#Videns Mortem
creatorbiaze · 2 months
Boba for Videns
"Hey Viiidens~!" Sidera skips over to the teen, leaning down to be closer to her height, "I need your help with a thiiing!"
"I already know what you're gonna ask, and I'll help on one condition," Videns smiles as she pauses, looking up at the Origin.
Sidera frowns behind their mask, an ear flicking in annoyance. Conditions from Videns aren't good. "...Sure, what is it?"
"Get me boba and I'll help!" Videns grins.
Sidera deadpans, ears folding back entirely now as they step back, crossing their arms, "..I'm not getting boba."
"Get me boba."
Sidera drives, ears folded flat against their head, while Videns sits in the passenger seat of the car, drinking a taro coconut blend with tapioca pearls. Sidera can't believe they couldn't rewind to escape this, Videns insisted on boba every try. She didn't even get a tea.
"So what was the plan again?" Videns asks, glancing at the Origin.
"Yeah, no, can't help you there," Videns cuts Sidera off with a shrug, sipping their boba.
Sidera pauses, slowly turning to look at Videns, visibly distraught, "But I got you boba!" They didn't even care about being cut off before they could say anything, Videns was a mind reader, after all.
"Thanks for that, you're really easy to trick, suprisingly," Videns giggles, smiling.
Sidera deadpans, stopping the car. "Just get out," They sigh, unable to believe that they fell for Videns's shenanigans, "I thought I was the trickster.."
As Sidera stops the car, Videns happily unbuckles the seat belt and hops out, waving goodbye as Sidera blankly stares at her. How did they keep losing to this child?
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thefallentrio · 7 months
Meet the Fallen Pantheon!
provided by yours truly, Snow Sky~
Vizerxa Mortem!
Current leader, god of Observation and Strategy! she's really patient and puts up with our shit pretty well.
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Star Seer
God of Prophecy and the Mindscape, he's the oldest of us & is the grandson of the OG Salhan God of Death. He doesnt remember most of his past, though.
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Amatus Maren
God of Weather and Loyalty, aka The Storm King, he's one of the only ones that willingly followed Light Song. I don't have any full pictures of him but his wings have this really cool lightning design & he's one of us more reptilian draconics.
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(image is a picrew)
Aella Maren
God of the Ocean & Exploration, she's Amatus's niece & is known as the Syren Captain. She can control people with her voice, it's kinda unnerving tbh.
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Videns Mortem
Secondary god of Chaos and The Mindscape, and Vizerxa's younger sister. She's scary. I don't have a picture of her because she doesn't sit still, but she has long dark brown hair with black tips, ice-blue eyes, and feathered wings w/ sparkly star-like silver specks. Also she never stops smiling from what I know, n' is the youngest of us physically. She's terrifying.
Genesis Ventus
God of Hopelessness, Pain, and Vengeance. She's also scary. She makes weapons & can play the violin. Her eyesight's horrible (the fact she's missing an eye doesnt help) & she talks only telepathically. It's weird to be able to hear her voice perfectly but her mouth doesnt move at all.
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I dont.... have... a picture of her that's not like this, but she normally washes the blood out of her clothes & off her mask...
You already have the info about us three & im not... sure... if Mendacium's even officially one of us...
( @headchamberlain here's the thingz :>)
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mysticallty · 9 months
Until I finish the official lists
Have some of my most prominent characterz
Blaze Luminae - overworked god of Balance, and secondary god of Death. Leader of the Celestial Pantheon. She/they
Dawn Shadow - strict god of Death who has little control over her powers. Part of the Celestial Pantheon. She/her
Clara Ventus- blind god of Magic & secondary god of time. Very motherly, and bakes a lot. Part of the Celestial Pantheon. She/her
Nox Ventus- god of Redemption & Creation. Clara's younger sister & is a human-draconic hybrid. Celestial. She/her
The Fallen Elites
Vizerxa Mortem- god of Observation and Strategy. Leader of the Fallen Pantheon, and killed the previous leader (Light Song). Very secretive, but one of the most empathetic gods. She/they
Star Seer- Vizerxa's advisor, and god of Prophecy & the MindScape. Only is in the Fallen Pantheon because he follows whoever has the longest lifespan, and he is the oldest living deity, being the Grandson of the original Salhan god of Death & Destruction.
Amatus Maren- god of Weather , Life, and Loyalty. Sadistic & playful, is often called the Storm King due to his power. Fallen. He/him
Genesis Ventus- God of Hopelessness, Pain, and Vengeance. Has very poor eyesight. Very sarcastic and somewhat hostile, and has no understanding of morals. Fallen. She/they/it.
Snow Sky- God of Knowledge. Fun-loving and suprisingly chill for one of the main followers of Light Song. Fallen. She/her.
Videns Luminae-Mortem- secondary god of Chaos and the MindScape. The Guide of the Vengeful/basically controls Salha & Abyss's version of hell and tortures horrible people. Very playful and chaotic, and loves science and art. Has no understanding of morals. Is Vizerxa's younger sibling, and adopted by Blaze. She/her
Mendacium Deorum- god of Lies. A war general & mercenary who's known for being unkillable, since no one's figured out how they lost their mortal life. Neutral god. They/them
Verum Deorum- god of Peace & Truth. Mendacium's older sibling. Rather quiet and kind, though is cursed to be completely unable to lie, forcing them to say everything on their mind & their true thoughts. Neutral god, they/she.
Evex Quili - god of Weather and Promises. Leader of the Abyssmal/Vixeran Pantheon, and the cause of the current severe drought & famines in Abyss.
Voru Ceveru- god of Life and Light, and Evex's main follower. Highly sadistic and egotistical.
Cobra Sequix - god of Victory and Courage. Energetic and pretty socialable. Has a habit of befriending people others are scared of. She/her
Viper Sequix- god of Death and Magic. Cobra's younger sibling, and very reclusive and shy, partially because of Voru. They/them
Ceriex Saecula- current ruler of Origins. Seems really regal and kind, but is very uncertain of themself unless stability is actively needed. Any pronouns.
Exeveru Saecula- Ceriex's nephew. Known across the M.M for being rather helpful and calm. He/him
Sidera Noctis- Exeveru's younger sibling. Chaotic, unpredictable, and highly sadistic. Pretty flirty, and tends to focus on beings they find pretty. They/them
Mutari Mundi- the Technology Spirit, who controls most of Other-Realm's internet. Very glitchy, thanks to Sidera. Any pronouns
Dominus Flammis- harsh and cold, and tends to be rather aggressive, especially if Sidera is involved.
Amaranth Adams- a normal human who's more or less dragged into chaos by others, but wants no part in it. Unable to feel fear, and is just done with life. She/her
Magnus Sentry- a magician, who's also one of Amaranth's good friends. Likes playing tricks on others, but is rather calm.
Pandora Siqrae- A sorcerer apprentice who is forced to work for Sidera. Hates their job, and is terrified of Sidera. Pretty socially awkward, and easily startled.
Venenum Herba- a rather calm and uncaring(?) Spirit(human???) Who's almost completely unknown. She/her
Vizerivu- Ruler of essentially the equivalent of Hell. Pessimistic and quiet, avoiding most people. Can be rather snarky. they/them
Klerkure- ruler of essentially heaven. Rather optimistic, welcoming, friendly, and calm. she/they
Caul- the ruler of the in-between/neutral Afterlife. Is deaf. Really just doesn't care about anything anymore. Used to be one of the Sorcerers for the Ruling Gods. They/he
Major Gods
Zenza Vezexe- god of Order and Tragedy, ruler of the Megaversal Pantheon. The Dying God, and is pretty faded from being forgotten. Strict but kind, and generally very contradicting. they/them
Zelura Vezexe- Incarnation of Chaos and Karma. Zenza's first creation(?) and does anything it takes to make them suffer. She/they
Merivu Vezexe- Incarnation of Time and Death. Ruler of the Afterlife. Calm and curious, and doesn't quite understand mortals. They/them
Doomsday- The Incarnation of Destruction, but pretty chill. One of Zenza's best friends. They/them, responds to he/him too
Life- Incarnation of Life and Creation. One of Doomsday's closest friends, and always tired . Is rather kind, but tends to drift asleep during conversations from exhaustion.
Inxau- incarnation of Insanity and Madness. Zelura's main creation. Just a sadistic shit, honestly, and the ruler of the MindScape, sealed there by the rest of the Pantheon. Technically serves an important purpose. They/it.
Z- God of the Archives, and head Historian. Can manipulate reality in the Archives, making it whatever they want. Z is incredibly unnerving to most people, even with their mask, inexplicably triggering an Uncanny Valley effect for anyone that interacts with them. They/them
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studiof1tech · 5 years
Gør Computer Forensics vask uden spor
Uanset hvor vi går, forlader vi et fysisk spor bagud, og videnskaben kan bruges til at finde og identificere disse spor. Den individuelle karakter af disse spor kan danne et spor tilbage til en person. Denne karakteristik er blevet brugt i en overraskende tidsperiode, som ved undersøgelse afslører eksempler som kineserne ved hjælp af fingeraftryk i 700’erne og genopbygningen af et avisfragment i en drap i 1784. Det hævdes også, at kejseren i Kina på omkring 3000BC brugt sit fingeraftryk som et personligt mærke på dokumenter, selv om det ikke er tydeligt, hvor effektivt det kunne have været uden fingeraftryk scanner! Dette er eksempler på det spor, som folk forlader i alt, hvad de gør. Videnskab er brugt til at understøtte disciplinen for at indsamle og præsentere beviser for domstole, og begrebet retsmedicin er blevet forstået at betyde retsmedicinsk videnskab. Det har været mere for nylig populeret af retsmedicin og brugen af obduktioner post mortem. Mere almindeligt retsmedicin omfatter både videnskab og teknologi i indsamling af fakta og beviser, der bruges til at støtte sager fremlagt i kriminelle eller civile retsinstanser. Der er mange domæner i retsmedicin, der dækker alle aspekter af kroppen, og en persons interaktion med deres omgivelser. Universitetet i Central Lancashire illustrerer dette med deres casestudier, der viser, at sporet person forlader på en forbrydelsesplads. Vi forlader fodspor, fingeraftryk og et spor af fysiske artefakter bag os, som hver især kan spores af et specialmedicinsk domæne. Da vi bruger computere i vores hverdag, er det ikke overraskende, at vores interaktioner med den virtuelle verden også efterlader et spor. Et magnetisk medium kan synes at være blevet ryddet af filer, men sporene af filerne forbliver på diskskiven. Selvom filerne er renset for data, er der et tilbageværende spor på kanten af hver sektor, hvilket er en arv af variationen i den måde, som de fysiske magnetiske skivehoveder bevæger sig. Men dette nye domæne adskiller sig i en vigtig henseende, idet vi forlader et digitalt spor af vores bevægelse gennem den virtuelle verden, mens vi har set, at retsmedicin som helhed er bekymret for at opdage vores spor gennem den fysiske verden. Bortset fra en disciplin er alle retsmediciner involveret i de fysiske videnskaber, der søger konkrete beviser for vores personlige spor. Computerforensics er unik, fordi den er bekymret for erhvervelse, godkendelse og analyse af digitale data fra cyber-rum. En ekspert inden for computermedicin er udstyret med viden om, hvordan informationen krydser mellem vores arbejdsstationer. Denne bevægelse af data indebærer dens replikation på tværs af netværk og forskellige medier. Det holdes ofte i computerhukommelse vil gøre et antal midlertidige og semipermanente indtryk af sig selv i løbet af sit liv. Da computere er vokset til at invadere hver eneste del af vores daglige liv, så er muligheden for misbrug også vokset. Oplysninger kan indsamles over hele verden uden at flytte fra dit skrivebord. Computer retsmedicinere følger et omhyggeligt spor, der ofte danner computer til computer og tværs over grænserne for at spore gerningsmændene for forbrydelser og spionage. På grund af den rigtige mængde indsats og samarbejde kan kilden til et dataspor findes. Overvej milliarder af milliarder af data, der sendes over hele kloden hver eneste dag. Dette aktivitetsniveau gør det upraktisk at fysisk overvåge og filtrere hver digital samtale, og uden udgangspunkt er der ikke noget spor at følge. Uden en trigger bliver de fleste data synket uden spor.
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2Zibcv5 via IFTTT
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creatorbiaze · 4 months
Random Rambles; the False Deity
below cut bc long
So the False God, Night Wish (pictured at the end), was the Salhan god of Art and Knowledge.
They were a lesser Deity, and were 437 years old. They had lost their mortal life to suicide, and had been in the Pantheon for 401 years by the time of Vizerxa taking over the Fallen. They had been 32 when they died, and stayed that age the entirety of their time in the Pantheon.
They loved to play music, draw, and paint, though their works often had sad meanings behind them (and often had bittersweet tunes if they were music).
Night Wish was often described as melancholy, often being or seeming sad or upset and avoiding everyone.
They were one of Night Shade's closest friends for years, and had been her advisor while she was the Leader of the Celestial Pantheon.
They died shortly before Vizerxa's takeover, killed by an unknown being.
Thing is; they didn't exist.
Like legitimately didn't exist.
There are records & pictures of them, and everyone remembers them but....
Night Wish was just a being that Videns made up, and gave everyone false memories of. 
So, what does that imply? Why's it important?
Well, you see...
Videns literally made a fake god.
Videns is incredibly powerful, and doesn't even need actual reality manipulation to have devastating effects on people and the world, and doesn't care about the fact that it's wrong.
Of course, Vengeance Victims already knew that...
but point is, Videns weaved a false being into everyone's memories and mind, and no one had noticed. No one suspected a thing until she said herself that Night Wish was fake.
Night Wish was so well-crafted that they actually had a part in some important things, without actually existing.
Night Wish proves that the "truth"/reality of events and people could completely change or be erased if Videns is bored enough.
this is why Videns is feared.
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^ picrew of night wish
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
Meet Videns; one of the most feared Draconic Deities
just some snippets of Videns's chaos antics that I couldn't think of full short stories for
"w..what are you doing, Videns?" Blaze asks, watching Videns inspect a small rock while sitting on the table in the lab. She's learned by now not to leave Videns unsupervised in the science room.
"Science!" Videns almost-whispers, smiling widely as she tosses the rock into the bucket of water on the ground beside her.
Blaze jumps back when it starts to spark and pop, catching fire, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?"
"sodium metal," Videns replies, tilting her head and giving a closed eye smile, "it's highly reactive with water."
Cobra frowns while watching the energetic teen dart around the lab. 'This is the Guide of the Vengeful, the most dangerous Salhan Deity...?'
"What are... you doing... anyway?" Cobra decides to ask, cautious.
"got bored, tryna learn more about the acid you guys have. Salhan Draconics have mildly poisonous blood because of how we process Salha's poison, you guys are naturally scavengers and have an acid in your saliva that helps you eat basically anything that used to be alive. Fascinating, isn't it?" the teen replies, speaking quickly, before finally looking at Cobra directly. She's smiling widely, like always, and holds a metal cup out for Cobra, "hey, your family has venom in your fangs too, right? Can you do me a favor and gimme some venom? I wanna see how it interacts with things."
"Venomize the cup, Cobra," They cut off Cobra, smiling brightly.
"Where are you leading me...?" Pandora asks, following Videns down the worn path, looking at the flora around them. None of the plants were familiar to her. She sees a beautiful star-shaped flower, and reaches up to gently touch one of the petals.
"The Celestial Pantheon. Oh, by the way, if you see a star-shaped flower with sky blue-to-periwinkle petals, don't touch it, it'll kill you," Videns says with a cheerful smile. They smile even wider when they hear Pandora shriek in fear and jump back.
"Kidding, kidding, it's actually suprisingly harmless," Videns laughs, waving her hand dismissively without looking back at the human, before she points up to a blood red bell-shaped flower, "That one will kill you very painfully, though."
Ignis sat at the dining table, stirring her cup of tea, while glaring at the icy eyed hybrid across the table.
"Stop sm-"
"No," Videns smiles wider, propping her cheek on her palm, watching Ignis.
"Can't control my mind reading," Videns shrugs, lying through her teeth. She could very much control it, she just preferred to know what everyone's thinking.
"At lea-"
"I already know what you're trying to say, why let you finish speaking when I can just reply?" Videns gives a closed eye smile, knowing how much she's pissing off Ignis with her interrupting.
"I h-"
"I hate you too, Iggy~"
At this point, Ignis throws her spoon at Videns, standing up and storming out of the room. Videns just waves bye, leaning to the side to avoid getting hit in the face with a hot spoon.
"How do you get Videns to calm down..?" Blaze asks Vizerxa, frowning as she watches Videns annoy Dawn Shadow.
"Quite easily, actually," Vizerxa replies calmly, looking around. She walks away, soon returning with a candle and a lighter. She doesn't even need to say anything for Videns to dart away from Dawn Shadow, getting a sheet of paper and jog over to Vizerxa, who lights the candle and sets it on the table.
"just give her fire, trust me," Vizerxa shrugs, watching Videns tear off small pieces of the paper and drop them into the candle flame, giggling as they catch fire.
"...I feel like that's actually very risky," Blaze murmurs, frowning slightly in concern.
Vizerxa shrugs, "you're the one that adopted someone who loves fire, while living in a very flammable place. Thought Dusk repeatedly burning the kitchen would get you to change the materials of your living space, but apparently that didn't work."
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creatorbiaze · 6 months
got bored, generated some incorrect quotes with the Fallen Pantheon
Vizerxa: Genesis, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery.
Genesis: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Light Song: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Videns: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Light Song: It’s four in the morning.
Videns: Turn the light back off.
Genesis: Maybe the real monster was the friends we both literally and figuratively murdered along the way.
Vizerxa, to Snow Sky: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Star Seer: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Snow Sky: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Star Seer, forgetting about Vizerxa: VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
Videns, grinning: Before you were what?
Genesis: Before I was-
Videns: What?
Genesis: Before I was inter-
Videns: Before you were interrupted?
Genesis: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Videns: What?
Genesis: *makes frustrated sound*
Snow Sky, nervously: Stop that. Before they hurt you.
Star Seer, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Snow Sky: Star Seer, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Blood Moon, would you get Star Seer some water?
Blood Moon: What are they gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?
*the squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered*
Genesis: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
Snow Sky: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.
Aella: What about Star Seer? Nobody ever suspects Star Seer!
Star Seer: Well what about Videns? They have a gun!
Videns: Genesis has a knife.
Genesis: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Aella in the arm*
Aella: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”.
Vizerxa: You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
Videns: What are your adjectives?
Genesis: …You mean my pronouns?
Videns: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives?
Genesis: …I dunno. What are yours?
Videns: Noisy and chaotic!
Genesis: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
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creatorbiaze · 2 months
videns & sidera are one of my favorite duos for absolute insanity and silliness because of scenes like this
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(^ part of a short story im writing that ive had in my mind for MONTHS)
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
some oc unofficial themesongs bc i talk about them concerningly infrequently
Vizerxa - The Distortionist by Ghost and Pals (instrumental; Crystal Kingdom by Nox Arcana)
Star Seer - The Darker the Weather // the Better the Man by MISSIO (instrumental; Mysterious Paths by Marco Belloni)
Videns - Cheshire Kitten (We're All Mad Here) by S.J Tucker (Instrumental; A Tale of Six Trillion Years and A Night by Shane Rogers)
Blood Moon - Appetite for Destruction by Vo Williams
Clara - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land by MARINA (instrumental; Meeting the Fairy by Matthew Myers)
Genesis - Breathe by CircusP and NoStraightAnswer (instrumental; Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling)
Zenza - Finale (Can't Wait to See What You Do Next) by AJR (instrumental; GOD COMPLEX by Pkch)
ill do more when I remember them
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
mildly inspired by @im-a-chunky-potato, some conversation things with my ocs
Blaze, very tired: how... do you deal with Videns...
Vizerxa: .. why'd you take her in if you have no idea what to do, she was perfectly fine with us.
Blaze: Well- ...how do YOU take care of her???
Vizerxa: ... *gesturing at the quartz (therefore fire resistant) palace*
Blaze: ...
Vizerxa: *gesturing at Snow Sky who can tire Videns out by chaosing with her*
Blaze: she won't chaos with dusk though...
Vizerxa: *gestures at Star Seer who can predict when Videns will get too out of hand & just stop her* you have two gods of time, correct?
Blaze: I .. haven't thought of that...
Snow Sky, calling Vizerxa: heyyyy don't come home today please
Vizerxa: what did you do.
Snow Sky: uhm
Vizerxa: ...
Snow Sky: I... accidentally poisoned everyone....
Vizerxa: outside.
Snow Sky, sadly: okay ....
Vizerxa: I'll be home soon.
The Celestials: *just talking and chilling*
the Lab: *loud explosion noise*
Blaze: -!? *runs to the lab*
Videns: *standing in the middle of the room, zoned out, seeming unharmed*
Blaze: are you... okay...?
Videns, in sign language: I cannot hear right now
Blaze: ...?
Videns, in sign language: didn't expect that to be so loud. whoops.
Blaze: *loud sigh*
Dusk: *goes into the kitchen to get some cereal*
Flame Fall: OUT
Dusk: but cereal-
Flame Fall, holding a spatula threateningly: OUT.
dusk: :( *sadly leaves*
Flame Fall: good.
Clara: *sitting sadly in the kitchen*
Blaze: ... what's wrong?
Clara: my cookies taste wrong :(
Blaze: I doubt that, you're an amazing baker! *takes a cookie*
Clara: :(
Blaze: .... why's it so salty...
Clara: I don't know :( I've failed :( I'm horrible at baking :(
Blaze: that's not true-
Clara: these cookies taste of failure and dishonor :(
Blaze: I-
Clara: the-
Videns, walking in: well now i feel bad >:^
Clara: -?
Videns: i switched the sugar and the salt >:^
Clara: okay :(
Blaze: ... i thought i told you to leave Clara's baking things alone-
Videns: i thought it'd be funny ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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creatorbiaze · 6 months
fun reminder that Videns has;
-manipulated ignis into thinking ignis was poisoned
-literally fabricated an entire fucking deity & made everyone think the false deity was there for most major events BY MANIPULATING PEOPLE'S MEMORY just to see if she could
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
fun fact!
Origin Hybrids have an uncanny valley effect on members of their non-origin species.
For example, Videns is an origin-draconic hybrid, and has always been weirdly unsettling to Draconics even before she became the Guide of the Vengeful
Vizerxa & Lucidi are used to it + they actually know she's an Origin hybrid. but to everyone else she's weirdly .. off... & no one can place why.
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
Short story mini-series: Keiluvi
decided to post the mini-series lol
1 2 3 4
Videns sighs, walking to the table in the lab and setting her coffee cup down. She waves her hand while sitting down at the table, resting her face on her other hand, expression bored for once. A few papers she's been recently working on fly over, neatly stacking into a small pile as she summons a pencil. 
Before she does anything else, she checks the Celestial Pantheons' Group Chat, though she knew nothing new would be there because of the time. She leaves her phone on and face-up so she can watch the chat.
During a few minutes of silence, Videns reviews her notes about Abyssmal Draconics' natural venom, before a slight movement catches her eye, and she glances at the phone.
 Hey, Videns, I see you online 👁️👁️
Videns chuckles. Keiluvi was a strange, anonymous being who'd just kinda... joined the chat one day. She's not sure how, she's not sure why, but... they did.
 Don't remain silent, I know you're there you chaos spirit >:(
Isn't it late (well, technically early considering Salha) for you?? 🤨
Alright you caught me 😔
I can't sleep 😔😔☕
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
"I can't sleep" proceeds to drink coffee to stay awake 🔪
whoops *😐
no don't stab meeeeee
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
don't make me >:( 
I'm sciencing now, don't stab me 😰😰
"officer, look, you just don't understand! The knife slipped from my hand, and they were refusing to sleep!!" -me explaining why I killed you bc you won't sleep
fine I'll sleep 😔
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
yay, I can stay out of jail for one more day 😌
Videns chuckles at her anonymous friend, turning off her phone and continues to review and edit her notes. Keiluvi won't know she didn't sleep.
Mutari sighs, reviewing information from within their computer. The Technology Spirit has the ability to travel between technology and the physical world, with programs being essentially different worlds for Mutari. The words and notes float around them, and out of pure curiosity and boredom they jump to the Council group chat.
The sudden change from surrounded by words to being in a blank void definitely jolted Mutari, and it wasn't often the chat was empty, though they could see older messages floating higher up. The messages were odd, best described as being like in-game dialogue, with the message in the bubble and the name of whoever said it in a smaller bubble above.
There was another entity in the chat-realm; a distorted and glitching silhouette of a being, sitting and drinking coffee. Beings having a physical representation in the chat-realm was quite... odd... but Mutari had grown used to Keiluvi at this point. They never harmed anything.
Hello, Keiluvi. I see you're online too?
Mutari 'spoke', the words forming the same chat bubble that every other message does. there's no sound in the chat realm, other than the sending of messages.
The entity 'looked up', head tilted, as their own message-bubble formed above their head.
when am I ever not online tho?
Mutari ​​​​​​
good point.
Murari nods, though he knows Keiluvi won't be able to see any body language.
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
anyway whatchu up to?
Mutari ​​​​​​
not much, just reviewing some information.
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
and stuff
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
oooooo interesting
Mutari ​​​​​​
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
anything more specific?
I might share specific details if you tell me at least one thing about yourself.
I wasn't THAT curious anyway, continue on as you were
Mutari sighs, rolling her eye at Keiluvi's secrecy.
Mutari ​​​​​​
I will 
I'll be going offline again to get back to it.
have fun!
The distorted being waves goodbye as Mutari leaves the chat-realm. Keiluvi really was a mystery...
How did they even have a form in the chat realm? Only Mutari is supposed to...
Mutari sighs as they go back to their previous work.
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
instrumental / lyric-less songs that fit my characters & I can't explain why
Zenza.- GOD COMPLEX by Psch
Vizerxa - Crystal Kingdom by Nox Arcana
Star Seer - Mysterious Paths by Marco Belloni
Clara - Meeting the Fairy by Matthew Myers
Videns - A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night by Shane Rogers
Genesis - Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling
Saltator - Xenogenesis by TheFatRat
Ceriex - Lost One's Weeping by MyReminiscence
Vizerivu - Anubis by Brandberg
Amatus - In The Hall of the Mountain King
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
the Fallen Pantheon: we love Videns. we really do.
the Fallen Pantheon: but she's Videns & i would not let her be within even 10 feet of a guest. she'd definitely traumatize them without realizing.
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
most people that describe videns: Videns is.... videns....
Snow Sky: Videns is Videns & Videns is terrifying ^^
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