transveganwitchery · 4 years
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Bless all People with Mental health issues.
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
So, I'm supposed to be asleep, but I randomly remembered that I got a package today, so I ran downstairs to go open it 🤣
Galaxy opals! (Also lovingly known as dragon eggs haha!) So many of you requested that I bring these back, so I did! I have 60 pieces, and I think this is the nicest lot I've gotten yet!
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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This makes me laugh sooooo much 💖😂😂
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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Trans Male Witch aesthetic
for all the anons
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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Pink Opal and Chalcedony - Peru
Rough pink opal specimens can display stalactites, each coated with druzy chalcedony. Sometimes hyalite opal pockets form as well.
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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🎃🍪Frosted Protection Pumpkin Cookies
½ cup Coconut Oil (protection, purification, love) ½ cup Sugar (attraction) ¼ cup Brown Sugar (attraction, grounding) ¼ cup Pumpkin Puree (protection, warding, longevity, luck, love) 1 teaspoon Vanilla (serenity, love, mental clarity) 1½ cups Flour (abundance, prosperity, grounding) ½ teaspoon Baking Powder (protection, growth, purification) ½ teaspoon Baking Soda (cleansing, protection, growth, banishment) ¼ teaspoon Salt (cleansing, protection, banishment) ½ cup Vegan Butter (protection, purification, mental clarity) 3 cups Powdered Sugar (attraction, stability) 1 teaspoon Pumpkin Spice (protection, strength, psychic power)
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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As my crystal collection grows so do the pages in my BOS
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
Witchcraft 102 Masterpost
So. You’ve covered the basics. You know what every kind of ritual tool does, you understand all the terms that seemed alien to you before and you think you’re finally starting to get a feel for this witchcraft thing. You’re not a baby witch anymore, but… where to from here? Making the move from beginner witch to intermediate witch is a lot more difficult than it seems, purely because resources aimed at intermediate witchcraft are few and far between. But there’s a good reason for that.
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There are general rules and ideas that can be applied across all of witchcraft. There’s so much to learn from other witches, but your greatest teacher will always be yourself. There is a reason witchcraft is so customisable to the individual: some things just work better for certain people. Not to mention pretty much every magick practice in history was developed by witches using their intuition! Because of this, it’s hard to create resources that tell somehow how to go from a beginner to an intermediate. However, they do exist! You’ll just find that most of them will act as prompts or scaffolds. They’ll instruct you on how to figure things out for yourself.
This next stage of your craft will involve a lot of introspection, and a lot of trusting your gut. It’s the reason you learnt all that baby witch stuff in the first place. This is where most of the personal growth happens. It can be scary, but it’ll also be magical. It’ll be a while before you actually qualify as an ‘intermediate witch’, and there’s no shame in that. The process of moving from beginner to intermediate is one that can take years, simply because witchcraft is such a deep and complex art. I myself definitely wouldn’t identify as a baby witch, but I’m still a beginner in many aspects despite having been a witch for years.
Without further ado, I present to you witchcraft 102.
The Problem with Sharing Advanced Magic
Using Tumblr as a Resource
How to Stop Being a Beginner Witch
How to Deepen Your Craft
Developing Your Craft Beyond Tumblr
Creating a Spiritual Calendar
SOAP Journaling: a Devotional Framework
Devotional Journal (for deity worship)
Questions for a Deeper Spiritual Practice
When reading through information, I recommend taking notes on the content, as well as your thoughts on it. Do you notice any connections to other texts or ideas? Do you have any questions you’d like to follow up? This will not only help you remember the information, but encourage you to look at it critically and see the bigger picture. Here is an example of my personal note-taking scaffold which includes some of the notes I took a while ago. I adapted it from the Cornell notes system based on my personal needs.
At TechnoCoven, a recent online witchcraft convention, there was an hour-long panel about planning in witchcraft called Spirit Papers. Here is a link to the recording. It goes over different organisation systems, notebooks, etc.
Why you should cite sources
How to cite sources
What is an annotated bibliography?
I would highly recommend setting aside a specific time every day to study witchcraft. This way, you will be improving your craft every day. Even if you only set aside half an hour, you will be doing three and a half hours of study a week. An hour a day totals to seven hours a week. If you can’t find a specific time every day, then find a specific time every week. 6pm-8pm on Tuesday and Saturday, for example, or reserve all of Sunday afternoon. This structure obviously isn’t compulsory, but with it you will advance at a much quicker pace and probably find your craft more fulfilling.
You should definitely have a grimoire already, but if you don’t, get one. It can be on paper or online, if you’d prefer. OneNote, Evernote, Microsoft Word and Google Docs are all viable digital options. You probably have lots of loose information lying around, whether its physical, in note form or on your Tumblr blog. Categorise it and order it. Then go through it. Document the important and useful parts in your grimoire.
Elemental Magick in Science
Elemental Systems
The Darker Elements
History of Magick Part 1
History of Magick Part 2
History of Magick Part 3
History of Magick Part 4
How Location and History Affect Spiritual Practices
Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (ebook)
Stop Learning Tarot Like Flash Cards
Learning the Major Arcana
Learning the Court Cards
Reading Tarot Cards Vertically
Reading Reversed Cards
How to Take Notes on a (New) Tarot Deck
Understanding Yourself Tarot Mega-Spread
Conceptions of the Self Through Spreads
Shadow February Divination Challenge
Daily Tarot Journal Printable
Introduction to Shadow Work
6 Phrases for Shadow Work
Safety Planning (good to have one of these if you’re doing shadow work and have a mental illness)
Shadow Working with Stuck Points
Shadow Work with Hillbillyoracle (pt. 1)
Shadow Work with Hillbillyoracle (pt. 2)
Hillbillyoracle’s Personal Shadow Work Framework
Good Things to Research When You Don’t Know What to Research
Areas of Research for the Intermediate Witch
Masterlist of Journals, Articles & Books on Folklore, Mythology and the Occult
Index of Old Grimoires
Working with Plants
Tips on How to Google Correspondences
The Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection
Sacred Text Archive
Bocastle Museum of Witchcraft
Occult Library
Hermetics Library
Project Gutenberg Paganism Bookshelf
Legal Free Ebooks Masterpost
Good Pagan & Wiccan Publishers
How to Get Use Out of Older Texts
Finding Experienced Witches
What to Do When You Fall out of Practice
Making Your Own Correspondences
Pendulum Dowsing for Correspondences
2019 Grimoire Challenge (a year of grimoire prompts)
Stones for Advanced Practitioners
On Tools and Psychodrama
A Way to Astral Project
Energy Alignment Identification
Magic in the Body
Spell Circles
Irish Concept of “On the Breath”
Sky Catch
Verbal Sigils
Tea With the Gods
The Hillbilly Oracle
Hex Positive
The History of Witchcraft
The Empowered Modern Witches Show
Academy of Affluence
A Samhain Fairytale
Foundations of Diywitchery’s Practice
Devotional activities
GET OFF TUMBLR (AKA GET SOME VARIETY IN YOUR SOURCES) I’ve got some examples listed here but there are definitely more out there!
Bree NicGarran’s Blog
Luna Luna Magazine (Blog)
Witchy Words (Blog)
Mumble & Things (Blog)
Down the Forest Path (Blog)
The Travelling Witch (Blog)
Prisoner’s Apothecary (Blog)
Harmony Nice (Youtube)
6 Books for Advancing Your Craft
Hellenic Polytheism Books
Walker Between Worlds by Robert Kirk (I haven’t read it so I can’t vouch for its quality but I’ve heard its a valuable resources for those wanting to learn about the fae)
The Study of Witchcraft: A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp (I will link to my book review here; this book is essentially a study guide)
Evolution of Goddess by Emma Mildon (book recommendation) (especially good if you are looking to find a deity but are unsure of where to start)
The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic: An Illustrated History by Christopher Dell (a fantastic starting place for looking into occult history)
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
Witches in History - Podcast Recs
If you prefer your history lessons in podcast form, here’s a list of audio treats about witches, witch trials, and witch panics, from antiquity to the modern day. Check out these shows on your favorite podcast app!
I will update this list as I find new examples. Feel free to add your own!
Witches & Witch Trials in History
The Dark Histories Podcast - Benandanti: Anti-Witches & The Inquisition June 20, 2020 The witch trials throughout medieval Europe have become renowned for their relentless, brutal torture and widespread execution. Whether floated as a form of class warfare, patriarchal dominance, or religious persecution, the stories that remain are pitch black with their depictions of callous violence. Likewise, the legacy of the Medieval Inquisition is too one of severe brutality and overzealous, corrupt authoritarians crushing those with differing beliefs and lifestyles. 
Despite this, there is one story from history of a group of individuals in Northern Italy that whilst crossing over with both The Inquisition and witch trials, somehow came out the other side with relatively few casualties. So unbelievable were the stories that came from the individuals involved that the Inquisitors themselves wrote many off as simple fantasies in the face of their sincere admissions. Known as the Benandanti, this was a group of people whose story was truly one of the strangest in the myths, legends, and lore of historical witchcraft.
Irish History Podcast - The Kilkenny Witch Trial of 1342, pts 1-3 Dec 20, 2018 - Jan 28, 2019 One of the most famous or perhaps notorious incidents in Kilkenny’s medieval history took place in 1324 when the Bishop of Ossory accused Alice Kyteler, a powerful merchant in the city, of heresy and witchcraft. This sparked a lethal struggle in the town that would end in shocking brutality. The consequences for those caught in the middle would be devastating.
BS-Free Witchcraft - Ep. 28: The Burning Times May 30, 2020 On this installment of the podcast, we tackle probably one of the more controversial topics in the modern witchcraft movement: The Burning Times. What were the actual “Burning Times,” where do we get that phrase from, and what really happened? Also, how has this phrase been used in modern witchcraft? It’s a heavy one, folks.
Toil & Trouble: A Podcast of the Macabre A Tidbit of Trouble, Ep 6 - Grace Sherwood  (Dec 11, 2019) In this mini episode, Tori is joined by author Bree NicGarran! Bree tells the tale of Grace Sherwood, a strong independent nonconforming healer who was accused of witchcraft.
A Tidbit of Trouble, Ep 15 - The Samlesbury Witch Trials Hey everyone! Our favorite Witchstorian is back with another tale of witchery! Author and podcaster Bree NicGarran joins Tori for this mini episode about a family feud turned witch trial! Stick around for the end of the episode to hear the trailer for Bree’s new podcast, Hex Positive.
Ep 12 - Half-Hanged (Aug 10, 2015) The attempted hanging of Mary Webster in Hadley, Massachusetts. The event inspired confusion, fear, and a rather stirring poem.
Ep 28  - Making A Mark (Feb 22, 2016) The witch trial of a woman named Cora and her infant in the town of Frisco on Hatteras Island, OBX NC. Part historical happening, part apocryphal folk tale, but part of the lore all the same.
Ep 41 - Hole in the Wall (Aug 22, 2016) This episode of Lore tackles the subject of witch trials in Scotland, including the Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597 and the Paisley Witch Trials of 1697.
Ep 57 - Quarantine ( April 3, 2017) An exploration of the circumstances surrounding the Loudun trial, in which a priest named Urbain Grandier was tried, convicted, and executed for allegedly making a pact with the Devil in Loudun, France in 1633
Ep 62 - Desperate Measures (June 12, 2017) Explores the circumstances surrounding the murder of pow-wow practitioner Nelson Rehmeyer in Hex Hollow, about 12 miles south of York, Pennsylvania, in 1928. Rehmeyer was killed by John Blymire, John Curry, and Wilbert Hess, because they believed that Rehmeyer had placed a hex on Blymire and Hess.
Ep 70 - Familiar (Oct 2, 2017) Describes the life and career of Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General who practiced mostly around Suffolk, England during the English Civil War. Hopkins was at least partly responsible for the executions of more than 100 people, including the burning of Mary Lakeland in Ipswich in 1645.
Ep 75 - Black and Wild (Dec 11, 2017) Describes the exploits of two men from London, England: John Dee, a self-proclaimed scientist who served under Queen Elizabeth I; and Edward Kelley, a con-artist who claimed to be able to talk to angels, as well as having other prophetic powers.
Ep 94 - Hard Rain (Sept 3, 2018) An exploration of the Lithobolia, an account written by Richard Chamberlayne – the royal secretary of the Colony of New Hampshire – and published in London in 1698. Chamberlayne’s account describes the property dispute between George Walton and Hannah Jones – who Walton accused of witchcraft – on Great Island (modern-day New Castle) in 1682.
Ep 136 - Foresight (March 16, 2020) A continuation of the exploration of witch-trials throughout history, including the execution of Janet Boyman in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1572.
Ep 140 - Potential (April 13, 2020) An exploration of the Triora Witch Trials, which took place in Triora, Italy, in 1587-89. 
The History of Witchcraft Podcast, hosted by Samuel Hume Witches didn’t exist, and yet thousands of people were executed for the crime of witchcraft. Why? The belief in magic and witchcraft has existed in every recorded human culture; this podcast looks at how people explained the inexplicable, turned random acts of nature into conscious acts of mortal or supernatural beings, and how desperate communities took revenge against the suspected perpetrators.
Unobscured, Season One - The Salem Witch Trials Welcome to Salem, Massachusetts. It’s 1692. And all hell is about to break loose.
Unobscured is a deep-dive history podcast from the labs of How Stuff Works, featuring the writing and narrative talents of Aaron Mahnke, horror novelist and the mind behind Lore and Cabinet of Curiosities.
As with his other series, Mahnke approaches the events in Salem armed with a mountain of research. Interviews with prominent historians add depth and documentation to each episode. And it’s not just the trials you’ll learn about; it’s the stories of the people, places, attitudes, and conflicts that led to the deaths of more than twenty innocent people.
Each week, a new aspect of the story is explored, gradually weaving events and personalities together in chronological order to create a perspective of the trials that is both expansive and intimate. From Bridget Bishop to Cotton Mather, from Andover to Salem Town, Mahkne digs deep to uncover the truth behind the most notorious witch trials in American history.
Think you know the story of Salem? Think again.
Modern History - The Satanic Panic
American Hysteria - Satanic Panic, pt 1 & 2 Dec. 10 2018 - Jan. 07, 2019 This two-part episode covers perhaps the most mystifying moral panic in US history, the 1980s and early 90s ‘Satanic Panic.’ For this episode, Chelsey covers the rise of organized Satanism beginning in the late 60s, as well as the adversarial countercultures of the hippies and the metalheads, and their apparent Satanic crimes that would be hailed as proof of their evil, as well as proof that teens, as well as children, were in serious moral peril. Satan was allegedly hypnotizing the youth with secret messages in backwards rock songs, teaching them occult magic in Saturday morning cartoons, and causing suicides through a popular role-playing games, all while helping religion blur into politics for good.
For part two, Chelsey will cover what came next, a serious investigation into an imagined network of Satanic cults ritually abusing children in daycare centers all over the country. Chelsey will try to understand this shocking decade in history, why it really happened, and the cultural issues it was really about.
BS-Free Witchcraft, Ep 10 - The Satanic Panic April 27, 2019 The Satanic Panic of the 70s, 80s, and 90s shaped the Modern Witchcraft Movement in a lot of unexpected ways. Its effects still ripple through a lot of our sources, so in this installment of the podcast we’re digging into this extremely weird part of American history. It’s a bit of a doozy, after all.
Occultae Veritatis
Case #014: Satanic Panic of Martensville Jan. 28, 2018 Today the hosts cover one of the various Satanic ritual abuse scandals that happened close to them. Is it full of hot air and false allegations? Yes. Yes it is. 
Case #097A & B: Dungeons, Dragons, and the Satanic Panic Dec. 07, 2019 - Dec. 15, 2019 Dungeons & Dragons, introduced in 1974, attracted millions of players, along with accusations by some religious figures that the game fostered demon worship and a belief in witchcraft and magic
Uncover, Season 6  - The Martensville Panic Throughout the 1980s, Satanic cults were widely believed to be preying on children — torturing and terrorizing them as part of dark rituals. Across North America, there were hundreds of false allegations, scores of unjust criminal trials and countless lives torn apart. But never any real proof. By the early 90s, the panic reached the tiny Prairie town of Martensville, Saskatchewan. And nearly 30 years later, the people touched by it all are still picking up the pieces. So what happened? And why do so many still believe to this day?
The Poisoner’s Cabinet, Ep 14 - Mary Bateman, The Yorkshire Witch May 22, 2020 This week, we delve into the dark, deceptive world of Mary Bateman, a murderer and con artist who came to be known as the Yorkshire Witch. How did this cunning woman become so notorious across Yorkshire, how did she dupe so many innocent people with her witchy ways, and what can we learn from the Prophet Hen of Leeds?
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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Witch’s bevarage
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
Host (2020)
I just watched what I think is the first film shot during quarantined. It is a horror movie that takes place on Zoom, which is all fine and good. There were some scary moments in there and it wasn’t a bad movie. 
However, the funniest thing happened. Slight spoiler alert, though I won’t go into detail, but at one point the friends are all being terrorized by something supernatural. At a highly tense moment, one of the girls rushes over to her friend’s house to try to save her.
BUT, before she literally rushes to save her friend from certain doom, she stops to put on a face mask. Like, her friend is probably actively being murdered and she makes sure to get a face mask before she goes to save her. Also, when she reaches her friend, they don’t hug in relief at seeing each other alive. They do the arm bump think so they don’t touch each other.
So, um, the lesson I guess is that even in the middle of a supernatural horror crisis, safety first kids. Also if these kids can put on a mask in the middle of being killed by some supernatural force, you can put one on to go to the grocery store Karen.
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
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☽Crystal points charging in the sun☾
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transveganwitchery · 4 years
basic ass witch tips 🔮
on some kind of medication, including but not limited to hormonal birth control, heart medication, and anti-depressants? you better double check with your doctor or pharmacist before you drink that new tea you just bought.
always, always, always tell your doctor or check with your pharmacist before trying any kind of herbal supplement, whether it’s something you made yourself or something you bought at the store.
have sensitive skin? dilute your essential oils before putting them anywhere near your skin or in your bathtub.
have a diagnosed medical condition? talk. to. your. doctor. before ingesting anything or putting anything on your body that you aren’t familiar with.
don’t. drink. essential. oils. essential oils are not consumable!!!!!
don’t put citrus oil on your skin and then go out into the sun unless you want a badass chemical burn.
don’t put any kind of damn essential oil on your skin without diluting it with a carrier oil. almond oil? olive oil? coconut oil? i don’t care. dilute your essential oils. 
don’t put essential oils on your animals, diluted or not, point blank. 
oh, and don’t put fucking crystals in their water bowls to “cleanse their chakras” or whatever the fuck. 
speaking? of crystals? don’t put crystals in your bodily orifices. don’t put crystals in your own damn water. just don’t. 
thinking about burning some kind of random herb in your house? you better make sure it’s not gonna release noxious fumes and murder your family. 
speaking of random herbs - got the urge to forage for some herbs out in the wild? wear. fucking. gloves.
don’t burn incense or herbs around your pets. they have tiny, fragile respiratory systems and are super sensitive to that kinda shit. 
gotta burn a candle down completely for a spell? you better not leave that shit unattended unless you want a house fire. 
always. practice. fire. safety. that means, don’t go burning shit outside during a burn ban. 
gods help me - if you wanna harvest your own blood via finger stick, stay away from dirty safety pins and needles and invest in some lancets. 
drinking dirty water from outside can literally give you worms. boil your damn water. 
oh yeah. moon water. everyone loves to make moon water. you know what happens when you leave a jar of water at room temperature? it stagnates and grows bacteria. refrigerate that shit. 
fresh herbs or other things of that nature left at room temperature can also grow super harmful bacteria, for example, raw garlic submerged in oil at room temperature is a breeding ground for botulism and mold. 
edited on october 27, 2018
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