redcruxsworld · 6 months
Villianous: Pure HeartAU!
An AU where Dr. Flug accidentally caused an explosion in his lab. His planned upgrade experiment for his portal gun has failed. He coughs as his lab is now filled with dark smoke. Blackhat, Demencia, and 505 entered the room to see what the explosion was about this time. However, as the smoke cleared, all four were surprised to see another figure laying down where the explosion mark was. Who was that?!
Chapter 1: Uh oh!
As per usual, Dr. Flug was working on an experiment on his lab. This one involves his portal gun. He nervously tried not to shake his hands as he attempted to place a red liquid in the compartment of his portal gun. He clicked his tongue as a drop of the red liquid went into the compartment, but along with that, a sudden explosion came along. Everyone in the building heard it, and even Blackhat's current clients heard it too. They looked even more scared now. Blackhat rose from his seat and walked past his clients towards Dr. Flug's lab to see what the commotion was about. Demencia and 505 were as curious as their boss was. After all, they never heard an explosion that loud come out of Dr. Flug's lab ever before! To no surprise, the lab was filled with smoke, but thankfully their was no fire or whatsoever. Blackhat's eyebrow rose in curiosity as to what type experiment Flug was on about this time that would cause such a catastrophic explosion? His confusion turned into excitement. Was Flug making an even more powerful bomb? Based on the explosion and its aftermath, it seems to be a very dangerous one, perhaps even more dangerous than nuclear energy? The smoke soon cleared a bit as Dr. Flug came out, coughing his lungs out. Demencia laughed, "Hey, hey, what was that? Was it a bomb?! Can I have a sample of it?!" the girl asked in an erratic way. Dr. Flug sighs and shakes his head, "No, Demencia, it was me trying to upgrade my portal gun.... It looks like I have to brainstorm another formula." "Aww...." she says, looking disappointed as Blackhat was. Blackhat looked at Flug, "Hahaha! No need, keep that formula, and maybe we can make a devastating weapon. Now that is more useful." Blackhat said before hearing 505 saying 'Baw!' As he pointed at where the explosion mark was. All four of them were now looking and...... Wait! Was that a person lying on the ground?! Dr. Flug quietly tiptoed toward the figure and saw that the person was still intact? Who was this person? And how did he even get there in such a short time? Did.... did he come from the explosion?! Dr. Flug flipped the person over and saw a very innocent looking face. Demencia looked at the person in awe, not only by their innocent beauty but their kickass outfit, "Woah! He looks awesome! Who is he?" Blackhat withdrawn his face in disgust. He could smell purity, innocence, and overwhelming love and justice from this guy, "Well, whoever he is doesn't matter. I don't like him, he smell like love, justice, purity, and all that hero shit! Get him out of the building before I puke." He ordered as all three saluted, "Yes, boss!" Though he most like was a victim of the explosion of the portal gun, Dr. Flug isn't really sure. But as they were to pick up the person, their hands twitched. Within a blink of an eye, the man was already standing.
He then looked at the Black Hat gang in surprise but smiled brightly at the, "Hi! Sorry, was I intruding? My little experimental hand gun went ka-boom for a second.. Hahahah!" the blond haired young man said as he pats the dust off of him. Black Hat tries to hold his puke in, he felt sick to his stomach just from hearing the young man's sweet voice. Demencia and Flug quickly rushed to their master's aid, "Hey, you! what did you just do to my beloved?!" Demencia shouted angrily at the young man, "Who are you even?!" Flug added. The guy looked at them, but his gaze remained on Dr. Flug for a solid minute, and he laughed, "Silly, silly. I'm you." he said non-cholantly. Flug looked at him in disbelief, "SAY WHAT NOW?!!!"
Yeah, this chapter is short because I'm too lazy to write the second chapter.....
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