#Vince leone
cowboybuckleys · 11 months
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Fire Country Rewatch - 1x03
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lilalbatross · 6 months
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FIRE COUNTRY 2x05 | This Storm Will Pass
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cloveroctobers · 5 months
BODE LEONE — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: Happy Fire Country Friday! It’s just me feeding the ghost town of a tag that was inspired by that last episode with a side of drama or triggers—i try my best to make spring writings more fluff based which you will get somewhere here. I want to say this takes place a year or two after this current season idk whatever makes sense lol. I know timelines are kinda confusing for this show so feel how you feel!
WARNINGS: strained parent and child relationship, established relationships, infidelity of other characters, mentions of abuse to minors, alluding to s*ic**e, PTSD, blood, lots of descriptions that I should be employed as a screenwriter for the show with the amount of detail I give but we can just pretend, also I’m assuming that Bode and Riley were at least two to three years apart whereas him and Jake are the same age? I think that’s about it enough!
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + HERE & I’m using: 9. Our first dinner party & “god you’re bleeding! how the hell did you do that?” “i was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
“God you’re bleeding! How the hell did you do that?” Bode’s voice booms off the “almost oyster,” kitchen walls, making you zone back in to the fact that your middle knuckle and tip of your thumb happened to be oozing red all over the makeshift counter and cutting board.
He’s scrambling around the kitchen, snatching a rag from underneath the sink to wrap around your two fingers awkwardly. Applying pressure, which you hiss at, you meet Bode’s concerned blue-green eyes to see that he’s waiting for an answer.
You sigh, “I was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
Bode keeps his hands securely over yours and barely glances at the work you started on along with your phone that keeps silently lighting up. He blinks his attention back to you, sensing that you were disconnecting and was not entirely sure why. It was your idea to have your first dinner party after he moved in with you at the high rise out in Hillford, which was thirty minutes west of Edgewater.
“I see that,” he starts, “you don’t even like tomatoes, so I’m not sure why that’s on the menu for tonight?”
Closing your eyes for a moment you lift your shoulders nonchantly, “your mom loves a good Mediterranean salad, so I thought why not give it a go?”
Bode snorts, “my mom wouldn’t know the difference if it was store bought.”
His mom was a decent cook but she hardly had the patience to keep up with it. Majority of the time Bode’s dad was the one to throw down thanks to his own mother and grandmother forcing him to learn. Sharon loved to eat and sample so she wouldn’t be too judgmental…unless she ended up with food poisoning then you’d never hear the end of it!
“Vince would depending on what it is.” You peer at him underneath your eyelashes while Bode breathed out a laugh, figuring that you were most likely right. Mr. Leone may seem like a go with the flow kind of guy but one thing about the Leone’s? They loved to eat and if the food wasn’t cutting it then some words would be said.
Bode hoped the idea of his parents being here tonight didn’t make you nervous. It wasn’t your first time having a meal with them and one thing Bode knew about his parents is that they rarely held back. They liked you and they wanted to see him rebuild his life after being released. They were just happy that Bode was finally able to do that but after that text you just received…you weren’t so sure if that would remain true.
Bode gently lifts the rag from your fingers, “the bleeding from your thumb seems to be slowing down but that knuckle might need some stitches.” He announces before raising your hand back above your heart.
Feeling a wave of frustration fly over your being once more, made you want to lay face first on the kitchen floor—if it was sanitary. Hey you kept a clean house, otherwise you wouldn’t be having any family over! You were a bit of germaphobe and tried to ignore the itch of your brain to get to cleaning the mess you left on the wooden table turned island, that you got from a antique store two years ago.
“Hey,” Bode grips you even tighter, prepared to handle the deadweight if you decided to just drop to the floor, “what’s wrong?”
This was more than just you losing blood.
Opening your eyes you move your body around to slump against Bode, who didn’t hesitate to rest his cheek against the back of your head, “Sharon invited my mom and Manny, which is okay, I guess! Then my mom invited Gabriela! Which automatically makes what’s his face, the fiancé, her plus one while also extending it to Eve who invited Jake.”
The mumbling from you was a bit difficult for Bode to grasp but he listened intently anyways to get the gist of it all. There were many things wrong with this and he was tempted to call his mother up right now—despite knowing she had no ill intentions. Sharon seemed to get a kick out of your mom (which only meant trouble) who was casually dating Manny and you already knew your mother was solely the one to drag Gabriela into this. You’ve known the Perez’ since what felt like forever, way back in San Diego where you and Gabriela both attended school and actually became friends due to being in the same friend groups. You both tried out for the swim team, Gabriela made it and you excelled better at gymnastics.
She had the dream of being in the Olympics while you were being shot up with steroids from your coach to be the next star of the team. There was Lilavati Sharma who was the face of the team and carried herself with such grace despite the pressure to always be the best. She was sweet with all the girls and guys on the team and was genuinely likeable. The coach favored her just a little too much to the point she was here and then in the next she wasn’t.
Her father pulled her away from the team and gave the coach a nice shiner to the face that took weeks to heal. That only made the coach train you harder until you broke your collar bone, becoming the biggest disappointment until the truth of your coach came to light after the unexpected death of Lilavati.
That’s when you learned, maybe second best wasn’t so bad after all but that didn’t mean your trauma needed to be diminished as well. You hurt for Lilavati more than you did for yourself and it took years for you to understand why that was.
The universe seemed to have it written in stone that you and Gabriela were meant to be in each other’s lives. Yes you were older now compared to high school but it was safe to say that the both of you have fallen out long before. There always seemd to be some sort of connect with your mother and Manny. They were both once married and Manny’s been raising Gabriela all on his own for as long as you could remember. You recalled the conversations Gabriela would have about the gap she had in her life because of her mother’s absence and how lucky you were to have your parents.
Well…your mother’s been cheating on your father since you were a kid and basically bullied you not to tell your father about it once you were a bit older. Although he’s always known, he hated that she put you in that position after realizing that you’ve known. By the time leaving for college came around, your dad was moving from San Diego to Northern California far out to Edgewater; after serving your mother divorce papers who gave him such a hard time on signing them. She even followed him all the way out there after putting the house up for sale a month before your graduation.
Going back and forth to court was a common thing between them along with a restraining order being filed and lengthy phone calls from your mouthy mother filled your head while studying for finals. So yes your upbringing was as peachy as everyone thought.
Bringing it back to present time, your father was remarried and seemed to be thriving with his new aeronautical engineer of a husband, that you had to cat-sit every time they left the country to explore the world. Your father’s always been open about his sexuality and made you comfortable (considering he was a psychologist) if you ever questioned anything of your own personal experiences. You were one of the rare cases where you always had crushes and flirted once it felt like those crushes also showed interest but…it never amounted out into much.
You never had a significant other until you reached college. Let’s just say, you didn’t marry your college sweetheart. That wasn’t your story. The idea of love that you had wasn’t the brightest although it’s something you always wanted to have, it was just hard to truly receive it. And here you were with a man that always fought through so much in life that also wanted to give love and be loved in return.
“So the gang is all coming basically?” Bode used one hand to gently rub your back, “we could just cancel. It was supposed to just be with my parents…although I don’t mind Manny and your mom tagging along but…inviting everyone else to our place without talking to us about it…is crossing boundaries. How’d you find out?”
It still felt odd for Bode to call this waterfront townhouse his as well but you constantly reassured him that he was open to doing anything that made him feel like the home was his too. For one contributing to the HOA fees was a good start (after fighting a lengthy battle with the court to get EMT training and finally getting a spot on CalFire as stable income was a long time coming). Pre-Prison Bode had jobs before—some that he’s walked out on—but being with CalFire gave him purpose with a smidge of financial freedom. He was able to spend money on things that mattered like annoying adult stuff, a creepy ornamental two piece banana sculpture that he installed on the wall of the breakfast room (a small separate area from the dining room), and you.
“Mom texted.” You huffed, “and I’m trying to get better at not blowing up on her but when she does things like this? It makes it so hard.”
It took a lot for you to stand up to your mother since you tended to hold everything in. Over the years it’s been a build up and she’s apologized various of times but it started to fall on empty ears when she continued to repeat her same patterns.
Bode hated that your mother caused you such anxiety. He’s cupping your face now, gently placing his forehead against yours, “what do you want to do? I’ll call mom and yours up right now if it’s too much? We can have dinner ourselves, just us two and see if there’s any new streams on that movie you’ve been telling me about.”
You send him a small smile, cherishing that, “the kebabs are already done along with half of the other food. We can’t eat all of this ourselves.”
Bode peeks over at the covered food on the rest of the counters then back to you with a smirk of a smile, “want to bet?”
“What? I can eat and I’ve been dying to try a kebab since you slapped my hand with a Spatula an hour ago.” He playfully glares at you, “I needed a snack.”
“There’s always crackers.”
Bode furrows his brows, “…I thought you loved me but I think you’re trying to starve me. What is this? Three rock?”
You laughed, “well at least one of us has an appetite and I just want to get through this night and enjoy the company of what I thought would just be with Sharon and Vince.”
Bode nods his head, “we still have time if you change your mind so, I’ll give you until after I’ve cleaned you up.”
“I love that you already know that I want you to do my stitches.”
Bode slides an arm across your hips to guide you out of the kitchen, “of course I know my baby. You nearly collapse every time you see prices in the grocery store when we’re out so I can only imagine what the bill from urgent care would look like. Lucky for you, you have a certified first responder as a boyfriend.”
He’s careful with you as he guides you up the narrow creaky stairs to the second floor to the main bathroom and you’re reminded this is the love you deserve.
You’re seated on the toilet while Bode is making a mess—like he commonly does—searching for what he needs. His hands are large and quick as they work the needle through the thread before setting it aside. He turns back to you, moving your hands from the pressure you’re applying against the rag, before motioning for you to keep it on the knuckle while he cleans, applies antibiotics and bandages your thumb first.
Bode kisses your thumb over the bandage, “how are we doing? Feeling faint? Do you need water? I probably should have asked before we came up here.”
“I’m fine.” You smile softly at him as he grabs a stool to sit down on as it’ll take him longer to work on your knuckle, “thanks for checking.”
He hums in response, “want to talk about work as a distraction?”
Blood didnt really bother you but you did cringe at the thought of needles. You can go ahead and write down PTSD note takers! You were an application security specialist, yes a true nerd, and also damn good at your stressful but fulfilling job but it was the weekend so that was a negative.
You redirect the conversation, “I’d like to draw you your next tattoo.”
Did you have artistic abilities like Bode? Let’s just say you were more of a data person while also being pretty athletic—although gymnastics was somewhat history you still found yourself stretching and working out to be crucial to your health routine—you had your own taste.
“Yeah?” Bode asks as he gets to work, “are you telling me you don’t like the two I already have?”
You shake your head, “sure I do. They have their own significant stories, which I’d never change and I have ideas if that artist brain of yours craves for more ink.”
“Appreciate that…so what’s on your mind?”
You deeply inhale as you feel the needle piercing your skin but talk through it, “you’re surprisingly into some odd art and I’ve been looking at vintage Halloween art that my co-worker is obsessed with and thought, why not create a wizard frog with a pointy star hat, wand and everything?”
“A wizard frog?” There’s a teasing tone in Bode’s voice while he pictures it as he pulls tight before going back to your skin while you hold your breath, “Magic’s not really my thing especially since I told you about my dad having me watch that one weird movie with Anthony Hopkins. Riley on the other hand? Could sit up for hours watching that horror crap with my dad…although she always ended up in my room, stealing my covers while talking away as I tried to sleep. As her big brother I dealt with it if that meant keeping her nightmares away, although I regretted it in the morning.”
The both of you share a laugh at this.
What you knew of Riley was that her and Bode were sorta opposites. She had the kindest big round blue eyes, was friendly and open to having conversations with strangers whereas Bode was more reserved before he felt comfortable enough to approach. Apparently she was soft spoken yet determined, into the well-being of animals that she planned to be a vegetarian once she was older, liked magic tricks and horror movies but only if that meant she got more time to bond with Vince that is. She seemed to have a heart on her sleeve and probably would have been a veterinarian if she lived past sixteen.
“Just big brother duties.” You inhale air between your teeth, “and I think she would like my wizard frog idea.”
“Yeah…I can see you two plotting against me.” Bode smiles over at you before giving one last tug before snooping off the excess thread, “all set.”
Before he can even move to start cleaning up, you throw your arms across his shoulders and give him a squeeze. Bode pauses but buried his nose against your fuzzy cardigan before rubbing your back against your embrace once more.
“What’s this for?”
You say, “just because I love you and I’m happy to have you here with me, which I know I probably don’t say enough since words of affirmation is more your thing than mine but I stand by this. I look forward to many more days with you, good and challenging.”
Bode feels his body go warm at your words and pulls back to meet your eyes. “I can’t wait and I love you too, softie.”
You roll your eyes as he chuckles at you while you scratch at his facial hair.
“…You’ll think about the wizard frog?”
Bode sighs with a small smile on his lips, “If it makes you happy, love.”
“Cop out answer!” You flick his broad shoulder with your good hand.
“How?” Bode lifts his shoulders in confusion.
You crinkle your nose in annoyance, “You can’t ever say what I want to hear and make me think I’m always the winner, fight back.”
“Okay…I’ll remember that when I don’t want to watch the traitors uk with you.” Bode holds your stare while you gasp with a hand to your chest and then nod your head, mentally saying that was fair game.
Bode can already tell what you’re thinking, which makes him grin at you before leaning forward to cautiously peck your lips. You humph before slowly pushing yourself to get to your feet and steady yourself.
Bode’s hands are immediately on your hips as you balance yourself and you give him a nod in reassurance before leaning forward. You connect your lips again, his beard tickling your face as you breathe him in. He smells sweet like amber, fresh but calming like cypress, and warm sandalwood and you feel like you could just sink into him endlessly but manage to pull away.
“You sure you don’t want to cancel? We could do more of that and I wouldn’t mind.” Bode squeezes your hips with a lick of his own lips.
You pull from his grip, “that’s what Sunday is for, a day with no plans! Now let’s go, chop chop! We have a dinner to finish.”
And you’re out of the bathroom before Bode can even blink. He’s shaking his head at you and calls out, “fine. Don’t touch any more knives though!”
Once putting everything back where it belongs, he stares at his reflection in the mirror. He’s not entirely thrilled to have Jake here, since they were attempting to get back to where they once were but Bode wasn’t holding his breath since he felt like Jake was trying to live what could have been his when it came to Genevieve. It took time for him to accept what happened when they were teenagers meaning with Riley but since he’s been locked up? It felt like it was one thing after the next even in his freedom. Then there was Gabriela…which you had your own issue with although you tried to downplay it and there was a smidge of a history that Bode had with her that probably didn’t help…
He just hopes this dinner isn’t a true disaster for both of your sakes but at least he could have the task of throwing someone out…if it came to that of course.
That wasn’t what brought a smile to his face, it was the thought of hosting something that he could call his own with the person he wanted to spend countless days with.
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
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where-is-my-whump · 6 months
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Fire Country 2x05
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Fire Country Masterlist
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Bode Leone Masterlist
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Luke Leone Masterlist
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Manny Perez Masterlist
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Vincent Leone Masterlist
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laurens-german · 1 year
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shavince + forehead touches FIRE COUNTRY (2022—)
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writeandsurvive · 7 months
Could I request a Vince from Fire Country x female reader, where they are in a secret relationship as she is a convict, and is the fire fighter program, obviously Vince and Sharon are divorced, with the prompt 1 and 29? Please and thank you
This is my first Vince Leone fic and I hope I did a good job 🥺 So much love for Vince/Billy, he deserves the best❤️
Warnings: inmate!Reader, forbidden relationship, punch, fire fighting
1. I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.
29. I wish we could stay like this forever
Stay Like This ~ Vince Leone
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Vince Leone’s first thought when he saw you, was how a gorgeous woman like you with an angelic face can be an inmate? If you had been wearing an orange jumpsuit, he’d have thought you were someone working at Three Rock, or perhaps visiting someone. But no, you were indeed in prison and he felt stupid. What demons were behind this angelic facade? What have you done?
The first time you and Vince actually worked together, he was surprised to see how much work you did. You weren’t scared of hard work, understanding the urgency of the situations, how every second counts. As a Department Chief of Cal Fire, Vince Leone has very high expectations when it comes to his firefighters and he simply wished you were one of his. On the other hand, you didn’t really pay attention to the Chief, but rather focused on your tasks, listening to every order Captain Manny Perez was giving you. You couldn’t let the fire win.
The second time was at Three Rock. Vince was visiting his son Bode in the evening and as he was waiting outside, he saw you going from the showers to the female lockup. “Hi sir,” you simply said, walking past him. He only nodded at first, but called out your name a few seconds later, making you spin.
“I just wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job. Makes me wonder if you had some sort of training?”
You shyly smiled, “No more training than what we learned here.”
“Well, that’s impressive. Keep it that way,”
“I’ll try my best, thank you.”
From that moment, you started to develop a crush on Vince Leone. Maybe it was the way he complimented you, or his smile, or his handsome face, his hair, his mustache. Probably all of the above.
You weren’t sure when things took a turn. Maybe it was when Vince caught you before you fell from a cliff and held your body pretty tight against his, or maybe it was when you stayed by his side as he was stuck under some rubbles after a whole building collapsed. “I can’t, Chief, I can’t,” you cried out of exhaustion, fear and frustration as you tried to move the huge piece of rubbles he was under.
“It’s okay, we’re gonna figure this out, yes?”
“I don’t–I, I’m sorry. What can I do?”
“Not let me die in there?” he chuckled, trying to get you to stop panicking.
“Vince!” you shouted, not laughing and looking around for a solution.
“I’m Vince, now?”
“I’m sorry, Chief, I just–”
“You can call me anything you want. Except in front of the others, of course.”
“Do you really want to talk about that, now?” you exclaimed.
“Well I wouldn’t mind the distraction until the forklift gets me out of here. Please?”
You talked for several minutes about everything and nothing. He told you a bit about Bode, his passion for the job and music. He even mentioned Riley at some point but didn’t dwell on it. Knowing from Bode what happened to Riley, you weren’t surprised. You told him why you were in jail and how long you still had, where you were from originally, your family. You told him you’ve been playing violin since you were a kid, and he immediately said he wanted to hear you play.
“Only if you’ll play guitar and sing for me.” you answered.
Vince never imagined being in a serious relationship after his divorce. After Riley’s death and Bode’s departure, his marriage imploded and so did his heart. So of course, a relationship was out of the question. He never wanted to fall in love again. But he found himself falling for a younger inmate. “Way to go, Leone.” he mumbled to himself once he came to the realization of his feelings for you.
If you put this on paper, the relationship was meant to fail. Both you and Vince actually thought so without saying it out loud. However, you just couldn’t stay away from each other. Vince would sneak into Three Rock every time he could, even if it was for a quick hello and a kiss. You’d talk almost everyday over the phone, whether you saw each other or not. Most of the time you were in the field, Vince would find a way to steal from Manny’s, so you were under his command, and right next to him.
However, one day you found yourself lost and surrounded by fire with one of Vince’s firefighters. You really thought it was the end for you, that you were going to burn alive. And your only thoughts were for Vince. You were silently begging him to save you, promising him the perfect relationship once you were free. The guy you were with was panicking too, and taking it out on you.
When you heard Vince’s voice and started to feel some water, you fell on your knees, crying like a baby. You didn’t know how long you stayed like this, only that Vince picked you up. You held onto him like never before and he held you tight. “You’re okay, baby. I got you.” Maybe some people overheard and noticed things but it didn’t matter at this very moment.
Shortly after, Manny was holding you as you saw Vince punching the hell out of his firefighter. “How irresponsible are you!” He shouted, “That was not my order! Not only did you put yourself in danger but you put–her in danger too. We will discuss this.”
As much as his anger was justified, the punch wasn’t and Vince found himself in some troubles with his superiors. You felt extremely guilty because you knew you were the reason Vince punched the guy. Overtime, you’ve found ways to meet with the man you love; a small distance away from where you sleep.
You were sitting in the grass when you felt two hands on your shoulders which made you jump. “I'm sorry honey,” Vince said softly, sitting next to you. “You usually hear my footsteps.” he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, his other hand cradling your cheek, and you kissed softly.
“I was deep in thoughts.” You admitted, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Wanna share?” He asked.
“Are you in trouble, V?” You looked at him, worried.
He sighed before answering, “Kinda, but it'll be alright.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I know you punched him because of me and I–”
“You're right. I was freaking out because I thought I was going to lose you, and I should have had a better control of my emotions.” He kissed your forehead. “Don't feel guilty, baby. I'm afraid I can no longer remain professional.” He admitted. “I think it'll be better if from now on, you stick with Manny.”
You nodded to that, but felt extremely sad. It wasn't like you and Vince had a lot of time together, and even though it was work and you were fighting fire, being under his command was when you two were able to be together the most. And this was going away.
“Hey,” he grabbed your chin to make you look at him, knowing what was going through your mind. “You only have 8 months. After that, we'll be able to see each other whenever the hell we want.”
“You deserve better, Vince.” You whispered, tears forming in your eyes.
“Don't ever say that again. I love you, I wanna be with you, no matter what. You brought me back to life.”
Since it was summer, the night weather was actually better than during the day. Vince laid down on the grass, taking you with him. He was holding close to him, while your head rested on his chest. Staring at the sky and stars, you stayed like this for a long moment. “You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Vince Leone. I wanna be a better person for you.”
“You already are, not that you were a bad person in the first place.”
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” You said after a beat.
“Soon my love, we'll have forever.”
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fangirlcentral1 · 1 month
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he's hot
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bode-leone · 4 months
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Vince and Bode, father and son
Fire Country 1x08 "Bad Guy" // Lucy Dacus, Thumbs // Kemi Alabi, no more white girls, or what i learned from Father // Philip Larkin, This Be The Verse // Fire Country 1x10 "Get Your Hopes Up" // Ocean Vuong, To My Father / To My Future Son // Amatullah Bourdon, And My Father’s Love Was Nothing Next To God’s Will // Aaron Smith, Primer // Fire Country 1x02 "The Fresh Prince of Edgewater"
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shavincesworld · 4 months
That’s a wrap from Shavince S2! Thankfully they ended stronger than they started🫶🥰
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cryoverkiltmilk · 2 years
Can I interest you in Fire Country?
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Action Mom!
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Disaster Lesbian!
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Rugged slice of apple pie!
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and DILFs!
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cowboybuckleys · 10 months
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Fire Country Rewatch - 1x16
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lilalbatross · 7 months
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FIRE COUNTRY 2x03 | See You Next Apocalypse
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papabearbobbynash · 5 months
Not Vince best moments in this episode, he went from like dying to blackmailing then being a scared husband who knows his wife gonna kill him if didn't die yet. Anyway still enjoyable (and i'm always up for a good whump so).
Honestly in a single episode I liked Gabriela's mom, she is hilarious. The woman literally was "okay i was a bad parent, totally my fault, anyway go get nasty with Bode because you girl is making a mistake". LOL Manny being Manny (affectionate)
Relating a lot with Eve speech anxiety lol
Luke being Luke (not affectionate)
Jake and Gen are cute, but still not vibing with this conflict with Bode.
Three Rock saved for now?
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existential-bisis · 2 years
Gabriela: Dad, I’m sad
Manny: *holds out his arms for a hug* come here mija, it’s going to be ok
Bode: Dad, I’m sad
Vince: Mood
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Good Lookin Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
There's something 'bout the way you look in my eyes
Like a starry night, you light up my sky
You lean in closer and my heart starts to pound
I heard you sigh, you know I love that sound
You break me, then I break my rules
I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside
That if I can't be close to you I'll settle for the ghost of you
I still haven't heard from your family But you said your mom always loved me
Man, that boy so damn good looking
Thought you'd see it coming, but you never could
I miss your touch on nights when I'm hollow
We made love and then he kissed me, I don't want it to end
You'd be the love of my life when I was young
Every day we spend together, I fall more into him
Wanna give myself to you
Yeah, 'cause I tossed and turned the covers
Outside of the party, smokin' in the car with you
You're more than the sunshine in my eyes
I'm sorry if you blame me, if I were you I would
Yeah, we're driving down the freeway at night
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
I miss you more than life 
That boy he takes my breath away, I can't find the words to say
I see the look in your eye and I'm biting my tongue
So I wrote this little note, kiss it, seal it, so you know
Small talk and you tell me that you're on fire
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
Last time was the last time too
I made a mistake and I'll tell you I'm sorry
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
Almost tried to call you, don't know if I should
I'm tryna find you in a crowd again You were there then you were gone
Your memory is ecstasy
You've been on my mind baby, let me remind you while I lay you down
I can't get enough, I'm stuck in your love
I'm cliché, who cares?
You got me stuck on the thought of you
When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair
Seven Nation Army, fightin' at the bar with you
You can be my king, no, this ain't just a fling
Now take 'em off and let's get down to business
When the night is over Don't call me up
With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
You are exactly what I want, kinda cool and kinda not
I don't wanna call it off But you don't wanna call it love
You turn around and fuck out all my brains
'Cause I couldn't leave you if I tried
Just because you're hurting doesn't mean I'm not
I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again
You only wanna be the one that I call "baby"
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