#Vinesauce island
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vinesauce-spogooter · 1 month
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nikoanesti · 1 month
Some Yoshi's Island beta footage I didn't recognize showed up briefly in a Nintendo promotional VHS that Vinny showed off on Sunday (at about 32:43). I'm sure this has probably already been documented, but there's some new stuff for me (and I didn't catch any of this on TCRF, my usual resource for this kind of stuff. Of note...
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Blueish (snowy?) version of the background in World 4-3, which would be a reddish color scheme in the final
Sluggy the Unshaven's Fort with a completely different tileset and background from the final
Most interesting, a room layout that doesn't look familiar at all, presumably an early area in Marching Milde's Fort, considering the aesthetics, Yoshi carrying multiple keys in that shot, and a clip of the boss battle being shown immediately after.
Also, all these clips feature Green Yoshis, regardless of the level (maybe a debug thing, iirc?)
Nothing amazing, but beta stuff is always cool to me and Yoshi's Island is my favorite game, so I gushed a little. There's some other beta footage of stuff throughout the tapes on this stream, such as Super Mario All-Stars and DKC2, but I didn't catch anything I hadn't already seen.
Either way, while I've seen some of the 90s promotional VHSes Nintendo distributed, the ones in this stream were all new to me and may be to you as well since they seem to be geared more towards employees and I guess shareholders and stuff, so check it out.
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satofreak · 5 months
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Some Tomodachi Life pics from the past.
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dandelionsprout42 · 10 days
Island Adventure summarised in 1 edited screenshot
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Given all the quests in the game where the player is told to get items, this does seem 100% like something a rabbit(?) like Kuromi would say in this game. Joel would've been proud.
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delient-scoot · 1 year
One day someones gonna ask me where im from/my ethnicity and im just gonna say autism on fucking accident.
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fishmech · 2 months
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Vinny Vinesauce and Jack Mulcahy at Alamo Drafthouse Staten Island
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pokemonfangame · 1 year
You are Vinny Vinesauce a streamer from Staten Island, New York. On one Sunday night, you planned to play a mysterious game made by your community titled Vinemon: Sauce Edition.
The game is loaded up but your house's power flickers on and off while the internet fully cuts out. Do not presume this was the doing of vineRizon. The power that calls you to this world is far greater than that of those internet providers.
As you exit your house you find you aren't in Staten Island anymore but in a region called "Fanoth". As you look for answers to why you were brought here you discover that Imakuni was also brought to this world and is now your next-door rival. When you begin to share notes a sudden explosion happens and you both rush outside to see the cause of it. You discover the professor panicked and the only Vinemon he has left for you to use is a Water-Typed Vinemon named Scoot.
After being given Scoot and a battle with your rival & friend Imakuni, You are given the VineGar to keep track of quests, manage your PC, and check the map of the region.
As you overlook the map you begin to realize this world is strikingly familiar. Yet these places feel completely different from the ones you visited in the past on stream.
As you travel the region you will meet many of the characters you've created and encountered while streaming. This includes iconic video game mascots, Original Characters (donut steel), Celebrities, Memes, Streamers, YouTubers, and many more!
Explore, Battle, and Catch in Vinemon before it's too late. After all, you still got a Sunday Stream to put on and you can't leave chat alone unattended.
211 Vinemon
76+ New Items
158+ New Moves
61+ New Abilities
182+ Diverse Songs
104+ Unique Trainers
Aprox. 40+ Hours of Gameplay
Quest System
Multiple Save Files
Custom Pause Menu
IV & EV Stat Menu
Keyboard Mapping
VineGear PC Storage
Advanced Dex
Modified EBS
HM Items
Lots of Mini-Games
Game Corner
Unique & Custom Shinies
Corruptions (Alt. Shiny)
Cable Club
Animated OW Cutscenes
Reborn Battle Animations
Original Songs & Covers
Unique Region
Custom Egg Sprites & Anims.
Quality of Life Breeding
Egg Reward Program
Triple Triad Club Challenges
Reworked Safari Zone
Majorly Enhanced Battle AI
Progress Improves Wild Al
Gym Leader Rematches
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demonfox38 · 6 months
Completed (Early Access Content) - Palworld
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Look, man. I know I can't call this an official completion, given that the game is still in early access. But I trashed all available bosses and 10/10'ed each of those little Pal bastards, so that has to be indicative of some level of mastery, right?
Or maybe I've got to explain why I disappeared down this hole for the last few months.
I'm not what you'd call a cutting-edge kind of person when it comes to technology. Considering that most of my game consoles are old enough to purchase cigarettes and alcohol, it's safe to say I'm fairly retro. A throwback. Happiest with something made between 1986 and 2005 (or, at the very least, looks and acts like that.) Getting in on an early access for a game is not my thing at all.
So, "Palworld" is a bit of an anomaly. Maybe, in many ways.
"Palworld" is a hybrid crafting, survival, base management, third person shooter, and creature catching game. It stars your customizable character de jour who is forced to survive on an isolated island full of inhospitable terrain, monsters of various levels of aggression, and asshole humans. What's the secret behind the looming towers and massive Yggdrasil-like tree glowing in the distance? I don't know. The tree part of the content isn't out, yet. But, you can at least explore the island and wail on the asses of those that dare to conquer it for their own varied ends. That's at least 100 hours of content right there!
Since its early access release in January of 2024, "Palworld" has garnered a fair amount of attention. Good. Bad. All over the place. Definitely a case of the old phrase "all publicity is good publicity." While not the first in terms of creation when it comes to edgy monster collecting games (with "Megami Tensei" loudly coughing in some dusty old corner), it is unique in its game style mix. Perhaps not visually unique enough, given how certain "Pokémon" fans were sharpening their Honedges after the very first glance they took at this game. Its publisher having a previous game that openly used AI art generation didn't help its credibility, either! (Although, that game also is about rewarding players for detecting art made by an AI opponent a la an elementary-school art class "Among Us", so judge accordingly.)
I get it. I've got some degree of Nintendo brain rot, too. Did you check my avatar and username? But, I also know that Nintendo can and will obliterate anything in its path with Death Star-adjacent precision and power, especially when it comes to any potential IP infringement. Hell, they crumpled two emulators into a black hole mere weeks after this game's early access released. If they had any notion that something was off with this game, they'd have it annihilated—for better or worse.
Like most modern games, my attention was drawn to this title via watching several streamers play. (In particular, PatStaresAt, WoolieVersus, and Vinesauce, if you're wanting names.) Now, I'd like to be coy and pretend that online videos don't influence my interest in games, but I also own a copy of the SNES game "Lagoon" because I loved watching PJDiCesare clown on it. Hell, I only backed "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" after watching Liam Allen-Miller replicate "Castlevania"-Metroidvania physics in a YouTube preview! I see a video, my brain makes judgements, I variably engage in commerce. And, to be honest, I like games like this. "Breath of the Wild." "Pokémon Legends: Arceus." "Minecraft." I wanted a game like this, so hell. I was willing to gamble $30.00 USD on this, bugs and unfinished status and all.
I think I may have gotten my money's worth out of this.
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Was the game play that addicting, or was I in a depression spiral triggered by bad working conditions at my job and my maternal grandmother's health issues precipitating more labor on my family's behalf? Yes. To which part of that question? Yes. While the game attempts to guide the player via an early game tutorial and tasks for building up your bases, you're mostly left on your own to build both the world and yourself in whatever image you'd like. Want to build a Babylonian tower to offend whatever god created this world? Okay. Want to drop everything on the floor like an agitated toddler and/or "Resident Evil 0" protagonist? Whatever makes you happy! Want to build a rocket launcher and shoot it at a dragon's face? That can be done! It just might take some time.
Because the game consists of different play styles, I found myself alternating often between game loop sets. Usually, it broke into a stack of tasks like this:
Determine nearest threat (monster fighting.)
Gather materials (crafting.)
Return to/establish a base (base management.)
Build what I can (crafting/base management.)
Loop steps 2-4 until items of desire were created (crafting/base management.)
Gather/raise Pals to attack nearest threat (monster fighting.)
Return to Step 2 for final repairs and/or weapon creation (crafting.)
Attack threat (monster fighting.)
Reset to step 2 on failure and step 1 on success.
While catching and raising monsters tends to garner you the most experience points, your character will more or less remain just a nuisance to a bulk of the major threats in the game. At best, you've got a rocket launcher, an automatic rifle, a sword, and shot-deflecting shields and armor. You put out maybe around 600 damage with a weapon that takes a second to reload. The bosses you fight? They can have anywhere from 30,000 to 200,000 HP. When it comes to survival, it isn't about how much damage you can take or give. It's about what you learn and how you deploy your so-called Pals.
If you are planning on taking a shot every time I write the word "Pokémon" in this review, you might want to switch off the liquor now and move to a soda. Do your liver a favor.
A lot of the game's rules can be reduced to "Pokémon - 1" or "Pokémon / 2". This includes:
How many monsters you can take with you (5 instead of 6)
How many moves they have (3 instead of 4)
Your level cap (50 vs. 100, but that may just be an early access limitation)
How many elements are in game (9 vs. 18. Also, don't expect much in the way of complex monster typing line-ups. You may end up overthinking fights.)
Having said that, the complexity here isn't lost. You're obviously doing a lot more home ec to keep your bases up to snuff. Where "Palworld" really succeeds is in its battle speed, scale, and options. Pals will automatically engage based on whatever aggression level you have them set at, performing moves without your instruction. Several different monster types and human factions can be thrust together to duke it out. It can get quick and chaotic, often forcing you to get your ass out of the line of fire. When you do want to get manual? Well, hell. Some Pals can be a ridable mount, and some can act as living artillery for your use. Is it responsible to give a giant panda a grenade launcher? Well, who's gonna stop you? The cops?
Also, it's awesome that you can teach Pals whatever moves exist via fruits. It's nice not to have to look up some table online for move compatibility. (A shame that the same can't be said about its breeding, but more on that in a bit.)
"Palworld" certainly has a different take on its so-called Pals, especially in compared to "Pokémon" titles. Don't expect the first monster you pick up to go on and become some powerhouse fueled by respect and love for you as a caretaker. There are Pals that are great, and there are Pals that suck. (The game is more than happy to tell you which is which in its Paldeck.) You're rewarded for getting at least 10 of them, but you won't have the space to keep 10 of every species. You can slaughter Pals for parts or mush a bunch of them together a la "Shin Megami Tensei" to make the surviving unit stronger. Basically, you're expected to keep updating and consolidating your inventory of friends so that you can cut down on your work loop time and challenge the other assholes vying for territory on Palpagos Island. (Seriously—that is its name!) You're not really supposed to be getting attached to any of them.
And yet��well, the nature of a person eventually reveals itself, doesn't it?
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While the game allows you to take many unscrupulous actions, you're rarely rewarded for acting like an inflamed, gaping asshole. Yeah, you can slaughter your Pals, but you're losing out on making others stronger if you do that. You can capture other humans like you would a Pal, but they won't provide much in the way of help on your bases or in battle. (Apparently, you can sell them off, too? Fucked up all around.) Hell, you can even kill NPCs and end up having to bolt off like a "Grand Theft Auto" protagonist when the cops show up to bust your ass! About the only defiance I got away with routinely was ransacking Wildlife Sanctuaries, and even that required me to sneak around at night and keep a low profile.
There is a bit of a conflict going on between the game's tone and appearance. It very much wants to be the edgy "Pokémon" game any average teenager would dream up (again, with certain Atlus RPGs coughing and wheezing for attention in the background.) Supplementary journals and Paldeck texts describe a world full of violence, blood, animal trafficking, suffering, death, and birds with cocaine addictions. (I'm not kidding—it's literally the bastard cop's monster of choice.) But, the monsters look like an average social media artist's attempts at combining Pokémon species together, and the humans all have some degree of generic anime cuteness to them. It's hard to take the leader of a bunch of martyrous pyromaniacs seriously when he looks like the protagonist to some Sega Dreamcast rhythm game. (Also, why he has an electric/dragon type as his Pal of choice when he leads a bunch of fire freaks is beyond me.) 
At this point, I wouldn't say the music is much to write home about, either. It tries to kick up for encounters, letting you know how much danger you are in (from piddly little twinkling music for typical cannon fodder to bombastic choral arrangements for tough sons of bitches.) A lot of times, it can be rather quiet. This didn't bother me with "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild," but it does bother me here, especially when I have to take 15-20 minutes to work in my base. I think what the game needs is something like "Minecraft"'s Mice on Venus track. Just a few pieces of music to interrupt the quiet when it's gone on for five or ten minutes.
I'm also not super thrilled with the breeding system in "Palworld." With "Pokémon" games, you generally know what you're getting based on who the mother in the coupling is. (Well, barring the use of specialty items, I suppose. Speaking of things that annoy me…) Here? About the only guarantee you get is if both parents are of the same species. The resulting couplings for other species isn't random, but it is a weird mess. Generally, you can assume the resulting offspring to be of a poorer quality than at least one of the parents, if species of different rarity are mixed. Through on top of that several structural, item, and time-based requirements, and you've got a very expensive and irritating system to work around. Honestly, this was the thing that finally broke me into looking up help guides online. It's just that off-putting.
If you are looking for a breeding calculator: palword.gg has you covered. Mostly. I think I did run into some issues there as well, but I don't know if I read something wrong or was just stupid tired when I set something up.
"How about bugs?", you might be asking.
"There's no Bug type in this game," I would reply.
Maybe you'd start hitting me with a shoe after that.
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But, in terms of glitches I encountered? I played from versions to, so I saw my fair share of issues that came and went. The biggest problem as of involves terrain clipping and occasionally being shoved beneath the map. (Big Pal bodies + me going all Goemon Ishikawa XIII on them resulted in some unfortunate subterranean exploration.) Generally, I got myself back into the map without too much struggle, but there were times where I did have to respawn myself. I also lost several boss captures to a combination of freezing status + a rocket launcher round blasting them into the horizons beyond, so that was unfortunate. There was also a bug where you could get the game's dungeons to respawn bosses to another Pal type if you didn't like what you got, but I started having issues with the dungeon's barriers failing to drop on the boss's death when I screwed around with that, so maybe just stick with what you get. I also had the occasional text goof-up where my instructions would be in Japanese instead of English. Given the Goemon commentary above, you may surmise that this was not a huge deal for me. Still goofy, though.
If you'd like, the game offers you quite the list of customizable settings to alter your experience. I'd highly recommend playing around with them, particularly when you are vulnerable to taking a one-way trip to the Backrooms via a bad clip. It's one thing to lose your inventory to a fight you lost; it's another to lose your inventory to an issue with collision detection. Do yourself a favor and remove that penalty. I also eventually grew tired of the exponential experience curve and jacked up the multipliers for experience as high as they could go. I put several hundred hours into this game, man. And that was on top of working in a half-staffed job while babysitting my mom's dog for weeks while she got my grandma into an assistant living facility. All of these bitches needed a break.
Also—for the love of your hands, please flip the "Hold to Toggle Interaction" setting to On in your control style of choice. You can recap a shredded controller stick, but you can't recap your fingertips.
While I spent a lot of time on this game, I also spent a lot of time on this game with good reason. Even in its unfinished state, I had a good time. In the midst of building up my first character—a punished tribute to an Abrahamic icon forced to repeat his edict from God once more—I kept thinking about making the next character. Doing it all over again. Honeymooning it. There is a risk that this game doesn't get any further than where it's at now, but I can't say that where it's at is a bad place.
So, you can't get to a giant, sparkly tree. Boo hoo. There's a lot of other good stuff to see. Maybe even conquer, if you're up to it.
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noodlepigeon · 9 months
Single Spotlight: Trolls and Goblins
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October 22nd, 2015 ○ Red Vox's 1st release ○ art by @kinlaink
Trolls and Goblins is Red Vox’s first ever release, written by vocalist and guitarist Vinny in 2005 while he and drummer Mike were in their previous band, Davy’s Grey, which disbanded in 2009 after releasing one EP.
Vinny would spend the following five years focusing on his youtube channel Vinesauce. The stream started in 2010, with the website launching in May 2011. Initially, the Vinesauce account was shared between Vinny and a few of his friends, but they eventually moved to their own channels. While the Vinesauce team isn’t quite a thing anymore, the members still collaborate (Joel, who has his own metal band, just uploaded a Red Vox cover), often streaming together to raise money for charity. From 2014-2021, the Vinesauce team and community raised over $1 million for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation through the annual streaming event Vinesauce is HOPE. The release of Trolls and Goblins was a donation incentive for ViH 2015. Vinny told the story of this song during that year's event, archived and subtitled here by Southbird:
Their 2016 performance of the song went a bit better.
Joe Pecora recorded and produced Trolls and Goblins at Red Room Studio in Staten Island, NY, and it was released on bandcamp on October 22nd, 2015. Vocals, guitars, and keys were provided by Vinny, while Mike played drums, Joe played bass, and John Gearomatic played tuba (the first and only brass feature on a Red Vox song).
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Tubas and Goblins
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Goblins tonight?
The art was done by @kinlaink, who described their process on deviantart. The music video, animated by DensetsuVII, Skrib, 9Hammer, Vanbatier, and Moogie, was released on March 29th, 2016, alongside the band’s first LP, What Could Go Wrong.
Listen to Trolls and Goblins on bandcamp ○ youtube ○ spotify ○ apple music
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saeriibon · 2 months
watching vinesauce joel play space games and my train of thought got derailed to space colonies. more specifically, the ones from gerard o'neill's book, the high frontier: human colonies in space, and i want to make an addendum to an old headcanon post i made here
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[ on the island four conflict: naming convention also implies it is a planetary body, fourth in orbit to a star called “island,” though i am going to imagine it’s more of an asteroid than planet ] - relevant text from my older post
i now believe that "island four" is (was?) a hypothetical space colony design that was put into practice during the era that armored core 6 takes place in. perhaps the conflict also involved some sort of structural/engineering failing that only led to the construction of 1 colony, since if there was more than 1 of the fourth design, it'd have a name to signify it from the rest...?
anyways yeah. that was it. that was the post. bye
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colorfulatlas · 11 months
new fixation achieved so now Ill do a list with every single one of my biggest fixations
Videos on size comparison and Solar Systems (2008-2011)
Animation in general (2008-Present Day)
Battle For Dream Island (2010-2012)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2013-2018)
Minecraft (2013-2016)
Steven Universe (2013-2020)
Five Nights at Freddy's (2014-2016)
Animation Memes (2014-2020)
Undertale (2015-2019)
FNAFHS (2016-2018)
Cuphead (2017-2018)
National Personifications (since 2018)
Character design (since 2018)
Vexillology (Early 2020)
Rhythm Heaven (Late 2020)
Vinesauce (since 2021)
Pizza Tower (Early 2023)
Homestar Runner (Since like a week ago)
Here they are! And here's also a list of growing fixations that while I dont consider em fixations yet, they're interesting me enough to look all available about em at one point
Web Design (since 2020)
Mashups (since 2020)
Gabber and 90s Hardcore / Techno (since 2021)
Donald Duck-verse (since 2022)
Late 2000s Collectors Toys (since 2022)
Pin Collecting (since 2022)
Frutiger Aero / Metro designs (since 2022)
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 9 months
For: @toxic-and-the-gang
Mario's Madness V2 muses!
Irregularity Island
1st Muse (New):
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Chris Pratt
Occupation: Actor
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color:
• Green (IRL)
• Black (Mod)
• White (Mod; Old)
Hair Color: Brown
Appears in:
• The Lego Movie
• Gaurdians of the Galaxy
• Jurassic Park
• The Super Mario Bros. Movie
• Friday Night Funkin: Mario's Madness
• Real Life
• Cursed Part 3 (directional debut)
About: Chris Pratt is a character that appeared in V2. He is the voice actor of Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. He is the opponent in a song "So Cool".
2nd Muse (New or Current):
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Grand Dad
• Grand Dad
• Mario 7
• 7 Grand Dad
• Fortran (Cloned from)
• Somari (Lover)
• Grand Mom (Wife)
Occupation: ???
Martial Status: Married
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Subspecies: Figment
Gender: Male
Eye Color:
• Blue with orange sclera (Title screen/base form)
• Black (In-game/second form)
Hair Color:
• Blue (Title screen/base form)
• Black (In-game/second form)
Created by:
• Nintendo (Original Mario)
• William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (Original Fred Flinstone)
• Bit Corp. and Fiver Firm (Fortran)
• J.Y Company (Grand Dad)
• Vinesauce Joel (Meme)
Appears in:
• Dianshi Mali/Big TV Mary Bar (Fortran)
• Mario IV (Ivotran)
• Mario Fighter III (Hario)
• SilvaGunner Rips
• Vine Realms
• Vine Worlds
• Grand Dad Mania Revived
• Friday Night Funkin' (as a Mod)
• Dianshi Mali/Big TV Mary Bar (original Fortran sprite)
• 7 GRAND DAD (Grand Dad)
About: 7 GRAND DAD is a bootleg NES title that is a reskin of the game "The Flinstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy" that replaces Fred Flinstone's head with Mario's head. It became a wildly popular meme due to Vinesauce Joel's shocked reaction to its bizarre title screen, and is also iconic fixture of SilvaGunner's high-quality tips, as well as a character in the Weegee Lore. The Mario seen on said title screen (itself a reskin of another bootleg Mario named Fortran), often just called Grand Dad, is a character for the mod. He is the opponent in the song "Nourishing Blood".
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Grand Dad (Pixel)
3rd Muse (New):
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• Grand Dad (Lover)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Created by: Hummer Team
Debut: Somari
About: Somari is a bootleg version of Mario originating from his titular game. He is the opponent in MARIO SING AND GAME RHYTHM 9.
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themiiofalltime · 1 year
Mii Lore: Two Faced
Two Faced is a mii created by Vinesauce, originally for his Tomadachi Life series, but was eventually featured in his Miitopia series and also made a cameo in a Resident Evil 2.
In Tomadachi Life, Two Faced was the third mii to be added to the island, with the aim of her forming a romantic relationship with Vinesauce’s mii. Two Faced, however, began to date Walrus which made Vinesauce (real life) very upset. Because of his discontentment, Vinesauce aimed to sabotage the relationship between Two Faced and Walrus, however Two Faced eventually did this herself after she cheated on Walrus with Donkey Kong. (side note: this isn’t properly possible in tomadachi life (they can’t cheat on their spouses cause why would you put that in a kid’s game yk?) but this is basically how it went down. trust me i watched the videos at some point about two months ago) Following this, Two Faced became much more dark, sarcastic, and well, two faced. She stayed with Donkey Kong up until she was eventually voted off the island, as the fourth mii to go.
In Miitopia, Two Faced took the job of a thief and was the fourth member of the first party. She, along with the rest of the full party, successfully defeated Darker Lord Jesus.
Two Faced is one of Vinesauce’s most iconic characters, but also one of the most controversial. Some argue that her presentation as being cruel and cold come from the biased perspective of Vinesauce, and that objectively she isn’t actually that bad.
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
As of this point, what are your favorite shows to watch?
I'm not really a show watcher on my own accord, I usually watch youtubers. Anything from scientific breakdown videos to game streamers like Joel from Vinesauce.
But if I had to say, my overall favorite show series would be Total Drama Island. It's the one thing right now I can think of that I could watch any time it was put on and enjoy it.
Past series like Steven Universe, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack are also things I don't think I'd mind watching right now!
I am watching Breaking Bad right now with my fiance. It's a very fun show but I wouldn't put it as a favorite.
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