#Vince Mattis icons
slashericons · 1 year
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Vince Mattis as Eli Hale in Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)
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dylanobx · 1 year
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Vince Mattis icons
fav se pegar :)
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ecnmatic · 2 years
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onlymenicons · 6 months
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stereksouls · 1 year
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Eli Hale Icons
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olivette-branch · 2 months
Hockey asks 3, 5, 9 😊
3, Favorite Rivalry: oh god, okay if we're talking team rivalry, nothing will ever top Chicago vs. St. Louis to me. The St. Patrick's Day Massacre in 91 is a game I will always go back to watch. Something about the Hawks & Blues, even in non-hockey sports, gives me so much joy (though I will say, Battle of Florida has a special place in my heart)
if we're talking player rivalry, the icons of: Tkachuk & Draisaitl has sucked me in, and I'm just obsessed with it. The comments from the All Stars Game, the Battle of Alberta, just absolute perfection.
5, First NHL Game: Blues v. Jets game back in the 2022-23 season! Thought my first one I remember watching was in the Cup Final Series when the Blues won in 2019!
9, Best Bromance: I am a complete sucker for the slight bromance between Yams & Vince (the video where Yams kept complimenting Vince & his shot changed me). Also, Will & Matty is very important to me. Them being roommates and so goofy with each other, it's just absolute perfect
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#35)
5x12 baby, helpppp how are we already at the penultimate episode (already, i say, after dragging this first-ever watch out basically as long as humanly possible L O L why am i like this)
my reactions / recap / flailing under the cut
I see that Tyra is literally the preview photo so I’m already like OH SHITTTT
Tami coming home from the airport with potentially life-altering news...and Eric is asleep in front of the TV on the couch, clearly trying to wait up for her, my heart.
AHHH Julie’s home??? A surprise? This is so fucking cute! The ending vibes are definitely here.
Omg Tim are you good, baby? Is he throwing his bed out of the trailer? Damn he clearly has so much trauma from prison.
Damn NBC 8 is pulling up, that’s how you know it’s State. “It’s State, Levi, get used to it.” “No, I’ll NEVER get used to it!” Lmao i love Levi.
WOW look at Luke trying to set up childcare so moms can participate in a hearing about school funding! GO OFF KING
Omg i almost forgot Mindy was pregnant again. Billy’s so excited...oh fuck, TWINS? They’re gonna be so broke forever. Mindy is as horrified as I would be lmao
Oh shit, here we go...Tami’s finally telling Eric about the job offer...and admitting she wants it!!! AHH
“We’d have to move to Philadelphia.” “We live in Texas. Honey, Texas...is where our friends and family are. Texas is where I work, Texas is where I have my job.” Weren’t y’all just thinking about moving to Florida like two episodes ago? I smell a double standard, sir!
Ugh Eric is shutting down. “I can’t talk about this right now.” BISH
“How many times have we moved before for your job?” MMHMM that’s right, Eric! You look shell-shocked but you need to take that in, sit with it!
Tim Riggins behind the bar is hot. Just an observation.
Ugh, the tension between poor Tim and Billy. Tim’s gonna go to Alaska?! WOW did not see that plan coming!
“What the hell are you gonna do, sleep with a bunch of woodchucks?” BILLY WHAT LMAO
“You’re gonna leave Texas?” “YES.” I love the drama in both these back to back conversations about the thought of Leaving Texas.
Broken dryer, Jess, I’ve been there. Like right now, we have a broken dryer in our apartment. Ooh, Vince coming and finding her and being gentle!
Aw poor Jess. “I finally found a coach who was open-minded enough to let me in and not laugh at me. He lets me shadow him and teach me how to be a coach, and now they’re gonna take it all away.” These poor kids.
VINCE: “We won’t let that happen.” MY HEART. I love them.
Wow, Luke’s being sold a low-tier football program, isn’t he? “We just got a Costco, and a brand new movie theater in the town.” yikes.
How is a reporter asking Eric “are you worried he’s taking on too much?” about a teenage boy. Like, how do they know this much about Vince’s life? Texas football culture will forever amaze me, even after watching almost the entire series.
“We haven’t even scratched the surface of what Vince Howard can do.” AWWW my heart! Eric is such a good coach.
Oh wow, the East Dillon Lions vs. Dillon Panthers funding debate!!! Did they send a Booster Club representative here to Buddy’s door to shake him down? “There’s gonna be a lot of changes.” Like what IS THIS?
“Vince Howard is gonna be a Panther.” This is... A Lot. “That chair at the head of the table is waiting on you.”
Oh nooooo Tim getting physical with a customer.
“I’ve been waiting five minutes for my drink.” FAMILIAR VOICE IN THE CORNER??? “Hey there, jailbird.” It’s Tyra, and she has long brown hair! I dig it! I dig this reunion!
Aw, Eric coming home and immediately apologizing to Tami for earlier.
Tami’s being realistic that if the Lions lose, their economic situation is in jeopardy—so a good job offer on the table is something to consider!
“So you’re routing against us?” OMG and there’s a moment when Tami thinks he’s referring to them but then realizes he’s referring to “oh, the team?” jfc “You and I, or us the Lions. Of course.”
“You know what, I’ve been a coach’s wife for 18 years. Every decision we’ve made has been based on your coaching career.” LIFE BEYOND FOOTBALL OH SHIT
Oh God Eric’s getting up with the keys???? Come on, dude! This is not cool! There are so many colleges and high schools in Pennsylvania! I promise they play football there!
Omg did Tyra just tell Tim about the twins since he refused to really talk to Billy?
Aw Tyra wrote to him in prison? That’s sweet.
Awww Mindy’s literally having a breakdown about not having enough space, and not being able to handle three kids. These poor babes. And the football team’s fate hinges on this because of the assistant coach’s salary...fucking crazy
Ooh now Buddy’s trying to hype Eric up on the Panther-Lions Superteam they’re gonna create.
Aw the whole fam at Billy and Mindy’s—Tyra, Becky, even Mama Collette.
“He’s got some stupid idea he’s gonna go to Alaska and work on a pipeline.” Well, when someone comes to prison and tells you they’ll actually let someone who has to check the felony box work a job with decent wages, yeah. God, the prison industrial complex sucks. Feeds the most vulnerable people into the shittiest jobs.
Julie outside of the Saracen home? Awww. Has she seen him since that romantic Chicago good-bye?
Luke, listen to Becky!! “I’d really appreciate if you put down the wrench and listen to me.” YES GURL
“That’s not real. You are! And I just think there’s been a lot of misunderstandings.” “Well, that’s really pretty you should put it in a love poem.” “Are you kidding me? Go to hell!” yeah, correct answer, Becky! These teens are under so much STRESS! The DRAMA!
Omg all these grown men screaming at the town hall meeting about football i cannot
Ewww these classist fucks. “Some of us on this side of town happen to own our houses.” Eat the rich.
Why the fuck is Billy writing a fucking speech while driving? And he’s surprised he swerved? Sir…
Aw poor Eric with pain in his eyes telling Billy he can’t be definitive about his job security...I mean, yeah.
Aw, Luke coming into the bar while Tim is working after...that talk with Becky…
“You and Becky...are you in love with her?” Tim looks so amused. “Are you serious?” “...Yeah. “No, I’m not in love with Becky. I care about her.” THANK YOU BOYS AND GIRLS CAN BE FRIENDS. Is this not what Becky tried to tell you last night? “I’ve been there a few times when nobody else was, but that’s about it.”
Aw Luke is so similar to Tim rn! Not “feeling it” from the school that wants him, even tho he loves football!
“You’re going to state, yeah? Nothing’s gonna beat that.” “Play it that way. Play it like it’s the last time you’re ever gonna lace up.” Some iconic Tim Riggins lines here!
“We were at the meeting last night, but we don’t want to argue or yell, we just want to give you our thoughts.” MY HEART i love Vince and Jess. “Well, that’ll be refreshing.” LOL after all these grown ass men were screaming over each other
“Was it really that bad?” “If you’re asking if I was raped in prison, Tyra, the answer’s no.” LOSING IT at this exchange lmao
“Tim Riggins, what the hell is going on with you?” that’s the question!
Oh shit is Tyra just finding out that Tim took the fall for Billy now...fuck
“He had a wife, a family. I had the chance to give him something, to give Stevie something we never had. To give him his father.” Damn, the look on Tyra’s face. She knows all too well why he did what he did even tho it fucked him up :( THE EMOTION. THE PAIN!
Damn they’re announcing the decision on the Dillon teams *before* state?
“What are you hoping for?” loaded question, Julie! “I hope that the Lions get to stay put, and I hope that I get to be Dean of Admissions at Braemore College.” awww yeah you do deserve it all, Tami.
Oh wow all these people from both teams standing in the street, drinking and talking and waiting for the decision with “i was living in a devil’s town” playing??? THIS SHOW.
I feel for the dude who has to address this town about this decision.
Anddd there it is, they eliminated the East Dillon program. The rich kids cheering for their victory in front of the poor kids mourning the end of the program they fought to make better is so fucking tacky.
And omg now they have to play state?
“Let me tell you something, you’re gonna be the star quarterback of the Dillon panthers next year, and you’re gonna shine.” OH this hug between Eric and Vince! “See you at practice tomorrow.” Again, the reminder that these people gotta play a *state championship*! wild
“We need to talk.” BUDDY WHAT?
Aw Julie and Tyra hanging out and there are Panthers screaming out of cars. “Welcome back to Dillon.” “No place like it.” Oh, this warms my heart.
I love this exchange: “You know, it’s kind of like this drug. When you get outside of it, you see it for what it really is. But when you’re in it, it seems like there’s no other possible reality.” “It’s a hard place to shake.” “Yeah...I didn’t see that one coming.”
“Whatever happened with you and Matty?” SAME, TYRA, SAME. “We’re good. I mean, we still talk every now and then. He went to Chicago. I went to visit him awhile back, and...I don’t really know what we are or aren’t or…” INTRIGUE. “I kind of just really miss him.” “Life’s harder when you really love someone.” Awwww. I loved that scene so much.
Wow, Buddy and Eric are talking at the Panthers field?
Oh, Buddy’s trying to sell him on winning the championship and then going to the Panthers to coach along with Vince….
“I can never come back to this school and coach. Never.” I mean, FAIR.
“Three rings in six years. That’s history. No one’s ever done that. You’ve got everything you want.” Yeah, Buddy, but does Tami get what she wants in that scenario?
Lol i love all the East Dillon Lions drunk on the field, like seasons’ past with teams past…
“Alright I’m taking a piece of grass home.” LOL TINK
To State and to Coach Taylor, huh? Sounds familiar. And Buddy Jr. is puking. Lmao.
“Just make sure you’re really okay with losing him.” YES Tyra! As much as Billy has majorly fucked up, i agree with her that the idea of the Riggins brothers losing each other when they ONLY had each other for so long...it makes my heart sad.
Oh shit are Tim and Tyra about to kiss? I almost forgot they were together back when this whole show started! “Please don’t go.” DAMNNN
Wow what a scene. Eric comes home with his news that he could have “everything” and Tami replies, “I’ll say to you what you haven’t had the grace to say to me: congratulations, Eric.
“I want you to take me someplace.” “Where?” “I’ll tell you when we’re on the way.” This is really cute! Also Tyra is so hot damn gurl i see you!
Aw Vince shooting his shot, yes! “What about you and me?” “I was really proud of how hard you tried. Thank you.”
“You already have two strikes against you.” “Jess, I was born with two strikes against me.” LOL SO TRUE. and aw what a hug!
Tyra took him to his land, didn’t she??? “Alaska, Tim?” He’s SMILING. Is that Texas Forever vibes i’m seeing here?
AH, Matt is home with a Christmas tree to see his grandma!!! She’s so excited!!
Aw she forgot his dad’s dead? “Did you say it was Christmas?” Oh this is so sad.
Why are Buddy and the Panthers coach standing at the Taylors’ front door like fucking cops late at night? This football program is sinister at times.
“Eighteen years.” Yeah, Tami. And then she turns it back on: “Can I get you two anything? Iced tea, water?” and FADE TO BLACK.
Damn!! What an amazing set-up for a series finale I’ve heard only good things about!!! AHHHH
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erhiem · 3 years
Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Cuckoo Mess Anges D Mode! ‘What’s in fashion?’ You are welcome here. What a stylish seven days have been! This week, as of now, we’re bringing you our go-to picks on the best shows, including Matthew Williams’ double whammy, a dispatch from New York’s totally popping New York, and all you need to know about BALENCIAGA’s Instagram black-out. is required !!! Crazy, we know! Read on to find out what’s in fashion.
Photography ryan o’toole. Image courtesy of Bianca Saunders
Raise a glass to Bianca Saunders!
As you’re certainly well aware, fashion awards season is underway. Following the announcement of Matty Bowen’s double win at the International Woolmark Awards a few weeks ago, we now turn to the ANDAM Awards, great lady List of French fashion awards instituted by Nathalie Dufour. This year’s final seven were basically a hit list of some of our favorite talents – Bianca Saunders, Casablanca, Aria, Ludovic de Saint Cernan, Roch, GmbH and Grace Wells Bonner – so whoever took home the €300,000 cash from Balenciaga CEO Injections and Sal’s advice from Cedric Charbitt would have been totally deserved. Given the nature of fashion contests, though, there can only be one winner, and this year — after blown up the panel with her upcoming SS22 collection — Bianca Saunders scooped up the main gong! She said on the announcement, “I cannot express in words how thrilled I am to receive such a prestigious award and I am truly honored.” “Consulting with such a major player in the industry, as well as financial support like this, will really help me grow my business and realize my lifelong dream – establishing Bianca Saunders as a global fashion brand. ” A dream we are sure will come true. M / s
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Image courtesy of Acne Studio
Acne Paper launches new book
Earlier this week, Acne Studios gave us the . took a trip down memory lane with the launch of acne paper, a book that celebrates the legacy of Acne Studios’ brief but remarkable time in the editorial arena. To celebrate the occasion, we asked Thomas Persson, the magazine’s former editor-in-chief, to tell us the stories behind some of the most iconic moments from its collection. If that doesn’t convince you to see it, we should also add that the 560-page coffee-table tome also includes a portfolio by photographer Christopher Smith and new essays by Sarah Mower, Vince Aletti, and Robin Muir. More than just a nostalgic return to the world of fashion editorials, it’s a priceless window before social and digital media took over the game. KK
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Photos courtesy of Hunza G, Chromat and ISA Boulder
Designers pushing swimwear
It’s a new world, darling! And after this summer, if your wardrobe isn’t spacious, exuberant, and eco-conscious, you can’t sit with us. Luckily, these four swimwear brands; Issa Boulder, Chromat, KNWLS and Hunza G are here to redefine what it means to be ‘bikini-ready’, showing you what can actually reduce your impact on the planet while still Aa fab beach look is pulling off. From Isa Boulder’s pursuit of what it means to be “oddly sexy” to an appreciation of chromate’s curves, cellulite, and scars, to bikinis made from recycled Lycra yarn, these new jean labels are defying conventions and their own rules. are making. Read more here. KK
Balenciaga logs off
Eight years ago, Phoebe Philo said that “the best thing is when you don’t exist at Google.” Her adage still holds, although if the recent antics of some of fashion’s biggest players are to be noted, the best thing to do today is when you’re not on Instagram. Following in the footsteps of his Kering stablemate Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga has cleaned up his Instagram account! And in case that wasn’t drama enough for you, they have done so just days before the much-anticipated fashion revival of Demna!! fashion gasp!!! Unfortunately, we don’t know more from you what that means, but the timing and the fact that the account itself goes live will mean a big fucking moment is in store. And much more to keep your eyes glued to your screen fast! xoxo M / s
Alex Takes a Moody Beach Trip
Think about a trip to the beach, but make it appealing. Matthew Williams did just that to present his latest collection for 1017 ALYX 9SM’s, “BEYOND.” In a Brody movie, the American designer took us on a surreal sci-fi trip to the shores of Planet Alix and fielded a rich collection with hippie-inspired styling, futuristic textures, and oversized hoodies. A colorful bikini with matching leggings, a structured double-layered hoodie, distressed jersey, soft cotton dress with twist and knot details, and an armor-like leather moto jacket, it was a perfect synthesis of fantasy, comfort, and wearability—one that Just what we all want from a post-pandemic look! KK
Givenchy Resort in Paris Was About an American
Think your schedule is packed? Well, imagine what Matthew Williams must have looked like! Long booked and busy, these past seven days the California-based designer created the Alyx . left my latest collection for and A whole ‘Nother One for Givenchy! In his latest outing for a Parisian home, he decided to focus on the spaces he calls home. “In my collection, I always speak to living reality,” he says. “For Spring 2022, our first pre-collection runway show, I wanted to bring together my American roots and my brand new life in Paris.” Here, a sense of transatlantic cross-pollination came through strong in the pieces, suggesting a unique sense of Parisian chic – think high-collared dresses with armor-like leather sleeves and cut-out slinky evening dresses. Jacket – street and quirky with a healthy dash to American. “There is an energy to strike out for a new adventure, of creating something familiar yet completely new,” says Matthews, a key vehicle for that sense of newness is his collaboration with Seattle-born, Mexico-based artist Chito. , whose looks, accessories and even expressive graphics feature on the Rimowa suitcase. Chapeau, Matthew! Who doesn’t love an American in Paris! M / s
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Gauntlet Cheng takes to New York at night
New York, New York, it’s one hellish city… and it’s back! In fact, as you may have seen on your screen when all the elite fashion lesbians in town together livestreamed Madonna crawling over a bar and bubbly (we love it!), the Big Apple is alive and kicking once again. is killing. There are very few people, however, more thrilled to see life return to their streets than Esther Gauntlett and Jenny Cheng, the combined force behind — you guessed it — Gauntlett Cheng, and stylist and photographer Thistle Brown. In fact, they’re so excited that they even paid tribute to the lively night spirit of their newly-revived hometown in their recent campaign, featuring none other than Coco Gordon Moore. Here, all three of us need to know about the photos, what they missed most about New York at night, and their post-wax party essentials. M / s
hi friends! For those not familiar with Gauntlet Cheng, quickly tell us the story behind the brand, and how you work together. Esther Gauntlet: Jenny and I met about 7 years ago while interning together at Eckhaus Latta. Our first shoot with thistle was in 2018 at a love motel in New Jersey. We connected immediately and realized that he really understood our clothes and the way we work.
And for those of us not in New York right now, tell us: What’s the atmosphere like? like: It’s just honestly crazy. The roads are completely packed and there is a kind of mental energy everywhere. We shot it in Times Square on a Saturday night and I assumed it would be quiet – theaters are still closed and that was before a lot of restrictions were lifted. It was really wild though – people on ATV bikes, people everywhere and kids taking prom pictures. I feel like we were all a lot more excited and excited out there.
thistle brown: New York is definitely back, alive and kicking!
jenny cheng: Plus, it’s hot in New York right now, and we’re all reconnecting and embracing each other despite the stickiness.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
What is the story behind the campaign? TB: I moved back to NYC after living in New Zealand (where I grew up) for a few months. I think I leaned back on my teen melancholy albums while I was there. I couldn’t stop listening to PJ Harvey City Stories, Sea Stories. The album is a love song for NYC, it’s about being young and open to a city that treats you like an unlikely lover. When the girls asked me to shoot something, I thought we needed to shoot in the thick of it, to bring back the lights and all those vibes of Manhattan.
JC: We wanted to capture a classic New York City look, but with a sense of newness – a spring energy.
What made Coco Gordon Moore your ideal star? TB: I’ve always been inspired by Coco’s mystery, grace and spontaneity. There’s something so outspoken about her while at the same time having a delicate sensibility. To be honest, I could make a book about cocoa.
like: Coco has an incredible energy – everything came alive on her but she really looks home.
JC: Totally, Coco is a star! It was great to see the synergy between thistle, cocoa and the city. It was so magical and so energizing, especially when Coco’s curls were open.
There is quite a sensual, nocturnal energy to the images. What have you missed the most about NYC nightlife? like: I missed the ease of it. The feeling of walking on a hot summer night and you can bump into anyone, and anything can happen.
JC: I used to remember those holiday parties we would throw where we would dress up and see all our friends. Hopefully we can do another one soon.
TBI think New York nightlife is now beyond a relic, we’ve realized that the city can’t function without it. We have a lot of friends who depend on it for income too, so it’s really important that we don’t forget how special it really is.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Tell us about the night Coco is going out. where is she going? Who is she looking at? like: I think there’s a certain undoing in the photos, like she’s going out and coming back from something. It feels like she sorts herself in the big city but is at home and at ease there.
JC: She doesn’t have a plan, she’s taking everything in it, taking it as it goes, feeling a little flirty.
TB: She is just doing her job, looking lost but never alone. Making moves and eventually landing the right party.
Finally, what are your top five post-pandemic New York nightlife? E: Time to wear a dress again! A bag that can fit a bottle of wine you’ll probably drink by the river. The people you love. People you haven’t seen in a long time. It’s only four, but don’t think you really need more than that…
J: Shooting hoops in the park in the evening, eating chips and walking on the river with friends, wearing beach-ready clothes, rose water mist, and feeling sexy in no time.
T: Chapstick, bike at night, showing skin, dancing in the streets or on the river, and smooching crushes you couldn’t catch before.
The post Balenciaga’s black-out and New York’s big return: What’s in fashion? appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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thelillykane · 7 years
Where are those FNL moodboard/aesthetics i asked you for, you nerd. Also, rank every FNL character from best to worst. That oughta help relieve some of your boredom.
Main Characters: they’re all tied in my heart fuck you 
Matt Saracen/Vince Howard – i genuinely??? have no idea who i love more? both of them??? so much?? my hot mess children who are PURE AND GOOD AND KIND AND TALENTED AND BETTER THAN YOU 
Matt Saracen/Vince Howard – see above but with more emotion because i love them
Lyla Garrity – why the FUCK IS SHE ONLY THIRD Lyla was the first character I fell in love with on this show and ??? this is how I repay her?? she’s lowkey the kindest, most selfless person, and she gives so much of herself to everyone and she’s so kickass and i LOVE HER 
Eric Taylor – what the fFUCK!!?? he’s the best man and he would die for his kids and he cares for them so much and !!!! fuck you
Tim Riggins - fifth??? i DON’T BUY IT 
Tami Taylor - SEVENTH??? whatever. she’s a hero and she loves every single one these kids so much and just ask her husband she’s right 100% of the time 
Jess Merriweather - why are you making me do this!! she’s so talented and has such goals and she’s going to kick ass everywhere she goes my daughter 
Brian ‘Smash’ Williams - my son!!!! he achieved his dreams and he’s so funny and the scene where him and every other black player walk off the field is maybe??? the best/most powerful FNL scene ?? MAYBE
Jason Street - WHY IS HE SO FAR DOWN ALSO listen Jason is probably maybe the best person on this show. I love him so much wtf 
Tyra Collette - I hate that she’s so far down on this. Her college application sticks with me forever and I adore her 
Becky Sproles - LOVE OF MY LIFE her line “What’s it like to be the guy who used to be Tim Riggins?” nailed the essence of small town football where the players are Gods until they’re not players anymore 
Landry Clarke - Comic relief of my heart who never got the girl. Still mad he wasn’t included in the big group hang out scene during the finale, but 
Luke Cafferty - I love Luke. (I love everyone) but I feel like his only purpose on the show was to get injured somehow and therefore not to be able to play? His friendship with Vince though was GOLD as was him and Becky. 
Hastings Ruckle - he was good but only in one season, where let’s be honest he did not get a lot of screen time, beyond forcing the boys to drink moonshine(?) and get branded, which i LIVE FOR  
Significant Reoccurring Cast (only the first 15 i thought of so the lists could be equal in length): 
Mindy Collette - NICE TRY AMERICA she’s so great?? her relationship with Becky is TO DIE FOR and her heart to heart with Tim and that drunk scene with her and Lyla?? iconic I love her
Grandma Saracen - her and matty!!! her and julie!!!! her and eric ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE’S MAD AT HIM!!! her and landry!!! her and tyra!!! her in the tiara!!!! can you tell i’m obsessed  
Regina Howard – ANOTHE R SINGLE MOM DOING HER BEST i would die for her she overcome addiction and a lowkey abusive relationship and she’s doing it for her son and i love her 
Waverly Grady – we could have had it all!! writing her out with no explanation was inexcusable. she kicked ass and i missed her  
Dallas Tinker – i’m shocked and APPALLED that he wasn’t a main. i love him. 
Billy Riggins – raising his little brother and mostly making a mess of it. a huge giant mess. but he loved him and that’s important 2 me 
Corinna Willaims – I WORK AT THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD YOU PROBABLY HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME she’s a star all around especially for that line 
Shelby Saracen – all we know about Matt’s mom is that she abandoned him and tHEN WE MEET HER AND SHE”S A DREAM never expected to love her as much as I did but it was!!! 
Angela Collette – she loved her daughters so much!! she’s so strong 
Buddy Garrity – i don’t hate buddy, which this low ranking might seem like i do. eric’s face every time buddy rolls up to the house late af and gives him bad news is the DREAM. also buddy was Team Eric when all the shit went down which i appreciate 
Epic – did she have a last name? my girl got a bad rap and Tami loved her so much and when everything went down with her I was so sad 
Santiago Herrera – one of the best things to come out of season two which is why it sucked when he was dropped. he had so much potential 
Herc – god was he funny. it was his constant bashing on my number one girl Lyla Garrity that got him bumped to thirteen. 
Levi Burnwell – he was severely underfunded at his school, but he tried his best to make things work. supported eric and tami in the end. 
Mac McGill – don’t hate him either, which was surprising because after the events surrounding that season one storyline i thought i would hate him forever. but he grew on me. 
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lurally · 5 years
WRC Finlandia: Tanak in testa, Meeke fuori
WRC Finlandia: Tanak in testa, Meeke fuori
Non è un caso che il Rally di Finlandia sia una delle icone dell’intero movimento sportivo. Anche l’edizione 2019 sta infatti fornendo agli appassionati un distillato di spettacolo, sintetizzato in una lotta per la leadership davvero serrata: alla fine del secondo giorno di Rally sono solo tre i secondi che distanziano il primo, l’esperto Jari-Matti Latvala, dal quarto, ovvero il leader del…
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recommendedlisten · 7 years
The EP is such a fun format to take a deeper look into each year, because it’s like a grab bag of burgeoning artists and established ones who could very well be light years apart on the ladder of success, and yet, both have the same goal in common: To take risks and get a little weird in the music they’re making. Here on Recommended Listen, it’s got plenty of proven success stories behind it, considering the likes of everyone from Girlpool, Moses Sumney, Palehound, Shamir and Vince Staples have all graced this list in the past before going on to outdo their own potential. For the most part, 2017’s selections are the former scenario -- Young artists cutting their teeth with an impressive short-form opening statement (or in one case, two...) that has you looking forward to whatever comes next, but a couple of familiar names managed to keep the bar raised, too. These are the 10 Best EPs of 2017...
10. Ohyeahsumi - Your Friends Are Looking for You [Sports Day Records]
Los Angeles has long been the backdrop of a Hollyweird culture, and Your Friends Are Looking for You, the debut effort by Ohyeahsumi, extracts all of the danger among beauty, and mystery among romance out of the city’s perpetually sunlit sky into the bedroom for an intriguing dark pop affair. Behind its closed door sit Lena and Rena Vernon, an enigmatic pair of teenage twin sisters whose cryptophasia for disturbia throughout its six tracks is utterly entrancing. It the strange kind that has the ability to melt the walls of the room as the listen unfurls and plots hypnotic bass lines, post-punk corners, and spectral keys toeing over sublime sonic warps. While Ohyeahsumi’s debut EP introduces the sisters Vernon as two young artists searching for an identity in darker motifs and hidden diary passages with enough space to grow beyond the realm they’ve witchcrafted here, it sparks just enough questions in their morbid bedroom pop to lead you on to what comes next.
9. Julia Michaels - Nervous System [Republic Records]
Before her 21st birthday, Julia Michaels had already made a name for herself as one of the most recognizable pens writing today’s biggest pop hits for Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. This year, she stepped out on her own with her debut EP Nervous System, putting two shamelessly played-to-death singles on the Hot 100 charts in the hyper self-aware ballad “Issues” and the kinky itch-to-scratch “Uh Huh”. Those aren’t even the best of the seven-track track listen, however, with deep cuts like “Worst In Me” being one of the year’s finest examples of pop songwriting craft altogether. What has separated her from the pop kingdom at large is how her naked emotions, prose, and the soft crackles in her voice are entirely co-dependent on one another while orbiting Michaels’ signature narratives – falling in love, the eventual heartache, and vulnerability as strength – that few of her peers can claim are entirely theirs to own. Nobody in the whole world can own a song and emotion the way Michaels does here.
8. Boy Harsher - Country Girl [Ascetic House]
2017 uncovered a gem hidden between Western Massachusetts’ mounts and valleys with Boy Harsher, the Northampton duo of vocalist Jae Matthews and producer Augustus Muller whose latest collection of spectral ravers capture an oft-chased aesthetic of inhabiting darker spaces without making them feel like they’ve been walked through several times over, or by anyone at all for that matter. On Country Girl, their shadows move through seedy intersections of IDM and a cryptic tension built up by a slow pulse of phasers, corrosive drum beats, and vocalist Jae Matthews’ smokey murmurs.  A few flashes of bright bulbs intermittently flash the whereabouts of where Boy Harsher’s decrepit disco has brought you, with it being a dance floor with a dangerous foundation beneath where ecstasy is not necessarily a substance, but rather a brain chemical reaction going off in your body. To release it, they merely have to play on your fears.
7. Weeping Icon - Eyeball Under [Fire Talk / Kanine Records]
An excellent feature in The New York Times this past year told us what most of us already know: That rock music isn’t dead, it’s just ruled by women, and went on to let us eavesdrop on a round table discussion and profile a who’s who list of some of the faces at the forefront of it all. In a perfect world, there’d be more than two dozen names on that list, and the Brooklyn noise punk outfit Weeping Icon – which features members from former and current NYC scene bands ADVAETA, Lutkie, Mantismass, Warcries and Water Temples – would get just due themselves for their debut EP Eyeball Under. Where they demand your attention is in their violence of guitars and lead singer Lani Combier-Kapel ability to channel conversation between furious screams and echos, or wry group harmonies. Weeping Icon’s sound would convincingly play to the scenes of the world’s inner ugliness being burned down into oblivion, and to ensure it, there’s no shortage of fuel for them to add to the fire.
6. Courtship Ritual - Chary [Godmode Music]
Courtship Ritual’s Monica Salazar and bass magician Jared Olmsted are forward-thinking post-punk specters who have created their own lane in the oft-regurgitated realm of the sound by teasing their fingers around sensuality and rhythmic body-to-body thrusts. CHARY moves well beyond what they’ve already conjured behind closed doors, however. The duo still remain inspired by the dark, yet are more playful – albeit, kinkier – in their delivery, and over the course of five tracks, we are given just enough of a taste of their new tantalizing come-ons to satisfy carnal desires immediately. While its full-length predecessor Pith was dense, sticky, and seasonably astute to drop down the sweat-soaked skin of summer, CHARY carries its way into the air with an inviting cool and a lighter curiosity to its imagination. It’s said that to keep the flame burning, you need to be open to trying new things, and here, Courtship Ritual sound like they’re open to any idea of it does just that.
5. Nine Inch Nails - ADD VIOLENCE [The Null Corporation]
ADD VIOLENCE, the second Nine Inch Nails EP in a three-part series that began at the tail of 2016 and will presumably conclude by the time 2017 comes to a close, is held together better than its predecessor Not the Actual Events by the super-charged industrial glitch work from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. Here, they have distanced themselves from the spacial soundscaping that permeated its way from their silver screen soundtracking into that listen with a more appropriately designed model to fill the walls of arenas. Any previous kinks in the system have been worked through in its bleeds of clean, cohesive electro pop spirals, ice cold percussion, and white hot guitar rash that brings to mind the dark, dystopian new wave of 2005′s With Teeth. It’s probably by no shear coincidence that this exists during a fever pitch of political unrest as well. Whatever comes after this, ADD VIOLENCE is a monstrous interstitial that in the darkest corners of Nine Inch Nails’ altered zone tends to leave the biggest clue for future directions.
4. House of Feelings - Last Chance [Infinite Best]
In 2017, songwriting chameleon Matty Fasano transformed his part-time radio show and club night gig into a full-on post-apocalyptic dance troupe with House of Feelings. On their debut EP Last Chance, he and his friends provide a fascinating peer into the human condition’s technology-made void as refracted on a disco ball. Featuring YVETTE drummer Dale Eisinger as its producer and engineer, writer Joe Fassler behind its prose, and guest vocals from Shamir, Perfect Pussy’s Meredith Graves, singer and composer Gabrielle Herbst, and music and film critic Kristen Yoonsoo Kim, it’s an amalgamation of house rises, techno rhythms, silk sax, and glitchy synth-pop that plugs itself into the conscious of the past 20 years of New York City’s underground where a dystopian outlook juxtaposes an otherwise ebullient color scheme with meta truth bombs. In spite of the jadedness, Last Chance offers up a more than acceptable consolation prize of dance grooves so clickbaiting that it’s impossible not to let them pull you into their lost world while pushing worldlier anxieties off for another day.
3. Kamasi Washington - The Harmony of Difference [Young Turks]
We have two people to thank for jazz’s reemergence in the pop landscape, and that would be both Kendrick Lamar and Kamasi Washington after the latter helped the former make it cool to explore free compositions within rap and hip-hop realms on 2015′s To Pimp a Butterfly. K. Dot has since moved away from the experiment on his new album DAMN. (although Washington still contributes some strings,) leaving the style to rightfully be celebrated in full by the saxophonist all his own with his Harmony of Difference, his first new music since 2015′s breakout The Epic. It’s a conceptual piece that originally stood alone as a musical installation at the the Whitney Biennial that embraces that notion that diversity is what makes the world beautiful. Washington’s whiplash chaos and big band bang compliment all the colors of humanity and our universal existence perfectly, and while Recommended Listen won’t pose that it’s knowledge of jazz study is beyond a focus on Mingus, it’s still easy to see how Kamasi Washington’s hope is far from being hidden in plain sight.
2. Yaeji - Yaeji [Godmode Music]
You don’t have to be an underground house savant to appreciate Yaeji’s self-titled debut EP, although it certainly helps. The 23-year-old New York City and Seoul-based DJ and producer is blurring lines in the scene between ambient rhythms, energy highs, and evocative vocal pop matter that in 20 minutes contorts the definition of dance and techno music into something that stands far above itself. Ambiguously-defined style cues poured over Kathy Yaeji Lee’s life reflections ultimately mirror the end user’s perception without relegating her own, creating an early contender for one of the year’s best mood-driven listens yet. What’s redeeming about the kaleidoscopic motions and mind bending detours experienced throughout Yaeji pays a great debt to the the fact that a majority of the five tracks included on the EP originally existed in a standout singular sense first, yet compiled into one body, are given a new lease on life when feeding from the same source of energy. Little did we know that this was actually just her 2017 warm-up... 
1. Yaeji - EP2 [Godmode Music]
EP2, Yaeji’s second extended play of 2017, is our clearest image yet of the enigmatic persona that she is. Over the span of five new tracks and a rework of Drizzy's “Passionfruit” that bests him at his own game, she evolves beyond a mood-driven dance scene she’s already conquered by shape-shifting her sound around trap beats and surface-level singing in the form of pseudo-raps sung in her custom blend of Korean and English that’s putting her entirely in her own lane. The latter half of the equation especially is becoming her calling card and secret weapon in molding sound around her singing. “Drink I’m Sippin On” and “Raingurl” both rely heavily on the language mash-up to compliment the way her synthetic blueprints engages with the world view of the person creating them, with the former oozing a swaggering machismo, and the latter as caffeinated microbursts. With any less control in intention, it could be misconstrued as novelty, but for this producer, it’s wholly a piece of her outsider identity as a bi-continental artist whose introverted ruminations have transcended headspace and found connection in a positive energy of expression. In 2017, shit was crazy, and for the better, shit was Yaeji.
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stereksouls · 1 year
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