#Vincent Courtois Trio
dustedmagazine · 7 months
Reverso — Shooting Star-Étoile Filante (self-released)
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On previous recordings, Reverso has explored the music of French composers Gabriel Fauré and Maurice Ravel, linchpins of the early 20th century classical repertoire. Here, the trio of trombonist Ryan Keberle, pianist Frank Woeste, and cellist Vincent Courtois are inspired by another French composer, Lili Boulanger (1893-1918), the short-lived but prodigiously talented artist who was the first female to win the Prix de Rome. Such was the grief of her sister Nadia that she gave up her own promising composition career, devoting herself to pedagogy, a teacher to many Europeans and a raft of American expats. Reverso titles the recording Shooting Star as an acknowledgement of Lili’s extraordinary gifts. While the composer would likely have heard little jazz, her work serves as an excellent starting point for the original tunes written in response to it by Reverso. One wonders about balance issues a trio with this complement might encounter, but it never seems to be an issue, with Reverso careful to make every note heard.
“La Muse '' opens the album with liquid ostinatos from Woeste and legato melodies traded between Keberly and Courtois. “Obstination '' has a syncopated Iberian cast that recalls the craze for Spanish traditional music among the Impressionists. The solos use distinct registers, with Courtois flying high and Keberle playing resonant pedal tones. Woeste’s solo is a modal post-bop excursion that celebrates the off-kilter rhythms of the piece. Likewise, “Resilience” explores rhythmic variety, with alternations between quick polyrhythms and solos that vary it. A slow tune serves as an overarching motif. There is a bridge where small, repetitive segments take over before a return to the opening material, Keberle playing the main tune in octaves with Courtois.
The “Nocturne” is a venerable form, usually for solo piano. Reverso captures the mood with sculpted delicacy. A repeated tenor note in the piano underscores a chromatic bass-line alongside melancholy chords, as well as corruscating melodies between trombone and cello. Woeste brings out a filigreed soprano register melody in the bridge before returning to harmonies from the opening. Doubling of the melody by Keberle and Courtois gives way to another varied duet between them, culminating in a high trombone cry and a quick outro of repeated passagework. “Ma Jolie” has a bluesy trombone solo that is repeated with the cello playing liberal slides. The central section is led by Woeste, playing a zesty bit of cabaret music. Keberly returns to his solo while Courtois plays a pizzicato bass-line. The piano drops in with tasty harmonic fills. The quick cabaret music returns, and the piano and cello provide a sinuous take on the main tune to close.
“En Avant” deftly channels the texture and melodic approach of Impressionism, a style that, while not encompassing, appeared in Lili’s music. Courtois’s solo features Eastern sliding tone. Gamelan and other non-Western artists fascinated French musicians, notably Debussy, at the 1889 Paris Exhibition, and they continued to incorporate its signatures for decades. Keberle’s solo, on the other hand, is a more raucous affair, and Woeste plays dexterous small cells and a repeated stepwise progression. The close returns to referencing Impressionism and ends with halting utterances.
“Requiem” is a touching memento mori for Lili, with a haunting minor key melody that is deftly varied in its doublings. “Shine” too has a melancholy cast. However, the somber mood doesn’t prevail. “Lili’s Blues” imagines an introduction of Lili to “Le Jazz Hot,” with a plethora of glissandos and rollicking swing.
The recording closes with “Dernier Moteur” (“The Final Action”) in which bucolic riffs and mysterious, angular melodies are played by Woeste, Courtois adds a sumptuous solo, and Keberly provides countermelodies with slow glissandos that distress the crispness of the rest of the proceedings. A denouement is completed surprisingly, with the piano simply stopping to conclude the piece.
Creating “new standards” of early twentieth century music would be a far less imaginative choice than the approach taken on Shooting Star, where Lili Boulanger’s biography is as much an inspiration as her music. Reverso inhabits a musical space both of homage and innovation.
Christian Carey
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haarlemupdates · 3 months
Het trio Fie Schouten Vincent Courtois Guus Janssen presenteren VOSTOK Remote Islands op zondag 21 juli in het Internationaal Orgelfestival in Haarlem. VOSTOK Remote Islands is de titel van hunrecente album (Relative Pitch Records, 2023) en het gelijknamige project. Aan de basis van de muziek ligt het bekroonde boek van Judith Schalansky: De atlas van afgelegen eilanden. Ondertitel: Vijftig eilanden waar ik nooit naartoe ben geweest en ook nooit zal komen. Ieder stuk van VOSTOK Remote Islands klinkt als een eigen eiland, bewoond of onbewoond. De muziek rijst op uit een windstille oceaan. Plotseling een nieuw stuk land in zicht. Het trio Schouten, Courtois, Janssen tast voor velen onbekend gebied af en improviseert gedrieën een muzikale flora en fauna bij elkaar. De muziek ademt een sfeer van verkenning. Alsof de uitkomst niet vast ligt. Alsof de musici wel een gevoel hebben van wat ze zullen aantreffen, maar daar ook niet geheel zeker van zijn. Dat maakt het des te spannender: je bent als luisteraar deelgenoot van eenzelfde ontdekkingstocht. Schalansky schrijft over eilanden die ze nooit heeft bezocht en waarvan ze ook niet verwacht dat ooit te gaan doen. Verbeelding en onderzoek bieden haar toch toegang tot verafgelegen werelden. De bibliotheek, Schalansky’s vindplaats van het onbekende en het andere, opent fantastische mogelijkheden die de fysieke beperkingen van het reizen ver te boven gaan. In plaats van met “kolonialistische ijver,” schrijft ze in de introductie, wil ze de eilanden met haar “verlangen in bezit nemen.” Jan Nieuwenhuis, oktober 2023 Downtown Music Gallery NY: The combination of clarinet, cello and harmonium is especially enchanting. Much of this music is lovely, haunting, enchanting and exquisite. Clarinetist Fie Schouten sounds marvelous throughout no matter which clarinet she is playing….His (Courtois) playing here is modest yet most enchanting, warm, charming… Teasers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_qYuVZ-hX4 (Orgelpark maart 2023) https://youtu.be/NcYLVEDxX1Q?si=ne_-Fb7Nzutz_m52 (Bimhuis november 2023) Praktisch: zondag 21 juli 2024, 21 uur. Doopsgezinde Kerk: Night of Jazz De avond bestaat uit een double bill van 2 trio's + gezamenlijke afsluiting. Trio Fie Schouten, Vincent Courtois, Guus Janssen Het Orgel Trio Berry van Berkum, Dion Nijland, Steven Kamperman Festivalweek 2 start met dansbare, betoverende, verrassende improvisaties van jazztoetsenisten en orgelliefhebbers Guus Janssen en Berry van Berkum. Dit doen zij samen in trioformaties met klarinettisten Fie Schouten en Steven Kamperman, bassist Dion Nijland en cellist Vincent Courtois. Tickets: https://organfestival.nl/programma/ Over het orgelfestival Het Internationaal Orgelfestival Haarlem bestaat sinds 1951 en is het oudste en meest bekende orgelfestival ter wereld. Dit tweejaarlijkse festival trekt bezoekers uit de hele wereld. Het festival is beroemd om zijn voortrekkersrol binnen de orgelmuziek en zoekt continu naar de reikwijdte van wat muzikaal mogelijk is met het orgel. Het Internationaal Orgelfestival Haarlem wordt georganiseerd door de Stichting Internationaal Orgelconcours. Het project VOSTOK Remote Islands is in seizoen 23/24 ondersteund door Het Kersjesfonds.            
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jpbjazz · 4 months
Né le 23 septembre 1947 à Angoulême, en France, Christian Escoudé était d’origine tsigane par son père. La famille Escoudé, qui était d’origine espagnole, s’était installée en Charente lorsque les troupes nazies avaient envahi la France en juin 1940. La mère de Christian était d’origine charentaise.
Également guitariste, le père de Christian avait été très influencé par Django Reinhardt. Christian avait commencé à apprendre la guitare avec son père et son oncle à l’âge de dix ans. Après avoir joué dans différents bals de la région, Christian a été engagé en 1969, à l’âge de vingt et un ans, par l’orchestre d’Aimé Barelli à Monte-Carlo, dont il fera partie jusqu’en 1971.
Au début des années 1970, Escoudé s’installe à Paris et travaille comme musicien de studio avec des vedettes de la musique pop comme Jean Ferrat, Michel Fugain et Nicole Croisille.
Escoudé a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1972 en se produisant avec le trio du batteur Aldo Romano, qui comprenait également Eddy Louis à l’orgue et Bernard Lubat à la batterie. Plus tard, Escoudé s’était joint au Swing String System de Didier Levallet et au Michel Portal Unit. Après avoir remporté le Prix Django Reinhardt décerné par l'Académie du Jazz en décembre 1975 (il est un des seuls guitaristes de jazz à avoir remporté cet honneur), Escoudé avait formé un quartet avec le pianiste Michel Graillier, le batteur Aldo Romano et le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz (qui fut bientôt remplacé par Jean-François Jenny-Clark). Escoudé avait travaillé par la suite avec Michel Portal, Slide Hampton, Martial Solal et Jean-Claude Fohrenbach.
En 1978, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de jazz de Nice aux côtés de John Lewis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Freddie Hubbard, Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones, Lee Konitz et Shelly Manne. La même année, Escoudé avait joué pour la première fois au Festival de Samois dans le cadre d’un hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt. Il a aussi enregistré avec le contrebassiste Charlie Haden. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était produit au Festival de Dakar avec un trio composé du pianiste René Urtreger, du contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et du batteur et compositeur d’origine suisse Daniel Humair.
À l’été 1980, Escoudé avait obtenu une des grandes chances de sa carrière lorsqu’il avait été invité à jouer en duo avec le guitariste de fusion John McLaughlin, avec qui il avait fait une tournée aux États-Unis, au Brésil et au Japon. L’année suivante, Escoudé s’était joint au big band de Martial Solal. Après avoir joué aux États-Unis avec le quartet du batteur Shelly Manne en 1982, Escoudé a formé son propre quartet avec  Olivier Hutman aux claviers, Nicolas Fitzman à la contrebasse et Jean My Truong aux percussions. Ces deux derniers avaient été remplacés par la suite par Jean-Marc Jafet et Tony Rabeson.
En 1983, Escoudé forme un duo avec le violoniste Didier Lockwood. Le groupe s’était par la suite transformé en trio après l’ajout du guitariste belge Philip Catherine. Après avoir formé un trio avec le violoncelliste Jean-Charles Capon et le contrebassiste Ron Carter en 1985, Escoudé avait formé le Trio Gitan avec Boulou Ferré (le fils de Matelo Ferret) et Babik Reinhardt, le fils de Django. En 1987, il se produit en duo avec le pianiste Michel Graillier.
En 1988, Escoudé s’était joint à un quartet composé de Jean-Michel Pilc, François Moutin et Louis Moutin. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait fondé un octet avec les guitaristes Paul Challain Ferret, Jimmy Gourley et Frédéric Sylvestre, l’accordéoniste Marcel Azzola, le violoncelliste Vincent Courtois, le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz et le batteur Billy Hart.
En 1990, Escoudé s’était produit au légendaire Village Vanguard de New York avec le pianiste Hank Jones, le contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et le batteur Kenny Washington. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait enregistré un album entièrement consacré à des compositions de Django Reinhardt. L’album avait été enregistré avec avec un orchestre à cordes. En 1993, Escoudé enregistre à Los Angeles avec Lou Levy, Bob Magnusson et Billy Higgins.
En 1998, Escoudé avait enchaîné avec ‘’A Suite for Gypsies’’, un album de jazz-fusion destiné à honorer les enfants gitans morts dans les camps de concentration nazis. Deux ans plus tard, Escoudé remporte le Grand Prix de la SACEM.
À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de la mort de Django en 2003, Escoudé avait formé un big band de dix-sept musiciens dans lequel il explorait l’héritage musical de Reinhardt tout en y incorporant ses  propres idées harmoniques et rythmiques. L’année suivante, Escoudé avait créé le  New Gypsy Trio avec David Reinhardt (un autre parent de Django) et Martin Taylor (aussi connu sous le nom de Jean-Baptiste Laya). Après avoir publié l’album Ma Ya en 2005, Escoudé avait formé le Progressive Sextet avec Marcel Azzola, Jean-Baptiste Laya, Sylvain Guillaume, Jean-Marc Jafet et Yoann Serra.
En 2012, Escoudé avait rendu hommage à l’auteur-compositeur Georges Brassens dans le cadre de l’album ‘’Christian Escoudé joue Brassens: Au bois de mon cœur.’’ Participaient également à l’album le contrebassiste Pierre Boussaguet et la batteuse Anne Paceo, ainsi que des artistes invités comprenant la violoniste Fiona Monbet, le clarinettiste  Andre Villeger, le guitariste Biréli Lagrène et le guitariste manouche de onze ans Swan Berger.
En 2019, Escoudé avait surpris tout le monde en lançant à l’abbaye de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe un second album en hommage à son idole Django Reinhardt.
Christian Escoudé est mort d’un cancer le matin du 13 mai 2024 à Saint-Amant-de-Boixe (Charente), près d’Angoulême, à l’âge de soixante-seize ans. La mort d’Escoudé avait été annoncée par Max Robin, le directeur artistique de la compagnie Label Ouest qui avait publié son dernier album intitulé ‘’Ancrage.’’ Décrivant Escoudé comme un grand musicien, compositeur et improvisateur, Robin avait souligné son engagement dans la musique.
Escoudé avait été victime d’un cancer particulièrement foudroyant. Jean Ledroit, un ami et voisin d’Escoudé à Saint-Amant-de-Boix ‘’On devait jouer avec lui il y a trois semaines à Mansle mais il était déjà malade. C’est brutal {...}. On a perdu un monstre sacré du jazz, le digne successeur de Django Reinhardt ’’.
François Ducharme, l’ancien président de l'Académie du jazz et un des programmateurs de l'émission de radio "Club Jazzafip", avait ajouté: "Un musicien intuitif avec cette poésie au bout des doigts. Un enfant de la balle, comme on dit, à qui on a mis une guitare dans les mains et qui en a fait son métier très jeune, jouant dans les bals, localement, avant de monter à Paris".
Caractérisé par un style très mélodique et très chaud, Escoudé avait participé à l’enregistrement de plus de 50 albums au cours de sa carrière. Le style d’Escoudé était un mélange de bebop et de musique gypsy. Passionné par le jazz, Escoudé s’intéressait également à la musique de chambre. Comme compositeur, Escoudé avait été très influencé par Gil Evans, Claus Ogerman et Antonio Carlos Jobim. En 2022, Escoudé avait vu sa carrière être couronnée par la remise d’un prix Victoire d'honneur du Jazz.
Reconnu pour sa modestie et son sens de l’humour, Escoudé ne s’était jamais enflé la tête avec ses réalisations. Françoise Giroux-Mallot, la mairesse de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, avait commenté: ‘’C’était quelqu’un d’accessible, modeste et bienveillant.’’ Au cours d’une de ses dernières entrevues, Escoudé était d’ailleurs demeuré très terre-à-terre. Il avait précisé: ‘’On les perd forcément {nos illusions} à un moment mais je pense avoir respecté mon intégrité. Je n’ai jamais été très loin dans les excès, ce n’est pas dans ma nature.’’
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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donospl · 10 months
Sanne Rambags, Vincent Courtois, Julian Sartorius “Twigs”
BMC Records, 2023  Młodość i doświadczenie. Jazz i poezja. Zróżnicowane muzyczne tradycje i inspiracje. Trzy kraje. Nowy zespół. Te elementy łączy w sobie najnowsze wydawnictwo budapesztańskiej wytwórni BMC Records. OUR REVIEW IS AVAIABLE IN ENGLISH Węgierski wydawca od lat znany jest z promowania ciekawych, nieoczywistych i odważnych projektów. Tym razem zaprezentował słuchaczom nowe trio pod…
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riffsstrides · 4 years
Clouds - Adam Baldych (2020)
Europe is different, every country is different,” says violinist Adam Bałdych, “but music is a language which can bring us together, to one place.” He, Dutch pianist Rogier Telderman and French cellist Vincent Courtois combine and juxtapose their different sounds and heritages. That is the central concept behind the trio of equals. A symbiosis of classical sound and jazz spirit.
Adam Bałdych / violin & renaissance violin
Vincent Courtois / cello
Rogier Telderman / piano
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Man City aren’t in crisis despite Norwich shock. PLUS: Bayern’s Bundesliga dominance is under threat
There’s lots to talk about in this week’s Monday Musings following a wild weekend. Gab Marcotti is here to recap the big stories around soccer.
Jump to: No crisis yet for Man City | End of Bayern’s dominance? | Fati masks Barca’s issues | Juventus get lucky | Neymar gets rude welcome | Arsenal woe continues | | Neville harsh on Man United? | Chelsea’s youth movement | Dortmund ready for Barca | Odegaard dazzling for Sociedad | Why Firmino’s so special | Conte, Inter keep winning | The sad story of #BlueGirl
Sky isn’t falling for Man City despite Norwich shock
One of the more odd decisions this past summer was Manchester City not replacing Vincent Kompany. “Replace” is perhaps too strong a word. You can’t “replace” him but you can bring in another live body to give you an alternative at centre-back and provide some competition for John Stones and Nicolas Otamendi.
– Ogden: Man City might regret inspiring Liverpool – Miller: Have Norwich shown the league how to beat City? – ESPN’s Ultimate XI: This team would win everything
Many of us pointed this out but hey, it’s Pep Guardiola, so you naturally offer the benefit of the doubt. He must know something we don’t. Maybe Fernandinho (at 34) can fill in too. Maybe Eric Garcia is ready. Maybe Kyle Walker can slide across. Maybe Aymeric Laporte is Iron Man and will never get injured. (Oops: we already know that’s not the case.)
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Pep Guardiola’s side looked vulnerable in Saturday’s shock defeat at Norwich but there’s still a lot of time left for them to get their balance back.
It’s not that Otamendi and Stones are bad defenders, it’s that the way City play can leave them vulnerable, which is pretty much what happened against Norwich in their 3-2 defeat. There’s a price you pay for choosing to play a certain way and evidently, for City it’s one worth paying. The problem is this is a low-scoring sport. Scoring goals is difficult and ideally, you want to make conceding them as difficult as possible for the opposition. With those two back there and this setup, it’s that much easier for them.
Updated Luck Index: Man City continue to be unfortunate
No, the sky isn’t falling. Even in this game, Man City could have grabbed the three points with a bit more luck. Nor will they always face someone as motivated and as intense as Daniel Farke’s crew who, severely depleted by injuries, went all out with nothing to lose. But the reality is that the gap separating them from Liverpool is already at five points, and the last time that happened was back in January.
Is time running out on Bayern’s Bundesliga dynasty?
Is this the year someone in the Bundesliga topples Galactus (read: Bayern)?
Leipzig had their audition on Saturday, holding the champions to a 1-1 draw. The result keeps Julian Nagelsmann’s crew top of the league with Bayern fourth, two points back. But other than the usual drive and running you’d expect from Leipzig — and, after the break, the character that wasn’t always there last season — I’m not sure we quite saw enough to predict they’ll prevail over the marathon that is a whole season.
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Thomas Muller, right, and Bayern were forced to settle for a point vs. RB Leipzig thanks to some familiar flaws that manager Niko Kovac has yet to fix.
In fact, a lot of it had to do with Bayern’s deficiencies. Having gone ahead early thanks to the age-old Thomas Mueller-Robert Lewandowski connection, they failed to capitalise on their lead despite having the upper hand for much of the first half. Joshua Kimmich in central midfield alongside Thiago Alcantara gave them a bit more control against the press, but they were sterile in the final third. Leipzig deserved their equalizer after a bad error from Lucas Hernandez (the sort that prompts you to say “He cost how much?”) and while late chances meant it could have gone either way, there wasn’t too much separating these two.
The difference? Well, you try to imagine how they can get better and you can see far bigger margins for growth at the Bayern end. Nagelsmann can conjure up some more tactical voodoo, Emil Forsberg might last 90 minutes, Kevin Kampl might be fit again and maybe they’ll get something out of Patrik Schick. But it’s slim pickings.
As for Bayern, Nico Kovac lost David Alaba to injury in the warm-up. But he still has Philippe Coutinho, who only came on with two minutes to go, and Ivan Perisic, who stayed rooted to the bench: presumably both were signed for a reason. The question, really, is how much faith you have in Kovac.
Fabulous Fati obscures Barca’s issues
Ansu Fati, already the third-youngest goal scorer in the history of La Liga, got his first start for Barcelona on Saturday against Valencia and set the Camp Nou alight inside 10 minutes. He scored with a confident, accurate finish, set up a goal for Frenkie de Jong and came close to scoring two more times. Oh yeah, in case you didn’t know, the kid doesn’t turn 17 until Halloween.
His emergence, and that of Carles Perez, means that Lionel Messi (who was in the stands) and Luis Suarez (who came on and scored twice) can come back into the team in their own time. But equally, despite the gaudy scoreline (5-2) and the excitement over Fati, there is still plenty for Ernesto Valverde to work on.
Valencia are a mess right now (thanks, Peter Lim!), having sacked Marcelino and replaced him with Albert Celades. And they still stayed in the game thanks to Kevin Gameiro, falling apart only after Jasper Cillessen‘s mistake for the third Barca goal. Suarez, looking sharp and hungry (no, not in that way), later added two to put the game out of reach.
Defensively, Barca looked far from solid, not just at the back but also in midfield; the fact that it was the first choice trio of De Jong, Arthur and Sergio Busquets doesn’t bode well.
Juventus get lucky vs. Fiorentina
There’s a ton of ancient bad blood between Fiorentina and Juventus. Throw in the enthusiasm that new owner Rocco Commisso has engendered within the Viola organization, the fact that it was Maurizio Sarri’s official post-pneumonia debut and especially the fact that the visitors lost Douglas Costa, Miralem Pjanic and Danilo through injury during the match (and the first two are especially key to the way they play) and perhaps Juve should be happy with a point.
Why? They were poor for much of the game against an opponent who treats the match as if it was the Champions League final and “Avengers: Endgame” rolled into one. Sarri later blamed the heat of a mid-afternoon kickoff, which is a bit hard to stomach since presumably Fiorentina felt just as hot. It might have been better to just take it on the chin, be grateful for the point and move on.
PSG fans will take time to welcome Neymar back
Neymar made his first appearance of the season for Paris Saint-Germain at the weekend and was greeted, predictably, with boos and insults. It’s what you expect when, after pledging your loyalty to the club, you go out of your way to force a move back to Barcelona. So what did he do? Easy, he scored a “worldie” deep in injury time to secure the three points against Strasbourg.
– Laurens: The definitive story of the Neymar saga
“I expected it, but in the end I forced them to applaud,” he said afterwards, adding that every game will now feel like an away match.
He made his bed, he can lie in it now and won’t get much sympathy. But at the very least, he deserves recognition for the professionalism he showed Saturday. Whether he’ll ever get love from the Ultras given what happened is unclear but that doesn’t mean they can’t reach some mutually beneficial relationship.
What’s obvious is that if you’re Thomas Tuchel, you’re glad he’s back.
Arsenal’s issues are self-inflicted
The statistics say Arsenal conceded 23 shots on goal in the second half against Watford on Sunday. That’s one every two minutes and it’s frankly hard to do. It’s especially tough when you go in at half-time with a two-goal lead, one which, based on what we saw in the first half, was likely more than generous. And yes, they ended up settling for a 2-2 draw.
You can focus on individuals — Matteo Guendouzi, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, David Luiz — all you like and there’s another statistic floating around that says that since the start of last season no team has made more errors leading directly to opposition goals than Arsenal. But this is a team issue.
If you have error-prone players, you design tactical systems that protect them and don’t expose them. That’s just basic. And that’s on Unai Emery.
Real nearly throw it away before PSG trip
It’s a sign of Real Madrid’s current state that even after playing well, creating plenty of chances and racing to a 3-0 lead at home to Levante, they still required a last-ditch save from Thibaut Courtois to retain their three points. In the cold light of day, you’d look at this performance, note Madrid’s domination, the fact that the goals conceded were against the run of play and chalk up the 3-2 scoreline to the randomness of football. And you might even celebrate Eden Hazard‘s debut and look forward to what is next.
Instead, it’s all fraught nerves ahead of the trip to the Parc des Princes to face Paris Saint-Germain in midweek. Context matters, possibly because we’re in mid-September and we have no real idea what Zinedine Zidane has in mind.
Neville a bit harsh on Man United?
Manchester United squeezed out a victory over Leicester City, but I was struck by Gary Neville’s comments suggesting Ole Gunnar Solskjaer should get at least three more transfer windows “to clean up the trash in the dressing room, because there is trash in there.”
I have a lot of time for Neville, but I was wondering to whom he’s referring given a summer of significant departures. Of the guys who are most frequently targeted as “trash” (or “weeds,” to use another of his terms), Eric Bailly, Phil Jones and Marcos Rojo haven’t played this year. Fred has been on the pitch for 24 minutes, Nemanja Matic has started one game. Who does he mean? Paul Pogba? Anthony Martial? Juan Mata?
I’m also not sure about the comparisons with Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool and how it took him time to produce. He reached a Europa League final after taking over in October and finished fourth the following year. Plus, he had a rather more credible résumé than Solskjaer did. By all means, give him time, but set credible targets and deadlines too.
Why Chelsea’s youth movement feels different
Chelsea’s 5-2 away win to Wolves brings their seasonal goals total to 11 and all of them scored by Academy graduates. Fikayo Tomori, Andreas Christensen, Tammy Abraham and Mason Mount all started at Molyneux and all look poised to play a big part in Chelsea’s season. With more homegrown players — Ruben Loftus-Cheek and Callum Hudson-Odoi, possibly Reece James too — set to return from injury, there could be as many as seven of them in Frank Lampard‘s XI at some point.
What sets this group apart, though, is the fact that apart from Christensen, who joined at 16, the others have all been affiliated with the club since before they were 10 years old. We often play fast and loose with the homegrown label since so many clubs (including Chelsea, of course) cherry-pick top talent from elsewhere at 16, stick them in the Academy for a year or two and then count them as “club-trained.” Technically, that’s true but with these guys, it’s different.
Dortmund look ready for Barcelona
“Bouncebackability” isn’t a real word, but it applies here. Borussia Dortmund had a whole international break to stew over the humiliating 3-1 defeat to newly promoted Union Berlin and with Kai Havertz and Bayer Leverkusen rolling into town, the potential for aftereffects was still high. Instead, we got one of the most dominating Dortmund performances in recent memory. At the attacking end, Marco Reus got his mojo back, Jadon Sancho popped up with his usual two assists and Paco Alcacer scored in his eighth consecutive game, including internationals.
Roll on, Barcelona, this Tuesday.
Odegaard continues to dazzle
Martin Odegaard made his international debut for Norway at 15 years of age and moved to Real Madrid six months later. Too much, too soon? It felt that way to many, given he failed to establish himself at youth level and later spent two years on loan. But players develop at different speeds, and having rocketed to the international stage, he was due a breather.
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This year, he’s on loan at Real Sociedad, where he’s already scored twice and, on Saturday night against Atletico Madrid, was arguably man of the match. He doesn’t even turn 21 until December, but it feels as if this could be the year it all comes together for him. Watch this space.
Meanwhile, for Atletico, the 2-0 defeat reinforces what we already know: losing four or five starters in a summer is tricky to metabolize and there will be days like this when Diego Simeone’s tinkering leads nowhere.
Why Roberto Firmino is so unique
My former colleague Matthew Syed, writing in The Times, made the point that Roberto Firmino appears to have 360-degree vision, a bit like those owls, whose heads seem to swivel all the way around. It’s not hard to see why, given his performance in Liverpool’s 3-1 win over Newcastle.
Some see him as a prototype of a modern center-forward, the “false nine” who is more creator than finisher. That certainly fits with Firmino’s strengths though another, equally formidable strength is the intensity and intelligence of his pressing game. But I’m not sure he’s a prototype of anything.
Most of Europe’s top teams — from Barcelona to Manchester City, from Tottenham to Real Madrid, from Bayern to Juventus — still have a genuine centerforward rather than a “false nine” (to use another hipsterish term). In other words, Firmino is not a trend as much as he has a nearly unique, extremely rare skill set, which comes as a result of his past as an attacking midfielder.
Conte keeping expectations down at Inter
Antonio Conte is playing that age-old game straight out of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” — “when you are weak, appear strong and when you are strong, appear weak.” Following Inter’s third win on the bounce (one-nil against Udinese) he said, “We know the game. They build us up now to knock us down later. For us to win the title, other clubs would have to have disastrous seasons.”
– Schoenfeld: Romelu Lukaku talks about his Inter mission
It’s pretty transparent what he’s doing. And yes, Inter aren’t title favorites but he has the strike force he says he wanted (Romelu Lukaku, Lautaro Martinez, Alexis Sanchez), he has two of the best young midfielders in the league (Stefano Sensi and Nicolo Barella) and arguably the best center-back corps. There’s no reason to hide. Own the responsibility.
What needs to happen beyond #BlueGirl
The harrowing tale of Sahar Khodayari, the 29-year-old Iranian woman who set herself on fire (and later died from severe burns) after being sentenced to six months in prison for disguising herself as a man to attend a football match between her team, Esteghlal, and the UAE’s Al-Ain last March, shocked the world.
Like many such stories, it’s more complicated than it appears. There is no written law barring women from entering Iranian stadiums, so she was sentenced for not fully adhering to Islamic hijab laws and covering her head. But equally, since the Islamic revolution 40 years ago, women have been unofficially banned from watching men’s games with very few exceptions, like last November’s Asian Champions League final.
It shouldn’t take the tragic death of a vulnerable person for the world to take notice. The hashtag #BlueGirl is great to raise awareness but it can’t end there, particularly since there has been so much outrage and support for change, even in Iran.
FIFA President Gianni Infantino has pushed Iran on this matter before and the stock answer has been that the “infrastructure” was not yet in place to allow women in on a regular basis. (What infrastructure? Women’s toilets? Surely they have port-a-potties in Iran…) That argument is nonsense as evidenced by the fact that women have been allowed in before. FIFA’s statutes are very clear when it comes to equality and access. They have the power to withhold development money and suspend the Iranian FA.
It’s time to take action and, given the support such action would have within Iran — from much of the population and virtually the entire football world — it feels like a no-brainer.
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journaljunkpage · 6 years
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José Ruiz / Thomas de Pourquery © Edward Perraud et Thomas de Pourquery
Avec 26 concerts, toute la diversité du jazz et des musiques improvisées se déploie entre Tulle et Brive pour la 14e édition du festival.
Porté par la nouvelle scène nationale qui inaugure ainsi sa première saison, Du Bleu en hiver initie cette année un partenariat renforcé qui dépasse les limites de la Corrèze, pour vibrer jusqu’à Boulazac et son Agora. Et les découvertes possibles inscrites dans la programmation contiennent autant d’hommages (Charlie Parker, Leonard Bernstein, le jazz New Orleans des années 1930...) que de concerts performances et de spectacles à l’heure de la soupe avec « Midi en musiques ».
Le projet artistique convoque d’ailleurs les arts de la scène et le jeune public avec Ikui Doki qui réunira, autour du saxophoniste Thomas de Pourquery, une formation s’adressant aux enfants dès 6 ans, à travers une création « entre jazz et impressionnisme », intitulée Tapanu Taka. Une fantaisie insolite et cocasse revisitant un répertoire de musique française du début du xxe siècle fricotant avec le free jazz.
Difficile à imaginer, et inscrit dans la ligne artistique du festival qui s’ouvrira sur l’orchestre de musiciens-chanteurs de l’Organik Orkeztra et le spectacle Ritual. Douze interprètes pour une création alliant chants basques traditionnels, jazz et même des textures plus classiques.
La revue de détail de la programmation pourrait ainsi s’étaler sur plusieurs colonnes. Retenons ici la prestation de la jeune scène jazz et improvisée de Lyon, qui, à travers le collectif The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra, imprimera la marque de la folie douce. Les dix-huit musiciennes et musiciens s’avèrent des artistes complets fusionnant joyeusement musiques et disciplines. Comprenez que les acrobaties ici ne sont pas que musicales.
Plus tard, le trio du violoncelliste Vincent Courtois réunit, autour de celui qui côtoya Portal, Kühn et Greaves, les saxophones de Daniel Erdmann et Robin Fincker dans Love of Life, et une musique inspirée par l’oeuvre de Jack London. À signaler aussi ce clin d’oeil au travail de Bird avec Ornithologie par le trio Un Poco Loco qui dans Feelin Pretty improvise également un coup de chapeau à West Side Story. Le saxophoniste Émile Parisien, pour sa part, saisit l’occasion des dix ans de son quartet pour tirer un feu d’artifice autour de ses 3 Victoires du Jazz (2009, 2014 et 2017).
Sons of Love est le titre du dernier album, publié en 2017, du saxophoniste chanteur Thomas de Pourquery ainsi que celui de sa dernière création. Dans la trajectoire libre de cet inclassable, on pointe sa quête de transcendance entamée avec son groupe Supersonic autour de Sun Ra.
Signalons encore le trio Three Days of Forest, lauréat jazz migration 2019, et le répertoire de protest songs électriques portées par la voix d’Angela Flahault. Ou la création de la pianiste Ève Risser, à la lisière de la musique de chambre et de l’orchestre jazz, ainsi que le finale avec l’inclassable quatuor Chromb, et cette énergie grouillante pas loin des ambiances de Soft Machine et The Residents. Ou enfin le charme trouble et puissant du trio Garibaldi Pop. De quoi donner des couleurs à l’hiver. Pour le coup, ce sera le bleu.
Du Bleu en hiver, du jeudi 24 janvier au samedi 2 février, Brive (19100) et Tulle (19000). dubleuenhiver.fr
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Premier League trio fire Belgium to friendly win over Egypt
An inspired first-half performance from captain Eden Hazard guided Belgium to a 3-0 victory over Egypt on Wednesday.
The Chelsea forward, 27, was influential in the penultimate World Cup warm-up game for Belgium, who will be group rivals of England in Russia.
Hazard scored their second goal while Manchester United pair Romelu Lukaku and Marouane Fellaini also struck.
Egypt’s Mohamed Salah missed the match in Brussels as the Liverpool forward recovers from a shoulder injury.
In a cagey start, two Egyptians were booked within eight minutes as they tried to stifle Belgium’s rhythm.
Hazard – who was hauled down with a late tackle in the opening minute – created the first goal after bursting into space just outside the Egypt box and driving a fierce shot at goal.
Egypt keeper Essam El-Hadary did well to stop the initial strike, low to his left, but the 45-year-old could only steer the ball into Lukaku’s path and the United striker converted from close range on 27 minutes.
Dries Mertens and Manchester City’s Kevin De Bruyne showed a fluidity in their play that will concern England manager Gareth Southgate, but it was Hazard who added the second goal on 38 minutes.
The Blues forward turned from provider to finisher as he side-footed Yannick Carrasco’s cross past the sprawling El-Hadary from close-range.
Belgium continued to dominate after the interval and midfielder Fellaini added a third goal in stoppage time, after some clever footwork from Chelsea forward Michy Batshuayi.
Without Salah, Egypt lacked a cutting edge in attack, while Manchester City defender Vincent Kompany watched from the stands after suffering a groin injury during Belgium’s goalless draw with Portugal on Saturday.
Egypt have now completed their warm-up schedule and open their World Cup campaign against Uruguay on 15 June.
Belgium have one friendly with Costa Rica remaining on Monday, before their Group G opener against Panama on 18 June.
Match Stats
Live Text
5VertonghenSubstituted forBoyataat 81'minutes
15MeunierSubstituted forT Hazardat 70'minutes
7De Bruyne
6WitselSubstituted forFellainiat 45'minutes
14MertensSubstituted forChadliat 45'minutes
10E HazardSubstituted forJanuzajat 45'minutes
9R LukakuSubstituted forBatshuayiat 45'minutes
16T Hazard
1El HadarySubstituted forEl-Shenawyat 45'minutes
7Ahmed IbrahimBooked at 8minsSubstituted forEl Mohamadyat 71'minutes
2Gabr Mossad
17El NenyBooked at 68mins
8HamedBooked at 2minsSubstituted forMorsyat 62'minutes
22WardaSubstituted forSayed Gaberat 79'minutes
19El Said
14SobhiSubstituted forAbdel-Moneim Solimanat 67'minutes
9Fahmy TharwatSubstituted forHassanat 56'minutes
3El Mohamady
4Sayed Gaber
11Abdel-Moneim Soliman
12Ashraf Elsayed
15Hamouda Attia
16Ekramy Ahmed
18Razek Fadlalla
Anastasios Sidiropoulos
Match Stats
Home TeamBelgiumAway TeamEgypt
Shots on Target
Live Text
Posted at
Match ends, Belgium 3, Egypt 0.
Full Time
Posted at 90'+4'
Second Half ends, Belgium 3, Egypt 0.
Posted at 90'+2'
Goal! Belgium 3, Egypt 0. Marouane Fellaini (Belgium) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Michy Batshuayi.
Posted at 90'
Foul by Thorgan Hazard (Belgium).
Posted at 90'
Abdallah El Said (Egypt) wins a free kick on the right wing.
Posted at 88'
Offside, Egypt. Abdallah El Said tries a through ball, but Kahraba is caught offside.
Posted at 88'
Offside, Belgium. Kevin De Bruyne tries a through ball, but Michy Batshuayi is caught offside.
Posted at 86'
Nacer Chadli (Belgium) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 86'
Foul by Sam Morsy (Egypt).
Posted at 84'
Attempt saved. Adnan Januzaj (Belgium) left footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Kevin De Bruyne.
Posted at 83'
Foul by Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium).
Posted at 83'
Trézéguet (Egypt) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 81'
Attempt missed. Michy Batshuayi (Belgium) left footed shot from the centre of the box is close, but misses the top left corner.
Posted at 81'
Attempt blocked. Adnan Januzaj (Belgium) left footed shot from the right side of the box is blocked. Assisted by Kevin De Bruyne.
Posted at 81'
Substitution, Belgium. Dedryck Boyata replaces Jan Vertonghen.
Posted at 80'
Attempt saved. Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal.
Posted at 79'
Substitution, Egypt. Omar Gaber replaces Amr Warda because of an injury.
Posted at 79'
Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 79'
Foul by Sam Morsy (Egypt).
Posted at 78'
Offside, Egypt. Amr Warda tries a through ball, but Kahraba is caught offside.
Posted at 78'
Attempt missed. Kahraba (Egypt) header from the centre of the box misses to the left. Assisted by Ahmed El Mohamady with a cross following a corner.
Posted at 77'
Corner, Egypt. Conceded by Laurent Ciman.
Posted at 76'
Foul by Yannick Carrasco (Belgium).
Posted at 76'
Amr Warda (Egypt) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 75'
Corner, Belgium. Conceded by Ahmed El Mohamady.
Posted at 71'
Substitution, Egypt. Ahmed El Mohamady replaces Ahmed Fathy.
Posted at 70'
Substitution, Belgium. Thorgan Hazard replaces Thomas Meunier.
Posted at 69'
Corner, Belgium. Conceded by Ahmed Hegazi.
Posted at 69'
Attempt saved. Yannick Carrasco (Belgium) left footed shot from the left side of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Thomas Meunier with a cross.
Posted at 68'
Mohamed Elneny (Egypt) is shown the yellow card.
Posted at 68'
Jan Vertonghen (Belgium) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
Posted at 68'
Foul by Kahraba (Egypt).
Posted at 67'
Substitution, Egypt. Kahraba replaces Ramadan Sobhi.
Posted at 63'
Foul by Laurent Ciman (Belgium).
Posted at 63'
Amr Warda (Egypt) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Posted at 63'
Attempt missed. Ramadan Sobhi (Egypt) left footed shot from the right side of the box is close, but misses to the right. Assisted by Trézéguet.
Posted at 62'
Substitution, Egypt. Sam Morsy replaces Tarek Hamed.
Posted at 61'
Attempt missed. Thomas Meunier (Belgium) right footed shot from the centre of the box is close, but misses the top right corner. Assisted by Nacer Chadli with a cross.
Posted at 60'
Corner, Belgium. Conceded by Mohamed Shafy.
Posted at 59'
Attempt missed. Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium) left footed shot from outside the box is too high. Assisted by Michy Batshuayi.
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Premier League trio fire Belgium to friendly win over Egypt was originally published on 365 Football
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lazyvaprod · 7 years
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Zik Jazz : "Vincent Courtois trio" https://t.co/7ra6RKjDgf via #zyvaradio : https://t.co/7ra6RKjDgf
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years
FRANCE: Sea Song(e)s Freely inspired by the universe of the album of Robert Wyatt "Sea Song", in 4tet with Sophia Domancich, Bruno Tocanne, Antoine Läng and Rémi Gaudillat.
 Sea Song(e)s Freely inspired by the universe of the album of Robert Wyatt "Sea Song", in 4tet with Sophia Domancich, Bruno Tocanne, Antoine Läng and Rémi Gaudillat.
« So beautifully refined - abstracted essences...The whole sound you make together is magical ! »Robert WYATT 23/04/2017
    « So beautifully refined - abstracted essences...The whole sound you make together is magical ! » Robert WYATT 23/04/2017 Encouraged by the enthusiasm sparked by our work on the Carla Bley's "Escalator Over The Hill", approved by the composer herself at the end of a concert  of our "Over The Hills" in  Nevers Jazz Festival, then after listening to our album released in December 2015 (CHOC Jazz Magazine), we wished to work around another monument that had a lasting influence on the artistic and intellectual approaches of the actual music of these last 40 years: Robert Wyatt's "Rock Bottom" . Decades after its release in 1974, this album still appears as a disk with a mystical splendor, a burning issue, a UFO of music which offers a perfect view of the synthesis between pop-rock, jazz, psychedelic, between writing and improvisation ... with an emotion in its purest form! The presence of Sophia Domancich belonging to "the School of Canterbury" which includes several British artists including Robert Wyatt, Daevid Allen (Gong), or Hugh Hopper (Soft Machine) is not obviously not due to chance. Bruno Tocanne, initiator of "Over The Hills", artistic director of imuZZic network and Sophia  Domancich know each others since a long time and  have registered the first disc of her trio "Funerals" with John Greaves , already very close to Robert Wyatt universe. How to imagine a project around the universe of Robert Wyatt without trumpet? Rémi Gaudillat, musical companion of Bruno Tocanne since ten years, one of the pillars of the network imuZZic, accepted this new challenge with the enthusiasm that characterizes him, as Antoine Läng, Swiss singer-improviser  perfectly mastering the electronic effects, that many have discovered with enthousisam in France with "Over the Hills". As we usually do with imuZZic network, we present here a collective project, a project where each one brings his sense of the game, his ideas, his partitions, his emotions ... Sharing the music, combining the singular to the plural. The thematic is close to the work presented around Syd Barrett with the I.overdrive trio or more recently - with a work on voice and electronic effects - on the Opera of Carla Bley: an extension, anchored in the avtuality, of the creative ferment   of   60'-70' This was  first a common wish to work on an emblematic song of the album of Robert Wyatt:  "Sea Song", which will determine the direction that will take this new adventure. The idea was then to decline this song, to make it evolve in a spirit similar to that of Wyatt, both pop, rock, jazz, improvised, psychedelic. Then, progressively, we decided to include more personal texts, like those proposed by Antoine Läng, but also some of Marcel Kanche (to whom we owe some tubes of Matthew Cheddid or Axel Bauer ...). Domancich, who worked with singers such as John Greaves and Robert Wyatt himself, was then proposed to add a few songs wich she wrote the music So this is not there a recovery but rather a creation with a large majority of personal compositions and original texts, based on a free interpretation of the universe proposed by Robert Wyatt in the 70s. The album will release on November 2017 (Cristal records)​ TEASE
Musicians Sophia Domancich Piano, Keyboards, compositions  Determined musician, digging the groove of piano on the borders of jazz and improvised music, Domancich cultivates requirement and fidelity lasting collaborations ...His meeting with drummer Pip Pyle will bring her to play often with English progressive rock musicians (Canterbury School) like the bassist and vocalist John Greaves, the saxophonist Elton Dean or bassist Hugh Hopper (Soft Machine ) with whom she participates with Didier Malherbeto « Equip 'Out » (Album1986). Having listened his first record ( "Funerals", 1991, with Bruno Tocanne), the English drummer Tony Levin invite her to play with him three weeks at the Ronnie Scott's in London with the bassist Paul Rogers. This is the beginning of a fruitful collaboration - four albums testify of that - that , for eight years, will allow them to fully explore a repertoire mainly written by the pianist... Domancich always gives the measure of his sensitivity, his sense of melody, attentive to the silence, revealing some controlled thunderstorms... In this music listening and breathing with impressionist qualities, refusing automation, writing is closely interwoven with improvised music in exploring the virtues of slowness and of the atmospheres of mystery... In 1995, she formed a quartet with two trumpeters, Jean-François Canape and Patrick Fabert. Part of the National Jazz Orchestra directed by Didier Levallet, she develops an accompanying activity, while keeping links with British musicians (Evan Parker, Paul Dunmall), the closer to the French scene ( Eric Barret, Jean-Jacques Avenel, Claude Barthélemy which prompted the creation of Barthématiques...) In 1999, the Academy of Jazz awarded him the Django Reinhardt prize which salutes the French musician of the year. In 2001, she is refocusing on its own musicand form a new trio with bassist Claude Tchamitchian and drummer Simon Goubert, exploring forms more open to improvisation.Michel Marre and Jean-Luc Cappozzo will join them for the quintet Pentacle (2003 Sketch label) whose originality is based mainly on the association of sounds of euphonium and trumpet. She works again with John Greaves and with Vincent Courtois in 2002 , then with Elton Dean and Hugh Hopper, participated to the creation of "Soft Bounds" in 2005 with Simon Goubert on drums,  a group explicitly included in the heritage of Soft machine ... "   Vincent Bessières Rémi Gaudillat  Trumpet, flugelhorn, compositions After studying music at the Conservatoire of Lyon, Rémi Gaudillat created in 2003 its first formation, the trio "No violence". A disc has been recorded in 2004, which involved trumpeter Jean-Luc Cappozzo. He then joined the quintet of pianist Joachim Expert, with whom he won the Jury Prize "Suivez le Jazz". In 2005 he created "Dr. Lester", a brass band inspired by the Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy. The brass band  won the springboard "Suivez le Jazz." in 2006. Three discs appear, the last, "No Way !" welcoming Glenn Ferris as guest. In 2010, Rémi Gaudillat writes "Orpheus", a show combining theater and music around the famous myth. In 2012, he created a quartet with Fred Roudet (tp), Loïc Bachevilliers (tbn) and Laurent Vichard (cl). A first recording, "The Song of the Possibles",  was published in 2013 under the label IMR then they took the name of "Possible (S) Quartet". Alongside his personal projects, Rémi Gaudillat joined in 2006 the imuZZic network. Fe particpate to mosy of the projects : the first series of Bruno Tocanne 's "new dreams" , the Libre Ensemble, the I.Overdrive trio with Philippe Gordiani, "Round about 68" wiyh Hassse Poulsen, the I.Overdrive this trio with the singer Marcel Kanche around songs of Léo Ferré. In 2012, he recorded also in New York with the French-american's quartet of Bruno Tocanne (In a Suggestive Way). In 2014, he participated in the project imuZZic Grand (s) Ensemble, "Over The Hills" as a musician and arranger and he co-directs "Canto De Multitudes" with Bruno Tocanne (inspired by the Canto General of Pablo Neruda), command of the Montbrison's Theatre. The imuZZic network was also the occasion of musical encounters with Louis Sclavis, Jean-Philippe Viret, Domancich, Daniel Erdmann, Hasse Poulsen, Quinsin Nachoff (Can), Russ Lossing (USA), Michael Bates (USA), Samuel Blaser (Switzerland), Russ Johnson (USA), Stefano Risso (IT), Frederico Casagrande (IT), Banz Oester (CH), Denis Beuret (CH). It also occurs occasionally with the big bands "The Very Big Toubifri Experimental Orchestra" and "Bigre ! " Antoine Läng Vocal, electro, compositions Born in 1975 in Switzerland, Antoine Läng tackles very early his first instrument, the voice, in many aspects, fascinated by the plasticity of voice, his approach to the instrument now extends to several registers - spoken, sung, noisy - and includes some vocal's technique at the border of the lyrical sophistication and the brute animality. His debut in the rock band "Ilkhah" led him to develop some versatility in the use of voice in various registers such as singing, yelling or rap. This taste for hybridization and experimentation then the wish to use electronics to the voice permit him to extend the field of possible. Initiated with rock and metal groups, this process momentum is now more and more directed towards the experimental and improvised music. His most recent projects, his solo performances and the occasional impromptu meetings in which he took part are opportunities to show the possible combinations of electronics and voice. Active in the Geneva Association Akouphène since 2008, Antoine Läng is involved in the festival program   of   the   same   name.   It   is   also   part   of   the   Insubordinations  association   whose   activities   focus   on   the development of improvised music scene in Switzerland. Antoine joined the imuZZic network via his active amazing participation and in the "Over The Hills" project. Bruno Tocanne drums, artistic direction "A sensitive colorist whose deep sense of listening is the mark of an artist in a constant state of arousal ... Many beautiful things have happenedsince the early 90s in particular when he played alongside Sophia Domancich and imprinted his mark on the album "Funerals" (with John Greaves) then with the Trio Résistances and its three feverish albums whose melodies, like hymns,remain imprinted in you a long time; Bruno Tocanne told us about his dreams with the series of "new dreams" with a few notable musicians like Rémi Gaudillat, Quinsin Nachoff (Canada), Michael Bates (USA), Samuel Blaser (CH), Fred Roudet ... he leaned happily on a certain art of suggestion with "in a suggestive way" by recording an album in New York with pianist Russ Lossing (companion of Paul Motian to whom is dedicated to this album), he told about his freedom in a vital album "Libre (s) Ensemble", has made beautiful improvised album with pianist Henri Roger, he delivered electricity in his music with the guitarist Alain Blesing for an explosive" Madkluster "... Co-pilot of an I.Overdrive trio taut as a bow, he recorded with his accomplices Philippe Gordiani and Rémi Gaudillat a tribute to Syd Barrett, founder of Pink Floyd, before crossing the road of Léo Ferré with complicity of Marcel Kanche; never satiated new landscapes, he lent the support of his skins and cymbals to the bewitching song of Senem Diyici... The list is not exhaustive and continuous history " Denis Desassis - Citizen Jazz Bruno Tocanne founded the imuZZic network in 2000 following a three-year residency at the Elysee - Lyon (Agapes) 2014 - 2017 Bruno Tocanne is at the initiative of "Over The Hills", a reinterpretation of the iconic Opera of Carla Bley "Escalator Over The Hill" with the imuZZic Grand Ensemble, which receives support of the composer, in addition to the invaluable help of Steve Swallow. He also co-directs the Gaudillat - Tocanne / "Canto de Multitudes", participates in the new Marcel Kanche's project (including a CD released in November 2015 for Pbox - Caramba Productions), he plays with musicians among the most creative of the jazz and improvised music in Europe, such as Federico Casagrande, Didier Levallet, Daniel Erdmann, Michel Benita, Francesco Bearzatti, Stefano Risso. .. Not to mention a memorable tour of over 40 concerts across Siberia in the summer of 2014, with Fred Roudet and Alain Blesing. The creations of imuZZic network are suppoorted by  «L'Affiche» with the help of Drac Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Spedidam, Adami, Sacem L'Affiche – imuZZic 12, rue du bourg 16730 Trois Palis France [email protected] 06 16 26 24 09 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2skNAcl
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conchaps-blog · 7 years
‘Talking Point’ Part 28 (24th May 2017)
The final day of the 2016/17 season delivered some major ‘talking points’ as well as a feast of goals. 
Manchester City, their neighbours United, and Champions Chelsea all secured huge wins to finish off their respective league campaigns. 
But we start with Mauricio Pochettino’s Tottenham, who battered already relegated Hull to add further humiliation to Marco Silva’s men. 
Another match-ball for Kane as Spurs slaughter Tigers 
Harry Kane secured the Premier League Golden Boot with an impressive hat-trick against Hull, as Spurs ran riot to win 7-1. 
Kane, who scored a hat-trick against Leicester last Thursday, scored a quick-fire double in the 10th and 12th minutes to put his team in control. 
Dele Alli, who has had another sensational season himself, added a third juts after half time - Son Heung-Min the provider. 
Christian Eriksen set up Victor Wanyama for the fourth on 68 minutes, before Kane netted his treble just three minutes later. 
Late goals by defenders Ben Davies and Toby Alderweireld added further gloss to Spurs’ scoreline, and further anguish for Hull, who are heading straight back down to the Championship. 
Despite not winning any trophies this season, Spurs have had an excellent campaign, with Kane, Son and Alli particularly impressing.
Harry Kane became the first English player to win back-to-back Premier League Golden Boots since Michael Owen. 25 in 2015/16 29 in 2016/17 pic.twitter.com/5U0QwsuAxl
— Squawka Football (@Squawka)
25 May 2017
That trio alone scored 61 league goals - an incredible haul considering Spurs as a team got 86. 
23-year old striker Kane has become one of the League’s top marksmen, finishing with 29 goals despite suffering with injuries this term. Pochettino will hope they can push onto the next level and win a trophy next season.
For Hull, they now face the prospect of manager Marco Silva jumping ship after less than half a year at the club. 
They will also likely lose many players as they prepare for a tough fight back down in England’s second tier. 
Gift of Gabriel inspires City to Watford win 
Brazilian starlet Gabriel Jesus struck twice as Manchester City swept aside Watford 5-0 at Vicarage Road. 
Vincent Kompany got the opener on four minutes with his third goal of the season - he has been in splendid form since his long-awaited return. He may yet still feature in Pep Guardiola’s plans for next season. 
Sergio Aguero has had another solid campaign this term - he scored twice, on 22 and 35 minutes, to put City in cruise control. 
Jesus provided the assist as fellow countryman Fernandinho netted a rare goal, before Aguero teed up the Samba star for the fifth early in the second half. 
Aguero finishes the season with a solid 20 league goals, while Jesus still managed seven despite his injury lay-off. Guardiola will hope to get even more out of his stars next season, with the likes of Leroy Sane, Kevin De Bruyne and David Silva serving as effective creators for the side’s two goal-getters. 
Watford survived fairly comfortably - by seven points - but coach Walter Mazzarri has left, leaving the Hornets without a manager once again. 
Dream debut for Harrop while Pogba turns on the style 
Josh Harrop scored inside 15 minutes of his debut as Manchester United secured a comfortable 2-0 victory over Crystal Palace. 
With the Europa League final looming, manager Jose Mourinho elected to give a chance to several fringe/young players. 
Midfielder Harrop was joined by fellow debutants Joel Pereira and Demi Mitchell, while Axel Tuanzebe and Tim Fosu-Mensah featured in the back four. 
Scott McTominay made his first start in midfield, having made his debut against Arsenal recently. 
In all honesty, the game was over inside the first 20 minutes. First, record signing Paul Pogba set up Harrop for a wonderful strike, fit to mark his landmark occasion.
It's been a great season one to remember, now for some down time to relax and prepare for next season more hungry than ever 🔴⚽️ pic.twitter.com/JaPyfEOQ5A
— Josh Harrop (@joshharrop23) 25 May 2017
Then the Frenchman’s former Academy teammate Jesse Lingard set him up for the second just four minutes later. Palace failed to find a way past United’s rookie but resilient defence for the remaining 70 minutes, as United claimed their 18th league win of the season. 
Angel Gomes came off the bench to make his bow - the cousin of former Red Devil winger becoming the youngest United player since the late great Duncan Edwards. 
Mourinho’s decision to rest his key players paid dividends as his side triumphed in the Europa League final last night, ‘completing the circle’ as United  have now won every trophy possible. Goals from Pogba and Henrikh Mkhitaryan secured a 2-0 win over Dutch giants Ajax. 
Set complete. #MUFC pic.twitter.com/judM3RLOgp
— Manchester United (@ManUtd) 25 May 2017
The Portuguese will now be seeking to build on the FA Cup and Europa League triumphs, and push for a return to the top four next season.
For Palace, they have been rocked by the shock departure of Sam Allardyce, who resigned earlier this week and reports claim he intends to retire. They will need to find another manager just a few months after appointing the former Bolton chief. 
Batshuayi off the bench to help smash Wearsiders 
Michy Batshuayi continued his impressive end-of-season form, as he scored two late goals after coming on as a sub. 
Chelsea were in celebratory mood having clinched the title last week, but it was relegated Sunderland who struck first. Javier Manquillo, who had a failed spell with Liverpool a few seasons back, netted after just two minutes. 
But the Champions rallied, Brazilian attacker Willian with the equaliser after just seven minutes and from there they took control. 
Eden Hazard has had a remarkable return to form this campaign, and he grabbed his 16th league goal of the season on the hour. 
The third was a Spanish affair as Cesc Fabregas and sub Pedro combined. From there, former Standard Liege striker Batshuayi stole the show. Pedro was again involved for the Belgian’s first, and his side’s fourth. 
Before Fabregas set up the dynamic forward for the fifth and final goal in the final game of an extraordinary season for Chelsea.
Goooood morning! #ChelseaChampions pic.twitter.com/DONsV606UO
— Chelsea FC (@ChelseaFC) 22 May 2017
They won a superb thirty games, collecting 93 points in that time. 
The back five  of Thibaut Courtois, Cesar Azpilicueta, Gary Cahill, Marcos Alonso and David Luiz conceded just 33 goals in a phenomenal campaign. N’Golo Kante earns a second consecutive Premier League medal after playing yet another vital role in a title triumph. Diego Costa led the line superbly, scoring twenty league goals and laying on 11 assists. 
For manager Antonio Conte, the title win will cement his reputation as one of the world’s best managers, but he will not be content to stand still. He will want to see his side back at the top again next season, plus making waves in the Champions League. 
If they can keep hold of the likes of Hazard, Costa, as well as add even further quality, then expect them to do just that. 
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riffsstrides · 6 years
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Kari Ikonen Trio
15 de Dezembro, 22,30h
Hot Club de Portugal, Lisboa
Kari Ikonen – piano; Olli Rantala – contrabaixo; Markku Ounaskari – bateria
The Finnish Kari Ikonen Trio has been active since 2012. Its two albums ”Bright” and “Beauteous Tales and Offbeat Stories” on German label Ozella have gained a lot of international success, making the band busy playing at clubs and festivals all over Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA.
KIT’s third album “Wind, Frost & Radiation” was released in May 2018.
Besides of the trio, the pianist-moogist-composer Kari Ikonen is currently active with several other bands like Orchestra Nazionale della Luna, Quartet Ajaton and Trio Toffa – and different projects with Louis Sclavis, Bob Moses, Tom Arthurs, Ingrid Jensen, Tony Malaby, Jeff Denson, Vincent Courtois and Juhani Aaltonen. Ikonen has won several international awards for his compositions, and in 2013 he received the Yrjö Award as the Finnish Jazz Musician of the Year.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
FIFA 20: Belgium player ratings predictions – Hazard, De Bruyne, Lukaku & more
Belgium’s third-place finish at the 2018 World Cup earned them a heroes welcome home. It was the culmination of years of improved results and increased expectations for Belgium’s “golden generation.”
As the entirety of their backline approaches the end of their international careers, EURO 2020 may be Roberto Martinez’s team’s final shot at glory. With elite talent like Eden Hazard and Kevin De Bruyne in their ranks, you’d be a fool to write them off.
RealSport looks at how they could rate and line-up on FIFA 20.
Thibaut Courtois (OVR 90 – 88)
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Position: GK
Age: 27
Club: Real Madrid
Courtois’ FIFA 19 rating was boosted by a World Cup golden glove and a high-profile move to Real Madrid. This year has been more turbulent, having battled with Keylor Navas for the starting spot at Madrid and suffered from some shaky displays. As a result, his rating should drop to 88. Courtois will be hoping that Zinedine Zidane’s return to the Bernabeu will bring both him and the team some stability.
Toby Alderweireld (OVR 87 – 86)
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Position: CB
Age: 30
Club: Tottenham Hotspur
Alderweireld has been heavily linked with moves away from Tottenham Hotspur for the last two summers, but after his release clause wasn’t activated, it appears he is staying put for at least another year. He may not be amongst the top three defenders in the Premier League anymore, but he’s still an extremely competent performer. At 30 years old, he’s the youngest of Belgium’s centre-back trio, and the only likely to be playing at the next World Cup.
READ MORE: PES 2020: All Teams, Stadiums, League Licenses & Legends confirmed as FIFA 20 miss out on Euro 2020
Vincent Kompany (OVR 85 – 83)
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Position: CB
Age: 33
Club: Anderlecht
Vincent Kompany signed off from Manchester City in style, scoring a rocket of a winner against Leicester City in the penultimate match of last season. Despite taking over as player-manager at Anderlecht, he has remained a starter for the national team. However, a disastrous start in Belgium has seen him fail to win any of his four games. If the pressure continues, it will be interesting to see if he continues to abandon Anderlecht when the national team calls.
Jan Vertonghen (OVR 87 – 87)
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Position: CB
Age: 32
Club: Tottenham Hotspur
Jan Vertonghen seems relatively unaffected by his 32 years of age – he’s still very reliable for Tottenham Hotspur and one of the best defenders in the Premier League. Last season also saw him perform magnificently at wing-back in the Champions League. He’ll be 35 by the next World Cup, so EURO 2020 is likely to be his final tournament with the Red Devils. His rating stays at 87.
Thomas Meunier (OVR 82 – 82)
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Position: RB, RM
Age: 27
Club: Paris Saint-Germain
Naturally a right-back, Meunier operates as a right midfielder for Belgium, which suits his attacking style. He’s entering the final year of his contract, so whether or not he’s a Paris Saint-Germain player by the Euros remains to be seen. With the departure of Dani Alves, his spot at PSG should be under little threat next year. His rating should stay at 82.
Youri Tielemans (OVR 79 – 82)
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Position: CM
Age: 22
Club: Leicester City
The second half of last season saw Youri Tielemans finally begin to fulfil his well-documented potential. Joining Leicester on loan in January after a torrid spell at Monaco, he added some vital dynamism into midfield as well as the occasional goal.
The fact that Leicester have secured a permanent deal for him without any of the big names pouncing should be considered a massive coup – he’s one of the most exciting box-to-box midfielders in Europe.
READ MORE: *BREAKING* FIFA 20: First look at all things VOLTA – Story mode, Shop, Squad Management and more
Axel Witsel (OVR 85 – 85)
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Position: CDM, CM
Age: 30
Club: Borussia Dortmund
Last season saw Axel Witsel remind the world just how good he is, after avoiding the limelight in Russia. He was central to Borussia Dortmund’s ultimately unsuccessful title charge, adding both force and creativity to the midfield. In January, his FIFA rating was given a healthy increase from 82 to 85, which is where it should stay.
Thorgan Hazard (OVR 82 – 83)
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Position: RW, LW
Age: 26
Club: Borussia Dortmund
Thorgan Hazard will never be the most well-known Hazard in world football, but he’s still a very effective player. Like his brother Eden, he joined Chelsea as a youngster but left after a series of loans and little first-team action. He moved to Borussia Monchengladbach where he performed impressively, including 10 Bundesliga goals last season, leading to a €25 million move to Dortmund. Expect to see him start on the left side of midfield.
Kevin De Bruyne (OVR 91 – 91)
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Position: CAM, CM
Age: 28
Club: Manchester City
Injuries ensured that De Bruyne suffered a stop-start 2018/19, but Premier League fans are already being reminded this season of how much of an elite footballer Kevin De Bruyne is. He would have walked to 2017/18 Premier League Player of the Season if it weren’t for Mohamed Salah’s breathtaking debut season, and he’s likely to be a contender this year as well. He’ll either play in the front three or in the centre of midfield if Martinez wants to start Dries Mertens. He’s truly one of the world’s best midfielders.
READ MORE: FIFA 20: Limited Edition Covers, FUT Web App, Early Access & More
Romelu Lukaku (OVR 87 – 86)
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Position: ST
Age: 26
Club: Inter Milan
Romelu Lukaku’s Manchester United numbers were by no means atrocious, but those who saw what he could do at Everton couldn’t help feeling disappointed. His big-money move to Inter Milan gives him an escape from a placid Manchester United attack and the opportunity to be the focal point of a side again. Theoretically, he suits Antonio Conte’s system well, so don’t be surprised to see him finding the back of the net on a regular basis again.
Eden Hazard (OVR 91 – 92)
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Position: LW, CF
Age: 28
Club: Real Madrid
Eden Hazard’s move to Real Madrid was the most talked-about transfer of the year, and rightly so – he’s arguably the third-best player in the world right now. He provides the X factor to this Belgium side, and as long as he and De Bruyne are playing, they will always be tournament contenders. It will be fascinating to watch how he deals with the pressure and expectation of being Real Madrid’s main man. His rating should increase to 92, making him the third-best player in the game.
Off the bench
Wolfsburg’s Koen Casteels (OVR 83 – 83) will deputise for Courtois but is unlikely to threaten his starting spot.
Belgium are slightly light in terms of defensive reinforcements, but Wolves’ Leander Dendoncker (OVR 78 – 80) can provide cover in the centre of defence or midfield. 
Atalanta’s Timothy Castagne (OVR 71 – 77) has enjoyed a breakout season and will challenge at right midfield, while Yannick Carrasco (OVR 83 – 82) provides competition on the left. Moussa Dembele (OVR 84 – 83) may have moved to China, but is still an option in the centre.
In Dries Mertens (OVR 87 – 86), Belgium have a quality forward option they can call upon if Martinez wants to shuffle his shape or if one of his front three are unavailable. If Michy Batshuayi (OVR 81 – 82) can get some regular game time at Chelsea, he’s also one to watch.
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kunsttag · 7 years
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Ausstellung & Audiovisuelle Live-Konzerte. Im Rahmen vom Performance Festival ORTE ALS THEMA
Die Kunsthalle Luzern kuratiert innerhalb des umfangreichen Festivalprogramms das Projekt OUT von Werner Hasler. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Hybrid zwischen Ausstellung und Konzert, quasi ein Abendmuseum mit musikalischen Sets. Der Berner Musiker Werner Hasler holt in sechs Videoaufnahmen, mit verschiedenen Besetzungen der Musiker-Formation the outer string, das Draussen in Ton und Bild nach Innen. Dadurch ist OUT eine mehrdimensionale, in sich zusammenhängende Ausstellung, die Video-Art mit Livekonzerten verbindet. Die Kurzfilme der Aufnahmeorte, von Liechtenstein bis Paris, können nach Lust und Laune geschaut und mit Kopfhörern gehört werden. Innerhalb des Festivals werden drei halbstündige Konzerte – jeweils eines pro Abend – in verschiedenen Besetzungen (Duos, Trios, Quartette) eingebettet. Projizierte Visuals der sechs Aufnahmeorte provozieren Assoziationen und Déjà-vus – Erinnerungen zwischen Bild, Musik und Räumen. www.wernerhasler.com/out
Programmablauf WERNER HASLER I the outer string I Konzert & Ausstellung
Ausstellung & Live-Konzerte
Ort: space7, Steinenstrasse 7
ACHTUNG: Findet nicht in der Kunsthalle Luzern statt! Sondern im Aussenstandort space7 an der Steinenstrasse 7, 6004 Luzern
Ausstellung & Audiovisuelle Live-Konzerte. Im Rahmen vom Performance Festival ORTE ALS THEMA (eine Kollaboration von Kunsthalle Luzern, migma Performance und Forum Neue Musik Luzern)
Videoinstallationen Öffnungszeiten der Ausstellung im space7:
Freitag, 26.05.2017: 18:00-23:00 Uhr Samstag, 27.05.2017: 18:00-23:00 Uhr Sonntag, 28.05.2017: 13:00-16:00 Uhr
Freitag, 26.05.2017: 21:00-22:00 Uhr Werner Hasler: trumpet, elektronics Carlo Niederhauser: cello Christoph Steiner: drums Hugo Ryser: visuals
Samstag, 27.05.2017: 20:30-21:30 Uhr Werner Hasler: trumpet, elektronics Carlo Niederhauser: cello Vincent Courtois: cello Franck Vaillant: drums Sam Radvila: visuals
Sonntag, 28.05.2017: 14:00-15:00 Uhr Werner Hasler: trumpet, elektronic Vincent Courtois: cello Julian Sartorius: drums Sam Radvila: visuals
weitere Informationen zum Programm: www.kunsthalleluzern.ch www.migma.ch www.forumneuemusikluzern.ch/
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investmart007 · 6 years
MOSCOW | The Latest: Martinez praises Belgians for style, substance
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/Zt0SB9
MOSCOW | The Latest: Martinez praises Belgians for style, substance
MOSCOW (AP) — The Latest on Saturday at the World Cup (all times local): 9 p.m.
Roberto Martinez believes his Belgium lineup deserves high praise for its third-place finish at the World Cup.
Belgium beat England 2-0 in the third-place playoff on Saturday at St. Petersburg, surpassing the country’s previous best fourth-place finish in 1986.
Along the way, Belgium had to rally from 2-0 down for a 3-2 win in the round-of-16 game against Japan, had to beat five-time champion Brazil in the quarterfinals and beat England twice. Belgium’s only loss in the tournament was in the 1-0 semifinal defeat to France.
Martinez says “We faced eye-to-eye to Brazil. We overcame a 2-0 deficit against Japan — that is the first time it happened since 1966.
We scored the biggest amount of goals in a Belgian team in World Cup history. We got 10 different goal scorers — which is a record also with France (1982) and Italy (2006).”
The Belgium coach says the records “showed the strength of this side.”
“We’ve been a team. We’ve suffered together. We’ve played football that a mutual fan of the World Cup really enjoyed,” he says. “We got the best qualification for Belgium in the history of the World Cup and that makes me very, very proud.” ___ 8:05 p.m.
The man who restored England’s mojo at the World Cup, and brought the waist coast (or vest) back into fashion, has signed off after a fourth-place finish with some love for Russia.
England coach Gareth Southgate wrapped up his news conference after his team’s 2-0 loss to Belgium in the third-place playoff by thanking the people of Russia for their welcome during the tournament.
The British government has led efforts to sanction Russia since a nerve-agent attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England in March. A second and possibly linked poisoning last month killed a woman and left a man in the hospital.
The British government did not send an official delegation to Russia for the World Cup, and members of the royal family decided not to attend.
Southgate took it upon himself to play an ambassadorial role.
“The way we’ve been received in Russia has been fantastic. The organization of the tournament has been brilliant. Our welcome in Russia in every city has been outstanding,” Southgate said. “There’s a lot talked about relationships between our two countries — but on a personal level and mixing with the people of Russia, we couldn’t have been more welcome.” ___ 7:15 p.m.
France captain Hugo Lloris says the team will not repeat a mistake of two years ago when it plays Croatia in the World Cup final.
As the 2016 European Championship host nation, France peaked in the semifinals by beating world champion Germany.
France then failed to reach the same high level in Paris and lost the final to Portugal, 1-0 after extra-time.
Lloris, who was France’s goalkeeper then, says: “I don’t think it’s going to happen again.”
Paul Pogba has said the French believed the Euro 2016 trophy was all but won after the semifinals.
Lloris notes 14 of France’s 23-man squad in Russia were not even at the Euros, while the other nine now benefit from a change in conditions.
Two years ago, France played a Thursday semifinal before the Sunday final. Here, France beat Belgium on Tuesday.
Lloris says: “A lot of things have changed, especially when it comes to recovery and preparation time.” ___ 6:51 p.m.
Belgium has achieved its best World Cup finish by beating England 2-0 in a third-place playoff, a game neither team really wanted to play.
Thomas Meunier gave Belgium the lead in the fourth minute when he prodded a Nacer Chadli cross past Jordan Pickford in the England goal.
Belgium was a constant threat on quick, incisive counterattacks and made it count again when Eden Hazard scored from a Kevin de Bruyne pass in the 82nd. Belgium’s previous best finish at the World Cup was fourth place in 1986.
It was Belgium’s second win over England in the tournament, following the 1-0 victory in the group stage.
Defender Toby Alderweireld denied England’s best chance of the game, sliding on the goal line to clear a chip from his Tottenham teammate Eric Dier. ___ 6: 40 p.m.
Eden Hazard has given Belgium a 2-0 lead over England in the World Cup third-place playoff.
Hazard picked up the ball from Kevin de Bruyne on an incisive Belgian counterattack and fired it past Jordan Pickford in the England goal in the 82nd minute.
Belgium is headed for its best-ever World Cup finish, beating fourth place in 1986. ___ 6:30 p.m.
FIFA has fined England 70,000 Swiss francs ($69,900) for a second time at the World Cup for players wearing non-approved socks.
FIFA says it also warned England’s Football Association for the misconduct of a small number of fans singing “political chants” during its semifinals loss on Wednesday.
At the same game against Croatia, two England players wore a type of branded sock FIFA has cracked down on at this tournament. FIFA says the “unauthorized commercial branding” repeated a previous offense in England’s quarterfinals win against Sweden.
That also resulted in a 70,000 Swiss francs ($69,900) fine.
The fines had nothing to do with the holey socks Danny Rose wore in the third-place game against Belgium. ___ 6:05 p.m.
The holes in Danny Rose’s socks generated plenty of online debate during England’s World Cup third-place playoff against Belgium.
FIFA has fined players for wearing socks which didn’t comply with uniform or sponsorship regulations during the tournament, but there doesn’t seem to be any rules against holey socks. Some speculated the holes — which were relatively round and in both socks — were designed to prevent cramps. There’s no scientific evidence for that.
And there was no official explanation before Rose was replaced just at halftime when England was trailing Belgium 1-0. ___ 5: 47 p.m.
Belgium has taken a 1-0 lead into halftime in its World Cup third-place playoff against England.
Thomas Meunier gave the Belgians the lead in the fourth minute, scoring from close range off a cross from Nacer Chadli.
Belgium could have made it 2-0 seven minutes later when Kevin de Bruyne took the ball in a good position but goalkeeper Jordan Pickford made a key save.
England started the game slowly, looking every inch a team which was taken to extra time in its semifinal loss to Croatia three days earlier, despite making five changes to the starting lineup.
Harry Kane, the tournament’s leading scorer, had England’s best chance but shot wide after losing his footing. ___
5:05 p.m. Thomas Meunier has given Belgium a 1-0 lead over England in the World Cup third-place playoff.
A quick and direct Belgian attack in the fourth minute ended with Nacer Chadli crossing from the left wing to Meunier, who beat Danny Rose to the ball and shot past Jordan Pickford in goal.
It’s the first goal of the tournament for Meunier in five games. He is the 10th goal scorer for Belgium in this tournament, helping his team equal a record held by Italy (2006) and France (1982).
Belgium is aiming for its best-ever World Cup finish, beating fourth place in 1986. ___ 4 p.m.
Ruben Loftus-Cheek and Phil Jones will start for England in the World Cup third-place game against Belgium among five changes made by coach Gareth Southgate.
There’s also a start for Eric Dier, Fabian Delph and Danny Rose.
Harry Kane, the tournament’s leading scorer, remains in the lineup following the World Cup semifinal loss to Croatia.
The players dropped to the bench are Ashley Young, Kyle Walker and the central midfield trio of Jordan Henderson, Jesse Lingard and Dele Alli.
Belgium had a day’s extra rest after its semifinal loss to France, and coach Roberto Martinez has made just two changes.
Thomas Meunier and Youri Tielemans will start in the Belgian midfield in place of Marouane Fellaini and Moussa Dembele.
England: Jordan Pickford, Danny Rose, Eric Dier, John Stones, Harry Maguire, Kieran Trippier, Phil Jones, Fabian Delph, Harry Kane, Raheem Sterling, Ruben Loftus-Cheek.
Belgium: Thibaut Courtois, Toby Alderweireld, Vincent Kompany, Jan Vertonghen, Axel Witsel, Kevin de Bruyne, Romelu Lukaku, Eden Hazard, Thomas Meunier, Youri Tielemans, Nacer Chadli. ___ 3 p.m.
Croatia captain Luka Modric believes the toughness of his World Cup squad has some roots in the war that broke up the former Yugoslavia.
On the eve of the soccer World Cup final against France, Modric has been reluctant to go too deeply into answering a question from a reporter who identified himself as a war correspondent from the 1990s, when Croatia became an independent state.
The question was about “how this war forged the spirit of yourself and of the team.”
The 32-year-old Modric was a child when his grandfather was killed and his family forced from its home. He replied by saying “I don’t like to go back to these things. It’s all in the past.”
He adds “Of course, everything influences you. It’s made us resilient as people, as the nation.”
Croatia has spent the maximum amount of time on the field at this World Cup. The team playing extra-time in all three knockout games, and trailed to the first goal scored each time.
Modric has covered more yards than any player at the World Cup, registering 63.03 kilometers (39 miles) in six games, according to FIFA.
By Associated Press
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haitilegends · 7 years
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Listen to Diane - Frantz Courtois https://soundcloud.com/gabrisan/diane-frantz-courtois Watch "Caribbean sextet - Carole chérie 1ère version. Frantz Courtois/Guitare" https://youtu.be/L0I8faV63WE Lyrics, Music, Guitar by Frantz Courtois. Watch "Guy Durosier - Septentrional - SI OU TE KONNEN" on YouTube https://youtu.be/ratZKzFiux8 Biographie: https://facebook.com/frantz.courtois/about Frantz Courtois est né le 27 février 1948. Très jeune il s'interessa à la musique et prit des cours de saxophone qu'il délaissera définitivement pour la guitare. Ses débuts comme musicien professionnel se feront dans des formations musicales dansantes de son pays. A l'âge de vingt ans, il eut la joie de rencontrer en Haïti une de ses idoles de la musique de Jazz, le guitariste Jim Hall, invité à se produire en Haïti. Courtois participera à ce concert sur l'impulsion de Gérald Merceron, musicien et également critique au Jazz Hot de Paris ; cette formation était composée de Lee Konitz au saxophone alto, Eddie Gomez à la contrebasse, Jack de Johnette à la batterie et évidemment Jim Hall à la guitare. Deux années plus tard, George Benson, un autre fameux guitariste américain, se produira également en Haïti accompagné de Stanley Turentine au saxophone, Ron Carter à la basse, Jack de Johnette à la batterie et le brésilien Eumir Deodato au piano ; Courtois sera aussi de la partie. En l'année 1976, il rencontrera au Bilboquet à Paris, la grande organiste de Jazz Rhoda Scott et son mari Raoul Saint Yves ; Courtois invitera cette grande musicienne à se produire en Haïti. De cette rencontre naîtra une grande fraternité. Courtois jouera également dans des boîtes de Jazz à Paris, comme le Bilboquet, le Savoy, le Furstenberg, les Trois Maillet ... invité par d'autres musiciens amis, comme les batteurs Kenny Clarke, Al Levitt, Vincent Ceno, Philippe Combelle ; les pianistes Patrice Gallas, Marc Hemler, André Persiany, Jimmy Water, Michel Sardaby et bien d'autres musiciens comme le batteur Elvin Jones qu'il rencontrera à New York et en #Haïti. En l'année 1995, Courtois, qui s'était entre temps mis au piano, montera sa propre formation musicale, un grand orchestre de vingt musiciens. En cette même période, il deviendra rédacteur en chef au journal Le Matin. En l'an 2004, il rencontrera Pascale Jaunay, productrice française en art et en musique, qui le recommandera à une association pour la promotion de l'enseignement du Jazz et des musiques actuelles en Savoie (APEJS ) en France. Courtois sera invité à venir jouer sa propre musique et se produira accompagné d'un grand orchestre de 28 musiciens français ; ce concert eut lieu le mardi 27 janvier 2004 à Chambery, Cité des Arts. Frantz Courtois continue de mener sa carrière musicale à la tête d'un trio ( piano, basse, batterie ) en se produisant dans de clubs en Haïti. https://facebook.com/frantz.courtois/about HAITI☆LEGENDS
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