twitchtips · 1 month
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"Glad that's over," said Ripred. "Always some big scene with your family. You're miserable to have dinner with."
1. Suzanne Collins, The Curse of the Warmbloods / 2. Mada Hayyas, Parts of Me Never Left That House / 3. Sam Gordon, A Mother's Hate / 4. Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers, Questions About the Father / 5.  José Olivarez, Promises of Gold / 6. m.a.w AKA dvoyd, thoughts of a stray iii / 7. Unknown / 8. Unknown
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Happy 21st birthday to the Underland Chronicles!!
I literally haven't figured out how tumblr works so eeeh baby's first and very anxious post will be in honor of that fantastic book series!
Take this humble thing as a gift on this happy day (Solovet and Vikus from the underland chronicles..)
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probably won't finish this so better post it now than never?
pls be nice i'm fighting throught art block rn and barely mananged to render the skin before the lack of motivation forced me to leave the rest ugly flat and just smash some scribbles on top of it (hoping that the texture makes a nice effect,,, like on those old half-restored oil paintings..for authenticity etc) -> EDIT the colors are crap now. will post better pic later if motivated enough :p
that's it, have a great day!!
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prophecyofgray · 1 month
blah blah blah the intricacies of vikus and solovet's marriage and the blatant yet beautiful allegory for peace and war as two contrasting, complementing, inextricable forces blah blah blah we all know this. i just think they might've had an easier time if someone in the underland had invented divorce
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shuadi99 · 4 months
One kiss changing the entire brain map of the male lead romantically
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Vikram Singh Rathore
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deliver-the-light · 18 days
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Some sketches of Judith, Hamnet & family. Def made myself sad while drawing these.
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croxot · 10 months
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Vikus the Goblin dark knight. A more finalized armor design for him, complete with helmet.
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I would not survive the underland because the moment Vikus says cockhorse I'm fucking screaming.
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
Vikus: so you clearly trust these kids a lot Ripred: I trust them about as far as I can throw them Solovet: I’m glad to hear it Ripred: don’t be. I can throw them very far. 
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torkin-zarander · 4 months
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"The beauty of some things is beyond our understanding... it's the same with people..." - Vikus Kota to Ziaila.
Vikus Kota (on the right), later known as Darth Fortus is a character from my old Star Wars fanfiction. I went back to that story and started fixing it, so expect to see more lol. ✨
This drawing is also related to the fact that last weekend I saw the northern lights for the first time in my life! Right above my house! And it was so wonderful! I still can't stop thinking about it. 🤗
Ziaila belongs to @the-invincible-nox
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40cleverways · 1 year
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I've been trying to get a handle on how I imagine them.
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abhorrenttester · 1 year
I decided to re-read Gregor the Overlander for it's 20 year anniversary (ended up getting halfway through the third book before I decided to stop for the day, it's that good!) And while I was reading, I realized one of the main reasons why the series has stuck with me. It's the extra kindness the characters show.
There's a post on here talking about Lord of the Rings and Gibli films, and how they are all about showing kindness for no other reason than the kindness, and I feel The Underland Chronicles fit that perfectly. Mrs. Cormaci going out of her way to help Gregor and his family, Ripred staying up to comfort Lizzie, Vikus gathering all the money in the meuseum to help Gregor. This series is built off the backs of the small kindness people give to each other.
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So what do people actually think the background characters in the Underland chronicles look like
Just wondering. From all the (amazing) Fan art I have seen of Gregor , Lizzie, and Boots the fandom seems to have a pretty cohesive Idea on what they look like. Luxa also seems to have a pretty standard image in the fandom (Though wasn't she on the cover of the first design of MOS) with the only differentiation being how far along she is in puberty. Reminder if she was in the overland she would be in the sixth grade.
Other characters though Like really what do people think they look like. In my head Mrs. Cormaci is a plump/rounder women and I thought for years I had read that in the books until I saw fanart of her being drawn as more slim. Then I reread part of TPOB and was like Oh it never says what shape she is, I guess I just thought she was bigger because she is always cooking so much rich sounding food for charities. Then I remember seeing some one post once that what if she was Hazard's maternal grandmother. His maternal grandparents live in NYC, and Mrs.Cormaci is mentioned to have had a daughter.
Well that is bitter sweet because on one had that means that Mrs. Cormaci's daughter has been missing for years and in fact died without her mother ever knowing what happened to her (she also would not have known when her father died). Gotta then wonder if Mrs.Cormaci giving Lizzie her daughters old cloths is more than just her trying to help the Campbells while also declutter her house. But that also means Hazard has at least one Grandma who is really grand, if this relation was ever realized then maybe Hazard could come up to the overland for visits and stay with Mrs. Cormaci. Also she would probably have pictures of her daughter that she could show Hazard so he could remember what his mom looked like. Anyway I really liked this theory and wanted it to be cannon, but then i realized that since Hazard's overland features are his black hair and green eyes his overland relations probably have them to, and was like oh wow I never pictured Mrs.Cormaci having green eyes.
Another character I think about is Vikus. In my head the males in the underland Henry, Mareth, York all have short close cropped hair because they fight so much. Or in Howard's a short stack of wavy/curly locks cut just short enough to stay out of his eyes when wet. I do love the fan art I have seen of Henry with long hair though. But When It comes to Vikus , I guess since he seeks peace and is better relations, I usually imagine him with long grey hair and a long beard. to me he winds up looking kinda like men in biblical stories. Solovet however is muscled with a near shaved head. She is on the small side and slouches a bit when trying to appear as a gracious hostess and that plus her wrinkles make her seem non dangerous. When she is in planing/battle mode though she stands perfectly straight and those seemingly kindly wrinkles disappear, and she just looks completely terrifying.
Dulcet and Nerissa are other cases. Dulcet is described as being shy and very pretty. But as someone who works in childcare I can say with certainty that her hair is most likely a mess, her simple cloths likely have stains and crayon markings all over them. This girl is a beautiful mess. Then we have Neressa whom everyone knows is a mess. Since she is constantly described as wide eyed, tired, frail, to thin, and wearing her long hair a loose pony tail. But I don't often see it acknowledged that she canonically wears multiple layers of cloths at once or that her cloths never match.
I said most of the men in the underland would have short hair, could Hamnet have grown his hair out longer in the jungle, to try and make himself look different from how he did as a solider. Likewise I also imagine his lizard skin cloths being frayed and raggedy at the edges, much different from whatever military uniforms regalians wear. Anything to help hims see something different when he looks into the water. Can we talk about how when Gregor first meets Howard he describes him as tall and really strong, Then during his time with the plague Howard looses like 20 pounds and has scars wear ever he had bumps. Howard likely could not even fit into his old cloths after getting better.
What do Gregor's parents look like. We know they are both thin and tired. His dad's hair has gone completely white. Grace's cannot be to far behind with how hard she works and being in a state of constant worry for her family. Do fans still Agree with the theory that Grace is white and the Dad is black?
Also one more thing. Why does everyone think any of the underlanders that haven't completely greyed over have silver-blond hair. Like I know Luxa has that shade. Luxa would also probably be blonde if she has been born i t he overland. But it only specified that a silver tint was part of what distinguished the underlanders. Personally I always thought they could have any hair color (examples I imagine Howard being brunette and Mareth having black hair) but that it would always be paler than an overland counter part.
Like I know and respect that the characters descriptions are vague on purpose, and that the fun is that we can imagine them looking in so many different ways. But like really how do people imagine their favorites look. What little we get implies that the characters do not fall into the young adult novels trope of making them all look super hot. They are scared, beat up, anxious, and some are wearing cloths that do not fit them, some are missing body parts. To me that makes them infinetly more fun to imagine than most YA novel characters
So seriously if you have any strong clear/headcannons as to what you think certain human characters look like, please share them int he comments.
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overandunderland · 4 months
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prophecyofgray · 1 year
maybe it’s a little on the nose (metaphorically speaking) but man. solovet dying and vikus surviving—fragile and changed, but alive—just really gets me.
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simon-snowing · 9 months
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quohotos · 1 year
The way that poverty has affected Gregor is omnipresent. He knows how to care for people and how to make food because his parents can't afford a sitter. He goes to the underland and suddenly he's among royalty and wealth. He remarks how when it's not about to go to war the underland is actually a nice escape from his life. When they're all forced to eat raw fish he notes how he's never been able to have sushi before.
I love how it's not something that just gets solved. Even when Vikus gives them cash in the clock it doesn't *last*. His mom says, "We're going to pay all the bills, and then we're going to have Christmas!". That's so *real*. Like, the series is fantasy but Gregor is still *forced* to live in the real world.
There's also this whole parallel between Ares and Gregor. Both of them were just nobodies having to live on the margins of society until someone wealthy finds a use for you. For Gregor it's Luxa, for Ares it was Henry.
Okay, so this isn't the most well put together or thought out of my rants but... Aughghfhg. The book with the giant sexy rat and the spider that makes you slippers is so god damn *real*.
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