#Villa Caprice
msostiz · 2 years
Villa Caprice: abogados, jueces, maleantes...
Villa Caprice: abogados, jueces, maleantes…
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10 / 10 / 2022
Dwayne Johnson est un célèbre catcheur américain avec des origines Samoa, et il est absolument sexy, masculin et très musclé. J'aimerais être son esclave et qu'il m'aime. Dans cette histoire je m'inspire d'une vidéo dans lequel un YouTubeur français a suscité la colère de Dwayne Johnson. Je m'inspire de cela mais tout ce que je raconte est fictif. Je ne prétend pas que cette description corresponde à The Rock, c'est juste comme cela que j'imagine ce mâle alpha divin.
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Colossal. Impressionnant. Démesuré. Les adjectifs ne manquent pas pour qualifier le corps de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, ancien catcheur devenu un célèbre acteur. Pour la majorité des personnes, se retrouver face à lui est comme se retrouver face à un géant. Ses épaules sont puissantes, ses bras sont démesurément musclés, il est très grand et on se sent tout petit face à lui. Il mesure 1, 96 pour 120 kg. La plupart des gens doivent lever la tête pour pouvoir lui parler, et lui est habitué à prendre les gens de haut.
Et pourtant, même s'il est un géant, il ne se comporte pas comme un monstre brutal. Même s'il a eu à jouer des personnages violents au cours de sa carrière au cinéma, sa popularité sans faille s'explique par le charisme naturel et la gentillesse innée de cet homme. Ses sourires sont-ils calculés ? Peu de gens y croient. "The Rock" donne l'impression qu'un homme extrêmement grand et musclé peut avoir une bonté d'âme. Souriant, toujours à s'intéresser aux autres, à prendre des selfies avec ses fans, à rigoler avec les enfants, à séduire sans être vulgaire.
Dwayne Johnson charmait tout le monde sur son passage, tout le monde le respectait ou avait envie de devenir son ami. Les femmes et les homos voulaient être baisés par lui, les hommes voulaient être aussi forts que lui, les enfants voulaient se sentir protégés par lui.
Bref, Dwayne Johnson était une figure rassurante, un mâle alpha qui réconfortait les autres. Mais il pouvait aussi se montrer cruel et arrogant si on ne lui obéissait pas.
En effet, il avait tellement pris l'habitude d'être traité en dieu vivant qu'il ne voyait pas de raison de se comporter comme tel. Si ses fans le trouvaient souriant et joyeux, ses employés savaient qu'il pouvait aussi se montrer assez intimidant si une chose n'était pas bien faite.
Ses assistants tremblent face à lui, car tout est impressionnant chez lui : ses muscles, sa taille, son sourire, ses motos et ses voitures, la taille de ses maisons. Après tout, il est l'acteur le plus mieux payé de l'histoire du cinéma, un des hommes les plus riches du monde et fait partie des cinq célébrités les plus suivis sur les réseaux sociaux.
Autant dire qu'il est influent et puissant. Cela s'ajoute donc à son charisme. Et à sa force. Car qui oserait risquer de déplaire à un tel homme, capable de battre quiconque aussi facilement?! Personne.
En tout cas, ce n'est sûrement pas comme ça qu'aurait réagit Gabe Prascot, son assistant. Chaque fois qu'il est convoqué par son boss, il sait qu'il doit généralement rester debout si Dwayne est assis, et être par terre s'il est debout. Il aime marquer sa supériorité, même s'il n'en a pas besoin car son corps est impressionnant. Sauf que The Rock n'est pas qu'un simple ancien catcheur. Il est un acteur, une star d'Hollywood, un vrai artiste.
Et comme de nombreuses stars, il fait des caprices, mais sa force, sa beauté et son talent sont des facteurs qui, réunis, ne vous donne pas envie d'oser le contredire. C'est pour ça que Gabe a su comprendre sa place.
Dwayne Johnson était dans son immense villa, occupé à relire les dialogues dans son prochain film, le très attendu Black Adam. Ce rôle était le premier film de super-héros dans lequel il joue, il était évidemment le protagoniste mais surtout il jouait un dieu. C'est comme un dieu vivant qu'il aimait être traité.
Gabe, son assistant personnel, lui apporta sa boisson tandis qu'il était assis face à une table où étaient posés le script ainsi que son ordinateur. Il sourit en voyant Gabe : certes il aimait ce soumis, mais il aime aussi lui rapeller que sa place est à ses pieds.
DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON : "Merci pour la boisson, mon garçon! Maintenant, viens donc masser mes pieds à genoux pendant que je travaille. Ce texte ne va pas s'apprendre tout seul, et je réfléchis mieux quand je suis détendu. Masse mes pieds !"
GABE PRASCOT : "Oui Monsieur Johnson."
Dwayne Johnson avait une pointure de pieds de 49 cm, donc il avait vraiment de très grands pieds, et Gabe était intimidé face à ses longs pieds larges, très masculins. Gabe commença à les prendre dans ses mains, et malgré le fait qu'ils étaient assez durs, il commença à les masser pour les détendre.
Pour Dwayne Johnson, se faire masser les pieds pendant qu'il apprend ses répliques est aussi normal que naturel. Cela lui permettait aussi de rentrer dans le personnage d'un dieu. Un dieu vivant qui mérite d'être vénéré.
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Gabe Prascot, assistant personnel de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, était en train de masser les pieds de son patron. Ses longs pieds étaient aussi grands que la tête de Gabe. Celui-ci massait les pieds mais ils étaient si longs, si durs que cela lui faisaient mal aux mains de masser les pieds. Ils avaient une odeur masculine légèrement puante, mais quand même délicieuse.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Tu as assez massé. Lèche mes pieds ! Et suce mes orteils !"
Lécher les pieds semblait être plus facile que de les masser, mais lécher les pieds de Dwayne Johnson prenait beaucoup de temps vu la longueur de ses semelles. Il a de très longs pieds, et ses semelles sont souvent sales puisqu'il aime marcher pieds nus en sachant qu'un esclave léchera ses pieds. Gabe Prascot était donc par terre à lécher les semelles des pieds de son patron. Il sucait ses longs orteils, et Dwayne Johnson s'amusait à les enfoncer le plus possible dans sa bouche pour qu'il s'étouffe avec.
Cela le faisait rire, et les employés de The Rock devaient le faire rire s'ils voulaient garder leur travail. C'est un homme qui a besoin de s'amuser, donc mieux vaut accepter d'être humilié : s'il veut vous étouffer avec son pied dans la bouche, mieux vaut l'accepter.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Bon allez maintenant viens t'allonger au sol, ton visage va me servir de repose-pieds ! T'as pas intérêt à bouger !"
Gabe Prascot s'est allongé sur le dos, sur le sol, et Dwayne Johnson a posé ses pieds sur le visage de son assistant personnel. Les pieds de son patron sont plus grands que son visage, mais ils sont également lourds et puants, et la sueur de ses semelles se pose sur son visage. Gabe pensait aux années d'études dans l'administration pour être secrétaire, et de sa joie de travailler pour The Rock dont il était fan : tout ça pour finir comme repose pieds humain et lécher des longs pieds puants et sucer des orteils !
Quand à Dwayne, il se fichait des sentiments de son secrétaire, qui était juste son lécheur de pieds, très utile pour aider à le détendre. Quand il a eu besoin de partir, Dwayne Johnson s'est relevé, et a donc écrasé le visage de son assistant personnel en écrasant son visage avec ses pieds. Gabe s'estimait heureux que The Rock n'ait pas porté ses chaussures à ce moment-là !
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Quelques semaines plus tard, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson devait assurer la promotion du film Black Adam. Pour accroître le nombre de spectateurs dans les salles de cinéma, les studios Warner avaient réunis des YouTubeurs du monde entier afin qu'ils tournent des vidéos qu'ils publieraient sur leurs comptes YouTube et autres réseaux sociaux, afin de donner envie à leurs fans respectifs d'aller voir le film au cinéma.
Le YouTubeur français, Daniel, avait prit comme accompagnateur Raphaël, un de ses amis, même si celui-ci ne s'y connaissait pas du tout en stars et en cinéma. Il ne retenait jamais le nom des stars et connaissait peu le cinéma. Alors, arrivé à Hollywood pour tourner les vidéos de promotion de Black Adam sur les réseaux sociaux, Raphaël était bien moins excité que ne l'était son ami Daniel. Pourtant, il était là pour le soutenir.
Ne sachant pas bien parler en anglais, Raphaël ne parlait qu'avec des francophones, peu nombreux et qui eux aussi parlaient en anglais pour pouvoir discuter avec les YouTubeurs des autres pays du Monde.
Lorsque les YouTubeurs durent se rendre dans la salle prévue pour le tournage de la vidéo, Daniel était aux toilettes. Chaque YouTubeur avait sa propre loge, mais il était coincé dedans. Qui allait bien le sortir de là ? De peur qu'on ne lui reproche d'avoir manqué le tournage de la vidéo promotionnelle, Daniel demanda à son ami Raphaël d'y aller à sa place. Raphaël s'y rendit, même s'il était assez intimidé à l'idée d'être parmi tous ces influenceurs. Qu'est-ce qu'il allait bien avoir à faire, lui qui n'était qu'un simple garçon maigre et pas du tout viril ni musclé ?
Les YouTubeurs étaient en cercle et devaient imaginer être en train de parler à Dwayne Johnson incarnant son personnage de Black Adam. Il n'était pas disponible pour le tournage, mais devait faire comme s'il était là avec eux. Peu de gens avaient remarqués que Daniel n'était pas là et que Raphaël l'avait remplacé. Chacun devait dire un secret inavouable, mais Raphaël a cru qu'il fallait le dire sous forme de blague. Il n'avait pas bien compris la consigne, et ne savait pas quoi dire. Lorsqu'arriva son tour, il n'était pas prêt.
RAPHAËL : "Alors voilà moi j'adore qu'on me chie dessus. J'aime quand on s'assoit sur la tête et que des énormes crottes couvrent mon visage. J'adore avoir des crottes sur moi. Ça sent super bon, le goût est génial."
Les YouTubeurs qui parlent français avaient compris ce que Raphaël avait dit, mais préférait garder le silence et rester sérieux. Ils se disaient que Raphaël avait dû dire ces phrases à la demande des réalisateurs de la vidéo. Qui oserait révéler au Monde entier qu'il aime recevoir des crottes sur sa tête ? Raphaël pensait que cela n'aurait pas de conséquences et que peu de gens allaient comprendre ce qu'il avait dit dans la vidéo.
Or, il était sur le point de retourner dans la loge de Daniel pour aller le libérer des toilettes où il était coincé. C'est alors que les réalisateurs ont dit qu'ils avaient pris du retard sur le tournage des vidéos et que la deuxième vidéo devait être tourné immédiatement. Raphaël n'était pas rassuré.
Il fallait que les YouTubeurs posent chacun une question à Dwayne Johnson jouant son personnage de Black Adam. Daniel n'avait vraiment pas pris le bon ami avec lui en amenant Raphaël, car, en plus d'être peu fan de cinéma, il avait des problèmes de mémoire. Il avait oublié qui était Black Adam.
Quand le caméra-man lui a dit de poser une question, Raphaël était devant le buffet et ne savait pas quoi dire. Pris de panique, il improvisa, manquant clairement d'assurance.
RAPHAËL : "Non mais je sais pas qui c'est lui, j'ai rien à lui dire, il est personne pour moi.... Moi je suis juste là pour le buffet, vous savez."
Il ignorait que sa vidéo allait être vu par Dwayne Johnson, filmé en train de donner sa réaction tout en jouant le rôle de Black Adam. Il devait répondre aux questions en restant dans son personnage, mais le passage de Raphaël le choqua.
Alors qu'il avait répondu avec le sourire aux autres, il fut en colère lorsqu'il entendit Raphaël lui parlait avec dédain. Était-ce simple jeune homme maigre qui avait été choisi pout représenter la France ? Et quel manque de respect envers lui comme envers son personnage !
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Que la colère de Black Adam s'abatte sur toi, faible mortel ! Black Adam te poursuivra de sa vengeance ! Non mais sérieux c'est qui ce mec ! Tu sais quoi, petit garçon, toi et ton accent français vous allez retourner manger des chips à la banane et je jure que si jamais je te croise dans la rue, je te détruit, je te brise les os un par un ! Whouah sérieux... Je veut dire... Que si jamais moi, Black Adam, te trouve, je te maudirait et te ferai vivre un vrai enfer !"
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Puis, Dwayne Johnson ordonna à Gabe Prascot, son secrétaire particulier, de lui lécher les pieds. Il fallait qu'il détende son patron, alors il lécha les longs pieds puants. Mais The Rock commença à s'énerver car il ne supportait pas que quelqu'un se soit moqué de lui, et publiquement surtout !
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Montrez-moi la vidéo qui a été tourné ce matin, celle où je devrais apparaître pour parler avec les YouTubeurs !"
On apporta à Dwayne Johnson la vidéo où les stars de YouTube étaient debouts en cercle et s'arrêta au passage avec Raphaël. Comme celui-ci avait parlé en français, The Rock exigea qu'on lui traduise le passage.
GABE PRASCOT : "Monsieur Johnson, ce jeune garçon français a dit que son secret est qu'il aime qu'on lui chie dessus, et il aime que d'énormes crottes recouvrent son visage."
Dwayne Johnson retira ses pieds de la bouche de Gabe et le frappa avec, avant de se diriger vers les chambres des YouTubeurs.
Il était déjà l'heure de partir, et Daniel, qui avait été libéré des toilettes où il était resté coincé, attendait que Raphaël termine de faire sa valise. Celui-ci lui dit de l'attendre en bas, qu'il allait bientôt arriver. Très peu de temps après que Daniel soit parti, quelqu'un ouvrit la porte violemment. Dwayne Johnson était dans la chambre et Raphaël se fit pipi dessus tellement il lui faisait peur !
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Alors c'est toi le YouTubeur français qui sait pas qui est Black Adam, qui ne t'est pas investi dans la vidéo pour le poser ne serait-ce qu'une seule question ?! Espèce de merde, je vais te montrer ta place, tu n'es pas digne de lécher la poussière sur mes chaussures!"
Même si Dwayne Johnson avait l'air en colère, il parlait trop rapidement pour que Raphaël ne puisse comprendre ce qu'il disait.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Tu comprends rien à ce que je dis, espèce de petit garçon français ! Peut-être que ça tu comprendras mieux !"
Puis, The Rock ouvrit la bouche :
Le rot le plus long, bruyant et puant possible souffla au visage de Raphaël, au point que ses cheveux se sont soulevés en raison de la longueur et de la puissance du rot.
Puis, Dwayne Johnson donna une gifle à Raphaël, ce qui le fit tomber au sol, et The Rock s'est assis sur le ventre de Raphaël pour lui donner des gifles. Toutes les cinq gifles, il royauté au visage de Raphaël. Celui-ci suppliait The Rock d'arrêter, mais il n'avait pas le temps de parler à cause de la rapidité des coups de l'ancien catcheur.
Un coup de poing au visage fit perdre connaissance à Raphaël. Dwayne Johnson enroula le corps de Raphaël dans un drap et l'emporta avec lui. Il savait où l'emmener.
Lorsqu'il se réveilla, Raphaël était enchaîné dans le dongeon secret de Dwayne Johnson.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Réveillé, loser ? Bien, toi et moi on va bien s'amuser maintenant !"
The Rock se mit à frapper Raphaël dans le ventre et le traiter en sac de frappe humain, car celui-ci était enchaîné les bras en haut. Les coups étaient extrêmement violents, et The Rock alternait entre les coups de poings et de pieds. Il s'amusait de la souffrance de Raphaël et aimait ce sentiment de puissance.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Crie pour moi, pédé, j'aime quand les losers crient de douleur ! Personne ne pourra t'entendre ici !"
Dans ce lieu froid et secret, les murs étaient cloisonnés de telle sorte qu'aucun bruit ne pouvait être entendu depuis l'extérieur. Raphaël criait de douleur à cause des coups.
Dwayne a ensuite enfoncé la tête de Raphaël dans ses larges aisselles masculines suantes et puantes, et l'odeur en plus de la douleur fit perdre connaissance au faible Raphaël.
Puis, Dwayne Johnson détacha les chaînes, Raphaël s'écroula à terre, et The Rock commença à marcher puis à sauter sur le garçon français. Puis, il marcha sur son ventre et fit descendre son pantalon, puis son caleçon. Un énorme cul bien rebondi se présentait face au visage du pauvre Raphaël.
Le cul de The Rock est absolument parfait, et nombreux sont ceux qui auraient payer cher pour pouvoir l'embrasser, le renifler, le lécher. Mais Raphaël avait peur de ce cul !
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Embrasse mon cul !"
Raphaël embrassa les énormes fesses de The Rock, et les fesses s'ouvrirent.
L'odeur etait si nauséabonde que Dwayne Johnson a ouvert la bouche, mais quand sa langue est sortie, elle est rentrée dans le trou du cul de The Rock. En effet, après cet énorme pet bien puant, The Rock s'est immédiatement assis sur le visage de Raphaël. Les deux énormes fesses de Dwayne Johnson étaient lourdes, chaudes, et ont surtout maintenu le pet dans les narines de Raphaël, contraint de le renifler.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Renifle mon pet !!!"
Raphaël renifla le pet de Dwayne Johnson, mais celui-ci continua de péter sur Raphaël. Après plusieurs minutes, Dwayne Johnson se releva et sortit son énorme bite pour pisser sur Raphaël. Celui-ci était couvert de pisse, mais le pire survint quand Dwayne Johnson revint s'asseoir au-dessus du visage de Raphaël.
Après un nouveau pet puant en plein visage, ce qui fit rire The Rock, Raphaël vit le trou du cul de Dwayne Johnson s'ouvrir.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Il paraît que tu adore la merde sur ton visage, alors régale toi !"
C'est alors que une énorme crotte tomba. Raphaël détourna le visage détourna le visage, mais un torrent de crottes discontinue a enseveli Raphaël sous les crottes larges et puantes de Dwayne Johnson. Celui-ci avait tellement besoin de chier qu'il a recouvert le corps de crottes. Personne n'aurait pu croire qu'un humain était sous le tas de merde.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Tu resteras ici jusqu'à ce que tu ai fini de manger toute la merde, compris ?"
Enfermé dans la cellule secrète de The Rock, Raphaël n'a pas vu que Dwayne Johnson a fait prévenir Daniel que son ami Raphaël avait reçu une offre d'emploi, et qu'il avait choisi de rester aux États-Unis d'Amérique.
Finalement, Raphaël est resté aux États-Unis avec un contrat d'esclavage, au service de Dwayne Johnson dont il était le sac de frappe humain mais surtout son esclave, sa toilette humaine, et son animal de compagnie. Il était tenu toujours en laisse.
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Sur les plages, il marchait à quatre pattes, aux pieds de son puissant maître, The Rock.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Les garçons français comme lui font de bons chiens de compagnie. J'ai nommé mon chien Frenchy ! Il adore manger la merde et lécher mes pieds, mais pour lui c'est une récompense !"
Si les pieds de Dwayne Johnson étaient lèchés par Gabe Prascot, le secrétaire, la merde large et épaisse de The Rock était réservé à Raphaël, le chien de compagnie.
Dwayne Johnson is a famous American wrestler with Samoan origins, and he is absolutely sexy, masculine and very muscular. I would like to be his slave and that he loves me. In this story I am inspired by a video in which a French YouTuber aroused the anger of Dwayne Johnson. I am inspired by this but everything I say is fictitious. I'm not claiming that description fits The Rock, it's just how I imagine this divine alpha male.
Colossal. Impressive. Excessive. There is no shortage of adjectives to describe the body of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, a former wrestler who became a famous actor.
For most people, coming face to face with him is like coming face to face with a giant. His shoulders are powerful, his arms are excessively muscular, he is very tall and you feel very small in front of him. He measures 1.96 for 120 kg. Most people have to look up to talk to him, and he's used to looking down on people.
And yet, even though he is a giant, he does not behave like a brutal monster. Even though he had to play violent characters during his film career, his unfailing popularity is explained by the natural charisma and the innate kindness of this man.
Are his smiles calculated? Few people believe it. It give the impression that an extremely tall and muscular man can have kindness. Smiling, always interested in others, taking selfies with his fans, laughing with the children, seducing without being vulgar.
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Indeed, he had become so used to being treated as a living god that he saw no reason to behave like one. While his fans found him smiling and cheerful, his employees knew he could also be quite intimidating if something wasn't done right. His assistants tremble in front of him, because everything about him is impressive: his muscles, his height, his smile, his motorbikes and his cars, the size of his houses.
After all, he's the highest-paid actor in movie history, one of the richest men in the world, and one of the top five most-followed celebrities on social media. Suffice to say that he is influential and powerful. This adds to his charisma. And to his strength. Because who would dare risk displeasing such a man, able to beat anyone so easily?! Nobody.
In any case, this is surely not how Gabe Prascot, his assistant, would have reacted. Whenever he's summoned by his boss, he knows he should generally remain standing if Dwayne is seated, and be down if he's standing. He likes to show his superiority, even if he doesn't need to because his body is impressive. Except that The Rock is not just a former wrestler.
He is an actor, a Hollywood star, a real artist. And like many stars, he has whims, but his strength, his beauty and his talent are factors which, taken together, do not make you want to dare to contradict him. That's why Gave Prascot understood his place.
Dwayne Johnson was in his huge villa, busy rereading the dialogues in his next film, the highly anticipated Black Adam. This role was the first superhero film he played in, he was obviously the protagonist but above all he played a god. He liked to be treated like a living god.
Gabe, his personal assistant, brought him his drink as he sat across from a table where the script and his computer lay. He smiled when he saw Gabe: certainly he loved this submissive, but he also likes to remind him that his place is at his feet.
DWAYNE "THE ROCK" JOHNSON: "Thanks for the drink, boy! Now come and massage my feet on my knees while I work. This text is not going to teach itself, and I think better when I'm relaxed. Massage my feet!"
GABE PRASCOT: "Yes Mr. Johnson."
Dwayne Johnson was 19 inches in size, so he had really big feet, and Gabe was intimidated by his long, wide, very masculine feet. Gabe began to take them in his hands, and despite the fact that they were quite hard, he began to massage them to relax them.
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For Dwayne Johnson, having his feet massaged while he learns his lines is as normal as it is natural. It also allowed him to enter into the character of a god. A living god who deserves to be worshipped.
Gabe Prascot, personal assistant to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, was massaging his boss's feet. His long feet were as big as Gabe's head. This one massaged the feet but they were so long, so hard that it hurt his hands to massage the feet. They had a slightly stinky masculine smell, but still delicious.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "You've massaged enough. Lick my feet! And suck my toes!"
Licking the feet seemed to be easier than massaging them, but licking Dwayne Johnson's feet was time consuming given the length of his soles. He has very long feet, and his soles are often dirty since he likes to walk barefoot knowing that a slave will lick his feet.
Gabe Prascot was therefore on the ground licking the soles of his boss's feet. He sucked on his long toes, and Dwayne Johnson amused himself by pushing them as far as possible into his mouth so that he would choke on them. It made him laugh, and the employees of The Rock had to make him laugh if they wanted to keep their jobs. He's a man who needs to have fun, so better accept being humiliated: if he wants to choke you with his foot in your mouth, better accept it.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Okay now come and lie down on the ground, your face will be my footstool! You better not move!"
Gabe Prascot lay on his back on the floor, and Dwayne Johnson put his feet up on his personal assistant's face. His boss's feet are bigger than his face, but they're also heavy and stinky, and the sweat from his soles gets on his face.
Gabe thought of years of studying administration to be a secretary, and of his joy working for The Rock, of which he was a fan: all that to end up as a human footstool and lick long stinky feet and suck toes!
As for Dwayne, he didn't care about the feelings of his secretary, who was just his footlicker, very helpful in helping to relax him. When he needed to leave, Dwayne Johnson got up, and so smashed his personal assistant's face by stomping his face with his feet. Gabe thought he was lucky The Rock hadn't been wearing his shoes at the time!
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A few weeks later, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was to promote the movie Black Adam. To increase the number of spectators in cinemas, Warner studios had brought together YouTubers from all over the world to shoot videos that they would post on their YouTube accounts and other social networks, in order to inspire their respective fans. to see the film at the cinema.
The French YouTuber, Daniel, had taken as an accompanist Raphaël, one of his friends, even if this one did not know anything about stars and cinema. He never remembered the names of the stars and knew little about cinema. So, when he arrived in Hollywood to shoot the promotional videos for Black Adam on social networks, Raphaël was much less excited than his friend Daniel was.
Yet he was there to support him. Not knowing how to speak English well, Raphaël spoke only with French speakers, few in number and who also spoke in English in order to be able to chat with YouTubers from other countries of the world.
When the YouTubers had to go to the room planned for the filming of the video, Daniel was in the bathroom. Each YouTuber had their own dressing room, but they were stuck in it. Who was going to get him out of there? Lest he be blamed for having missed the promotional video shoot, Daniel asked his friend Raphaël to go in his place.
Raphaël went there, even if he was quite intimidated by the idea of ​​being among all these influencers. What was he going to have to do, he who was just a simple thin boy and not at all virile or muscular?
The YouTubers were in a circle and had to imagine being talking to Dwayne Johnson playing his character of Black Adam. He was unavailable for filming, but had to pretend he was there with them. Few people had noticed that Daniel was not there and that Raphael had replaced him.
Everyone had to tell an unmentionable secret, but Raphaël thought it had to be told in the form of a joke. He didn't quite understand the instructions, and didn't know what to say.
When his turn came, he was not ready.
RAPHAËL: "Alors voilà moi j'adore qu'on me chie dessus. J'aime quand on s'assoit sur la tête et que des énormes crottes couvrent mon visage. J'adore avoir des crottes sur moi. C'est chaud et c'est bon, c'est génial." ("So here I am, I love having shit on me. I like it when someone sit on my head and huge poop covers my face. I love having poop on me. It's warm, and it's smell good.")
The French-speaking YouTubers understood what Raphaël had said, but preferred to remain silent and remain serious. They said to themselves that Raphaël must have said these sentences at the request of the directors of the video. Who would dare to reveal to the whole world that he likes to receive droppings on his head?
Raphaël thought that it would have no consequences and that few people would understand what he had said in the video.
However, he was about to return to Daniel's dressing room to free him from the toilets where he was stuck. It was then that the directors said that they had fallen behind on the shooting of the videos and that the second video had to be shot immediately. Raphael was not reassured. It was necessary that the YouTubers each ask a question to Dwayne Johnson playing his character of Black Adam. Daniel really hadn't taken the good friend with him when he brought Raphaël, because, in addition to not being a big fan of cinema, he had memory problems. He had forgotten who Black Adam was.
When the cameraman told him to ask a question, Raphaël was in front of the buffet and didn't know what to say. Panicked, he improvised, clearly insecure.
RAPHAËL: "No, but I don't know who he is, I have nothing to say to him, he's nobody for me.... I'm just here for the buffet, you know."
He was unaware that this video was going to be seen by Dwayne Johnson, filmed giving his reaction while playing the role of Black Adam. He had to answer the questions while remaining in his character, but the passage of Raphaël shocked him.
While he had replied with a smile to the others, he was angered when he heard Raphael speaking dismissively to him. Was it just a skinny young man who had been chosen to represent France? And what a lack of respect for him as for his character!
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Let the wrath of Black Adam fall on you, weak mortal! Black Adam will pursue you with his vengeance! No, but seriously who is this guy! You know what, little boy, you and your French accent go back and eat some banana chips and i swear if I ever see you on the street I'll destroy you, I'll break your bones one by one! Wow seriously...I mean... If me, Black Adam, find you, I'll curse you and put you through hell!"
Then, Dwayne Johnson ordered Gabe Prascot, his private secretary, to lick his feet. He needed to relax his boss, so he licked the long stinky feet. The Rock began to get upset because he couldn't bear that someone made fun of him, and especially publicly!
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Show me the video that was shot this morning, the one where I should appear to speak with the YouTubers!"
Some people brought Dwayne Johnson the video where the YouTube stars were standing in a circle and stopped on the way with Raphael. As he had spoken in French, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson demanded that the passage be translated for him.
GABE PRASCOT: "Mr Johnson, this young French boy said his secret is that he likes being shit on him, and he likes huge turds covering his face. He said he likes to eat it."
Dwayne Johnson pulled his feet out of Gabe's mouth and kicked him with them, before heading towards the YouTubers's rooms. It was already time to leave, and Daniel, who had been freed from the bathroom where he had been stuck, was waiting for Raphaël to finish packing his suitcase. He told him to wait for him downstairs, that he was coming soon.
Very soon after Daniel left, someone threw the door open. Dwayne Johnson was in the bedroom and Raphaël peed on himself because Dwayne scared him so much !
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "So you're the French YouTuber who doesn't know who Black Adam is, who didn't get involved in the video to ask even one question?! Holy shit, I'm going show you your place, you're not worthy to lick the dust off my shoes! Fucking pathetic loser!"
Even though Dwayne Johnson looked angry, he spoke too quickly for Raphael to understand what he was saying.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "You don't understand what I'm saying, fucking little French boy! Maybe you'll understand this better!"
Then, The Rock opened his mouth:
The longest, loudest, stinkiest burp possible blew into Raphaël's face, so much that his hair stood up from the length and power of the burp.
Then, Dwayne Johnson slapped Raphael, which knocked him to the ground, and The Rock sat on Raphael's stomach to slap him. Every five slaps, he royalty in Raphael's face. This one begged The Rock to stop, but he had no time to speak because of the speed of the blows of the former wrestler. A punch to the face knocked Raphael unconscious.
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When he woke up, he was chained up in Dwayne Johnson's private dungeon.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Awake, loser? Well, you and I are going to have fun now!"
The Rock proceeded to kick Raphael in the stomach and treat him like a human punching bag, as he was chained up with his arms up. The blows were extremely violent, and The Rock alternated between punching and kicking. He was amused by Raphael's suffering and loved that feeling of power.
DWAYNE JOHNSON : "Scream for me fag, I like it when beta losers boys scream, especially when no one can hear you!"
In this cold and secret place, the walls were partitioned off so that no noise could be heard from outside. Raphael was screaming in pain from the beatings.
The Rock shove Raphaël's head in his large masculine sweaty armpits and the skinny boy was intoxicated by Dwayne's armpits's smell. And Dwayne Johnson is so strong!
Then, Dwayne Johnson untied the chains, Raphaël collapsed on the ground, and The Rock started to walk then to jump on the French boy. Then he walked on his stomach and pulled down his pants, then his underpants. A huge plump ass appeared in front of poor Raphael's face.
The Rock's ass is absolutely perfect, and many people would pay dearly to be able to kiss it, sniff it, lick it. But Raphaël was afraid of that ass!
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Kiss my ass, faggot !"
Raphael kissed The Rock's huge buttocks, and the buttocks opened.
The smell was so foul that Dwayne Johnson opened his mouth, but when his tongue stuck out, it hit The Rock's asshole. Indeed, after that huge smelly fart, The Rock immediately sat on Raphael's face. Dwayne Johnson's two huge buttocks were heavy, hot, and above all kept the fart in Raphael's nostrils, forced to sniff it.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "Sniff my fart, loser !!!"
Raphael sniffed Dwayne Johnson's fart, but Johnson continued to fart on Raphael. After several minutes, Dwayne Johnson got up and took out his huge cock to piss on Raphael.
This one was covered in piss, but the worst came when Dwayne Johnson came back to sit over Raphael's face. After another stinky fart in the face, which made The Rock laugh, Raphael saw Dwayne's asshole open.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "I hear you love shit on your face, so enjoy!"
It was then that a huge turd fell. Raphael turned his face turned his face away, but a discontinuous torrent of poop buried Raphael under Dwayne Johnson's large, stinky poop.
This one needed to shit so badly that he covered the body with droppings. No one would have believed that a human was under the pile of shit.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "You're gonna stay here until you're done eating all the shit, got it?"
Locked up in The Rock's secret cell, Raphaël did not see that Dwayne Johnson had Daniel informed that his friend Raphaël had received a job offer, and that he had chosen to stay in the United States of America.
Finally, Raphaël remained in the United States with a slave contract, in the service of Dwayne Johnson, for whom he was the human punching bag but above all his slave, his human toilet, and his pet. He was still on a leash.
On the beaches, he walked on all fours, at the feet of his mighty master, The Rock.
DWAYNE JOHNSON: "French boys like him make great companion dogs. I named my dog ​​Frenchy! He loves to eat shit and lick my feet, but for him it's a reward!"
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If Dwayne Johnson's feet were licked by Gabe Prascot, the secretary, The Rock's wide and thick shit was reserved for Raphael, the pet dog.
Other links about Dwayne The Rock Johnson
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coulisses-tv · 2 months
Inédit "Villa Caprice" avec Niels Arestrup et Patrick Bruel diffusé sur France 3 lundi 29 avril 2024 (vidéo)
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juliopison · 5 months
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CINE El caso Villa Caprice (2020) Título original: Villa Caprice Francia Dirección: Bernard Stora 1)Idioma: Doblada al Español 2)Idioma:Francés
Atención: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/el-caso-villa-caprice-2020
Reparto: Niels Arestrup, Patrick Bruel, Irène Jacob, Claude Perron, Michel Bouquet, Paul Hamy, Alaa Safi, Laurent Stocker
Género: Drama judicial / Abogados/as Basado en hechos reales
Sinopsis: La vida de Luc Germon, un famoso abogado de gran reputación, se ve trastocada cuando acepta a un nuevo cliente, Gilles Fontaine, uno de los empresarios más poderosos de Francia. A este le acusan de comprar una propiedad en circunstancias sospechosas, y deberá confiar en las habilidades de Germon para librarle del caso, pero poco a poco, los aliados empezarán a convertirse en enemigos.
Críticas: "Un encomiable estudio sobre el poder y su fachada, sobre la soberbia y sus desvalimientos. (…) su radiografía de la supremacía de la vileza es fascinante." -Javier Ocaña: Diario El País
"Un filme sobre las apariencias, el engaño, la corrupción y la manipulación en un contexto de clase alta (…) El relato es como si estuviera en la cabeza del (…) letrado que interpreta muy bien Niels Arestrup." Quim Casas: Diario El Periódico
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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masterofbiography · 11 months
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Pour fêter son diplôme, les parents de Louéva lui laissent prendre le bateau pour un voyage en mer avec quelques amis. C'est une phrase dite pour implanter le décor et mentionner à quel point sa famille ne manque pas d'argent. Bateau, jet, villa, école privée et fille unique, elle a tous de la girly populaire qui se prend pour une reine. C'est un fait. Si elle promet à ses parents de n'inviter que deux filles, elle préfère partir sur le bateau avec quelques copines et copains avant de s'élancer sur les mers. Durant deux jours, elle va parcourir les mers, faire la fête sur le bateau, boire et peut-être même toucher à une ou deux drogues qu'elle se cache de révéler à ses parents. Ce que le groupe d'amis n'avait pas envisagé en revanche, c'est la tempête dans laquelle ils furent pris par une nuit d'orage. Le bateau finit par s'échouer sur une plage d'une île dont ils n'avaient aucune connaissance. Avec les vagues, ils avaient totalement perdu le sens de l'orientation et… Naturellement, il n'y avait aucun moyen de communiquer pour donner sa position. Si pendant un court instant, ils avaient l'impression d'être tombée sur une sorte de paradis, Louéva va rapidement se rendre compte que cet endroit abrite des créatures qui ne sont plus censés exister. Des dinosaures. Ils découvrent alors des Brachiosaures, des Tricératops, mais par-delà les créatures inoffensives, et pour leurs plus grands malheurs, il existe également des carnivores qui d'ailleurs, auront raison de certains d'entre eux. Maintenant, ils doivent survivre, trouver un moyen de quitter l'île. Avant que sa vie ne change, Louéva était une fille superficielle qui pensait que l'argent pouvait tout acheter même les amitiés et les amours. Elle a toujours pris un malin plaisir à jouer avec les sentiments des gens. Parmi les amis qu'elle avait invités lors de cette fête, elle ne ressentait pas la moindre attache pour eux. C'était juste histoire de ne pas être seule. Mais sans doute que ce voyage, qui l'a entraîné sur cette île, est un bon moyen de revaloriser qui elle est et d'éprouver d'autres intérêts que sa petite personne. Devant cette découverte et cette nouvelle méthode de vie, un nouveau caractère sera dévoilé de Louéva. Une femme forte, entreprenante et courageuse, même s'il lui a fallu un bon moment de caprices avant d'arriver à ce stade. Comme quoi, survivre change les gens.
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cornerfarm · 11 months
Rings of History: Classical Tickers in Shropshire
In the charming region of Shropshire, the tolls of history reverberation through the dazzling universe of classical clocks. Step into a domain where time becomes unmistakable, and the past entwines with the present. "Rings of History" welcomes you on a hypnotizing venture, where each tick and toll divulges the layers of Shropshire's horological heritage.
Shropshire's old fashioned tickers are not simple watches; they are narrators. From the respectable lobbies of memorable villas to the comfortable corners of interesting bungalows, these watches give testimony regarding the progression of time and the tales of ages. They are living relics, safeguarding the pith of past times.
As you meander through presentations and exhibitions, the variety of Shropshire's old fashioned clocks entrances the faculties. Longcase timekeepers, with their transcending presence and musical tolls, review the tastefulness of the Georgian and Victorian periods. Section timekeepers, decorated with complex inscriptions and smaller than expected puppets, summon a feeling of caprice and appeal. Each clock addresses a section in the rich embroidery of horological legacy.
These rarity timekeepers epitomize the imaginativeness and craftsmanship of their producers. Gifted craftsmans and eminent clockmakers, for example, George Graham and John Fromanteel influenced the clocks of Shropshire. The sensitive inscriptions, accuracy instruments, and elaborate casework mirror their commitment to their specialty and their commitment to horological history.
Past their stylish allure, these rarity clocks hold social and authentic importance. They act as tokens of the logical progressions, social traditions, and creative preferences of their individual times. With each stroke of the pendulum, they transport us back in time, offering looks into the existences of the people who loved these watches.
"Rings of History" praises the significance of saving Shropshire's horological legacy. Antique Shop Shropshire, devotees, and antiquarians work constantly to guarantee the life span of these fortunes. Through careful reclamation and conservation endeavors, they honor the tradition of these classical tickers and shield them for people in the future.
Drench yourself in the ensemble of "Tolls of History" as you investigate Shropshire's classical tickers. Allow their musical beats to move you to an alternate time, where the past unites with the present. Experience the sorcery of these timekeeping wonders, and embrace the accounts they share — the tolls of history that resound through the ageless fortunes of Shropshire.
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pollicinor · 1 year
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Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, Variation 18, Solo Piano
Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, Variation 18, Solo Piano Best Sheet Music download from our Library.PAGANINI'S THEME Please, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!STRUCTURE OF THE WORK THE VARIATIONSSOME MUSICAL TERMS
Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, Variation 18, Solo Piano
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ivqVL6yFmE It seems that Rachmaninov began to think about the composition of the Rhapsody around 1923. At least, in his sketchbooks one can already find elaborations on the theme of Paganini. According to the original score, the work was composed between July 3 and August 18, 1934, at Villa Senar, near Lake Lucerne, in Switzerland. The composer felt the need to compose; he had finished the concert season and wanted to return to pure, naked compositional work. He also pushed into composition a new concert piano that the Steinway company gave Rachmaninov as a gift. He also added the great friendship he had with the pianist Horowitch, to whom he continually informed him of the state of the work, and even told him that "he had a new variation for him" . Obviously, Rachmaninov had Horowitch in mind as the pianist who would undoubtedly play his Rhapsody. However, it was Rachmaninov himself who premiered his work on November 7, 1934, with the Philadelphia Orchestra under the baton of Leopold Stokowski. The work was a sudden success and was immediately incorporated into the regular repertoire. PAGANINI'S THEME This work is based on a theme by Paganini (1782-1840), a famous violinist and a true revolutionary in the technique of this instrument. The theme in particular is that of caprice number 24 for violin. Paganini wrote his own variations on the theme. As an illustration, and above all to understand, Paganini's extraordinary technique, here we have a video of Jascha Heifetz, a violin virtuoso, interpreting said whim. Originally, the caprice was for solo violin, but Schumann added the piano accompaniment that we see in the video. STRUCTURE OF THE WORK Structure. The Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, despite the name, is not a rhapsody. The term rhapsody refers to a musical work, quite frequent in Romanticism, in which various thematic parts of different character come together, giving an idea of ​​free improvisation, and with a predominance of lyricism. However, Rachmaninov's Rhapsody belongs to the theme and variations musical form . The work is written for piano and orchestra, organized around a theme and 24 variations. Given the variety of emotional atmospheres prevailing in the work, we could interpret the term rhapsody in reference to the character of the work and not to its form. Jon Miles relates the title of the work to the Greek rhapsodes, who were traveling reciters, similar to medieval troubadours or African griots, who narrated all kinds of stories and constituted the cultural memory of that time. The piano as a solo instrument would play the role of rhapsode, with the help of the orchestra, taking the viewer through a whole rainbow of emotions. Humor, enthusiasm, dramatic understanding of human solitude, ingenuity, playful mischief, surprise, verve, fatum, circumspection, mystery, solemnity, recollection, all designed with a superb orchestration, make this work one of the pinnacles of the production of Rachmaninov. The Rhapsody can be divided into three large sections: first, from the introduction to variation 10; variations 11 and 12 constitute the transition to the second section, which goes from variation 12 to 18; and finally, variations 19 to 24 form the last section. These three sections can be associated with the three movements of a piano concerto. Instrumentation. The instrumentation of the Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini is: 1 piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 1 English horn, 2 clarinets in B flat (*), 2 bassoons, 4 horns in F, 2 trumpets in C, 3 trombones , 1 tubas, timpani, percussion (chime, triangle, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals), harp, strings. THE VARIATIONS As we said before, the Rhapsody consists of a theme and 24 variations. Very playfully, Rachmaninov does not state the theme first, but introduces the first variation before the theme. This variation is called precedent. Here is a description of the variations. PREVIOUS NOTE: - All images have an associated sound file. Click on the image to listen to the music. - A bold asterisk means that a term will be explained in the final glossary. Introduction : Allegro vivace. The introduction's mission is to create a great expectation in the listener, an expectation that will be resolved later when the main theme appears. The introduction introduces Paganini's theme, A-C-B-A-E, written in sixteenth notes; We will call it motif X. This motif is nothing more than the minor chord (la-do-mi) in an arpeggiated form.
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There are also unresolved seventh chords as well as parallel fifths; all of this contributes to the musical tension. What's this unresolved chords' thing? Seventh chords have intervals that are considered dissonant, at least in the common practice period, and it is normal for these dissonances to resolve. Rachmaninov does the following in his introduction:
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It is clear that the introduction accumulates a lot of tension because of those chords. Compare with the following version in which those sevenths do not appear.
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It is, without a doubt, a much weaker version, which does not create as much expectation; It is certainly not the call to arms that Rachamaninov's version produces. As for the parallel fifths, they are voices that are at a distance of fifth (5 notes) from each other. They have a very peculiar sound, which was considered unpleasant from the Baroque to Romanticism. Here Rachmaninov uses it without concern. The introduction ends in measure 9 with the dominant seventh chord of the A, again with unresolved dissonances, which leaves us expectant. Variation I (Preceding) : Allegro vivace. Rachmaninov continues his playful pixie and once again breaks the expectations he had set for us. After the tension, we expected the exposition of the subject, but it is not like that. Variation I is nothing more than a presentation of the harmonic skeleton of Paganini's theme, with more or less unexpected entries from the instruments and with very little melodic material. Harmonically, it is an alternation between the tonic and the dominant, until measure 8, followed by a fall of fifths that is repeated twice. Here are the chords for this variation.
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Once again, one must discover Rachmaninov's sense of musical tension. In variation 1 the previous chords played with all the notes do not appear. I have shown the complete harmony in figure 4 rather for future reference, but Rachmaninov has the orchestra play only the root notes of each chord, that is, the first, the lowest, of each chord. Thus, the chords remain undefined when the rest of the notes are missing. The note la appears, for example, but is it that of the chord of the major, the minor, the seventh or another? This variation was added at the last moment based on what can be deduced from Rachmaninov's sketchbook. The composer added it, it is believed, to create a more suggestive atmosphere before the introduction of the theme. Theme: L'istesso tempo (without varying the tempo), in A minor. The orchestra plays Paganini's original theme and the piano accompanies it in a similar pattern to the previous variation. The theme consists of an 8-bar antecedent, followed by a 16-bar consequent. What do these two words mean? In music, a phrase is a unit that has complete musical meaning. In our case, Paganini's theme is made up of two sentences, the first that acts as an antecedent, or as a question if you want, and the second, the consequent, which is conclusive; it is also known as the answer. In figure 5 you have the division into antecedent and consequent of Paganini's theme.
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The antecedent is harmonized with a tonic-dominant alternation (grade I and grade V of the scale). The consequent follows the harmonization above, measures 9 to 24 of figure 4, although it changes some chords in the final cadence. More gossip? Tranquility, they are only technical terms, words like any other. A cadence in a series of chords that marks the end of a phrase; They serve to reinforce the conclusive meaning of the sentence. Very subtly the piano enunciates a motif that, subjected to various melodic and rhythmic transformations, will appear very frequently. It is one of the main melodic motifs of the Rhapsody. We'll call it Y; It is formed by a descending fourth.
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Variation 2: L'istesso tempo. The piano takes the role of soloist and exposes the theme slightly changed. Piano writing requires the interpreter to cross his hands. The background is basically the theme of Paganini. The consequent is a succession of rises and falls in arpeggio. In both phrases the accompaniment follows the Y motif (adapting it to harmony, of course). Variation 3 : L'istesso tempo. In variation 3 Rachmaninov begins to change the lengths of the musical phrases. The antecedent lengthens to 12 bars and the consequent to 19 (of 16 that he had before). The strings expound a motif in sixteenth notes that runs through the entire variation, sometimes alternating with the winds, on which the piano develops the variation, with longer note durations. Variation 4 : Più alive. Here the tempo increases and the figuration (*) of the piano is made in sixteenth notes. The phrasing is different from the original theme, although many notes are common. This variation could be said to explore the grouping of notes. However, the orchestra, especially the strings and the oboe, continue to play the X motif with the original phrasing. Variation 5 : Preceding tempo. It returns to the initial tempo. In the background, the piano elaborates Paganini's theme based on chords in a closed position (those with the notes as close together as possible). The orchestra harmonically and rhythmically punctuates the evolutions of the piano, which are still fast. In the consequent the chords adopt more open positions. The initial theme X is cited again as well as Y, which appeared in the introduction. Variation 6 : L'istesso tempo. In this variation Rachmaninov introduces some harmonic changes: the I does not go to the IV, but to the V, producing a prolongation of the harmony of the antecedent in that of the consequent. Various instruments in the orchestra remind us of the X motif. Variation 7 : Meno mosso, a moderate tempo. Variation 7 represents a very important point in the work, as it introduces the theme of the Dies Irae . It is a hymn belonging to the Gregorian chant and has been used by many composers, such as Mozart or Berlioz, among others. Rachmaninov himself used it in several of his works. Here it appears as the second theme of the Rhapsody. Below is the Dies Irae,
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Actually, Rachmaninov only uses the first 7 notes of the Dies Irae theme . The range of that set of notes is a perfect fourth, from C to F. Rachmaninov expounds the Dies Irae motif on the piano as a counterpoint to the Paganini theme, which is expounded by the orchestra, with the bassoons playing a dominant role. The orchestration is reminiscent of the cantus firmus (*) of the Middle Ages. Both motifs are treated as sequences (variations of both motifs). The violins rhythmically augmented versions of the X motif. The harmony adjusts to the presence of the new theme. Variation 8 : Tempo I. Motif X is treated as a sequence again. The antecedent doubles its length, but the harmonic structure is preserved. Harmonic changes are introduced into the consequent; instead of the fall of fifths, ascending thirds are used (for example, if flat-re or flat-do). The consequent is longer as it contains a dialogue between the piano and the winds. Variation 9 : L'istesso tempo. This variation presents a binary-ternary polyrhythm. As the orchestra plays triplets, the piano continues its 2/4 binary rhythm in offbeat eighth notes. The bass on the piano exhibits an ascending motif of a fifth containing a tritone. That motif runs through the entire variation. The tritone or diabolus in musica is a chord that has been considered quite dissonant. It consists of a fourth plus a half tone. The motif will be called T.
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Variation 10 : L'istesso tempo. In variation 10 there has been a modulation (change of harmony) from A minor, the key in which the previous variations were, to D major. The piano again exposes the theme of the Dies Irae in octaves. The orchestra, for its part, uses the first four notes of that theme to provide the melodic support. After the exposition of the first phrase, the piano plays syncopated rhythms that give an almost jazzy flavor to this section; in fact, personally this section reminds me a lot of Gershwin's music, especially the Rhapsody in Blue . The final part of this variation consists of a melodic development of the first four notes of the X motif. Variation 11 : Moderate. A variation of a certain somber character, à la Chopin, in D minor. The tremolandi strings provide a sound cushion in which the piano again presents elaborations of the X motif, elaborations that are broken with markedly chromatic passages. In the next variation there will be a key change, from A minor to D minor. In this variation that change of tonality is prepared. The harmonic structure adjusts and through the melodic variation of Paganini's motif we approach D minor. That melodic variation occurs in various groups of instruments. Variation 12 : Tempo di minuetto (D minor). Not only does the Rachmaninov key change, but the time signature. Now the variation is written in 3/4 time. The variation is a minuet, rather slow. The orchestra plays a rhythmically augmented version of the X-motif, with very long notes, while the piano plays its part with a constant rhythmic figure, that of eighth note plus sixteenth note rest plus sixteenth note. At the beginning of the variation the first notes of the Dies Irae appear . Variation 13 : Allegro (D minor). The orchestra plays Paganini's original motif, conveniently adapted to 3/4 time, while the piano responds with thick chords and powerful octaves played like bells. The original length of the phrases is restored, but clearly different harmonies are used. For example, in the consequent the original fall of fifths does not appear, which adapted to D minor would be D-G-C-F-B flat-E flat, but D appears as a pedal (*) throughout the variation . Rachmaninov uses this resource to affirm the new key of D minor. Variation 14 : L'istesso tempo (F major). This variation has a march character. The orchestra will carry the melodic weight, while the piano will accompany it using dense chords. The X motif is transformed here in a curious way. On the one hand, an inverted form is used, not strictly, and, furthermore, it appears exposed in a ternary form, with triplets. Variation 15 : Più vivo scherzando (F major). This variation is a virtuosic scherzo (joke, in Italian), using a devilish figuration of sixteenth notes. The character of the variation is playful, mischievous, joking, crazy. The orchestra acts as a mere accompanist; here and there he cites previous motifs, such as the triplets of the previous variation. Variation 16 : Allegretto (B flat minor). Variation 16 reinstates the 2/4 time signature and introduces the new key, B flat minor. In the background the winds play the theme of Paganini; the piano plays a countermelody, more of a harmonic fill, with the intention of accompaniment. In the consequent the strings take the melodic role. Variation 17 : Allegretto (B flat minor). We continue in B flat minor. Again the musical phrases adopt their original lengths. This is a variation in which the piano plays a leading role. all the time The strings are trembling and the winds murmur a few notes, more like a timbre effect. The piano starts from the low register and moves through ascending fifths Variation 18 : Andante cantabile (D flat major). This is the most famous variation of the Rhapsody. He has extreme lyricism. The theme of this variation is none other than the melodic inversion of Paganini's theme. What is this melodic inversion? Paganini's original theme, the X motif, has distances between successive notes. The inverted motif has exactly the same, but with the direction changed; ascending is changed to descending and vice versa. We will call an inverted motive with prime, in this case, X'. The complementarity between the two motifs X and X' is surprising. The X motif is playful and somewhat devilish; X' is tremendously poetic and melancholic.
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The variation can be divided into three sections. The first section is made up of the solo piano, which works as a background. Read the full article
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chrzcinyikomunie · 1 year
Villa Caprice - eleganckie miejsce na chrzciny i komunie we Wrocławiu
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Villa Caprice zajmuje się organizacją wszelkiego typu przyjęć, uroczystych bali, komunii, jubileuszy i biesiad.
Forma zabawy zależy od preferencji oraz pomysłów naszych Gości. Wszyscy mogą liczyć na profesjonalną pomoc, fachowe doradztwo i wiele ciekawych propozycji na udaną Imprezę.
Organizujemy :
Uroczystości weselne
Bale karnawałowe
Bale Sylwestrowe
Chrzciny, komunie
Bankiety i Konferencje
Przyjęcia korporacyjne
Imprezy integracyjne
Duże imprezy plenerowe z udziałem Gwiazd polskiej estrady
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vaevictis2 · 2 years
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deprotagonisten · 3 years
Tapis Rouge Frans Filmfestival ontvangt onder andere Patrick Bruel
Tapis Rouge Frans Filmfestival ontvangt onder andere Patrick Bruel! Van 11 tot en met 16 november kun je in de @DeFilmhallen in Amsterdam terecht voor in totaal 20 films. Benieuwd wat er te zien is? #TapisRouge
Het derde Tapis Rouge, hét Franse filmfestival van Nederland, is alweer toe aan de derde editie. Van 11 tot en met 16 november kun je in de Filmhallen in Amsterdam terecht voor in totaal 20 films. Een gevarieerd programma schotelen ze voor, waarbij ook regisseurs, acteurs en auteurs aanschuiven om vragen te beantwoorden. Een van die acteurs die bijvoorbeeld aanschuift, is Patrick Bruel. Zij…
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thomas-cinephiles · 4 years
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« Villa Caprice », un nouveau thriller en vue…
Le thriller « Villa Caprice » sortira début 2021. Au casting de ce film, les téléspectateurs auront l’occasion de retrouver Patrick Bruel et Niels Arestrup, Michel Bouquet, Laurent Stocker et Irène Jacob.
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boo-la-la · 13 years
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