vindictiablack · 1 year
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Interfector - Vindictia
Capítulo 47
“Los licanos de la manada de Beret no podían abrir las otras celdas, no podían hacerlo sin ayuda. ―Espera, Aundrey. Ani cerró los ojos concentrándose. Sintió a cada licano, a cada pareja, niño y adulto. Sintió cada lobo triste, ansioso y llenos de dolor. Cada corazón salvaje abrumado por la pena. Un hilo que tomó de cada uno de ellos, abrazándolo, acogiéndolo y tirando bajo su poder. Lo que les hicieron era terrible, pero más terrible sería ella si les hacían daño a sus vampiros. Dejó que su conversión completa saliera, sus garras, ojos, sus colmillos y su profundo poder como interfector brilló a su alrededor. Los licanos comenzaron a callar, a susurrar e inclinarse. A mirarle desde abajo, alfas, betas y omegas, convertidos y nacidos. Niños y adultos. Respiró profundo en el silencio expectante, y sintió a cada lobo de cada rincón. Y tenía una advertencia que dar. ―Mi vampiro es Aundrey Beledon ―informó con un chasquido de sus garras―. Mis vampiros están afuera y son tres ―anunció y su pelo de erizó en advertencia―. Ustedes no podrán una mano sobre ellos y es una orden. ―Su gruñido hizo temblar sus celdas de plata. Si no entendían su idioma, por seguro que entendían la fuerza y el poder de su lobo―. Me quitaron a mi hijo, a mi cachorro y quiero respuestas. Ustedes serán libres siempre y cuando me prometan información y nadie, nadie ―recalcó―, pondrá una mano sobre los míos. Hubo un silencio tan largo como un suspiro, y luego aceptación en varias y muchas lenguas. Cuando miró a su vampiro, sus ojos grises estaban salvajes y brillantes. Amados. ―Libéralos a todos. Voy por el vampiro.”
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redlxmbo · 2 years
I heard you used to be a gladiator. That true? Or some wash?
Dentae glint in the light as he leans back against the wall, a grin on his faceplate. "Yup. Used to be undefeated in the pits too."
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matrixblessed · 1 month
Rodimus floofs out his plating to look bigger and lightly bounces back and forth on the balls of his pedes - but he’s also got a huge smile on his face.
“Oh wow, Deadlock! It’s been forever!”
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photobombingcryptid · 2 years
Show 'em your rotors coward.
Spins them????
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a-life-revised · 2 years
{ @vindictiae }
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"Have you so little faith in me?"
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ask-smokescreen · 2 years
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Guess who got a little bored and tried out their culinary skills again? @vindictiae @mastermegatron
I might have kept them out a bit too long, and that’s why they’re starting to melt.
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ofvaporex · 2 years
@vindictiae said (x):
Want some company, doc? Don't mind being a heater.
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"I... wouldn't say no, honestly. I could use the company, and I'd appreciate a familiar distraction."
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bellumtenetur · 2 years
@vindictiae Now that’s a familiar pair of finials~ How ya doin’ Deadlock?
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forgedcold · 2 years
✏️ 🗒 🤔
✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr?
*Coughs* 9.5 years *coughs*
The OG blog I'm still active on. This one I've had for about 7.5 years? However long ago 2015 was.
I'm a fossil and have seen Too Much™️.
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write?
I feel like it's bold and controversial to say this on the internet in 2022 and I'm also worried about being yelled at, but I prefer things under the umbrella of "darker themes." I...like to write Megatron as a dick. A dick struggling to be slightly less of a dick, but still enjoys being a dick. Which, I think I unintentionally scare people/make them feel a way sometimes (and I apologize for that because it's not ever meant to be directed at anyone personally).
I do have my limits and things I won't write outlined in my rules. But torture, substance use, trauma, moments of rage, moments of terror, getting into fights - those sort of things challenge me to better myself as a writer. And that's what I want for myself the most.
🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most?
Tbh I second guess everything I write, so I feel like everything I put out is terrible lol. I think romance and scenarios where Megatron really should be nice. I feel like I'm super OOC when I write it.
Also - anything political. I just. I really feel like I'm walking on eggshells if I try to write it. And inserting real-world politics into fandom spaces is not a good idea, imo. It makes people have to defend liking morally questionable characters when they shouldn't have to. And fandom at the end of the day is meant to be a place to escape from the real-world. Not to mention they're alien robots with alien cultures who are capable of taking a lot more violence than human beings are.
I try to avoid it because I don't wanna offend anybody or make people feel like they have to defend themselves or their ideas :/
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gemiinus · 1 year
What's going on?
The two spin as soon as they hear the voice, a bit like a pair of startled dogs. Sideswipe's optics are wide, but Sunstreaker is set low, optics narrow as the plating up his spinal strut slowly lifts, like hackles.
Sideswipe puts a hand on his twin's shoulder, and they exchange a glance before Sideswipe speaks.
"We're looking. For Jazz."
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solisanima · 2 years
//kicks down door.
Megs. You. Me. Ten card fold 'em.
“And lose what little shanix I have left to my name? I think not.”
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rodimii · 2 years
Heh. I'll pay you ten shanix to tell him to go frag himself.
@polyhexianchicken I have something to say.
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photobombingcryptid · 2 years
Pokes pede with a claw.
The force behind the kick isn’t strong at all. It’s almost playful as if he lured Deadlock in for the curious poke.
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a-life-revised · 1 year
Megatron's gift is a bit more somber, but no less important. Inside is a datapad with the translation of the After the Ark, and Towards Peace.
Another message pops up as the bigger mechanism turns it on-
» // I never forgot what you did for me. Never forgot the sacrifices you've made. Never forgot the kindness you showed a nothing from Dead End.
Remember everything that you have done. Remember the good things, the worthwhile things, the important things. //
Deadlock always was giving him harder hitting things, wasn't he?
Megatron sets both carefully on his shelf where he can see them, and makes a note to read them both later. It would be good, to go over Towards Peace, again, the roots where he began, and..
And maybe he will re-write Towards Peace.
Maybe he'll call it Towards Empathy.
He has a lot of things to think about, now. But if he's going to think about them.. perhaps he should return to ground.
It's been a while since he's been to Tarn.
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lexetordo · 2 years
@vindictiae​ said:
There's a grinning gremlin perched on the edge of the rooftop. One of Prowl's datapads dangles from his claw-tips as he glances down at the enforcer. He swings it lightly, from claw to claw before peering down at the data. "You really think yer gonna catch that mech? Alone?"
He’s exhausted as it is.
Nothing new, of course. Prowl has been exhausted almost since the day he got recruited into the Autobots straight out of the academy. Being here just seems to make it worse; at least it's easier to hide now, all things considered.
Small blessings.
But his optics narrow just slightly behind his visor at the datapad being dangled. When had that...?
Ah. Of course. There were few others who seemed to delight in pestering him so, even with things finally having reached a point where they genuinely can consider this some form of peace.
Not that he's ever believed in an ounce of peace in this whole Primus-forsaken conflict.
Maybe it's his ability to parse data. His unique outlier skills providing him with the ability to look at so many data points and so many variables to see how the winds were blowing. So much like humanity, Cybertronians seemed doomed to conflict.
"I am quite capable of pursuing suspects on my own, thank you."
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ofvaporex · 2 years
@vindictiae​ said:
Look like you've seen a processor ghost, doc. 
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“Not gonna lie, kid, I feel like I’ve seen a processor ghost.”
His shoulders straighten and he tries his best to look as solid and stern as he always has- but it’s hard to do that when he’s looking at a face he thought got left behind ages ago. He doesn’t run, though... and there isn’t even a hint of fear in his expression.
Instead, he’s trying to understand. To make sense. His hands curl and uncurl, and he ex-vents very softly.
“You’re not a face I expected to see again.”
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