase, several fireplaces, lovely ornamental built in’s and more! Nice front porch and enclosed back porch with laundry mud room.  
        14  1777 State Route 95, Bombay, NY   Source: General Real Estate   $49,000   FIXER-UPPER” FULL OF OLD FURNITURE & UNKNOWN TREASURES. With the right buyer, this 1910 home can be restored to its original splendor with many original features including high ceilings, beautiful crown moldings, woodwork, hardwood flooring, plank flooring, cornices, columns. 2252 SF includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal dining, 14×31 living room, 16×22 sunroom, laundry room, formal foyer, two stairways, walk-up attic, attached garage. Basement walls & floors covered by Basement Systems with Super Sump Pump & SaniDry System. This is an Estate with no property information available. THIS HOME IS BEING SOLD AS IS AND INCLUDES ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY.  
        15  632 Monroe St, Macon, GA   Source: Keller Williams Realty Middle Georgia   $50,000   Make this your home or your business office space! Lovely historical home with high ceilings and gorgeous antique hard pine wood floors. Insulation in attic and underneath, new plumbing and new duct work. Exceptional price and has been zoned commercial. Street parking is also available. Call today for your personal viewing.  
        16  407 S First St, Pierceton, IN   Source: Hatcher Real Estate   $9,000 (I’M NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE!)   Affordable brick home located down town Pierceton. Within walking distance to bank, stores and businesses. Large bedrooms with high ceilings throughout, original wood work, large kitchen, convenient first floor laundry and first floor half bath, city water and city sewer with free trash pickup. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. First Time Buyers, complete the HomePath Ready Buyer homeownership course on HomePath.com. Attach certificate to offer and request up to 3% closing cost assistance. Check HomePath.com for more details or ask listing agent. Restrictions apply.  
        17  438 Forest Avenue, Maysville, KY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Phillips Realty and Associates, LLC   $20,000   This is a Handy Man’s Fixer Upper! Wood cabinets in kitchen —wood floors need sanded. –3 fireplaces—-pocket doors—-gas forced air/c/air downstairs -electric baseboard up Storm Door on front.  
        18  508 Monroe St, Henry, IL   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Jim Maloof Realtor   $39,000   Great 1st time buyer or flip for investors. Finish your dream home. Stately 2 story home with amazing wrap around porch and large fenced family sized yard and 2 car attached garage inside you will find a home that is partially finished but still leaves a great opportunity for a personal touch to finish the layout with the possibility to have two master suites or as many bedrooms as you wish. Beautiful open staircase making an impressive grand entrance & marble fireplace. Upstairs has additional rear entry. Lots of possibilities here.  
        19  618 W State St, Centerville, IA   Source: Bogle Realty   $44,900   This 3 bedroom home is centrally located in town, within walking distance of the Centerville Historical Square, and has a ton of charismatic charm. Walking into the home, you’ll notice the beautiful dark, wooden staircase. In the main dining area, you will see lots of original wood work, along with the beautiful stained glass windows. There is a mudroom off of the kitchen leading into the back deck. Mudroom is spacious with some shelving. Bedrooms are nice size with good sized closets with a full bath on the 2nd floor. Adorable front porch, as well as a nice back deck over looking the spacious back yard. A 2 car detached garage with extra space for storage or wood-working.  
        20  1016 County Road 258, Five Points, AL   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Reliance Realty, LLC   $49,500   Includes this home and one other home and a store building on 3 acres of land.  
        21  2207 Lincolnway W, South Bend, IN   Source: Inspired Homes/ REMAX 100   $49,000   Beautiful woodwork and character in this home. Roof was completely replaced a few years ago for over $20,000 with more work done on the chimney and flashing. Full bath was recently updated and another half bath of kitchen. Some newer windows. Hardwood floors throughout. Crown molding in the dining room and master bedroom. Nice front yard. All newer stainless steel appliances stay! Basement has some drywall in place and a half bath started.  
        22  280 2nd St NW, Primghar, IA   Source: Northwest Iowa Realty   $42,500   Sturdy well-built with great character! This 4 bedroom home is situated on a large corner lot. Beautiful woodwork and space for the family. Call for your private showing today.  
        24  309 E Indiana Ave, Elkhart, IN   Source: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices   $40,000   Beautiful Traditional 2 Story Home. Main Level features 1 Bedroom. Full Bath, Kitchen, Living Room. Upper Level has 3 Possible 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath, 13 x 13 Finished Attic. Possible extra living space. Full Basement with washer & Dryer hookup, Boiler Heat throughout. Detached Garage with Alley Access. Lots of Beautiful woodwork throughout this home. Fence in Back Yard. Great Home or investment / rental property. Home was a former Duplex and can be converted back.  
        25  304 E 7TH St, Woonsocket, SD   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Montgomery Agency   $49,000   Classic colonial exudes charm & character. Spacious open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, main floor laundry, wood burning stove, detailed wood work throughout, including hardwood floors. Both ally and street access, with a rocking chair front porch you can call home!  
        Bonus #1!  216 S 7th St, Coshocton, OH   Source: HER Realtors   $39,900   3 Story Brick Home! The wood and character explodes throughout this 3 story home! The main floor has huge family/living room with built in bench seating- gorgeous french doors, fire place, open staircase and nice hard wood flooring throughout. Not to mention when walking up to our home you will enjoy the huge front porch and stylish front door. There is additional space on the main floor, at one time set up as a beauty shop. Explore as you walk up the first flight of stairs to the second story with 3 oversized bedrooms with nice wood floors and closets throughout. Don’t stop there – head on up another set of stairs to the loft bedroom and two closets! Must see.  
        Bonus #2!  206 W North St, Grayville, IL   Source: Integrity Realty   $24,900   Looking for an investment opportunity with income potential? Take a look at this three-to-four bedroom home with remodeled three-quarter bath and half bath on main level and full bath with cast iron clawfoot tub upstairs. This project house also features original wood floors, trim, doors and loads of character throughout.  
        Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/25-houses-under-50k-november-2017-edition/
0 notes
tinaparkerusa · 7 years
25 Houses Under 50K: November 2017 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
I’m so smitten with this collection of houses for sale for under $50,000 that I couldn’t wait a second past the 1st of November to share them with you. I’ve rounded up 25 beauties, plus a couple bonuses! Don’t miss #16, an eclectic historical gem that’s for sale for just $9,000.   And remember, if you LOVE cheap old houses as much as we do, make sure to follow our other Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  7 Van Buren St, Antwerp, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Lori Gervera Team – Keller Williams Northern New York   $35,900   Amazing opportunity for you to restore a “One of a Kind – Historic Stone House” ! Just picture it … Deep window sills accent the large sunlight filled windows, Beautiful wide plank floors, Original fireplace, formal living room / formal Dining room / Library / Eat-in “summer kitchen” – endless potential both upstairs and down – the footprint /shell of the house is quoted in the tax records as having over 4000 sq ft ! Bring your vision … this may just be the project you’ve been searching for!  
    2  130 W Church St, Americus, GA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Frison Realty & Construction Co. $30,999   For the renovator at heart. This is the one. Filled with history. On the historic society registry.  
        3  402 E 1st Ave, Hutchinson, KS   Source: J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc.   $34,900   Two houses being sold together! Main house is a 2,941 square foot two-story on a corner lot with alley access. Five bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, 4 bonus rooms/areas, large wrap around porch and a detached two car garage. Second house is a 600 square foot, one bedroom, one bath cottage with a loft. Both properties will sell “As-Is” and are subject to a short sale.  
        4  1163 E 12th St, Douglas, AZ   Source: Estately, courtesy of Douglas Realty Group   $48,000   This house was built in the early 1900’s and it is a fixer upper opportunity. It has the potential to become a very charming traditional house. It is located in center of Douglas, AZ. It is close to local schools and churches.  
        5  707 Sherman Ave, Ackley, IA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Homestead Realty   $44,900   Tons of charm with this beautiful 2 story home! The roof was replaced in 2016 along with an updated breaker box. The woodwork throughout is stunning along with original hardwood floors adds lots charm! This home is located on a large lot with beautiful grown trees & a cemetery behind the property. The main floor offers a large kitchen, 3/4 bath, formal dining, living room, & family room. The 2nd floor offers 4 large bedrooms with a full bath & laundry. The attic is unfinished with potential for another large living space or bedroom. A small balcony off the 2nd floor offers a view & character to the home. Call Homestead Realty to schedule your showing at (641)648-4206 today!  
        6  20 Grove St, Norwich, CT   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Housepad Llp   $44,900 (foreclosure)   Large single family home in Norwich, CT. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Home has great potential. Lots of beautiful details throughout. Wood floors look in good condition. Home will need work and repairs before move in ready.  
        7  201 W South Avenue, Sumner, IL   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Scherer Real Estate   $25,000   4 bedrooms, 2 baths on large shaded yard. Bedroom and bath on ground level. Original Sears mantel fireplace. Some hardwood floors. Basement and usable attic area. Needs TLC.  
        8  206 Park Ave, Fulton, KY   Source: Trulia, courtesy of NCB Realtors   $48,900   This stately historic home boasts a foyer, living room with fireplace,built-in bookcases,brass repousse cornices,dining room,kitchen w/ range & refrigerator,2 bedrooms(1 with fireplace),tiled bath,den,utility,basement.period mantels, hardwood floors,high ceilings,hedge lined front lawn,intricate ironwork,original front door & many other original features exist in this remarkable home on corner lot in Fulton’s historic district.  
        9  27 Saint Pauls Pl, Liberty, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Elliott & Pomeroy, Inc.   $48,500 (foreclosure)   Once a grand Victorian, now in need of repairs, this old word charmer is just what you are looking for, formal dining room, parlor, 2 fireplaces, wood floors, balconies, easy access and more.  
        10  118 E Franklin St, Quitman, MS   Source: Realtor/a>, courtesy of Winstead Realty, Inc.   $36,000   CORPORATE OWNED- Beautiful Victorian home located in the heart of Quitman. This 5 bedroom 2 bath home is something to see. This home offers gorgeous hardwood floors, soaring ceilings, unique architectural features, and a beautiful front porch. Property is listed on the Historical Registry. Buyers to verify all information to their satisfaction.  
        11  128 Cliff St, Canajoharie, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Krutz Properties   $40,000   This home can be stunning again! A brick home with original woodwork, wood floors, high ceilings and a center hall. Property needs some work, but the price is right!        
  12  200 Rossing Ave, Bode, IA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Humboldt Realty   $35,000   **New roof 2014** Vinyl siding except for front porch. Main floor features kitchen, dining room with pocket doors to the living room with built ins and colonades, main floor laundry room, enclosed back porch and open front porch. Upstairs features three bedrooms, 3/4 bath, extra room could be a bedroom but no closet, enclosed porch and open 2nd story porch.  
        13  607 N 7th St, Vincennes, IN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of F.C. TUCKER EMGE   $39,990   Take a look at this Victorian style 2 story home! Off street parking in the back, fenced area for yard, lots of character including beautiful wood staircase, several fireplaces, lovely ornamental built in’s and more! Nice front porch and enclosed back porch with laundry mud room.  
        14  1777 State Route 95, Bombay, NY   Source: General Real Estate   $49,000   FIXER-UPPER” FULL OF OLD FURNITURE & UNKNOWN TREASURES. With the right buyer, this 1910 home can be restored to its original splendor with many original features including high ceilings, beautiful crown moldings, woodwork, hardwood flooring, plank flooring, cornices, columns. 2252 SF includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal dining, 14×31 living room, 16×22 sunroom, laundry room, formal foyer, two stairways, walk-up attic, attached garage. Basement walls & floors covered by Basement Systems with Super Sump Pump & SaniDry System. This is an Estate with no property information available. THIS HOME IS BEING SOLD AS IS AND INCLUDES ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY.  
        15  632 Monroe St, Macon, GA   Source: Keller Williams Realty Middle Georgia   $50,000   Make this your home or your business office space! Lovely historical home with high ceilings and gorgeous antique hard pine wood floors. Insulation in attic and underneath, new plumbing and new duct work. Exceptional price and has been zoned commercial. Street parking is also available. Call today for your personal viewing.  
        16  407 S First St, Pierceton, IN   Source: Hatcher Real Estate   $9,000 (I’M NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE!)   Affordable brick home located down town Pierceton. Within walking distance to bank, stores and businesses. Large bedrooms with high ceilings throughout, original wood work, large kitchen, convenient first floor laundry and first floor half bath, city water and city sewer with free trash pickup. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. First Time Buyers, complete the HomePath Ready Buyer homeownership course on HomePath.com. Attach certificate to offer and request up to 3% closing cost assistance. Check HomePath.com for more details or ask listing agent. Restrictions apply.  
        17  438 Forest Avenue, Maysville, KY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Phillips Realty and Associates, LLC   $20,000   This is a Handy Man’s Fixer Upper! Wood cabinets in kitchen —wood floors need sanded. –3 fireplaces—-pocket doors—-gas forced air/c/air downstairs -electric baseboard up Storm Door on front.  
        18  508 Monroe St, Henry, IL   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Jim Maloof Realtor   $39,000   Great 1st time buyer or flip for investors. Finish your dream home. Stately 2 story home with amazing wrap around porch and large fenced family sized yard and 2 car attached garage inside you will find a home that is partially finished but still leaves a great opportunity for a personal touch to finish the layout with the possibility to have two master suites or as many bedrooms as you wish. Beautiful open staircase making an impressive grand entrance & marble fireplace. Upstairs has additional rear entry. Lots of possibilities here.  
        19  618 W State St, Centerville, IA   Source: Bogle Realty   $44,900   This 3 bedroom home is centrally located in town, within walking distance of the Centerville Historical Square, and has a ton of charismatic charm. Walking into the home, you’ll notice the beautiful dark, wooden staircase. In the main dining area, you will see lots of original wood work, along with the beautiful stained glass windows. There is a mudroom off of the kitchen leading into the back deck. Mudroom is spacious with some shelving. Bedrooms are nice size with good sized closets with a full bath on the 2nd floor. Adorable front porch, as well as a nice back deck over looking the spacious back yard. A 2 car detached garage with extra space for storage or wood-working.  
        20  1016 County Road 258, Five Points, AL   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Reliance Realty, LLC   $49,500   Includes this home and one other home and a store building on 3 acres of land.  
        21  2207 Lincolnway W, South Bend, IN   Source: Inspired Homes/ REMAX 100   $49,000   Beautiful woodwork and character in this home. Roof was completely replaced a few years ago for over $20,000 with more work done on the chimney and flashing. Full bath was recently updated and another half bath of kitchen. Some newer windows. Hardwood floors throughout. Crown molding in the dining room and master bedroom. Nice front yard. All newer stainless steel appliances stay! Basement has some drywall in place and a half bath started.  
        22  280 2nd St NW, Primghar, IA   Source: Northwest Iowa Realty   $42,500   Sturdy well-built with great character! This 4 bedroom home is situated on a large corner lot. Beautiful woodwork and space for the family. Call for your private showing today.  
        24  309 E Indiana Ave, Elkhart, IN   Source: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices   $40,000   Beautiful Traditional 2 Story Home. Main Level features 1 Bedroom. Full Bath, Kitchen, Living Room. Upper Level has 3 Possible 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath, 13 x 13 Finished Attic. Possible extra living space. Full Basement with washer & Dryer hookup, Boiler Heat throughout. Detached Garage with Alley Access. Lots of Beautiful woodwork throughout this home. Fence in Back Yard. Great Home or investment / rental property. Home was a former Duplex and can be converted back.  
        25  304 E 7TH St, Woonsocket, SD   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Montgomery Agency   $49,000   Classic colonial exudes charm & character. Spacious open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, main floor laundry, wood burning stove, detailed wood work throughout, including hardwood floors. Both ally and street access, with a rocking chair front porch you can call home!  
        Bonus #1!  216 S 7th St, Coshocton, OH   Source: HER Realtors   $39,900   3 Story Brick Home! The wood and character explodes throughout this 3 story home! The main floor has huge family/living room with built in bench seating- gorgeous french doors, fire place, open staircase and nice hard wood flooring throughout. Not to mention when walking up to our home you will enjoy the huge front porch and stylish front door. There is additional space on the main floor, at one time set up as a beauty shop. Explore as you walk up the first flight of stairs to the second story with 3 oversized bedrooms with nice wood floors and closets throughout. Don’t stop there – head on up another set of stairs to the loft bedroom and two closets! Must see.  
        Bonus #2!  206 W North St, Grayville, IL   Source: Integrity Realty   $24,900   Looking for an investment opportunity with income potential? Take a look at this three-to-four bedroom home with remodeled three-quarter bath and half bath on main level and full bath with cast iron clawfoot tub upstairs. This project house also features original wood floors, trim, doors and loads of character throughout.  
        Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/25-houses-under-50k-november-2017-edition/
0 notes
cristinkgarzaky · 7 years
25 Houses Under 50K: November 2017 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
I’m so smitten with this collection of houses for sale for under $50,000 that I couldn’t wait a second past the 1st of November to share them with you. I’ve rounded up 25 beauties, plus a couple bonuses! Don’t miss #16, an eclectic historical gem that’s for sale for just $9,000.   And remember, if you LOVE cheap old houses as much as we do, make sure to follow our other Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  7 Van Buren St, Antwerp, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Lori Gervera Team – Keller Williams Northern New York   $35,900   Amazing opportunity for you to restore a “One of a Kind – Historic Stone House” ! Just picture it … Deep window sills accent the large sunlight filled windows, Beautiful wide plank floors, Original fireplace, formal living room / formal Dining room / Library / Eat-in “summer kitchen” – endless potential both upstairs and down – the footprint /shell of the house is quoted in the tax records as having over 4000 sq ft ! Bring your vision … this may just be the project you’ve been searching for!  
    2  130 W Church St, Americus, GA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Frison Realty & Construction Co. $30,999   For the renovator at heart. This is the one. Filled with history. On the historic society registry.  
        3  402 E 1st Ave, Hutchinson, KS   Source: J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc.   $34,900   Two houses being sold together! Main house is a 2,941 square foot two-story on a corner lot with alley access. Five bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, 4 bonus rooms/areas, large wrap around porch and a detached two car garage. Second house is a 600 square foot, one bedroom, one bath cottage with a loft. Both properties will sell “As-Is” and are subject to a short sale.  
        4  1163 E 12th St, Douglas, AZ   Source: Estately, courtesy of Douglas Realty Group   $48,000   This house was built in the early 1900’s and it is a fixer upper opportunity. It has the potential to become a very charming traditional house. It is located in center of Douglas, AZ. It is close to local schools and churches.  
        5  707 Sherman Ave, Ackley, IA   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Homestead Realty   $44,900   Tons of charm with this beautiful 2 story home! The roof was replaced in 2016 along with an updated breaker box. The woodwork throughout is stunning along with original hardwood floors adds lots charm! This home is located on a large lot with beautiful grown trees & a cemetery behind the property. The main floor offers a large kitchen, 3/4 bath, formal dining, living room, & family room. The 2nd floor offers 4 large bedrooms with a full bath & laundry. The attic is unfinished with potential for another large living space or bedroom. A small balcony off the 2nd floor offers a view & character to the home. Call Homestead Realty to schedule your showing at (641)648-4206 today!  
        6  20 Grove St, Norwich, CT   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Housepad Llp   $44,900 (foreclosure)   Large single family home in Norwich, CT. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Home has great potential. Lots of beautiful details throughout. Wood floors look in good condition. Home will need work and repairs before move in ready.  
        7  201 W South Avenue, Sumner, IL   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Scherer Real Estate   $25,000   4 bedrooms, 2 baths on large shaded yard. Bedroom and bath on ground level. Original Sears mantel fireplace. Some hardwood floors. Basement and usable attic area. Needs TLC.  
        8  206 Park Ave, Fulton, KY   Source: Trulia, courtesy of NCB Realtors   $48,900   This stately historic home boasts a foyer, living room with fireplace,built-in bookcases,brass repousse cornices,dining room,kitchen w/ range & refrigerator,2 bedrooms(1 with fireplace),tiled bath,den,utility,basement.period mantels, hardwood floors,high ceilings,hedge lined front lawn,intricate ironwork,original front door & many other original features exist in this remarkable home on corner lot in Fulton’s historic district.  
        9  27 Saint Pauls Pl, Liberty, NY   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Elliott & Pomeroy, Inc.   $48,500 (foreclosure)   Once a grand Victorian, now in need of repairs, this old word charmer is just what you are looking for, formal dining room, parlor, 2 fireplaces, wood floors, balconies, easy access and more.  
        10  118 E Franklin St, Quitman, MS   Source: Realtor/a>, courtesy of Winstead Realty, Inc.   $36,000   CORPORATE OWNED- Beautiful Victorian home located in the heart of Quitman. This 5 bedroom 2 bath home is something to see. This home offers gorgeous hardwood floors, soaring ceilings, unique architectural features, and a beautiful front porch. Property is listed on the Historical Registry. Buyers to verify all information to their satisfaction.  
        11  128 Cliff St, Canajoharie, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Krutz Properties   $40,000   This home can be stunning again! A brick home with original woodwork, wood floors, high ceilings and a center hall. Property needs some work, but the price is right!        
  12  200 Rossing Ave, Bode, IA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Humboldt Realty   $35,000   **New roof 2014** Vinyl siding except for front porch. Main floor features kitchen, dining room with pocket doors to the living room with built ins and colonades, main floor laundry room, enclosed back porch and open front porch. Upstairs features three bedrooms, 3/4 bath, extra room could be a bedroom but no closet, enclosed porch and open 2nd story porch.  
        13  607 N 7th St, Vincennes, IN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of F.C. TUCKER EMGE   $39,990   Take a look at this Victorian style 2 story home! Off street parking in the back, fenced area for yard, lots of character including beautiful wood staircase, several fireplaces, lovely ornamental built in’s and more! Nice front porch and enclosed back porch with laundry mud room.  
        14  1777 State Route 95, Bombay, NY   Source: General Real Estate   $49,000   FIXER-UPPER” FULL OF OLD FURNITURE & UNKNOWN TREASURES. With the right buyer, this 1910 home can be restored to its original splendor with many original features including high ceilings, beautiful crown moldings, woodwork, hardwood flooring, plank flooring, cornices, columns. 2252 SF includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, formal dining, 14×31 living room, 16×22 sunroom, laundry room, formal foyer, two stairways, walk-up attic, attached garage. Basement walls & floors covered by Basement Systems with Super Sump Pump & SaniDry System. This is an Estate with no property information available. THIS HOME IS BEING SOLD AS IS AND INCLUDES ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY.  
        15  632 Monroe St, Macon, GA   Source: Keller Williams Realty Middle Georgia   $50,000   Make this your home or your business office space! Lovely historical home with high ceilings and gorgeous antique hard pine wood floors. Insulation in attic and underneath, new plumbing and new duct work. Exceptional price and has been zoned commercial. Street parking is also available. Call today for your personal viewing.  
        16  407 S First St, Pierceton, IN   Source: Hatcher Real Estate   $9,000 (I’M NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE!)   Affordable brick home located down town Pierceton. Within walking distance to bank, stores and businesses. Large bedrooms with high ceilings throughout, original wood work, large kitchen, convenient first floor laundry and first floor half bath, city water and city sewer with free trash pickup. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property. First Time Buyers, complete the HomePath Ready Buyer homeownership course on HomePath.com. Attach certificate to offer and request up to 3% closing cost assistance. Check HomePath.com for more details or ask listing agent. Restrictions apply.  
        17  438 Forest Avenue, Maysville, KY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Phillips Realty and Associates, LLC   $20,000   This is a Handy Man’s Fixer Upper! Wood cabinets in kitchen —wood floors need sanded. –3 fireplaces—-pocket doors—-gas forced air/c/air downstairs -electric baseboard up Storm Door on front.  
        18  508 Monroe St, Henry, IL   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Jim Maloof Realtor   $39,000   Great 1st time buyer or flip for investors. Finish your dream home. Stately 2 story home with amazing wrap around porch and large fenced family sized yard and 2 car attached garage inside you will find a home that is partially finished but still leaves a great opportunity for a personal touch to finish the layout with the possibility to have two master suites or as many bedrooms as you wish. Beautiful open staircase making an impressive grand entrance & marble fireplace. Upstairs has additional rear entry. Lots of possibilities here.  
        19  618 W State St, Centerville, IA   Source: Bogle Realty   $44,900   This 3 bedroom home is centrally located in town, within walking distance of the Centerville Historical Square, and has a ton of charismatic charm. Walking into the home, you’ll notice the beautiful dark, wooden staircase. In the main dining area, you will see lots of original wood work, along with the beautiful stained glass windows. There is a mudroom off of the kitchen leading into the back deck. Mudroom is spacious with some shelving. Bedrooms are nice size with good sized closets with a full bath on the 2nd floor. Adorable front porch, as well as a nice back deck over looking the spacious back yard. A 2 car detached garage with extra space for storage or wood-working.  
        20  1016 County Road 258, Five Points, AL   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Reliance Realty, LLC   $49,500   Includes this home and one other home and a store building on 3 acres of land.  
        21  2207 Lincolnway W, South Bend, IN   Source: Inspired Homes/ REMAX 100   $49,000   Beautiful woodwork and character in this home. Roof was completely replaced a few years ago for over $20,000 with more work done on the chimney and flashing. Full bath was recently updated and another half bath of kitchen. Some newer windows. Hardwood floors throughout. Crown molding in the dining room and master bedroom. Nice front yard. All newer stainless steel appliances stay! Basement has some drywall in place and a half bath started.  
        22  280 2nd St NW, Primghar, IA   Source: Northwest Iowa Realty   $42,500   Sturdy well-built with great character! This 4 bedroom home is situated on a large corner lot. Beautiful woodwork and space for the family. Call for your private showing today.  
        24  309 E Indiana Ave, Elkhart, IN   Source: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices   $40,000   Beautiful Traditional 2 Story Home. Main Level features 1 Bedroom. Full Bath, Kitchen, Living Room. Upper Level has 3 Possible 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath, 13 x 13 Finished Attic. Possible extra living space. Full Basement with washer & Dryer hookup, Boiler Heat throughout. Detached Garage with Alley Access. Lots of Beautiful woodwork throughout this home. Fence in Back Yard. Great Home or investment / rental property. Home was a former Duplex and can be converted back.  
        25  304 E 7TH St, Woonsocket, SD   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Montgomery Agency   $49,000   Classic colonial exudes charm & character. Spacious open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, main floor laundry, wood burning stove, detailed wood work throughout, including hardwood floors. Both ally and street access, with a rocking chair front porch you can call home!  
        Bonus #1!  216 S 7th St, Coshocton, OH   Source: HER Realtors   $39,900   3 Story Brick Home! The wood and character explodes throughout this 3 story home! The main floor has huge family/living room with built in bench seating- gorgeous french doors, fire place, open staircase and nice hard wood flooring throughout. Not to mention when walking up to our home you will enjoy the huge front porch and stylish front door. There is additional space on the main floor, at one time set up as a beauty shop. Explore as you walk up the first flight of stairs to the second story with 3 oversized bedrooms with nice wood floors and closets throughout. Don’t stop there – head on up another set of stairs to the loft bedroom and two closets! Must see.  
        Bonus #2!  206 W North St, Grayville, IL   Source: Integrity Realty   $24,900   Looking for an investment opportunity with income potential? Take a look at this three-to-four bedroom home with remodeled three-quarter bath and half bath on main level and full bath with cast iron clawfoot tub upstairs. This project house also features original wood floors, trim, doors and loads of character throughout.  
        Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/25-houses-under-50k-november-2017-edition/
0 notes
bdestatesales1 · 7 years
Huge Tullahoma Sale
100 W. Crosswinds Ct
Tullahoma, TN   37388
Estate of Lieutenant Colonel John Stubbs and his wife Betty Stubbs
Baker Dining Table and 8 Maitland Smith Dining Chairs, Davis Cabinet Sideboard, Baker Games Table, Silverplate Gorham Tea Set, Howard Miller Clock, Eastlake Hall Tree, Eastlake Side Tables, Henredon Til Top Table, Southwood Sofas, Cane Back Chairs, Glass Top Coffee Table, Aubuson Area Rug, Rose Medallion Vase, Chippendale Style Bench, Hickory Chair Co. Lingerie Chest and Marble Top Chest of Drawers, Two French Style Chairs, Whittemore and Sherrill Leather Chair, Hickory Chair Co Queen Sleigh Bed and Nightstands, Eastlke Style Chair and Chest, Quilts, Oak Wardrobe and Dresser, Empire Style Oak China Cabinet, Victorian Wash Stand, Full Size Maple Bed and Dresser, Antique Trunk, Windsor Style Chairs, Luggage Racks, Quilts, Area Rugs, Drop Leaf Tables, Baker Sofa, Entertainment Center, Rocking Chairs, Tons of Lamps, Tons of Art Prints, Ethan Allen Breakfront, Leather Chair and Ottoman, Lift Chair, Treadmill, NordicTrack, Leather Upholstered Bench, Console Table, Regulator Clock, Antique Corner Washstand, Patio Table, Chairs and Umbrella, Weber Grill, Chaise Lounge, Mirrors, Ginger Jars, Oriental Decor, Preserve Stands, Soapstone Candlesticks, Mirrors, Brass Candlesticks, Glass Top Coffee Tables, Oriental Style Garden Stools, Rose Medallion Collectibles, Lladro Collection, Asian Folding Screen, Jade Sculpture, Several Bird Prints, Angel Figurines, New Orleans Prints, Needlepoint Footstool, Miscellaneous Glassware, Collection of Dolls, Lamps, Home Decor, Decorative Glass, Belleek China, Tole Box and Frames, File Cabinet, Wooden Bowls, Home Decor and Much More!
0 notes
Got $750,000? Move Right Into One of These 10 Beautiful Homes
Ae11615/ istock
Although it doesn’t boast the nice, supple roundness of a million dollars, three-quarters of a million bucks is still a lot of moolah. On the hunt for homes a rung or two below the million mark, we scoured listings of homes for sale across the United States at $750,000. And boy, did we find some beauties!
So if a seven-digit price tag is a stretch for your wallet, these offer a slightly less expensive alternative, with plenty of still-awesome amenities, from beautiful gardens, glorious open layouts, to convenient locations.
But as experienced housing watchers know, in exceptionally hot housing areas (like New York or the Bay Area), you could just wind up in a bidding war that pushes a price tag beyond $750,000. But, hey, we tried!
Multiple-offer madness aside, here are 10 homes currently on the market for three-quarters of a million dollars.
11 Hyde Park Blvd, Houston, TX
Square footage: 2,692 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3.5 The deal: This contemporary glass-and-concrete cube is a true showstopper. It is gated and private, and its entertaining opportunities include a fourth-floor terrace and an open living space and kitchen, with a glass-enclosed wine cellar that’s perfect for pouring with friends.
Houston, TX
7132 30th Ave SW, Seattle, WA
Square footage: 2,340 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 The deal: Emerald City alert! This delightful home is nestled among glorious green gardens, including stone paths, water features, mature plantings, and a covered patio. Along with the urban oasis, modern finishes indoors include custom maple cabinets, granite counters and backsplashes, bamboo and tile floors, and elegant fixtures.
Seattle, WA
4403 Tapia, San Antonio, TX
Square footage: 3,636 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 The deal: The resort-style setting says it’s “Scottsdale inspired,” and we see the desert resemblance. The one story-home is a showpiece of indoor-outdoor living, with interior courtyards, a heated pool and spa, a covered loggia, an outdoor kitchen, and fireplace.
San Antonio, TX
3019 Linden St, Oakland, CA
Square footage: 1,918 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2.5 The deal: For the pricey Bay Area, this place is a find. Built in 2006, it has a light and bright first floor with French doors, open layout, a powder room, a patio, and gated parking for two cars. Upstairs are a master suite plus two other bedrooms.
Oakland, CA
3634 N Avondale Ave, Chicago, IL
Square footage: 3,400 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3.5 The deal: It’s brand-new! And this place is well-designed, with luxury features like coffered and coved ceilings, and a kitchen counter with bar seating. There’s also a wet bar, a nice touch for entertaining. Bonus? The house sits in a historical neighborhood and is close to restaurants, shopping, and transit.
Chicago, IL
408 W 57th St Apt 2H, NY, NY
Square footage: 900 Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 The deal: Of course, this place is on the small side. It’s midtown Manhattan! But the unit has a deceivingly spacious layout, with a 40-foot-long living room, and a roomy bedroom that fits a king-size bed. Updates to the residence include a washer/dryer, stainless steel appliances, fresh paint, window treatments, and new lighting. Plus, you’re just two blocks from Central Park, where there’s plenty of space to stretch out.
New York, NY
288 Hopmeadow St, Simsbury, CT
Square footage: 4,518 Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 7.5 The deal: This fully restored Victorian is quite frankly jaw-dropping. The town landmark from 1890 has original details including eight fireplaces, decorative trim, stained glass, and large windows. But the centerpiece is the dramatic three-story turret. There’s also a finished basement with a bedroom and full bath, plus two covered porches and a gazebo on the two-acre property.
Simsbury, CT
4016 W 62nd St, Los Angeles, CA
Square footage: 1,568 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 The deal: A Tudor seems out of place in SoCal, yet here is a beautifully preserved example from 1928. Along with Tudor-style depressed arches, and a large-grid picture window in living room, there’s also a fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, a master suite, and a kitchen with breakfast nook. The new landscaping is drought tolerant—a big plus in this oft-parched area.
Los Angeles, CA
407 Sarto Ave, Coral Gables, FL
Square footage: 2,123 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 The deal: We love the Mid-Century Modern vibe of this completely updated home from 1967. The open floor plan includes woodlike porcelain tile. Quartz counters and acrylic cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom add to the bright, shiny look. The large kitchen island and the living space that opens to the back patio offer plenty of room for guests to circulate.
Coral Gables, FL
34 Pleasant St Apt 1, Wellesley, MA
Square footage: 1,685 Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2.5 The deal: Technically a condo, the single-family residence feels like a detached house. The ’40s home was renovated and attached to a condo community, connecting the “best of both worlds,” according to the listing description. New details include a cherrywood kitchen with granite counters, and a living and dining room that open to a large deck. There’s a large master suite, plus a lower level that could be used as a family room or an exercise room.
Wellesley, MA
The post Got $750,000? Move Right Into One of These 10 Beautiful Homes appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2vVEWzc
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Country House Design Guru Nora Murphy Selling Her Restored Farmhouse in Connecticut
The country house that served as inspiration for designer Nora Murphy has been relisted for $675,000. 
The beautifully restored farmhouse in Newtown, CT, is the backdrop for her lifestyle business, Nora Murphy Country House, which she founded in 2011. Now a savvy buyer can own Murphy’s very own country house.
“I fell in love with it the second I stepped foot in it,” says the Connecticut native of the home she’s lived in for 18 years. “It’s the quintessential classic country house.
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It's official! My beautiful Connecticut country house is now for sale. Read all about it on the blog! #linkinstories #forsale #realestate #noramurphycountryhouse #connecticut #newengland
A post shared by Nora Murphy Country House (@noramurphycountryhouse) on Oct 11, 2019 at 4:47pm PDT
  “It’s an antique house, but it’s not dark and cramped,” she says, recalling the first time she saw it. “It was a sunny day, and the light blasted through the windows and French doors.”
Murphy and her husband, Richard, purchased the home for $540,000 in 2002.
“The house had great bones and great structure,” she adds. The previous owner had added overscale windows, so she painted the interiors white, opened up the kitchen a little more, and added a hand-painted checkerboard floor for vintage character.
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Good morning from the sunny gallery at Connecticut Country House!
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A post shared by Nora Murphy Country House (@noramurphycountryhouse) on Nov 9, 2019 at 6:42am PST
With four bedrooms, and three baths, the 1767 farmhouse has been “immaculately redone and restored,” according to the listing.
The home did not have a master bedroom when Murphy acquired it. Eventually she and her husband added one on the ground floor, but Murphy had a specific look in mind.
“I Googled ‘dismantled antique buildings.’ I’m a designer [and] I [can] see the potential,” she says.
She tracked down a Victorian structure from 1857, which was last in use as a chicken coop. But the structure was more teahouse than birdhouse, and she repurposed it as a master suite addition. 
It now includes built-in library shelving and an en suite bath with a double vanity and standing shower surrounded by reclaimed picket wood fencing to give it an outdoor shower feel.
The 2,758-square-foot home includes a living room/parlor with a cooking fireplace—one of the home’s original features. There’s also a formal dining room with fireplace, and a sunroom with views of the gardens, stone walls, and woods.
The kitchen features a cathedral ceiling, 19th-century beams, antique wood cabinetry, and high-end appliances.
The home sits on 2 acres surrounded by state forest. The property offers a kitchen garden, stone patios, and a barn with a loft that doubles as a two-car garage.
Dining area and fireplace
Living room
Master bedroom
Formal dining room
Murphy is a former executive vice president for Ethan Allen and headed style and branding for the furnishings company. She’s since turned her home improvement project into a lifestyle blog, followed by an online magazine, and website. On social media she enjoys a devoted following. She’s the author of “Nora Murphy’s Country House Style,” which focuses on decorating, gardening, and entertaining.
Locals may also recognize her from her lifestyle segments on WFSB’s popular “Better Connecticut” program.
With her son graduated from college and “flying out of the nest,” and her husband retiring, it’s time to downsize. She placed the home on the market last fall for $699,000, but has since reduced the price.
Fans and followers shouldn’t worry that her design story will end when the home eventually sells.
“It’s time to move on and have a new project,” says Murphy. “Obviously I would like to continue my country house lifestyle with a smaller footprint.” 
Located minutes from downtown Redding and Newtown, the home is about 1.5 hours from Manhattan.
“You don’t feel like you’re in an old house when it’s fixed up like this,” says listing agent Margi Esten. “You could walk into the house and not do a thing. It is move-in-and-have-a-dinner-party kind of house. It’s totally done.”
“We have been very proud caretakers of this place and its historical nature,” Murphy says. “I’m just waiting for the potential buyers to come here and fall in love with it the way I fell in love with it.”
The post Country House Design Guru Nora Murphy Selling Her Restored Farmhouse in Connecticut appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/country-house-design-guru-nora-murphy-selling-farmhouse/
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nofeeslender · 7 years
6 Millennial Pink Homes Proving This Color Is Here to Stay
If you've never heard of Millennial Pink, don't worry - you aren't that out of the loop. Though the term was coined last year, it's been popping up for years, and Pantone's selection of Rose Quartz as one of its 2016 colors of the year was just a preview of the pink craze to come (yes, there’s a hashtag). Stars from Rihanna to Harry Styles have embraced light pink hues, though it’s more about the vibe than a distinct color, and its popularity goes beyond the 20-something crowd.
Millennial Pink has put rosy-colored homes on the map as well. While painting a house pink is nothing new - several historic, stucco and adobe homes sport the hue - it’s certainly on trend.
Check out these six homes for some Millennial Pink inspiration, and see what all the fuss is about.
Key West, FL
914 Grinnell St, Key West, FL For sale: $1.43 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
Tropical color schemes are a trademark of Key West design and architecture, as embodied by this delightful revival-style duplex. Bright blue shutters pop against a pale pink exterior with white trim, while the interior bursts with cheerful, vibrant blues, yellows, greens, and – of course – more pink.
Find more homes for sale in Key West.
Montpelier, VT
24-26 Loomis St, Montpelier, VT For sale: $1.8 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
A former mayor’s home, this restored Victorian is Millennial Pink inside and out. With a whimsical two-tone pink façade and a few light pink rooms in the interior, the bright paint choice is architecturally on point. "We often see a color similar on Victorian homes throughout Vermont," explains listing agent David Parsons, "and I believe it has a historical precedence." Because of an increase in the number of pigments available and a reduction in the cost of paint, brightly colored homes became de rigueur in Victorian New England.
Find more homes for sale in Montpelier.
Charleston, SC
18 State St, Charleston, SC 29401 For sale: $1.995 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
This historic home full of Southern charm proves that Millennial Pink is nothing new. Built around 1815, the current owners bought the pink house in 2004 and simply repainted it the same color since it worked so well. “There are many pink houses in Charleston, including one on Rainbow Row which is a block away,” explains listing agent Adam Edwards. “Pink is a longtime popular color because it helps keep the interiors cooler in the hot summer months.” Black shutters and white trim give the house an elegant, refined look.
Find more homes for sale in Charleston.
Seattle, WA
920 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA For sale: $1.598 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
For a prime example of a bold Millennial Pink, check out this 4-bedroom, 3,080-square-foot gem close to all the action in Seattle. The exterior is painted a solid shade of warm, earthy pink called “New Pilgrim Red” and is complemented with off-white woodwork in “Navajo White.” “We had seen that on another Colonial Revival house years ago when we were just about to repaint,” owners Clint and Elizabeth Miller recall. “It looked dramatic to us and suggested a New England sort of look.”
Find more homes for sale in Seattle.
Albuquerque, NM
1323 Narcisco Ct NE, Albuquerque, NM For sale: $430,000
Photo from Zillow listing.
Stucco exteriors are common in the Southwest because they’re durable and – most importantly, for a desert climate – energy efficient. This pink-hued home shows that stucco doesn't have to be drab. Here, the pink provides a dose of personality while maintaining a neutral, earthy vibe that meshes with the landscape.
Find more homes for sale in Albuquerque.
New Orleans, LA
326 Warrington Dr, New Orleans, LA For sale: $249,900
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Orleans is no stranger to colorful homes. In fact, this cute, single-story house is subdued in comparison to many in the Big Easy. But that's part of its appeal - and of the appeal of Millennial Pink in general. It manages to straddle the divide between playful and refined, youthful and classic.
Find more homes for sale in New Orleans.
10 New Orleans Homes to Inspire Mardi Gras Magic
Red, White and Blue Homes for July 4th
Baby Boomers: Here’s How to Sell Your Home to Millennials
from Zillow Porchlight https://www.zillow.com/blog/millennial-pink-homes-219081/
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homes4sale33032 · 7 years
6 Millennial Pink Homes Proving This Color Is Here to Stay
If you've never heard of Millennial Pink, don't worry - you aren't that out of the loop. Though the term was coined last year, it's been popping up for years, and Pantone's selection of Rose Quartz as one of its 2016 colors of the year was just a preview of the pink craze to come (yes, there’s a hashtag). Stars from Rihanna to Harry Styles have embraced light pink hues, though it’s more about the vibe than a distinct color, and its popularity goes beyond the 20-something crowd.
Millennial Pink has put rosy-colored homes on the map as well. While painting a house pink is nothing new - several historic, stucco and adobe homes sport the hue - it’s certainly on trend.
Check out these six homes for some Millennial Pink inspiration, and see what all the fuss is about.
Key West, FL
914 Grinnell St, Key West, FL For sale: $1.43 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
Tropical color schemes are a trademark of Key West design and architecture, as embodied by this delightful revival-style duplex. Bright blue shutters pop against a pale pink exterior with white trim, while the interior bursts with cheerful, vibrant blues, yellows, greens, and – of course – more pink.
Find more homes for sale in Key West.
Montpelier, VT
24-26 Loomis St, Montpelier, VT For sale: $1.8 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
A former mayor’s home, this restored Victorian is Millennial Pink inside and out. With a whimsical two-tone pink façade and a few light pink rooms in the interior, the bright paint choice is architecturally on point. "We often see a color similar on Victorian homes throughout Vermont," explains listing agent David Parsons, "and I believe it has a historical precedence." Because of an increase in the number of pigments available and a reduction in the cost of paint, brightly colored homes became de rigueur in Victorian New England.
Find more homes for sale in Montpelier.
Charleston, SC
18 State St, Charleston, SC 29401 For sale: $1.995 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
This historic home full of Southern charm proves that Millennial Pink is nothing new. Built around 1815, the current owners bought the pink house in 2004 and simply repainted it the same color since it worked so well. “There are many pink houses in Charleston, including one on Rainbow Row which is a block away,” explains listing agent Adam Edwards. “Pink is a longtime popular color because it helps keep the interiors cooler in the hot summer months.” Black shutters and white trim give the house an elegant, refined look.
Find more homes for sale in Charleston.
Seattle, WA
920 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA For sale: $1.598 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
For a prime example of a bold Millennial Pink, check out this 4-bedroom, 3,080-square-foot gem close to all the action in Seattle. The exterior is painted a solid shade of warm, earthy pink called “New Pilgrim Red” and is complemented with off-white woodwork in “Navajo White.” “We had seen that on another Colonial Revival house years ago when we were just about to repaint,” owners Clint and Elizabeth Miller recall. “It looked dramatic to us and suggested a New England sort of look.”
Find more homes for sale in Seattle.
Albuquerque, NM
1323 Narcisco Ct NE, Albuquerque, NM For sale: $430,000
Photo from Zillow listing.
Stucco exteriors are common in the Southwest because they’re durable and – most importantly, for a desert climate – energy efficient. This pink-hued home shows that stucco doesn't have to be drab. Here, the pink provides a dose of personality while maintaining a neutral, earthy vibe that meshes with the landscape.
Find more homes for sale in Albuquerque.
New Orleans, LA
326 Warrington Dr, New Orleans, LA For sale: $249,900
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Orleans is no stranger to colorful homes. In fact, this cute, single-story house is subdued in comparison to many in the Big Easy. But that's part of its appeal - and of the appeal of Millennial Pink in general. It manages to straddle the divide between playful and refined, youthful and classic.
Find more homes for sale in New Orleans.
10 New Orleans Homes to Inspire Mardi Gras Magic
Red, White and Blue Homes for July 4th
Baby Boomers: Here’s How to Sell Your Home to Millennials
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2tgOyUe
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garynsmith · 7 years
6 Millennial Pink Homes Proving This Color Is Here to Stay
If you've never heard of Millennial Pink, don't worry - you aren't that out of the loop. Though the term was coined last year, it's been popping up for years, and Pantone's selection of Rose Quartz as one of its 2016 colors of the year was just a preview of the pink craze to come (yes, there’s a hashtag). Stars from Rihanna to Harry Styles have embraced light pink hues, though it’s more about the vibe than a distinct color, and its popularity goes beyond the 20-something crowd.
Millennial Pink has put rosy-colored homes on the map as well. While painting a house pink is nothing new - several historic, stucco and adobe homes sport the hue - it’s certainly on trend.
Check out these six homes for some Millennial Pink inspiration, and see what all the fuss is about.
Key West, FL
914 Grinnell St, Key West, FL For sale: $1.43 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
Tropical color schemes are a trademark of Key West design and architecture, as embodied by this delightful revival-style duplex. Bright blue shutters pop against a pale pink exterior with white trim, while the interior bursts with cheerful, vibrant blues, yellows, greens, and – of course – more pink.
Find more homes for sale in Key West.
Montpelier, VT
24-26 Loomis St, Montpelier, VT For sale: $1.8 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
A former mayor’s home, this restored Victorian is Millennial Pink inside and out. With a whimsical two-tone pink façade and a few light pink rooms in the interior, the bright paint choice is architecturally on point. "We often see a color similar on Victorian homes throughout Vermont," explains listing agent David Parsons, "and I believe it has a historical precedence." Because of an increase in the number of pigments available and a reduction in the cost of paint, brightly colored homes became de rigueur in Victorian New England.
Find more homes for sale in Montpelier.
Charleston, SC
18 State St, Charleston, SC 29401 For sale: $1.995 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
This historic home full of Southern charm proves that Millennial Pink is nothing new. Built around 1815, the current owners bought the pink house in 2004 and simply repainted it the same color since it worked so well. “There are many pink houses in Charleston, including one on Rainbow Row which is a block away,” explains listing agent Adam Edwards. “Pink is a longtime popular color because it helps keep the interiors cooler in the hot summer months.” Black shutters and white trim give the house an elegant, refined look.
Find more homes for sale in Charleston.
Seattle, WA
920 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA For sale: $1.598 million
Photo from Zillow listing.
For a prime example of a bold Millennial Pink, check out this 4-bedroom, 3,080-square-foot gem close to all the action in Seattle. The exterior is painted a solid shade of warm, earthy pink called “New Pilgrim Red” and is complemented with off-white woodwork in “Navajo White.” “We had seen that on another Colonial Revival house years ago when we were just about to repaint,” owners Clint and Elizabeth Miller recall. “It looked dramatic to us and suggested a New England sort of look.”
Find more homes for sale in Seattle.
Albuquerque, NM
1323 Narcisco Ct NE, Albuquerque, NM For sale: $430,000
Photo from Zillow listing.
Stucco exteriors are common in the Southwest because they’re durable and – most importantly, for a desert climate – energy efficient. This pink-hued home shows that stucco doesn't have to be drab. Here, the pink provides a dose of personality while maintaining a neutral, earthy vibe that meshes with the landscape.
Find more homes for sale in Albuquerque.
New Orleans, LA
326 Warrington Dr, New Orleans, LA For sale: $249,900
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Orleans is no stranger to colorful homes. In fact, this cute, single-story house is subdued in comparison to many in the Big Easy. But that's part of its appeal - and of the appeal of Millennial Pink in general. It manages to straddle the divide between playful and refined, youthful and classic.
Find more homes for sale in New Orleans.
10 New Orleans Homes to Inspire Mardi Gras Magic
Red, White and Blue Homes for July 4th
Baby Boomers: Here’s How to Sell Your Home to Millennials
from Zillow Blog http://ift.tt/2tgOyUe via IFTTT
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